Live & Love Magazine | Issue 04

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light Let your


before others Matthew 5:14-16


Welcome to FBC Midlothian


The Highlights of Our Year


Outward Focused Church


Spring Schedule


Finding the Right Fit

Interview with the Gilmour's


A Small Investment - A Huge Return

Interview with Dena Petty | Mentor's Care


Meet Justin Kouba

Get to Know Our New Worship Pastor


Upcoming Events

LIVE & LOVE MAGAZINE Bruce Prindle Lead Pastor

Design Ken Thompson

Kevin Phillips

Communications Director

Justin Kouba

Editor/Writer Ben Condray

Discipleship Pastor Worship Pastor

Associate Pastor

Photography Greg Parker Jerry Fisk Kaye Adams Cover Photo by Priscilla Du Preez


SUMMERSav@e theFBC dates!

This year we offer four camps that span across ages 5 – 18. Financial assistance is provided through our “Pray. Give. Participate.” initiative. 2 Spring 2020

JUNE 15 - 19 Fuego Camp

JULY 13 - 17 WinShape Camp

Completed 8th - 12th grade

Completed K - 8th grade

JUNE 22 - 25 VBS | Vacation Bible School

JULY 20 - 24 Horizon Camp

Entering K - Completed 4th grade

Completed 5th - 7th grade

WELCOME TO FBC MIDLOTHIAN! What would a BIG life look like for you? We live in a world of “super-sized” drinks, extreme adventures, and an endless list of superlative products and experiences. But what Jesus offered us was a FULL life, an ABUNDANT life, a BIG life. What does that look like for us? For the last two years, we have been embracing Jesus’ call to LIVE and LOVE as He does. It’s a big challenge, and often we short-circuit ourselves by looking at our “glitchy” world and adopting the same way of living like the rest of the world. Then we’re disappointed when we get the same results. In contrast, Jesus offered a bigger life than that, but we don’t experience that BIG life by using the small ways of our world. One of the most significant contrasts is in how Jesus’ followers treat serving and mission as the focal points of their lives. In this edition of Live & Love Magazine, you’ll see an emphasis on an outward-focused life, of people who are serving all around you. And we hope that you’ll be inspired and invited into that outward-focused life, that BIG life that Jesus made possible.

I hope you’ll join us in the pursuit of that big life!

Bruce Prindle Lead Pastor

THE WHOLE PICTURE What is the Gospel?





God has a design for everything: for work, money, sex, marriage, relationships, family, for how we face trouble and how we celebrate joy. He has a design for everything and designed it in such a way that we could experience a great life.

But something about us wants to go about life in our own way. From the very beginning of humanity, we want to be the boss. When we depart from God’s design, the Bible has a word for that: sin.

When we get to a point where we know something needs to change, the Bible has a word for that solution to our brokenness.

An amazing thing happens when we turn from our sins and turn to Jesus. God does a miracle in our hearts and gives us a new power, a new motivation, and the ability that allows us to recover and pursue God’s design for life.

It’s called the Gospel. That word “Gospel” means “good news.” The Good News is that God loves all of us! He loves us so much that when He sees us in our brokenness, he doesn’t just leave us there. 3

THE HIGHLIGHTS OF OUR YEAR Every year has its potential and its realization. We all pray and give and serve because we believe God has called us to serve as a family so that our neighbors can experience the Gospel in us. We hunger for meaning, but when we experience it in Christ, the gnawing call of the Spirit is to share, not to hoard.

We believe in reaching students with that Gospel.

We believe in helping people beyond our own family and community.

Over the last year, 1,150 different students walked through the doors to have that experience with us. And we continue to reach out and seek to connect them with Christ.

408 people invested their lives in the many mission projects with local ministries, after school ministries, food distribution, or with projects in two other countries – disaster relief ministry and national crisis projects.

We believe in reaching children with that Gospel.

We believe in the gifting and serving of every believer.

Last year’s Vacation Bible School reached 914 different kids at some point during that colossal week.

To support our Sunday services and ministries, 412 volunteers drove shuttles, helped people find seats, led worship, taught classes, made coffee, hosted the Compass, rocked babies, provided security, ran technical arts, served as greeters, or led groups.

We believe in helping people to follow Christ as part of our church. 216 people united with our church fellowship last year, 77 of whom participated in believer’s baptism. And we believe that a relationship with Christ is organic and

4 Spring 2020

needs to grow so that they live and love like Jesus. Group Life is a massive part of that journey. Last year, 1,423 different people participated in Group Life through Connect Groups, Re-Engage, Grief Share, Divorce Care, Sunday and Wednesday Groups, and other group experiences.

We thank God for what He did, in and through us, because of the Gospel.

*based on an average




VBS Enrollment


Mission Participants



in Group Life


Student Participants




Facebook Video Reach*

Attended Worship*

Sunday Volunteers*

New Members

Memphis Mission Trip | 2018

OUTWARD FOCUSED CHURCH I started a journey a couple of years ago, one that I had not anticipated. I started reading about disciple-making movements around the world. I learned that the fastest growing church in the world was in Iran. I was stunned. The Gospel was also spreading rapidly in northern India, in an area that had once been known as the “missionary graveyard” because of how many had failed to reach people for Christ. As I read about their strategy and results, I became more and more convicted, more focused on God’s call upon our church family, and me. If you could look at my notes from those days two years ago, you could read it almost like a roadmap through the last eighteen months. You could probably see some of them and recognize the effects of what you have heard from me, too.

LAST SUMMER We were on a journey through the book of Acts, and we came to chapter 15, where the apostles had to decide what the core of the Gospel journey is. And I talked about our “Acts 15 Moments.” I said that day, “We must CHOOSE an outward focus. The natural inertia will always draw us to focus inward.” 6 Spring 2020

By Bruce Prindle

So, what does that mean? In the first two centuries after Jesus’ resurrection, the Gospel spread very quickly, despite pronounced persecution that every Jesus Follower had to face. It wasn’t some slick marketing campaign that fueled that spread. It wasn’t a grand church of programs that fueled it. It wasn’t driven by a supportive government, by extravagant financial resources, or by dynamic preachers. It spread through ordinary people who put into practice what we have been talking about for months: living and loving like Jesus.

LIVING WELL Michael Green is a New Testament scholar who describes the early followers as people who combined two things: holy living and open mouths. They took Jesus’ teaching seriously and discovered a great life— the Jesus Life. They were different from their culture. Their integrity was noteworthy. They looked at Jesus’ instructions as the BEST way to live, and they trusted them, practiced those ways of living.

LOVING WELL They were known for how they loved. They were generous with their resources, not just in business, but with their neighbors. They practiced great hospitality, both with their neighbors and with people in impoverished circumstances. They were willing and ready to forgive others and to reconcile differences rather than try to affix blame. They practiced shocking chastity, refusing sex outside of marriage, and a devoted fidelity within marriage. They faced adversity and suffering with strength and confident hope. And they worked tirelessly for the common good, not just their own good.

SPEAKING WELL They were ready to claim Christ with their words. They told what they had experienced. They were willing to initiate conversations with people as they served and loved them. Their humble service was mirrored in their gratitude for grace. They embraced their every day work as an opportunity to demonstrate their devotion to Jesus and to serve people lovingly. When they did, they credited Jesus readily, because they believed that everyone NEEDED JESUS.

We’re going to pursue obedience to Jesus, not because of some legalistic bent. We’re going to choose to trust that Jesus’ instruction is the BEST way to live, that it’s the GOOD life—good for our own lives, good for our neighbors, and good for our community. He came to give us that kind of life, and we’re going to encourage each other to pursue it. We’re going to seek ways to engage people who never attend a church. We’re going to ask every one of us to consider how we can LOVE and SERVE our neighbors, our co-workers, classmates, and teammates. The November 24 edition of the Dallas Morning News ran an article about volunteerism and serving, focused on the emotional benefits of those who volunteer to serve other people. By measuring hormones and brain activity, researchers have proven that being helpful to others releases dopamine — the “feel-good” chemical — in our brains and lights up the same part of the brain as receiving rewards or experiencing pleasure. It’s called “the helper’s high”. * In essence, humans are hard-wired to give to others; it’s rooted in biology.

WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE OUTWARD FOCUSED NOW? One of the most significant research groups in America has completed a recent survey about this. When asked what kind of situation people would prefer for exploring faith, two were clear: casual 1-on-1 conversations or casual conversation in a group with other non-Christians. When asked about Christians that they knew, the ones they admired had these qualities: hospitable and welcoming, caring toward that person, open to outsiders, reasonable and intelligent, open to questions, humble, and aware of their shortcomings. They were accessible to people who lived and loved well. So, this year, we’re going to focus on how to practice better hospitality and care toward other people. We’re going to seek to grow in relationships– exploring avenues to connect. We’re going to grow in LOVING WELL as we serve others. That’s how Jesus loved, and He called us to join Him in that quest.

Jesus called us to serve others, telling us that it was the path to true greatness. Ask any of our graduating teenagers about the most impactful experience they had in student ministry, and they sing a familiar chorus: Memphis Mission Trip. Serving others— being outward focused—creates a more fulfilling life, communicates Jesus' love more effectively, and allows other people to experience the hospitality, care, compassion, and generosity that Jesus “hardwired” us to share.

Will you join us in this outward-focused life?

* Baraz, James, and Shoshana Alexander. “The Helper's High.” Greater Good, 1 Feb. 2010, 7

Group Life is a way we make our big church feel small. Groups meet in homes and on-site and do life together, living and loving in all seasons of life. Life is not meant to go through alone! We encourage you to join a group so that you get to experience life with others while building new friendships and strengthening each other in your walk with Christ.

SUNDAYS Sunday mornings, we host an array of groups that span across multiple generations and life seasons. It is a great opportunity to quickly get plugged in and find something that fits where you are in life.

CONNECT GROUPS Connect Groups are smaller focused and geared towards where you are in life. These often will be off-site and are usually hosted in homes. It is a great way of diving deeper relationally with other Christians.

If you would like to learn more or get plugged into a group text “GROUPS� to 972-845-5796, visit, or scan the QR code!

8 Spring 2020

WEDNESDAY GROUPS Begins on January 8 C Childcare Available

$ Group Cost

CHILDREN & STUDENTS Noah’s Bible Club & Praise (Ages 3 - 5) Noah's Neighborhood at 6:00 pm Scripture memory, Bible skills, activities, praise and worship.

Christian Classics Room 134 at 6:00 pm C $ This group meets for a time of fellowship and thoughtful discussion surrounding key pieces of great Christian literature. These books are considered "Christian Classics," as they are deeply rooted in the truth of Scripture. This spring we are studying The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A. Kempis.

GLOW (God Lights Our Way) KIDlothian at 6:00 pm

RISE | Mom's Group

Open to 1 - 5 graders. Bible study, crafts, activities, and worship.

Room 204/206 at 6:00 pm C $



For all moms of preschool and grade school kids. Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays.

Students The Student Center at 6:00 pm 6th - 12th graders meet at the Student Center for worship and a message.

MEN & WOMEN Women’s Morning Group

Men’s Group I Room 104 at 6:00 pm C

Men’s Group II Room 205 at 6:00 pm C

Explorers | Senior Adults The Chapel at 10:00 am

Room 201/203 at 9:30 am C

MOPS | Mom's Group


The Filling Station at 9:30 am C $

Grief Share

Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays.

Room 207/209 at 1:00 & 6:00 pm C $

Women’s Night Group

Divorce Care

Room 201/203 at 6:00 pm C $

Room 202 at 6:00 pm C $

Financial Peace University Wednesdays at 6:00 pm | The Chapel C $

OUTREACH ESL Classes First floor at 6:00 pm C $ Call 972-775-9095 for more information. 9

Brett & Bertha Gilmour

10 Spring 2020

FINDING THE RIGHT FIT Most of us have a closet full of clothes, but there are particular articles that we tend to wear again and again. The ones that make us feel the most presentable. The ones that make us feel the most comfortable. The ones that “fit.” As hundreds move into our area each year, many of them are looking for a church home that feels right – a family that fits. Brett and Bertha Gilmour would urge them to “try on” FBC Midlothian. For most of their 13 years of marriage, the Gilmours attended separate churches. With deep roots in Catholicism, Bertha naturally gravitated toward the surrounding Catholic churches. But the faith of her childhood was not meeting the needs of her adult life.

“The churches I attended seemed to focus on keeping the rules, and living within limitations, more than they did on God and His love,” said Bertha. Brett, who had grown up Baptist, began a sincere faith journey in 2001. “I attended a small church in Mesquite where the message was all brimstone and fire,” he said. “Then I attended a church in Denton that was more contemporary, but when the leadership changed, it seemed the church went back to a more traditional format.” The Gilmour's found FBC Midlothian during a painful season in their lives. In 2015, this couple began a long ride on an emotional rollercoaster. That year, both experienced the stress of job changes and the grief of losing Bertha’s mother after a lengthy illness. The joy of becoming parents buoyed them for several months as two foster children (a 2-year old and a 3-year old) were placed in their home. “We intended to adopt these children, but in the Fall of that year, we were informed that a great grandmother had applied for custody,” said Brett.

Interview with the Gilmour's

In February of 2016, after a year of bonding with these children, the great-grandmother was granted custody, and Brett and Bertha were devastated. It was soon after this heartbreak that the Gilmour's moved to Midlothian and began to get acclimated to the area. “There was a big hole in our lives,” they say, “and we didn’t have a church family to help us.” That began to change in April of 2017. As Easter approached, the Gilmour's hosted Brett’s mom and stepdad, who were visiting from Atlanta. “We wanted to find a church for us all to attend on Easter, and we decided to try FBC,” says Brett. “I remember in the worship service, there were two young adults working with a black light and creating a picture of Jesus. It was incredible, and we decided to start attending.” Both Brett and Bertha were hooked. “It was love at first sight!” she echoed. Of course, attending church and joining a church are two different things. And Bertha admits she wrestled with becoming a member of FBC. “I wasn’t sure it was the right thing at first. The teachings of the Catholic church…all the saints, the prayers…it was very different.

But after several conversations with Bruce, I gained the confidence to know that receiving the love of Jesus doesn’t have any conditions,” she reflected. Finding the right fit in a church family doesn’t make all your problems disappear. This year the couple has faced the loss of Brett’s father, followed by the loss of Bertha’s father a few months later. “It’s been a hard year,” says Brett. “But we have felt more solid because of the support of a church family.” Having that support has also led Bertha to begin looking for another “right fit” – a more suitable workplace. While Brett’s employer is a strong Christian and provides chaplains for his employees, Bertha has struggled in her work environment. “It’s the opposite for me,” she says. “I’ve had a good posi- 11

tion and was well-compensated. And I love the people with whom I have worked for several years. But, I felt uncomfortable with some of the things I’ve been asked to do lately and some of the decisions I was asked to support,” she laments. “I was losing sleep and knew I needed a change. My church and my faith have given me the courage to resign and trust God to lead me to a job where I can help others, learn, and influence people for Him. I am at peace.” “We’ve been through a rough time,” says Brett. “We were quite sad when we moved to this area.

Even though things have been hard, we have a different feeling now – a belief that God is on our side.” After attending the Newcomer Fellowship* in August of that year, Brett and Bertha were ready to call FBC home. Within a few months, their faces became a natural part of Sunday mornings as they began to serve their church family in the World Café. As the Gilmours continue to follow and serve Christ, investing in their church family, they know they’ve found the right fit!


BAPTISM Immersion in water as a symbol of your allegiance to Jesus.

- or -

TRANSFER Transferring your membership from another Baptist church.

- or -

STATEMENT Affirming you have accepted Jesus as Savior & have been immersed as a symbol of your faith.

* To start the conversation, join us at one of our many Newcomer Fellowships that we host. Or, you can text "NEW" to 972-845-5796 today!



FEBRUARY 28 – 29 12 Spring 2020

Register today at

with speaker


A SMALL INVESTMENT - A HUGE RETURN “Thank God for Aunt Nell.” The words echo from a recent discussion with Dena Petty, an eleven-year member of FBC and the Founder/Director of Mentors Care, a nonprofit organization that connects at-risk high school students with adult mentors. If anyone understands the importance of having a caring adult in her life, it’s Dena. Growing up with an angry, violent father and a disengaged mother who was immersed in a religious cult, Dena reflected, “No one woke me up to go to school in the mornings. No one checked to see if I had my homework done. No one at home told me that I was loved or gave me hugs.” At age 16, Dena’s parents divorced. At 18, when she would no longer submit to the doctrines of her mother’s religion, Dena was disfellowshipped by church leaders, disowned by her mother, and found herself living in her car. To provide enough income for food and gas, she took a job, working day and night, hanging wallpaper in a government housing project. “I knew there was a different way to live. Aunt Nell, my mom’s sister, modeled health and godliness for me.” Dena didn’t have a lot of access to her aunt, having stayed with her only three times while grow-

Interview with Dena Petty

ing up. But the impact was dramatic. “I watched the way she loved her husband and children.

I watched the way she gave of herself in serving others. Her example gave me a goal for a better life.” On a trip to Florida, Dena met her future husband from her home state. Todd Petty was an engineering student at Louisiana Tech. Because of her attraction to him, Dena decided to enroll herself. “They told me I needed to take the ACT or the SAT. I had no idea what they were talking about. I had barely graduated from high school. But here I was enrolling in college!” she says. “My declared major was interior design, but truthfully I majored in Todd Petty!” she laughed. When Todd graduated and was offered a job in Georgia, Dena decided to leave school to concentrate on being a wife and eventually a mother to their two children – Bryce and Lexi. “I wanted my life to look like Aunt Nell’s. I wanted to have a healthy family. I wanted to give back to my community.” When the Pettys moved to Arkansas, she got her chance. Attending a small Methodist church, they 13

began to serve as volunteers in the youth ministry. Eventually, the church asked Dena to become the Youth Pastor. “I had no idea how to serve in that arena, but the church sent me to a training conference, and I soaked up everything I could. Within five years, we had developed an effective discipleship module and had grown from 10 kids to 100,” she recalls. Her work in that church would eventually bear fruit in our area. In 2006, Todd took a job in the metroplex. The Pettys moved to Ellis County and joined FBC Midlothian. Dena soon began volunteering in our church, the schools her kids attended, and the community. Then, in 2009, she was approached by the principal of Midlothian High School about start-

“There was no plan and no money, but God was already at work putting it all together,” says Dena. ing a mentoring program. “I began asking for input and prayers from my church staff and family, and they were answered in an amazing way.” Dr. Wayne Shuffield, the Evangelism Director for the Baptist General Convention of Texas at that time, was a member of FBC and on the MISD school board. “He told me that the convention did not have a school selected, or a program designed, or even a person to lead, but they DID have money set aside to launch a mentoring program for at-risk teens! It was a God-thing!” Dena exclaims. Having been an at-risk teen herself, Dena has a unique perspective for what kind of program works best. And the influence of her Aunt Nell convinced Dena that a small investment of one’s time, heart, and energy could make a massive difference in the outcome of another’s life.

14 Spring 2020

Dena Petty and KBEC 1390AM/99.1FM owner Jim Phillips.

While many high school mentoring programs fail, Mentors Care has experienced great success. Volunteers receive an initial 2-hour training and then advanced preparation each year. And though students meet with their mentors only one hour a week, 98% who complete the program graduate from high school and close the academic gap that exists between them and their peers. From the inception of Mentors Care, Dena has enlisted volunteers through her relationships at FBC and within the community. “My first office was a broom closet that doubled as a book drop room at the library. But in ten years, we’ve expanded to six high schools in the surrounding area!” she reports. Dena Petty knows something about how a small investment can make a such a sizeable return. And while she thanks God for Aunt Nell, hundreds of students in our area thank God for Dena Petty.

For information about serving as a mentor to at-risk students in our area, visit

For information about serving in other organizations or ministries in our community, contact Kevin Phillips at,

MEET JUSTIN KOUBA Can you give us a little background information on where you grew up.? It is with great pride and a bit of trepidation that I say that I'm from the southeast side of the Houston (pronounced YOU-STUN) area. Deer Park to be precise. In college, I wrote a 35-page paper on the history of Deer Park. Fun fact: Deer Park once tried to annex the planet Venus to become the largest city in the did not succeed. Also another fun fact: the Battle of San Jacinto, where Texas won our independence from Mexico, took place in Deer Park. So is Deer Park the most important (and possibly the most significant) city in Texas? That's for you to decide.

How were you called into ministry? While attending Baylor University, through events and circumstances that can only be God's provision and guidance, I became a worship leader for a church plant near the campus. God continued to shape my

Get to Know Our New Worship Pastor

view of not only His church, but also what it looks like being in full-time church ministry. After college, I attended Dallas Theological Seminary and continued to work in the church as a youth and worship pastor. Over the last two decades, God has remained faithful in affirming every step in ministry.

What led you to FBC Midlothian? God and Bruce. Sarah and I were open to follow God's leading, and God was clear in His leading to FBC Midlothian. After my first conversation with Bruce, I came home and shared with Sarah that this might be an open door for us. Throughout the nearly three-month process, it was apparent that God was ordering our steps. Meeting with Bruce, the personnel committee, the staff, and finally, the incredible people here at FBC, both Sarah and I feel incredibly grateful that God was faithful in leading us to a place that we can grow deep roots. We are looking forward to loving a great church and community and building our family here. 15

What fires you up about leading worship? Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said, "Music...will help dissolve your perplexities and purify your character and sensibilities, and in time of care and sorrow, will keep a fountain of joy alive in you." In other words, music can change us. Music can help us get our hearts and minds aligned to focus on God and His goodness so that when He speaks, we recognize His voice and are changed by His words. Honestly, I feel incredibly humbled to be not only a part of that process but also be someone who provides people with the opportunities to do so as well.

How does worship draw you, and others, nearer to God? My understanding of worship comes from Romans 12:1, where Paul says that we are to respond to God

16 Spring 2020

by giving Him our entire lives because of what God has done for us. Worship is not limited to music or time or any specific activity, but instead offering God every area of our lives. In Ephesians 5, Paul gives the church in Ephesus some practicals in how to live their (and our) faith. There are several things to avoid (put away, flee from, remove altogether), as well as some things that need to be a part of their (and our) lives. In Ephesians 5:15-20, Paul reminds the early church that the Holy Spirit prompts worship (specifically through music). "Making music" should be a response from our hearts, inspired by the Holy Spirit, that draws us closer to God. When we sing, we are fulfilling a longing that is given to us by the Holy Spirit. As Justin Kouba starts this new season as Lead Worship Pastor, let us welcome him by Living & Loving Like Jesus!

UPCOMING EVENTS C Childcare Available

$ Event Cost

Parent's Night Out

Memphis Mission Trip

January 31, March 27, July 31 at 6:00 pm

March 8 - 13

Bring your kids to church and have a night to yourself! Our childcare staff will play games, have snacks, and do other fun activities with the kids while you enjoy a date night, a night out with friends, or whatever you want to do! C $

Our high school students have the opportunity to lead bible clubs in community centers, showing children love and sharing with them the gospel of Jesus. They will also have opportunities to visit local nursing homes and complete projects to help the community.

Newcomer Fellowship

This trip is only for students 9th - 12th grade. $

Jan. 26, Feb. 23, April 19 Designed to give people an overview of our church, this is great if you are thinking about joining or just want more information. Our lead pastor, Bruce Prindle, will discuss your first steps into living and loving like Jesus. You will also be introduced to some of our other pastors and church leaders. C

Guys Golf Scramble April 26 at 2:00 pm Our 15th bi-annual Four Man Golf Scramble will be held at Thorntree Country Club. Registering will include green fees, cart, range balls, a hamburger dinner, and a chance to win some great prizes! You may sign up as an individual golfer or a four-person team. $

GoNow Weekend February 14 - 16

Summer @ FBC

As a host home for this GoNow Weekend, you become a partner in sending Texas students across the states and to the nations to share the good news of Jesus Christ! To learn more about GoNow Missions go to We are needing 25 host homes and 2 back-up homes.

June 15 - 19 | Fuego Camp - Completed 8th - 12th grade Fuego Camp provides our high school students an atmosphere to encounter God in a unique way and help them grow in their faith. Registration is $349 and ends May 20. $

Parent | Child Dedication Celebration

June 22 - 25 | VBS - Entering K - Completed 4th grade

February 22 at 10:00 am

Kids will have a blast as they discover how to trust in what they can't see because of what they can see by putting the focus on God and His amazing plan for us.

We are so excited to celebrate this milestone in your child's life. Parents are the primary Spiritual Leaders for their children and we want to come alongside you and guide and support you on this journey. We have an exciting new study that we are asking all families to participate in as a prerequisite to the Dedication Celebration. You must be a member or regular attender to participate in the dedication celebration. Last day to register is January 23.

July 13 - 17 | WinShape - Completed K - 8th grade Come be a part of this incredible adventure where we combine sports, recreation, arts, Bible study and worship into one incredible week. WinShape Camps provide a professionally trained staff to help create the most meaningful, unforgettable and fun-filled day camp experience you’ll find anywhere... right at home in your own community! $ July 20 - 24 | Horizon Camp - Completed 5th - 7th grade

Life in Focus | Women's Conference February 28 - 29 This is the perfect time to refocus our eyes on Jesus! Rebecca Nix will be our speaker and four of our own talented women will lead breakout sessions. There will be food, worship, encouragement, fun, and door prizes. If you cannot attend both days, come when you can. You don't want to miss it! $

Horizon Camp provides our students with an immense opportunity for spiritual growth. This is a week dedicated towards seeing junior high students expand their faith. Registration is $329 and ends July 6. $

Fireworks Watching Fellowship July 3 at 7:00 pm Grab a lawn chair, bring a neighbor, and come join us in the FBC parking lot for a great time of fellowship and entertainment! Our students will also be selling concessions to raise money for an upcoming mission trip. 17

Today, we continue to help shape the spiritual landscape of our community, helping people

live and love like Jesus. We engage that pioneering spirit through powerful worship, innovative leadership, mission engagement, mercy ministries, and changing the culture around us. We seek to live and love like Jesus, placing us on a journey that is taking us to places of deepest needs and greatest hopes.

Find out more at

1651 S. Midlothian Parkway, Midlothian, TX 76065 | 972.775.9000

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