What Southern Baptist believe about the Church...
Inside: God @ Work First on Mission
App: First Baptist Owensboro Facebook: First Baptist Owensboro Instagram: @fbcowb Twitter: @fbcowb 270.683.3505 | fbcowb.org PASTOR, Paul Strahan pstrahan@fbcowb.org ADMINISTRATION and MINISTER TO SENIOR ADULTS Bob Farmer bfarmer@fbcowb.org
Connect with Paul
God @ Work
Connect with... Recreation and College
MINISTER OF DISCIPLESHIP Wesley Dunn wdunn@fbcowb.org
Senior Adults and Administration Worship
MINISTER TO CHILDREN Suzie Horner shorner@fbcowb.org MINISTER TO STUDENTS and MISSIONS Will Smith wsmith@fbcowb.org
Discipleship 8
Who We Are What Southern Baptist Believe about the Church
INTERIM RECREATION and COLLEGE Brent Phillips bphillips@fbcowb.org
Connect with... Preschool and Women’s Ministry Children Students
MINISTER OF MUSIC Derry Billingsley dbillingsley@fbcowb.org
FOM (Judy M.)
National Day of Prayer
Connect For Future Generations
Calendar of Events
Connect with One Another
OFFICE MANAGER Judi West jwest@fbcowb.org ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS Michele Burton mburton@fbcowb.org Susan Dant sdant@fbcowb.org Maeghan Adams madams@fbcowb.org FINANCIAL SUPERVISOR Barbara Wright bwright@fbcowb.org
National Day of PRAYER pg. 2
pg. 8
pg. 14
Just a Few Things on my Mind… Election Year - It is safe to say we may never again see an election year such as this in our lifetime. Things are “crazy” no matter what side you favor or lean toward. I am not one to speak about politics publicly, nor do I believe it is my calling, but I, like many of you, have an opinion. It is not my intention to begin giving my opinion in our Connect magazine. However, I would like to remind us of a few things. As “followers” and “disciples” of Jesus we must not disconnect our faith when participating in the election process. Simply put, our faith in Jesus Christ is what propels our thinking, our actions, our lifestyle, and our total being here on earth. Everything we do and say should be influenced and impacted by our commitment to Jesus Christ. We don’t have the liberty to pick and choose when our faith is active. It is not something we decide to use only when it appears to benefit us or is convenient. When we follow Jesus, every piece of our life is impacted and affected. Remember the words of the Apostle Paul to the church at Colossae: “And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.” Colossians 3:17 (NLT) Our God is an awesome God and nothing can thwart His plan and purpose for His people and our world. I often am reminded of the words God spoke to Isaiah: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV) Let’s do what the writer of Hebrews said: “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2 (KJV) God is moving! - God continues to speak to me about “making disciples” and being a disciple who is in the process of helping others do the same. Thanks to those of you who are praying and sensing the move of God in your life and in our church. I am grateful for your support and prayers as we seek to become all God desires. I want to share some words from a recent devotional by Henry Blackaby. Peter learned that with a command from Jesus, he could do anything. Thus, Jesus was able to reorder Peter’s priorities from catching fish to catching men (Luke 4:10). Peter’s obedience led to a dramatic new insight into the person of Jesus. This was an invitation to walk with Jesus in an even more intimate and powerful way. God does not want you to merely gain intellectual knowledge of truth. He wants you to experience His truth. There are things about Jesus you will learn only as you obey Him. Your obedience will then lead to greater revelation and opportunities for service. All for Jesus, Pastor Paul
Flower Ministry Summary & History by Ruth Gillaspie One Sunday morning as she was sitting in church, Allene Mazzara leaned over to her husband Ed and said, “I have just had an idea!” When he inquired as to what that idea could be, she told him she wanted to rearrange the Sunday morning sanctuary flowers into smaller bud vases and see that they were delivered to the members of our church who were homebound and in nursing homes. It just so happened that Sue Roberts was inspired with a very similar idea about the same time. The two women joined forces and the flower ministry was born. Allene, Sue, and the volunteers who delivered the flowers worked faithfully in this ministry for many years and the response was great. Our members not only enjoyed getting the flowers, but they also loved being visited and were encouraged to know that they were still an important part of our church family. After the death of Allene and Sue, the ministry has continued with one big difference. It now takes four of us to do the work of Allene and Sue!! Mary Alice Riherd, Ethel Jagoe, Ann Wilson, and I still meet every Monday morning to arrange flowers, and volunteers still come faithfully to deliver. We have truly been blessed to be part of this vital ministry that was started when God whispered an idea to two women who were willing to listen. TESTIMONIES of GOD’S WORK in this MINISTRY Mary Alice Riherd So many aspects of life changed after the death of my
husband in 2005. I needed God’s help to fill a huge void and give me new purpose for living. The Senior Adult Flower Ministry was one of several perfect opportunities at just the right time for my healing process to begin. First, the discipline to be present at the church each Monday morning at 7:00 a.m. (for which I am consistently late) is a valuable motivation to kick start the week! Sharing this responsibility with three other caring, compassionate ladies is a blessing in itself and allows us flexibility when necessary. We depend on each other’s God-given talents to complete the task as we open our hearts and share concerns for our church family during their struggles with hospitalizations, nursing home placements, or home-bound restrictions. As a team, we work closely with church and support staff personnel. They are always willing to provide assistance when requested. Second, this ministry is an educational and creative outlet. It allows me to work with my hands and admire God’s beauty through flowers; His splendor is displayed in their design and details. Lastly, I love being a good steward of God’s property as we rearrange the flowers donated every Sunday, usually in memory of those who have passed before us, and distribute them to many other recipients. This note is often included with the flowers delivered: These flowers have been in the sanctuary of First Baptist Church in Owensboro, Kentucky. They have heard the hymns sung, the prayers offered, and the sermon preached. Now, with their silent message, they come to you with our love and good wishes. Thank you for the opportunity to serve!
Ethel Jagoe It is a blessing for me to help transform Sunday’s sanctuary flowers into smaller arrangements for our shut-ins. As God allows me to share my love for flowers with others, I can see Him at work in my life. I am thankful that He gives me the ability to arrange the flowers for others to enjoy.
passionate toward them. We need to be good listeners and more concerned about others. I try to bring cheer and happiness to each person every month along with the beautiful flowers. The flowers and our visits brighten all of our lives - theirs and mine. How blessed I am to be a small part of our church ministry.
With their happy faces, the bright and colorful flowers are a reminder of God’s beauty. They are each beautiful in their own way. To those who receive them, the flowers are a testimony of God’s renewal of life. The recipients appreciate the flowers as well as the visits, making a closer connection to the church.
Barbara Ruth I have served for the past couple of years as a substitute for Bonnie Bivins on the flower ministry. I am amazed at the dedication of the ladies who give their time to cut, sort and arrange flowers to be delivered to our members who are in nursing homes and hospitals. I actually look forward to seeing our members faces as I walk in with flowers and say this is from your church! Usually they want me to sit down and talk for awhile! This is truly a blessing for them as well as for me.
One never knows the impact of the Flower Ministry. For example, one 91-year-old lady gave cuttings of her 2015 Easter plant to her caregivers. She was inspired to share her joy of flowers from the church with others. The Flower Ministry is just one more opportunity where our church is Building Bridges to those unable to attend services. The beautiful flowers from the sanctuary touch the lives of many because of this ministry. Sally Plain My part of the flower ministry is to deliver the beautiful flowers that have been arranged in small vases. This allows me to visit one-on-one with several people once a month who are unable to attend church. Every visit they express their thankfulness that their church cares enough about them to send a messenger to visit and leave flowers for them to enjoy. God has shown me the importance of taking time to listen and try to understand others lives and be more com-
Thank you First Baptist for allowing me to be a small part of this ministry! Lee Roberts I have been aware of the flower ministry for many years because of my wife Sue. When she went on to be with the Lord in 2006 I felt a need or obligation to become involved with the ministry because of her joy in working with the group and the needs it served. I found out very soon it was not only a service and blessing to the “shut-in”, but also a blessing to me. A few years ago as I was leaving the home on one of my visits, the lady said to me, “Lee, you don’t always have to have flowers when you come to visit.” I currently visit four families a month and look forward to that fourth Monday when it is my day to visit.
FAMILY PAVILION @ the BBQ Festival Saturday, May 14 10am-5pm
Pray about where you can serve for the Family Pavilion at the BBQ Festival. For those of you who are new to FBC or Owensboro, the BBQ Festival is a major event in our city. Our downtown will be full of people, including locals and out-of-town guests. For those who have been around a while, you know that FBC’s Family Pavilion is a fun, free, family-friendly area. It has been exciting to see an average of 500 families attend our event each year. We look forward to serving by providing activities for our community and visitors. Specific opportunities to serve include: registration, clowns, face painting, prayer tent, balloon technicians, and inflatable helpers. There is a place for everyone to serve.
Inflatables, Rides, and Face Painting
Volunteer now at fbcowb.org and click on church life.
LA-55 BLT-April 28 Our next BLT is scheduled for Thursday, April 28. Please sign up with Susan Dant in the CLC office. Come join us for a wonderful time of fellowship! Boston Mission Trip-July 23-30 We are planning to go to Boston/Medford area again to be a part of “Serve Medford” week with Redemption Hill Church. The mission trip will be a great opportunity to be part of a church plant that First Baptist Owensboro supports each year. Mission opportunities will include working with a senior center, handing out information about Redemption Hill Church at subway stations, performing acts of kindness for downtown Medford businesses, and helping with Community Night. We will also worship in their new location at the Chevalier Theatre which is connected to the Boys and Girls Club. The Boston Mission Trip is geared to those of us who are 55 plus in age. Redemption Hill Church is making a huge impact in the Medford area and we can provide support for their mission during the “Serve Medford” week. The cost for the trip is $940 per person which includes transportation, lodging, three meals, and includes breakfast every day. If interested, please contact Bob Farmer at your very earliest convenience.
Washington DC Trip-September 19-23 Our trip to Washington DC is now full. However, if you are interested in going please call Susan Dant to put your name on the waiting list. The cost for the trip is $900.00 which includes transportation, lodging, four meals-breakfast, and tours.
Phase II – Timeline The Design Phase is now complete and all plans have been submitted to OMPC for their review. The plumbing plans have been submitted to the State for their approval. First Baptist Church also sits in the overlay of the historic downtown area and our plans have to be approved by the Downtown Historic Review Committee. The approvals from these last two groups should be cleared by April 1st. The goal of the architect is to have the bids out to prospective contractors no later than April 3rd. We should have all bids submitted by May 3rd and then we will begin the process of getting that information to the church in a timely manner. Tentatively, we have scheduled a called business meeting for May 15, in order to approve the bid for Phase II. Please be in prayer for this very important phase. Pray that God will be honored and that the bids will come within our budget.
My father once heard someone describe worship in the following way… My grandmother always sat in her rocking chair to rest. While resting, she often rocked. Sometimes, while resting and rocking, she would hold me lovingly in her lap. While holding me in her lap as she rested and rocked, she would often read a story to me. As I grew older, Grandmother would knit and I would turn the pages as she read to me while holding me in her lap as she rested and rocked. My pastor says that’s what worship should be like - several things going on at the same time with purpose. Are our worship services at First Baptist Owensboro like the grandmother-in-the-rockingchair experience? I would like to think so. Congregational singing is the only part of the worship service in which everyone can do the same thing at the same time - address God with one voice, one mind, and one spirit. While the instrumentalists are playing, we have opportunity to meditate and pray. When Brother Paul preaches, we have opportunity to listen, think of how the Word applies to our lives, and pray. While approximately 45 choir members are singing, two accompanists and several orchestra members are playing, one is directing, and the rest of us are listening, singing vicariously (accepting the words and music as our own personal expression to God), or praying. At invitation time, most are singing, some are praying for themselves and their decisions, and some are praying for others. Everyone is participating, not in the same activity, but for the same purpose. May we never sink to the level of “spectator” worship (which is a misnomer), for worship does not - will not - happen without personal involvement.
Church Orchestra Worship Event
April 24 6:00 p.m. Bellevue Baptist Church Join us for an evening of instrumental praise! The worship concert features the combined church orchestras of Bellevue, Walnut Memorial, and First Baptist Church. NO EVENING WORSHIP at FBC
Live Simulcast Location: FBC Christian Life Center Dinner: Provided by FBC (Chick-fil-A and assortment of fruit and snacks) Registration: Preferred to assist with food estimate Attendees: This event is open to all youth and adults. Please note that we will not provide childcare for this event. fbcowb.org/secretchurch
Friday, April 29 | 5:30-11:30 pm A multiplicity of religions exists in the world, all claiming to hold the truth (or at least some truth) about who we are, how we got here, what we’re doing, and where we’re going. Billions of people believe in Christianity, while others embrace Islam. Some are Hindu and others are Buddhist. Amidst it all, many are atheist, or at the very least agnostic. So how are we to think and what are we to do in this massive marketplace of religious ideas? Is there one right way to believe or are there many right ways to believe? Is there one right way to live or are there many right ways to live? Specifically, how does the gospel of Christ compare and contrast with other world religions? And if we believe this gospel, then how should we share it specifically with people of other faiths? For that matter, why would we share it specifically with people of other faiths? During this Secret Church, we will explore the claims of Christ in the gospel and consider how these claims inform the way we understand religions in the world and impact the way we live when surrounded by varied believers with diverse belief systems.
What Southern Baptist believe about the Church...
THE CHURCH A New Testament church of the Lord Jesus Christ is an autonomous local congregation of baptized believers, associated by covenant in the faith and fellowship of the gospel; observing the two ordinances of Christ, governed by His laws, exercising the gifts, rights, and privileges invested in them by His Word, and seeking to extend the gospel to the ends of the earth. Each congregation operates under the Lordship of Christ through democratic processes. In such a congregation each member is responsible and accountable to Christ as Lord. Its scriptural officers are pastors and deacons. While both men and women are gifted for service in the church, the office of pastor is limited to men as qualified by Scripture.
Some have never heard these before, yet, there are others who are well-informed on these characteristics. No matter your familiarity with them, these are valuable for our understanding of who we are individually and corporately as members of FBC. A reminder of these things serves us well as we think about who we are in Christ and who we are as we live out life together as a faith family. The following ground us in our identity, which should then propel us into action as we serve Christ, one another, and those outside of the church. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CHURCH Autonomy
This means that every local congregation is invested with full authority to fulfill its ministry. Baptist do not be-
The New Testament speaks also of the church as the Body of Christ which includes all of the redeemed of all the ages, believers from every tribe, and tongue, and people, and nation.
lieve in a hierarchical system above the local church because none is found in the New Testament. No earthly headquarters can exert authority over the local church.
Matthew 16:15-19; 18:15-20; Acts 2:41-42,47; 5:11-14; 6:3-6; 13:13; 14:23,27; 15:1-30; 16:5; 20:28; Romans 1:7; 1 Corinthians 1:2; 3:16; 5:4-5; 7:17; 9:13-14;12; Ephesians 1:22-23; 2:19-22; 3:811,21; 5:22-32; Philippians 1:1; Colossians 1:18; 1 Timothy 2:9-14; 3:1 -15; 4:14; Hebrews 11:39-40; 1 Peter 5:1-4; Revelation 2-3; 21:2-3.
Jesus’ Lordship
Baptists rightly prize the autonomous nature of local congregations, but stand with all Christians in affirming the lordship of Jesus Christ over His church.
~Baptist Faith & Message 2000 (Article 6)
The concept of covenant lies at the heart of the Baptist vision of the church. A church is not merely a voluntary association or a social organization. Instead, it is a congregation of believers who covenant together to fulfill Christ’s ministry.
Members pledge to one another their trust, their faith, and their eagerness to work together for the glory of Christ.
Baptized Believers
Baptism is the believer’s public profession of faith in Christ, a sign and symbol of the new birth. Our common baptism binds us together as believers and establishes the boundary of membership in the congregation.
Regenerate Church Membership
This means that every member of the church is a believer, or has been regenerated (“born-again”) in Christ. This ties directly to the previous item (Baptized Believers). Only those that are believers are baptized, and therefore only those that are “born-again” believers who have been baptized (after salvation) are to be considered church members.
A common possession of Christ is the ground of the church’s unity. The church shares “one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all” (Ephesians 4:5-6).
It is difficult to see how the church could be described as the body of Christ or the temple of the Spirit if some of the members of the body or some of the living stones in the temple had no connection with Christ or the Spirit. The very distinction in the New Testament between the church and the world indicates that the church differs from the world, and does so because the church is composed of those who believe in Christ, belong to God, and are bound together by the Spirit. The church is obviously composed of believers.
DISCOVER FBC If you are new to the church or wanting to learn more about FBC, we offer a New Members Class! Our next Discover FBC class will be on
Sunday, April 24
3:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. in room 202. Register by Wednesday, April 20 fbcowb.org/discoverfbc * 270.683.3505 * mburton@fbcowb.org
He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16:15-19 (ESV)
Family Dedication Sunday, April 24 during both AM services This is a special service where the parents and congregation join together in their commitment before God and one another to raise these new children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Attending (or previously attending) the Parenting Seminar is a prerequisite to participation in this service. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Cheryl Goss at cgoss@fbcowb.org.
Heart to Heart Annual Women’s Event
Saturday, May 21 9am-11am FBC Fellowship Hall Fundraiser to Support Friends of Sinners Guest Speaker: Sheena Phelps Tickets $10 (ON SALE NOW) Light Breakfast, Worship, and Testimonies To RSVP and for more information, contact Jessica or Haley at 270.683.7007. Checks for tickets can be mailed to: 1100 W 11th St. | Owensboro, KY 42301 Make checks payable to Friends of Sinners
FINDING TRUTH BELOW THE SURFACE Prepare to embark on an adventure like no other, scouring the mysterious fathoms of the deep sea. Thrilling discoveries await just beyond the portholes of your submarine. Things look very different once you get below the surface - and that's true for life above the surface, too. As kids submerge themselves in God's Word, they will discover that Jesus saw people differently. He didn't just see what's on the outside; He saw who people were down deep. As kids learn to see themselves and others as Jesus sees them, they can realize that everyone needs a Savior - even those who look like they have it all together. A relationship with Jesus Christ changes everything! All you have to do is dive in!
K-5th Grade
So grab your goggles, step into your flippers, and dive in to find the truth below the surface.
VBS PREVIEW For VBS WORKERS Sunday, May 1 3-5pm on the third floor Come and find out about this year’s Submerged VBS by coming to our preview. Come and go between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. You can make a craft, hear the music, learn about the lessons that will be taught, and register. This is for the experienced or maybe you are just curious. Let’s use this to build the excitement of VBS!
IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO SIGN UP Youth Day Trip to Louisville Tuesday, April 5 Cost: $30
SPRING BREAK April 4-8 NO Wednesday Night Activities
Graduation Sunday May 15, 2016 9:30 a.m. Breakfast
LOOKING AHEAD Youth Camp June 23-June 27
11:00 a.m. Worship Service and Graduate Recognition We will have a special day to honor our HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES and their families on Sunday, May 15. Parents will receive information in the mail that will give details regarding the schedule and what will need to be sub-
Visit our website or
mitted to Michele in the church office.
contact Will if you need
If you have a COLLEGE GRADUATE, please send their name, school infor-
additional information.
mation, and degree to Michele as well.
ALL information will need to be received on or
before Sunday, April 17 in order to be included in the May issue of Connect. Email your information to mburton@fbcowb.org.
Thanks so much for your prayers! We recently concluded the workshop. I am happy to report that the participants hung in there despite sickness and long days. I even got the flu that was going around. I knew it was your prayers that kept me on my feet. The work has just begun for our participants as they start working on 40+ more stories over the course of the next 12-24 months, all the while polishing their storytelling skills. Please pray the Gospel goes out clearly and widely.
Pray the teams disciple well and grow deep roots in God’s Word.
Pray that the Jie & Dodoth groups continue to test, polish, and share The Great Story of peace with God.
Judy M.
Our theme for 2016 is Wake Up America, emphasizing the need for individuals, corporately and individually, to return to God in reverence for His Holy Name. To further highlight our theme, we’ve chosen Isaiah 58:1a as our Scripture for this year: “Shout it aloud, do not hold back. Raise your voice like a trumpet.” Thursday, May 5 NDP PRAYER STATION 5:30 a.m.-10:00 p.m. YMCA (A private room at the YMCA is open to all who would like to stop in and pray; a PRAYER GUIDE for our nation is provided.) YMCA PRAYER BREAKFAST 7:00 a.m.-8:00 a.m. YMCA gym Start your day with corporate praise, prayer, and testimonies to the power of prayer. Contact Carol Adkins 270-315-8974
THE CIRCLE OF GOOD NEWS 11:30 a.m.-11:50 a.m. Join hundreds of other locals who make reading the entire Bible in 20 minutes a possibility! Come to the courthouse flagpole at 11:00 a.m. to receive your assigned reading, then stake out any spot on the sidewalk that surrounds the courthouse and begin reading aloud at 11:30 a.m.. We need 365 people to achieve this joyous goal each year.
YOUTH RALLY Wednesday, May 4 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. First Baptist Church Join over 600 other students from local churches for a time of worship and prayer.
Contact Connie Goodman 270-314-2210 If it rains, bring an umbrella. COURTHOUSE PRAYER & WORSHIP SERVICE 11:50 a.m.-12:50 p.m. No better way to spend your lunch hour than with hundreds of others, interceding on behalf of our nation through prayer and worship. If rain, this event will take place inside the courthouse. Contact Jo Barron 270-993-8176
Contact Wayne Morris 270-993-2924
Collecting Dust or Connecting Future Generations? What do you have that is seldom or never used, is collecting dust, and taking valuable storage space. Many of us are pack rats or borderline hoarders. We keep clothes that we never wear, things that we never use, but we might use them someday! I don't need to look very hard to find a lot of STUFF suitable for a garage sale. What if I dedicated those items to God and then converted them to cash through a garage sale. I could use the proceeds to increase my contributions to Connect. Is it possible our Guardian Angel Team Captains could organize neighborhood garage sales? What if we all joined the effort? How many additional dollars would be available to Connect For Future Generations? When I consider the gift that God gave, it inspires me not only to give my best, but my all. The Gift That Never Stops Giving. II Timothy 1:6 "For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you...." In 1925, a phonograph manufacturer trademarked the slogan "the gift that keeps on giving". Some of you may not be familiar with a phonograph. It's a machine that uses a tiny needle, which tracks grooves on a vinyl disk to reproduce sound. Recorded music in your home in 1925 was amazing! Radio was still a novelty, and television was not available to most people for at least another generation. We believers also have a gift that keeps on giving, don’t we? Despite what some people think today, our gift never goes out of fashion. I'm speaking of the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. During our First Baptist Christmas Eve service, the Pastor lights the deacons' candles. The deacons in turn light the first person’s candle on each row and they then light the next one’s, and so on, until everyone in the congregation is holding a lit candle. One flame turns into many. We receive the light of Christ into our hearts, let Him fan it to a flame, then many can dip their candles into it through our testimony, prayer, Bible study, and yes, even our giving. God desires to keep the flame ablaze in us so we can give it away to others. They in turn will pass the flame to light another’s life. I give to First Baptist Connect For Future Generations out of my desire to give the gift that never stops giving. What a gift! Virgil Barker Coordinator, FBC Follow Up Team
CLC HOURS Monday & Tuesday 6:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Wednesday 6:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Thursday 6:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Friday 6:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
April 2
Wednesday Schedule
April 3
See Sunday Schedule No Children’s Church
12:00 p.m.
Prayer Meeting
April 4-8
Spring Break
4:45 p.m.
Fellowship Hall Family Supper
April 5
Youth Day Trip to Louisville
6:00 p.m.
April 6
No Wednesday Activities
W4L, Awana. (Say Yes to VBS
Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
April 7
beginning on
April 10
April 20), Youth, &
April 12
Adult Bible Studies 7:00 p.m.
Morning Service Broadcast on WKWC (90.3 FM) at 10:00 a.m. and on Channel 72 Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. and Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.
College Event, Bonfire in the Quad, KY Wesleyan
8:30 p.m.
Choir Rehearsal
6:00 p.m.
See Sunday Schedule 9:30 a.m.
April 13 6:00 p.m.
Awana Awards, CLC
7:00 a.m.
Finance Committee Mtg.
April 17
8:30 a.m.
Classic Service
9:45 a.m.
Sunday School
11:00 a.m.
Elevate Service
6:00 p.m.
Evening Service
Jo Nelson Bible Study See Wednesday Schedule
April 15
Sunday Schedule
Seekers Prayer Meeting
See Sunday Schedule 12:30 p.m.
CareNet Shower
7:00 p.m.
Deacon Meeting
April 20
See Wednesday Schedule
April 21
6:00 p.m.
April 24
Seekers Prayer Meeting See Sunday Schedule Family Dedication pg. 10
3:00 p.m.
Discover FBC pg. 9
6:00 p.m.
Concert @ Bellevue pg. 6 No Evening Worship
270.683.3505 Press 9
The Sunday and Wednesday schedule is the same weekly unless otherwise noted in the calendar of events.
See website, recent news, for a minister on call list.
April 26
6:00 p.m.
April 27
Legacy Night See Wednesday Schedule
April 29
5:30 p.m.
Secret Church pg. 7
If more information is available about an event, you will see a page number following the title. Discipleship
Christian love and sympathy to...
Deana & Jason Anderson in the death of her grandmother, Betty Ford, on February 23.
Jonas & Amanda Billingsley in the death of his grandfather, Johnny Billingsley, on February 24.
Kevin & Judi West in the death of his uncle, Bill VanWinkle, on February 27.
Cody & Jana Russelburg in the death of his grandfather, Charles Russelburg, on March 1.
The family of Ruth Lord on March 3.
Bob & Kathryn Farmer in the death of his cousin, Michael Farmer, on March 3.
Grey & Ellen Hurt in the death of his brother, Bob Hurt, on March 17.
We rejoice with...
Chad & Jessica Hall in the birth of their son, Loy Avett, on February 27.
March 13 Jacob Smith Profession of Faith/Baptism
If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. ~1 Corinthians 12:26 Reports on this page are February 21-March 20
Wesley & Danielle Mobley on the birth of their daughter, Arrington, on March 9. Grandparents are John & Becky Mobley.
Staff Anniversaries: We congratulate and recognize the following staff members who celebrated a milestone work anniversary in 2015... Susan Dant
10 years
Steve Jackson
10 years
Maeghan Adams
5 years
Wesley Dunn
5 years Steve Jackson, Maintenance Supervisor, will be retiring this month. We will have a reception in his honor on Sunday, April 10 at 9:00 a.m. in the FH. A love offering will be accepted.
NEW SUNDAY MORNING GROUP Starting on March 27, the Intermediate Adult area is launching a new group. There has been great growth in the two existing classes, which has resulted in the need for a new group! More and more adults studying the Word together and growing in the faith together!!! Praise God!
NEW SUNDAY MORNING GROUP Intermediate Adult 1 (30's & 40's) Launch Date: March 27 (9:45 a.m.) Room Number: 217
Jason and Deana Anderson are stepping up to lead this new endeavor. If you are not currently in a group/class or would love to jump in on the ground level with this one, we invite you to join them. If you have any questions or would like to connect with Jason or Deana, please contact the church office and we would love to help!
Leaders: Jason & Deana Anderson
Pick up your second quarter Bible Reading Plan today or visit fbcowb.org/bibleplan.