First Baptist Church Owensboro-August 2014

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What is the purpose of Sunday School?

App: First Baptist Owensboro Facebook: FBC Owensboro Instagram: fbcowb Twitter: @fbcowb 270.683.3505 | PASTOR, Paul Strahan ADMINISTRATION and MINISTER TO SENIOR ADULTS Bob Farmer MINISTER OF DISCIPLESHIP Wesley Dunn MINISTER TO CHILDREN Suzie Horner MINISTER TO STUDENTS Will Smith MINISTER OF RECREATION/MISSIONS Nathan Scott MINISTER OF MUSIC Derry Billingsley PRESCHOOL/WOMEN’S MINISTRY COORDINATOR Cheryl Goss OFFICE MANAGER Judi West ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS Michele Burton Susan Dant Maeghan Adams FINANCIAL SUPERVISOR Barbara Wright

01 Connect with Paul 02 God @ Work an interview with Clarence & Vivien Nemitz

04 Connect with... Missions/Recreation Senior Adults/Administration Worship Discipleship 08 Back to Sunday School by Wesley Dunn 10 Connect with... Preschool/Women Children Students 13 FOM (First on Missions) International Partners

14 God @ Work cont./Grill ‘N’ Fill 15 Connect with One Another 16 Calendar

God is working in the lives of people! VBS was an incredible success and there are many people responsible. Thanks to our Children’s Minister Suzie Horner and Cheryl Goss our Preschool Coordinator. A HUGE THANKS to more than 70 volunteers who sacrificed their time and energy to share the gospel with children. We are eternally grateful to God for an average of 200 children each day. The administrative assistants, maintenance staff, and kitchen crew were indispensable. Thanks to each of you for a wonderful VBS! We may never know the impact this side of heaven but I believe eternity has been impacted in the lives of many this week.

Jeff and Denise Jeff will be speaking in both morning worship services on August 3rd. We look forward to hearing how God is working in their lives and how FBC can pray for their family!

The Lord’s Supper On Sunday, August 10th we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper during both morning services!

GRILL ’N’ FILL, AUGUST 13th! MARK your calendars for this important date. Schools will both be back in session and we plan on having a great time of fellowship together that evening. More information can be found on page 14.

Family Dedication, August 17th! Wednesday Prayer Meeting Lunch! We are privileged to have Jason Tanner with us on August 27th. You might not recognize the name, but you are very familiar with his work. Jason and his team publish and produce “Owensboro Parent” and “Owensboro Living”. We look forward to hearing how we can pray for Jason and his company!

Church-Wide Picnic On Sunday, August 24th we will have our annual Church Picnic at Ben Hawes Park.

A Quote from “Spiritual Leadership” by Henry and Richard Blackaby! “God is sovereign over every life, but those who yield their will to him will be shaped according to His purposes”!

How about going to England next year? I am making plans for a 10-day trip to Britain and would love for you to go with me. Here are the areas we will be visiting; London, Salisbury, Bath, Bristol Area, Oxford, Stratford, Coventry, Chester, Lake District, Carlisle, Edinburgh, York, Nottingham, and the William Carey sites. I have more detailed information if you would like. Please give me a call, text, email or stop by the office and we will be glad to share more info with you. The dates are June 8-17! I would like to have a total number of those going by the end of August. If you are interested please let me know!

Name Tag Sunday September 7 Name Tag Sunday is a time of church wide fellowship for you and your family. Join us as we gather together for breakfast, getting to know our Sunday School classes and all Worship together at the 11:00 am service.

SCHEDULE 9:00 am 9:45 am 11:00 am

Breakfast in the Christian Life Center Sunday School One morning Worship Service, Sanctuary

An interview with Clarence & Vivien Nemitz WD: Give a brief description of your history and relationship with First Baptist Church. CN: I joined the staff of FBC as Minister of Education in February of 1962. I was 34, Vivien 31 and Gaila 7. Pastor David Nelson had been here about six weeks, and Grover Waller came about two months later as the Minister of Music. My primary role was in the education ministry (Sunday school, training union, and some in the mission education of children and youth). I was also responsible for administration and the financial program (I was an accountant for four years out of college), and working with most of the church committees. We weren’t too big on job descriptions, so in actuality, if there was a job to do, I did it. I am grateful and pleased that the church now has an enlarged staff that are educated, trained, and focused in specific areas, making possible an expanded and more effective church.

er and director of juniors in Sunday school, leader of 5year-olds in training union, & various responsibilities in WMU.

VN: We moved in on Friday and the first Sunday I attended a ladies Sunday school class. The second Sunday I was working in a 3-year-old nursery and director of the junior training union department. I joined a WMU group as soon as they met. I am still an active part of Baptist Women. Through the years I held many offices with this group, including being president. In addition, many years I prepared and led the weeklong prayer emphasis on foreign, home, and state missions. Each summer I was a director of a Vacation Bible School department. Until about 1990 I always had a leadership position or two in every organization. I have been a nursery worker, teach-

Acquisition of property, building and remodeling have gone on almost constantly. In 1974 the sanctuary was stripped to the bare walls and remodeled. The CLC was built in 1984-85 after acquiring that property. In 2004 the education building underwent major work. When the education building was built in 1960-61 the Sunday School Board (Lifeway) was recommending very small classrooms (10-12) capacity for adults and that’s the way our building was built. Through the years many walls have been removed and rooms rearranged. Around 1990, property was purchased and buildings were cleared to provide what is now the back parking lot.

WD: Describe FBC during your early years of ministry and changes you have seen since then. CN: I hardly know how to explain this. FBC in 1962 and 2014 don’t seem like the same church in many ways. In 1962 our church property consisted of the sanctuary building, the “new” education building, and a building across 3rd street at the end of the bridge that was used for education. The church moved into the new education building about a month before Vivien and I arrived. FBC didn’t own property north of the alley behind the church (CLC & parking lot), or the corner lot where the prayer garden is located, or the old Anderson parking lot. Parking was even more of a problem than it is now.

When the Anderson store (now museum) moved to the mall we purchased their parking lot. Now we own the whole block on which the church stands and ½ block of parking. The giving and financial picture has changed dramatically. In 1962 the annual budget was about $200,000. The first $70,000 was committed to payment on the new education building. Money was tight. Great emphasis was given to God’s plan of tithing and commitment to the church, and every year giving increased. During these times, Dr. Nelson, who believed strongly in missions, led the church to increase mission giving every year. During one 3-year period the church tried to double our cooperative program gifts, and we did! Thankfully, we now stand among leaders in mission giving. In the early years, our mission emphasis was on learning about missions and giving. Now we have wisely expanded that to include more participation by our members. Technology has changed the way things are done and what we see from it. The addition of computers was traumatic for the whole staff. No one had ever used one and most had never even seen one. What a change! I don’t have any numbers to back this up, but the age of the membership has dropped. Early on, we were top-heavy with senior adults. That’s not all bad. We need us. But seeing so many new members, especially young adults, is really encouraging. There was a time I could walk through the sanctuary and call everyone by name. Since retirement 20 years ago, I have little contact with our new members, especially the young ones. I miss that. One Sunday not long ago I sat in the balcony during a worship service. I didn’t know half the people there. Wonderful! Of course, we have changed in organizational structure and have many new ministries. But thankfully

we have not changed our good, solid Biblical preaching. VN: One thing I think has changed is that we used to have a “small church feel”. Wednesday night suppers were served “family style”. We were seated eight to a table and the food was brought to the tables in bowls. That’s when Clarence started his table-hopping. The emphasis of WMU was on teaching about the work of our missionaries, praying for them, and giving. We did some local mission work. There has been a big change in children’s emphasis, and the ladies now focus on going and supporting those who do. Of course, we have a huge emphasis on giving through First On Mission. Other changes include the death of training union (on which we spent much effort), no longer having weeklong Bible studies (usually led by a seminary professor), and no more revivals. All of these were a big part of the church. WD: How have you seen God @ Work through the years in your relationships with the people of the church and Owensboro? CN: Although I’ve done many “things” in the church, I’ve always felt my ministry was a people ministry. I have seen actions and changes in people that only God could do. A man, whose heart was hard, who had no interest in God, who wouldn’t even talk about God, has become a believer and dedicated follower. I’ve been with a family when a doctor said there is no hope for your wife and she lived 25 more years. I’ve seen God take a man who could not stand in front of a group become a happy, effective leader for years. You form a strong bond working with people who go through such experiences. Really, working with others for God draws you closer and I’ve been blessed to have that opportunity through the years. FBC has not been unanimous in every action taken, but God has built a unified church. Members

have put aside personal preferences for the good of the church. It’s a joy to serve in that atmosphere. VN: The people have been wonderful to us. They have accepted us. They have loved us and helped us in times of need. We couldn’t have made it without their support through heart attacks, heart surgeries, and other serious illnesses. They have gone way beyond what you might expect. WD: How have you seen God @ Work through Christian Education over the years at FBC? CN: Here again I don’t have numbers to back up my thoughts but a high percentage of those who become believers in our church come through Sunday school. I know a little about the Maverick class since I’ve taught them for 20 years so I’ll use them as an illustration. I’ve seen how God has worked in many lives. The average age of the class two years ago was 76 (even with a few kids in their 50’s). It may be a shade higher now. We have four members in their 90’s and three of them attend regularly. This October, we will have four more and three of those come every Sunday. We are old men. Not many people come to Christ that late in life, but through the years we have seen seven members of the class baptized. Twenty years ago the weekly class attendance was about 12-15. Jack Allison and I got a list of the “older” men of the church, who were not enrolled in Sunday school, and we visited many of them; challenging, pleading, and begging them to come to the class. Attendance went up to about 20. Through the years attendance has grown to 3540. (yes, Wes, too big). Recently I ran across a list of the class members in 2010. In the four years since, 18 class members have died but the class enrollment has dropped only one because our men have been enlisting new members. Some of those reaching out are in the group who had to be persuaded to join. Continued on page 14

SEATTLE TEAM MISSION REPORT Sunday, August 3, 6:00pm

September 1-14 P4J - 24/7(Pray for Judy) Two weeks of constant prayer for Judy and her team as they train others in telling God’s story in one of the darkest and hardest spiritual places on Earth. Sign-up to commit to one or more hours of prayer: online at or call the church office (270.683.3505).

FAMILY NIGHT EVANSVILLE OTTERS Saturday, August 16 Game Time: 6:35 PM Bus will leave FBC at 4:50 PM Adults & Children 9+: $10 Children 6-8: $7 Children 5 & under: Free Price includes: ticket, transportation & meal Meal includes: hamburger, hotdog, two sides and unlimited soft drinks

Register online at

BOSTON TEAM MISSION REPORT Sunday, August 17, 6:00pm The Mission Team will depart on Thursday, October 9th after 4:30pm and return on Sunday, October 12th in the afternoon. This trip is open to individuals of all ages and entire families can participate. We will assist Paramount Church with three community front yard cookouts on Friday night, will canvas the homes near the cookouts, and host a city block party on Saturday afternoon. This is an opportunity for us to help the members of Paramount Church in engaging their community. Contact Team Leader: Wesley Dunn if you are interested and would like more information,

SERVE OWENSBORO BRIDGE WALK September 6 9:00 am-Noon A great opportunity to “Serve” Owensboro during the annual Bridge Walk.

Volunteers Needed We will distribute water and have face decals. Volunteer on our website at or contact Susan in the church office at 270.683.3505.


abbatical Continues…

I attended the National Association of Church Business Administrators meeting in Orlando, Florida the week of July 13 -21. I had time to study, renew relationships with other administrators, and a time for personal renewal. I hope to give you a full report of the conference in the next Connect Magazine published in September. Due to Kathryn’s work schedule she was not able to accompany me at these meetings in the past, but the timing of this conference allowed her to travel with me and I really enjoyed sharing this experience with her.

Boston Mission Trip… The Boston Mission Trip is here (July 26-August 2). We have 11 people working in the Boston/Medford area directly with Redemption Hill Church. Our primary focus is to work at a Senior Housing complex in the Medford area. The main responsibility is to connect families at Redemption Hill Church with residents at the housing complex. Our other mission responsibility is to hand out snacks to people at the subway stations closest to Redemption Hill Church. We are including information about the church with the snacks. Continue to pray for us as we share this “act of kindness” with others. Also pray for us as we engage in the “Community Fun Night” on Friday as we invite the Medford Community to join us for an evening of fun, food, and fellowship. This is a great opportunity for Redemption Hill Church to introduce themselves to the community and make a spiritual impact on the lives of people.

LA 55 Event… The Senior Adults will have their annual Mystery Trip on August 14-15. It will be a great time of discovery and lots of fun and fellowship. We still have space available if you are interested. The cost is $150.00 per person double occupancy and it includes lodging, meals, and all activities. I wish I could tell you where, but then it would not be a mystery!

Anniversary… August 15, 1984 I began my ministry at First Baptist Church Owensboro, KY. Kathryn and I have been so blessed to be in your midst these past 30 years. We are honored to serve in such a great church and we thank God for each one of you. You have blessed our lives and you continue to love us through all of our imperfections. First Baptist is an incredible community of faith that continues its mission to reach others for Christ and to love others. Thank you for allowing us to serve and minister with you.

Anticipation is a good thing. It’s fun to look forward to something: family get-togethers, holidays, vacation, the last day of school (okay, that one is mostly for kids), getting a new (fill in the blank).

The Lord’s Supper is a reminder of what Jesus did in the past…

When we eat the bread, we remember Christ’s sacrifice. When we drink, we recall His blood shed for us, which was a new agreement with us. We remember not only how He died, but also how He lived, that He I believe God wants us to anticipate was dead only for three days, and corporate worship of Him. He that He has given us eternal life. All delights in our looking forward to of this accomplished through love joining the rest of the Body in shown on the cross. Amazing! praising Him, communicating with Him, and experiencing the presence 1 Corinthians 11:23-26; Luke 22:19-20 of the Living God. The Lord’s Supper gives us a picture of Each time we gather to worship our relationship with Him today… God is unique. On Sunday, August 10, we will have such an opportunity The cross continues to have significance for those who have a as we observe the Lord’s Supper relationship with Christ. We during morning worship. As you anticipate and prepare for this time, participate in His death, because we consider the following thoughts and participate in His life. In John 6:53-56, Jesus uses bread as a picture to show scriptures: us that we need to be nourished by

Him: “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him (v. 56).” The Lord’s Supper is a reminder that real life can only be found in Christ. Romans 6:4; 1 Corinthians 10:16-17; Galatians 2:20; Ephesians 2:6; Colossians 2:13; John 6:26-27, 35 The Lord’s Supper helps us look forward… Jesus said that He would not drink the fruit of the vine again with his disciples until that day when He will drink it new in His Father’s kingdom. When we participate in the Lord’s Supper, we are reminded of that promise. Matthew 26:29; 1 Corinthians 11:26 Anticipating worshipping God with you this Sunday!

Sunday, August 17

3-7 pm in the West Chapel Meal & Child-care provided

A class for new members and those wanting to learn more about FBC!

Register by Wednesday, August 13 at 270.683.3505,, or

The purpose of the Discover FBC class is to help those adults who have recently joined the church, may be interested in membership at First Baptist Owensboro, or anyone who is visiting and merely wants to know more about the church. The class is primarily structured for adults who are new followers of Christ or are seeking a new church home and attempts to cover the following topics:  What is the Gospel?  What it means to be a follower/disciple of Jesus Christ  Why Membership Matters!  What First Baptist Owensboro believes (as Southern Baptists)  The mission and purpose of FBC  What goes on at FBC (A review of worship, ministry, and     

mission opportunities) Discovering your purpose at FBC Introduction to the staff A tour of the church building Questions you may have Please join us to learn and discover more about FBC and our wonderful family of faith!

ApParent Privilege

Storying 1.0 The Star of the Show is God’s Word!


Parents, expecting parents, and anyone that hopes to one day be a parent! Time: 6:00PM Location: Room 315 Teacher: Wesley Dunn Book: Provided (one per household)


Parents have the greatest privilege of their lives literally in front of them everyday: their children. Pointing their children to Christ, modeling faith, encouraging with words, and showing unfailing love isn’t a burden. It’s a privilege. Apparent Privilege will arm parents with biblical understanding and up-to-the-minute research to show them the unparalleled opportunity they have to be the primary influence of their children. It will give parents a biblical view of parenting, answer questions and concerns we all have, and help them understand how Christian parenting must become more than taking your children to church. In short, this book will equip a parent to live a life where the difference is apparent.

Much of the Bible is written in narrative (story) form. Much of the world learns best through oral stories, even in developed countries. This was true during biblical times and it is still true today. Everyone loves a good story! Jesus knew this well and did much of his teaching through parables and stories. Join us as we train and learn how to use stories from the Bible in everyday conversations, family devotions, teaching others, and more.

All adults seeking to grow in their evangelism and discipleship of others! Time: 6:00PM Location: Room 202 Teacher: Nathan Scott Book: Provided (one per household)

What is the purpose of Sunday School?|by Wesley Dunn If you are around a child very long, there is one word that will arise early and often in conversation with them. In fact, that one word serves as a question: “Why?” You know what I am talking about. No matter what it is, the child wants to know the purpose behind what you say or do. Here is my question to you: “Why do we stop asking ‘why’?” If we are honest with ourselves, that word or question seems to be absent in most adult conversations about what we say or do. Think about it. Why do we drive on the right side of the road? Most of the rest of the world drives on the left. Why do we not operate on the metric system like the rest of the world? Sure, some of you may have excellent answers to these questions, but the fact remains that most don’t know and don’t ask, “Why?”. As is the case with these examples, we live much of our lives a certain way because that is what everyone else is doing and it is the adopted practice of the majority. Once again though, most couldn’t tell you why they do what they do. Allow me to make this point relevant to the church in regards to discipleship. Why does our church have Sunday School? Why do you go to Sunday School? For that matter, if you don’t, why don’t you go to Sunday School? I think that our church and other churches like us have a great number of people participating in Sunday School, but end up with a scenario like the one above. Sure, some could give the purpose of what is going on, but the majority could not. There is great potential that they are coming out of obligation and the fact that the pastor states from the pulpit that they should come. Obligation might motivate for a short time, but it doesn’t have the ability to motivate for the longterm like understanding and embracing the pur-

pose behind something, and in this case the biblical purpose behind what is being done. Let me explain to you what I understand to be the biblical “Why?” behind doing Sunday School at FBC. For our situation, I think it is best to allow relationships to define the purpose. There are four relationships that give warrant to participation in a group at FBC, and the intention of that gathering. These relationships operate in two basic directions: vertically and horizontally. The cross illustration on the next page, along with the brief descriptions, helps to visualize and explain the four. As you can see, there are arrows pointing in four directions (up | down | out | in), but all of them either point vertically or horizontally. The quadrants on the right describe the up and down arrows, while the quadrants on the left speak to the outward and inward. These directional relationships should give purpose to every class that we have, and we should strive to see obedience in all of these. If our classes or groups are not carrying out all four of the relationships then there is room for improvement. This doesn’t mean that they are failing, but it does mean that they biblically have room to improve regarding discipleship. To be honest, no class will ever be able to fully live out all of these in a perfect fashion, but that is why we must lean on the power of Christ in us as we pursue these basic and vital relationships in the disciple-making process! The desire is that, after reading this article and seeing the illustration, you could give the purpose of doing Sunday School at FBC if someone asked you “Why?”. I hope you are ready, I might just ask you, or more likely, a child at FBC or in your own home might pose the question!

Outward to Others All of our Bible study and meeting in classes would be in vain if we didn’t heed the disciple-making, evangelistic commission of Christ. To merely learn more knowledge of the Word and not take it to a lost and dying world would be cruel. We must be found faithful in taking the message to those without the hope of Christ. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” –Matthew 28:18-20 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. -Acts 1:8

Inward with One Another The New Testament is filled with “one another” passages. Ultimately, the relationships between believers is to be seasoned with love, care, compassion, forgiveness, and much more. In fact, this type of relationship serves two purposes. It creates unity in the church as we relate well with one another, but it also displays the love of Christ for a world around us in need of seeing His beauty. We must live out this type of love among the people in our classes, and in order to do this, we must be consistent in being in one another’s lives, and a key component of doing this is being present! Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. –1 Thessalonians 5:11 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10:24-25

Upward to God In all that our classes do we must be pointing people to God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We must be pointing them to the salvation and hope found in Him. When things are bad, look to Him. When things are good, look to Him! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. –Matthew 22:37 I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5

Grounded in His Word As we teach, counsel, encourage, disciple, etc., we must do so with the Bible. It is our source of truth in a world full of falsehood. We must also direct each class member to imitate the Bereans of Acts 17 and search the Scriptures on their own, not just leaving it up to the “teacher”. This and this alone will allow them to develop a life that is grounded in the Truth of God’s Word. All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work. -2 Timothy 3:16-17 The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple; the precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the LORD are true, and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb. Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward. Psalm 19:7-11


Crafts | Music | Storytelling

Begins August 20th for Newborn to 5 Years First Baptist Owensboro Preschool Area Join us on Wednesday nights for an hour of Biblical storytelling. Children will learn stories of the Bible through crafts, music, and storytelling so they can in turn “Go & Tell” others what they have learned! Participants will receive their own “God’s Storybook Bible”. And then he told them, “Go into all the world and share the Good News to everyone.” Mark 16:15

Prayer Service August 10th at 6pm FBC Sanctuary Join us as we pray for our school systems, their employees, students, and families.

Humanitarian Prevention, Rescuing, and Healing Throughout the month of August, you will have the opportunity to help supply a safe house in Thailand with basic needs for children at risk of or rescued from human trafficking. A drop box will be located outside the preschool area. Needs include: Raincoats Backpacks Toiletries

School Supplies Lunch Boxes Small Toys

This year we were blessed to have more youth volunteers than we have had for years. They did an awesome job in all areas such as Preschool recreation, children’s crafts, transporting, registration, teaching time, and tear-down and cleanup. Agency D3 completed their assigned Vacation Bible School mission and it was exciting! We had a wonderful time the week of June 23-27 with over 200 children attending VBS here at First Baptist. Out of the children who attended, over 65 were Preschoolers, of which 26 were from the Wee People Childcare, and around 50 children K-5th grades from the YMCA attended each day. This year’s focus was Discovering who Jesus is, Deciding if his death and resurrection was real, and how to Defend and share their faith by using Scripture. Each day, evidence was presented such as the testimony of John the Baptist, the Father and Holy Spirit confirming who Jesus was at His baptism, people who were recipients and witnesses of His miracles, and those who gave accounts of His death and resurrection. On Friday the children were encouraged to go and share their faith and what they had learned during the week with others as Jesus’ disciples did. There were several professions of faith and we are continuing to follow up with those who had questions. This year the children gave $433.92 in offerings to the Help Office here in Owensboro specifically for the purchase of meat. Kudos to the boys because this year the boys gave just as much as the girls!!! I want to thank the over 85 volunteers who gave their time each day to minister to the children who attended. It was a huge blessing and encouragement to see all of the volunteers in their teal colored T-shirts each day. They did a great job of guiding the children from class to class and in such a loving and compassionate way. I’m sure that each child felt loved and God’s seeds were planted in the heart’s of the children. They were even willing to get up on stage and perform the songs for the children, which the kids thoroughly enjoyed! Thank you for stepping out of your comfort zone.

There are several people who worked on the scenes (literally) and those who worked behind the scenes that I also want to thank. Megan Kittinger spent many, many hours from January-VBS week using her creative talents to make the decorations and put them in place. She did a terrific job! Thank you to Amy Burgan for her willingness to meet each week and do whatever was needed to help make VBS a success from scheduling, to registration, and a whole lot more! The staff helped in the parking lots, transporting children, Missions, Music, and greeting the children. Thank you staff for giving your time each day and seeing the importance of being a part of VBS. We have a special maintenance staff here at FBC and I want to thank them for their willingness to help. It was daunting work for them before, during and after VBS, along with their regular responsibilities. Thank you Steve, Linda, Dale and J.T. for all your hard work and long hours. During the week the volunteers were challenged to look for God’s blessings each day and I will close with these inspiring blessings from God. A little preschooler from the Wee People Daycare told her parents that they needed to stop and thank God for their food before they ate because that’s what she had learned in VBS that day. Another blessing came from a mother of a youth worker. She had been praying for a blessing and then realized that her blessing was her own son’s willingness to work in VBS, his reports at the end of each day, and excitement to return the next! Yes, part of VBS is training and encouraging the next generation to share the Gospel to future generations to come. Thank you God for your many blessings!

One of my favorite weeks during the summer is Youth Camp. I look forward to it every year. It is a great opportunity for our students to grow in their faith and in community with each other. One of the exciting things about camp is that you never know what to expect. You never know from year to year how the students will interact with each other or how they will respond during worship services. Each year is different and I find myself anticipating what God is going to teach me and the students during the week. One encouraging thing this year was evidence of spiritual growth in many of our students.

been taught. More importantly, they recognized how the truths in that particular passage of Scripture were relevant for today and applied to their everyday lives. The exciting thing was that they were spot on. They were actually getting it. It is very encouraging to see our students take a biblical truth from a passage of scripture and then draw applications from that passage to their lives today. It was not an overtly emotional week at camp as some weeks are, but God was working in more subtle ways that week. He was working at maturing a group of students. My prayer is that we have more of that.

As a youth guy, I have sat for hours on end thinking and wondering if anything that is being taught to our students is getting through the blank stares. I’ve thrown my hands up in frustration because of a perceived lack of spiritual growth in the lives of those I lead. However, the Lord always seems to encourage when it is needed. One of those glimmers of hope happened during one of our church group times after evening service. I had asked our group about what they had learned earlier in the day during their bible study time. It was during that time that several of our students recalled what they had

Over the course of this coming school year our students will be challenged to live out their faith with greater urgency. They will be challenged to see their school as a mission field, to seek out lost people, to share the lifechanging gospel of Jesus Christ, and to live as people on mission from God! My prayer is that God will continue to mature our students in the faith, and that He will give them a heart for their schools and the lost people in them. I pray that He gives them courage to do battle against the powers of this world. I pray that they will do nothing more than make Him famous! I pray you will pray that too.

Name: Blake Taylor Grade: Senior at DCHS What does the upcoming school year have in store for you? I honestly have no idea. I've never been a senior in high school before, but I expect it to be like every other one except I won’t come back after this year. What's has God been teaching you lately? God has actually really touched me lately. He pushed me toward His Word to help clear my mind and focus on Him. This helped me to put my worries at His feet and remember that He will take care of them. He led me to read Romans 8:18 after a tough night and that really touched me. How can we be praying for you? Just help me get through the school year and have a good football season. What's is memory?





Just every year at camp. Really, I can’t choose. If you could choose a super power, what would it be? I would be able to morph into anything I wanted.

We are in looking for adults who are wanting to help serve in Student Ministry. We have spots available on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. If interested, please contact Will!

FBC Owensboro has strong partnerships with four families that serve as missionaries with the International Mission Board across the globe. In fact, by partnering with other Southern Baptist churches, we support more than 4,800 missionaries outside North America. Below are just a few of the ways you can join in this ministry through prayer.  Pray they feel at home in a new country, culture and climate  Pray for good family times and for children to love and serve the Lord  Pray for family situations back home and for those who support them  Pray for good, sustaining friendships and time to relax and unwind  Pray for good relationships with national Christian leaders and with fellow workers  Pray for a quick grasp of new languages and their attempts to communicate  Pray against set backs and discouragement  Pray that the Lord will open up hearts of the locals to receive the message of truth  Pray for our partners to find Persons of Peace that will bring about fruit IMB's (International Mission Board's) mission is to make disciples of all peoples in fulfillment of the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20.

In order to keep our mission personnel secure in their area of service and protect their ministry, this First On Mission article has been modified for this online version. You can pick-up a hard copy print version at the church during the month of August.

Over 6,000 people groups - 1.7 billion people - still live with little or no access to the Gospel. Vision - Our vision is a multitude from every language, people, tribe and nation knowing and worshipping our Lord Jesus Christ.

Fast Facts Field personnel under appointment (5/14/14)


Overseas baptisms 2013


Overseas churches 2013


Overseas church membership 2013 New churches 2013

853,020 6,192

People groups engaged by imb personnel (6/1/14)


Unreached People Groups not Engaged (6/1/2014)


LMCO receipts for Christmas 2013

$154 million

LMCO goal for Christmas 2014

$175 million

World Hunger/General Relief 2013 receipts

$5.5 million

Information obtained from on July 10, 2014

God at work continued from page 3 WD: How have you seen God @ Work through Christian Education over the years at FBC? (continued) That’s a lot about the Mavericks and I need to tell how a group of young adults were impacted and in turn impacted the church by Christian education. Around 1970 Jim Elkins was enlisted to lead the department with ages from 25-33. Jim was creative and dedicated. It was a small group when he started. He insisted on enlisting good teachers and we worked hard at that. There was strong Bible teaching. He and Eddie James visited prospects every Thursday night and they enlisted others to go as well. There was great and consistent growth. Couples (first couples classes in our church) were united in the Lord. The department sent out many workers to other areas of Sunday school. He pushed promotion every year and most who reached 34 went to the next department (many reluctantly). Though many went out to teach and through promotion, there were 100 in attendance his last Sunday (he moved to Ga.) The work of that group has impacted the church even to the present time, because many of our current church leaders came in during that time.

WD: In your life at FBC, in what ways have you seen the gospel of Jesus Christ transform lives? CN: Obviously, not everyone is steeped in extreme sin (drinking, drugs, etc.) before conversion, but every believer is transformed from death to life. There is always an inner change and often an outer one as well. A man was able to learn to control his almost uncontrollable temper. Another gives up the bottle for the Bible. There was one unbelieving man whose wife was an active member of FBC. Several of us had witnessed to him many times. He was polite, but unresponsive. I guess we thought about giving up. At 69 years old he accepted God’s gift of salvation. He changed completely by becoming an outgoing, faithful, serving member of FBC. Transformation has happened for many others as well! God transforms every believer and sometimes it is very visible. VN: Through the years I’ve seen men, women, and children become active in our church after accepting Jesus as Savior. It thrills me to see girls that I’ve taught have now become leaders at FBC, and I’m sure in other churches too.

Join us as we grill and get filled in on what will happen on Wednesdays this Fall for preschool, children, youth and adults. Come hungry...we will be grilling out and having homemade ice-cream.

WD: How can other believers at FBC pray for you? CN and VN: --That God will draw our grandson back to Him and the church. --For our great grandson, Korbin. That we, Gaila and David can keep him in church. Pray for his teachers and that he will truly commit his life to God through faith in Jesus. --We both have some health issues. We are confident of God’s provision. We want to serve as long as we can and as much as we can. Pray that we will make the right decisions. --Pray that we will live in God’s will. Final Quote: God is so good and so much greater than we can imagine. Praise Him! Serve Him!

Interviewed by Wesley Dunn Full video of the interview is available on our website

If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. 1 Corinthians 12:26 Recorded June 9 through July 6

New Members

Hadley Bacon Profession of Faith/Baptism June 22, 2014

Reid Clark Profession of Faith/Baptism June 22, 2014

Derry, Jana, Harrison and Hayden Billingsley Transfer of Letter June 22, 2014

Raye & Kathy Anderson Profession of Faith/Baptism June 29, 2014

Ethan Pierce - Not pictured Profession of Faith/Baptism June 22, 2014

Congratulations 

Alexis and Nathan Scott on the birth of a son June 9, Clark Henry

Janelle and Myron Bontrager on the birth of a son June 10, Aiden Joshua

Trasey and John Falcone on the birth of a daughter June 18, Rosemary June

Cody and Jana (Whitehead) Russelburg on their marriage June 21. Parents are Lindy and Becky Whitehead

Kyle and Meredith (Walls) Hayden on their marriage June 29. Parents are Ed and Cheryl Walls

Michael and Mary-Katherine (Weber) Maddox in the birth of a son May 21, Rollins Warhol Maddox. Grandparents are Sharon and Jerry Weber. (Recorded incorrectly in the July edition of Connect)

Sympathy Christian love and sympathy to 

Stacy Anderson and family in the death of her grandmother June 17, Kathryn Goodman-Clark

Scott Dant and family in the death of his uncle June 18, Gary Dant

Kathy Anderson and family in the death of her father June 22, Robert H. Stelle

Shirley Kennedy and family in the death of her husband July 6, Don Kennedy

Phyllis Buskill and family in the death of her mother July 6, Virginia Woosley Weakley

CLC Hours Monday & Tuesday 6:30 am-9:00 pm Wednesday 6:30 am-4:30 pm Thursday 6:30 am-9:00 pm Friday 6:30 am-1:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am-1:00 pm

Sunday Schedule 8:30 am 9:45 am 11:00 am 6:00 pm

Classic Service Sunday School Elevate Service Evening Service


26-August 2 August 3

Serve Medford 5:00 pm

Meeting 6:00 pm August 6

OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4:30 pm Friday 8:00 am-1:00 pm

Prayer Service

August 10th at 6pm

August 8

7:00 am

August 10

12:00 pm 4:45 pm

Prayer Meeting Fellowship Hall Family Supper

9:45 am

12:00 pm 4:45 pm 5:45 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm

Prayer Meeting Fellowship Hall Family Supper Orchestra Go & Tell (Preschool), Awana, Youth and Adult Bible Studies Choir Rehearsal

Sunday School Promotion

6:00 pm August 13

Back To School Event County School Begins

12:00 pm

Lunch & Prayer Meeting

5:00 pm

Fall Kick Off (Grill ‘N’ Fill) Senior Adult Mystery Trip

August 16

4:30 pm

Evansville Otters

August 17

6:00 pm

Boston Mission Report

7:00 pm

Deacons Meeting

August 20

NO CHOIR OR ORCHESTRA REHEARSALS on Wednesday August 6th & 13th

Beginning August 20th

Finance Committee Both Morning Services

August 14-15

Wednesday Schedule

Lunch & Prayer Meeting

Lord’s Supper during

FBC Sanctuary Join us as we pray for our school systems, their employees, students, and families.

Seattle Mission Report City School Begins

12:00 pm

No Evening Service on August 24th and 31st

FBC Website Scan this code with your smart phone.

Children’s Committee

12:00 pm

Lunch & Prayer Meeting

4:45 pm

Family Supper

5:45 pm


6:00 pm

Go & Tell (preschool) Awana | Youth Adult Bible Studies

August 23

9:00 am

Holiday World

August 24

4:00 pm

Church Picnic

August 27

12:00 pm

Lunch & Prayer Meeting

See Wednesday Schedule August 31

No Evening Worship



Sr. Adult






No Evening Service


4:00 pm Church Picnic No Evening Service

See Wednesday schedule on Page 16





See Wednesday schedule on Page 16

6:00 pm Boston Report 7:00 pm Deacons Meeting




County School Begins 12:00 pm Lunch & Prayer Mtg. 5:00 pm Grill ‘N’ Fill



Lord’s Supper SS Promotion 6:00 pm Back to School Prayer Service







City Schools Begins 12:00 pm Lunch & Prayer Mtg.



5:00 pm Children’s Committee Mtg. 6:00 pm Seattle Mission Report


Worship Service Times 8:30 am 11:00 am 6:00 pm









Senior Adult Mystery Trip


7:00 am Finance Meeting





9:00 am Holiday World


4:30 pm Evansville Otters



Serve Medford (July 26-August 2)



Sunday, August 24 * 4:00-8:00 pm Ben Hawes Park DINNER WILL BE SERVED AT 5:30 P.M.

Why do we offer AWANA For kindergarten through 5th grade?

The meat, drinks, and eating utensils will be provided by the church.

So that children can learn scripture about God, Jesus, sin, salvation, and missions.

Family Activities include: ultimate frisbee, corn-hole, horse shoes and volleyball

Why do children need to know specific verses concerning the above?

The PAR 3 golf tournament begins at 3:30. Register with Susan in the CLC (683-3505) office by Wednesday, August 20th. $10 per person

So that they will know God’s plan of salvation for them through Jesus and be able to share it with others using scripture.

Join us on Wednesdays beginning August 20th at 6:00 pm in rooms 341 and 300.

Sunday School Promotion August 10

If your last name begins with A-I please bring a dessert J-R please bring a vegetable (9 x 13 dish) S-Z please bring a salad

On Sunday, August 10th ALL Children and Youth will meet in their new classrooms for Sunday School‌

Classes begin at 9:45 am Daviess County Church League East Division League Champions Tournament Champions (pictured) Coach Nathan Scott, Nate Horner, Scott Dant, Ryan Adams, Brett Miller, Michael Kinney, Woody Maglinger, Gavin Christ, Blake Taylor, David Boarman, Zac Ferrell, Dan Reynolds, (not pictured: Wesley Dunn, Bruce Baldwin, Josh Lewis, Bennett Wilson, and Bo Alexander).

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