First Baptist Owensboro
December 2016
"For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given."
Our ministers give examples of how
How will Judy's Christmas in West
How can you pray for international
they saw God at Work during 2016.
Africa this year differ from our own?
missionaries this IMB Week of Prayer?
TABLE OF CONTENTS A Word from Paul ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1 Where Did You See God at Work in 2016? ��������������������������������������������������2–3 2016 was a great year filled with God's blessings everywhere you look. Our ministers reflect how God worked throughout 2016 through our volunteers, trips, and more.
Greetings from Dry and Dusty West Africa by Judy ����������������������������������4–5
Pg. 2
In this article, Judy, a West African missionary, shares how her Christmas will be a little different from ours here in the States.
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 6 The 2016 Lottie Moon Week of Prayer will be December 4–11. Here are some ways you can be in prayer for our missionaries throughout the world.
Learn from the Birds! by Virgil Barker ������������������������������������������������������������� 7
Pg. 4
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas ����������������������������������������������8–9 Get into the holiday spirit, and see what our Flower & Decorating Committee has been up to around the church. It really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Happening in December ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10–11 There's so much going on in December, we had to make a special page to contain it all! Here is your one stop shop to find out what is happening and what each event entails.
Pg. 6
Calendar of Events ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12 November: A Month in Review �����������������������������������������������������������������������13 Merry Christmas from the Staff at FBC ������������������������������������������Back Cover
Pg. 8
Paul Strahan
WORSHIP Derry Billingsley
Bob Farmer
CHILDREN Suzie Horner
Will Smith
Alisha Williams
Barbara Wright
Maeghan Adams Michele Burton Susan Dant
230 JR Miller Blvd • Owensboro, KY 42303 • 270.683.3505 •
by Paul Strahan, Pastor
ecember for many is the
rates us from God. It keeps us in turmoil
This is the truth about Christmas: the
greatest time of the year and
and struggle. Christmas is the plan of
eternal Word took on the vulnerability of
for good reason. It is a time
God, established before the foundation of
human flesh and dwelt among us.
for family gatherings, church events,
the world, to buyback sinful and bur-
school breaks, vacation days, year-end
dened human beings.
celebrations, but mostly it is about Christmas! My earliest memories of Christmas take me back to South Mississippi with my family. I can remember the excitement as a young boy and the anticipation of Christmas day. Today, there is a whole lot of preparation that goes into getting ready for Christmas.
John testified of having seen His glory, the glory of the only begotten Son from
Second, Christmas reveals who God is.
the Father.
John 1:1-18 is the Prologue to the Gospel
In short, Christmas is about God’s reveal-
of John. In it, John the apostle sets the
ing Himself and letting us see His perfect
stage for the Gospel that reveals the life,
and amazing love for weakened and
ministry, and purpose of Jesus’ coming
fallen mankind.
into the world.
Christmas should be celebrated. It should
As the years come and go, I have come
God is eternal. He is the creator. Through
be a celebration of who God is and what
to appreciate what Christmas is all
him all things live, move, and have their
He has done.
about. My former Old Testament profes-
being. He holds all things together. This
sor, Dr. Waylon Bailey, wrote an article
Word, who is preexistent and one with
explaining what God shows us about
the Father, became flesh and lived among
Christmas. I want to share it with you:
us (John 1:14).
First, Christmas is God’s plan to redeem
Third, Christmas is God’s plan to reveal
fallen mankind.
Himself to us and to make us aware of
Our ancestors—Adam and Eve—rebelled
His great redemption.
against God and we have suffered under
John described what he had seen, heard,
the curse of sin ever since. Our sin sepa-
touched, and known.
Leigh Ann, Anna, Katherine, and I want to wish you a Christ-centered Christmas and Holiday season. We are honored to serve at First Baptist Owensboro. We love you!
December 2016 | 1
Derry Billingsley, Worship
Wesley Dunn, Discipleship
Bob Farmer, Senior Adults
Each week, the Sanctuary Choir bathes
In the first quarter of 2016, the Young
God continues to work in and through
our rehearsal with prayer. We do it
and Intermediate Adult groups that
the lives of our older adults. This past
without fail, for it is the key compo-
meet on Sunday morning worked
summer we had a group of six people
nent of preparing to lead in corporate
through Donald Whitney’s Spiritual
who spent the week in Medford, MA
worship. At times, we’ll physically touch
Disciplines for the Christian Life: Study
to serve alongside Redemption Hill
those for whom we are praying as an
Guide. This study consisted of learning
Church. One of our acts of ministry
encouragement to faith.
how to discipline/train ourselves “for
during “Serve Medford Week” was to
the purpose of godliness” (1 Timothy
work at a senior center close to the
4:7). We searched the Scriptures in
church. We have been able to work at
order to find out just what we are called
this particular senior center for the past
to be active in for personal growth and
four years. We played games, showed
for the sake of the Great Commission.
movies, and did crafts with many of
Topics included Bible intake, prayer,
the residents at the senior center. We
worship, evangelism, serving, steward-
have had many opportunities to build
ship, fasting, silence, solitude, journal-
relationships and share the Gospel with
ing, and learning.
many of the residents.
God’s work was evident in people’s lives
Tanner Turley, Lead Pastor of Redemp-
with many comments being made about
tion Hill Church, just recently shared
the personal and group impact. Some
with me a testimony from one of the
mentioned that they had never talked
older adults from the senior center. She
A few weeks ago, the choir felt led to lay hands on Joy Malone and Rick Hoffman as we prayed, for both have been experiencing health issues. However, the choir was somewhat limited in our current rehearsal space. The size of Room 315, and the furniture within it, prohibits the entire choir to huddle anywhere in the room. The answer was in simply grabbing a hand! The visual picture of Christians linked together through the love and healing power or Christ was powerful. God is at work!
about some of these things and had nev- accepted Christ as her personal Lord er had them modeled before them. May the Lord continue to use these disciplines in the lives of His people!
and Savior and requested to be baptized. God has opened doors for us to work with these residents for the past four years, and we continue to pray for them on a daily basis.
2 | Connect Magazine
Suzie Horner, Children
Brent Phillips, Interim Recreation & College
It has been thoroughly
summer, the camp saw 186
This past year has been such
place. Our staff and mem-
exciting to see God at work
children come to Christ!
a blessing in so many ways!
bers have also been able to
I think specifically of the
help counsel many of those
recreation staff and many
visiting from the homeless
church members who come
among the children here for my past eight and a half years at FBC. Graciously, the church allowed me to be on sabbatical this year which gave me the opportunity to give back in areas where God has blessed me. This past summer I spent three weeks working in the kitchen at the camp where I surrendered to do His work in ministry. I have to say, I have never worked so hard in my life, but it was so rewarding to give back. During the
Just recently I spent a week in NYC working with the First Baptist Church of New York City. I spent the week entering all of the members' information into a computer program. I was able to get to know some precious people and learn that ministry in
or program is based on volunteers. God has blessed our student ministry with faithful volunteers who willingly sacrifice their time to actively disciple students. I am truly grateful to the following people in whom God is working in and through to disciple our students. It is a blessing to serve alongside
for a few hours a day.
know from the groundwork that God laid this year, we will see many new brothers
and played pool or ping pong
forward to going back and
or took the time to invest in
serving again. Thank you
their lives. Because of this
so much for allowing me to
investment, many spiritual
serve and represent FBC!
conversations have taken
your willingness to serve.
of any ministry, Bible study,
place to shower and to relax
Jesus as Lord and Savior, I
the needs are many. I look
year, I'm am grateful for the
year after year. The success
less Shelter. We offer them a
and women do not know
and sisters in Christ in the
each of you. Thank you for
ues to prove himself faithful
from Saint Benedict's Home-
Though many of these men
Many people have come in
As I look back at this past
student ministry. He contin-
and women who come in
NYC is totally different and
Will Smith, Students & Missions
work that God is doing in
weekly and love on the men
Sunday Morning Bev Smith, Erica Houston, Kristen Shiflet, Danelle Young, Tammy Dodson, Susan Wilson, Chet Wiman, Sam Swift, Todd Houston, JJ Poole, Al Walter, and Sam Wilson
Alisha Williams, Preschool Jenny Hancock, our Pre-
God has put many wonderful
school Music Director, was
people in the preschool to
out when I came to First
help with your children. Mrs.
Baptist. During her absence,
Jenny is just one of them,
many volunteers taught
and I have had the pleasure
of witnessing her love for
What I witnessed upon
God and children.
her return was amazing.
Come let us sing for joy to
Sunday Night Kent & Danya Moore, Bev Smith, Amy Burgan, Samantha Bacon, and Deana Anderson
Mrs. Jenny has such a way
the Lord; let us shout aloud
with the children. She gets
to the Rock of our Salvation.
Wednesday Night Carolyn Roberts, Adam & Vicki Overall, Chip & Pam Brown, Sam Swift, Andrew DePasquale, JJ Poole, Gavin Christ, and Bev Smith
she brings to the faces of
them all to participate while having fun. The smiles that children are magical. They sing, do hand motions, and play musical instruments, all while listening to her.
—Psalm 95:1
A DUSTY CHRISTMAS IN WEST AFRICA Written by Judy, Missionary to West Africa
Hello friends! This will no doubt find American readers in the midst of the holiday season. Decorations, parties, holiday foods, and music are everywhere. Here, Christmas holiday season looks much different. Decorations will also eventually emerge here, but mostly around the stores that other ex-patriots like myself frequent.
friends always manage to send. It will also include joyful proclamation about the birth of our Savior, Jesus. My Muslim neighbors and friends will be more open to hear about the story of His birth as they are quite interested in reli-
The real sign for us that Christmas
gious celebrations. I’ll invite close
is near is the weather phenomenon
Muslim friends for a nice dinner
known as harmattan. It is a layer
to purposely linger over and share
of dust that blows in from the
how this baby Jesus grew up and
Sahara desert that insulates this
paid my ransom.
part of Africa from the sun. Although it takes a bit for my sinuses to adjust to the dust, the cooler temperatures are much appreciated. Currently, I am teaching in a local church and highs are hitting around 97–98 degrees. I’m dreaming of snowmen.
I’ll celebrate with Muslim friends who sit outside my gate every night with my guard by providing them a special meal to honor Jesus’ birth. In fact, I’ll provide tea and sugar the whole month of December for this crew because it is the month we celebrate Jesus. Other
My Christmas celebration here will
gifts are given too. On Christmas
include decorations, nice home-
Eve night, if you listen closely,
made goodies from American
you’ll hear voices indulging by
recipes, and treats my mom and
singing in their heart language of
English wafting from my rooftop. Some
aside for him when
years we can see stars if the dust isn’t
he woke up. Such
too heavy, but a crisp evening of 70 de-
grace was extended
grees is wonderful. A simple candlelight
to a stranger, ac-
service is unforgettable to those who
cepting him where
have celebrated with us. Our children
he was on the path
will tell us the story of His birth. We
of seeking Jesus.
usually sing every Christmas carol we know. It is pure worship with those dedicated to telling His Story to those who have never heard it. No one wants the night to end.
While the holiday pace in America seems full, fast, and furious, it also means it’s Lottie
My Christmas celebration is a bit
Moon season!
different than yours, well, unless you
Not a day goes
dance, sing, and eat way too much food
by in my life
with your right hand out of a common
that the Lottie
bowl. My neighbors and I will go out
Moon Christmas
to a village church on the edge of town
Offering doesn’t
where I go each Sunday I am home. It’s
impact and
a small group and poor, even by local
bless me. This
standards. Though poor financially,
offering frees me
they are rich in love and grace.
to concentrate on
Their grace was precious to me last Christmas. Last fall a man had been coming to our fellowship. He is from a different ethnic group and lives the “Rasta” lifestyle. This cult has many different beliefs including flagrant use of marijuana. They are easily identifiable by their long hair dreadlocks. He came to celebrate our Christmas service with us. That morning though, he had indulged just a bit too much in some substance and toward the end of the service passed out cold backward off the bench where he was sitting. There were a few awkward giggles, but we continued in our service choosing to let him rest. A nice plate of food was set
my work rather than the worries that come with waiting on financial pledges. Those donations feed the participants of the training that I am currently spearheading in this 98-degree weather. Lottie’s offering pays for their lodging as well. In a week, these 19 ladies will return home armed with skills to continue creating Bible stories in their own language and cultural style. They will train others, enlisting many to share these stories with their neighbors, families, and friends. What a great investment in the Kingdom! We will meet again in a few months to go over their homework stories and continue
sharpening their skills. May your Christmas celebration be a special observation of the birth of our Savior who has paid our sin debt, so we can be right with our perfect and holy God. Most other world religions focus on how to work to get to their god. Our God became flesh and chose to live amongst us. Here in Africa, we are working diligently and strategically to share about this Emmanuel and training our African brothers and sisters to do the same. Thank you for your support. December 2016 | 5
LOTTIE MOON CHRISTMAS OFFERING Starting in 1888, the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® was established to empower the international missions efforts for Southern Baptists. After more than a century, the annual offering continues its steady growth. Your giving enables missionaries to be sent to make disciples and multiply churches among unreached peoples and places for the glory of God. Not only are our gifts important, but our prayers our vital. Here are some ways you can be in prayer during the 2016 Lottie Moon Week of Prayer, December 4–11. Read more about these missionaries at
DAY 1 • 12.4
DAY 2 • 12.5
DAY 3 • 12.6
The Harrell Family • Mozambique
The Copland Family • Italy
David & Hanna Harris • S. America
PRAY the Gospel would spread into the
PRAY for Nick and Shannan as they
PRAY Jewish leaders will come to know
more than 100 villages up and down
continue to build relationships and
Jesus. If the leaders come to know Jesus,
the Harrells’ section of coastline where
share their lives in this northern Italian
it would radically change the commu-
there is no Gospel witness whatsoever,
PRAY the Coplands would understand
PRAY for the equipping of Messianic
PRAY for new believers and leaders
where best to focus their energy and
Jews, those who have embraced Jesus,
among the Makhuwa Nahara, that their
efforts as they balance several ministry
so they will learn how to share the truth
faith would grow deep and that they
of the Messiah with their people.
DAY 4 • 12.7
DAY 5 • 12.8
DAY 6 • 12.9
The Haun Family • Ghana
The Dove Family • Norway
The Cregg Family • South Asia
PRAY for wisdom and strength for the
PRAY for the new church plant in San-
PRAY for women in the red-light areas
national medical staff and administra-
defjord, as believers there reach out to
of the city, that Christians can impact
tion of the Baptist Medical Centre as
the community and draw seekers into
their lives and help them find a way out.
they serve an overwhelming number of
something fresh.
and the lostness is overwhelming.
would be bold witnesses and disciplers.
patients every day.
PRAY for Christians within the busi-
PRAY for the house church in nearby
ness community of this megacity of
PRAY Heidi and William will manage
Tønsberg as believers there boldly share
22 million as they actively share the
time wisely to avoid exhaustion and
their faith and for a multiplying move-
Gospel in their places of work.
burnout as they work their time-con-
ment to take hold.
suming jobs in surgery and media. 6 | Connect Magazine
Our God, we thank you and praise your
DAY 7 • 12.10 Bethany Amber • South Africa PRAY for Bethany as she finishes her high school education. Her switch from South African schools to the American educational system requires her to squeeze two years’ work into a year and a half to prepare for college in the United States. PRAY for her South African friends from the school she’s left, that their relationships would continue and she can continue to be Christ’s light in their lives.
DAY 8 • 12.11
glorious name! — I Chronicles 29:13
How can we impact people for Christ? Several years ago, Sandy and I bought a
I have some wonderful news for you,
birdfeeder to hang in our yard. A neigh-
news worthy of praise. The Connect: For
bor cautioned us to be patient, because
Future Generations fund has surpassed
it might be a while before we saw birds
two million dollars! Thank you for your
enjoying the food we provided. Almost
faithful giving. What a blessing to watch
instantly we had birds dropping by to
God at work through the members of
take a taste. We saw beautiful birds
First Baptist Owensboro.
that we didn’t know were in this area. I
The passage below aptly describes my thoughts as I see all that has been given in such a short period of time: Now glory be to God! By His mighty power at work within us, He is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope. —Ephesians 3:20 I encourage you to continue praying for the safety of the workers and giving
couldn’t help but wonder if somehow the birds were telling one another about the birdfeeder in our yard: “Hey, over there is the perfect place to get a free meal!” The trees came alive with the sound of birds waiting their turn to feed. It got me thinking, do we ever tell people where the spiritual food can be found, much like one bird telling another where he can find a good meal?
Layla Murphy • Southeast Asia
thanks for God's faithfulness. Please
PRAY God will continue to bring
giving. Don't just pray an ordinary
students who want to grow in their
prayer, but pray with enlarged expecta-
knowledge and love of Christ and
tions. The words from a hymn by John
that they will also be willing to share
Newton should apply to all our prayers:
their faith with their countrymen.
"Thou art coming to a King. Large peti-
“Taste and see that the Lord is good;
tions with you bring."
blessed is the one who takes refuge in
PRAY for immigrant factory workers,
pray that He will continue to bless our
who have come to earn money to
The Follow-Up Team and I thank you for
send back to families in their home-
your prayers and continued faithfulness.
land, that while they’re “strangers in a strange land” they would gain spiritual freedom by becoming followers of Jesus.
Matt Robbins reminded us last month, "the success of this project ultimately is not bricks and mortar but how we as a church utilize God's provision to impact ministries, which directly impacts people."
We too need to taste and see that the Lord is good, dropping by not just once, but over and over again until we overflow with His goodness and can’t help but share it with the people we meet.
Him.” —Psalm 34:8 Once we have tasted of God’s goodness, how can we not share it with others? How will they know if we do not tell them? This Christmas Season is the perfect time to go out and tell. Virgil Barker, Coordinator, Follow-Up Team
8 | Connect Magazine
The wreaths are up, the garlands are hung, and our volunteers have done a wonderful job spreading Christmas cheer throughout our church! There are decorations throughout the Sanctuary, foyer, and, of course, you can't forget about the Chrismon Tree located in the foyer directly behind the Sanctuary. Thank you to all who helped decorate this year, including the Flower & Decorating Committee, many volunteers, and our maintenance staff. They all worked hard and did a wonderful job! Note: Booklets containing the meaning of all the Chrismon ornaments are available in the foyer next to the Chrismon Tree.
December 2016 | 9
The holidays are upon us, and our calendar is full! Here are some activities going on at FBC this month.
This year's First Christmas will be Advent Les-
Come to the Christian Life Center to make
December 4 at 7 PM
December 19 at 2–4 PM
sons and Carols in the Sanctuary. In addition to crafts and ornaments for Christmas with your hearing music of the season, you will hear the
child—ages 3 years–5th grade! This is a free
prophecies of the coming Christ. The choir, Joy
event and all craft supplies will be provided.
Malone, and Joyce Goodwin will be joined by a
string quartet.
Wednesday, December 21 & 28
There will be no activites on Wednesdays, December 21st and 28th. This includes noon prayer lunch and all evening studies, activities,
The IMB dedicates one week each December to
and rehearsals.
praying for our international missionaries and
the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering that supports them. Read how you can pray on page six or visit for more info.
December 6 at 2–5 PM
Each year, the women of First Baptist Owensboro gather to fellowship and collect donations for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering in support of our foreign missionaries. Join us this year at the home of Connie Barnett (2849 Summer Valley Road) between 2 and 5 PM.
This will be the final business meeting of 2016 and will meet in the Sanctuary at 6 PM.
December 23–26
The church office and Christian Life Center will be closed on Friday, December 23 and remain closed through Monday, December 26.
CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES December 24 at 4 & 5:30 PM
Join us for this special tradition! We will hear the Christmas story, sing carols, and observe the Lord’s Supper as we celebrate Jesus Christ. Identical services are at 4 and 5:30 PM.
On Christmas Sunday, we will gather at 10 AM to worship our Lord and Savior in one combined service. On this Sunday, we will have no Sunday School, childcare, or evening worship. December 2016 | 11
DECEMBER Calendar of Events
Seekers Prayer Group
Lottie Moon Week of Prayer
8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM
Classic Worship Sunday School Elevate Worship
7:00 PM First Christmas
6TUESDAY 2:00 PM Mission Tea 7 WEDNESDAY 12:00 PM 4:45 PM 6:00 PM
Prayer Meeting (FH) Family Supper Bible Studies & SS Review
8 THURSDAY 6:00 PM The Maze (Youth) 11SUNDAY 8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM
Classic Worship Sunday School Elevate Worship Evening Worship Deacons Meeting
18SUNDAY 8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM
Classic Worship Sunday School Elevate Worship
6:00 PM Business Meeting
19MONDAY 2:00 PM Parent & Child
Christmas Party
No Wednesday Activities Church Office & CLC Closed Christmas Eve CLC Closed
4:00 PM Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 5:30 PM Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
12:00 PM 4:45 PM 6:00 PM
Prayer Meeting (FH) Family Supper Bible Studies & SS Review
Seekers Prayer Group
SUNDAY Christmas Day
10:00 AM
Combined Worship
Monday & Tuesday 6:30 AM - 9 PM
6:30 AM - 1 PM
9 AM - 3 PM
OFFICE HOURS Monday - Thursday 8 AM - 4:30 PM
8 AM - 1 PM
BROADCAST INFO Our service is broadcast on 90.3 WKWC on Sundays at 10 AM and Channel 72 Tuesdays at 7 PM and Wednesdays at 9 AM. Services are on a one week delay. Note: If sensitive information is mentioned in a service, it cannot be broadcast. An older service will be aired in its place.
Church Office & CLC Closed
No Wednesday Activities
If you have an after hours emergency, please call 270.683.3505 and press 9 to reach the minister on call.
Youth Winter Retreat Begins 12 | Connect Magazine
NOVEMBER: A MONTH IN REVIEW "If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together." —1 Corinthians 12:26
SYMPATHY...We offer Christian love and sympathy to Scott (Susan) Dant & family in the death of his aunt, Chloe Rust, to the family of Margaret King in her passing, to Terry (Denise) Tate & family in the death of his mother, Dorothy Tate, and to Roger (Melody) Brooks & family in the death of his father, Mack Brooks.
Joined by Transfer of Letter November 6th Chris Brown, Lindsey Roos, Kisiah Brown, Coy Schmitt, & Toni Schmitt
Professed Salvation November 13th Sydnee Mayfield (Awaiting Baptism)
"In grateful appreciation to Owensboro FBC for faithful ongoing support of missions at home and abroad through the Cooperative Program."
At the most recent Kentucky Baptist
and the world are impacted because of
Convention Annual Meeting held in
this giving. FBC has had such a strong
Florence, KY on November 15, FBC
history of giving through the CP and
Owensboro was recognized for reach-
continue that legacy today. Praise God
ing a cumulative milestone in giving
for the generations before us that were
through the Cooperative Program ($9
willing to be generous in cooperation
million). The Cooperative Program
with other Southern Baptist churches to
(CP) is Southern Baptists’ unified plan
reach the world for Christ. Praise God
of giving through which cooperating
for your continued commitment to giv-
Southern Baptist churches give a per-
ing so that the nations might hear. May
centage of their undesignated receipts
the Lord continue to be faithful in, with,
in support of their respective state
and through His people here at FBC,
convention and the Southern Baptist
challenging us to be a conduit through
Convention missions and ministries. So
which His blessings flow!
many lives across the state, the country,
December 2016 | 13
from the Staff of First Baptist Owensboro
Photo by Julie Dunn