June 2017 | First Baptist Owensboro Connect Magazine

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First Baptist Owensboro

June 2017




Learn how one FBC couple's invitation

Looking for a good book this summer?

Our K–5th graders made some special

to church made an eternal impact.

Our ministers have got you covered!

art to show their love for their fathers.

TABLE OF CONTENTS A Word from Paul ............................................................................................... 1 FBC's Recreation Ministry: A Fresh New Start ............................................... 2 On May 15th, Dave Roberts began work as our Interim Recreation Director. Learn about his hopes and intentions for the ministry and about some upcoming events in which you can participate.

Happening in June............................................................................................... 3 God at Work: A Simple Invitation by Andrew Hollis & the Papaloucas ...4–6

Pg. 2

On March 19, 2017, Andrew Hollis followed his profession of faith with Believer's Baptism. A simple invitation from Andonis & Celia Papaclouca made an enternal impact on his life.

First On Mission: Oneida Baptist Institute ...................................................... 7 We've heard about Oneida Baptist Institute, a Christian boarding and day school located in Oneida, KY, but we may not know its history. Learn a little of OBI's background and how First Baptist Owensboro supports their mission.

You've Gotta Read This One! .........................................................................8–9 Looking for a good book to read this summer? Our ministerial staff has some suggestions for you. There is something for everyone, so check it out!

Pg. 4–6

Know Your Deacons featuring Larry Kanipe & Mike Little .................. 10–11 To Whom We Belong by Derry Billingsley .....................................................10

On June 11, we will observe the Lord’s Supper. In this article, Derry relates remembering life's important moments with how Christ wants us to remember Him through the Lord's Supper.

Connect Follow-Up Committee Update by Virgil Barker ............................11 On our Connect: For Future Generations journey, Virgil reminds us to be thaankful and give God praise for all that He has done through First Baptist Owensboro.

Pg. 8–9

What I Love About My Dad ...................................................................... 12–15 We asked our Kindergarten through 5th grade children to draw what they loved about their father. In this month's Connect, they share their heartwarming (and funny!) pieces of artwork. Happy Father's Day to all our First Baptist fathers!

Calendar of Events ............................................................................................16 May: A Month in Review .................................................................................17

Pg. 12–15


Paul Strahan PStrahan@fbcowb.org


Derry Billingsley DBillingsley@fbcowb.org


Wesley Dunn WDunn@fbcowb.org


Bob Farmer BFarmer@fbcowb.org


Suzie Horner SHorner@fbcowb.org

INTERIM RECREATION Dave Roberts DRoberts@fbcowb.org





Will Smith WSmith@fbcowb.org

Alisha Williams AWilliams@fbcowb.org

OFFICE MANAGER Judi West JWest@fbcowb.org

Barbara Wright BWright@fbcowb.org

Maeghan Adams MAdams@fbcowb.org Michele Burton MBurton@fbcowb.org Susan Dant SDant@fbcowb.org

230 JR Miller Blvd • Owensboro, KY 42303 • 270.683.3505 • fbcowb.org

by Paul Strahan, Pastor


ne of our focuses for this

Timothy. In the final section of that let-

issue of Connect is “Summer

ter, Paul is hoping that Timothy will be

Reading”. Reading books can

able to come see him. In chapter four

and does provide tremendous value to

verse 13 he says, "When you come bring

our lives. I have come to realize how

the cloak which I left at Troas with

important reading is to my life and

Carpus, and the books, especially the

ministry. The most important book

parchments.” Isn’t it amazing of all the

for any of us is God’s Word, the Bible.

things the Apostle could have asked for,

I pray that you make an effort each

he said especially the parchments. He

day to read some portion of the Bible.

wanted to continue studying/learning

We are familiar with the Apostle Paul’s

and reading in his final days.

encouraging words to Timothy. In 2 Timothy 3:16–17, Paul said, “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped

The Principle of the Path by Andy Stanley

Andy is very good at communicating and in his book teaches you how to get

As we enter the summer, it would do

to where you want to be from where

all of us good to plan to read a book

you are. He uses personal illustrations,

or two. I want to share with you two

which are easily followed and always

recommendations that have impacted

seems to make very good sense. I seem

my life and ministry.

to come away from his writings thinking to myself, “Why didn’t I think of that?”

for every good work.” Paul was in a

If you have trouble seeing the path to

Roman prison when he wrote to young

your end results, this will help you.

The 4 Disciplines of Execution by Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, & Jim Huling I had the privilege of hearing Chris give

helps you think through the disciplines,

a talk on the title of this book. He is

which lead to execution. We have begun

very engaging and knowledgeable in the

implementing this into our goals as a

subject matter. If you are like me and

staff. This book is good for businesses,

sometimes have trouble seeing things

families, corporations, and individuals.

to fruition, this book is invaluable. He

Everyone can benefit.


and love neighbor as ourselves"

As you may have heard, I have been

The ongoing construction of Phase II

hired as the Interim Recreation Direc-

and the breakdown of the CLC cool-

tor beginning May 15th, the day I write

ing unit has caused complications,

these comments. I'm excited about the

but remedies are forthcoming. I have

possibilities of ministry through our

several ideas of additional activities and

Christian Life Center (CLC). In the

fellowships such as Pickleball, Two by

days to come, I plan to meet with staff

Twosday, Wednesday Warriors, Fourth

and administrators to get more familiar

Friday Foursomes, various fellowships,

with how we can incorporate recreation

and incorporating community events

and activities into building the church

into our programming. You'll hear

fellowship and extending our out-

more about these in the weeks to come.

reach. I would like to hear from church

Most programs will be applicable for

members (an upcoming survey may

multigenerational and/or family partic-

appear) as to how best to accomplish

ipation. I pray that you'll join in the fun!

our vision—"To use the outlet of recreation in order to pursue the two greatest commandments—love God with our all

Again, I look forward to hearing your

Dave Roberts Interim Recreation about the use of recreation in sharing God's love and serving together. In His Glory, Dave Roberts

thoughts and concerns. I'm excited

COMING SOON IN RECREATION Find more information on these events and more on page 11's Happening in June feature.

Thursday, June 8: Our senior adults are taking a trip

Friday, June 23: Let's play golf! On the fourth Friday of

to watch the Reds play the St. Louis Cardinals. A limited

each month, the CLC hosts a monthly golf outing at Ben

amount of tickets are available. To reserve your spot, contact

Hawes Golf Course. Players are responsible for greens and

Susan at SDant@fbcowb.org or 270-683-3505.

cart fees. Call Dave Roberts at 270-683-3505 to participate.

2 | Connect Magazine


Wednesdays in June


Hawes Golf Course on the fourth Fri-

day. Games are 9 or 18 holes and begin at 2:30 PM. Players are responsible for their own greens and cart fees. Contact

Each Wednesday in June, prayer lunch

All Galactic Starveyors are encouraged

Dave Roberts at 270-683-3505 if you

will meet, but there will be no family

to join us for VBS as we search for the

would like to participate.

supper or evening activities. Prayer

Visible and Discover the Invisible. Chil-

lunch will not meet the week of VBS.

dren having completed grades K–5th



and their friends are welcome June

Thursday, June 8

Have a free Thursday? Our senior adults are taking a trip to the Great American Ball Park in Cincinnati, Ohio to watch the Reds play the St. Louis Cardinals.

12-16 at 8:30-11:30 in the Christian Life Center. Volunteers and children can register online at fbcowb.org.


June 16–18 & June 17–23

Friday, June 30

Kindergarten–second graders love to go to camp but may not be quite ready for an overnighter. Camp K12 is their chance to get away for a day and have some fun! Children will receive an email with the details as to where we will go this year and how to register.

Tickets are available on a first come/first

Our middle and high school students

Friends are welcome to join us! Past

serve basis. The trip will cost $28, which

will attend summer camp—themed

destinations have been the Children’s

includes ticket and transportation. The

"Outsiders"—at Jonathan Creek on June

Museum of Evansville, Chaney’s Farm,

bus will depart from First Baptist at 7

16–18 (MS) and 17–23 (HS). Contact

and Kentucky Down Under. This year’s

AM and return time will depend on

Will as soon as possible to register.

camp will be just as fun. Contact Suzie

the duration of the game. To reserve


with any questions.

your spot on this trip, contact Susan at SDant@fbcowb.org or 270-683-3505.


Sunday, June 18

There will be no evening worship on

Sunday, June 11 at 8:30 & 11 AM Father's Day, Sunday, June 18.

We will remember and proclaim Jesus Christ's sacrifice during worship on Sunday, June 11 in both morning worship services! Take the opportunity to prepare your heart and mind in the days prior to this special time.


Friday, June 23 at 2:30 PM


This meeting will be held in the Fellowship Hall, and all First Baptist Owensboro members are encouraged to attend.

Let's play golf! Each month the CLC hosts a monthly golf outing at Ben June 2017 | 3

Andrew Hollis being

just had to be kind to others and hope

baptized by Pastor

that it was good enough. I kept to my-

Paul Strahan in the

self and lived a sort of solitary life after

CLC on May 19, 2017.

moving out here by myself. I first met Andy and Celia as I was walking my dog through the neighborhood. I moved to Owensboro back in 2014, and they lived along the path I would walk Gracie. Andy and I both worked very early mornings, and it seemed like we would run into each



other just about every morning and

On March 19, 2017, Andrew Hollis followed his profession of faith with Be-

conversations. This went on for a while

liever's Baptism. As a transplant from Florida with a sour taste for the church,

before he started inviting me to FBC

a simple invitation from Andonis & Celia Papaclouca made an enternal impact

and even with those first few invites I

on Andrew's life.

sort of excused myself out of it because

Andrew Hollis I grew up in Florida as part of a large family split between two homes. I didn't grow up in the kindest area, and it was practically a culture shock for me to move to Owensboro, where it seems that neighbors not only know each other's names, but actually talk to each other. I think that's why I was so hesitant to Andy and Celia's openness; it just wasn't something I was familiar with. We didn't talk to each other where I'm from, except to tell them to keep the noise down. As far as my spiritual life went, it was just sort of there. My family would 4 | Connect Magazine

attempt to go to a service and it would

then again in the evenings. We didn't say much at first, just the usual acknowledging nod toward each other. We eventually progressed to actually saying pleasantries and from there

of sour past experiences in the church.

only last a week or two. I never had

I think they must have caught on to that

a church upbringing, and as an adult

because Andy went from inviting me to

I just didn't have any luck finding a

church to inviting me over just to sort

church that I felt like I fit in. There

of relax and hang out. I took them up

were a few churches I went to that

on the offer one night as they were host-

didn't even have a sermon! I walked

ing dinner and s’mores for what turned

in, the choir sang, they passed around

out to be a group from our Young Adult

the plate, and people started leaving. I

Sunday School group. I enjoyed myself

wanted the studies. I wanted the ser-

that night and after hearing some of the

mons. I wanted the community involve-

topics discussed it had me interested in

ment. I remember leaving churches

the church, because it wasn't what I was

feeling disappointed as if it were all just

familiar with from my past experiences

fake, but I always had that feeling in my

at church back home in Florida.

heart. That belief. After a few attempts, I just fell back and deemed it good enough to just be kind to people. I got stuck in that moralistic concept that I

I believe it was that same weekend that I took them up on the offer to join them at FBC. I liked what I saw. It was a

welcoming atmosphere, so I continued

come a full member and follow through

the church, so I was definitely initially

to join them both for Sunday School as

with Believer's Baptism.

hesitant at tagging along to a church.

well as service. Sometimes we would go back home for lunch. What started as a sort of church fellowship turned into one of my closest friendships. We would get together to go over the week's Sunday School lesson while having dinner and our movie nights. We would help each other out with work projects around the house and dog sitting. They got me interested in helping out at the church with AWANA, and I really enjoyed helping with that until my work schedule became hectic and I had to drop out. I continued coming to Sunday School and FBC services for the next two years before deciding to make Jesus a priority in my life. I then came forward to be-

Andonis Papalouca I remember Andrew would always walk his dog, Gracie, through the neighborhood. I would be outside, washing the car or doing some yardwork. As he would walk by, I would wave or give him a head nod. In Sunday school, Wesley was teaching us how to minister to others who may not have God in their lives. I was always a little hesitant on bringing up the subject of God, because I never knew how people were going to react. Andrew popped up in my mind as someone I could invite to church. One day, I decided to ask him his name and some brief background information. After time played its course and

If I could encourage others in our congregation regarding inviting others, I would say absolutely do it! We are called to reach out to our neighbors—to go forth and make disciples. Think of all the small interactions you have with people on a daily basis and take the opportunity. It may take a couple tries to break down walls and find a connection, but you never know who needs that little push to not only become a

But as our conversations got longer, it was easy to see that Andonis is easily one of the kindest people I have ever met. The same can be said of Celia, especially when we all first met. I don't think I really had the appearance of an approachable guy (with my dirty work clothes, bandana, and giant dog), but she was just so welcoming and sweet. It seemed like I quickly became a small part of their family.

great friend, but to also find their rela-

It really opens my eyes to how easy it

tionship with Jesus.

can really be to reach out to somebody.

I'm an introverted person, and it takes me a while to warm up to people. Those few sour visits I had from my past churches had kind of put me off

There are people you have the opportunity to come across every day. It takes no effort to just be a friendly face in the neighborhood or workplace. 

we got to know each other better, I

We wanted to gradually introduce

took that leap asked him if he attended

him to people so that he wouldn’t be

church anywhere in town. He told me

so overwhelmed when he came to

that he wasn’t currently going any-

church. From then on, our friendship

where, so I told him that we would love

has grown tremendously. Ever since

to have him come worship with us at

that first initial invite, Andrew has been

First Baptist. I also told him that we

very consistent with coming to church

had a great Sunday School group that

and very involved in our Sunday School

he could come to before worship. He

class. We started having Andrew over

let me know that he was sometimes

for dinner, and he would come over

nervous about being around big crowds

regularly and visit. Celia and I have

of people. I told him that I totally un-

moved since then, but we still keep in

derstood where he was coming from,

frequent contact with Andrew.

as I sometimes felt nervous around big crowds of people. Celia and I had planned to have a s’mores night at our home around our fire pit. We invited Andrew and several other members of our Adult 1 Sunday School group.

I was led to invite Andrew because as we got to know him and his spiritual life, I could tell that he wanted to know more about God and grow in his faith. Continued on Page 6...

In the beginning of our friendship, conversation was brief, but it grew over time. I wanted to talk to him about God, but at the same time not overwhelm him with the subject. As time went on, Celia and I would have him over for dinner and let our dogs, Gracie and Huck, play together. Anytime I was outside, he would walk up to see what I was doing, and we would just talk and hang out. If I ever needed someone to talk to, I felt comfortable talking to him.

Celia Papalouca Andonis had been talking to a guy who walked his dog past our house. He lived just down the street from us. Andonis invited him to church, and we invited him to have dinner with us occasionally as well. Their acquaintance soon led to a friendship between the three of us. We would pick Andrew up on our way to church and typically have him over for dinner afterward. We had time to discuss Sunday school lessons, sermons,

The majority of the time, I don’t feel I make a significant impact on others’ lives. Sometimes I just don’t realize what a simple gesture can do because I never see the end result. We weren’t able to be present at Andrew’s baptism, but watching the video of his testimony brought me to tears. We have seen God at work in him, and we continue to see the changes it has made in Andrew’s life. Knowing that God used us to witness to Andrew is truly humbling.

The only personal barrier I had to

and everyday life struggles. We were

Seeing the impact that Andonis’ friend-

get over was the fear of him rejecting

blessed to see small changes in Andrew’s

ship and simple invitation to church has

me when I brought up the subject of

life but never fully realized the impact

made in Andrew’s life has really en-

church. I tend to keep to myself, and it

we were making. When we watched An-

couraged me to invite others to church.

takes me a while to open up to people.

drew’s testimony before his baptism, we

I haven’t had anyone take me up on the

I eventually said to myself, “Well, the

saw the reality of what God had done

offer yet, but I am still inviting others as

worst thing that can happen is him say-

through our friendship with him.

God leads me.

Being Andonis’s wife, I was there to en-

To those who are reading this, don’t be

Seeing what has happened with Andrew

courage him. Although, Andonis didn’t

discouraged. Keep inviting others to

has impacted me greatly. Knowing that

need much encouraging. I was excited

come. In your lifetime, you may invite

he has grown in his faith entices me to

to hear that he had invited Andrew

hundreds of people to church. Even if

grow in my own faith as well. Andrew

to church. However, I never knew if

just one responds to your invitation,

and I are in the same boat, as we both

Andrew would end up coming with us

you are making a difference that lasts

did not come from a background of

or not. Not many people actually take

for eternity. 

spiritual upbringing. Also, it does make

you up on the offer. Because of so few

me very happy to know that I brought

people that typically accept the invita-

someone closer to God. I was very

tion, inviting people to church can be

proud of Andrew and his decision to


ing ‘no’ or not being interested.”

become a member of First Baptist and carry out Believer’s Baptism.

Celia, Andonis, and Andrew pictured after Sunday School 6 | Connect Magazine

on May 22, 2017.




neida Baptist Institute was

Burns succeeded. His founding Board

in New York, "Professor" Burns was able

founded in 1899. The turn

of Trustees were native mountaineers of

to buy land in 1910 for a school-run

of the century was a dark

warring clans. These men worked with


time in the eastern Kentucky mountains. There was mass illiteracy and

Burns to construct a one-room building.

Oneida Baptist Institute continues to

The school opened with 100 students

honor her Godly heritage by offering

and four teachers on January 1, 1900.

affordable, quality, Christian education

Tuition was $1.00 per month which

to young people from all walks of life

OBI's founder, James Anderson Burns,

many families could not afford to pay.

and maintaining an atmosphere where

sought to end the feuds by uniting fam-

At times, Burns accepted sheepskin,

teenagers can grow physically, mentally,

ilies of warring clans in a common goal:

coal and even a bull as tuition. He

socially, and spiritually.

Christian education for their children.

turned no one away. Students also

few schools. Men and boys were being killed in bloody feuds.

"The idea was to give the children religious education...till they learned

worked on campus to help pay their way.

By giving to First On Mission (FOM), you are giving in part to the Oneida Baptist Institute. Each year, First Baptist

to love one another and forgot how to

By 1905, Oneida Baptist Institute had

donates 4% of our total FOM offering to

hate." —James Anderson Burns, Found-

dormitories for boys and girls. Thanks

Oneida. To learn more about First On

er of Oneida Baptist Institute

to a generous gift from a private donor

Mission, visit fbcowb.org/FOM.

June 2017 | 7


We asked our ministerial staff to give us a couple recommendations of what our congregation could be reading this summer. They pulled through with some great suggestions! We received books for all ages, walks of life, and interests. Discover your next summer read in the recommendations below! Alisha Williams, Preschool

with communication with your strong-

the illustrations for the 101 different

Teaching with Love and Logic

willed child. Both of these books will be

Biblical thoughts and stories are bright

by David Funk & Jim Fay

on display in the preschool.

and colorful. Don’t let the Juvenile

Teaching with Love and Logic is about

Suzie Horner, Children

Nonfiction classification discourage you

building a relationship with children

Praying Circles Around the Lives of

based on trust. This book suggests ways

Your Children by Mark Batterson

to change your words to get the child’s attention. It deals with topics in behavioral problems, letting children make choices and understand limitations, and includes talking points on removing your emotions from the situation. I recommend this book to those desiring more fun teaching their children while gaining more cooperation.

Praying Circles Around the Lives of Your Children introduces innovative ways for parents to include and encourage other family members to become an active part of a child’s spiritual growth in life through prayer and activities from the time they are born to adulthood. It is a quick and easy read, and you will want to have a highlighter

Parenting with love and Logic

ready for those “I wish that I had

by David Funk & Jim Fay

thought of that” moments. This book is

Parenting with Love and Logic is about how to help with picky eaters, potty

a great read for parents and grandparents alike.

training, special needs, and much more.

Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing

It helps parents teach children to make

by Sally Lloyd-Jones and Jago

good choices and experience happy lives while maintaining their love and respect. I recommend this book to help 8 | Connect Magazine

Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing is a book that will do just that. It is perfect for individual and family devotions and

as an adult from reading this book. It is theologically rich and reveals Biblical truths in such a unique way. I dog-eared half the book while reading and it did make my heart sing!

Will Smith, Students & Missions Dug Down Deep by Joshua Harris This is my favorite entry level biblical theology book. It is perfect for new and “seasoned” believers. Super easy to read and understand. I recommend this book to anyone wanting to have a better understanding of what they believe and why they believe it. Just Do Something: A Liberating Approach to Finding God’s Will by Kevin DeYoung I love this book. If I could give it to everyone I would. If you have ever won-

dered about what God’s will for your life

areas of conflict in my own life. This

is, then I would recommend this book.

book really helped me understand the

The subtitle is correct…liberating!

biblical pathway to seeking and grant-

Wesley Dunn, Discipleship

ing forgiveness.

Gospel Treason: Betraying The Gospel

Derry Billingsley, Worship

With Hidden Idols by Brad Bigney

Worship Matters by Bob Kauflin

If you are anything like me, you do not

There are countless books on worship

lack for information about what the Bi-

and even fewer good books on worship.

ble says. Instead, the struggle is actually

Worship Matters is an excellent book

living out the commands of the Bible in

on worship. While geared toward those

full obedience to Christ. Basically…“If

who lead, this is a book every Christian

I am a believer, why do I have such a

will benefit in reading. I’m challenged

hard time changing, quitting this and

in Kauflin’s stressing the need for both

instead doing that?” Bigney gets to the

head and heart in worship: “…mind and

heart of it…false worship known as

heart belong together. Strong passionate

idolatry. This book helped me identi-

desires for God flow from and encourage

fy some of the idols of my own heart

the faithful, thoughtful study of God—

(desires of the flesh) and gave a pathway

His nature, character, and works.”

for repentance and obedience. Unpacking Forgiveness: Biblical Answers for Complex Questions and Deep Wounds by Chris Brauns

One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp Through One Thousand Gifts, I discovered keeping a list can change your life. God brought this book into my life in a

Forgiveness is something that some

time I didn’t realize I needed to read it,

people run from and refuse to offer. On

and He has used it to change my daily

the other hand, some people flippant-

perspective and attitude. If you find it

ly hand over forgiveness as though

difficult to be thankful, read this book.

nothing has happened and there is no residual effect. Neither is a biblical response to conflict in life. Neither worked for true reconciliation in the

This month we introduce Larry Kanipe and Mike Little. These men of God are tasked with the mission of caring for our church's needs. Keep them in your daily prayers as they seek to serve our congregation and pursue unity in the church. When did you become an FBC member? 9 years ago in 2008 What passage of Scripture has recently impacted you and in what way? "I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand on the earth. And, after my skin has been de-


stroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God."

Christ face to face. We walk by faith

Job 19:25-26

that Jesus lives and trust in His promise

In the past few months, these verses

of being with Him in our eternal home.

have spoken to me as we see death most

What are specific ways that you pray

every day, either on the news or in our

for the congregation of FBC?

neighborhood, friends, and family.

I pray that our church and myself will

These verses point to a most important

seek opportunities to witness and be

promise from God. Believers will see

Christ-like in leading the lost to Him.


By Derry Billingsley, Worship

Memories are powerful. They remind us

in a car accident with Papa and my

instruction: “Do this in remembrance

of who we are and to whom we belong.

cousins. I recall the scared feeling of

of me.” Jesus wants us to remember

seeing Papa unconscious, and how

Him. We are to remember not only His

stressed my cousins and I were. He re-

body broken for us, but also the mira-

covered from the incident, but it was a

cles performed, His instruction on daily

hard time on the entire family. As I look

living, and the love He showered on all

back, I am thankful that things didn’t

he met. As we drink of the cup, which is

turn out worse than they did.

the new covenant in His blood, we are

I have fond memories of reunions with my family. We’d have a huge meal, including Papa’s camp stew and Mema’s butternut cake. At some point after the meal, we would gather around the piano. Mema, my aunts, and cousins would take turns playing as everyone

These and many other experiences

sang from hymnals (the ones with

with my family have shaped me into

shape notes). When I was younger, I

the person I am. My memories remind

didn’t want to stop playing games to

me of who I am and to whom I belong.

sing. Now, I see the importance of the

Remembering Christ does the same.

tradition. Singing with my family is part of the fabric of who I am. I have an unpleasant memory of being 10 | Connect Magazine

As our Savior and His disciples were observing the Lord’s Supper on the night before His death, He gave an

to recall His birth, example, death, and resurrection. Also, we are to be mindful of how Christ has revealed himself to us in our lives. On Sunday, June 11, we will observe the Lord’s Supper during both morning worship services. Come prepared to recall His sacrifice, and remember His life and love shown to us on Calvary.

comfortable working with the music

I think we have a loving congregation

department here and what is kind

here at FBC. When we DID move our

of...“cool”…..Denny Waldroup was

membership here, I was concerned

Stephen and Elizabeth’s Sunday School

about the size and the stigma that goes

teacher when we came. NOW…..he’s

with “downtown FIRST Baptist Church”.


None of my family EVER felt as though

What passage of Scripture has recent-

MIKE LITTLE When did you become an FBC member? Vickie and I…along with our son Stephen and our daughter Elizabeth…. joined FBC in the fall of 2000. Elizabeth was invited to be a member of the group “Access Assured”. Vickie fit

ly impacted you and in what way? “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”……Phi. 4:13. I’ve looked forward to retirement, but occasionally the things I’ve worked at are out of my comfort zone. God has inspired me to just do my best and believe in his presence near me, daily.

we were in a foreign, cold environment. Our first Sunday School class, the choir, the ministers, the members…all made us feel welcome from that first Sunday we attended. My prayer is that EVERYONE who comes to visit our church will feel the same way we did. There is something here for everyone. I pray that FBC continues to reach out to the world through the mission fields we have become a part of. God’s name be praised.

right in as a Sunday School teacher

What are specific ways that you pray

for the elementary ages, I’ve felt very

for the congregation of FBC?

by Virgil Barker, Follow-Up Team

to a bird, what fruit is to the tree, what

calendar and we have already reached

the rose is to the thorn, that is praise to a

75% of our goal. I encourage you to

child of God.” (Spurgeon Gems)

daily give thanks to God for this display

O Lord our Lord, Your name is the most wonderful name in all the earth! It brings You praise in heaven above.

How often do we really take time from

—Psalm 8:1 (NCV)

our busy schedule, get alone with God,

Have you ever heard the phrase "the pleasure of praise"? Do we consider praising God a pleasure or do we view praise as an obligation? Is praise something we feel we must do to obtain God’s favor? Charles Spurgeon says, “Praise is the beauty of a Christian. What wings are

and pour out our sacrifice of praise?

of faithfulness. Faithfulness illustrated by each of us who strive to be good stewards of God’s many blessings.

We, the Follow-Up Team Members,

God has blessed us as a church by bring-

have many reasons to offer praise as

ing together a group of believers willing

we look at the faithfulness of the body

to share not only our financial resources,

of believers referred to as First Baptist

but also our talents, as we capitalize on

Owensboro. Connect: For Future Gen-

the opportunities to minister right here

erations is at the halfway point on the

in Owensboro and around the world. June 2017 | 11

WHAT I LOVE ABOUT MY DAD... We asked our Kindergarten through 5th grade children what they loved about their father. Here are some of their heartwarming (and funny!) pieces of artwork. Happy Father's Day to all our First Baptist fathers!

12 | Connect Magazine

June 2017 | 13


14 | Connect Magazine

June 2017 | 15

JUNE Calendar of Events


6:00 PM Seekers Prayer No Children's Church

8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM


Classic Worship Sunday School Elevate Worship Evening Worship


15 THURSDAY 8:30 AM VBS Day 4



6:30 AM - 8 PM

6:00 PM Seekers Prayer






8:00 AM Heart to Heart Breakfast Celebration of the Lord's Supper No Children's Church

8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM

Classic Worship Sunday School Elevate Worship Evening Worship Deacon Meeting

12 MONDAY 8:30 AM VBS Begins! 13 TUESDAY 8:30 AM VBS Day 2 14 WEDNESDAY

No Noon or Evening Activities

8:30 AM VBS Day 3

16 | Connect Magazine

Father's Day | No Evening Worship High School Camp Begins No Children's Church

Prayer Meeting

THURSDAY 7:00 AM Senior Adult Baseball Trip

Middle School Camp Begins

8:30 AM VBS Day 5

No Evening Activities

12:00 PM


8:30 AM Classic Worship 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Elevate Worship


WEDNESDAY No Evening Activities

12:00 PM

Prayer Meeting

23 FRIDAY 2:30 PM 4th Friday



No Children's Church

8:30 AM Classic Worship 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Elevate Worship

6:00 PM Quarterly Business Meeting


WEDNESDAY No Evening Activities

12:00 PM

Prayer Meeting

30FRIDAY 3:00 PM Camp K12

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Wednesday

6:30 AM - 9 PM


6:30 AM - 1 PM


9 AM - 1 PM

OFFICE HOURS Monday–Thursday 8 AM - 4:30 PM


8 AM - 1 PM

BROADCAST INFO Our service is broadcast on 90.3 WKWC on Sundays at 10 AM and Channel 72 Tuesdays at 7 PM and Wednesdays at 9 AM. Services are on a one week delay. Note: If sensitive information is mentioned in a service, it cannot be broadcast. An older service will be aired in its place.

MINISTER ON CALL If you have an after hours emergency, please call 270.683.3505 and press 9 to reach the minister on call.


"If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together." —1 Corinthians 12:26



SYMPATHY...We offer Christian

respectively; to Larry (Suzie) Horner

love and sympathy to Larry & Teresa

and Nate (Frances) Horner & family in

Gillaspie in the death of his son, Roy

the death LeLand Dean Horner, father

Gillaspie; to Mary Ann (Bob) Leucht

and grandfather respectively; to Patsy

and Millie Miller in the death of Nina

(Don) Bryant & family in the death of

Hayden, daughter and granddaughter

her mother, Dorothy Hudson.


Joined by Letter on April 9th Carol Parker

Joined by Letter on April 23rd Dana Hunt Pictured with her daughter, Haven

Joined by Letter on April 23rd Chelsea Lindsey

Joined by Letter on April 23rd Tony & Cindy Newby

Joined by Letter on April 23rd Chris & Dianna Thompson

Came Forward for Baptism on April 30th Lillian Chaney

Joined by Letter on May 14th Cathy Mann

June 2017 | 17

empty page, any thoughts on what can go here?

empty page, any thoughts on what can go here?



JULY 28 -29 2017 | NASHVILLE, TN MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM Kurt Warner, Darryl Strawberry, the Benham Brothers, Russell Moore, Rick Burgess, JD Greear, Robby Gallaty, Eric Geiger, Tim Timmons, Brad Stine & More Kurt Warner, Darryl Strawberry, the Benham Brothers, Russell Moore, Rick Burgess, JD Greear, Robby Gallaty, Eric Geiger, Tim Timmons, Brad Stine & More

S TAAT R T FBCOWB.ORG/MAINEVENT I N G AT $ 5 9 REGISTER ONLINE L I F E W AY. C O M / M A I N E V E N T | 8 0 0 . 2 5 4 . 2 0 2 2

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