March 2017 | First Baptist Owensboro Connect Magazine

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First Baptist Owensboro

March 2017




How does our Guest Follow-Up Ministry

What is the role of the deacon? Do you

In March, we focus on our North

work, and is it making a difference?

know who our deacons are?

American missionaries.


A Word from Paul ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1 God at Work ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2–3 What is the Guest Follow-Up Ministry and is it making a difference? In this month's God at Work, we have personal testimonies from both deacons and church members who have been on the receiving end of the Guest Follow-Up Ministry.

The Role of Deacon by Wesley Dunn ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 4–5 In March's main article, our Discipleship Minister, Wesley Dunn, discussed the role of the deacon outlined in Scripture and implores the church to pray for our men as they serve in our congregation.

Coming Up in March ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 6 Annie Armstrong Week of Prayer ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7 Each year, the Annie Armstrong Week of Prayer encourages churches to pray for our missionaries throughout North America. So who was Annie Armstrong and what is the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering®?

Calendar of Events �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12 February: A Month in Review ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13 Memorial Altar Flower Donations ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 13

Pg. 2

Pg. 4

Pg. 6

Pg. 13


Paul Strahan


Derry Billingsley


Wesley Dunn


Bob Farmer


Suzie Horner






Will Smith

Alisha Williams


Barbara Wright

Maeghan Adams Michele Burton Susan Dant

by Paul Strahan, Pastor


n this issue of Connect we are

a vital link to the ministry our staff per-

like before it is passed on to the church

focusing on our Deacon Ministry.

forms. We have discovered that church

body. As a matter of fact, this is an im-

Some of the greatest and godliest

members sometimes are more likely

portant part of the checks and balances

men I know are deacons. I’m thankful

to share a need, concern, or ministry

we have in place at First Baptist. The

for the men who serve in that capac-

opportunity with a deacon than with a

Friday before the deacons meeting the

ity here at First Baptist Church. The

member of the staff. Therefore, they are

Finance Committee will have met and

deacons provide an important ministry

critical to the communication and min-

then on the following Sunday night our

among us. Most people would only see

istry at First Baptist. One of the most

deacons will review their report. We

them as they serve the Lord's supper or

important responsibilities deacons do

hear reports from committees, review

monitor the halls of our church during

is promote harmony within the church

church membership news, open the

worship. Those are two important

family. In the almost twelve years of

floor for new business, discuss any

things they do participate in and it is

attending deacon meetings, I can’t recall

problems that may be ongoing, consider

very descriptive of what a deacon does.

a time when the unity of the body of

new ideas for ministries, and we pray

Simply put he is a servant and a servant

Christ was questioned. Our deacons

for our church. Seek out a deacon and

serves. The fact is many of our deacons

meet once a month and we have a total

let them serve you as we serve the Lord

are serving on committees and other ar-

of thirty men who serve a three-year


eas of our church. We have been blessed

rotation. Every year ten men rotate off

at First Baptist Church Owensboro. I

and the church family selects ten more

hope in the coming days you will get to

men to serve the next three years.

know a little more about our deacons. We plan on introducing them through our Connect Magazine each month and highlight them more on Sundays. The reason I want you to know who is serving as a deacon is because they are

I am appreciative of every deacon in our church and grateful to be serving the people of First Baptist Church, and

What are some things that happen in a

ultimately serving Jesus Christ for His

deacons meeting you may ask? The nor-


mal meeting begins with a review of the newest financial report. Our deacons know what our financial picture looks


he deacons of First Baptist play a vital role in following up with guests at our church on Sundays. Whenever a guest fills out a Connection Card in either worship service or a guest card in Sunday School, we have a dedicated Guest Follow-Up Team (led by Peggy Inklebarger) that prepares a guest bag to be delivered to our guest's home that day.

The bag includes things such as a letter from Paul, current event information, a Connect Magazine, Sunday School brochure, free Wednesday night meal ticket, a dry soup mix from Great Harvest (previously bread), and many other things. An assigned deacon will pick up these guest bags along with delivery instructions and get them to the home of our guests within a few hours. This really is an attempt to let guests know that we appreciated their presence with us that day. In order to give better insight on the impact it is having, we have asked a few deacons and some of the folks that have received the delivery to briefly share Wesley Dunn, Discipleship

about their experience.

Rick Graham, Former Deacon In delivering the guest packets, I always feel like it is a great responsibility and opportunity to serve the Lord at FBC. The ladies putting together the packets and preparing them for delivery are the ones doing most of the work. Deacons have the pleasure of meeting folks that have an interest in, and have made an effort to visit FBC. We have the opportunity to let them know we appreciate them worshiping with us and give them a packet containing a gift and great

The folks I meet are always appreciative

I have been some part of reaching out

of the gift and packet, and sometimes

to those who have chosen to worship

they are a little shocked to have a visit

the Living God with us at FBC.

so quickly. Sometimes the recipients are not at home, so the packet is left on the door knob. I think the timing of the delivery is key because it shows we really do want them to feel welcome at FBC and that their desire to worship with us is one we take seriously. After the delivery is made, we share about the experience with the staff and they follow up.

information about FBC. We can also

I have always been welcomed with

answer any questions they might have.

surprise and smiles from our guests and

I deliver the packet as soon as possible after the service on Sunday afternoon. 2 | Connect Magazine

you can tell that they know that we are really interested in them. Delivering the guest packets is an honor and I feel like

Jeremy & Kristin Shiflet We weren’t exactly surprised to find a Guest Welcome package at our home several hours after our first visit to First Baptist, but it was not expected. Earlier that morning we were genuinely welcomed and engaged by everyone we encountered. So finding a package at the door fell right in line with the character of FBC that we had just experienced. When we first started attending we had recently moved to Owensboro and both worked outside of Daviess County. We

knew very few people outside of work

the church body and staff at FBC Ow-

was kind and generous of FBC to go out

and needed to find a place to worship

ensboro cared about people and wanted

of its way to make us feel welcome and

and develop personal relationships.

to reach out to them. With the informa-

to give us further information about the

Michael Kinney invited us to that first

tion that was given to us, we knew what

church as well as a gift. This ministry,

service and we have yet to go anywhere

kinds of services were available through

among other things experienced in our

else. We quickly found our home away

the church, what kinds of things were

first visit, brought us back each week

from home!

available for our kids to do, and where

before eventually becoming faithful

we would have opportunities to serve as

members at FBC.

The Guest Follow-Up Ministry is a wonderful and significant piece of First Baptist Church and just one way that we show every new person that walks through the doors that God and FBC cares about them! It had a tremendous impact on us and is an important part of why we chose to make FBC our home.

Joe & Starla Canning When we first moved to Owensboro a year and half ago, one of the first things we did was look for a church. Since we were members of FBC in our old town, FBC Owensboro was the first church we visited. We were recognized as visitors almost immediately and everyone was extremely friendly. The very next day we were greeted at our door with information about FBC, a delicious loaf of bread, and asked some questions to get to know us a little. It was apparent that

well. FBC Owensboro made it easy for us to pick our new church home in our new community!

Andrew & Donna DePasquale

Steve Swift, Deacon Whenever it is my turn to give our guests a visit after church, my wife Kim and I always do this together. That alone

Upon moving to Owensboro, Donna

makes the trip worthwhile, but when

and I sought a church we could serve

you see the look on the person's face

and become members of together as

who is receiving the nice package that

we prepared for marriage. FBC was

has been prepared for them...well, it’s

one of the first churches we visited

priceless! The last time we had the op-

in Owensboro and the first to have a

portunity to deliver the visitor package,

follow-up ministry to first-time guests.

the impact wasn’t just on the young lady

After filling out the Connect Card from

who had filled out the visitor tab, but

the bulletins, we separately returned to

she also had two friends at her house

our homes to find gift bags at our doors

when we made the delivery. She was

filled with goodies such as Great Har-

delighted and her friends were amazed

vest Bread, a pen, and more informa-

that the church would give such a nice

tion about ministry at FBC, but most of

gift to a first time visitor. Also, the fact

all, a thank you for worshipping at FBC.

that we follow up so quickly is another

We were quite surprised by this gesture

way to leave a lasting good impression

seeing as how it was carried out with no

of FBC! 

pomp or prior knowledge on our part and was ready for our arrivals home. It March 2017 | 3

THE ROLE OF DEACON Do you know the purpose and role

disciples was increasing, so the Word

of the deacon? Are you aware of the

of God was going forth and changing

importance of their role? Do you even

lives, but a potential for division arose.

know the deacons in our congregation?

A certain portion of the followers were

Let’s start with question one. What is the purpose of the deacon? I am going to answer on the basis of Acts 6:1-7. This passage gives the foundation of the office in the church. The original word can be found throughout prior writings in the New Testament, ultimately meaning “servant” or “service” or “to serve”, but it is in this passage that the office becomes recognized and is given its purpose(s). At this point in the New Testament narrative, the Holy Spirit was at work and the church thing was really happening…and as it was rapidly multiplying, a stumbling block for the ministry of the church arose. (See Scripture)

being neglected…the widows of the Greek-speaking Jews were not receiving their daily distribution. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, needs for these members of the fellowship of

disciples were not being met. The twelve apostles heard the cry for help in meeting these needs, but with the magnitude of the ministry growing, they were facing a dilemma. If they were to continue carrying out the ministry of teaching and preaching the Word of God, which they were called

1 Now in these days when the disciples

they said pleased the whole gathering,

were increasing in number, a complaint

and they chose Stephen, a man full of

by the Hellenists arose against the He-

faith and of the Holy Spirit, and Philip,

brews because their widows were being

and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and

neglected in the daily distribution.

Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolaus,

2 And the twelve summoned the full

a proselyte of Antioch. 6 These they set

number of the disciples and said, “It is

before the apostles, and they prayed

not right that we should give up preach-

and laid their hands on them.

ing the word of God to serve tables. 3 Therefore, brothers, pick out from among you seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we will appoint to this duty. 4 But we

Things seemed to be going so well in

will devote ourselves to prayer and to

the first part of verse 1…the number of

the ministry of the word.” 5 And what

4 | Connect Magazine

by Wesley Dunn

7 And the word of God continued to increase, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests became obedient to the faith. —Acts 6:1-7

and commanded to do, then certain needs were potentially going to be overlooked, like the case of the widows. On the other hand, they knew that if they dropped what they were doing and served the physical and various other needs of the people, the ministry of the Word would suffer. They realized that they did not have the capacity to carry out both necessary aspects of faithful ministry effectively. The apostles, torn by this dilemma, presented the solution of selecting out men from among the disciples to appoint to the duty of serving the needs of the fellowship. (Note that these men

CURRENT LIST OF DEACONS Andy Anderson Claude Bacon Virgil Barker Roger Brooks Bruce Burton Doug Cavender James Endsley Tim France Ryan Goss Chad Hall

Vic Harrison Larry Horner Todd Houston Larry Kanipe Jim Lambert Mike Little T. Tommy Littlepage Bill Long Mike Monroe David Moore

Kent Moore Brock Quinton Matt Robbins Larry Sansom Wendell Smith Steve Swift John Thacker Ed Tullis Sam Wilson Chet Wiman

were of good reputation and full of the Spirit and of wisdom.) This would allow

ity to see the needs of people met,

3 and their faithfulness to carry out

the ministry of the Word (teaching,

but at the same time knew that

these three purposes in Acts 6. As needs

proclaiming, and counseling the Word)

they must not neglect the ministry

arise or unity is in jeopardy, these men

to continue…and at the same time, the

of the Word. As the men served

need to know, and you have the oppor-

needs of the congregation would be

and took these responsibilities, it

tunity and responsibility to approach

seen to as well.

undergirded and provided support

these men with issues regarding the

for a robust ministry of the Word to

health of the church. We have provided


a list of their names so that you know

So what are the purposes of the deacon we see here in Acts 6? 1. Care for the physical needs of the church: The widows were being overlooked…and that shouldn’t have been so. 2. Pursue unity in the church: The issue that arose left the church in Acts on the brink of division, yet through the ministry of the deacons chosen, unity was being pursued. 3. Support the ministry of the Word: The apostles recognized and felt the burden of responsibil-

So what was the result of their faithful deacon service? Verse 7 says, “And the Word of God continued to increase, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem…” The result was expansion and enhancement of the Kingdom of God! You may ask why it is important for you to know this. Well, as the deacons served in Acts 6, so should the deacons of FBC. As you nominate them in our annual process, you should do so on the basis of the qualifications in 1 Timothy

who they are. In addition, over the course of the year, we will be highlighting a few of them in each month’s magazine in order for you to get to know them better. These will include pictures and brief answers to a few questions. As you learn who they are and grow in your knowledge of their role, please pray for and encourage them as they carry out these purposes! Why are they vital to FBC? So that the Word of God might continue to increase and the number of disciples multiply greatly! 

HAPPENING IN MARCH Annie Armstrong Week of Prayer

DNow Weekend

Week of March 5–12

March 17–18 at Bellevue Baptist

Each year we set aside a week specifically to pray for our

DNow is back! This event is a great opportunity for our

missionaries throughout North America. On Sunday, March

students to be challenged to grow deeper in their relationship

5th, pick up your "Together for His Kingdom" prayer guide

with God. This event consists of a time of worship, fellowship,

at any Sanctuary entrance and use it as you pray for North

and community service projects. Cost for the weekend is $25.

American missionaries. Also pray about how God would

If you have any questions, contact Will.

have you give financially to our First on Mission offering, 10% of which goes to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering each year.

Dudes Big Gaming Night Friday, March 10th at 6 PM in the CLC This will be our 4th annual gaming night and we are hoping that you will be joining us once again for the fun. Gaming night will be at 6 PM on March 10th in the CLC. All dudes K-5th grades and their dads—along with their friends and dads—are invited. This year we will add Finger Rockets and basketball for even more fun. Cost is $5 per person. Pizza and snacks will be provided.

No Children's Church Sunday, March 12th Children's Church will not meet on Sunday, March 12th. Children are encouraged to worship with their familes in the Sanctuary on this day.

Lord's Supper Sunday, March 26th in Both Morning Services We will remember and proclaim Jesus Christ's sacrifice during worship on Sunday, March 26th. Take the opportunity to prepare your heart and mind in the days prior to this special time.

Quarterly Business Meeting Sunday, March 26th at 6 PM in the Fellowship Hall We encourage all First Baptist Owensboro members to attend our Quarterly Business Meetings held in the Fellowship Hall.

Awana Awards Wednesday, March 29th at 6 PM in the CLC This year’s Awana Awards will be held March 29th at 6 PM in the CLC, and both parents and children are invited. We will not only give out awards for the children’s accomplishments, but we will all have some fun afterward. Dress is casual for everyone, because we ask the parents to join in on the fun. Please plan ahead to join us on this special night.

Pray for our North American Missionaries.

Pray for our North American Missionaries.

Pray for our North American Missionaries.

WHO IS ANNIE? Each year, we honor the life and ad-

distribute food, clothing, and the Word

vocacy of Annie Walker Armstrong

of God to those in need. Her hands

(1850-1938) when we give to the Annie

held her own Bible as she studied to

Armstrong Easter Offering® for North

know how best to share God’s love with

American missions. As a tireless servant

others. And, most important, Annie was

of God and a contagious advocate and

a woman of prayer, folding her hands in

the world, Annie Armstrong led women

and for those they were helping discover

to unite in mission endeavors that ulti-




Coleman Coleman missionaries supporter of mission efforts throughout prayer to intercede for the

mately led to the formation of Woman’s Missionary Union, for which she served


as the first corresponding secretary.

Annie rallied churches to give more,

pray more, and do moreParrish for reaching mission advocates unite to continue that

with all her heart, but it was her hands

work today, we can be confident that her

Roberson legacy will also be ours.Roberson

that expressed that belief in tangible

typing and handwriting letters in support of missions. Many of these letters were quite lengthy and all were filled with conviction that moreCarr could and

should be done in our missions efforts. Annie also never hesitated to use her hands to reach out to hug a child or




people for Christ. As modern-day

Annie believed in and followed Christ

ways. She spent a great amount of time



The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering® is the primary funding channel for the North American Mission Board’s “Send North America” strategy.Carr One hundred

percent of gifts given to the Annie Arm-


strong Easter Offering is used to support Southern Baptist missionaries serving in the United States and Canada.


Pray for our North American Missionaries each day during the Annie Armstrong Week of Prayer, March 5–12.

Dahl March 2017 | 7


MARCH Calendar of Events

1 WEDNESDAY 12:00 PM 4:45 PM 6:00 PM


Prayer Meeting (FH) Family Supper Bible Studies & SS Review


6:00 PM Seekers Prayer Group


Classic Worship Sunday School Elevate Worship Evening Worship


12:00 PM 4:45 PM 6:00 PM

Prayer Meeting (FH) Family Supper Bible Studies & SS Review

10FRIDAY 6:00 PM Dudes Big



8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM

Gaming Night Classic Worship Sunday School Elevate Worship Evening Worship Deacons Meeting


9:30 AM Jo Nelson Bible Study

12:00 PM Prayer Meeting (FH) 4:45 PM Family Supper 6:00 PM Bible Studies & SS Review

8 | Connect Magazine

6:00 PM Seekers Prayer Group DNow Weekend DNow Weekend

Week of Prayer for Annie Armstrong

8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM


No Children's Church

8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM

Classic Worship Sunday School Elevate Worship Evening Worship

12:00 PM 4:45 PM 6:00 PM

Prayer Meeting (FH) Family Supper Bible Studies & SS Review


Lord's Supper

8:30 AM Classic Worship 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Elevate Worship

6:00 PM Quarterly Business Meeting

29WEDNESDAY 12:00 PM 4:45 PM 6:00 PM

Prayer Meeting (FH) Family Supper Bible Studies & SS Review

6:00 PM Awana Awards

CLC HOURS Monday–Thursday 6:30 AM - 9 PM


6:30 AM - 1 PM


9 AM - 3 PM

OFFICE HOURS Monday–Thursday 8 AM - 4:30 PM


8 AM - 1 PM

BROADCAST INFO Our service is broadcast on 90.3 WKWC on Sundays at 10 AM and Channel 72 Tuesdays at 7 PM and Wednesdays at 9 AM. Services are on a one week delay. Note: If sensitive information is mentioned in a service, it cannot be broadcast. An older service will be aired in its place.

MINISTER ON CALL If you have an after hours emergency, please call 270.683.3505 and press 9 to reach the minister on call.

FEBRUARY: A MONTH IN REVIEW "If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together." —1 Corinthians 12:26



SYMPATHY We offer Christian love and sympathy to Glenn Jackson & family in the death of his mother, Betty Ruth Jackson; to the family of Juanita Hayes; to Jill Dantic & family in the death of her brother-in-law, Frank Podlipec; to Beverly Sharp & family in the death of her husband, James ‘Jim’ Sharp; to Billie Browning & family in the death of her sister; to Maeghan & Ryan Adams in the death of their son, Castle Lee Adams; to Carrie Oliver & family in the death of her husband, John Oliver.

Mark & Judy Maddox Joined January 22nd by Letter

Gabriel Hinton Awaiting Baptism

Jack & Martha Roberts Joined February 5th by Letter

MEMORIAL ALTAR FLOWERS Memorial donations of altar flowers can be given in memory of someone who has died or in thanksgiving of a person, occasion, or celebration. Altar flower memorials are acknowledged in the service bulletin on the weekend of their placement. Flowers are then distributed to the homebound or those living in nursing homes. To book your memorial donation, please call Judi West in the church office.

230 JR Miller Blvd • Owensboro, KY 42303 • 270.683.3505 •

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