First Baptist Owensboro
September 2016
Table of Contents A Word from Paul ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1 First On Mission �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2–3 The 2016 Week of Prayer for Kentucky Baptists will be September 11–18. Learn how your gift to the Eliza Broadus Offering through First On Mission supports missions through Kentucky.
Louisville Rescue Mission ������������������������������������������������������������������� 2
BREAK Ministries ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
Pg. 3
How We Speak ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4–5 What are some practical ways to speak the gospel to your children, peers, or parents? In this article, our ministerial staff gives examples of how to share the gospel with all different ages.
Main Article by Rush Witt ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 6–7 Have you been trying to live out the gospel, or have you been speaking out the gospel? Rush Witt, pastor at Paramount Church in Columbus, Ohio, tells us how we must speak the gospel, not just live it out for others to see. The gospel is a message that must be spoken!
Pg. 6
Equipping for Evangelism by Wesley Dunn ���������������������������������������������8-9 There are plenty of resources out there to assist you in your spiritual conversations. Wesley Dunn, our Minister of Discipleship, suggests a few, both online and in book form.
Since We Last Saw You ������������������������������������������������������������������������10-11 A lot has happened over the last month in the life of First Baptist Owensboro. We've compiled a few snapshots to jog your memory.
Pg. 9
Calendar of Events ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12 August: A Month in Review ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 13 Connect: For Future Generations by Virgil Barker ����������������������������������� 13 Our renovation project is in full swing and Connect: For Future Generations is still on the move! Virgil Barker, Followup Team Coordinator, encourages us to continue to pray and sacrificially give.
Pg. 10
Paul Strahan
WORSHIP Derry Billingsley
Bob Farmer
Will Smith
Maeghan Adams
Suzie Horner
Judi West
Michele Burton
Wesley Dunn
Brent Phillips
Barbara Wright
Susan Dant
By Paul Strahan, Pastor
ou will soon notice this issue of Connect Magazine focuses on evangelism. Over the years, Southern Baptists have put a lot of emphasis on personal soul-winning or what we call evangelism. The reason we have made it a prominent area of concern is simple: the Scripture commands everyone who professes faith in Jesus to go and tell. The most widely quoted verse probably comes from the book of Acts. In the first chapter we read, “but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” I want to point out a few important things about this verse, because Jesus is speaking to those of us who claim to follow Him. First of all, we are promised that power will come to us, and that power is the third person of the Godhead, the Holy
Spirit. The fact is that you and I have been given the power to personally share our faith with others. One of the excuses we use so often is we are afraid and don’t know what to say to people. This verse assures us that the power to witness is greater than fear or a lack of words. As a follower of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit has been given to you, and one of the reasons is that you may be a powerful witness for our Lord. Secondly, notice the Scripture says you shall be witnesses. When a person comes to faith in Jesus Christ, they automatically become a witness for Him. Many times I have said that when I pledged to love and care for Leigh Ann forever, I became a husband. It was not a choice to be made, because the choice to love her instantly made me her husband. I have not always been a good husband, but nonetheless, I am a husband. When you and I pledge our life and love to Jesus Christ in faith, we
become witnesses for Him. We may not always be a good witness, but we are witnesses nonetheless. Finally, we learn how far we are to take the message of Jesus Christ to others. Jesus said at home, in our state, our country, and even to the remotest part of the earth. Simply put, we are to be witnesses wherever we go! We have been given the power to witness, the privilege by virtue of our position in Christ, and the opportunity to witness anywhere we go! With confidence and boldness, let's share our faith with others. As the old hymn says, “Jesus is all the world to me!” If that is true, we cannot be silent!
September 2016 | 1
First On Mission
The 2016 Week of Prayer for Kentucky Baptists will be September 11–18. This will be a time of prayer for the Kentucky Baptist Convention and all state missions, with an emphasis on the Eliza Broadus Offering. Offerings given by Kentucky churches during this time help support numerous ministries throughout the state. The following are just a sampling of ministries made possible through our prayers and financial support through the Eliza Broadus Offering. issues. LifeChange is a residential program lasting six to nine months. Their goal is to help these men confront their issues and empower them “to change through gospel-centered teaching, biblically based care and counseling, case management, life skills training and involvement in a local church,” according to their website.
by Myriah Snyder
ouisville Rescue Mission (LRM) has been helping the homeless and hurting of Louisville since 1881 under various names. Their goal is “to proclaim the gospel and extend God’s mercy to the homeless and hurting of the greater Louisville area in support of the local church.” LRM has stood ready to serve thousands of those homeless and hurting in more ways than one. From February 2015 to February 2016, the Emergency Day Shelter served 2159 individuals totaling 32,755 visits. They provided approximately 31,500 meals, laundry service for 2,600 loads and 6,400 showers/toiletry items. Their Permanent Supportive Housing program provides homes and supportive services including case management and subsidized rent for 11 disabled men. “They embrace men and women experiencing homelessness and poverty with the compassion of Jesus Christ,
2 | Connect Magazine
as He alone gives hope and healing for a restored life. They offer a variety of programs to meet the needs of the whole person,” Eric Allen, leader of the Kentucky Baptist Convention’s Missions Mobilization, said. Allen continued, “When someone is homeless or hurting, they have immediate physical needs. The hope is to meet these needs through Emergency Services, which include food, clothing, hot showers, laundry, storage and mail services. The residential LifeChange program for men helps heal brokenness and build positive new lives with a biblical foundation. They provide subsidized permanent housing to men coming out of homelessness who have a disagnosed disabling condition.” Another way they seek to combat the “Crisis of Homelessness” is daily chapel services at the day shelter. The gospel is faithfully proclaimed through pastors, students, volunteers and staff. LifeChange is a program provided by LRM for men with life-controlling
At LifeChange, the men are given a place to stay, meals, weekly counseling sessions, daily small groups and classes, job training and preparation and are connected with a local church. LRM is committed to walk alongside these men and point them to the cross, see their lives transformed by the power of God, and help them walk in the light. John had a seemingly great life as a successful businessman in marketing and a happy marriage. However, his addictions consumed his life and left his marriage broken, him jobless and hopeless. Through LifeChange’s case management, counseling and Biblical teaching, he left LRM with a new job and more importantly a new life as a baptized follower of Christ. Robin began his time at LRM through the day shelter, eventually entering the LifeChange program. He struggled to leave the program, being unsure of his next step. LRM could provide that next step through the Permanent Supportive Housing program. Today Robin is no longer homeless and is employed and an active member of a local KBC church. Additionally, Robin serves as the Resident Manager at LRM and is a positive influence on the other residents in permanent housing and LifeChange.
BREAK Ministries BREAK
ministries is ready to share the gospel each week with children in public schools. BREAK or Bible Released-time Education Association of Kentucky is an off campus program that is offered as an elective in public elementary schools. BREAK, also known as KRTBEA (Kentucky Released Time Bible Education Association, Inc.) teaches children what the Bible says about things such as God and the Christian life. The classes focus on character training practical application of Biblical principles. Throughout the week, this program offers the students Bible stories, Bible memory, music and activities all in a safe Christ centered environment. They do this by meeting in a renovated bus parked just off of campus. The time together is treated just like any other elective offered to the students. Parents must request that their child receive this Bible based moral education. The 10 year old ministry began in one elementary school in Corbin with 75 students. Today it is in four schools in two school systems totaling nearly 900 third through sixth graders. The idea of RTBE (Released Time Bible Education) has been around since 1914. BREAK is part of a movement to revive this mission tool – especially in Kentucky. However, BREAK has also been used to encourage RTBE in Ohio and Tennessee. “Released Time worked hand and hand with our school to improve the overall culture in our building. Whenever
we would see certain misbehaviors arise, I would communicate this to the Released Time teachers and they would teach lessons in their classes to reinforce proper behavior in the building,” Sharon Ball, principal of Corbin Elementary, said. She continued, “Several of our students who attended Release Time would mention to me what they had learned in Bible class. In fact, one student wrote a note to me, and at the end she mentioned a lesson she had learned in Release Time that day.” “Often, students who attend Released Time may be students who struggle academically. This program offers encouragement and adult mentoring which has helped our students to be influenced to work harder in their classes and perform better in class,” Ball added. Through BREAK ministries, the teachers have been able to see many chil-
dren come to a saving faith in Christ. One of the goals of the ministry is that through this daytime school program not only the children, but families can be reached. The BREAK team, which is staffed by three self-funded missionaries and around 20 community volunteers, “feel called by God to evangelize and disciple public school children during the school day, teaching them, to trust and obey Jesus. We also feel these children are the avenue to further reach families and school staff to trust and obey Jesus,” Beth Arnold, Teacher/Advocate and NAMB MSC missionary, said. BREAK is thankful for support from the Eliza Broadus Offering because with those funds the ministry can renovate the buses where the children are taught. In the past, funds provided through the KBC helped the ministry expand to another school.
How We Speak Everyone needs to hear the gospel
No matter the age, every person needs to have the gospel spoken to them. We shouldn’t assume that just because someone is three that they aren’t ready to hear the gospel spoken to them. We also shouldn’t assume that just because someone is older that they have already heard it and don’t need to hear the gospel spoken to them. Every person at every stage of life needs the gospel. In light of that, we must also recognize that there is a uniqueness to how we communicate with people at different stages of life. Does the message change? Absolutely not. Does the language and method of communication change? Absolutely. We must be willing to stay faithful to the Bible, yet flexible in our approach depending on the age and situation of the person with whom we are speaking. Check out these encouragements and recommendations from some of our staff as you pursue speaking the gospel with different generations.
by Julie Dunn
Imagine the following scenario: Two siblings are playing together. The younger wants to play with the toy the older child has. The older does not want to share and instead pushes the younger sibling. Here are two possible ways a parent could respond: 1. The parent can reprimand the older for pushing, make him apologize, and give a consequence. 2. The parent can initiate a conversation with the older child. • Parent: Why did you hit your sister? • Child: I don’t want her to play with my toy. • Parent: Why don’t you want her to play with your toy?
by Suzie Horner
"Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." —Deuteronomy 11:18-19 When and how are we to share the gospel with our children? According to the Word, we are to “fix” God’s words in their hearts and minds by teaching them while we sit at home, drive them to school, put them to bed, and get them up in the morning. Every moment is a teaching moment no matter where you are or what situation comes about. Keep it simple and be consistent. 4 | Connect Magazine
• Child: Because it’s mine. • Parent: Honey, it’s never okay to hit your sister, but the problem started in your heart. You hit your sister because anger was in your heart first. To handle our anger, we need to ask Jesus to help us. Let’s pray together and ask Jesus to change our heart. • Apology and appropriate consequence follows. Let’s be honest. When dealing with children, the easiest and quickest means is response 1. However, response 2 directly reveals the heart, which is where sin begins. What an opportunity we have, even with children as young as preschool, to help them see their need for Jesus!
At an early age when they disobey, tell them that Jesus loves them and you love them, but what they just did is called “sin”. This should never be done in anger, and always use a kind soft voice. Later, you can add to it, “What you just did is sin and when you sin it not only hurts you, but also those who love you, and most of all Jesus. Teach your children that with sin come consequences and/or punishment and Jesus, God’s Son, paid for their sins on the cross and wants to forgive them and be a part of their life. Ask your children if God has been speaking to them and if so, what has He been telling them? Your responsibility is to consistently plant His seeds and let the Holy Spirit do the rest.
by Will Smith
I love being a dad. One of my favorite things is watching my kids grow up. It wasn’t too long ago, as I headed out the door on a Sunday, I hollered at my boys to get ready for church. I left, and the rest of the crew came a couple of hours later. When I met them, I saw my two older boys walk in wearing plaid shirts with rolled up sleeves, jeans, and boots. I couldn’t help but smile and compliment them on their “Sunday” attire. Bev informed me that they had to be like Daddy today! When I think about that story and many others just like it, I realize what a great responsibility the Lord has entrusted to me. Oftentimes in life, what we learn is “caught” more than “taught”. My kids are learning
about Jesus, grace, forgiveness, and a host of other things by simply watching their mom and me. In our home, we talk a lot about the importance of telling others about Jesus and how much He loves them. That is a good thing, but are they seeing me do it? It is one thing to stress the importance of evangelism; it is quite another to do it. My kids are learning a lot from me, but are they learning how to share Jesus with others by seeing how I do it? The best thing we can do as parents to help our kids share Jesus is to model it. It must be more than lip service. My guess is that our children are already modeling our attitudes for the lost. May God give us a passion for the lost so that those watching our every move will see how important evangelism is, then do what we do!
by Brent Phillips
When looking at college students, statistics show that they are the least religious group in America. Only 20 percent of college students go to church on a weekly basis and close to half of college students now identify as non-religious. These students are in the process of figuring out life and what career they plan to pursue. This leads to lots of distractions and a tendency to put anything involving God on the back burner. When reaching college students with the gospel, it is crucial to meet them where they are. College students are looking first and foremost for people who care and who will treat them with love and respect. This is crucial
Senior Adults
by Bob Farmer
Unchurched older adults are one of the church’s largest mission fields. As the Baby Boomers start moving into this particular age group, we have discovered the fields are ripe for harvest with older adults in our communities who do not know Jesus as their Savior. Many from this age group acknowledge a belief in God; however, when pressed about a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, they cannot relate to the term “born again”. The question is how do we engage a conversation with an older adult about their personal relationship with God? In order to attract the unchurched and lost older adults in our communities we must provide a meaningful life changing experience through Bible study. I am convinced one of the main needs of an
when sharing the gospel because when someone realizes you truly care, they will begin to listen to what you have to say. Another key is to not avoid the depths of the gospel. College students are not looking for a watered down gospel; they want to know the depths of it and to hear it taught clearly. Ultimately, when sharing the gospel with students, it is important to do it often. College students are committed to what they believe and can have amazing impacts on the local church and other college students if Jesus comes alive to them. There is no perfect formula to reaching college students. It is when believers take the time to meet them where they are and speak the gospel clearly to them that lives will be changed.
older adult is the need for socialization and a meaningful and life-changing encounter with God’s Word. We have many of our older adults who are single due to death of a spouse, and many of them (especially men) tend to be alone. If we are to engage the gospel to this group, we must provide opportunities of socialization and life-changing experiences through Bible study. Fortunately, we provide both of those experiences at First Baptist. Our church has the opportunity and responsibility to lead older adults to intersect their lives with the unchanging and life-changing message of God’s Word. We provide this through Bible study, worship, and fellowship. I’m convinced if we are going to engage this group with the gospel, we must have opportunities in place for of all three of these in our church.
September 2016 | 5
an announcement to be heralded to all who need to hear. Have you been trying to live out the gospel, or have you been speaking out the gospel? If you have been aiming to share the gospel with your life, it’s time to link your life with words of life. It’s time to speak up. I know what a challenge this change can be; it’s a change I had to make myself. Five Stages of a Gospel Conversation
“Preach the gospel, and if necessary, use words.” This quote is attributed to St. Francis of Assisi, a Roman Catholic preacher who lived in the 13th and 14th centuries. Although there is no reliable record of Francis saying this—that is, before the 1990s—many Christians have been quick to adopt the quote as a motto for evangelism. Whatever the quote’s origin, it is confused at best, and entirely untrue at worst. To say Christians should preach the gospel and use words when they deem necessary is to confuse the very nature of the gospel. First, we should know what is the gospel. Simply put, the gospel is the verbal message or announcement about the redeeming work of Jesus Christ. The gospel is good news; good news of Jesus’ grace toward sinners, seen in His perfect life, death, and resurrection on our behalf. But catch the point again: The gospel is a message, and messages are meant to be spoken. In fact, they must be spoken. Considering the way God talks about the gospel in Scripture, we must conclude that the gospel does not go out 6 | Connect Magazine
except by the verbal proclamation of its good news. The gospel can be spoken. The gospel can be written. In whatever way the gospel is communicated, it will always come out in words. This means that if we are not speaking to people about Jesus and His incredible grace, we are not sharing the gospel. There are many good deeds for us to do—and we should do them—but unless we are speaking the words of life, we are not sharing the gospel. Our good deeds may open doors for us to speak up, but speak up we must! Second, the gospel is a message about what Jesus has done. It is not a message about what we have done or what we must do. It is about Jesus. Every now and then, we hear someone say something like, “I’m not comfortable talking to people about Jesus. I prefer to live out the gospel in front of others.” While it is true that the gospel intimately transforms the way Christians live, this statement is a kind of an oxymoron. Live out the gospel is a contradiction. The gospel is not something we can live; it is not a series of commands like the law; it is
For many people, the most difficult part of sharing the gospel with someone is starting a conversation. If you are a Christian, you probably know enough about the gospel to lead someone to Christ. Therefore, the problem is not that the gospel is hard to explain, but the problem of starting a conversation that gives most Christians trouble. Basically, an evangelistic conversation is made up of five stages. Stage One: Positive Contact When attempting to share the gospel with someone, you should try to begin with a “positive contact.” I’m sure you have heard the popular business line, “you never get a second chance to make a first impression.” This is not only true when interviewing for a job but is also true of evangelism. A positive first contact may be the difference between someone listening to your gospel and turning a deaf ear. Therefore, a positive first contact is as easy as committing a simple act of friendliness. How is your day going? Has the store been busy today? Do you have any weekend plans? These are simple examples of how you might make a positive contact.
by Rush Witt Pastor of Paramount Church in Columbus, Ohio
Stage Two: Common Ground After making a positive contact, the second stage in an evangelistic conversation is finding what you have in common with the other person. You may not realize it, but all people have things in common with each other. We all have a hometown, a daily routine, and family or friends. It is on common ground that people relate to one another. This can be done simply by asking the other person a question or two about himself. These questions should be simple and downto-earth. Showing genuine interest in the life of another person is a great way to reveal the love of Christ. Our objective should be to take the first reasonable opportunity to share Christ with others. Stage Three: The Shift In every witnessing encounter, there comes a time when friendliness becomes evangelism. This happens when you shift from the natural to the spiritual. The “natural” consists of common ground conversation topics
we discussed earlier. In order for a conversation to be evangelistic, you must learn to shift from the natural to the spiritual. Without the shift, you are nothing more than a friendly person. If you have done some preliminary work to make a good first impression and establish common ground, the shift from the natural to the spiritual can be fairly easy. There are many ways to shift a conversation from small talk to spiritual talk, like discussing troubling current events like war and racial tensions, or simply asking spiritual questions like “Do you go to church around here?” We just need to keep our eyes open for opportunities. Stage Four: A Gospel Presentation The fourth stage in an evangelistic conversation is a clear gospel presentation. This stage is the most important of all. Romans 1:16 explains that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of salvation for those who believe. Remember, if your conversation does not reach this stage, you have done nothing
truly evangelistic. Since this stage is so important, you should find ways to grow in your ability to share the message of faith in Christ. Read books, watch videos, and talk with other Christians to sharpen your ability to communicate clearly. Stage Five: Questions and Answers The fifth and final stage of an evangelistic conversation concerns questions and answers. As you clearly share the gospel with others, they will usually respond with questions about the Bible, the world, and salvation. This takes time as well, to learn to answer key questions posed by your hearers. You can learn about this as you study the Bible and are purposefully involved in church. Well, now you know all you need to know in order to begin and end an evangelistic conversation. All that is left is for you to begin putting these principles into practice with God’s gracious help. It’s time to speak up. You must!
Equipping for EVANGELISM ďƒź
by Greg Gilbert
"...I hope that reading this book will give you a deeper confidence as you talk to others about the good news of Jesus. I have met any number of Christians who hesitate to share the gospel with friends, family, and acquaintances for fear of not having answers to al their questions. Well, it's probably true, no matter who you are, that you'll never be able to answer all the questions! But you can answer some of them, and I hope this book will help you answer more of them." This book attempts to answer the simple question found as its title. The great thing about this short work is its commitment to allowing the Bible to answer the question! Gilbert admits that there is a fog of confusion surrounding this question in the evangelical world and he strives to bring clarity to the topic. It is written for several reasons, but one of those is to increase the confidence of believers in the biblical understanding of the news of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection so that they can share it with others.
by Paul Little "To develop Jesus' kind of sensitivity can only be done by having man-to-man or woman-to-woman contact. As Christians we must turn from the world at large to the person next door. Herein lies the rub, for as the old saying goes: 'To love the world to me's no chore, My trouble is the man next door.' Unequivocally, it is when we get involved personally with others that our evangelism begins to take off. Unless we stop theorizing and reach out and knock on the neighbor's door, we'll never get to the real nuts and bolts of witnessing. Lifestyle evangelism begins with talking to people who in some way touch our lives. It is not superficial, quick relationship or an overnight coup. It involves time and sacrifice, and most of all it involves giving ourselves." If you are looking for a more comprehensive picture of the practice of evangelism in the life of the believer, this is a great book! Little treats the foundation for sharing, the state of the one sharing, the "how to" of sharing, and much more.
"...the mission of the church is summarized in the Great Commission passages the climactic marching orders Jesus issues at the ends of the Gospels and at the beginning of Acts. We believe the church is sent into the world to witness to Jesus by proclaiming the gospel and making disciples of all nations. This is our task. This is our unique and central calling."
by Kevin DeYoung & Greg Gilbert
DeYoung and Gilbert see much good going on from churches in their community and the world, but they seek to help the church remember that as much suffering as they relieve through their work, there is nothing more important than helping others to be relieved from eternal suffering...and this comes through the bold proclamation of the gospel message!
"Why don't Christians witness more often to the reality of their faith? Or to personalize the question, why don't you witness more regularly - why don't I?"
by Timothy Beougher 8 | Connect Magazine
In this short work, Beougher powerfully addresses the fears that each Christian faces regarding evangelism. The main chapters cover the following: Breaking the Barrier of Fear...Ignorance...Apathy...Introspection...Busyness. More than likely, you will find yourself somewhere in one of these. Allow Beougher's use of the Bible to help you overcome these walls!
Resources for the "why" and the "how" of speaking the gospel Discovering the Christian Message from Mark's Gospel Christianity Explained is a six-week evangelistic course designed especially for people with little or no Bible background. Topics include Jesus, Son of God; His death: His resurrection; future judgement; salvation by grace, not good works; Lordship; repentance and faith. Over thirty years thousands of users have found it effective in bringing many to faith in Jesus. Largely used one-to-one, CE has also proved productive in a small group setting.
by Matthias Media
This attractive booklet contains the simple Two Ways to Live gospel outline along with extra text explaining the different points. It is written with a general audience in mind, and is a superb gospel tract to give away or to talk through with someone. It is available in a variety of languages and in a larger print edition. In addition, there are training books that help in learning how to use these for evangelism, as well as a digital version through an app (just search "Two Ways to Live").
Jimmy Scroggins and NAMB have worked together to help believers in local churches share their faith. The 3 Circles: Life Conversation Guide helps answer common questions in a simple and memorable way so that you can begin to naturally and actively share it with others. You will find many resources available at the website, including training videos and information about the 3 Circles App that can be used for your own personal training and in conversations with others.
Items marked with a are available as free resources in the RiverPark Center foyer.
by Mark Cahill "Three-hundred-million years from now, the only thing that will matter is who is in heaven and who is in hell. And if that is the only thing that will matter then, that should be one of our greatest concerns now...I can guarantee that there is one thing you cannot do in Heaven that you can do on earth. You can worship God in Heaven. You can praise God in Heaven. You can sing songs to God in Heaven. You can learn God's Word in Heaven. But one thing you cannot do in Heaven is share your faith with a non-believer. Why? Because everyone in Heaven is a believer. Do you realize that when you take your last breath, you will never again be able to talk with a lost person? Since that is true, shouldn't it be a priority of your life to reach out to all the lost people on earth while you can?" Cahill communicates a great urgency for evangelism in this work. He not only tells the why and that believers should be speaking the gospel to others, but he also gives the how, including several important chapters on specifics of common questions one might encounter and even solid questions that help the one sharing to further dive into the mind and heart of the person in front of them. September 2016 | 9
Since You
Saw Us Last... Awaiting Baptism
Awaiting Baptism
Aydan Ayer Joined: July 24 Children Awaiting Baptism
Matt Chandler Awaiting Baptism
Sean, Tisha, Sean Thomas, & Haley Higgs Awaiting Baptism
Awaiting Baptism
Hannah McGuffin 10 | Connect Magazine
Justin & Megan Haynes Rededication
D. Scott Richmond
Melissa Worthington
God is working at First Baptist Owensboro! We've seen people come to Christ, new members join, our first service at the RiverPark, and more! Here are a few snapshots from the past month.
Our basement level is bare and under construction.
Women's Softball: 10–0 for the season!
Sprinkler work has started!
Dianne Colvin and Marjorie Welborn packing bags for backpacks
Singing Blessed Assurance before our first RiverPark service
Chowing down at the Otters game September 2016 | 11
SEPTEMBER In the Month of...
6:00 PM Seekers Prayer Group Service at the RiverPark Center No Children's Church
9:00 AM Worship (RiverPark) 10:30 AM Sunday School (FBC)
Office & CLC Closed
12:00 PM 4:45 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM
Prayer Meeting (FH) Family Supper Preschool, Awana, Youth Discover FBC Orchestra Rehearsal Choir Rehearsal
SUNDAY Service at the RiverPark Center Kentucky Baptist Week of Prayer
9:00 AM Worship (RiverPark) 10:30 AM Sunday School (FBC)
9:30 AM Jo Nelson Bible Study
1 2:00 PM 4:45 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM
Prayer Meeting (FH) Family Supper Preschool, Awana, Youth Discover FBC Orchestra Rehearsal Choir Rehearsal
6:00 PM Seekers Prayer Group Service at the RiverPark Center
9:00 AM Worship (RiverPark) 10:30 AM Sunday School (FBC) 6:00 PM Deacons Meeting
21WEDNESDAY 1 2:00 PM 4:45 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM
Prayer Meeting (FH) Family Supper Preschool, Awana, Youth Discover FBC Orchestra Rehearsal Choir Rehearsal
SUNDAY Service at the RiverPark Center
9:00 AM Worship (RiverPark) 10:30 AM Sunday School (FBC)
6:00 PM Business Meeting
28WEDNESDAY 12:00 PM 4:45 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM
Prayer Meeting (FH) Family Supper Preschool & Awana Discover FBC Orchestra Rehearsal
6 :30 PM See You at the Pole Youth Rally 7:00 PM
Choir Rehearsal
CLC Hours
Monday & Tuesday 6:30 AM - 9 PM
6:30 AM - 1 PM
9 AM - 1 PM
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 8 AM - 4:30 PM
8 AM - 1 PM
Broadcast Info Our service is broadcast on 90.3 WKWC on Sundays at 10 AM and Channel 72 Tuesdays at 7 PM and Wednesdays at 9 AM. Services are on a one week delay. Note: If sensitive information is mentioned in a service, it cannot be broadcast. An older service will be aired in its place.
Minister on Call If you have an after hours emergency, please call 270.683.3505 and press 9 to reach the minister on call.
Youth Prayer Rally Macedonia Baptist Church Wednesday, September 28th at 6:30 PM 12 | Connect Magazine
August: A Month in Review "If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together." —1 Corinthians 12:26
Church Family Reports
July 23-August 24
Congratulations We rejoice with Karen & Derek Brown in the birth of their son, Judah Lincoln Brown. Grandparents are Chip & Pam Brown.
Sympathy We offer Christian love and sympathy to Becky Haaff and family in the death of her brother-in-law, Jeff Gish; to Mark (Julie) Starnes and family in the death of his father, Randall Starnes; Larry (Cheryl) Sansom in the death of his mother, Edna Sansom; the family of Catherine ‘Stewarty’ Kennedy in her passing; Grover Waller and family in the death of his wife, Martha Waller; to the family of William ‘Bill’ Threlkeld
in his passing; to Carolyn Tolin in the death of her brother, Gene Miles; to the families of Nancy Kennedy, Charles (Joyce) Evans, and Thurman (Glenda) Evans in the death of their sister and sister-in-law, respectively, Ora Eudell Evans.
A Note of Thanks from Bonnie Ball Harris Thank you so very much for fixing the tasty food and drinks and bringing them to Glenn Funeral Home when my father passed away in May. Though I don't know you by name, I and our family members certainly know you by you kindness and generosity. We are active in our church here in Atlanta (Trinity Presbyterian Church), and I promise I'll "pay it forward" to families in our faith community just as you gave to us. First Baptist Owensboro meant so much to my parents—and to me growing up. Thank you!
“As you also join in helping us by your prayers, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many.” —II Corinthians 1:11 How often do we fail to recognize the power of prayer as a critical component of our endeavors? It’s been said, whether digging a ditch or building a skyscraper, we should always begin and end with prayer. I feel it is a good idea to continually seek God’s guidance and praise His accomplishments. Now that we are well into the construction stage of Connect: For Future Generations, let’s join together in prayer, praising God for all that has been accomplished, and asking Him to bless, encourage, and protect those involved in the day-to-day work of renovating First Baptist. I have listed a few suggestions for your daily prayer list: 1. Pray that the work by Lanham Bro. Construction will continue to move forward, safely and without delays. 2. Pray that the repairs to the front steps by Schnell Construction will provide a permanent solution for this problem. 3. Pray for our First Baptist staff that they continue to model Christ as they deal with the disruption caused by the renovation.
4. Offer a prayer of praise for the display of sacrificial giving to Connect: For Future Generations. 5. Pray for the faithful giving of our tithes and offerings, enabling us to meet our budget requirements. 6. Pray for effective outreach. People in Owensboro need to hear the good news! Let’s become focused on outreach and not allow the renovation to be a distraction. "The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much." —James 5:16b We read these words, but I suspect we all fail to grasp the full reality of their significance. There is a lot about prayer I don’t understand. I am still learning. My walk with God, through life’s happenings, has convinced me that communication with God could very well be the most important part of discipleship. Regular communication with God does not necessarily change my circumstances, but it does often change my attitude. By Virgil Barker, Followup Team Coordinator September 2016 | 13
230 JR Miller Blvd • Owensboro, KY 42303 • 270.683.3505 •