First Baptist Owensboro
September 2017
Learn about our new logo on page 1
How two women heeded the call to
Meet our new mission partners and
How can we as a church fellowship and
serve somewhere far from home.
learn about their church plant.
serve our community this month?
Table of Contents Pg. 6–7
Pg. 2–3
Pg. 8–9
Pg. 12–13
A Word from Paul ������������������������������������������������� 1 Know Your Deacons ��������������������������������������������10 My Summer Overseas ���������������������������������������2–3 FOM: Eliza Broadus ��������������������������������������������11
Susan Wilson and Lee Inklebarger share about their mission experiences in Southeast Asia and Uganda this summer.
In September, we will observe a week of prayer for state missions, named in honor of Eliza Broadus. But who was she?
The Main Event Recap ������������������������������������������ 4 Fellowship & Serve ��������������������������������������� 12–13 In July, several men from FBC traveled to Nashville for this Lifeway Conference. Two attendees share their experience.
A Baptism Celebration ����������������������������������������� 5 God is working at First Baptist Owensboro! Celebrate with us as we look back at the nine that were baptized in August.
It's Good to be a Kid �����������������������������������������6–7 Mrs. Suzie took 48 2nd–6th graders to camp in August! As she says, "I believe that it is correct to say that all had a blast."
Meet the Floras ��������������������������������������������������8–9 This fall, First Baptist Owensboro will begin a partnership with the Floras as they plant Multiply Church in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Get acquainted with the Floras, their beautiful family, and how God is planting a church in Calgary.
First Baptist Owensboro has an opportunity to fellowship and to serve this month with our Church Picnic and the Bridge Walk. Find out how you can get involved.
Just a Little Bit Longer ��������������������������������� 14–15 We can almost see the finish line as we near the end of our Phase II Renovation. Check out the progress made so far, and read a construction update from our church administrator, Bob Farmer.
August: A Month in Review �������������������������������16 Calendar of Events ����������������������������������������������17 On the Cover: We have a new logo! Learn more about it in "A Word from Paul" on the opposite page.
Bob Farmer
Will Smith
Barbara Wright
CHILDREN Suzie Horner
Ginger Mayfield
Michele Burton
Susan Dant
MAGAZINE DESIGN Maeghan Adams • Maeghan Adams Creative •
230 JR Miller Boulevard • Owensboro, KY 42303 • 270.683.3505 •
have two important items to share
we will be asking is, “Are you making,
and support. This may well be the most
with you in this issue of Connect.
maturing, and/or multiplying disciples
difficult position in any church.
All of us would agree that the
for the Lord Jesus Christ?”
mandate from the Lord Jesus Christ is found in the Great Commission. We have spoken of it often. He clearly says that we are to “go, make disciples, baptize them, and teach them to obey.” The heart of this command is “make disciples!” We, our staff, are all in on making disciples. In order to move us in that direction we have changed our logo and simplified it with three words, “making, maturing, and multiplying!” This is exactly what Jesus Christ commanded
One of the greatest needs is for more
The second thing I want to share with
members to volunteer in the Preschool
you is about our Preschool ministry. As
ministry. Our volunteers are on a rotat-
you know, our Preschool Director, Al-
ing basis for the Worship services but
isha Williams, resigned in August. We
we need more. We expect the parents of
are grateful for the ministry she gave to
our children to volunteer in that rota-
our children and parents.
tion. The more volunteers we have the
After praying, seeking God’s will, meeting with the Preschool and Personnel Committee, Ginger Mayfield is now our Preschool Director.
the church to do! You will begin seeing
She began as our new Preschool Director
our new logo in all of our publications
August 13th. Ginger has been a member
and in the building. This month I will
of our church for fifteen years. She and
preach on those three words. The Great
her husband Marty have two children,
Commission will influence every area
Sydnee eight years old and Seth five
of ministry at First Baptist Owensboro
years old. She is excited and believes
from Preschool to Senior Adults and
God has led her to work in this area.
everything in between. I am convinced
Ginger is familiar with many of you
this is what God desires for the church.
and has been very active in our church.
From this moment on the question
However, she will need your prayers
less time they will be needed. Everyone is important and our children deserve to be given the best care. If you can help, please call Ginger at 270-683-3505. To all of you who have given your time to this ministry, I say thanks. We appreciate you! The future is bright and we have more preschool children coming soon. Let’s work together and help First Baptist Owensboro provide the best ministry for our children! By His Grace,
God at Work
Susan Elizabeth Wilson: 1. Cattle grazing in the neighborhood park; 2. Tea plantation; 3. Food market; 4. Local food. Lee Inklebarger: 5. Village children head to Kid's Club; 6. Trees moved for worship facility; 7. Bible Club with kids in slum of Kabalagala; 8. Field Day at local boarding school. For more information on The Village Project see
Southeast Asia
Susan Elizabeth Wilson Owensboro is normal to me. I have
so stores and restaurants were not open
coming to foreigners, and who made
lived here for 21 years and find it very
until the evenings. It was like the whole
me feel at home.
comfortable and routine. However, it
town just shut down during the day and
didn’t take much for me to leave my
came out at night. That was the hardest
routine life and hop on a plane to spend
adjustment for me.
• Be patient because life happens at a
Things happen at a slower pace in
• Rely on God for EVERYTHING.
One thing I immediately learned
Southeast Asia, so I learned that you
• To be brave. I have never traveled
when stepping off the plane was that
have to wait, and then wait some more,
by myself before, so I learned that I
it is HOT! I had to make sure I wore
and after you think you have waited
just have to read airport signs and be
clothes that were very modest because
enough, they cancel last minute, but
of the very conservative beliefs of the
that is just their culture.
two months overseas.
majority of the population. Wearing modest clothes is fine until you realize it’s going to feel like 115 degrees every day. Another thing I quickly picked up on about the culture is that it is very unpredictable, especially during their religious fasting month. During my first month there, people were fasting, 2 | Connect Magazine
I received a lot of stares from people, because I look nothing like them. To
What I learned slower pace.
How to Pray • Pray for the Scott family to efficiently learn their new languages.
them, my skin color is pretty. In Ame-
• Pray for other followers in the area to
rica I am considered pale, which is not
be witnesses to the majority/neigh-
necessarily cool among the people my
boring people group.
age. I also had the privilege of expe-
• Pray for the hearts of the majority
riencing hospitality in this new place
people to soften to hear and receive
with people who are very sweet, wel-
the Good News.
My Summer Overseas How two women heeded the call to serve the Lord somewhere far from home.
Lee Inklebarger Last spring, through a series of circumstances and people, God called me to Uganda with Sozo Children. Turns out, it was one of the biggest blessings of my life. Sozo Children is a nonprofit organization that rescues children in Uganda. Currently, they have over 120 children in their care. A large portion of my trip would be spent serving the individuals of Sozo. Daily, my team would complete chores around the home. In the evenings, we would spend time with the children, worship alongside them in nightly devotion, and have dinner together. The men, women, and children of Sozo are selfless, giving, authentic, and loving. But that was just the beginning.
On Monday, our schedule included physical labor on the Sozo land, 28 acres that will one day be their forever home. My team, along with the summer interns led by Jon Brennan, carried large eucalyptus trees harvested from their land to the site for the worship center. Located at the highest point on the land, the view is breathtaking. Christ’s church is much more than a building, but thinking about the praises that would be offered to Almighty God for years to come from that hilltop was humbling. I thank God that He would allow me to join Him in His work. On that same land, three clean water wells have been installed. One well placed just outside the gate is
already being accessed by those in the village. I couldn’t help but think about John 4:13–14. God has placed Sozo in that village not only to meet physical needs, but spiritual needs as well. In the short time I spent with individuals in the village, I was amazed. In the midst of poor living conditions, overcrowded homes, and hunger, these people were full of joy. Absolute joy. I’ll forever be changed by the people I encountered in Uganda that week. Foremost, by Christ, but also the village children in rags, the Sozo children He has rescued from despair, and the moms and dads of Sozo that love so unselfishly. What a beautiful picture of Christ. September 2017 | 3
On July 28–29, several men from FBC attended LifeWay’s men’s conference in Nashville, The Main Event. The theme of the conference was “All In”… with each of the speakers uniquely encouraging the men to stop holding back, and instead fully and faithfully pursue the Lord and His Kingdom. The conference itself was great, as was the fellowship amongst the men in our group over the two days. Hear from a few of our men on the impact the trip had on them.
power which had proven inadequate. God’s Word confronted sinful attitudes such as pride that contributed to my anxiety. I saw this conference and time spent with brothers from FBC as things to be grateful for where I had forgotten God’s graces to me. Overall, God reiterated my identity as His child. The teaching of the Lord’s Prayer which I have known my whole life, told me I have the God of the universe as a father, of whom I have
Andrew DePasquale
His full attention to lay anything before
God used the conference to speak to
through is not a wrathful punishment
an anxious heart that had been build-
but a loving instruction to make me
ing within me all month. The worship
more dependent on Him and more like
reminded me that God was big enough
Jesus Christ.
to carry my fears and worry. The line, “Cast my cares on You ‘cause you’re good”, played on repeat for me all week. Timmons’ songs also showed me that I can walk in the power of Christ that’s available to me rather than my own will4 | Connect Magazine
Him. I learned that whatever I go
Brett Miller Going to the Main Event conference in Nashville, TN was an incredible and uplifting experience. It was a fun
weekend filled with fellowship and worship that really helped me grow and dive deeper in my faith. It is pretty easy when you are surrounded by 5,000 men to wonder who the strongest toughest guy in the room is only to truly be reminded that we are all incredibly weak when the Lord is not with us. I think that is what sticks out to me the most is that for too long I have not been the most obedient person to the Lord. I try and fix my own problems and instead of listening to the Lord with humility, I try and be the guy who thinks he is strong enough to carry the burden himself. While each speaker was different, one thing became clear and that is when we do not rely and walk with the Lord 100% of the time with all of our problems or blessings then we will fall back into sin. That is what going ALL IN is truly about, making a complete surrender and realizing that the Lord is the toughest, strongest guy in the room and without Him I am the weakest.
A Baptism Celebration!
On Sunday, July 30th, First Baptist Owensboro baptized nine new believers in the Christian Life Center. Praise the Lord! Let us commit as a church family to walk alongside these fellow believers as they begin their journey. Pray daily for Ryan, Hillary, and Paige Overby, Lilyann Chaney, Baylie Billingsley, Kendall Jennings, Brady Robbins, Payton Goodall, Graham Robinson, and Emma Foreman.
September 2017 | 5
It 's Good to be a Kid Camp 2-6 at Jonathan Creek This year we took 48 2nd–6th grad-
ers and 17 adults to camp at Jonathan Creek. It was the largest group that we have taken in a long time. I believe that it is correct to say that all had a blast. With kayaking, gaga ball, basketball, human fuse ball, the blob, and making your own slime, who could not have fun? Who cares what the food tasted like, because the excitement in the cafeteria was not about the food; it was about riding a roller coaster or deciding on which side the party was. (Of course it was always on our side). Oh, and not to mention the Crossing After Dark night where everything and everyone was lit up with neon, glow sticks, and face paint. New to camp this year, our kids were provided with like shirts so that adults could see where they were and what they were doing. This was the first time for 22 kids to go to camp, and 13 who attended were invited by our children to come with them. On Monday night, two of our kids made professions of faith! We love camp, and I think that I may have even heard several say that they didn’t want to leave. We cannot wait to return July 25, 2018. FBC is not responsible if your child stands on their chair during dinner and yells,“I’m a moose! I’m a moose! I’m a moose!” If they do, they are just reminiscing about camp. 6 | Connect Magazine
Clockwise from top left: These camp smiles say it all; buddies who made decisions last year at camp; free time can get a little competitive; kayaking, tubing, laser tag, science experiments were part of the excitement at camp; water + blob + slide + zip line = FUN; our theme this summer took us on a "Road Trip" through the life of Paul. Photos by Nate Horner
September 2017 | 7
Floras Meet the
First Baptist Owensboro's newest mission partners.
o one in our family of six,
where our postal code would begin
their toll from time to time. A major
including our children—
with a T, to start Multiply Church from
challenge of church planting in Canada
currently ages three, five,
revolves around our very ability to be
seven, and nine—had ever lived in a place that did not have a four at the beginning of the zip code. We were all born in either Kentucky or Ohio and had lived nowhere else. We had a good life in Lancaster Ohio, where Chris was serving as youth pastor at a great church, and we were surrounded by amazing friends, within a few hour’s drive of all our family. However, we sensed that God was leading us in a different direction, and we envisioned ourselves possibly moving across the state or within the region. But we never imagined that in January 2017 God would move us to Calgary, Canada,
8 | Connect Magazine
We love living in Calgary. We have been blessed with wonderful friends, continue to enjoy homeschooling our children and being active as a family, and love seeing the mountains to the west of the city. This beautiful city is full of exciting things to do and is home to almost 200 people groups within its 1.4 million people—with only one evangelical church for every 10,000 people. Life here has been quite
in the country. Chris received a clergy visa from the Canadian government, meaning he is not allowed to receive a paycheck from any entity besides the church—which is difficult when the church he serves has yet to be formed! Thus he spends a considerable amount of time fundraising, both for his own salary and for the operating expenses of the church until it can become financially independent.
an adventure so far, full of challenges
Our summer has been very full, as we
but even more full of blessings. We
hosted seven mission teams in a six
spent our first few months adjusting
week period. The teams helped us dis-
to life in a different country. Often the
tribute over 14,000 door hangers in our
differences are subtle, but they take
target communities, run six camps for
kids, and put on four community block
committed and already working hard.
parties, plus a fundraiser for a commu-
The next step in our strategy is to gather
nity ice rink. One of the major chal-
a launch team of at least 40 adults to
lenges of a church plant is marketing—
make the services run, 14 of whom have
people don’t even know we exist! The
already committed to join. A major
mission teams were invaluable as they
purpose of our summer activities is to
extended our reach and advanced our
meet and recruit these people. We are
church along months farther than we
planning a series of start-up parties to
could have done on our own. They have
share our vision with the community
helped us build a good reputation in the
and find others who are interested in
community as we seek to love and serve
being part of Multiply Church. As our
the people of Southwest Calgary.
February 25th launch date creeps closer
God is rapidly putting the pieces of Multiply Church together. We have secured a meeting spot for our Sunday services at a local movie theater. Our worship leader and children’s pastor are
we find ourselves growing increasingly excited but definitely overwhelmed and nervous. Overall, we are amazed at what God has already done in this city and are humbled that he would allow us to be even a small part of it.
September 2017 | 9
Know Your
Deacons Larry Sansom and Ed Tullis are
two men of God tasked with the
mission of caring for our church's needs. Keep them in your daily prayers as they seek to serve our congregation and pursue unity in the church.
Larry Sansom
When did you become a member of FBC? We moved to Owensboro during the blizzard of 1978. Clarence Nemitz and Jim Elkins visited regularly until we joined. Cheryl and I raised our family here over these nearly 40 years.
What passage of Scripture has recently impacted you and in what way? Luke Chapter 15. Parables of the lost sheep, lost coin, and lost son. Each one of these were at one time part of the flock, in the purse and in the family. Long time absence from church worship, fellowship, and Bible study with believers leaves a person without desperately needed support. When you have seen this up close and personal, you see the need to re-engage with those that have been part of our “flock” but are long term absent from our church for whatever reason. What level of effort are we willing to search for that lost sheep, sweep all the cracks looking for that lost
coin, and welcome the returning son
responsibility! They trust me to speak
with open arms?
the truth! I am always quick to say,
What are specific ways that you pray for the congregation of FBC? Summarized into three words: Attend, Serve, Give. Our actions reflect our true values. Not doing any one of these three will hurt the church as well as us personally. Regular attendance, finding
"Read the Scripture for yourself; then you will know whether your teacher or preacher speaks the Truth as God has left it for us! Do not accept blindly what men have to say!"
What are specific ways that you pray for the congregation of FBC?
a place of service, and giving financially
I constantly pray that FBC may be bless-
demonstrates our spiritual health and its
ed and be a blessing to our members, the
importance in our lives.
community, and to all with whom we
Ed Tullis
When did you become a member of FBC? I joined in January 2011.
What passage of Scripture has recently impacted you and in what way? Psalm 141 is an important and relevant Scripture to me, in particular verse 3. As a teacher, especially with Early Risers, I am continually aware of what I say and teach. It is an awesome and serious
come in contact. Always on my agenda is the desire for "older" folks to confirm their personal relationship with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I was 21 when I truly accepted Jesus as my Saviour, although I had been baptized at age 12—as had been all my Sunday School classmates. But I did NOT know the Lord! I believe there may be many— even in this congregation—in the same situation. So I must speak to them and trust the Holy Spirit to convict and communicate to them their need. I continually pray that there would be no one in this congregation "left behind!"
First On Mission
Eliza Broadus
ach September, the Eliza Broadus Week of Prayer rolls around, and we begin to think
about missions here in our own backyard of Kentucky. But who is Eliza Broadus, and why is there a week of prayer named in her honor?
Eliza Broadus Week of Prayer for State Missions
Eliza Somerville Broadus was born in
she was made an honorary life member
Charlottesville, Virginia in 1851. In
of the committee. In 1888, when Wom-
1877, after moving with her family to
an’s Missionary Union was organized in
During the week of September 10–17,
Louisville, Kentucky, Miss Broadus
Richmond, Virginia, Miss Broadus was
join Kentucky Baptists from all over to
joined Walnut Street Baptist Church
not present, but was nevertheless elect-
pray for state missions. A prayer guide
and became a member of the mission-
ed vice-president from Kentucky. She
will be given out on the 10th to assist
ary society of that church. The fol-
made valuable contributions to WMU
you as you pray daily for the Lord to
lowing year, 1878, Kentucky formed a
work through her years of service both
send and equip His people.
Central Committee and Miss Broadus
in Kentucky and in the work of national
was elected to serve on that committee
as the representative from the Walnut Street society.
One way we as a church contribute to the mission Eliza Broadus served so
She continued to serve as an active
many years ago is through our giv-
member of Kentucky’s Central Com-
ing. First Baptist Owensboro gives six
mittee, later known as the Executive
percent of our total First On Mission
Committee, until 1928, a period of 50
offering to the Eliza Broadus Offering
years. During that time she was chair-
for State Missions each year. This offer-
man of the committee for 32 years and
ing is used to fund the Kentucky Baptist
vice-chairman for nine years. When she
Convention, Missions Mobilization
resigned from the committee in 1928
Team, Evangelism and Church Planting
September 10–17
Team, the Kentucky WMU, missions education, leader development, Kentucky Changers, and so much more. As of August 21st, First On Mission has received $62,400 in 2017. Our giving goal as a church for First On Mission is $215,000. Please pray about sacrificially giving to FOM in order to support missions locally, throughout the nation, and around the world. September 2017 | 11
Start working on your tossing arm in preparation for cornhole!
Our 2016 grill masters Chad Hall & Jeremy Shiflet, advised by JJ Poole
Ethel & Carlos Jagoe enjoying fellowshipping before the meal.
Time to get down to the serious business of eating!
Our annual Church Picnic is almost upon us. This much anticipated event will be held on Sunday, September 10th at Ben Hawes Park from 4:30–7:30 PM. Dinner will be served at 5:30 with meat, drinks, and eating utensils provided by FBC. We will meet in the first large picnic shelter you see on the right when you enter the park.
Sunday, September 10 Ben Hawes from 4:30–7:30 PM
As always, we provide meat and drinks, but we ask that church members participate in the meal by bringing sides. Please bring the following if your last name begins with:
What's more fun than grilling out, playing outdoor games,
A–I Dessert
and eating homemade food? Being surrounded by your
church family while doing all three!
S–Z Salad
12 | Connect Magazine
Vegetable (9x13 dish)
Even the little ones can help hand out water at Bridge Walk!
Thousands will pass by our building to walk over the blue bridge.
Jean Byrd helps apply Bridge Walk decals to Bridge Day attendees.
Owensboro's Annual Bridge Day and Air Show will be here on September 23rd! As in the past, FBC will reach out to those passing by our church by handing out bottle water and children's decals. Bridge Day has become a favorite within our community and allows us to serve and engage with thousands. This year's event will also permit local youth to register for Upward Basketball that FBC will host this winter. We will need eight to ten volunteers to work shifts of 1.5 hours between 9 AM and 1:30 PM. Serving our community in this way provides an opportunity to touch lives as we serve
Saturday, September 23 Volunteers Needed 9 AM–1:30 PM
an amazing God. Volunteers may register online at fbcowb. org or call Dave Roberts. Thanks for your willingness to serve! September 2017 | 13
Just a Little Bit Longer
We're in the home stretch of our Phase II Renovation! Paint is going on the walls, electrical is being installed, and things are coming together in a big way. Continue praying for this project, especially for those members of the construction crew who are working so hard to complete this project. Read an update from our Connect Follow-up Team at
Construction Update
by Bob Farmer, Administration
e have just completed our fourteenth month of construction as of
the end of August. It has been amazing to see the transformation of the 1920s building into a new functional facility in the 21st century. LED light-
ing, state of the art HVAC system, and sprinkler system installation are just a few things that will make a difference. Also included in the project will be an incredible amount of technology that will provide support in how we deliver information throughout the entire facility. We are on target to have the project completed by the last week of October. Our plans are to begin moving into the 14 | Connect Magazine
Left to right & top to bottom: A hand railing is hung to dry in the new addition after getting a coat of paint; the same section of the new addition after a few finishing touches have been added; the installation of a French drain that will redirect water away from our basement area; the nearly completed canopy entrance attached to the new addition; temporary doors where the new addition entrance will be; a large column located behind the Sanctuary.
completed area the first week of No-
prepare for the floor covering. Painting
on Wednesday nights. Our church offic-
vember to prepare for our Dedication
is almost complete and all electrical
es will also be on this floor, and we are
Sunday on November 5th.
work has been finished.
excited to all be in one area.
The contractor has completed the
The second floor is about 65% complete
The interior of the new addition is
exterior of the new addition and the
with some drywall and electrical work
about 75% complete with only painting,
installation of the new canopy. DC
still to be completed. All of the HVAC
some electrical work, and floor covering
Elevator Company has completed about
system has been installed and ready for
to be completed. The openings into the
80% of the overhaul of the existing
start-up once all of the dust from the
CLC have been completed and they are
elevator. The work on the second floor
drywall is completely gone. The second
finishing the ceiling grid and lighting.
of the CLC has begun and should be
floor includes the new gathering area,
completed by the middle of September.
choir room, robe rooms for choir, and
It will also have new LED lighting in
new restrooms.
the corridor and new floor coverings in
Please put November 5th on your calendar for the dedication service of our new building. We will have only one
Most of the work now is on the first
morning service and then will have a
floor with the installation of drywall,
dedication service. Immediately follow-
The contractor has informed us of their
HVAC system, and electrical work still
ing the dedication service, we will have
intention to complete floors in the
to be completed. Most of our technolo-
lunch on the grounds with tours of the
1920s building and give the owner the
gy will be on this floor with the addi-
facility. It will be an exciting day, and
ability to start moving items onto those
tion of a “brain” room which will house
we will give God the glory for the great
floors once they are completed. The
our server, fiber optics, telephone, and
things He has done in our midst. More
third floor is about 90% complete with
security equipment. The youth area,
details of this special day will be given
the exception of flooring. The HVAC
which is located underneath the sanc-
as we get closer to completion of the
system has been completed and they
tuary, will have a warehouse look and it
project. ■
are now running the air conditioning to
will have space for our youth worship
most of the rooms.
September 2017 | 15
The scene as our children returned to FBC after a fun week of camp!
AUGUST A Month in Review
"If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together." —1 Corinthians 12:26
Sympathy...We offer Christian love and sympathy to Dianne Baber Critchlow in the death of her grandson, Kenneth Blake Roberts; to Jay (Dianne) Mackey in the death of his brother in–law, Alan Powers; to the families Anna Church, Mary Sublett, and Freida Pagan in the death of Ken Church, husband, son in-law, and brother in-law, respectively.
Births...We rejoice with Suzanne Kluck (granddaughter Isabella Catherine, parents April & Jeremy Chenault), Katie & Josh Albers (son Oaken Hancock), Brandy & Jacob Riherd (son Elijah Quinn, grandmother Mary Alice Riherd), Jana & Cody Russelburg (daughter McKinley Jane, grandparents Lindy & Becky Whitehead), Jamie & Cliff Jackson (son Oliver James, grandmother Carrie Oliver), and Danelle & Kevin Young (son Maverick Joseph).
Joined by Statement August 6th John Anderson (wife Kathy)
Joined by Statement August 6th Michael & Michele Fortune
Came forward for baptism August 13th Katie Clark
6:30 AM - 9 PM 6:30 AM - 1 PM
9 AM - 3 PM
16 | Connect Magazine
8 AM - 4:30 PM 8 AM - 1 PM
Our service is broadcast on 90.3 WKWC on Sundays at 10 AM and Channel 72 Tuesdays at 7 PM and Wednesdays at 9 AM. Services are on a one week delay. Note: Sensitive information cannot be broadcast. An older service will be aired in its place.
MINISTER ON CALL If you have an after hours emergency, please call 270.683.3505 and press 9 to reach the minister on call.
Coming in the month of
No Children's Church No Evening Worship
8:30 AM Classic Worship 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Elevate Worship
6:00 PM
Seekers Prayer Group
12:00 PM Prayer Lunch 4:45 PM Evening Supper 6:00 PM Studies for All Ages
Week of Prayer: State Missions No Evening Worship
8:30 AM Classic Worship 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Elevate Worship
11:00 AM Will Smith Farewell Reception 2:30 PM
Unplugged Rehearsal
4:30 PM Church Picnic
9:30 AM Jo Nelson Study
12:00 PM 4:45 PM 6:00 PM
8:30 AM Classic Worship 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Elevate Worship
3:00 PM Discover FBC 5:45 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM
Unplugged Rehearsal Evening Worship Deacon Meeting
6:00 PM
Seekers Prayer Group
12:00 PM Prayer Lunch 4:45 PM Evening Supper 6:00 PM Studies for All Ages
8:00 AM Dare 2 Share 23SATURDAY 9:00 AM Bridge Walk
24SUNDAY 8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 5:45 PM
Classic Worship Sunday School Elevate Worship Unplugged Rehearsal
6:00 PM Quarterly Business Meeting
12:00 PM Prayer Lunch 4:45 PM Evening Supper 6:00 PM Studies for All Ages
Prayer Lunch Evening Supper Studies for All Ages
The First Things Newsletter is here! Visit to receive our weekly email in your inbox each Wednesday! September 2017 | 17
230 JR Miller Blvd • Owensboro, KY 42303 • 270.683.3505 •