First Baptist Church Owensboro/February 2015

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App: First Baptist Owensboro Facebook: FBC Owensboro Instagram: fbcowb Twitter: @fbcowb 270.683.3505 | PASTOR, Paul Strahan ADMINISTRATION and MINISTER TO SENIOR ADULTS Bob Farmer MINISTER OF DISCIPLESHIP Wesley Dunn MINISTER TO CHILDREN Suzie Horner MINISTER TO STUDENTS Will Smith MINISTER OF RECREATION/MISSIONS Nathan Scott

1 Connect with Paul 2 God @ Work 4 Connect with... Missions/Recreation Senior Adults/Administration Worship Discipleship 8 Love Your Neighbor... by Nathan Scott

10 Connect with...

MINISTER OF MUSIC Derry Billingsley

Preschool/Women’s Ministry




Children 13 FOM (The Fuller Family) 14 Missions Worship Focus 15 Will Graham Prayer Guide 16 Calendar and Events 17 Connect with One Another

FBC Website Scan this code with your smart phone.

Did You Know There Was A Second Greatest? “The second greatest what?” you ask. The second greatest most important thing we are to do according to God in the flesh, Jesus! Matthew and Mark, two of Jesus’ disciples, both recorded the conversation He had with some Pharisees about the greatest commandments. Here is how Mark recorded it in his gospel account: One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?” “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” (Mk 12:28-31)NASB Last month I spoke to you on this very subject not knowing our focus for the February Connect would be “Love Your Neighbor!” What a coincidence? I don’t think so. As a matter of fact, on the Monday following my message, Leigh Ann texted me the “verse of the day” which was; Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. (Rom. 13:10)NIV She also reminded me about Henry Blackaby’s devotional reading that morning. Here is a portion of that devotional: We might assume that during Jesus’ prayer before His crucifixion, He would have prayed that His disciples would have courage, or would remain faithful, or would remember what they had been taught. Yet He asked that His followers would remain united in their love for one another. Jesus understood that it is spiritually impossible to love God but not love others. A test of your love for God is to examine your love for others. Our tendency is to say, “Heavenly Father, the problem is not between You and me. I love You with all my heart. I just don’t love my brother.” And God says, “That is an impossibility. You cannot love Me without loving the ones for whom My Son died” (John 13:3435). Your life will not convince those around you of the reality of Jesus if you cannot live in unity with your fellow Christians. Were you even aware that there was such a thing as the second greatest? Well there is and Jesus said the whole law and prophets depend on “loving God first and loving your neighbor.” You will find some suggestions in this publication on how to love your neighbor! Let’s “Love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength” and then we can LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR!



How have you seen a brother or sister in Christ ca out the command to “Love your neighbor as you Lee Waldroup

through. I called a friend of mine

Early on, it was apparent that my dad, Frank Parks, loved to talk to family, friends, neighbors, strangers, etc. He always did this with a smile! My brothers and I were very fortunate to have a father that truly "loved his neighbor as himself”. He taught us that God does not want His followers to be critical of others. I never heard Dad criticize another person.

Instead, he would do his

and she listened to what I was dealing with. She told me that she did not have the answers but would love to pray for me. There on the phone, in my car, and through my tears, my sister in Christ prayed for me to have peace and understanding. The love she displayed toward me that day is priceless and I am extremely blessed by her friendship.

best to "love" others even if they dis-

Joyce Edwards


I am so grateful that my

Ed Walls “Jim” is a neighbor of ours, and he lived in our neighborhood long before we moved in.

He performed

the standard greeting when we first met, but we saw his demonstration of Christ’s love toward us the following Wednesday. Wednesday is the day for curbside trash pickup in our neighborhood.

I had the can out

the night before and didn’t think of it again until I got home from work that evening. Many trashcans were

I lost my husband in 2005 after a very

still on the street curb, but our can

father exposed me to "loving my

lengthy illness.

During the months

was off the street and back by the



and years of being incapacitated,

garage where we kept it. I asked

through God's help, this command-

many friends would visit him. On a

Cheryl if she brought it in, and she

ment will be passed on to our sons

regular basis, there was one that

said it was in the back when she got

and grandchildren.

would call, pick him up, and take

home. Thinking this was a random

him to lunch. They would eat, visit,

act of kindness, we did not realize,

Annie Blan

fellowship, and then return home.

until this activity had repeated for

Richard looked forward to this spe-

several weeks, that Jim cleared sev-

This past summer I went to Jonathan

cial time with a Christian friend, Joel

eral neighbor’s empty cans from the

Creek with the youth. While I was

Utley. Joel personifies to me the true

curb every week, just shortly after

there, the Lord laid a lot of things on

meaning of "Love your neighbor as

the pickup. What a kind and simple

my heart that I needed to work


act, yet one that most people





arry urself”? would consider to be one of the dirt-

praying for you and your family.” It

us know that we were loved. Adam

iest routine duties around the house.

was then that I realized God is al-

is nine now and recently one of his

What a great way to demonstrate

ways present with his love and situa-

doctors said, “We cannot change

God’s love for your neighbors!

tions in life are not always as they

his diagnosis, but we can certainly

seem. God’s love is demonstrated to

change his prognosis.” God’s love is

me daily with a quote by Ian

life changing and with Him all things

Maclaren, “Be kind, for everyone

are possible.

Bryan Schrock In 2002, Allison and I were new parents. While visiting relatives in Ten-

you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

nessee, Abigail had a seizure and

In 2005, Allison and I became par-

Alexis Scott

we were sent to Vanderbilt. After a

ents to a little boy we named Adam.

In Winter Haven, Florida, where I

long day of tests and interviews by

Immediately, we were told he need-

grew up, the name Tom Beauregard

doctors I found myself in Centennial

ed to be taken by airplane to

is well known. His goal, however, is

Park with our dog, which also need-

Kosair’s. The prognosis was not good

making the name of Jesus famous!

ed a break. While sitting on a curb, I

and soon I found myself on the tar-

As a family friend, I had the privilege

noticed a man, who appeared to



of seeing his love for neighbors in our

be homeless, approaching me. I

watching a team of nurses fly into

community. He was a former drug

thought to myself, “Oh great!” He

the bright, blue heavens with a ba-

dealer, but fully surrendered His life

sat down and began to play with

by I wondered if I would ever see

to cling to Jesus. He became in-

our dog. He was silent for a time and

again. After 23 days in the NICU, we

volved in the local church and fos-

then asked the question, “What’s

learned that he was diagnosed with

tered teenage boys. Tom started

wrong? You don’t look so good.” I

Muscular Dystrophy. When faced

The Mission, which helps homeless

explained our situation and he lis-

with questions about his life, Allison

families get on their feet. This man is

tened and eventually cried with me.

replied, “I am going to love him,

an example of loving others more

I told him I should get back to the

feed him and dress him in cute

than himself, and immediately points

hospital. He gathered his backpack

clothes.” We began to get cards

others to his source of love: the

and said as he walked away, “I’ll be

from the FBC prayer ministry letting

sweet love of Jesus Christ!




Join this gathering with others that desire to live on mission - electricians, business professionals, teachers, deacons, ministers, moms, students, retirees, and more. Be challenged, equipped, and sent out to be an everyday follower of Christ. Contact Nathan for more details and to signup.

FBC Men’s Basketball NuStep Schedule:

Come try out our new cardio machine in the fitness room.

Monday, January 26, 8:00pm

Monday, February 2, 7:00pm

Monday, February 9, 7:00pm

Thursday, February 19, 6:00pm

Monday, February 23, 7:00pm

Monday, March 2, 7:00pm

Tuesday, March 3, 7:00pm

Financial Report – 2014… We had a tremendous end of the year giving for 2014. I would like for us to celebrate the marvelous way in which God blessed First Baptist Church of Owensboro. Total contributions: $2,411,310.37 Actual Expenses: $2,231,796.38 Net Contributions: $179,513.99 (Surplus) First On Missions: $197,293.07 Share the Vision: $32,862.36 In the January Business meeting we discussed the distribution of the surplus funds. Thank you for your faithfulness to the Lord’s church and fulfilling its mission in which God has called us to do in Owensboro.

Benevolence Report – 2014… We helped 413 families in Owensboro, 36 of those were First Baptist Church families. 199 OMU: $8,394.08 40 KENERGY: $1,523.78 32 ATMOS: $1,169.37 94 RENT: $3,009.00 1 WATER: $50.00 30 FOOD: $300.00 4 FUEL: $ 342.99 13 Miscellaneous: $2,107.97 50 Christmas Baskets: $2,000.00 Total: $18,897.19

December – Quarterly Business Meeting… In our December Quarterly Business meeting, the church unanimously approved to Incorporate First Baptist Church. What does this mean? We are now officially incorporated under the name of First Baptist Church of Owensboro, Inc. Since we are now incorporated, all business of our church will be under the umbrella of our incorporated name. By-laws have been adopted and we have registered our “officers” of the corporation with the state. Actually, nothing changed as far as how we do business as First Baptist Church of Owensboro with the exception of registering with the state. If there are any legal issues in the future, everything would be under the incorporated name. Secondly, due to changes in the banking industry, and if we have a desire to borrow money, most banks now require a copy of our constitution and by-laws. The benefit of being

incorporated allows us to bid our business with more banking institutions. It has been my observation, most churches today are incorporated with a constitution and by-laws. If you have any further questions about this action, please do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience.

PERA Committee… The PERA Committee is preparing a detailed document on the renovation/new construction project they would like for First Baptist Church to consider. In the very near future, the PERA Committee would like to make a presentation to the church on the scope of the project. It will only be an informative presentation that will not require a vote. Once we have given a full presentation to the church, we will then meet with small groups to receive input and answer any questions you might have on the project. These will only be informative meetings with the purpose of receiving feedback and answering any questions about the project. Our desire is to have the congregation fully engaged in the project from the very beginning. Please pray for the PERA Committee as they begin this important step in discovering the will of God for First Baptist Church in this project.

LA-55… Our next Mystery Lunch date will be Thursday, February 26. Please make your reservations by calling Susan Dant in the Christian Life Center.

Upcoming Events: Columbus Ohio Mission Trip June 10-14 Boston Mission Trip July 25-August 1 Northwest Trip (Seattle and Portland) August

We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise It’s a typical Sunday morning...You arrive in the church parking lot, park your car, and then gather what you’ll need for church: Bible, tithe envelope, and animal to be sacrificed?! Aren’t you glad that isn’t the case? Because of Christ’s supreme sacrifice on the cross, we no longer have to sacrifice animals in worship as the Israelites of the Old Testament did. Sacrifices were a central part of worship in Israel. The term sacrifice generally refers to any animal or vegetable offering that was either completely or partially burned on an altar as an act of homage to God. Through God’s acceptance of the sacrifice, the worshipper and deity entered a mutually binding relationship. The worshipper offers various self-representative gifts, expecting in return the favor of God. The cross changed all that, and we no longer have to bring sacrifices when we gather to worship… …or do we? You might be familiar with the chorus “We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise”. Ever given thought to what that means? It comes directly from Hebrews 13:15: “…let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise — the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.” (NIV) The bottom line is this: cost is inherit in true worship. Scripture tells us that worship in which we only receive isn’t authentic worship. So what kind of sacrifices are you making to God in worship? In our culture, we might say the sacrifice is that I simply made it to church at all! While God appreciates our attendance, I don’t believe that’s the kind of sacrifice He desires. Look at the Israelites. They travelled great distances with animal sacrifices in tow! No, I believe a sacrifice of praise has more to do with my attitude and actions in worship of God. It comes back to my being engaged during worship. The worshipper who is detached mentally, who literally or figuratively crosses their arms waiting to be blessed is less likely to please God than one who is actively and intentionally confessing His name through scripture, prayer, and song. Am I passionate about glorifying Him in the worship hour, or simply doing my weekly duty by sitting in the sanctuary during the appointed time? Let’s determine to be true worshippers of God, and bring sacrifices of praise each time we gather to worship Him.

Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?

The Lord's Supper is a symbolic act of obedience whereby members of the church, through partaking of the bread and the fruit of the vine, memorialize the death of the Redeemer and anticipate His second coming. -Baptist Faith & Message 2000 On February 22, FBC will observe the Lord’s Supper during both of the morning services. It is so important that we understand the significance and reason for doing this in the church. Please use this brief excerpt from our Discover FBC booklet as a resource to prepare you for our upcoming observance! WHY OBSERVE THE LORD’S SUPPER? The best word to describe the significance of the Lord’s Supper is renewal. Baptism is the first of the two ordinances given by Christ, and the Lord’s Supper is the second. Baptism symbolizes the transformation effected by the gospel; it is thus the ordinance symbolizing our commitment to Christ, our new birth (“bornagain”) and justification (rightstanding before God). The Lord’s Supper proclaims the gospel message of Christ’s death as the sustenance (fuel) of the Christian life. The very elements of bread and juice speak of nourishment and refreshment. Thus, the Lord’s Supper is the ordinance of ongoing sanctification, or the continual renewal and furthering of that initial commitment. By its very nature, baptism is a unique, singular occur-

During both morning worship services. rence, while the Lord’s Supper must HOW DO I PREPARE MYSELF be regularly repeated. FOR THE LORD’S SUPPER? “Let a person examine himself, then, WHAT IS THE LORD’S SUPPER? and so eat of the bread and drink of “For I received from the Lord what I the cup.”-1 Corinthians 11:29 also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was be- • Renewing Our Repentance trayed took bread, and when he had ◊ Confession of sin given thanks, he broke it, and said, ‘This is my body which is for you. Do “If we confess our sins, he is faithful this in remembrance of me.’ In the and just to forgive us our sins and to same way also he took the cup, after cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” supper, saying, ‘This cup is the new -1 John 1:9 covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of • Renewing Our Faith me.’ For as often as you eat this ◊ Recommitment bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, comes.”-1 Corinthians 11:23-26 by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy • It is a reminder (Verse 24) and acceptable to God, which is your • It is a symbol (Verse 25) spiritual act of worship.”-Romans 12:1 • It is a statement of faith (Verse 26) • Renewing Our Love The renewal called for by the Lord’s ◊ Restoring our relationships Supper looks back to the past in remembrance, looks around in the pre- “So if you are offering your gift at the sent to the fellowship we experience altar and there remember that your with Christ and the body of believers, brother has something against you, and looks ahead to the second com- leave your gift there before the altar ing of Christ. and go. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer WHO SHOULD TAKE THE your gift.” LORD’S SUPPER? -Matthew 5:23-24 Only those who are already believers. “For, in the first place, when you WHEN, AND HOW OFTEN, SHOULD WE come together as a church…” OBSERVE THE LORD’S SUPPER? -1 Corinthians 11:18 Jesus never said when or how often believers should observe the Lord’s “For anyone who eats and drinks with- Supper. At FBC Owensboro, we obout discerning the body eats and serve the Lord’s Supper periodically drinks judgment on himself.” during our Sunday morning or Sunday -1 Corinthians 11:29 evening Worship services.

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

“In loving our neighbors, we are showing that we value the fact that they, too, are works of our God and created in His image. We, as Christians, should be marked by a posture of

Matthew 22:36-40 Martin Luther reasoned that if to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind is the greatest commandment, then not to do so must be the greatest sin. How are you doing with loving God? Loving God is a vertical relationship between the individual and God. Jesus cautions in Matthew 15:8, “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.” What are you doing for God? Is your service more for yourself or for Him? Are you caught up in a religious activity or are you truly seeking to be a follower of Christ? Often, I re-

love and generosity

peat that God’s primary love language is obedience. So to faithfully

towards others.”

express our love for Him we must learn and listen about how to obey Him, and then actually obey. Do you love Him more than all other things this world has to offer? Is He the master you serve? His desire is for you to rest in Him, enjoy His words, and follow His guidance. Jesus goes on and gives a second commandment, and this involves our horizontal relationship with humanity, “Love your neighbor as your-

self.” In a recent sermon Pastor Paul taught us that our

emotional needs, but the act of love must go further than

neighbor is anyone we come in contact with: a friend, a

that. Our actions give us the opportunity to make Christ

co-worker, and even an enemy. In loving our neighbors,

known. If Christians do not share the Gospel* (*pg. 15) –

we are showing that we value the fact that they, too, are

with words – the story will not be told. Kevin DeYoung and

works of our God and created in His image. We, as Chris-

Greg Gilbert in their book, What is the Mission of the

tians, should be marked by a posture of love and gener-

Church? state this about good deeds which are not ac-

osity towards others.

companied with a proclamation about Jesus: “When you do those things, you also need to know and admit that

Practical ways you can love your neighbor:

you are not fulfilling part of the church’s mission, you are

The handy man can offer to make repairs for the sin-

not ‘expanding the borders of the kingdom,’ and you are

gle mom or widow who lives down the street.

not ‘sharing the gospel without words.’ You are simply

Someone who loves to teach can offer to go down

doing things that redeemed human beings do. You are

to the Baptist Center once a week and tutor a stu-

living as a human being who has been saved and regen-

dent struggling with reading or math homework.

erated by the grace of God. And who knows? Maybe

Find out how you can pray for your co-worker. Pray

the next time you buy the guy a sandwich, you’ll have

specifically, and then follow-up to see how you can

time to explain why you’re doing it in the first place!”

continue to pray and direct praises to God. •

Bake a meal for a neighbor when you know they

My supervisor for the Salt Lake City Olympic ministries

have a family member sick and/or have a spouse

taught me this: “Meet needs to earn the right to share

traveling out of town on business.

yourself. When sharing about yourself, be intentional with

Go on a mission trip with the church to connect with

the moment, and share what Jesus has done and is do-

new people and serve the partner church in loving

ing.” Meeting needs allows you to build bridges with oth-

their neighbors.

ers, but we cannot stop there. The follower of Christ then

Plan to set aside part of your next vacation to serve in

needs to use that bridge to connect the individual to

the community where you will be (learn more:

Christ. Displaying the Gospel must be followed by declar- The follower of Christ loves their neighbor when they address their physical and

ing the Gospel.

Continued on page 15

Be in prayer for our preschoolers as we start to focus on missions and our missionaries in the month of February. Missions Market will be open through the month of March.

All items for sale in the Missions Market are made by our preschoolers.

All proceeds will go to First on Mission.

Sunday, February 25 after all worship services at the new entrance.

Saturday, February 21 9:00 am in the Fellowship Hall

A Love Offering will be collected and all proceeds will go to Friends of Sinners

What is Friends of Sinners? Friends of Sinners is committed to providing a safe, structured, post treatment environment, in which residents can establish a strong, spiritual foundation in recovery; while most importantly building a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Friends of Sinners is a long term facility that focuses on the restoration of addictions through the transforming of the mind. Their desire is to teach students how to apply biblical principles to daily life. Unlike secular programs, they intend to make clear who God is and believe that whatever you win a person with is what you win them to.

Come out and support this wonderful organization...

Jonathan Creek Camp July 19-22 We are excited about taking our current 2nd-6th graders to Jonathan Creek July 19-22. This will be their first time to attend this camp. Please mark these camp dates on your calendar NOW.

First payment due on February 2.

COST: $253 Payment Due Dates: Feb. 2nd $100 April 1st $100 June 1st $53

Sign up online at

Cinderella Ball Friday, February 27 at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall Dress is dressy dress and the cost is $30 per couple and $40 for three.

Reservations must be made online at no later than Wednesday, February 25.

Payment in full is needed by February 25 and may also be paid online.

What does it mean to love your neighbor? Just that question recalls memories of various sermons, bible readings, and words of wisdom from spiritual leaders throughout the years. We read the red letters of Matthew 22, we nod in agreement with Jesus, and we give the appropriate “amens” when we hear the passage preached, but what does it mean to “love your neighbor”? As the great 1990’s poet (Toby Mac of DC Talk) once wrote, “Love is a Verb.” So what does it mean to “love” your neighbor? Loving our neighbor is not merely nodding in agreement with Jesus’ words or amening a sermon. It is about action. Its about being the hands and feet of Jesus. It’s about helping the hurting, caring for the abandoned, neglected, and weak. It’s about compassion, sympathy, and empathy. So love is action…but to what end? There is a lot of “love” in the world. You can’t go a day without reading or watching something that talks about love. We “love” sports, animals, The Voice, kids, our spouse and a myriad of other things. The true picture of love is sacrifice (action). We see the greatest act of love in the history of mankind displayed on the pages of Scripture. We see God become a man and die a sacrificial death in order to restore a relationship with those who have rejected him. That is action. That is love. So what does love look like for us practically? Sure, we can volunteer at various places helping the weak, abandoned, and neglected, but again, to what end? Do these activities make us feel better about ourselves? Sure they do, but, as believers, is that what we are after? The end game for us is that God is glorified. He is glorified when we love our neighbors. Our neighbors are our family members, Muslims, atheists, Hindus, agnostics, etc. How can we love them? The first thing we can do is to introduce them to Jesus, who IS love!

“We ‘love’ sports, animals, The Voice, kids, our spouse and a myriad of other things. The true picture of love is sacrifice (action).




greatest act of love in the history of mankind displayed on the pages of Scripture. We see God become a man and die a sacrificial death in order to restore a relationship with those who have

Our students, over the last four months, have been seeking out one person in Owensboro to share with about the love of Christ. We have 50 of our students praying for one person in this community who needs a relationship with Jesus. Some of our students have had the opportunity to engage their “ONE” with the gospel. Two months ago, one of our students told our group that their “ONE” had come to faith the weekend before at a youth event in our community! I encourage all of us to continue to pray for our students as they impact our community with the Gospel. Parents, be intentional in asking your student about their “ONE”, encourage them to press on, and hold them accountable to sharing the love of Christ. So how do we love our neighbor? We do this, first and foremost, by sharing about the sacrifice that Christ made on our behalf. May we love our neighbor, no matter how young or old, so that our “neighbors” come to faith in Christ for the glory of His name.

rejected him. That is action. That is love.”

A Fuller Heart for Him Seed Casters in Seattle Our family of six desperately seeks to love the Lord our God with all of heart, all of our soul, all of our mind, and all of our strength. We seek to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Loving God. Loving people. Our everyday life in Seattle is just that. As we live out each day as a family, we cast the seed of the Gospel, trusting God to tend to His harvest. One of the many ways we have seen God at work occurs on Wednesday nights. We currently have 11 teenagers in the 7th grade who come weekly to fellowship Greg and Shelly Fuller and to hear the Gospel. Only four of the students are churched. Over the holiPictured left to right Shelby, Nash, Eden & Noell days, we shared with the group about Operation Christmas Child. We watched many of the videos which led many of them to tears, which then led to action. How exciting it was to ransack Target with these 11 students to prepare boxes to send overseas. Excitingly enough, we had 16 boxes packed and dropped off for children in need overseas. The students that packed boxes needed the very same thing that the children overseas needed, the love of Christ. How deep, how wide is the love of Christ! Pray for these students as they see and hear the Gospel in our home and in the world around them. Soon after Operation Christmas Child, we started another series focused on Uganda. Compassion International has produced a series called "Step Into My Shoes". Over several weeks, the students watched a video series of a Ugandan Pastor and his family living out the Gospel with the bare necessities, but the overwhelming joy of Christ. The students struggled viewing poverty and the lack of health and safety provision. However, one of the most moving moments for the students was watching the Ugandan church service. They saw followers of Christ worshiping with great praise because it was all they had. The students watched the church members bring their offerings of a few coins and even corn stalks for the church. Our purpose of the videos was to help the students see how big this world is, and the very God of Uganda desires a relationship with each of them. Shelly and Shelby, mom and oldest daughter, upon reading this, will have traveled to Uganda to meet Sharon, their sponsored Compassion Child of six years. These two have raised over $8,000 to participate in the trip, but will experience the opportunity of a lifetime. The purpose of the trip was to serve as a rite of passage to womanhood for our daughter, who turned 13 in September. Pray for them as they return in early February. Pray for the share service we will host in our home. Many of the people who have supported them financially on this trip have no relationship with Christ. Our hopes are for people to come and see the pictures of Uganda, hear the stories, but not walk away with a feeling of accomplishment in helping them, but the fingerprints of Christ on their lives and the invitation to go and tell others the Good News they've heard about Christ. We invite you to pray for us when we cross your mind. Pray for Greg and Shelly and our leadership in the Lynnwood Community. Pray we will not grow comfortable now having lived six and a half years in Seattle. Pray for our relationship with one another and with our children. Pray for Shelby (13), Nash (10), Noell (9), and Eden (7). Pray our children will find their hope and joy in the Lord. Pray for our family as we seek to have Fuller Hearts. We invite you to join us.

The greatest mission field is as close as the door next to you.

MISSIONS Sunday, March 15

On Sunday, March 15 we will focus on missions at home and abroad. We will give you tools and information to help you prayerfully make decisions on how you will answer the call in 2015.


OHIO VALLEY WILL GRAHAM CELEBRATION April 24-26, 2015, at the Owensboro Convention Center The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) is mobilizing our churches to impact our community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Will Graham is the evangelist for this celebration. Begin praying now and more details will be shared in the days ahead on how you can get involved.








1. That the voices of believers in this region would be raised to exalt His name.

2. That believers would have a hunger for righteousness.

3. That in this region people would abandon destructive pursuits and begin to look for God.

4. That we as the church would repent of thinking that we are better than other “sinners”, but realize God loves us all.

5. That our hearts would be filled with faith for the salvation of friends and family.

6. That areas of our region that has been destroyed by the enemy would be restored.

7. That the Holy Spirit of God would hover over the Ohio Valley and satan would be defeated.

8. For God to restore everything that the enemy has stolen from His people.

9. For an outpouring of the Holy Spirit marked by repentance and change.

10. That we as children of God would be willing to stand in that gap for someone who needs Christ.

11. That God would begin to move in life changing ways in our community.

12. That God would cover, protect, bless and lead our children.

13. That every burden problem, sickness, failure or problem would be turned over to God.

14. That God would make us a people that truly love our neighbors as ourselves.

15. That our hearts would be moved to give financially to support the work of this Celebration.

16. For the salvation of entire households and members of families.

17. That our youth would find God relevant and His spirit would be poured out on their generation as they seek Him.

18. That brokenness, misunderstandings & unfaithfulness will be replaced by trust, reconciliation & unity in homes and families.

19. That blind eyes would be opened to who Jesus really is.

20. That money, prestige and material things would lose their luster held up to the union we can have in Christ.

21. That God would heal those living with guilt and regret and draw them to Himself.

22. For the prodigals and backsliders to experience His love and come “home” to Him.

23. That God would heal past hurts and wounds that have created a wall for His children.

24. That there would be no spirit of covetousness, greet or pride in the hearts of the people of God.

25. For God to be present in our lives, our marriages, our families and our homes.

26. For God’s grace to cover someone you know that needs a touch/move from Him.

27. That God would raise up more people who would speak boldly for Him without fear.

28. That the message of hope would find a way into the lives of those lost to sin.

The Lord your God in your midst, the Mighty One will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love. He will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17

Love your Neighbor Continued from page 9 Let us as a church staff continue to encourage, equip, and pray for you as you seek to love God and love your neighbor. Keep pressing on, build relationships with others, and share what God has done, is doing, and is going to do. Then let the Holy Spirit do His work.

*What does the word Gospel mean? Good News. It is telling people that even though we live in a sinful world, there is a creator God who sent His son, Jesus, to rescue people from their sin. Jesus lived the perfect life and through His death, He is able to cover those sins and restore us to God. Jesus was buried, but did not stay in the grave. He went to heaven on the third day following his death, and is there preparing a place for all believers to live with Him for eternity. Those who believe this, turn from their past mistakes, and put their trust in Jesus will obtain peace with God. Then ask the individual if they want to respond to be a follower of Jesus.

CLC Hours Monday & Tuesday 6:30 am-9:00 pm Wednesday 6:30 am-4:30 pm Thursday 6:30 am-9:00 pm Friday 6:30 am-1:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am-3:00 pm

Sunday Schedule 8:30 am

Classic Service

9:45 am

Sunday School

11:00 am

Elevate Service

5:30 pm

Financial Peace University

6:00 pm

Evening Service

February 1

See Sunday Schedule 4:30 pm

NOTE: Evening Service Time Change (Super Bowl)

• •

February 1 (Super Bowl) Evening Service at 4:30 February 1 (Financial Peace) will not meet

OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4:30 pm Friday 8:00 am-1:00 pm

February 4

See Wednesday Schedule

February 6

7:00 am

Finance Meeting

February 7

7:30 am

Disaster Relief Training Russellville, KY

Wednesday Schedule 12:00 pm

February 8

See Sunday Schedule

February 11

See Wednesday Schedule

February 15

See Sunday Schedule

Prayer Meeting Fellowship Hall

7:00 pm February 18

4:45 pm

Family Supper

5:45 pm


6:00 pm

Go & Tell, Awana Youth and Adult Bible Studies

February 21

Deacon Meeting See Wednesday Schedule

9:00 am

Friends of Sinners Breakfast in the

7:00 pm

Fellowship Hall (pg. 10) February 22

See Sunday Schedule

Choir Rehearsal

Lord’s Supper in morning Worship services (pg. 7) February 25

See Wednesday Schedule Missions Market (pg. 10)

February 27

6:00 pm

February 28

Cinderella Ball (pg. 11) Youth to Paoli ($40)

If more information is available about an event, you will see a page number following the title.






Sr. Adults

Church wide

If one

New Church Member

member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. 1 Corinthians 12:26

Joshua Laskey Profession of Faith January 11

Orval Vancil Transfer of Letter January 18

Sympathy Christian love and sympathy to • Gayla and Rick Hoffman in the death of her father, Suzie Horner and Jeff Willis in the death of their uncle, Junior Wells on December 23. • Diane Farmer and family in the death of her mother, Phyllis Farmer on December 27 • Tim, Todd and Tony Camp and families in the death of their mother, Gay Camp on December 27 • Cindy McComas and family in the death of her husband, Mike McComas on December 30 • Maddie and Gerald Jones in the death of her brother, Quenton Northington on January 11 • and The McCool family in the death of Chris McCool on January 17.

Congratulations • •

Reports on this page are December 15 through January 18.

BJ and Sarah Berryhill on the birth of their daughter, Sutton Claire on November 14. Grandparents are John and Becky Mobley. Michael and Christina King on the birth of their daughter, Adelyse Pauline on December 30. Grandparents are Kenny and Judy Stodghill. Rush & Kathryn Witt on the birth of their daughter, Ella Grace on January 18. Grandparents are Grey and Ellen Hurt.

November 6 & 7, 2015

Liz Curtis Higgs

Angie Smith

Featuring Liz Curtis Higgs, Angie Smith & Merge Worship We have had such an overwhelming response from presales that we have extended sales here at the church for the lower cost of $40 per ticket. Limited discount tickets available.

270.687.2770 Don't miss this great opportunity! or visit our FB page, Connecting Women Conference for event and ticket information.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. Hebrews 12:1

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