2 Corinthians 5:14-15
Inside: The Love of Christ by Denny Waldroup God @ Work First on Mission
App: First Baptist Owensboro Facebook: FBC Owensboro Instagram: fbcowb Twitter: @fbcowb 270.683.3505 | fbcowb.org PASTOR, Paul Strahan pstrahan@fbcowb.org ADMINISTRATION and MINISTER TO SENIOR ADULTS Bob Farmer bfarmer@fbcowb.org
Connect with Paul
God @ Work
MINISTER OF DISCIPLESHIP Wesley Dunn wdunn@fbcowb.org
Connect with... Recreation
MINISTER TO CHILDREN Suzie Horner shorner@fbcowb.org MINISTER TO STUDENTS Will Smith wsmith@fbcowb.org INTERIM RECREATION/COLLEGE Brent Phillips bphillps@fbcowb.org
Senior Adults/Administration Worship Discipleship 8
by Denny Waldroup
MINISTER OF MUSIC Derry Billingsley dbillingsley@fbcowb.org PRESCHOOL/WOMEN’S MINISTRY COORDINATOR Cheryl Goss cgoss@fbcowb.org
The Love of Christ Connect with... Preschool/Women’s Ministry Children Students
FOM (Greg & Shelly Fuller)
Onward Bible Study
OFFICE MANAGER Judi West jwest@fbcowb.org
Connect for Future Generations
Calendar of Events
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS Michele Burton mburton@fbcowb.org Susan Dant sdant@fbcowb.org Maeghan Adams madams@fbcowb.org
Connect with One Another
FINANCIAL SUPERVISOR Barbara Wright bwright@fbcowb.org
This month is known as the month of love. We as followers of Christ know that love is a characteristic we should be expressing at all times. Jesus was questioned as to what was the greatest commandment, and His response was, “To love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.” He then proceeded to give the second greatest commandment, even though He wasn’t asked. The second greatest is, “to love your neighbor as yourself.” Have you ever stopped to consider what would happen if followers of Jesus Christ loved God and loved others in that way? What difference would it make in your family? How would your school or workplace be transformed if you loved God and people with all your being? As the ripple of loving God and others begins to broaden, what would your neighborhood, our community, and even our state look like? Would things change? Jesus also told us that people would know we are His disciples “if we love one another!” How is this possible? Listen to what Rick Warren pastor of Saddleback Community Church says. The only reason we’re able to love is because God loves us: “Love comes from God … because God is love” (1 John 4:7-8 NIV). We were created in God’s image to do two things on earth: Learn to love God and learn to love other people. Life is all about love. But love all started with God. He loved us first, and that gives us the ability to love others (1 John 4:19). The only reason you can love God or love anybody else is because God first loved you. And he showed that love by sending Jesus Christ to earth to die for you. He showed that love by creating you. He showed that love by everything you have in life; it’s all a gift of God’s love.
In order to love others and to become great lovers, we first need to understand and feel how much God loves us. We don’t want to just talk about love, read about love, or discuss love; our need is to experience the love of God. We need to reach a day when we finally, fully understand how God loves us completely and unconditionally. We need to become secure in the truth that we cannot make God stop loving us. Once we’re secure inside God’s unconditional love, we’ll start cutting people a lot of slack. We won’t be as angry as we’ve been. We’ll be more patient. We’ll be more forgiving. We’ll be more merciful. We’ll give others grace. But you cannot give to others what you have not received yourself, and as you learn how much God loves you; you’ll also let him heal your heart so that his love can flow freely through you. It’s impossible to love others until you really feel loved yourself. Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. (1 John 4:7-11 NIV) I love you, Paul Strahan
How does the love of Christ compel or control your life? CHIPBROWN
open I continued to feel God tugging at my heart, so I
Christ's love for me compels me to try to think of others’
nervously emailed Cheryl Goss and volunteered to
feelings, instead of only my own. Before coming to know
teach. What a blessing God chose for me. I never imag-
Him, it was always just me first. Now if I wrong someone, I
ined the love I would have for these sweet children.
will think about it later and always feel the need to go
When I think about Christ's love for me, for all of us, I am
back and apologize or try to make things right with that
amazed. God loves us more than we can comprehend.
person. Christ's love also makes me see others in a little different light. Just as I am prone to messing things up,
Each day I thank God for His love and I pray that I can
others can mess up or wrong me and maybe not even
love others, just as Christ loves me. I pray that as a wife,
realize it. That makes me not take it so hard if someone
mother, and teacher I can live my life in a way that re-
says something offensive to me. If Christ loves me
flects Christ's love, a love that is patient, kind, and un-
enough to forgive me of all I have done, then I must for-
give others as well. Christ's love helps control my attitude when things are not going the way that I think they
should. When I am at work, I try to remember to "work as
I wish I could say Christ’s love controls me every day, but
if for the LORD" and it seems to make things go more
it is a struggle. Christ’s willing sacrifice on the cross was
smoothly. As a result of Christ's love, when I see someone
the ultimate way to show His love to a lost and dying
who seems to have everything but does not know the
world. Sadly, Christ’s love in me isn’t evident to everyone
LORD, I realize that I am the one who has what really
each day. In my career, I sometimes come across many
people who have nothing nice to say to me when they see me. Sometimes I can focus on Christ in those situa-
tions and wonder what it is that makes them so angry. By
God introduced me to a whole new meaning of love
focusing on Him it keeps me calm. I tell myself, “He loves
when I became a mother. This immediate love for such
them, too!" At other times I lose focus and have to bite
a little person was the most incredible, indescribable
my lip, but He still loves me. We were working on a big
feeling I had ever experienced. God has blessed my
project and had gotten an earful from many people in
husband and me with three wonderful children; every
the public. One man came up to my partner and me,
day my love for them grows deeper. As a mother, I am
and I volunteered to talk to him. The conversation did
called to love, nurture, and care for my children and
not start out well. The guy was really mad. I prayed for
with that I have been given an opportunity for tremen-
calmness and for God to choose my
dous influence in the lives of my children and the chil-
words. I was able to remain relatively
dren I teach each Sunday.
calm and by the end of the conversation the man was smiling and
When God first called me to teach the two year olds, I
we were shaking hands.
was convinced I was too busy. As the position remained
day that I can focus on Christ, I
? see people in a different way, a better way, but it is only
because of Christ’s love for me that I am able to do that.
There are many factors that maneuver for my allegiance and for the steering wheel of my life. Many are of hu-
man nature such as consumption, pleasure, and com-
As I clasped my silver and gold cross bracelet with a
fort. Others are taught to me by my culture, such as self-
small pearl, I had to reflect on why I wear a beautiful
cross. It is clear to me – it is a reminder of the greatest
ceptance. Being part of the church “culture” my entire
act of love anyone has ever shown. Jesus was willing to
life, it is easy to “normalize” the Gospel story as part of
be separated from God the Father on a cruel cross, so
our culture.
that I could be united with Him now, and for eterni-
through the guiding of the Holy Spirit, my spiritual “eyes”
ty. Jesus’ love for me compels the choices I make in
open enough through grace to begin to see the enormi-
life. As a young college graduate I thought I “loved”
ty of the love gift He has given me through the sacrifice
math and wanted a profession using it. However, God
of His Son. It becomes evident that the aforementioned
not only showed me that He had given me the ability to
factors that fought for my “steering wheel” are contrary
understand math, but also that I was to love people. His
to how God wants me to live my life in service to Him. At
love compelled me to be separated from my family in
first, I am grieved by the influence those factors have
order to share the message of Christ through ministry in
had on my life. However, that same grace allows me to
Lake of the Ozarks for two years when I returned home.
see the sufficiency of His forgiveness and the possibility
He led me to a profession and place where I could not
and beauty of walking in the life He has intended for me
only use my talents, but also have relationships where I
- a life of trusting and fellowshipping with Him, of taking
could share the love of Christ. I hope and pray that my
chances on meeting and helping others see that same
work with teenagers, through teaching math, conveys
plan for their lives, and ultimately seeing the Kingdom of
the love of Christ through my everyday words and ac-
God grow around me.
Through bible study and prayer, and
A little over 11 years ago I came to FBC for the first time as a junior in high
Monday & Tuesday 6:30 am-9:00 pm
compassion from every church member. It was at FBC that God saved me and
Wednesday 6:30 am-4:30 pm Thursday 6:30 am-9:00 pm Friday 6:30 am-1:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am-3:00 pm
school. I was a student looking for hope in a world that offered more questions than answers. From the first moment I walked into the church, I felt love and radically changed my life. Over the last 11 years I have always known FBC was a refuge for me and for so many other people. It is a place that loves the Lord and longs to see people grow in holiness. FBC is the place where I first felt the call to full-time ministry. It was the place that offered me a job as a Recreation Assistant for the first time in 2005. During that time so many in the church invested in my life. First Baptist was also the first church to offer me a full-time ministry position when I came on in 2012 as Interim Student Minster. My passion for the Lord and for ministry has grown every day because of the impact this church has had on my life. In 2014 it was here at First Baptist that I was ordained into gospel ministry. I will forever be humbled by the investment that so many of you have had on my life and I know I would not be the person I am today without each member of this church. I am truly excited to be back on staff as the Interim Minister of Recreation and College. Anyone who knows me knows that my passion is to see people come to know Christ as Lord and Savior. At First Baptist our vision is “Building Bridges. Connecting to Christ.� and I believe that the Christian Life Center can be a bridge between the community and the Church. I am really looking forward to seeing how the CLC can become more of a bridge to the community, ultimately seeing more people come to know Christ as Lord. I am also excited to be working with college students. In Owensboro there are thousands of college students who do not know Christ and who are not plugged into the church. I look forward to reaching out and ministering to these students. I am thankful to be back serving alongside each and every one of you!
Financial Report – 2015 We had a tremendous end of the year giving for 2015. Our total contribution for 2015 was $3.6 million, which includes our Connect for Future Generations offering. Total Budget Contributions:
Actual Expenses:
Net Contributions:
$159,119.74 (Surplus)
First on Missions:
Connect/Future Generations: $1,071,025.78 In the 2015 year end Business meeting we will discuss how we will distribute the surplus funds. Thank you for your faithfulness to His church. We are excited to see what God has in store for us in 2016.
PERA Committee Update The PERA Committee has been receiving updates from RBS Design Group on our progress with the Phase II project. We expect to receive the bid documents by the first week of March and with the approval of the PERA Committee, the bids will go out the second week of March. Pending completion of these, our deadline for all bids to be submitted to the church would be the first week of April. Once the bids have been received, the PERA Committee will bring a recommendation to the church to proceed with construction of Phase II. Please continue to pray for this very important process.
T H I S &
Our next Mystery Lunch trip is planned for Thursday, February 25th (weather permitting). Come join us for a great time of fellowship and to survive the winter blues.
Mission Trips – 2016 We are planning to return to Boston for Serve Medford Week July 23-30. This trip is open to anyone who may be interested in serving with Redemption Hill Church and Tanner Turley. If you are interested, please contact Bob Farmer at your earliest convenience. Details of the trip will be available by the end of February.
Washington DC Trip We have planned a trip to Washington DC on September 19-23. The trip will include tours of the White House, Pentagon, Capitol, and an evening tour of all the monuments. It will also include visiting several museums. The cost of the trip will be finalized no later than mid-February. We only have 20 spaces available, so if you are interested, please contact Susan Dant to confirm your spot on the trip.
Christ’s love for me first became apparent through my parents. Not only in words, but also in actions. They were quick to nurture, give a hug when needed, and make me feel safe. I thank God for revealing His love and nature through them. However, there were moments that did not feel all that great. When I was about seven years old, I ran from my dad out of fear. You see, I was a bit of a whiner at that age (Okay...more than a bit...a full-fledged whiner). My father had told me that the next time I whined I would be punished. He made his expectation of my behavior abundantly clear, and I knew there would be a consequence if I whined. My brother, sister, and I were playing football (or kickball, I don’t remember) in the front yard. I didn’t like how the game was going, so I began to whine. Evidently I continued to the point that my brother, having heard enough, turned toward the house and announced, “I’m telling Dad.” The panic was visceral and complete, and I ran to the edge of our yard and hid behind our neighbor’s tree, and there I stayed. After a few minutes (which felt more like hours) I watched my father come out the front door, and heard him call my name. I didn’t move a muscle. Now, all of this may seem funny to you, but as I recall, it was anything but funny. It was the stuff of which nightmares are made. I watched him walk around the house, not once, but twice, calling for me all the while. I began to cry, partly out of fear, and partly because I knew my life on earth was over. As the tears flowed, I realized it was useless to hide any longer, so I cried loud enough for him to hear. I vividly remember seeing him, through my tears, look my way. He then jogged toward me. At that moment, I did not realize the depth of my father’s love for me. Real love has a higher expectation. Real love cares. Had my parents not cared, they would not have set expectations for my behavior nor disciplined me. I also thank God that not only did they set boundaries for my behavior, they told me what would happen if I crossed those boundaries…and followed through with consequences when I disobeyed. Out of His love for us, our Father in heaven corrects our behavior, but we tend to dislike it. Change is uncomfortable, and takes effort we had rather not exert. Our attitude toward change reveals our pride. At times, as in the case with my Dad, it can be downright painful. This is why most folks view discipline in a negative light. Perhaps you have heard the time-worn phrase, “God loves me just as I am, and loves me enough not to leave me that way.” Real love disciplines. Hebrews 12:6 says, “…the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.” God’s way brings full life and peace; our way does not. It is out of love that God has set boundaries for us, and uses consequences of our actions to correct our misbehavior to point us back to Him. Thank God for a higher expectation of us to remain in His way, and for His love that disciplines.
Throughout the year, there are people in our church
work that they allow the Spirit of God to do through
that serve many of you in ways that you may or may
them. I also want to encourage you to take the oppor-
not be aware of. They spend countless hours of their
tunity to tell them "Thank You" as well. Most of us will
week praying for you, organizing visits and meals, coor-
never know how much they do, but that's just the
dinating fellowships, preparing to teach you the Bible,
point...many of them don't want you to...they "work
and many other things. These people make up our Sun-
heartily, as for the Lord and not for men" (Colossians
day School leadership.
3:23)...and for that I am thankful!
Some of them are teachers.
Some of them are directors. Others are record keepers. Some are recognized by other titles in their groups. In any case, they are working each week to serve the body of Christ so that we might "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18). I want to publicly say "Thank You" to them for the
...work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men..." Colossians 3:23
Sunday, February 21 3-7 pm in Room 202
For new church members or those wanting to learn more about FBC!
Meal & Child-care provided
Register by Wednesday, February 17 www.fbcowb.org * 270.683.3505 * mburton@fbcowb.org
I find that anytime I examine a Scripture passage, it helps to put it into the context of its historical setting. The overarching context of both First and Second Corinthians is one of the Apostle Paul writing to correct serious spiritual problems at a troubled church. Paul’s critics had basically accused him of not being a true apostle (1 Corinthians 9:2) and thus not qualified to instruct and/or correct them in spiritual matters. His critics put their emphasis and measured spirituality on outward appearances – especially ecstatic experiences. In 1 Corinthians 14:18-19, Paul implies that he intentionally refrained from such expression. In the minds of his critics, his refraining proved Paul was unspiritual and unworthy. Therefore, Paul spends a great deal of time in 2 Corinthians defending his apostleship and his ministry. For example, he cites in his defense, in chapters 6 and 11, the hardships endured for the gospel, in chapter 10, his fruitful ministry in Corinth, his Jewish heritage (like the other apostles) in chapter 11, and his unique vision of Heaven in chapter 13. However, in the midst of this vigorous defense, Paul clearly defines his motivation for service and ministry in 2 Corinthians 5:14-15. Paul was gripped by the fact that the far-reaching, positively cosmic impact of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection was driven by Christ’s sacrificial love. This understanding led to his unshakeable conclusion, that because of those cosmic consequences, all who believe are no longer justified to live for their own purposes, but rather for the greater, more noble and effectual purposes of Christ. What “no longer living for ourselves” looked like in the life of Paul was serving others. It was a willingness to forego the comforts of a well educated, and therefore, likely, well-off life of a Pharisee. It was a willingness to suffer hunger, criticism, slander, lies, scorn, hatred, torture, life-threatening circumstances, even imprisonment, and ultimately martyrdom for the sake of the gospel. For the Apostle Paul, no cost was unreasonable. I believe that when Paul uses the phrase “the love of Christ compels us …”, he had in mind the motive that sent him on mission, but also that which restrained him from seeking his own advantage and bound him to the cross. Dr. David George, in the Layman’s Bible Book Commentary points out that the word translated “compels”, or “controls” in some translations, carries the idea of pressure that confines and limits. Thus, Christ’s love motivated him to spread the gos-
pel and also kept Paul from doing anything that would limit or harm the gospel message. Dr. George concludes, for Paul, “both the motive and the message flow from the cross”. It follows then that Paul believed that to live for one’s self is sin. Therefore, to live for Christ is to live for and serve others (loving your neighbor as yourself). It meant willingly foregoing your rights for the sake of the gospel and the growth of believers. In dealing with the Corinthians, Paul could have demanded his “rights” as an apostle, like the instance cited in 1 Corinthians 9:5, where he noted he had to right to marry a wife like Peter and the other apostles. However, the love of Christ compelled him to not marry for more effective ministry. Likewise, it was the motivation for Paul’s comment in 1 Corinthians 8:13, “Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble.” (Paul was addressing the problem of meat sacrificed in pagan temples and sold in the meat markets.) This willingness to surrender his “rights” flowed from the cross just like his passion for evangelism and willingness to endure hardship. So what should the love of Christ compelling me look like in my life? Even though the Greek word translated “compel” carries the idea of restricting or limiting, for me, it actually frees me to express my passion for expanding the gospel by serving others. At FBC, what that looks like is: Care-Net baby showers, New Life meals, nursery volunteers, mission
2 Corinthians 5:14-15 For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that
trips, AWANA, Vacation Bible School, jail ministry, music and worship
one died for all,
ministry, Build-a-Bed, teaching Sunday School, iPlay Soccer, just to
and therefore all died.
name a few. To love my neighbor as myself, is to seek their welfare, even at personal cost to myself. It also means that I choose to voluntar-
And he died for all,
ily limit the exercise of my “rights” so as not to hinder the gospel in any
that those who live
way. Today there are many gray areas within our society and culture. By gray areas, I mean areas not specifically addressed by Scripture. I
should no longer live
routinely experience many of these but particularly in the areas of en-
for themselves but for him
tertainment and recreation. Some of these are not prohibited (you can fill in the blanks), but could “cause my brother to stumble”. So like Paul, I must let the love of Christ compel me to not seek personal benefit for the sake of the gospel and my brothers and sisters in Christ. Just because it is not illegal, does not make it right. Yet, the irony is that I don’t feel cheated or short-changed by giving these things up. So the compulsion from the love of Christ is for me both motivating and controlling. It sends me on mission, motivates me for service and it restrains me from seeking my own advantage. In short, it binds me to the message of the cross.
by Denny Waldroup
who died for them and was raised again.
“The desire to live a life pleasing to Jesus and serve Him
Him out one day we will find excuses for it to happen
joyfully expresses our love for Him. This is only possible
again and again and eventually a month has gone by
when His life becomes more important than our own.�
and we have not opened the Word for ourselves. This is making our lives and all that we do more important than
OUCH! Does this step on your toes like it did mine? A
dear friend shared this with me one morning and it put me in a place of wonder. Am I truly serving joyfully? Am I
He is the one who came and died on the cross for our
pleasing Him in all I do? Does my life show His im-
sins and made our lives most important to Him. What a
beautiful picture this is for you and I to find joy in. Each day we have a decision to wake up and live for Him.
As the beginning of 2016 approached, it was a great
Each day we have a decision to wake up and show His
time to evaluate my life and what was taking prece-
goodness and love to the ones we come in contact
dence in my daily walk. 2015 was a great year and I saw
God move in many different ways in my life; however, did I truly show what He was doing?
God has placed us in every season of our life for reasons we may not understand. We must find joy in the busy
With crazy schedules, work, multiple kids, and a hus-
schedules, work, and all that life throws at us. We must
band, I will admit that some days I did not serve Him joy-
make His life more important than our own by being in
fully. I let these components in life take over and be-
His word and allowing Him to take precedence in all we
come the precedence in my life which in turn knocks
do. Live a joyful life pleasing to Him!
the one and only true God out of my daily schedule. Oh how the enemy loves for this to happen. Once we leave
Father and Sons (K-5th grade) come to the man cave on the third floor (Room 300) for the VIDEO GAMING NIGHT of the year! Food and drinks will be provided. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
Cost: $5 per person
Contact Suzie at shorner@fbcowb.org for additional information.
Sunday Nights January 31-March 20 5:30-7:00 pm
Sunday Nights 5:30-7:00 pm MS & HS Guys Host Homes Middle School Girls Host Homes
January 31
Will Smith 3576 Calumet Trace
February 7
Evan Overall
January 31
Alli Burgan ........................ 1406 Briarwoods
February 7
Suzie Horner ..................... 1723 Sterling Valley
February 14
Not Meeting
February 14
Not Meeting
February 21
Abigail Schrock ............... 3152 Spring Run
February 21
Sam & Seth Johnson
February 28
Alli Burgan ........................ 1406 Briarwoods
March 6
Maggie Bacon ................ 3740 Haywood Ct
March 13
Sloan Anderson............... 2117 Summer Walk
March 20
Bev Smith ......................... 3576 Calumet Trace
High School Girls Host Homes January 31
Katherine Strahan........... 3026 Creek Branch Cove
February 7
Rebecca Browning ........ 2738 Hillbrooke Pkwy
February 14
Not Meeting
February 21
Erica Houston .................. 3421 Royal Dr
February 28
Ashley Filbeck.................. 2638 Wood Haven
March 6
Anna Gargus ................... 3041 Creek Branch Cove
March 13
Colleen Turner ................. 3872 Bordeaux Loop South
March 20
Danya Moore .................. 1233 Hickory Ln
9048 US HWY 431
3650 Wood Trace February 28
Hayden Billingsley 2160 York Street
March 6
Timothy Tedder 6641 Barcroft Drive
March 13
Nate Dent 1216 Castlewood Place
March 20
Greg and Shelly Shelby, Nash, Noell, Eden, & Kevin We have some exciting changes going on in our family.
position at a nearby Baptist church. It was difficult to
Many of you may not know, but we are in the process of
leave LifePoint, which we helped start over seven years
adopting an 11-year-old boy. All adoptions have a
ago. Since we are still in the same city, we will keep in
unique story and our story is no exception. Although we
touch with the pastor and the members whom we dear-
have had open hearts toward adoption, it never was
ly love. We expect to participate in the soccer sports
more than a casual conversation of "maybe one day". It
camp that many of you have helped sponsor over the
didn't become real until we got a call in September from
years. I'm excited for the new challenge of starting a
Jojo's (Kevin) case worker asking if we wanted to be-
youth ministry from the ground up and continuing to
come his forever family. We had gotten to know Jojo
spread the gospel in Seattle.
over the summer as we took him in temporarily for five weeks, while his foster family went out of state. It didn't
If you follow me on Facebook, you will also see my post
take much time in prayer for us to decide to adopt Jojo
about helping to feed homeless youth in our school dis-
since we already knew him. He has been staying with us
trict. I oversee a program that is tasked with feeding
since October and the adjustment for us all has been
weekend meals to 400 homeless students from kinder-
great. We are hoping the adoption will become final-
garten to high school. I network with over 40 churches to
ized by the end of February.
meet these needs.
Our next big change is that I have taken a youth pastor
In Christ, Greg Fuller and Family
Six sessions beginning February 10 When:
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 pm
Room 315
Leader: Woody Maglinger Author:
Russell Moore serves as the eighth president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Study books will be provided
We have already pledged over $3.64 million and contributed more than $1 million to meet the needs of Future Generations. This is an impressive beginning to the renovation project. I received information of one contribution that was especially intriguing. Someone anonymously placed an envelope in the offering plate containing jewelry. I can't help wondering about the story behind this gift. Who is the donor... is it a widower giving his late wife's jewelry to the Lord...or is it someone who felt compelled to part with some of her jewelry, so that God's house might be better equipped to Connect Future Generations. I love a good mystery, do you? I really don't need an answer to this particular mystery. I am sure we can agree it is a gift of love, as are each of the pledges and donations making up the totals listed above. They are an indication of our desire to use what we have, as we faithfully share God's Love. There is a song written by Jon Moore that has inspired me over the years. The words of the hymn speak of our responsibility to allow God to use our abilities and resources to bless those who follow our footsteps. One stanza of the song is: "May the fire of our devotion light their way May the footprints that we leave Lead them to believe And the lives we live inspire them to obey Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful." The responsibility described above is much more than providing a place for future generations to worship, though that is important. We should also feel compelled to leave behind a strong legacy of sharing God's love with the lost, in Owensboro and around the world. John 9:4 says, "We must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent us, because there is little time left before the night falls and all work comes to an end.� There is much work to do and our days are short. God has a designated timeframe (while it is day) for completing the work. Night, or the end of Christ's time on earth, was coming, just as it is coming for each of us. With this in mind, is your life reflecting the kind of faithfulness God desires? Virgil Barker Coordinator, FBC Follow Up Team
CLC HOURS Monday & Tuesday 6:30 am-9:00 pm Wednesday 6:30 am-4:30 pm Thursday 6:30 am-9:00 pm Friday 6:30 am-1:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am-3:00 pm
If more information is available about an event, you will see a page number following the title.
Sunday Schedule
February 1, 8, 22 & 29
8:30 am
Classic Service
9:45 am
Sunday School
11:00 am
Elevate Service
5:30 pm
Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4:30 pm Friday 8:00 am-1:00 pm
Parent (Room
February 3
See Wednesday Schedule See Sunday Schedule 4:30 pm 6:00 pm
February 10
Schedule 6:00 pm
Seekers Prayer Mtg. See Sunday Schedule No Children’s Church No Evening Service
February 17
See Wednesday Schedule
February 21
Wednesday Schedule
My Mission See Wednesday
February 14 The Sunday and Wednesday schedule is the same weekly unless otherwise noted in the calendar of events.
Evening Service Big Bowl Game pg. 18
February 8
February 11
See Sunday Schedule 3:00 pm
Discover FBC pg. 7
7:00 pm
Deacons Meeting
February 24
See Wednesday Schedule
12:00 pm
Prayer Meeting
February 25
6:00 pm
Seekers Prayer Mtg.
4:45 pm
Fellowship Hall Family Supper
February 26
6:00 pm
Dudes Big Game
6:00 pm
W4L, Awana,
270.683.3505 Press 9
Night pg. 11 February 28
See Sunday Schedule
Youth, and Adult
See website, recent news, for a minister on call list.
Evening Service
Your Adult Children Room 315 pg. 18
Power of Praying 315)
Morning Service Broadcast on WKWC (90.3 FM) at 10:00 am and on Channel 72 Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. and Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.
6:00 pm
February 7
February 21:
6:00 pm
Power of Praying for
Bible Studies 7:00 pm
Choir Rehearsal
Church wide
New Church Members
Christian love and sympathy to...
Candice & DT Dent in the death of her grandmother, Mary Loretta Keller on December 21.
David & Carolyn Roberts and family in the death of his mother, Theresa Ann Roberts on December 27.
January 10 Carey Haynes
Thelma Newberry on December 28.
Profession of Faith
Phil & Terry Disney in the death of his father, Ralph Disney on January 5.
Transfer of Letter
Brenna Haynes
Dennis Newberry and family in the death of his wife,
The family in the death of Myrtle Tinius on January 6.
Shannon & Steve Bailes in the death of her mother, Dorine Roberts on January 13.
George (Bud) & Evelyn Best in the death of his sister, Dot Berry on January 12.
Samantha & Claude Bacon in the death of her father, Eddie Tapp on January 16.
Timothy Tedder in the death of his grandfather on January 18
January 24 Brent Phillips
Maeghan & Ryan Adams in the death of Wyatt Whitaker on January 25.
Evelyn & George (Bud) Best in the death of her sister, Anna Ruth Williams on January 26.
Transfer of Letter
We rejoice with...
Michael & Christina King on the birth of their daughter, Annsley Paige King on December 22. Grandpar-
If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. ~1 Corinthians 12:26
ents are Kenny & Judy Stodghill.
Reed & Lindsey Roberts on the birth of their daughter, Phoebe Louise on December 29. Grandparents are Dave & Claire Roberts.
Kolby & Rachel Knott on the birth of their daughter, Everly Michelle on January 5.
Don & Ann Harris in the birth of their granddaughter, Leighton Jane on January 12.
Andrew & Meagan (Copeland) Harrison on their wedding January 16. Parents are Vic & Ruth Harrison.
Reports on this page are December 16-January 27
Sunday, February 7 Adults and Youth will meet at various locations. Check with your Sunday School class to see if they will be hosting a party.
NOTE TIME CHANGE: Evening Service at 4:30
The Power of Praying for your Adult Children Mondays at 6:00 pm | Room 315 Six Week Study Beginning on February 1 Hosted by: Suzie Horner
Those of us who have adult children know that they will always be our child and our concerns for our children do not stop once they step out in the world and leave home. If anything, it increases. There is much more to be concerned about, but as parents we have less influence over their lives than ever. Even so, there is a way to make a big difference in their lives every day, and that is through prayer. Beginning Monday night, February 1 at 6:00 we will begin a study to help us as we pray for our adult children. Whether they are 18 or 70 they need our prayers. We will be using the book, “The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children”. Let’s learn to pray powerfully for our adult children and find peace in the process.