First Baptist Church Owensboro/March 2015

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App: First Baptist Owensboro Facebook: FBC Owensboro Instagram: fbcowb Twitter: @fbcowb 270.683.3505 | PASTOR, Paul Strahan ADMINISTRATION and MINISTER TO SENIOR ADULTS Bob Farmer MINISTER OF DISCIPLESHIP Wesley Dunn


Connect with Paul


God @ Work


Connect with... Missions/Recreation


Senior Adults/Administration Worship


Discipleship 8 10



Connect with... Preschool/Women’s Ministry


Ohio Valley Celebration

Children Students 13

FOM (Annie Armstrong)


How can I be involved? Ohio Valley Celebration


Calendar and Events


Connect with One Another

You can find out more information for the Will Graham Ohio Valley Celebration throughout this issue of Connect. Related pages highlighted in blue.

April 24-26 are the dates when Will Graham will be in Owensboro for the Celebration, but the plans and preparation began months ago. At the request of local church and civic leaders, and after much prayer, Will Graham agreed to come to Owensboro. We are excited that he is coming to share the timeless message of God’s love for all people. Here are a few reasons why we are involved in the Ohio Valley Will Graham Celebration! •

Celebrations, revivals, crusades and other special events have been used mightily by God to reap a harvest of souls! I am praying God uses this event as a springboard to reach the unsaved. (1 Corinthians 9:22)

People still need the Lord! The greatest need all people have is to know Jesus Christ as Lord! (John 3:16-18)

God has used the Graham family across the world to preach the Gospel and their integrity is impeccable!

It has tremendous potential to revive and challenge the local church!

The Great Commission is being fulfilled! (Acts 1:8, Matthew 28:19-20)

It will challenge followers of Christ to grow in their relationship! (Colossians 1:10)

You will be hearing much more in the next few weeks as we move closer to the actual Celebration. You will also find more information about the schedule and ways to get involved elsewhere in this issue of CONNECT. I want to encourage you to PRAY every day for your family, friends, neighbors, and acquaintances. Pray for the many lost in our community that God will use this event to bring them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ! The only hope for America and our World is Jesus Christ. Here is the link to the home page for the Ohio Valley Will Graham Celebration which will provide you with more information The apostle Paul reminded the Romans and he reminds us that we have an obligation to the unsaved. 9 If

you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will

be saved.

10 For

it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your

faith and are saved.

11 As

Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.”[e]

12 For

there is no

difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be 14 How,

13 for,


then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom

they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?

15 And

how can anyone

preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”[g] One more reminder from Jesus regarding the responsibility of His followers! “Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest.”

How have you and how do you FBC is blessed to be represented in several different leadership positions by members of our church. These members are serving faithfully and have some wonderful insight into how God is already at work as we move toward the celebration! Paul Haire – Executive Leader God is leading our community through the highest level of participation of so many churches and denominations that our region has ever seen. We had our Launch event in September with 56 churches (representing 11 denominations) in attendance. The Ohio Valley Will Graham Celebration encompasses seven counties among Indiana and Kentucky and 350 churches. We've established our committee force that will ensure success. Our committees have established a working relationship with many of the

u seen God @Work leading up to the Ohio Valley Celebration u anticipate God to work in and through the events? churches in our footprint. Churches are working together! Congregations are praying for a common mission: winning souls for Christ. Prayer is the most valuable tool we have. God listens and answers. The prayer is not for a successful Celebration, but the prayer should focus on hundreds of people discovering or rediscovering the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. For every soul saved, we save a generation. It is my prayer for the members of First Baptist Church, and the churches in our area, to become more Christ-like in everything we do, that we move out of our comfort zone and ask someone if they know Christ. We don't save people, our Lord Jesus Christ does. Jerry Tooley – Pastors Team Leader & Celebration Leadership Team A group of people from Owensboro had a meeting to see if there were any feelings that God was leading our community to host a Will Graham event. God's presence was in that meeting and many others since that one. I have attended many of those formative meetings and have always had the feeling that God was leading in this effort. We have overcome some obstacles and problems and continue on as we sense God's leading. God has worked in putting the leadership team together. We have come from many different

backgrounds, but have a wonderful unity that comes from the Lord. There are several on the team that I did not know and now they are good Christian friends who have blessed my life. God is at work bringing our community together in the name of Christ. There is a renewed sense of what God is doing among our churches and pastors. Our hope is that many will come to Christ leading up to the celebration and following it; that churches will be empowered to share the Gospel and will disciple those who come; that the Christian community will have greater impact upon the culture of our region. Lamone Mayfield – Member of the Finance Committee The task of raising money for the celebration has demanded a "mind to work," an enlarged trust in the Lord to place a giving desire on the hearts of people, a willingness to be bold in our approach, and a confidence that many people will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. The Finance Committee was specifically given the charge of raising approximately $300,000 for the events. The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association committed to providing an additional amount between $400,000 and $450,000. The amount expected

from our community initially seemed daunting, but the Lord has been answering our prayers. One contact that I made pledged $10,000 and another pledged $5,000. Several others have indicated their desire to give $1,000. Most I have spoken with are eager to contribute and excited about the lives that will be changed. Other team members have reported similar responses. The Finance Committee’s confidence in the entire process has grown exponentially as we see God at work through the raising of funds. We believe that the Lord will continue energizing individuals to participate using their Godgiven gifts. We expectantly await the purpose of the celebration to be realized—the glorification of our Lord and Savior! Terry Norris – Chair of the Finance Committee As a result of much interdenominational influence during my developmental years, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association is a natural fit. It crosses denominational lines with the simple message of the plan of salvation. I attended my first Billy Graham crusade in the late 60’s and over the ensuing 45 years the message from Billy, Franklin, and Will has not changed one bit. I am reminded of the verse in Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever.” I have thoroughly enjoyed working with committed Christians from other denominations as the Chair of the Finance Committee for the Will Graham Celebration. It is amazing that we have more in common than the differences that would separate us. I encourage each of you to look outside your Baptist safe zone and fellowship with Christians outside of our church. I know you will meet many at the Celebration. Who knows, one day that person you work with may be your neighbor in heaven.

Join this gathering with others that desire to live on mission - electricians, business professionals, teachers, deacons, ministers, moms, students, retirees, and more. Be challenged, equipped, and sent out to be an everyday follower of Christ. Contact Nathan for more details and to signup.

On Sunday, March 15 we will focus on missions at home and abroad. We will give you tools and information to help you prayerfully make decisions on how you will answer the call in 2015.



Mystery Lunch April 2 Our next Mystery Lunch will be on Thursday, April 2. Sign-ups are available through Susan Dant in the CLC. Please contact her if you are interested in our monthly fellowship.

PERA Committee Report The PERA Committee is continuing to work on Phase II and preparing to share with the church the scope of the project. Please continue to pray for this committee as they work diligently to bring a project to the church that would honor God and provide the necessary updates to a 1920’s facility.

Columbus, Ohio – June 10-14 We will be helping Paramount Church with several projects during the week. We will need 12 people to be part of this team. The projects will include canvasing the neighborhood and helping the church prepare for the upcoming Southern Baptist Convention meeting to be held in Columbus the following week.

Boston, MA July 25 – August 1 Our plans are to return to Boston to serve the Medford community and Redemption Hill Church. We will again be serving at the Senior Center and disturbing information at the subway stations. Information about the cost will be available soon.

Please contact Bob Farmer if you should need additional information or to sign up for any of these events.

PERA Committee: Steve Clark Bob Farmer Don Harris Morgan Kirkland Myrna Ruth Melhiser Scott Plain, Sr. Mary Alice Riherd Matt Robbins Kenny Stodghill Paul Strahan Laurie Thacker

Celebrating the Lord’s Supper on Sunday, March 29. I’m a fan of the Bourne film series,

grew up going to church every

four movies which center around

Sunday, as I did, this phrase is

a character by the name of Ja-

etched into your mind to the

son Bourne.

point that you may no longer fully

In the first film,

Bourne, near death, is rescued

consider the meaning.

from the ocean by a fishing

wants us to remember Him as a


man who walked this earth. He

After he recuperates, he






laughed, cried, ate food, and did

fighting skills and an uncanny way

chores just as you and I do to-

of getting out of dangerous pre-


dicaments. However, he suffers

cross was something that could

from complete amnesia.

And His sacrifice on the

CHOIR CONCERT Palm Sunday March 29 4:00 pm Settle Memorial


be seen and touched. When we

doesn’t know who he is, and has

take the Lord’s Supper, He also

On Palm Sunday, March 29, the

no memory whatsoever. The sce-

wants us to remember how He

Sanctuary Choir will join three oth-

nario makes for a great movie,

has been present during our time

but not for someone in actual

on this earth. Think on those spe-

er area church choirs for a con-

life. Having no memory is a terri-

cific moments when you’ve keen-

ble thing.

Your memories make

ly felt His presence. It is important

ning at 4:00 pm, the concert will

up the fabric of who you are as a

that we do so, for we don’t come

also feature members of the Ow-

person. They also reveal to whom

to church to worship a concept

ensboro Symphony Orchestra. Be


or idea. We worship a living God

sure to be a part of a wonderful




church family, social group, etc.

who walked on this earth in the form of Jesus, and He wants us to

On Sunday, March 29, we will

remember Him.

again observe the Lord’s Supper during both morning worship ser-

Rather than letting our minds go

vices. Jesus created the meal as

into “screen saver” mode when

a time of recollection. As we eat

we observe the Lord’s Supper this

and drink, He wants us to think

month, let’s prepare to be active-

about Him and how our lives are

ly involved, physically and men-

changed by Him. No doubt Jesus’


words “…do this in remembrance


of me” will be quoted.

If you

As we eat and drink, let’s

cert at Settle Memorial.

time of sacred music!


One of the unique opportunities provided to our community and church by having the Will Graham Celebration in our town is the fact that there are numerous trainings and equipping seminars for believers prior to the celebrations! This outreach event provides many in our congregation (and others) to be equipped for effective evangelism and discipleship, which will allow many to experience the joy of helping to bring hundreds into a relationship with Jesus Christ. The main training tool used for preparation is the Christian Life and Witness Course, which helps Christians grasp key biblical principles that form a solid foundation for their faith. Using Scripture to answer common questions, team leaders show how to build a victorious Christian life and share the abundance of that life with others. It is open to anyone ages 13 and over. Content is identical at all locations. Participants attend one class each week, at the location most convenient to them. Completion of this course, and submission of an acceptable application, qualifies people to serve as counselors at the celebration events. (Note: Completing the course does not bind you to being a counselor at the events, but can offer long-term benefits in the journey of evangelism and discipleship!) First Baptist Church has the privilege of hosting FM419 on Wednesday nights in March. FM419 is specifically designated for youth, but adults are welcome to attend. The material is the same as the adult version (CL&W Course), and it is common for FM419 to be 80 percent youth and 20 percent adults. This is a wonderful opportunity to receive excellent equipping in our own sanctuary. Families may not be able to have both parents attend at our location due to the 79pm timeframe. In that case, attempt to take advantage of one of the other locations in our city.


Celebration Friday Night April 24 7:00 pm-9:30 pm Will Graham and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association are bringing the Good News of Christ to the Ohio Valley region on Friday, April 24th. Featuring musical performances by Aaron Shust. There also will be a special message from Will Graham. No tickets are required. Seating is first come, first served. Doors open 90 minutes prior to start.

More information on Kidzfest pg. 11 & FM419 (Youth) pg. 12

Celebration Kidzfest April 25 8:30 am-11:30 am WE DARE YOU TO TAKE THE JOURNEY! Kidzfest is a fun-filled program for children aged 5 years old to 5th grade that will take place on the Celebration weekend. It will include activities, music and on-stage drama. It is designed to mobilize and involve children in Prayer, Bring a Friend, and Kidzfest Choir. Kidzfest kids will be equipped and empowered to befriend nonchurch children and look for opportunities to bring their friends to the Celebration and to share their faith. Games and Activities begin at 8:30AM! The Greatest Journey show and music begins at 10:30AM!

How can I be involved? pg. 14 & 15

Celebration Saturday Night April 25 7:00 pm-9:30 pm Will Graham and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association are bringing the Good News of Christ to the Ohio Valley region on Saturday, April 25th. Featuring musical performances by The Afters and Aaron Shust. There also will be a special message from Will Graham. No tickets are required. Seating is first come, first served. Doors open 90 minutes prior to start.

Celebration Sunday Night April 26 6:00 pm-8:30 pm Will Graham and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association are bringing the Good News of Christ to the Ohio Valley region on Sunday, April 26th. Featuring musical performances by Aaron Shust. There also will be a special message from Will Graham. No tickets are required. Seating is first come, first served. Doors open 90 minutes prior to start.

Will Graham Christian Life & Witness course information on pg. 7

All items for sale in the Missions Market are made by our preschoolers.

Be in prayer for our preschoolers as we start to focus on missions and our missionaries. Missions Market will be open through the month of March.

After all worship services at the new entrance. BELOW: Some of our preschoolers hard at work making their items for market.

All proceeds will go to First on Mission.

BRING A FRIEND Children are encouraged to be part of the Will Graham Celebration by praying for and inviting those they may know who need Jesus. They will receive a specially designed “Bring a Friend” pamphlet to help them, and during Children’s Church they will be hearing The Greatest Journey curriculum that will encourage them to attend and bring a friend with them to the Kidzfest on April 25.

What Parents Are Saying “At any of our events, I usually get a lump in my throat when people start walking forward at the invitation. I am usually able to stifle the tears, but not today.” – Wanda McCurdy, Kidzfest Coordinator

Saturday, April 25 8:30-11:30 am WE DARE YOU TO TAKE THE JOURNEY! Kidzfest is a fun-filled program for children aged 5 years old to 5th grade that will take place on the Celebration weekend. It will include activities, music and onstage drama. It is designed to mobilize and involve children in Prayer, Bring a

“Even though this is supposed to be for kids, I just felt something pull on my heart.” – Melanie (Single mother who attended Kidzfest in Milwaukee) “There is something precious when kids are surrounded by other children who love Jesus. It softens their hearts to receive Him.” – Kathleen Cook

Friend, and Kidzfest Choir. Kidzfest kids will be equipped and empowered to befriend non-church children and look for opportunities to bring their friends to the Celebration and to share their faith.

Games and activities begin at 8:30AM! The Greatest Journey show and music begins at 10:00AM!

JOIN THE KIDZFEST CHOIR Rehearsals will be Wednesday nights from 5:30-6:00 on March 25 and April 1 and 15 in the Choir Room.

Choir T-Shirts $5 (optional but recommended)

March 4, 11, & 18 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm First Baptist Church Join youth from across your region for three sessions of music and life-changing training. Get down to the basics of what you believe, find power to live what you say, and learn how to share your faith with others. Attend once a week for three weeks. Food will be available at 6:00pm | Worship will begin at 6:30pm | Teaching will be from 7:00-9:00pm There are some exciting things that will be happening in the next couple of months in the life of our church; none more exciting than our involvement in the Will Graham Celebration coming April 24-26th. In preparation for this outreach opportunity, our church will be the host site for their Christian Life and Witness training for students. On Wednesday, March 4th, 11th, and 18th our church will be hosting churches from 11 different counties as students come to learn how they can engage their peers for the Gospel. These trainings will take place each of the nights listed above and will build on each other from one night to another. The “youth rallies� will begin at 5:30 pm in the CLC with a free dinner. At 6:30 we will begin worship in our Sanctuary. The evening should wrap up around 9:00 pm. I know these Wednesday Nights will be later than normal, but please encourage your students to participate. It will be an awesome opportunity for them to worship with other believers from our area. I am praying that these nights change the lives of our students which in turn will change the lives of everyone they come in contact with! P.S. - Parents are more then welcome to come and be part of the evening as well!


Your gifts through the Cooperative Program and to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering® are making a difference in North America. Because of your prayers and financial gifts, our missionaries are equipped and prepared to share the gospel, and people are hearing it and responding in faith to Christ and growing in their walk with Him. Churches are being started in places where a Southern Baptist presence has been limited. Missionaries are strategically placed and doing whatever it takes to reach their cities for Christ. During the Week of Prayer for North American Missions, we pray that you will be moved to take the next steps personally and collectively as a church toward intentional involvement in living life on mission and supporting those who are doing that through the North American Mission Board. When a person is sent, he or she is representing the sender. Who is the sender for missionaries and planters in North America? Ultimately, the sender is God. However, God works through local churches such as yours to call out those being sent, and the North American Mission Board serves local churches by helping to deploy some of those individuals (missionaries) through NAMB.

The North American Mission Board is grateful for your church’s partnership in Send North America efforts as you fervently pray for and give financially through the Cooperative Program and to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. The urgency of these days demands that we seize the opportunity to take the hope of the gospel farther and faster than ever before. This requires the key resources of prayer and money. Learn more about the North American Mission Board and its Send North America strategy for church planting and evangelism throughout the United States, Canada and their territories at

FIRST ON MISSION Offering Goal for 2015: $215,000 Week of Prayer: March 1-8 Prayer guide will be in the church bulletin on March 1.

BROKENNESS. It is evident all around us, and we know the remedy. Our mission as believers is to carry the message of God’s love, mercy and redemption through His Son, Jesus Christ, to a broken world. We believe the best way to reach people is through the local church. The task is urgent. In the past 100 years, Southern Baptists—and evangelicals in general—have lost significant ground in the church-to-population ratio, especially in the nonSouth regions of North America and in and near our large cities.

HOPE. Send North America is the North American Mission Board’s response to bring hope to an ever-increasing population by empowering the largest network of local churches (45,000 Southern Baptist and 311 Canadian National Baptist) to plant more congregations across North America. Twenty-five percent of all Christian churches planted in North America each year are planted by Southern Baptists. Of the 352 million people living in the United States and Canada, it is estimated that 265 million do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Therefore, church planting cannot be considered optional.

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

PRAYER The most important ingredient in a successful Celebration is prayer. As Christians come together in agreement, praying daily with faith and believing God for the lost in their community, God hears and meets us where He is needed. Without prayer it is simply human efforts. With prayer and faith, it is people we love and care for coming to salvation through Christ. It is lives being transformed! To pray and to see those prayers answered through the Celebration is both a blessing and a privilege.

TRAINING (more detailed information on pg. 7) Our training is rooted in the Christian Life and Witness Course (CLWC) for adults and FM419 for youth. These are the best opportunities you have to become equipped for a Celebration as well as a lifetime of evangelism and discipleship. CLWC will reignite your faith and find power to live a life that radiates God’s love. Discover the victory He has for His children and equip yourself to share it with others through this dynamic course. You’ll also find practical help in reaching the next generation for Christ. The course is taught by a representative of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. FM419 is specifically designated for youth, but adults are welcome to attend. Youth from across the region will gather for three sessions of music and life-changing training. Get down to the basics of what you believe, find power to live what you say, and learn how to share your faith with others.

Start praying TODAY!

BRING A FRIEND In John 1:40-42a (NIV) we read, “Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, was one of the two who heard what John had said and who had followed Jesus. The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, ‘We have found the Messiah (that is, the Christ).’ And he brought him to Jesus.” Bring a Friend is based on that passage. Those of us who have a personal relationship with Christ must seek out our brothers and sisters who don’t know Him and bring them to Him. We do this by making a list of those we know who need to know Jesus, then praying for them and building/strengthening our relationships with them. We make plans to take them to the Celebration services, not just invite them to go. Many people have come to Christ because of Bring A Friend. This program encourages you to:

Look Around – to identify relatives, friends, co-workers, or acquaintances who show the need for a relationship with Christ.

Look Up – by routinely praying for these individuals and for the opportunity to strengthen your relationship with them.

Look Out – for ways to cultivate friendships with each person on your list and earn their confidence, ultimately finding opportunities to talk with them about Christ.

• •

Look Forward – to invite each person to a Celebration meeting. Look After – those who respond to the invitation or show an interest in learning more about the Gospel.

CLC Hours Monday & Tuesday 6:30 am-9:00 pm Wednesday 6:30 am-4:30 pm Thursday 6:30 am-9:00 pm Friday 6:30 am-1:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am-3:00 pm

Sunday Schedule 8:30 am

Classic Service

9:45 am

Sunday School

11:00 am

Elevate Service March 1-8

OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4:30 pm Friday 8:00 am-1:00 pm

• •

5:30 pm

Financial Peace University

6:00 pm

Evening Service

Annie Armstrong Week of Prayer (NAMB)

Missions Market after morning services (during the month of March) at the new entrance March 22: Quarterly Business Meeting at 6pm March 29 (Palm Sunday): Lord’s Supper during morning services

March 1

See Sunday Schedule

March 4

See Wednesday Schedule

March 6

6:00 pm

FM419 pg. 12

7:00 am

Finance Meeting

March 8

SPRING FORWARD: Daylight Savings begins See Sunday Schedule

March 10

10:00 am

Jo Nelson Bible Study, Judy M to share

BROADCAST INFO Morning Service Broadcast on WKWC (90.3 FM) at 10:00 am and on Channel 72 Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. and Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.

Wednesday Schedule 12:00 pm

March 15

Prayer Meeting Fellowship Hall

See Sunday Schedule

7:00 pm

5:45 pm


6:00 pm

Go & Tell, Awana Youth and Adult Bible Studies

March 18

March 20

FM419 pg. 12

Mission Focus pg. 4

Family Supper

Choir Rehearsal

See Wednesday Schedule 6:00 pm

4:45 pm

7:00 pm Minister on Call 270.685.3681

March 11

See Wednesday Schedule 6:00 pm

FM419 pg. 12

6:00 pm

Dudes Game Night pg. 17

March 22

See Sunday Schedule 6:00 pm

March 25 March 28

Deacon Meeting

Quarterly Business Mtg. See Wednesday Schedule

2:00 pm

March 4, 11, 18: FM 419 (Youth) 6:00 pm

Swim Party (birth-5th grade) pg. 17

March 29

See Sunday Schedule Palm Sunday (Lord’s Supper)

Welcome home Judy M Judy will be stateside in Owensboro from March through October. Judy will be sharing during the Jo Nelson Bible Study group on March 10 at 10:00 am in the CLC Parlor. Missions/Rec



If more information is available about an event, you will see a page number following the title.



Sr. Adults

Church wide

If one

New Church Member

member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.

H. Gene Wermling Profession of Faith/ Baptism February 1

Sympathy Christian love and sympathy to • Josh and Katie Albers and family in the death of his uncle, James Thomas Albers who died on January 21. •

Gilbert, Sherry, and Matthew Baber, BT Atherton, Walter and Pat Atherton, Nancy and Ross Leaznby, and Laura and Jeff McCain and families in the

1 Corinthians 12:26

death of Melissa Baber, who died on February 1. •

Michael and Christina King and family in the death of his grandfather, John Allen who died on February 2.

Lee and Denny Waldroup and family in the death of her uncle, John Anderson who died on February 6.

Congratulations •

Brock and Kendal Quinton in the birth of their son, Tate Alexis on February 1.

Christopher and Jordan Stodghill in the birth of their son, Adam Christopher on February 9. Great Grandparents are Kenny and Judy Stodghill.

Reports on this page are January 19 through February 10.

Will and Bev Smith in the birth of their son, Judah Powell on February 10.

MEN’S & WOMEN’S SOFTBALL TEAMS Beginning in late April and finishing before July 4 Games played at Yellow Creek Park Fathers and sons (K-5th grade) come to the man cave on the third floor for the BIG GAMING NIGHT of the year! Food and drinks will be provided.

Signup by March 13

Save the date: May 1 & 2 Bellevue Baptist Church Learn how to make disciples who can then make disciples.

Contact Nathan to learn more:

Vacation Bible School | June 22-26 It’s the time of year when we start planning to reach out to the community with Vacation Bible School. This year will be another exciting, great year, but we will not be able to do it without you! Last year we had over 84 workers and will need at least that many this year. Begin praying about your role in this year’s VBS. Volunteer online at: We appreciate your service so much. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Suzie at

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