App: First Baptist Owensboro Facebook: FBC Owensboro Instagram: fbcowb Twitter: @fbcowb 270.683.3505 | PASTOR, Paul Strahan ADMINISTRATION and MINISTER TO SENIOR ADULTS Bob Farmer MINISTER OF DISCIPLESHIP Wesley Dunn MINISTER TO CHILDREN Suzie Horner MINISTER TO STUDENTS Will Smith MINISTER OF RECREATION/MISSIONS Nathan Scott MINISTER OF MUSIC Derry Billingsley PRESCHOOL/WOMEN’S MINISTRY COORDINATOR Cheryl Goss OFFICE MANAGER Judi West ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS Michele Burton Susan Dant Maeghan Adams FINANCIAL SUPERVISOR Barbara Wright
1 Connect with Paul 2 God @ Work an interview with Dustin Brown
4 Connect with... Missions/Recreation Senior Adults/Administration Worship Discipleship 8 We Give Thanks by Bev Smith 11 Connect with... Children Students 13 FOM (First on Missions) Sunrise Children’s Services
14 Connecting Women Conference 15 Connect with One Another 16 Calendar and Events
Are you thankful? One of the greatest quotations about thanksgiving comes from Matthew Henry (1662-1714), a Presbyterian minister and famous Bible expositor. After he was robbed, Matthew Henry prayed this prayer: “I thank thee first because I was never robbed before; second, because although they took my purse they did not take my life; third, although they took my all, it was not much; and fourth, because it was I who was robbed and not I who robbed.” Matthew Henry demonstrated and lived out a life of thanksgiving. His attitude toward being robbed showed a life of spending time with God and one of being conformed to the image of Christ. His thankfulness that Christ had so changed Him that he had not robbed someone else shows how God works in our lives. Are you living your life as a life of thanksgiving to the Lord? It is easy in our culture to complain about our situation, circumstances and even how we are being treated wrongly. Many people are self-absorbed and their attitude is “it’s all about me!” This attitude is diametrically opposed to the Word of God and how followers of Christ should live. Listen to the Apostle Paul in Philippians 2:3-5; “Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.” The Psalms are filled with admonitions to give thanks! “Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done.” (Psalm 105:1) “Praise the Lord! Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.”(Psalm 106:1) The facts are that everyone has something for which to be thankful. Let’s take time, not just in November, to give thanks to the Lord in all things! There is always room to improve! We recently sent our ACP data to the association, which in turn sends it to the
SBC. ACP stands for Annual Church Profile and consists of numbers compiled about SS, worship, budget, evangelism, attendance, etc. You cannot always tell how healthy the church is by the ACP but it can reveal some weakness in your church. There is one category that concerns me; “baptisms.” In the last reporting year from September 2013 until August 2014, we baptized nineteen people. Now, I praise the Lord for each of those we baptized, however, I know personally I fell short in doing my part to bring people to Jesus. Jesus told His followers “you will be my witnesses!” I want to encourage you to make the coming year one in which we get personally involved in sharing the gospel with boldness. You would all agree that there are people around us who need to hear the gospel. The problems in our personal lives, families, communities, state, country, and the world can be cured by knowing Jesus Christ and having a personal relationship with Him. Let’s commit this year to making much of Jesus Christ and less of self. I am reminded that the Apostle John was on the isle of Patmos because of the word of the Lord and the testimony of Jesus Christ! Give thanks in everything and let’s tell someone about Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! Ordination for Nathan Scott On Sunday, November 30th at 6:00 pm we will celebrate with Nathan Scott his ordination at Calhoun Baptist Church. We will be taking church buses and will leave from the back parking lot at 5:15 pm SHARP. There will be NO evening service at First Baptist Church. More information regarding Nathan’s ordination is on page four in this issue of “Connect”. My vision? Thanks to all of you who have prayed and asked about my vision. I have improved and give thanks to the Lord for hearing and answering your prayers. God is good all the time! Honored to be your pastor! Paul
Full video of the interview is available on our website
grow in my walk with Christ and reach others for Him.
Give a brief description of your history and relationship with First Baptist Church. My history with First Baptist Church goes way back—in fact it goes back to when I was a newborn. My family came to FBC shortly after I was born and we have been here since. So in essence, FBC is the only church that I know. I became an official member of FBC in September of 2001, after Christ saved me. Throughout my time at FBC, I have not only come to know Christ, but have also been “spurred on” to
How have the love of Christ and the power of His Gospel brought about change in your life? Knowing that Christ has saved me apart from anything I have done, and that I am faithfully loved and pursued by the God of the universe, has changed my life in dramatic ways. One of the first things that comes to mind is that after I was saved, during my high school years, I was rather legalistic in my faith and fell into the all too common trap of “To-Do List Christianity”. It was all about what I did and relying on my own strength to please God and check off the necessary boxes of the “Good
Christian” list. It was through personal trials and struggles with weaknesses that God brought me to the end of myself and into the knowledge of and faith in the never ending treasures of His grace. Since then, I have grown in understanding the power of the Gospel in my everyday life. The Gospel that proclaims “It is finished” and “There is now NO condemnation for those in Christ Jesus” gives me the motivation, the power, and the much needed grace to live not just for Christ, but also in Christ and with Christ, relying on Him instead of myself. I am thankful that while we are great sinners, Christ is a greater Savior. So, Christ’s love and His Gospel have changed me! They have led me to rely on, rest in, and
be compelled by His unchanging grace that He has for His children. How have the people and ministries of FBC nurtured and cared for you in your spiritual journey? I could probably take up a whole page answering this question. The people are obviously what make any church, and the people of FBC are truly amazing. I have been loved, cared for, and discipled by the believers that make up FBC. My closest friends are those who I attend FBC with and the great people who lead our church. These are people that I know I can come to with anything, and people who encourage and challenge me on a regular basis. Not only have I been discipled by the people of FBC, but you have also given me many opportunities to serve. The Christian life isn’t meant to be lived alone, and discipleship isn’t meant to stop with one person. FBC has taught me this and given me opportunities not only to be discipled, but also to disciple others and serve in a variety of ways. I am truly grateful to all of you for this…for your prayers, for your discipleship, and for you all showing me how to serve. In light of the work God has done in your life, what ministry work has He led you to over the last few years (@FBC & beyond)? For one, God has led me to and opened the door to serve as a small group and Bible study leader in student ministry. For me, it is the highest blessing and honor to be able to serve our students, in particular the freshman and sophomore guys. I love my students and desire that they would know Christ and the power of His gospel. It is absolutely amazing and a great encouragement to see God at work in their lives. I am thankful that God has led and allowed me to be involved with this great group. Secondly, God has led me to the ministry of serving in pastoral care
at Owensboro Health Regional Hospital. I have been employed there for almost two years, and this too has been a great blessing. To see God open doors and work in the lives of our patients, families, and staff has been humbling and a great joy. I am thankful for this ministry that I am able to be part of. How have you seen God @ Work in the midst of those ministry opportunities? In regards to the student ministry here at FBC, I have seen the guys in my small group & Bible study grow closer to God. They desire to see others come to Christ and I have seen how eagerly and willingly they pursue making disciples, which challenges me to do the same. As I stated before, it is amazing to watch students grow closer to Christ. The questions and topics they bring up are not only fruit of their own growth, but they also stretch me in my faith as well. I have also seen God at work through chaplaincy at the hospital. As you would imagine, the hospital is full of people going through difficult times and crises. This gives great opportunity to minister to the broken—to those who need to be reminded of God’s faithfulness and sufficient grace. This is a ministry that allows us to bring hope to the hopeless and point them to our Savior and an opportunity to bring the presence and love of Christ during a time of great need. It is a privilege to see God at work in ministering to these people. What sense of direction is the Lord giving you for future ministry service? I love pastoral care ministry, so I can see myself in full-time healthcare chaplaincy, or in some sort of pastoral care/ congregational care role at a local church. I really enjoy ministering the love of Christ to people that are going through times of crisis. It really is a great opportunity
to be the hands and feet of Christ. So I sense the Lord calling me into pastoral care ministry of some type. What encouragement would you give to others regarding opportunities for ministry in the local church & beyond? God is always working. The chief lesson that God has taught me through ministry at the hospital, as well as life in general, is that God is ALWAYS working. Even when you can’t see it, and even in our own struggles and we aknesses (whether they be with serving/ ministering, or just in our personal life), God is working. Never doubt that. He is working in and through you all of the time. The verse that encourages me often is 2 Corinthians 2:14-15, “Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing” (NKJV). How can FBC be in prayer for you in the days ahead? Just pray that Christ would draw others to Himself through me at the hospital, in student ministry, and with my peers at college. May we all proclaim the great message of John 1:29 (NLT), “Look! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”
Mission Partner Encouragement A simple message or phone call can produce fruits of joy in the lives of others. You can be a great encourager to our families who are serving as church planters/missionaries in the U.S. and around the world. Every second Sunday of the month your Sunday School class receives postcards about our mission partner families. Make sure to pick one up so you can follow-up with one of these families.
Simple Ways to Encourage •
Listen. Give them a call and learn about what is Sunday, November 30, 6:00PM going on in Calhoun Baptist Church, 315 Main St. Calhoun, KY their lives. Ordination is an act of worship by which the congregation, representative of the people of God, acPray with claims the one being ordained as chosen and empowered by the Holy Spirit to exercise gifts for ministry. them. Learn their prayer In October of 2005, I started full-time service in a local church setting. In 2008, the Lord directed my famrequest and ily to serve a two-year term with the International Mission Board. Now I have been serving at First Baptist be one of their Owensboro for 3 ½ years and sense God’s calling to seek ordination for Christian ministry. It is a call to prayer warriserve, comfort, counsel, mediate, and teach. ors. My home church, Calhoun Baptist, has agreed to host the ordination service and we joyfully welcome Update the congregation of First Baptist Owensboro to join in this act of worship. Calhoun Baptist is where I was them. Send brought up in the solid teachings of God. It is where I made my profession of faith and was baptized. them a perThere I surrendered to the call to missions, and was sent out as a missionary along with my wife. Alexis sonal family and I were married there, and our daughter Calla was dedicated there. This is why I have sought out update. Calhoun Baptist to host this moment in my faith journey. I want to give thanks to God and to the congreBless them. gation who reared me in the faith. What a joy it will be to have First Baptist, the church where I am servCollege stuing, and Calhoun Baptist, the church where I was raised, joining together to praise Jesus Christ! dents love Dr. Richard Sams, pastor of Calhoun Baptist, and Pastor Paul will participate in the Ordination service. care packagThey will be joined by other ministers from different stages of my life to take part in the Ordination counes, and miscil that will meet earlier on November 30. sionaries do as well. Arrangements are being made to provide transportation from FBC Owensboro to Calhoun Baptist. Serve them. Thank you for your prayers and support in the ministry to see God’s kingdom come. I look forward to Consider and worshipping with you all on this evening. “Sing praises to the LORD, for he has done gloriously; let this be seek out ways made known in all the earth.” Isaiah 12:5 to go and serve with their ministry. Give them a chance to pray for you. Be hospitable. When they are visiting Owensboro, have them in your home.
Ordination Service for Nathan Scott
• •
Feel free to contact me if you need more information at
2015 Proposed Ministry Budget… The 2015 Proposed Ministry Budget discussion is scheduled for Sunday, October 26 at 6:00 p.m. Each member should have received the 2015 budget in the mail one week prior to this date. The Finance Committee spent time and prayer as they developed a budget that honors God through the ministry of First Baptist Church and to have a budget that reflects the needs of our church as it ministers inwardly and outwardly. We believe the proposed budget reflects the faithfulness of our congregation to go and reach the nations for Christ. We ask that you seek the will of God in this important matter. The proposed 2015 budget vote without discussion will be on Sunday, November 2nd during both morning worship services. Pledge Day will be on Sunday, November 23rd. Our hope is we can pledge the entire budget in one day. Pledge cards will be mailed out the week of November 17th to give you time to pray and decide what you and your family will give back to the Lord’s work for 2015. (2 Corinthians 9:11)
First Baptist Church Maintenance Staff… I am privileged to oversee an incredible maintenance staff. We are blessed to have a great team who work tirelessly to make sure our facilities are clean and ready for occupancy. Their spirit reflects their joy and pride in their work. If you encounter one of our maintenance staff please express your appreciation to them. They are a special group of people who we are privileged to have on our staff. Steve Jackson – Director of Maintenance Linda Rodriquez Dale Beavin James Thomas (JT)
New York Trip… We have a group of 30 who will be going to New York the first week of December. While we are in New York we will be seeing the Rockettes at the Radio City Music Hall, two Broadway musicals, the new 9/11 museum, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Plus we might even have time for some Christmas shopping while we are there. Pray for our group that we will be safe in our travels.
PERA Committee… The PERA Committee is still very active as they continue to do their work and to prepare to bring a recommendation to the church concerning the 1920’s building. Please continue to pray for this committee as they seek God’s will in this matter.
Typically in this space I write something pertaining to worship. This month is no different. However, I want to let you read what others are saying about the topic. A loving church member once said, “Derry, when I see you’ve quoted someone else extensively in your article, I don’t read it. I want to know what you think, not someone else.” While I appreciate the idea that someone would put that much weight into what I think, there are times when what someone else has stated simply cannot be said better or clearer. With that in mind, here is what others are saying about worship as a lifestyle.
“God first seeks devotion to Him in the hidden place – worship when no one else is watching.” Matt Redman “I think it is safe to assume that a huge majority of Christians spend over 90% of their worship time in church. In fact, many don’t even know what personal worship really looks like. We are dependent upon church to provide worship for us.” John Regan “Authentic worship displays a life-style consistent with the discipleship demands of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Worship is more, much more, than the Sunday morning designated hour when saints and pseudo-saints gather together to do church. Though the assembly time is of critical import, it is only a component of a life-style characterized by service (note the worship definition of Romans 12:1-2). Our Sunday morning worship is only as good as our Monday morning life sacrifice”. – Ron Carlson, “Worship as a Lifestyle” “Worship is not an emotion.” – Dr. Milburn Price “Both the Old Testament and New Testament vocabulary gives us a more comprehensive understanding of worship. They combine a sense of moral and ethical behavior. This is worship that does something, it is active. It is the picture we see in Isaiah 6 where the prophet worships God on his face in humility. But then God lifts him up, puts him on his feet, and sends him out to speak and serve and minister. These are expressions of worship. This definition affirms that all of life-every thought, every choice, every action--is worship.” Doug Goins, “The Now of Worship” “We should not be in the habit of coming to the service with an empty spiritual “tank,” hoping to get it filled in order to be able to face the week ahead; the ideal for Christian living is to come to church out of a week of daily worship throughout all of life, and then to join hearts and voices together in a corporate expression borne out of the fullness of our spirits. Sunday should be less a preparation for our week, than our week a preparation for Sunday!” Ron Man, “A Life and Lifestyle of Worship” “Worship: Everything you think, everything you say, and everything you do, revealing that which you treasure and value most in life.” quoted from “”
The purpose of the Discover FBC class is to help those adults who have recently joined the church, may be interested in membership at First Baptist Owensboro, or anyone who is visiting and merely wants to know more about the church. The class is primarily structured for adults who are new followers of Christ or are seeking a new church home and attempts to cover the following topics: • • • •
Sunday, November 9 3-7 pm in the West Chapel Meal & Child-care provided
A class for new members and those wanting to learn more about FBC! Register by Wednesday, November 5 at 270.683.3505,, or
• • • • • •
What is the Gospel What it means to be a follower/disciple of Jesus Christ Why Membership Matters What First Baptist Owensboro believes (as Southern Baptists) The mission and purpose of FBC What goes on at FBC (A review of worship, ministry, and mission opportunities) Discovering your purpose at FBC Introduction to the staff A tour of the church building Questions you may have
Please join us to learn and discover more about FBC and our wonderful family of faith!
By Bev Smith
Pictured: Will and Bev Smith Abby, Jacob and Stephen
All of my life In every season You are still God I have a reason to sing I have a reason to worship (Desert Song by Hillsong United)
“In every season” . . . Life is a cycle of seasons. Some of us are experiencing a season of showers and blessings. Others in our church family are trudging through a desert and a season of loss. The Thanksgiving season brings families together around a feast and we take this opportunity to give thanks to God for the blessings He has given throughout the year. It is a time to reflect and voice thanks and praise. On that same day though, some families will reflect on this year and acknowledge profound loss that has made this a life-changing year for their family. We are that family. Our souls have grieved this year. Many of you know how our year has unfolded, but I will share for those who may not. First of all, God has blessed us richly with our children, Abigail, Jacob, and Stephen. Last year we were thrilled to discover God was adding to our family again. Because of a previous miscarriage, we were cautious not to share with our children before the crucial 12 week mark. It was so much fun to make our announcement once that first trimester was crossed off the calendar and share the news with our children, extended families, and church family. At the very beginning of this year, we were so excited to find out the baby’s gender
and took all three kids to our gender reveal ultrasound. We thought it would be fun for them to see their newest sibling moving around on a television screen and to get the exciting news of “it’s a boy or girl” together. I had heard a beautiful, healthy heartbeat just two weeks prior. The ultrasound nurse was so kind to give us a few minutes of ignorant bliss as we showed the kids the new baby on the screen. He was perfect as we pointed out his face, his arms and his legs, but he was so still. When she asked who my doctor was, I knew it was because she did not see his heartbeat. Many have experienced the nightmare that followed. We faced shock and disbelief, then questions, explanations, and decisions in the middle of wrenching grief. Although we had tried to protect our kids from even the knowledge of pregnancy loss, they were now present at the epicenter of our second loss. In the hours that followed, I thought of the worship song “Blessed Be Your Name”. It may sound inappropriate at first, but the bridge says, “You give and take away, you give and take away . . . My heart will choose to say, Blessed be your name”. I searched until I found the scripture at the end of Job 1. In verse 20, after Job had lost everything the Bible says that Job tore his clothes and “fell to the ground in worship.” In spite of his grief, his response was to worship. I wanted to choose that response. It didn’t happen naturally, but I prayed God would make that my response. I found comfort in worship. I found peace in being reminded that God is good and God is sovereign. Corporate worship was healing. God is in control of even the small things, like the fact that Will was leading worship for the second service during this time. He was choosing songs from his heart’s cry like “Lord I Need You”. God helped us “bless His name” together through corporate worship with you, our church family. Our hearts were able to praise even in pain and grief. We had a reason to sing, because no matter our circumstance, He is still God. We’ll never know why we lost our son before we even got to meet him. We chose to name him Josiah because it means “healed by God” or “supported and upheld by God.” Josiah is perfectly healed and God has upheld us as we grieve. As difficult as the year began, I just wanted to trust God and his plan with the rest of our year. That trust would continue to be tested in the next couple of months. My mom was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer when Abby (now 8) was a baby. I can’t begin to write
of all the ways my mom was a blessing. Once diagnosed, she allowed God to use her in spite of, and through, her cancer. God was glorified through my mom as her faith was evident to every doctor, surgeon, nurse, and fellow patient who encountered her. Mom’s dependence on God and the scripture she shared continues to impact her family and friends. Not long after we lost Josiah, we found out the most recent experimental treatment was no longer controlling her cancer’s growth. We knew our time with her on Earth was getting shorter, but we were constantly praying for healing. We thought we still had time. I was able to take the kids to go visit my parents over Spring Break and we enjoyed spending precious days together. The next week, she went to the hospital for a blood transfusion and another marrow biopsy. She was supposed to go home the next day, but unexpected pain escalated quickly and caused her chemotherapy-weakened heart to stop. The hospital brought her back twice, but her heart slowly quit beating as my dad held her hand. She was only 60. We had her funeral on Good Friday. The next day we had an Easter egg hunt in my parents’ backyard with all the grandchildren and we read to them from 1 Corinthians 15:20-23. We talked about how Jesus defeated death, is alive and those in Christ will also be made alive. For the children, the egg was a tangible symbol of new life. Easter Sunday was especially difficult as it was also my parents’ 40th wedding anniversary. This was God’s timing. Through worship we were reminded over and over that Jesus has defeated death! Jesus is alive! God blessed our souls and comforted us as we worshipped Him through our loss and grief. This year we have had the opportunity to practice 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “give thanks in all circumstances.” We have discovered that thanksgiving and praise are not situational. Psalm 69:29-30 says, “But I am afflicted and in pain; let your salvation, O God, set me on high! I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify him with thanksgiving.” In spite of the pain of our year, we still offer our God praise and thanksgiving. Not just because it is that time of the year and we can reflect on the good He has done, but simply because He is God. God in his goodness has even chosen to give us another child, due to arrive in early February. We have named him Judah, meaning “praise”. In every season, I have a reason to sing. I have a reason to worship.
The proposed 2015 budget vote without discussion will be on Sunday, November 2nd during both morning worship services. Pledge Day will be on Sunday, November 23rd. Our hope is we can pledge the entire budget in one day. Pledge cards will be mailed out the week of November 17th to give you time to pray and decide what you and your family will give back to the Lord’s work for 2015. (2 Corinthians 9:11)
First Christmas 2014
A Celtic Christmas Celebration December 14th at 6 pm Featuring our Sanctuary Choir, Orchestra, & Guest Celtic Instrumentalists
h 5t rs K - de a gr
8:00 am-2:00 pm Build-A-Bear | Evansville This Christmas our children will have the opportunity to serve the children who have a parent in the Daviess County Detention Center. On Saturday, December 6th, we will go to Evansville’s Build-aBear Workshop to build a bear to be given as a present at Christmas. This project is in cooperation with the Daviess McLean Baptist Association. Our goal is to make 60 bears so parents are encouraged to come and help. What an awesome way for our children to SERVE OWENSBORO by giving and a great way for them to share Christ’s love with others. REGISTER ONLINE:
AWANA...We are collecting canned goods during the months of November and December. The canned goods will go to the Help Office here in Owensboro. Please bring your items to the area outside of room 300.
As November rolls in, the first thing I think of, and I assume that most everyone does as well, is Thanksgiving, the fall colors, cooler temperatures and turkey and dressing. On the last Thursday of this month we will, most likely, gather with friends and family around the table and have a moment where we share with the group what we are thankful for. We are thankful for jobs, houses, cars, kids, family, the food, and a host of other things. As a dad I have been trying to help my kids have a better understanding of what we can be thankful for. I find that I have taught my kids well on what “material” things to be thankful for (clothes, toys, house, cars, bikes, food, etc.), but how am I doing when it comes to the most important things? How am I doing in teaching them thankfulness for spiritual things? In Colossians 1, Paul writes “giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” (12b-14) In these verses, Paul says we are to give thanks for four things. This list is not exhaustive but those who have repented of their sins and have trusted Jesus for salvation are to be thankful that we are qualified, delivered, have been transferred, and redeemed. First, Paul says that we are “qualified”. Qualified for what? Qualified for an inheritance. An inheritance is nothing that was earned but is simply a gift. Many of you may have received an inheritance at some point in your life. It was something given by your mother or father as a gift. We can be thankful to God that we have qualified for an inheritance. The inheritance will be collected when we leave this world and enter the next. Those who are in Christ Jesus will enjoy the presence of the Lord for eternity in Heaven. That is an inheritance to be truly thankful for. Second, Paul says to be thankful that we have been “rescued”. We can be thankful that God has rescued us from the dominion of our sins. Believers have been freed from the penalty of our sins (death), have been rescued by Christ, and “darkness” no longer has power over us. Third, Paul says we can be thankful that we have been “brought” into the kingdom. When we are saved, we are brought into the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is where believers rest in God’s sovereign grace. We become citizens of the kingdom of God upon salvation and enjoy His protection, provision and sovereignty.
Name: Maggie Beth Bacon Grade: 6 School: DCMS What is keeping you busy this school year? School is keeping me busy because I have lots of homework and I'm in band so I need to practice my instrument at home. What has God been teaching you lately? God has been teaching me to share the word with others. How can we be praying for you? You can be praying for me to keep on Gods path.
Finally, believers can be thankful for redemption. We can be thankful that we have been redeemed. Redeem means “to buy back”. We were redeemed, from sin and darkness, when God paid the ransom for us via Christ on the Cross.
What is your favorite church memory? My favorite church memory was when I went to church camp for the first time.
This Thanksgiving let’s thank God for the food, house, toys, our friends, but let us not forget to use this opportunity that tells our kids to be thankful for things money can't buy. Be thankful for salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord.
If you could choose a super power, what would it be? If I could choose a super power it would be that I could fly!!!!
WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE DO Since 1869, Sunrise Children's Services has been a place of refuge for Kentucky's hurting children - for orphans in the 1800s, for poverty stricken and abandoned children in the early 1900s, for the abused, neglected and at-risk children of today. We are the largest private child care agency in the state. Our goal is to provide hope and healing to children and families. The tragedy and hopelessness of child abuse affects more than 85,000 children in Kentucky each year. The services Sunrise provides are designed to reach the children at whatever level of need they may have.
FOM First on Mission Goal $215,000 Given to Date
OUR SERVICES Residential Services Sunrise Children's Services operates a network of residential programs across the state that offers long-term, residential services to young people from ages 12-18. In addition to providing seven day a week, round the clock care, the young people either attend local schools or they are taught on campus through agreements Sunrise has with the local school district. The goal of the programs is to help young people deal with issues so they are able to return to their homes, or into a more traditional foster care setting. Family Foster Care Services Sunrise Children's Services has a dedicated team of foster care directors, specialists, therapists and recruiters who provide training and around-the-clock support to foster parents across the state. Sunrise foster homes care for children with various emotional and behavior problems and offices are located strategically around the state to serve the entire Commonwealth. Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities (PRTF) Sunrise Children's Services currently operates two PRTFs, one for boys ages 6-9 and the other for boys ages 10-13, and provides highly structured therapeutic care in a residential setting for those who need long-term, comprehensive care. The children's educational needs are met by on-campus classrooms and the PRTF services include 24-hour care, on-site psychiatric and nursing services, individual, family and group therapy and other services designed to provide clients with opportunities for spiritual and moral growth. A third PRTF opened in 2012 to serve boys ages 13-16 at Danville.
(as of September 24)
$93,348.62 5% to Sunrise $10,750 Through your giving, the FOM (First on Mission Offering) is able to give 5% each quarter to the Sunrise Children’s Services.
Here is some information about this month’s featured FOM.
November 6 & 7, 2015
Liz Curtis Higgs
Angie Smith
Featuring Liz Curtis Higgs & Angie Smith
PRESALE BEGINS NOVEMBER 9TH THROUGH DECEMBER after all worship services and on Wednesday evenings in the Fellowship Hall! Purchase your two-day conference ticket for the presale price of $40.00. LIMITED QUANTITIES. Beginning in January tickets will have to be purchased for the regular cost of $55 at the RiverPark Center box office. At that time, you will be able to go online or call the Riverpark to purchase tickets at the contact information listed below.
270.687.2770 Don't miss this great opportunity! or visit our FB page, Connecting Women Conference for event and ticket information.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. Hebrews 12:1
New Church Members
If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one
Bill & Martha Ryle Transfer of Letter September 14, 2014
Rodney & Lindsey Decker Transfer of Letter September 21, 2014
L.D. Knight Transfer of Letter September 28, 2014
Andonis & Celia Papalouca Profession of Faith/Baptism Transfer of Letter October 5, 2014
member is honored, all rejoice together. 1 Corinthians 12:26
Rob, Lesly, Navji & Tre Dixon Transfer of Letter Profession of Faith/Baptism October 5, 2014
Congratulations • •
Reports on this page are from September 8 through October 6.
Ryan and Meghann (Anderson) Richardson on their marriage, September 27. Meghann is the daughter of Steve and Julee Anderson. Matt and Abbie Lilly on the birth of their son, Deacon Micah on September 28. Grandparents are David and Elaine Lilly. Drew and Emily (Wilk) Logsdon on their marriage, October 11. Emily is the daughter of Joe and Gretchen Wilk.
Sympathy Christian love and sympathy to • Donna Nolan in the death of her mother and Arch Hicks in the death of his sister, Theresa Hicks-Allen on September 12 • Jo Lynn Austin and family in the death of her mother, Mary Eleanor Hull on September 12 • The family of Martha Shown on October 6
CLC Hours Monday & Tuesday 6:30 am-9:00 pm Wednesday 6:30 am-4:30 pm Thursday 6:30 am-9:00 pm Friday 6:30 am-1:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am-3:00 pm HOLIDAY HOURS November 27 CLC Closed November 28 CLC Open 8:00 am-1:00 pm
Sunday Schedule 8:30 am
Classic Service
9:45 am
Sunday School
11:00 am
Elevate Service
6:00 pm
Evening Service
Thanksgiving Celebration November 23 at 5:00.
OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4:30 pm Friday 8:00 am-1:00 pm HOLIDAY HOURS November 27 & 28 Office Closed
Build-A-Bed pg. 17
November 2
See Sunday Schedule Daylight Savings Time Ends
November 5
See Wednesday Schedule
November 9
See Sunday Schedule Connecting Women
Prayer Meeting Fellowship Hall
Conference Ticket Sales pg. 14
4:45 pm
Family Supper
5:45 pm
6:00 pm
Go & Tell, Awana Youth and Adult Bible Studies
7:00 pm
November 1
Budget Approval (am )
Wednesday Schedule 12:00 pm
November 10
Choir Rehearsal
3:00 pm
Discover FBC pg. 7
6:00 pm
My Mission pg. 17
November 12
See Wednesday Schedule
November 16
See Sunday Schedule
November 19
See Wednesday Schedule
November 23
Sunday (Pledge Day)
No Wednesday Activities November 26
8:30 am
Classic Service
9:45 am
Sunday School
11:00 am
Elevate Service
5:00 pm
Thanksgiving Dinner pg. 17
November 26
November 27
Thanksgiving Office & CLC Closed
November 28
Office Closed
November 30
See Sunday Schedule First Sunday of ADVENT Week of Prayer begins
If more information is available about an event, you will see a page number following the title. Missions/Rec
Church wide
Build Day Volunteers: IT’S NOT TOO LATE
November 1
We are looking for about 200 people who would like to serve on Build Day by assembling the beds and to deliver the beds to the families. This is an event where the whole family can serve together. Each participant will get to assist in assembling ONE bed. Every age is welcome to participate. Bed assembly is in one-hour shifts from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. Sign-up at
This Month’s Mee ng: Have you picked up your church directory? We still have a few available. If you would like a copy (one per family please), contact the church office at 270.683.3505.
Monday, November 10 | 6:00 pm LOCATION TBA Speaker: Taran Rager of Life Community Church For More Info Contact: Jessica Hall 270-685-9474
is a multi-generational fellowship of Christian women. We share a common desire to support missionaries as well as impact our home, community, and world for Christ through prayer and hands-on mission work.
Birth to 5 yrs. old Preschool Area Crafts | Music | Storytelling
K-5th grade 3rd Floor Awana Clubs
6th-12th grade East Chapel Frontline
Putting belief into practice can prove difficult for many Christians. Join us for these eight weeks as we walk through this wonderful New Testament letter. We will be challenged and encouraged to display both faith and works for the glory of God.
NOW – December 10 6:00 pm in room 315 Teacher: Wesley Dunn