Dedication Day Magazine | First Baptist Owensboro

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Sunday, November 5, 2017

How Will God Use This New Building?

Dear Church Family,

by Paul Strahan,

of doing the impossible. It is amazing to see

Let us, as the body of Christ, not look at this

Lead Pastor of

what God does when His people respond in

project as the end, but let’s view it as the be-

First Baptist

faith and sacrifice. I realize that many of you

ginning of a great movement of God. God has


made and continue to make sacrifices for His

given us life and resources to use for advancing

work at FBC. For that I am eternally grateful.

His kingdom, so let’s march forward for Him.

As I reflect on the whole “Connect: For Future Generations” project, I am so proud of what God has done. I am proud of the way you (First Baptist Owensboro) responded to the challenge

I am reminded of the story about D.L. Moody, the great evangelist. When D.L. Moody was just starting in the ministry, he heard a preacher say, “The world has yet to see what God can do with a man fully surrendered to Him.” That night, Moody said, “By God’s grace, I’ll be that man!” It is said that Moody shook two continents for God with more than a million souls coming to Christ under his preaching and ministry. Moody had little formal education, and he was not a polished speaker. But God greatly used his life. You may never be called to preach like Mr. Moody, but God can greatly use your life if you

live by faith in our great God. My prayer is that God will use this new building and renovation to win souls, encourage the people of God, and make disciples who will then make more disciples.

Remember the Great Commission given to us by Jesus himself in Matthew 28:19–20: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” As we are going,


he Phase II renovation of the 1920s

One of the signature parts of the new addi-

building and the new addition that

tion is a new weekday entrance to our church

connects it to the CLC are now com-

facility. This entrance provides a reception

plete. We are thankful to see this day and know

area where a receptionist will greet and direct

that it was possible because of your constant

visitors to the proper areas of the church as

prayers and financial support.

needed. It also provides a safe place for our

Once you see the completed renovation and new building, you will witness a building for future generations. The renovation included

benevolent ministry during the week. We are confident this addition will bring a warm and welcoming presence into our church.

updated space for our music ministry and our

The unseen parts of the project are the updated

student ministry. We also added a new gather-

HVAC systems, electrical system, lighting, new

ing area for our multi-generational church to

windows, and insulation. These systems will

gather together for fellowship and connecting.

provide future significant savings on our utility

Other areas of the renovation included educational space and office space for our staff. The office area provides a safe environment for all

bills. The HVAC and lighting systems are controlled by computers, which increases energy efficiency.

of our employees. We also made provisions to

We want to thank you for the sacrifices you

improve and increase technology throughout

have made to make it possible for us to be here

the entire facility. There are TVs in the cor-

today. You are now the saints on whose shoul-

ridors to provide information about where

ders future generations will stand. Your sacri-

rooms are located for Bible study and meetings.

fices today are helping write the next chapter of

There are also classrooms outfitted with TVs

First Baptist Owensboro. Thanks be to God for

for use in teaching and streaming conferences

all He has done!

online. It is indeed a building for future generations.

Thanks be to God for All He Has Done! by Bob Farmer, Administration & Senior Adults Minister


he completion

project, and dealt with the inconvenience of

of Phase II is

being displaced for over a year of construc-

the culmination

tion. Last, but certainly most important, the

of a multi-year effort by

members of FBC rose to the challenge and

many people who made

surpassed our wildest imaginations through

large-scale contributions.

your support, dedication, and incredible

Certainly the tangible

financial commitment to this project. I must

improvements highlighted

admit, I did not know if the church would

in this article represent our

support such a huge endeavor. Oftentimes, it

mutual end goal. However,

requires a God-sized task to realize the super-

I have personally found the

power of a God who is far greater than our

blessings to be far greater in

own competencies and skills. In the end, God

the process rather than the

deserves all the glory for what He has done!

final product itself.

What Phase II Prepares Us to Do by Matt Robbins, PERA Committee Co-Chair

To sum it up, all the above tells me something

First Baptist Owensboro is blessed to have

I already knew. You see, we serve a God who

so many talented individuals. There are too

not only loves us and cares for us, but He

many individuals to list, but I will briefly

provides for us. God is in the “business” of

mention the groups. First, the PERA Com-

making the impossible possible! That makes

mittee started the planning process about four

me smile, and it should cause you to smile

years ago. It took quite a while to do our dil-

as well. Although we have so many great and

igence, assess the current building, and then

talented people (and we certainly do), it is

begin the painstaking process of identifying

the common thread binding us together that

the “what” and “how” of this project. It was

makes this a special place. Far beyond mere

amazing to watch the commitment of these

bricks and mortar, we are a body of believers

individuals to be present for many meetings

committed to one purpose—spreading the

and make individual contributions. They were

love of Christ to Owensboro-Daviess County

fully engaged all along the way. The project

and the entire globe!

vision and design was truly a team effort. The Finance Committee continually supported this work, contributing valuable insight about how to finance Phase II, utilizing the skills and abilities with which God had so richly blessed them. The Fundraising Committee did a marvelous job in planning, organizing, and challenging our membership. The Trustees also contributed their valuable knowledge of the church and wisdom in orchestrating this project. The Pastoral Staff of the church intently reviewed the plans, supported the

Phase II has given us a new gathering area for the fellowship of believers; connected our facilities into one accessible space; provided a new, fresh space for our youth, a team-oriented space for our staff, a great new space for our music ministry, and finally, 21st century space for Bible study. In a nutshell, we have equipped our church to best serve this community for the century ahead. After all, that’s what a church is charged to do as we focus on introducing as many people possible to the God we are so undeservingly blessed to serve.

What if all you had when you got up this morning was what you prayed for yesterday? by Ross Leazanby, Capital Campaign Co-Director The above reminder is on the wall of the men’s Fellowship Class to keep to remind us that we live our lives step-by-step and day-by-day (Larry Cambron and Doug Cavender). You might let your mind go to physical things that we possess, but switch gears to others around you and the programs and needs of our church. This was exactly the way your capital committee approached the over $7 million project to renovate and remodel the 1927 part of our church building. Connie Barnett and I were asked to co-chair the Capital Campaign—a project that looked like a real mountain to climb. We started with the childhood story about the little engine that kept repeating over and over, "I think I can. I think I can. I think I can." We are not yet to the top where we can shout, "I thought I could," but we are ahead of schedule! Our guidance team—Impact Stewardship from Nashville— projected we would get pledges of $2.5 to $3 million, but we topped that with $3.65 million! Connie and I (acting as cheerleaders) had a tremendous

team to carry the ball, including but not limited to Claude Bacon, Virgil Barker, Jean Byrd, Jane Cambron, Rhonda Cavender, Casey Clark, Terry Disney*, Ray Gillaspie, Dot Kanipe*, Sherry Kasinger**, Steve

*Terry and Dot took the phrase at the top to high levels, at each meeting they gave us new and clever ways to start our day in prayer. ** Sherry—with her years of coordinating—had her arms around us all and blew her whistle at appropriate times.

Swift, and Judi West. You all have heard these names before and will again as they continue to praise you for your amazing efforts. Well, that was yesterday. What about today? Your efforts to date are amazing answers to all our prayers. Our congregation was projected give two-thirds (66%) of total pledges by December 31st. As of October 25, 2017, FBC has given 87%! What about tomorrow? Connie and I are expecting an extra EASTER BLESSING! I knew we could! I knew we could! I knew we could! Phase II Dedication  |  4

What 's New After Phase II?

The purpose of Phase II was to preserve and revitalize the 1920s building, enhance safety and accessibility, modernize ministry opportunities, and resolve long-term maintenance issues while improving energy savings potential. We are excited to say that this project did just that! Some of the additions to accomplish the aforementioned goals were:

Consolidated office suite for administrative & pastoral staff Large church gathering space

Functional Sunday School areas on the second & third floors

Consolidated and flexible student ministry area Functional music ministry suite & storage

Secure weekday business entrance

Rear drop-off & pickup area

Construction photos by Susan Elizabeth Wilson & Susan Dant

Fire suppression system

Connect Contributions First Baptist Owensboro has been so faithful to give to the Connect Campaign over the last 23 months. Here's a look at our progress and how much we have still to meet our pledge!

Our Total Pledge In 2015, First Baptist Owensboro pledged to give $3,642,158 toward our building project. We want to fulfill our pledge by December 6, 2018.

Connection between the CLC & main building

$3,642,158 Total Given in 2015 & 2016 On December 6, 2015, First Baptist Owensboro began receiving contributions toward our Connect Campaign. By December 31, 2016, $2,303,538 was given!

$2,303,538 Total Given in 2017 So Far As of October 25, contributors have given $854,694 in 2017. That's nearly 24% of

New HVAC components & electrical wiring

our total goal given in only 11 months!

$854,694 → Total Given Overall In less than two years, First Baptist Owensboro has sacrificially given $3,158,232 to the Connect Campaign—roughly 87% of our total pledge!

$3,158,232 Amount Remaining So far, FBC has given $3,158,232 to ensure future generations can safely enjoy the

Improve drainage to prevent water damage

historic 1920s building, our sanctuary, the new addition, and our front porch. We now only have $483,926 remaining to reach our pledge of $3,642,158!

$483,926 → Phase II Dedication  |  6

Before & After

7  |  First Baptist Owensboro

Phase II Dedication  |  8

Project Timeline 6

Since construction began on June 1, 2016, construction workers, architects, electricians, and many more individuals have labored to complete Phase II. The timeline below illustrates the major points of construction during this project.

June 1, 2016 Construction Begins




June–November 2016 Demolition of the 1920s Building

9 10

August–October 2016 Sanctuary Fire Suppression System Installed

11 12

December 2016–September 2017 1920s Building HVAC, Fire Suppression System, Lighting, etc. Installed

1 2 3 4



January 2017 Structural Steel for New Addition Installed

January–October 2017 New Addition Constructed

6 7

June–September 2017 New Addition Connected to the CLC

8 9

October 2017 Parking Lot Renovated

10 11

November 5, 2017 Dedication Day Renovation Complete

A Final Thank You from Pastor Paul


Let me say thanks, first and foremost,

For Future Generations” stewardship

istrative team, Susan Dant, Michele

to Jesus Christ. As the hymn writ-

campaign. They kept us on task and

Burton, Sharon Smith, and Barbara

er wrote, “Without Him I would be

continue to encourage us throughout

Wright for the extra work and hours

nothing, without Him I’d surely fail,

the stewardship campaign.

they’ve put in so this project could keep

want to take a moment to thank several people for the success of our building project. We started this project almost two years ago with an excitement of what it would become. I can tell you that we have not been disappointed. The end result is wonderful, and there are so many who need to be recognized.

without Him I would be drifting, like a ship without a sail.” To Him be glory and honor, the only one worthy of our worship. Praise the name of Jesus! Thanks to our First Baptist Owensboro family. Your commitment, dedication, adaptability, and patience is unmatched. I am so honored and grateful for your willingness to go above and beyond the call to see this project through. I know we are not completely through with our financial obligation, but we are heading in the right direction. Thanks to our PERA committee for their faithfulness to the project and meetings where decisions were made that sometimes were difficult. Thanks for your leadership and your attentiveness to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Thanks to Virgil Barker and the Follow-Up team for our “Connect:

Thanks to RBS Design who guided us

moving forward.

to determine the differences of what we

Special thanks to Mary Alice Riherd

wanted and what we needed. I am cer-

for all she has done in helping this proj-

tain God is pleased with the outcome.

ect move along. She has gone above and

Thanks to Lanham Brothers Construc-

beyond the call of duty.

tion for a job well done. They were a joy

Thanks to our maintenance team,

to work with, and we have been blessed

Dale Beavin, Linda Rodriguez, Bryce

to have them leading our team in this

Garrett, and J.T. Thomas who have

building project.

done everything and more than we have

Thanks to the many contractors and

asked of them.

sub-contractors who have worked tire-

Finally, thanks to our ministerial staff,

lessly to assure we were ready for our

Derry Billingsley, Wesley Dunn, Suzie

Dedication Day opening.

Horner, Dave Roberts, and Ginger

Thanks to Bob Farmer, who spent countless hours on meetings with staff, Lanham Brothers, RBS design, contractors, sub-contractors, PERA committee, and others to make sure the project was on schedule. Thanks to Judi West and our admin-

Mayfield for the spirit with which they have exhibited when things were abnormal. I am grateful to work alongside these men and women. They love the Lord and this body of believers. I pray the years that follow will result in many coming to faith in Christ and then disciples making disciples!

Thank you to the following companies for making Phase II a success! Architectural Sales AV Solutions BC Mechanical & Electrical Engineers Bill Elliot Painting Bruce’s Tri-State Roofing Buford Masonry Carpets Decorated, Inc. Comfort Design DC Elevator

Euronique Evolve G & G Landscape Nursery, Inc. Kentucky Mirror & Glass Lanham Brothers Construction Mechanical Systems, Inc. Modern Welding Norman King Electric OMU Fiber

Preferred Environmental Solutions Priority Communications RBS Design Group Sonitrol Spray-Tec United Foundations, Inc. Wilkerson Plastering Yager Materials Yeiser Excavating Phase II Dedication  |  10

Learn more about First Baptist Owensboro and our Phase II project at or on social media.

230 JR Miller Blvd • Owensboro, KY 42303 • 270.683.3505 •

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