First Baptist Church Owensboro/September 2015

Page 1

INSIDE: Connecting Women Conference God @ Work First on Mission


Liz Curtis Higgs & Angie Smith

App: First Baptist Owensboro Facebook: FBC Owensboro Instagram: fbcowb Twitter: @fbcowb 270.683.3505 | PASTOR, Paul Strahan ADMINISTRATION and MINISTER TO SENIOR ADULTS Bob Farmer


Connect with Paul


God @ Work


Connect with... Missions/Recreation


Senior Adults/ Administration


Worship: Merge & Kentucky Wesleyan Singers


Discipleship 8


Connecting Women Conference By Cheryl Goss


Connect with... Preschool/Women’s

Liz Curtis Higgs Angie Smith Merge Worship & Wesleyan Singers




Children Students 13

FOM (World Hunger)


Connecting Women Conference: Ministry Partners


Calendar of Events


Connect with One Another

You can find out more information for the CONNECTING WOMEN CONFERENCE throughout this issue of Connect. Related pages highlighted in purple.

WOMEN’S MINISTRY! We are excited about the Connecting Women’s Conference coming to the RiverPark Center, November 6 & 7. Cheryl Goss and others began making plans last year for this conference. They are praying and preparing for God to move mightily in the lives of women not just in our church, but also in Owensboro and surrounding areas. Liz Curtis Higgs and Angie Smith are the speakers and they will

The rest of our Wednesday schedule looks like this:

both entertain and challenge you in your walk with God. I pray you are making plans to attend and invite/bring others with you. You can find all the information

4:45pm Family Supper

about the cost, speakers, schedule, hotel accommodations, etc. on the website. Here is the link to the website,

6:00pm W4L (Preschool)


Awana (K-5th grade)

We are back to our normal activities on Wednesdays now and things are going well. Our children are back in Awana (which stands for Approved Workmen

Counter Culture (Youth)

Are Not Ashamed as taken from 2 Timothy 2:15) and they are learning God’s Word. The mission of AWANA is to help "churches and parents worldwide raise children and youth to know, love and serve Christ." If you are looking to serve in some capacity, there are places in the Preschool and Children’s area. You can contact Cheryl Goss (preschool) and Suzie Horner (children).

Adult Open Bible Study "Baptist Faith & Message" Adult Sunday School Teacher’s Meeting Orchestra Rehearsal

At noon on Wednesday we have our prayer meeting over lunch and would love to have you join us. We sing, pray, eat, fellowship and just enjoy being in the presence of God.

Grateful to be serving among you,

7:00pm Sanctuary Choir

How did you see

God @ Work in your life

during or after attending a Women’s Conference? Judi West

but clearly this was what He wanted

Though God can speak to us anywhere and anytime,

me to see. That He was in control. He

we sometimes find it easier when our distractions are

would be my words. And my part was not

limited. You may say, “How can you hear God at a

to fix is to just be still and let Him.

Women’s Conference when there are many more distractions there, than in your everyday life?” True, but

It was a powerful conference and one with

sometimes we have to position ourselves to hear from

continuing lessons that stay with me to this

God, positioned so that we can more easily have an

day. As a daily reminder, I have a small card

awareness of His presence and to see God @ Work.

in front of my computer that reads: “May the words of my mouth and the meditation

This was my experience when attending a Priscilla Shirer

of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD,

Conference. As I went into this conference, I asked God

my rock and my redeemer.” [Psalm

to speak to me in whatever area of my life He needed


to bring to my attention. A word of caution when doing this, you must prepare yourself for whatever that may be, because sometimes it’s not pretty.

JESSICA HALL When I am able to strip away the

One of the conference focal scriptures was Exodus

busyness and crazy of this world


for 24-48 hours and solely focus

14 “The

LORD will fight for you; you need only to be


on worshiping the one true God collectively with hun-

Be Still? This is one of the hardest things for me to do; to

dreds of believers, I find it

stand still and say nothing. To Be Quiet? Even harder,

much easier to recognize

God @ Work. So how might you see

Laurie Turner

us from making Jesus #1. Not only

God @ Work during a confer-

Attending a women’s conference is

did our FBC group study and learn


It may be revealed in the

a great experience. It is a time to

with Anne that weekend, but we

beautiful words of a 100+ year old

step away from the busyness of life

became closer as a group, and I

hymn or the newest praise song. It

to worship and study God’s Word.

enjoyed interacting with ladies that I

may be a speaker who you thought

had not known well.

That experi-

you would not relate with, but who

For me personally, God has used

ence, 17 years ago, was a life-

shares her struggles and you come

the music and Bible study to help

changer for me.

to realize your battle is not fought

me to grow in my relationship with



For those road trip confer-

I have come back renewed

ences I believe there is something to

and ready to serve Him. I have wit-

be said about how God uses inter-

nessed God using what we learned

state time to connect believers who

at the conferences to help us build

may only know each other by

the women’s ministry at FBC.

name, and I have certainly had late

time away has given us a chance

night conversations with roommates

to talk about our needs as women

that God has used to strengthen

and ways we can share the Gospel

friendships and bring Him glory.

and reach others for Christ. Legacy


night and women’s Bible studies have happened because of input Kay Copeland

from these conferences. As women

29 years ago (1986) in a Pentecostal

it helps us to come together and

church with a fellow Baptist, I was

take time to build friendships with

asking desperately for the strongest

other women. God has used these

desire of my life, a miracle from

friendships to encourage us as we for my five-year-old son.

grow in our relationship with Him. In

What I wanted from God was what


“I WANTED!” I had never really

“...encourage one another daily”.






acknowledged or felt what “He wanted” from me. I was with others who were raising their hands to

Lee Waldroup

God. I could not raise my hands.

As I have been thinking about the various women’s conferences I’ve

Fast forward 13 years (1999) attend-

attended, one stood out.

It had

ing a women’s conference at the

and still does have a great impact

Billy Graham Training Center, The

on my life.

Cove: Anne Graham Lotz speaking.

large group of women from FBC

Gospel music being sung. More

Owensboro had the opportunity to


In the fall of 1998, a



travel to The Cove near Asheville,



NC. The speaker for the weekend

heart…”Kay, you wouldn’t reach for

was Anne Graham Lotz, Billy Gra-

me then. Will you reach for me

ham’s daughter. She was an amaz-

now?” I stood in the

ing speaker and had her audience

crowd. I raised my hands. I have

captivated with every word.

never stopped reaching since that

poured through Scriptures and in


particular, she spoke on the strong-



Christian me.



heart, my soul and my mind…



holds in our lives that were keeping

...And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us...

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 How do I love my neighbor? Let me count the ways. Lately we have been talking about loving our neighbors, we have been reading about it, and here is a practical way we can do it…FBC Serve Your Neighbor Day! Of course you can serve your neighbor on any day. This date and these ways are just suggestions to begin:

BRIDGE WALK September 12 8:00 am-2:00 pm A great opportunity to “Serve” Owensboro during the annual Bridge Walk.

Volunteers Needed We will distribute water and have face decals. Volunteer on our website at or contact Susan in the church office at 270.683.3505.

Bake cookies or bread and deliver to your neighbors

Rake their leaves

Clean out their gutters

Host a front yard cookout for your neighborhood

Host a free apple cider stand

Clean-up a local park

Ask a local business if you can clean their front windows

Take a meal or snacks to the local fire or police department

For more ideas visit Wear your green Serve Owensboro t-shirts on Saturday, October 3. If you do not have one, you may pick one up on Sunday, September 20 or 27 in the front mezzanine.

Fitness @ First Classes Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

9:00 am & 10:15 am 5:00 pm 9:00 am 5:00 pm 8:30 am

Childcare available Monday-Thursday. For more details visit

Boston Mission Trip… We had a group of 14 people travel to Boston to work with Redemption Hill Church during Serve Medford Week. The group was a mixture of students and older adults working on mission together. Projects included cleaning out a store front, painting, hanging door fliers for the Community Fun Night, handing out granola bars at the subway stations, working at two senior centers, and showing the movie “Facing the Giants” to one of the Senior Centers. It was a busy, but very rewarding week as our lives intertwined with many in the Medford Community. This is the 5th year we have traveled to Boston to partner with Redemption Hill Church. Tanner Turley, the lead Pastor and former member of First Baptist Church, continues to lead the church and to share the gospel in the Medford area. This past year, Redemption Hill Church attendance has been averaging between 175-200 people. Due to their recent growth, the church has been in a capital campaign to relocate to a larger space for worship. On September 13th, they will begin worshipping in the Chevalier Theatre next to the Boys and Girls Club, which is where they are worshipping at the present time. We ask that you commit to pray for Redemption Hill Church as they embark on this journey and continue to pray for the work that is going on in Medford. We want to thank the church for giving us the opportunity to be on Mission in the Boston area. Northwest Trip…

We just returned from our trip out to the Northwest to visit Portland and Seattle. We had a wonderful time of fellowship and enjoyed seeing the beauty of the Oregon Coast and areas around Seattle. I want to thank Ruth Gillaspie and Susan Dant for all the work in planning the trip and for taking care of the details of the trip. State Park Trip…

Capital Campaign for Phase II… In the June Quarterly Business Meeting, the church approved entering into a Capital Campaign for the Phase II project. The church also approved to use Impact Stewardship Resources, Inc. to lead us through this very important phase of the project. A lead team has been secured and is beginning their work to lead us through this campaign. In next month’s Connect Magazine, we will be sharing more information about the campaign. Please be in prayer for our church and how God can bless us during this campaign. Stewardship… As we reflect on our upcoming Capital Campaign and planning our 2016 budget year, I want to share with you about the importance of Stewardship. I trust this will speak to you as you begin praying about what God has in store for First Baptist Church of Owensboro. Matthew 6:19-21 states “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” There are three principles from this passage I would like for you to consider. First, God owns everything. Do you believe this? He does own everything because He has given us so much so that we might fulfill His purpose here on earth. Secondly, good management of His resources shows our love for Him. Thirdly, how we use our time, talents, and money is reflective of our relationship with and obedience to God. Kennon Callahan in his book Giving and Stewardship in an Effective Church states, “Stewardship involves all of the gifts God gives: the gift of Life, gift of generosity, gift of mission, and the gift of hope.” Are you being a good steward? Faithful stewardship involves deliberately using all the resources entrusted to us by God. Sharing of our talents, money, and spiritual gifts will help fulfill His purposes for our lives. First Baptist Church would not be as strong of a church, striving to fulfill God’s purpose, without the faithful stewardship of its people. God is not finished with us, we must remain faithful stewards to fulfill His kingdom work. Stewardship is an important part of our spiritual pilgrimage. My prayer is that you will have a desire to continue to grow in your relationship with God and to continue to be a good steward of God’s abundant blessings.

Dale Hollow: October 27-29 $150 per person D/O | $170 per person S/O $25 deposit with reservations. Deadline to sign-up is September 24

Contact Susan or Bob for more information and to sign-up.

MERGE Worship & Kentucky Wesleyan Singers Leading worship for the November 2015




Women’s Conference: “Letting Go”, will

(Owensboro Christian).




be Merge and the Kentucky Wesleyan Singers.

The Kentucky Wesleyan Singers showcase a select vocal ensemble in a wide

Merge Worship is made up of worship-

variety of beautiful choral repertoire.

pers from churches throughout Owens-

The Singers maintain an active schedule

boro. Representing four churches and

with more than forty performances



each year at such locations as church-

goal is to reach beyond church walls to

es, schools, and business and charitable

worship as one body.

organizations, as well as performances



with the Owensboro Symphony OrchesMerge Worship consists of Ryan and

tra. Recent tours have taken the choir

Maeghan Adams (First Baptist Owens-

to various performance venues, includ-

boro), Andy Basham (Ignite 360), Mi-

ing a 2011 trip to Carnegie Hall, New

chael Goodlett (Ignite 360), Billy McIn-

York City.

Connecting Women Conference

North America On August 3 & 4, the North American Mission Board

church will be future international missionaries to an un-

(NAMB) held a conference at Bridgestone Arena in

reached people group?

Nashville with more than 13,600 people in attendance.

equipping the people in our congregation to live sent in

Dustin Brown, Woody Maglinger, Leigh Ann Maglinger,

the days ahead so that God’s kingdom might be en-

Nathan Scott, and I were part of that crowd. NAMB is

hanced and expanded? Bottom line….LIVE SENT! Kevin

the Southern Baptist Convention’s mission sending agen-

Ezell (president of NAMB) closed the conference with this

cy in North America. Their goal with this conference was

sentence, “We are going to send until the whole world

not to merely be another conference, but to be the start

hears.” May that be said of FBC Owensboro.

How are we discipling and

of a movement of sending people on mission from our churches. I went into the conference thinking it would mostly revolve around church planting. Sure, there was plenty of discussion about that, but most persistent was


the basic conversation of each and every believer being

For many years, the Kentucky Baptist Convention (KBC)

on mission where they are. Each and every person is

has provided news of Baptist life through its statewide

sent by God, that is the given…where they are sent, that

newspaper, the Western Recorder. They continue to pro-

is the variable. So the overarching theme was the call

vide this hard copy every other week. Many of you re-

on our lives to live sent, whether that is to our neighbors,

ceive this publication at home and some of you pick up

co-workers, family, state, or in a totally new location.

a copy here at the church building.

The Western Re-

corder also allows you to have an online subscription for I had two main personal takeaways from our time in

those that prefer digital accessibility.

Nashville. First, prayer is necessary for any movement of sending or revivalism of God in our church and commu-

In addition to these, the KBC has now launched a free

nity. It seemed that each and every speaker had this as

online publication (website) that covers all kinds of news.

their underlying theme. It challenged me greatly. I must

They realize the need for a digital presence with the cur-

be in prayer for God to work in me and in the hearts of

rent and coming generations, and this is a great step in

those that I reach out to, and if I don’t, more than likely I

providing that.

am too dependent on my own power. Secondly, our

tucky Today is your one-stop source for today's top state,

Here is their website description: Ken-

vision is too small. God is a global God! He is God of the

national and world news, plus news from the business,

entire universe and He can work great and mighty things

sports and entertainment worlds. Stay current on events

for His kingdom, even through the saints at FBC Owens-

as they unfold with our immediate updates, without the

boro. So often we get caught up (I get caught up) in

hassle of subscription fees or logins. Get in-depth com-

the small things that don’t really have eternal weight, yet

mentary from our columnists who provide perspective on

there is a God who is ready to use His people to reach a

the toughest issues of the day. And if you are one of Ken-

lost and dying world. Here are some thoughts and ques-

tucky's 1 million Southern Baptists, you can read about

tions that are a result of God-sized vision:

what's going on in your faith community, as well. Why do

Who in our

church is the next church planter? Who in our church is t h e

we do all of this? Because you deserve the Truth.

next one to share the gospel and lead someone to faith that will impact an entire family for generations to come? Who in our

I would greatly encourage you to check them out and follow them on their website, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Sponsored by the Women’s Ministry of First Baptist Church Waiting here for you…..Over the past year of putting this conference together, I have seen His great works: learning of others’ stories because of the speakers coming, women in and out of our church taking steps of faith, and working with the speakers and hearing their hearts and the passions God has placed on them. I have seen our women be on their knees in prayer for this event and the women attending. I have seen this event come together even as the enemy attacked.

Hebrews 12:1 states, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a

Liz Curtis Higgs Liz is married to Bill Higgs, Ph. D, who

huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.”

serves as Director of Operations for her speaking and writing office. Liz and Bill

As the conference draws closer, my prayer is that women attending

enjoy their old Kentucky farm home in

will see and recognize when He shows up on November 6th and

Louisville, and are the proud (and relieved) parents of two college grads, Matthew and

7th. I pray the Holy Spirit will fill the RiverPark and take hold of our

Lillian. Liz is a former bad girl and now is a

women and families and start a movement that should have hap-

gifted professional speaker and author,

pened long ago...a movement to put God back where He belongs

known by her audiences as an encourager. She is the author of more than 30 books

and that is at the center of everything we do...a movement for all of

including Bad Girls of the Bible, Embrace

us to daily start running for Him, looking to Him, because He is the

Grace and many children’s and non-fiction

founder and perfecter of our faith.

books. Liz has presented more than 1700 encouraging programs for audiences in all 50 states and 14 countries.

The Conference will allow women from different denominations,

backgrounds, and ages to come together to hear God’s Word. May our church be in prayer that this is a place and time where women can come together and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Pray that as we go through the weekend that women can truly surrender to God and His plan. Pray that when women leave they will be filled with His presence and share it with everyone they come in contact with. Pray that women see that each and every one of us deal with sin and life’s issues, but because of the precious blood of Jesus Christ we are set free and will one day come face to face with our Almighty God.

Oh, what a beautiful time this will be!!

Angie Smith Angie is married to Todd Smith, of the

by Cheryl Goss

Christian group, Selah, and mom to five daughters. In 2008, the Smiths received news that their 4th daughter, Audrey, would

Waiting here for You With our hands lifted high in praise And it’s you we adore Singing alleluia

not survive, and Angie began blogging as a means of communication with friends and family during those difficult days. Angie now writes books and Bible studies, and teaches

You are everything You promised Your faithfulness is true Were desperate for your presence All we need is You

around the country, but the heart of her ministry is the same as it was when her fingers typed the very first words on her blog years ago: to make the Bible feel accessible

We will wait for You, Lord “Waiting Here For You” by Passion

and relevant and to encourage others in their faith journey. She and Todd (and their house full of daughters) live in Nashville, TN.

Join us on Wednesday nights from 6:00-7:00pm for an interactive study on the life of David. This is an hour of seeing God’s promises through worship and Bible stories. Classes are for ages 2-5 and childcare is provided for the younger ones!

Preschool Trip Birth-5 and family

September 26 9:00 am

Our preschool department (birth-5 year and families) are taking a trip to the Mesker Zoo in Evansville, IN. We will meet at the zoo at 9:00 a.m. and spend a fun filled day together. Please contact Cheryl for more information and to sign up. Cost: $7 which includes your tickets and your child’s lunch.

2015 October 24

Build-a-Bear Christmas Event

2016 February 26

Dudes Big Gaming Night

March 18

Cinderella Ball

March 30

Awana Awards

April 13

Wednesday nights we will sing “Y-Y-Y-Y-Yes to V- V-V–VBS!” songs from the past and present.

May 25

Finger Rocket Mania

June 6-10


July 10-13

Jonathan Creek Crossings Camp (grades 3-6)

August 1

Camp (grades k-2)

That summer was CRAZY! I always look forward to summer in hopes that it will come with some down time, but that was not the case this year. There were camps and trips, Supreme Court decisions, and Donald Trump. CRAZY summer! I am glad to be back to a routine and am so looking forward to a new year. I am very excited about what will be taking place in the Student

Boys Bible Study

Ministry this year, particularly when it comes to Bible studies. On Wednesday nights at 6:00 pm, we will be doing a study titled “Counter Culture”. We will be teaching on how to respond biblically to current issues. The material will be based on the book “Counter Culture” by David Platt. I will be sending out more info about this study soon. On Sunday Nights we will have a girls’ Bible study and a guys’ Bible study. The girls’ study is called Lady in Waiting: Developing your Love Relationships, while the guys’ study is called Man Up: Discovering What it Means to be a Man. Our Sunday night studies will begin on Septem-

Lady in Waiting

ber 20th. More information to come on both of these studies. My desire is to see our students grow in their faith. Parents, please encourage your student (s) to get involved in a small group study. Please feel free to come to any of our studies or events as well. You

Sunday’s beginning September 13 5:30-7:00 pm

are welcomed and encouraged to come alongside us. I am excited about what God is going to do this year! If you have any questions about any of our Bible Studies, please let me know!

Week of Prayer: September 13-20

Prayer guides will be inserted in the bulletin on September 13.

$12,900 To learn more visit

“For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat…” Matthew 25:35 NASB Hunger is no respecter of geography or ethnic group. It can be felt in an apartment in Eastern Europe, a cardboard shack in Central America, a tent in the Sahara, or a house in Kentucky. Southern Baptist missionaries and volunteers are offering nourishment for the body and soul. And every Southern Baptist can have a part in those ministries through gifts to the Global Hunger Relief Fund. 85% of gifts are used to help alleviate hunger overseas and 15% is used here in the United States.

Small sacrifices and simple swaps can make a BIG difference! ⇒ A cup of fancy coffee can cost $11 a week, but home-brewed joe costs around a dollar. The difference? $10 ⇒ A meal out for a family of four can easily top $50, but a home-cooked meal for the same family can cost as little as $15. The difference? $35 ⇒ A night out at the movies for a family of four can easily top $75, but an evening at home with a DVD can cost well under $10. The difference? $65

You may pick up your bank in the church lobbies. ONE PER FAMILY PLEASE! Return Banks on Sunday, September 27.

CONNECTING WOMEN CONFERENCE: MINISTRY PARTNERS Connecting Women Conference is partnering with these organizations listed below for our 2015 conference. We hope that you will pray for these ministries, their needs, and how you as an individual, family, or church group can use this opportunity as a mission project. If you feel led to contribute, you can drop off your items at the ministry information tables that will be located in the lobby of the RiverPark Center during the conference. These ministries make a daily impact in our schools, cities, and families and we want to show our support by providing whatever is needed to make them successful!

Needs: • Hygiene Products • Laundry Soap • Toilet Paper • Paper Towels • Cleaning Supplies • Notebooks & Pens/Pencils • Walmart Gift Cards &

Needs: • Diapers • New Baby Clothing (Newborn-12 mos) • Baby Wipes • Baby Bottles • Other Baby Items Find more information at

Gas Cards

Donations: • Drinks & Nonperishable Snacks for YL Meetings • Small Appreciation Gifts for YL School Leaders Find more information at

Find more information at

Fair Trade Business Offering employment to women trapped in Kolkata’s Sex Trade. All conference attendees receive a Freeset Bag upon check-in at the conference.

Adult Volunteer Needs: Young Life Leaders Young Life Committee Members

Morgan Cheek (author/speaker) “His Hands, His Feet, His Heart” blog and author of On Milk & Honey: How God’s Goodness Shows Up in Unexpected Places.

For His Glory Inspirational Jewelry from Owensboro, KY

Testimonies | Music | Coffee | Dessert | Fellowship

For women of all ages Tuesday, September 22 6:00 pm in the East Chapel Guest Speaker: It’s a surprise!

Contact Cheryl Goss for more information at Casual Coffee House Environment

CLC Hours Monday & Tuesday 6:30 am-9:00 pm Wednesday 6:30 am-4:30 pm Thursday 6:30 am-9:00 pm Friday 6:30 am-1:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am-1:00 pm

Sunday Schedule 8:30 am

Classic Service

9:45 am

Sunday School

11:00 am

Elevate Service

6:00 pm

Evening Service

September 2

No Evening

September 3

Service on

See Wednesday Schedule 6:00 pm

Seeker Women’s Prayer Group

September 6 & 13 September 6

See Sunday Schedule No Evening Service

OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4:30 pm Friday 8:00 am-1:00 pm

Wednesday Schedule 12:00 pm

September 7

Office & CLC CLOSED September 8

Prayer Meeting Family Supper

6:00 pm


September 12

Morning Service Broadcast on WKWC (90.3 FM) at 10:00 am and on Channel 72 Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. and Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.

Youth, and Adult

September 14

Bible Studies 7:00 pm

See website, recent news, for a minister on call list.

See Sunday Schedule 4:00 pm

Church Picnic pg. 18

6:00 pm

My Mission LA55 Trip: Church

September 16 September 17

See Wednesday Schedule 6:00 pm

Seeker Women’s Prayer Group

September 20

You can help by bringing non-perishable items to the church during the month of September.



See Sunday Schedule 7:00 pm

Deacons Meeting

6:00 pm

Legacy Night pg. 15

September 23

See Wednesday Schedule

September 24

DEADLINE to sign up for LA55 Trip to Dale Hollow

September 26

All items will be given to the Help Office. Drop-off boxes will be located in the Fellowship Hall and at the Connection Center.


Bridge Walk pg. 4

Basement Ladies

September 22

Minister on Call 270.683.3505 Press 9

8:00 am

September 15

Choir Rehearsal

Jo Nelson Bible Study See Wednesday Schedule

September 13

W4L, Awana,


9:30 am

September 9

Fellowship Hall 4:45 pm

Labor Day

9:00 am

Preschool Trip pg. 10

9:00 am

Holiday World (All Youth)

September 27

See Sunday Schedule 6:00 pm

September 30

Quarterly Business Mtg. See Wednesday Schedule

If more information is available about an event, you will see a page number following the title.



Senior Adults

Church wide

New Church Members Sympathy Christian love and sympathy to: •

Dot and Larry Kanipe & family in the death of her uncle, Rev. H. Lloyd Dunn on July 18.

Mark and Mary Owen & family in the death of his son, William H. Owen on July 19.

• Patricia Jones Transfer of Letter August 2

Michael Ross Transfer of Letter August 2

Mattie and Gerald Jones & family in the death of her nephew, Barry Weaver on July 21.

Linda Richards & family in the death of her mother, Grace Stephens on August 7.

Helen Jackson & family in the death of her son, Hunter on August 9.

Bev and Will Smith & family in the death of her grandmother, Gladys Powell on August 12.

Joan Wathen & family in the death of her sister, Priscilla (Prissy) Daugherty-Nelson on August 13.

Autumn Brown Profession of Faith/ Baptism on August 2

Adylan Ayer Profession of Faith/ Baptism on August 2

Congratulations •

Jill Dantic in the birth of her granddaughter, Ava Layne Murray on July 20.

Dan and Bella Miller in the birth of their daughter, Ava on August 5. Grandparents are Mike and Diane Miller.

Rico and Salima Perkins (Transfer of Letter) Isaiah and Sydney Perkins (Profession of Faith/Baptism) on August 9 also pictured...Stone Perkins

If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.

1 Corinthians 12:26

Sunday, September 13 4:00-8:00 pm Ben Hawes Park DINNER WILL BE SERVED AT 5:30 P.M. The meat, drinks, and eating utensils will be provided by the church.

Family Activities include: ultimate frisbee, corn-hole, horse shoes, and volleyball If your last name begins with: A-I please bring a dessert J-R please bring a vegetable (9 x 13 dish) S-Z please bring a salad

The PAR 3 golf tournament begins at 3:30. Register with Susan in the CLC (683-3505) office by Thursday, September 10

$10 per person

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