River North Project Broadway Neighborhood Avenue B
Broadway Neighborhood - Avenue B Zoom in for greater detail
IH 35
Ray Smith Road
View from Ray Smith
De ve l ba opm nk en rup t P t— roj ne ect w tha ow t w ne rs ent
Avenue B
12th Street
12th Street
12th Street
Avenue B
Alamo Wrecker
East Jones Street
Rock Bottom Tattoo Bar
East Jones Street
H-D Supply & Plumbing—has whole block
5 Apartments 1023
E Jones side of Bar
Empty lots & empty house - 1001
Avenue B
B & B Frame Fixer 1013 Warhol - 1011
is n th o s t e lo nue B e of th r All e of Av he rive sid up to t back
Backyard of 1001
10th Street
Oldest Continuous Veterans of Foreign Wars Chapter Commander Danny Estrello - Senior Vice-commander Angel Vasquez Junior Vice-commander Robert Ramirez They will be part of the River North dedication ceremonies scheduled for Memorial Day 2009 In process of raising funds to repair fire damage.
10 10th Street
10th Street
Corner View from 10th Street
Sankey Equipment Co 925 Avenue B Air compressors, hydraulic equipment
Avenue B
Data storage business
San Antonio Brake & Clutch 902 Avenue B
Eisenhauer & Eisenhauer, Lawyers F. Wooldridge, Lawyer 142 9th Street
9th Street
Private home w/ wheelchair ramp
g Bowlin
120 9th S
t.— T
urne rs
e dridg ffices aw o r & Wool L t ee aue th Str isenh 142 9 hauer, E Eisen
9th Street
Avenue B
9th Street Bridge
River No Bridge
AT&T Below is front of above building Extends to river
8th Street
Avenue B
9th Street
8th Stre e Cavende t view r Cadilla c
8th Street
8th Street
at&t Parking
Avenue B
Cavender Cadillac Make Ready & Parking
New Bar going in— owned by young couple
Brooklyn Avenue Brooklyn Ave Bridge
Brooklyn Avenue
Memorial to Chinese Baptist Church
Avenue B
Paint s Cadillac ing r’ e d n e v a C ark hop and P & Body S
6th Street
Empty Building 1st Baptist would like to own
at&t Covered parking on McCullough and river
McCullough side of corner building