FBI National Academy Associate January/February 2012

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COLUMNS 6 Association Perspective

Welcome National Academy Attendees Before Graduation Diane Scanga

23 A Message from our Chaplain

New Year Resolutions In 2012, make it your goal to appreciate what you already have. Billy Gibson

24 Staying on the Yellow Brick Road

Monday is Not “Chest Day” When it comes to physical fitness, focus on varied movements, not specific muscle groups.


John Van Vorst


EACH ISSUE 2 Executive Board 8 Partnerships 10 Chapter Chat


A Capital Experience

The Police Executive Fellowship Program gives local officers unprecedented access to the FBI’s most critical operations. Sean Duggan


The Future of Speed Enforcement


The Day My Narrow Mind Widened About Law Enforcement

Automated speed enforcement is now technically feasible and it could save lives. But will society accept it?

Stepping into a shoot-don’t shoot simulation made a local newscaster appreciate how things can go wrong in deadly force situations.

Max Santiago

Ray Collins

AD INDEX IFC 2 3 4 4 5 7 9 13 21 IBC BC

5.11 Tactical Series Trident University Justice Federal Credit Union Elbeco, Inc. Kaplan University Purdue American Military University Troy University Long Island University BLI, Inc. Taser International Verizon Wireless

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“Continuing Growth Through Training and Education”

Representative, Section I—Johnnie Adams Support Operations Commander, University of California Los Angeles Police Department (CA) jadams@fbinaa.org










The Magazine of the FBI National Academy Associates

EXECUTIVE BOARD Association President—Diane Scanga Captain/Academy Director, Director of Public Safety Services, Jefferson College (MO) dscanga@fbinaa.org

Representative, Section II—Barry Thomas Captain and Chief Deputy, Story County Sheriff’s Office (IA) bthomas@fbinaa.org Representative, Section III—Joey Reynolds Chief of Police (retired), Lenoir Police Department (NC) jreynolds@fbinaa.org Representative, Section IV—Scott Dumas Captain, Rochester Police Department (NH) sdumas@fbinaa.org

Association Past President—Matt Raia Commander (retired), Westminster Police Department (CO) mraia@fbinaa.org

Chaplain—William C. Gibson Director (retired), S.C. Criminal, Justice Academy (SC) wgibson@fbinaa.org

1st Vice President, Section III—Doug Muldoon Chief, Palm Bay Police Department (FL) dmuldoon@fbinaa.org

Historian—Terrance (Terry) Lucas Law Enforcement Coordinator, U.S. Attorney - Central District (IL) tlucas@fbinaa.org

2nd Vice President, Section IV—Laurie Cahill Detective Lieutenant, Ocean County Sheriff’s Department (NJ) lcahill@fbinaa.org

FBI Unit Chief—Greg Cappetta National Academy Unit (VA) gcappetta@fbiacademy.edu

3rd Vice President – Section I—Joe Gaylord Protective Services Manager, Central Arizona Project (AZ) jgaylord@fbinaa.org

Executive Director – Steve Tidwell FBI NAA, Inc. Executive Office (VA) stidwell@fbinaa.org

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Introducing the New Elbeco V1 TexTropTM External Vest Carrier

J A N U A R Y/ F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 2 VOLUME 14 ★ NUMBER 1 The National Academy Associate is a publication of the FBI National Academy Associates, Inc.





Steve Tidwell / Executive Director/Managing Editor Ashley R. Sutton / Communications Manager Š Copyright 2012, the FBI National Academy Associates, Inc. Reproduction of any part of this magazine without express written permission is strictly prohibited.

The V1 is a cosmetic outershell that houses your current vest in its original carrier for a professional uniform look. :RUQ RYHU XQLIRUP VKLUW )LWV PRVW EDOOLVWLF YHVW FDUULHUV ZDUUDQW\ FRQILUPDWLRQ OHWWHUV DYDLODEOH



A CAREER IN LAW ENFORCEMENT TAKES DEDICATION AND THE RIGHT EDUCATION. A Kaplan University School of Criminial Justice Program Can Help You Get There. Kaplan University has partnered with FBINAA to offer a tuition reduction to its members and their immediate family. Our flexible online degree programs are ideal for working professionals like you and the credits from the National Academy may easily transfer.*

Criminal justice degree programs include: t .BTUFS PG 4DJFODF JO $SJNJOBM +VTUJDF

The National Academy Associate is published bi-monthly by the FBI National Academy Associates, Inc., National Executive Office, FBI Academy, Quantico, VA 22135; phone: (703) 632-1990, fax: (703) 632-1993. The FBI National Academy Associates, Inc. is a private, non-profit organization and is not part of the Federal Bureau of Investigation or acting on the FBI’s behalf. Editorial submissions should be sent to the National Academy Associate, National Executive Office, FBI Academy, Quantico, VA 22135. Submissions may vary in length from 500-2000 words, and shall not be submitted simultaneously to other publications. The FBI National Academy Associates, Inc., the Executive Board and the editors of the National Academy Associate neither endorse nor guarantee completeness or accuracy of material used that is obtained from sources considered reliable, nor accept liability resulting from the adoption or use of any methods, procedures, recommendations, or statements recommended or implied. Photographs are obtained from stock for enhancement of editorial content, but do not necessarily represent the editorial content within. DEADLINES Editorial Deadline 12/10 2/10 4/10 6/10 8/10 10/10

Issue Jan/Feb Mar/Apr May/Jun Jul/Aug Sep/Oct Nov/Dec

Mail Date 2/15 3/30 5/30 7/30 9/30 11/30

ADVERTISING CONTACTS Leslie Pfeiffer (West) (480) 367-1101 ¡ Leslie.Pfeiffer@PoliceMag.com Susan Freel (East) (920) 397-7570 ¡ Susan.Freel@PoliceMag.com Lori Branch ¡ Production Manager (310) 533-2516 ¡ Lori.Branch@bobit.com


Kaplan University programs are designed to prepare graduates to pursue employment in their field of study, or in related fields. However, the University does not guarantee that graduates will be placed in any particular jog of employed at all. Additional police academy training maybe required for law enforcement jobs. *See University Catalog for Prior Learning Assessment policy. For comprehensive consumer information, visit http://online.kaplanuniversity.edu/consumer_info.aspx.

To ensure your tuition reduction, please visit www.fbinaa.kapl.edu or call 866.229.5944.



On The Cover: Automated Speed Enforcement In the not-too-distant future law enforcement officers will have a lot more technology on their side to catch and prosecute speeding drivers, thereby keeping the roads safer.

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To aid in the prevention of prescription drug abuse and diversion

FREE Professional Educational Programs Presented by Experienced Former Officers Forged and Altered Prescriptions

The Purdue Pharma Law Enforcement Liaison and Education Unit, which is staffed by retired law enforcement officials, provides FREE educational materials, as well as drug identification cards and placebos for “reverse sting” undercover operations. Training – Topics include preventing and investigating prescription drug diversion; scams against physicians; pharmacy scams; investigating criminal prescribers; and pain topics and definitions related to the use of opioids for the treatment of pain. Placebos – Identical to real controlled substances manufactured by Purdue Pharma, but contain no controlled substances.Their use is restricted to criminal investigations.

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Educational Materials – Drug ID cards with full-color, actual-size photographs of the most For more information, contact the commonly abused prescription Law Enforcement Liaison and Education Unit drugs, according to the National at 203-588-7281 Association of Drug Diversion Purdue Pharma L.P. One Stamford Forum, Stamford, CT 06901-3431 Investigators. Educational brochures on preventing prescription drug Fax 203-588-6035 • E-mail: LEPrograms@pharma.com abuse for law enforcement officers to distribute to pharmacies, physicians and hospitals, includes how to spot and deal with scammers.

All of these programs are provided at no cost. We do not promote any company’s products. Our sole objective is to provide information that supports law enforcement to help keep prescription drugs out of the hands of criminals, in order to ensure that they are available for patients with real medical needs.

© 2008, Purdue Pharma L.P. C7709-C 8/08

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Welcome National Academy Attendees Before Graduation DEAR FELLOW FBINAA MEMBERS,


OOKING FORWARD TO NEXT YEAR, I am humbled to be the 2012 President of the FBINAA. This column was implemented years ago as a tool to keep the membership abreast of the NAA business and Association matters. With the inception of the monthly newsletters, the new Website, and NETWORK NAA, communication with members is now more timely and practical. That leaves me with the dilemma of what I can bring to The Associate of value to you, the membership. And then, as I attended the 247th Session graduation on December 16, 2011, it came to me. Suddenly, I was drawn back to my own graduation. Transported back in time to Sep. 9, 1988, sitting in the theater (with the same orange seats), waiting for my name to be called and have my chance to walk across the stage to receive my diploma from then Director William Sessions. I thought that was the end of my 11-week experience. Then, coming back to the present day, I realized my graduation was really the beginning of a lifelong membership in the greatest law enforcement organization I have been involved with during my 35+ years in law enforcement. That membership brings me to this point, this place, and now for the next year, to be your NAA president. I will have the privilege to address the next four graduating sessions, at graduation practice, welcoming them into the NAA family. My dilemma? I should not be the one to “welcome” session graduates into the family. The night before the 247th graduation 2011 NAA President Matt Raia and I talked to a number of the graduates. Although it had been many years since we had graduated, the bittersweet emotions at graduation were the same: going home, but not being with session mates; returning to work, but not being with session mates; the routine of home, family and chores, but not being with session mates. Few had ever been to a Chapter event before coming to the NA. Why? FBI Field Offices usually announce future attendees several months, if not a year, out. Why not invite those future attendees to our Chapter events? As an Association, introduce those future members to the Chapter before they attend the NA. Most FBI offices and chapters offer some sort of orientation for the NA attendees to help prepare them for the Academy. Often, recent NA graduates are part of the orientation to offer suggestions and guidance for a healthy, happy, and successful NA experience. We could multiply that help by 10-, 20-, or 100fold if those same NA nominees had the chance to attend your NA Chapter events before attending the NA. Imagine the ex-

citement that those session members could bring with them to the NA. The Eastern Missouri Chapter sends care packages and/or cards to our attendees while they are in the Academy. I believe those attendees carry the message of the NAA to their session mates. Introduce and reinforce how important remaining active is to complete the NA value; to actually wield what they have learned and use contacts that are not just regional or statewide, but national and international in scope. The year 2012 promises to be filled with opportunities to identify, accept, and adapt to challenges and change. I extend the same opportunity to you, the membership, to be the catalyst behind our efforts. Accept the challenge to reach out to future attendees. Change the mindset that they are “not one of us” until “they are one of us.” Who of you would not have appreciated the insight and expertise of any one of us who had already attended and survived, and go ahead and admit it, miss the NA? Take the wind out of my sails as I stand before the graduating classes to introduce the NAA, to invite them, to encourage them to be active in their local Chapters. Let it be my legacy that I am the speaker that the graduating class no longer needs! Make me rewrite the “welcome to the NA speech” to “How can I help you continue to enjoy your NAA membership?” My 2012 wish for every NA graduate is that this be the year you choose to maximize the opportunity that your agency afforded you when you were nominated and selected to attend the NA, no matter how recently or how long ago. Show your family their sacrifices were not in vain. Complete the work you began while at Quantico and take advantage of all the NAA and your Chapter have to offer. Be a part of your local chapter, not just a card-carrying member, “use it on my resume” member, but an active member helping lead the Association to become even more effective and stronger. ■ F B I N A A Sincerely,

Diane Scanga Diane Scanga, 2012 President

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“IAMULOOKED TO A LEADER. is where experience and academics intersect.” Chief Joel Hurliman | Graduate, School of Public Safety & Health AMU stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the law enforcement community. As a 32-year police veteran and retired Army National Guard Master Sergeant, Chief Hurliman knows it takes street smarts and book smarts to address today’s complex public safety challenges. He joined AMU based on academic partnerships such as the FBI National Academy, faculty who have worn the badge, and a community of like-minded peers, each dedicated to protecting and serving our nation.

Learn More at www.PublicSafetyatAMU.com/associate-mag What’s this? AMU-QR.com Art & Humanities | Business | Education | Management | Public Safety & Health | Science & Technology | Security & Global Studies

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A Strategic Ally and the official wireless provider of the FBINAA

American Military University

Verizon Wireless One Verizon Way, Baskingridge, NJ 07920 (800) 295-1614 • www.verizonwireless.com

10110 Battleview Pky., Ste. 114 Manassas, VA 20109 (703) 396-6437 www.amuonline.com

Saint Leo University P.O. Box 6665 Saint Leo, FL 33574-6665 (813) 310-4365 www.saintleo.edu

Premier Ally and the Official Electronic Control Device (ECD) provider of the FBINAA

Trident University Bethel University

Taser International, Inc. 7860 E. McClain Drive, Suite 2, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 (800) 978-2737 • www.taser.com Strategic Ally and the “Official Supplier of Authentic Tactical Apparel and Gear” to the FBINAA

2900 Lebanon Pike, Suite 210 Nashville, TN 37214 (855) 202-6385

5665 Plaza Dr., 3rd Floor Cypress, CA 90630 (714) 816-0366 x2019 www.tuiu.edu


Troy University

5.11 Tactical Series 4300 Spyres Way, Modesto, CA 95356 (209) 527-4511/Fax: (209) 527-1511 • www.511tactical.com A Strategic Ally and the Official VISA of the FBINAA

Boston University Metropolitan College 755 Commonwealth Ave., Rm B4 Boston, MA 02215 (617) 353-6001 www.bu.edu/met/corporate/fbinaa

100 University Park Troy, AL 36082 (334) 670-5672 www.troy.edu/partnerships/fbinaa

Justice Federal Credit Union University of Maryland University College

5175 Parkstone Drive, Suite 200, Chantilly, VA 20151 800-550-JFCU • www.jfcu.org A Strategic Ally of the FBINAA

Capella University 5705 Harpers Farm Road, Suite B Columbia, MD 21044-2555 (410) 772-0829 www.capella.edu/fbinaa

3501 University Boulvard East Adelphi, MD 20783 (301) 985-7542 www.umuc.edu

Innovative Data Solutions, Inc. 200 E. Robinson St., Suite 525, Orlando, FL 32801 800-749-5104 • www.imagineids.com A Strategic Ally of the FBINAA

i2 1430 Spring Hill Road, Suite 600 McLean, Virginia 22102 (703) 921-0195 • (888) 546-5242 www.i2group.com/us

University of Oaklahoma Kaplan University 6301 Kaplan University Ave. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 (866) 229-5944 www.fbinaa.kaplan.edu

College of Liberal Studies 1610 Asp St. Norman, OK 73072 (800) 522-4389 www.clsinfo@ou.edu

A Strategic Academic Ally

University of Phoenix 3157 E. Elwood St. Phoenix, AZ 85034 (866) 766-0766 www.phoenix.edu

CORPORATE ALLIANCES Shell Oil Company Shell Corporate Security, One Shell Plaza 910 Louisana Street Houston, TX 77002 www.shell.com

St. Cloud State University 720 Fourth Avenue South St. Cloud, MN 56301 (320) 308-0121


Upper Iowa University P.O. Box 1861 Fayette, IA 52142 (888) 877-3742 www.uiu.edu

United Parcel Service 55 Glenlake Pkwy, NE. Atlanta, GA 30328 www.ups.com

The Response Network P.O. Box 5520 Hanover, New Hampshire 03755 www.theresponsenetwork

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Deputy Chief Stephanie Burch Troy University Alumna



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CHAPTER CHAT The intent of this column is to communicate chapter news. Announcements may include items of interest, such as member news, sections activities, events, training calender, special programs, etc. Refer to the editorial submission dedadline, particulary with dates sensitive announcements. Submit chapter news and high-resolution digital jpg or tif photos with captions to: Ashley Sutton, Editor, FBINAA, Inc., at asutton@fbinaa.org phone: (302) 644-4744 • fax (302) 644-7764

ALABAMA ★ Clint Reck of the Muscle Shoals Police Department, Session 227, was promoted to Captain on December 1, 2011.

Alaska: Four FBI National Academy graduates recently attended an Alaska Trooper Academy graduation.

ALASKA ★ Four FBI National Academy graduates recently attended an Alaska Trooper Academy graduation: Academy Commander James Helgoe, who was a lieutenant during Session 227; Maj. Steve Bear of the Alaska Wildlife Troopers, who was a lieutenant during Session 219; Deputy Commissioner for the Alaska Department of Public Safety Terry Vrabek, who was a sergeant during Session 186; and Col. Keith Mallard of the Alaska State Troopers, who was a captain with the Fairbanks (Alaska) Police Department during Session 226. Not bad for a bunch of misfits....

the folks from the department decided to get involved because so many have been affected in some way by this disease. Nancy’s co-worker Robin is a two-time survivor and Nancy’s sister is also a survivor. The two discussed the pink fire truck that Indian River County had, and then came up with the idea of painting the APC pink. Nancy spoke with All Brevard Collision and they agreed to paint it for free as long as they kept it that way. This idea didn’t sit well with the SWAT commander or deputy chief, but they did agree to let them vinyl wrap it. The materials were donated and Art Kraft Sign Company and the owner, Don Riley, allowed one of his employees, Charlie Moleski, to install it. It took him seven hours to install. The APC was then given two decals with the slogan “Bringing Out the Big Guns in the Fight Against Breast Cancer.” Thousands turned out for the Making Strides for Breast Cancer walk and the APC was a huge hit! The APC was stationed midway along the route and people were lined up to take their picture with the Pink Tank. Next year they plan on selling space on the vehicle to write the name of a loved one afflicted with the disease and all proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society. Nancy said it was a great project and she was thrilled to be part of it.

★ Lauderhill Police Department Assistant Chief Mike Cochran, Session 246, has announced his retirement to accept a position as Chief of Police for the Hanahan (S.C.) Police Department. Debra Henson, assistant chief of the Lakeland Police Department, retired on Nov. 23, 2011. ★ Jeffrey Goldman of the Delray Beach Police Department has been promoted to Assistant Chief. ★ John Plevell, Session 166, recently retired after 32 years with the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office in Inverness. John’s last assignments were in missing persons and gang intel.

Florida: John Plevell, Session 166, retired after 32 years with the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office.

ARIZONA ★ Thanks to everyone who attended the Southern Arizona Luncheon. The venue, food, networking, and training were great as usual. Thanks go out to Kathleen Robinson and crew once again for their planning and coordination of the event. ★ Two chiefs recently retired and were honored at the Annual Arizona Association of Chiefs of Police (AACOP) Retirement Luncheon. We wish all the best to Chief Patricia “Pat” Huntsman, Session 164, of Chino Valley (Ariz.) Police Department and Jack Harris, Session 170, of the Phoenix Police Department.

FLORIDA ★ Nancy St. Pierre of the Palm Bay Police Department wanted to show her support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so she and

Florida: Nancy St. Pierre of the Palm Bay Police Department coordinated a donated pink vinyl wrap of the department’s APC to help show support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

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held at the famous El Pinto restaurant located in Albuquerque’s beautiful North Valley. Steve was sworn in along with the other chapter officers at the installation banquet on Dec. 7, 2011. Gregg Marcantel, Session 299, heard New Mexico Governor Susanna Martinez’ call and accepted the position of corrections secretary for the state of New Mexico. Tim Gonterman, Session 244, has been promoted to the rank of Commander with the Albuquerque Police Department.

NEW YORK/EASTERN CANADA ★ Retired NYPD detective Joe Gannon; former heavyweight fighter Gerry Cooney; and Chief Kevin A. Nulty, Session 171, of the Orangetown (N.Y.) Police Department attended a National Law Enforcement Associates Christmas luncheon. New Mexico: FBI Special Agent Rich Price, FBINAA New Mexico Chapter President Rob Stelzer, 5.11 Tactical CEO Dan Costa, New Mexico State University Police Department Captain Andy Bowen, and FBINAA New Mexico Chapter Secretary/Treasurer Steve Cox

★ Lt. Mike Qualter of the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office passed away in Tennessee while on leave.

MARYLAND/DELAWARE ★ On July 27, 2011, our great friend and colleague, Armand Dupre, captain with the Bel Air Police Department Bel Air, Maryland passed away at home after his year-long battle with cancer. Armand proudly served the town of Bel Air for 33 years starting his career as an auxiliary officer and rising to the rank of deputy chief. Police officers from the county and state joined Armand’s family and fellow officers to pay tribute to this exceptional man who was a true professional. We will all miss this special man. Armand attended FBI NA Session 202.

gave an inspiring presentation and participated in the chapter raffle, offering fine products to raffle off. Many thanks to Dan, Dan’s wife, his staff, and the New Mexico State University Police Department for making this one of our best fall retrainers ever. NMSU PD Chief Jaime Chavez, Session 198, Deputy Chief Stephen Lopez, Session 205, and Captain Andrew Bowen, Session 240, were great hosts and essential organizers. ★ Steve Shaw, Session 209, was elected 2nd Vice President at the fall business meeting,

NORTHWEST ★ During the 2011 Re-Trainer Capt. Scott Boerboom, Session 236, of the Minnetonka (Minn.) Police Department was elected as Chapter President—Minnesota. Also, elected at the Re-Trainer as Chapter Secretary/Treasurer was Chief John Swenson, Session 232, of the Lino Lakes (Minn.) Police Department. Congratulations to Scott and John. ★ The Northwest Chapter Board welcomes Special Agent Jay Brunn as the new training coordinator for the Minneapolis Field Office. Special Agent Greg Boolsalis is now serving as legal counsel for the Minneapolis Field Office. The members of the Northwest Chapter want to thank Greg for his years of service to the

★ Congratulations to Michael E. Henry who retired on July 15, 2011, from the Easton Police Department Easton, Maryland after serving for 25 years. On July 11, 2011, Mike was sworn in as Deputy Chief, holding the rank of Captain, with the Hurlock Police Department Hurlock, Maryland. Mike attended FBI NA Session 228.

NEW MEXICO ★ The Fall Retrainer was conducted on the campus of New Mexico State University in Las Cruces. The training was excellent, covering topics ranging from human trafficking to terrorism updates. The recreational activities included golf and A shooting range competition. Special guest Dan Costa, CEO of 5.11 Tactical,

New York/Eastern Canada: Retired NYPD detective Joe Gannon; former heavyweight fighter Gerry Cooney; and Chief Kevin A. Nulty, Session 171, of the Orangetown (N.Y.) Police Department attended a luncheon. w w w.f b i n a a.o r g

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CHAPTER CHAT Northwest Chapter and wish him well in his new position. ★ Long-time FBI Training Technician Becky Iwen retired at the end of 2011. Becky has been responsible for the processing of countless FBI Nation Academy attendees from the Minneapolis Field Office during her tenure. She has been a wealth of information for the membership and we wish her the very best in retirement.

OREGON ★ Henry Riemann, Session 199, of the Hillsboro Police Department was elected the 2nd Vice president for 2012 at the Oregon Chapter Conference at the Eagle Crest resort in Redmond on October 1. ★ A total of 80 people attended the conference, which included shooting, golf, training, and the annual meeting. Highlights included state and local antiterrorism training (SLATT) and a case review of the Woodburn Oregon Bank bombing that occurred Dec. 12, 2007. This incident was especially significant to attendees because Session 175 alumni Det. Bill Hakim from the Oregon State Police and Capt. Tom Tennant of the Woodburn Police Department were killed and Chief Scott Russell of the Woodburn Police Department, Session 210, lost one leg in the blast and was hospitalized for months. Two anti-government radicals, a father and son, were convicted and sentenced to death for the crime.

Washington: Col. Jennifer Hesterman, U.S. Air Force (ret.), was the guest speaker at the October AMU-sponsored “Mentoring Across Gender Lines” event, which Chapter Treasurer Cindy Reed, Session 134, helped organize.

SOUTH CAROLINA ★ The South Carolina FBINAA Chapter held our November meeting at Hudson’s BBQ in Lexington. Approximately 60 members were in attendance, as well as Special Agent in Charge Dave Thomas and Wanda Busbee of the FBI. Our blessing was delivered by FBINAA national chaplain, Billy Gibson. ★ Members present were confirmed to be in good standing and nominations for the First and Second Vice-President positions were taken from the floor. Voting was conducted by individual ballot and the ballots were counted by Jackie Swindler and Frank O’Neal, then certified by Wanda Busbee of the FBI. ★ Jay Koon, Session 235, of the Lexington Police Department was elected as First VicePresident and Chief Howard Cook, Session 224, of the Columbia College Police Department was elected as Second Vice-President. Their terms begin in January 2012. ★ The outgoing second vice-president, Allen Brandon, gave a presentation on the proposed constitution for the SCFBINAA. A vote by

“show of hands” followed and the constitution was unanimously approved. ★ Former First Vice-President Terry Boatwright was present and recognized for his years of dedication to the SCFBINAA and his service on the Executive Board. Terry was required to resign his membership in order to accept an appointment as magistrate. Judge Boatwright had kind words and was very appreciative. ★ National Chaplain Billy Gibson gave an update on issues, including the National Academy Associates headquarters moving out of the National Academy building in April 2012 and a planned South Carolina Law Enforcement Officers Association cruise out of Charleston in March of 2013. Congratulations are in order for the following members. ★ Billy and Phyllis Gibson celebrated 50 years of marriage together in November.

★ Chief Carl B. Stokes recently celebrated his 50th anniversary of graduation from the FBI National Academy. ★ Chief John O’Donald, Session 196, retired from Gaffney Police Department after 28 years of service and has been appointed as Executive Director of the South Carolina Police Chiefs Association. ★ Capt. Frank O’Neal, Session 233, of the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) was recently promoted to captain. ★ Phil Sargent, Session 186, retired as a captain from the Pickens County Sheriff’s Office after 29 years of service. ★ Congratulations to our members who will graduate from Session 248 March 6, 2012: John Hancock, Bureau of Protective Services; Kelvin Waites, Georgetown Police Department; Terrance Colclough, Sumter County Sheriff’s Office.

WASHINGTON ★ The Washington Chapter hosted the “Mentoring Across Gender Lines” training event and

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luncheon on October 11, 2011, at the Embassy Suites/SeaTac Airport in Tukwila. The event was sponsored by the American Military University and featured guest speaker Col. Jennifer Hesterman, U.S. Air Force (ret.). Col. Hesterman began her career in 1986 when women comprised less than 10% of the military. She continued her highly successful military career attaining the rank of colonel at age 36—one of the youngest colonels ever in the Air Force. In what would be her final assignment, Col. Hesterman served as vice commander of Andrews Air Force Base, Md., home of Air Force One. Chapter Treasurer Cindy Reed, Session 134, was instrumental in initiating, organizing, and planning the well attended event. ★ Doug Blair, Session 143, retired September 30, 2011, from the Criminal Justice Training Center (CJTC) in Burien. Doug began his career at the CJTC in 2001 serving as Deputy Director and most recently as Peace Offi cer Certifi cation Manager. He previously served as elected Sheriff of Yakima County, a position he held for 16 years beginning in 1985.

★ Henry Simon, Session 227, was promoted to Deputy Chief of the Bothell Police Department in August 2011. Henry began his law enforcement career with the Mountlake Terrace Police Department in 1987 serving as a patrol officer and as a member of the DARE program. His career with Bothell PD began in 1996 where he has served in a number of positions and assignments to include patrol operations officer and sergeant, juvenile crimes and juvenile programs, and most recently CID Captain. ★ Brian Smith, Session 214, was promoted to Deputy Chief of Police at the Port Angeles Police Department, having served with the department since 2008. Brian was previously a member of the Montana Chapter and served 27 years as a federal agent with the U.S. National Park Service—Department of the Interior. He was assigned to the Inter Mountain Region—Yellowstone and served as regional Special Agent in Charge. ★ Glenn Winkey, Session 214, retired from the Spokane Police Department as captain in May 2011. Glenn served on the department for 31 years and held numerous assignments and

positions to include community services, patrol, detective division, and support services. He now enjoys camping and touring the country with his family. ★ The Chapter was saddened to learn that Terry Davenport, Session 217, passed away on Nov. 27, 2011 due to complications from a stroke. Terry began his law enforcement career with the Tumwater Police Department and previously served in the U.S. Army from 1970–1985. He served as Chief of Police of the Shelton Police Department from 2001–2011 and also attended the National Academy during that time. In April 2011, Terry became a program manager for the Washington Traffic Safety Commission in Olympia and worked closely with Tacoma PD and Seattle PD personnel on automated speed enforcement projects. He was a member of the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs, Kiwanis, United Way, and assisted in the implementation of Drug Court in Mason County. The Chapter wishes to express our deepest sympathy and condolences to the Davenport family. ■ F B I N A A

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he briefing room looked much like a typical conference room found in most contemporary law enforcement facilities. Stadium seating stretched out from the podium and an expansive flat screen TV covered the front wall. The briefing room was not unlike many others I have visited throughout my 24 years in policing. Only this was not a typical law enforcement facility. It was the Strategic Information and Operations Center (SIOC) briefing room located next to the control room within FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Nor was it a typical briefing. Just moments into the counterterrorism presentation, I realized the scope and magnitude of the matter being discussed. That point was hammered home when I realized who was in attendance. Scanning the intimate setting of a dozen or so people in attendance, I saw U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder sitting in front of me. FBI Director Robert Mueller was to my left. It was enough to make me wonder what I, an assistant chief of police from Scottsdale, Ariz., was doing here at this briefing

alongside two of the nation’s highest ranking law enforcement officials. At the conclusion of the 90-minute presentation and discussion, I felt a tremendous sense of deference for all those present, knowing highly dedicated and talented people are working diligently behind the scene to disrupt and disable terrorist capabilities. I also felt grateful for the opportunity to participate in the FBI’s Police Executive Fellowship Program (PEFP), which afforded me the chance to embed myself in the inner sanctum of the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division.

THE FELLOWSHIP The PEFP is a six-month temporary assignment for state, local, tribal, and campus law enforcement executives to FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. It is designed to promote the sharing of information and intelligence across the law enforcement community. The fellowship program received renewed emphasis following the 9/11 terrorist attacks when, in an effort to strengthen and create new partnerships between the FBI and local law w w w.f b i n a a.o r g

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enforcement agencies, Director Mueller created the Office of Law Enforcement Coordination (OLEC). OLEC serves as the FBI’s principal liaison for the law enforcement community and administers the PEFP. According to Ronald Ruecker, FBI assistant director in charge of the OLEC, PEFP administrators rely substantially on the recommendations of an interested candidate’s chief executive and the FBI’s local Special Agent in Charge for candidate placement. “From a program management perspective, our goal is to place candidates from across the law enforcement spectrum,” Ruecker says. “Once a candidate is selected we identify various fellowship placement options matching the candidate’s experience and interest.” Fellows are provided direct access to significant FBI information to integrate their knowledge and learn firsthand how the FBI operates. The Bureau gains new perspective about contemporary issues facing state and local agencies, resulting in a more synchronized and collaborative approach to protecting the United States from criminal activity and terrorism. “Having the non-federal perspective is critically important to the FBI’s success. Everyone benefits from the healthy exchange of diverse perspectives,” Ruecker says. While on assignment in D.C., the FBI provides fellows with lodging, per diem travel costs, and transportation. They also receive top secret security clearances and U.S. Marshal Deputation. Since 2002, more than 40 state and local officials have participated in the fellowship program embedded in a wide range of FBI operational divisions such as Counterterrorism, the Directorate of Intelligence, the Office of International Operations Division, and the Criminal Investigative Division.



Upon acceptance to the PEFP, I requested and was assigned to the Counterterrorism Division’s National Joint Terrorism Task Force (NJTTF). The NJTTF was created in the

wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks to help administer and support the rapidly increasing number of Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) being stood up across the country. Within a relatively short period of time, the number of JTTFs grew from 35 before 9/11 to 104 today. The 49 NJTTF agency representatives provide support, intelligence sharing, program management, and training to more than 4,000 JTTF officers from over 650 federal, state, local and tribal agencies across the country. The NJTTF workplace resembles a classic big-city detective squad room with rows of cubicles dotting its L-shaped floor plan. The hum of myriad conversations is immediately palpable upon entering the NJTTF’s secured office space. Task force officers, special agents, analysts, and support staff from 49 federal, state, and local agencies are co-located in one room committed to carrying out the following mission statement: “To enhance communication, coordination and cooperation between federal, state, and local government agencies representing the intelligence, law enforcement, defense, diplomatic, public safety, transportation, and homeland security communities by providing a point of fusion for the sharing of terrorism threats and intelligence; to provide operational support to the Counterterrorism Division; and to provide program management, oversight, and support for the JTTFs throughout the United States.” Being a fellow at the NJTTF opened countless doors into the multitude of federal agencies represented on the task force. Each day at 10 a.m., task force members gather in the conference room for the daily intelligence briefing. Invariably, members chime in after the official presentation and add their own specific knowledge on an issue or event based on their agency’s unique perspective. Within a few short months I attained an entirely new level of appreciation for and understanding about many of our fed-

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eral partners. The ability to interact daily, learn their lexicon, experience their organizational cultures, and understand their roles in our nation’s counterterrorism effort was a priceless takeaway from the fellowship program.

COUNTERTERRORISM CENTER The NJTTF is located at the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) in northern Virginia. The NCTC was formed as a direct result of a “9/11 Commission Report” recommendation and is the federal government’s central point of fusion for counterterrorism operations and planning. Representatives from 16 intelligence community member organizations are co-located at the NCTC along with the NJTTF and other elements of the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division. The NCTC is the foremost example of post-9/11 interagency cooperation and information sharing. Counterterrorism professionals from a variety of agencies occupy its space and are determined to deter, detect, and disrupt terrorist activity. NCTC’s secure video teleconference system is its hallmark method by which members of the intelligence community come together three times a day to review the daily threat rhythm. NCTC and FBI personnel in the operations conference room are joined by representatives from various agencies who appear across 16 large monitors positioned along the wall at the foot of the horseshoe conference table. Sitting along the side wall watching and listening to dialogue between the White House situation room and participating agencies relating to the latest threat stream was a fascinating and often surreal experience.

TOTAL ACCESS As a PEFP fellow, I was permitted the same level of access as any other task force officer (TFO) assigned to the FBI. I learned a great deal about the breadth and scope of the FBI’s domain. Although assigned to the Counterterrorism Division, I was reminded often of the FBI’s other areas of responsibility such as criminal investigations, counterespionage, weapons of mass destruction, and cybercrimes, just to name a few. Additionally, the PEFP permitted me to venture into spheres of the federal government not normally accessible to state and local police officials. It enabled me to not only glance inside the FBI and its counterterrorism efforts, it also afforded me the opportunity to explore many other aspects of government embodied in the Washington regional area. From White House National Security Staff meetings on transborder security to a Senate caucus hearing on international narcotics control, the PEFP served as a springboard for discovering some of the many different facets of government represented in our nation’s capital. I was particularly interested in issues of transborder crime affecting my home state of Arizona and was able to leverage my assignment with the NJTTF to learn more about the link between domestic and transnational security and the instruments of national power dedicated to protecting the homeland. The PEFP helped facilitate visits to the U.S Embassy in Mexico City and U.S. Central Command in Tampa, where I attended various briefings.

TAKEAWAYS The Police Executive Fellowship Program gave me new perspective on and understanding about the complex and sometimes daunting role of the federal government in protect-

Police Executive Fellowship Program Eligibility Criteria


National Academy alumni who are interesting in participating in the Police Executive Fellowship Program can learn more about the program and the application process by contacting: Office of Law Enforcement Coordination Federal Bureau of Investigation U.S. Department of Justice 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20535 Telephone: (202) 324-7126 E-Mail: OLEC@leo.gov Application criteria include the following: ★ Candidate must be a full-time, sworn officer of a duly constituted law enforcement agency of a state, county, municipality, tribal, or campus community (excluding elected officials) having at least five years of substantially continuous experience ★ Candidate must be nominated by the head of his/her agency ★ Candidate holds the equivalent rank of lieutenant or above ★ Candidate is of excellent character and enjoys a reputation of professional integrity ★ Candidate agrees to undergo a full background investigation and a counterintelligence polygraph examination ★ Candidate agrees to remain in law enforcement for a minimum of three years upon completion of the Police Executive Fellowship Program ★ Candidate’s agency must agree to continue candidate’s salary for the duration of the six-month temporary duty assignment

ing the homeland. It provided me the opportunity to meet hundreds of highly talented and dedicated people who tirelessly work to deter and disrupt terrorist attacks, leaving me with a profound level of admiration and appreciation for what they do to keep us safe. Perhaps the greatest takeaway of my fellowship experience was the explicit understanding and appreciation of the critical role state and local agencies play in deterring and detecting terrorist threats. Besides augmenting the 104 FBI JTTFs across the country, state and local officers represent the first line of defense working in partnership with their communities to identify and report suspicious activity. The protection of the homeland is an all-hazards approach starting with the active participation of citizens in local communities to all law enforcement, intelligence, and homeland security partners working together to prevent terrorist acts. ■ F B I N A A Assistant Chief Sean Duggan is a 25-year veteran of the Scottsdale (Ariz.) Police Department. He is a graduate of the Session 227 of the FBI National Academy and Session 59 of the FBI Law Enforcement Executive Development Seminar. He was selected to participate in the FBI’s Police Executive Fellowship Program from March through September 2010. w w w.f b i n a a.o r g

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The Future of SPEED Enforcement


Automated speed enforcement is now technically feasible and it could save lives. But will society accept it? MAX SANTIAGO

SOMETIME IN THE NEAR FUTURE: Officer Elaine Gonzalez sits at a virtual work sphere to request secure access from “Chipper,” a holographic avatar. Voice imprint confirmed, Officer Gonzalez. You have 112 pending automated speed citations to review for approval.

Gonzalez commands, “Chipper, please show me the pending cases, detailed view, sorted by highest probability rate of positive identification.” Here you go, Officer Gonzalez. This violation rates a 98-percent probability rate of positive violator/vehicle identification.

Gonzalez examines the information and studies the high-resolution facial recognition image of the violator depicted next to the driver’s license photo of the violator; it is an obvious match. She then scans the vehicle identification section and confirms the license plate reader image of the violator’s vehicle, which matches the DMV registration record. “Chipper, page to vehicle speed data.” The avatar shifts to a dashboard page. Gonzalez notes the embedded GPS in the violator’s vehicle, which reports that the vehicle traveled an average speed of 102 miles per hour for over three miles. She carefully reviews the diagnostics history for the system, which indicates prior to, during, and after the violation was captured that its sensors were fully operational with no anomalies detected. “Violation confirmed,” Gonzalez says to the avatar. Violation issued and filed. You have 111 pending automated speed citations to review for approval.

THE FUTURE described in the scenario above is not far away. Advances in vehicle identification, driver identification, vehicle automation, and speed detection technology will present us with an opportunity to enhance the safety of the motoring public and augment traditional law enforcement strategies through automated speed enforcement systems (ASE). And that can save lives. Speeding is a factor in one-third of all motor vehicle fatalities. It reduces a driver’s ability to steer safely around curves or objects in the

roadway, extends the distance necessary to stop a vehicle, and increases the distance a vehicle travels while the driver reacts to a dangerous situation. The severity of injury from accidents also increases with speed due to the increased momentum and energy of the vehicle and the effectiveness of occupant restraint systems decreases at high speeds. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates the economic cost to society of speedingrelated crashes to be a staggering $40.4 billion per year—$76,865 per minute or $1,281 per second. Economic costs include productivity losses, property damage, medical costs, rehabilitation costs, travel delays, legal and court costs, emergency service costs, insurance administration costs, premature funeral costs, and costs to employers. Internationally, the World Health Organization recognizes that setting and enforcing speed limits are two of the most effective measures to reduce road traffic injuries. John Smart of the Acceleration Studies Foundation believes automated speed detection systems may greatly reduce the worldwide carnage caused by speeding motorists. “Thirty years from now, Automated Highway Systems

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(AHS) may save half of the 42,000 auto fatalities a year in the U.S., and one third of the 1.3 million auto fatalities worldwide,” he says.



in any future ASE system is likely to be a LIDAR (light detection and ranging) speed detection system. Such systems transmit coherent infrared light pulses, measure the time of flight for the pulses reflected from moving vehicles, then calculate and display the speed of the target. Unlike radar, which uses a wide microwave beam, the LIDAR beam is narrow and focused which permits officers to single out any vehicle and immediately determine its speed. In an automated speed enforcement system, LIDAR could be combined HE KEY ELEMENT

with multi-pulse radar used in military weapons to track multiple moving targets. This combination could quickly and accurately detect all speeding vehicles on a given roadway. Data from navigation systems with embedded GPS information and vehicle diagnostic technology could also be wirelessly mined and collected to establish a vehicle’s speed. Drivers could be identified by sophisticated systems that feature military-grade cameras with advanced photo-electronic imaging capabilities. Advancements in 3D facial identification systems could also be incorporated into an ASE system to provide a high probability of driver identification with little to no user intervention. Currently, 3D facial biometrics identification systems can scan a person’s face and capture up

to 20,000 points of minutiae to compare to a previously captured image. Automated license plate reader (ALPR) technology is currently being used by many agencies to detect stolen vehicles with great success. An ALPR system is comprised of seven components: a camera that takes images of the car (front or rear), an illumination unit that projects infrared light to permit day and night operation and is invisible to the driver, an interface board between the camera and the computer called a “frame grabber,”; a computer that runs the LPR application, the software, the hardware comprised of various input/output boards used to interface the system with external systems, and the database. This system could be modified to permit direct access to DMV registration records to allow for instant

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The Future of Speed Enforcement

vehicle and registered owner identification and automated issuance of a citation. The question remains, though: does our ability to do these things mean we should embark on an ASE program?



that with current technology we could have operable automated speed enforcement systems in place in a few years, not a few decades as now predicted. The hold-up is legal and social, not technological. Legislative support for automated traffic enforcement tools has been difficult to garner. Significant opposition to using ASE technology to enforce speed laws continues to exist nationwide. In California alone, legislative bills have failed passages in the last two legislative sessions. Opponents to this legislation include the Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs, California Association of Highway Patrolmen, and the Riverside Sheriff’s Association. These law enforcement officer associations oppose ASE on several grounds. Among their chief concerns are allowing photographs to be taken of motorists, which they perceive as an intrusion into the motorists’ privacy. Other objections raised by these groups involve the use of ASE primarily to generate revenue, ASE hampering officers’ efforts to educate motorists they have stopped regarding their unsafe driving behavior, ASE allowing unsafe driving behaviors to continue at the time they are occurring, and ASE preventing opportunities for the enforcement of other traffic offenses such as driving under the influence. However, the most fundamental problem with ASE in California, according to these LEO organizations, is that ASE is incapable of determining whether a driver is violating the state’s basic speed law, which requires discretion on the part of a law enforcement officer. Such discretion is difficult when enforcement is automated and machines are pre-set to consider certain speed levels as violations. Soon the state’s judiciary will have an opportunity to weigh in on the issue of ASE. And the decision of those judges will likely impact the future of ASE nationwide. The only currently active ASE program in California, started in 1995, is in San Jose. The Neighborhood AuHE TRUTH IS

tomated Speed Compliance Program (NASCP) uses technology to address neighborhood speeding complaints. Three unmarked vans equipped with radar units and cameras take pictures of vehicle license plates and motorists driving faster than a predetermined threshold over the posted speed limit. The photographs are forwarded to Redflex Traffic Systems, a private company contracted by San Jose to process the violation notifications and send them to the registered owners of the vehicles. The registered owner is provided the opportunity to view the photographs taken when the violation occurred and either declare his or her innocence or acknowledge driving the vehicle. Five years ago the San Jose City Council voted to modify NASCP from an enforcement program to a warning program and directed the city DOT to work with the city manager’s office and city attorney’s office to explore legal options to retain or reinstate photo radar enforcement on local streets. In 2008, however, San Jose resident Jorge Ramirez filed a class-action lawsuit against the city over NASCP. Ramirez alleged that NASCP relied upon city engineers, not police officers to issue citations, and issued about $5 million worth of tickets over ten years in spite of the program being prohibited by the California Vehicle Code. Ramirez alleges the citations resulted in a multitude of fines and an increase in drivers’ insurance rates and contends that since the tickets were illegal, the city should pay drivers back.



and concerns about privacy, can Americans realize the benefits of ASE technology? I believe we can, but getting there will require those of us in public safety to rethink traffic enforcement and the way we police the nation’s roads. Traditionally, an officer detects a speeding vehicle, initiates a traffic stop, and issues the violator a traffic citation. The violator appears in court and is either found not guilty or guilty. The guilty violator is subjected to a combination of fines, incarceration, license restriction or suspension, vehicle impoundment or seizure, mandated driver education, community service, or probation. A viable alternative to this traditionIVEN SUCH LEGAL ROADBLOCKS

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posted speed limits, diminished the need for spending funds on costly physical traffic calming devices to reduce speeding, and decreased the number of speed related citizens’ complaints. ASE has also been a success in other locales where its use is permitted by law. A four-year study of ASE deployment in Great Britain revealed that vehicle speeds were down by 91 percent at fixed camera sites and 36 percent at mobile camera sites, reducing traffic fatalities and injuries. Overall, roadway segments with ASE realized a 22 percent reduction in injury collisions and a 42 percent in fatal or serious injury collisions. Deploying ASE in problem areas is also consistent with the Automated Speed Enforcement Resolution adopted in 2007, by the International Association of Chiefs of Police. The IACP endorses the deployment of ASE systems in high-collision locations without regard to fine revenues. To borrow Malcolm Gladwell’s postulate in his book, “The Tipping Point,” what will be the tipping point that moves us toward or away from ASE technology? Public outrage at the growing number of traffic deaths? Deaths of high profile persons or celebrities? Or

negative stories associated with privacy invasions or defective or hacked ASE systems in other states? What works is certain—a robust enforcement, education, and engineering approach to traffic safety applied enthusiastically will reduce deaths and injuries due to speedrelated traffic collisions. In an era of limited budgets, staffing shortages and ever-increasing demand for services, it is logical to include ASE technology as a force multiplier in the arena of traffic safety. It is time to look to the advances in emerging technology and forge a sophisticated system, coupled with sound, fair legal constraints to complement traditional traffic law enforcement operations. If law enforcement does not take the leadership role in guiding the use of ASE technology, then the technology and its implementation will zip by us in the fast lane. ■ F B I N A A Max Santiago, Session 214, currently serves as the 3rd Vice President of the California Chapter of the FBINAA. He served for 30 years with the California Highway Patrol and recently retired as the Deputy Commissioner. He is currently the Chief of the Law Enforcement Division of the California Lottery.


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al punitive model would be to complement it with a paradigm based upon a private-public partnership to implement a non-traditional ASE safety project. This project could be funded primarily by insurance companies. A joint program could fund the installation of mobile ASE to target specifically dangerous roads. Individuals who are detected consistently complying with speed laws would obtain discounted insurance premiums, while chronic violators would receive increased premiums. Insurance companies could also offer a fee-based subscription service for companies and governmental agencies so employers could monitor their fleet operations and punish or reward individual driving behavior. Fleet operators could also use GPS technology to track employee’s compliance with speed laws and provide this data to their insurance company to obtain additional discounts. Another incentive could be to provide companies with discounted insurance premiums for employees consistently complying with speed laws or for hiring individuals with a documented history of complying with speed laws. Why would insurance companies be interested? They have a vested interest in reducing the number of traffic collisions, thus reducing the amount of claims paid out. According to Robert Wilson, who worked for 33 years as an assistant vice president for claims for GEICO, funding these types of initiatives by the insurance industry is not new. Wilson, a current National Crime Insurance Bureau (NICB) Membership Director, points out the NICB is a great example of the insurance industry partnering with law enforcement to reduce crime and lower insurance premiums. For nearly 100 years the NICB, a notfor-profit organization that receives support from approximately 1,000 insurance companies, has partnered with insurers and law enforcement agencies to facilitate the identification, detection, and prosecution of insurance criminals. Why would traffic safety professionals and community members seek this partnership? Because ASE works. In San Jose, ASE has lowered the frequency of speed-related traffic collisions, increased driver compliance with

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The Day My Narrow Mind Widened About Law Enforcement PHOTO: ©ISTOCKPHOTO.COM



“POLICE SHOT THE MAN—and it turned out he was unarmed. Now let’s check the forecast...” I used to be one of those smirky TV newscasters who would say that line with a negative tone about law enforcement. How could police be so careless to shoot a guy who didn’t even have a weapon, I’d ask myself. I’d been anchoring the news for 20 years and thought I knew it all. That is until my phone rang and it was the FBI calling. It was the head of the local division, a very nice guy who I knew socially. He made me an offer that morning I couldn’t refuse. “We have a new high-tech training simulator that we’d like you to experience, we’ll even give you the ‘exclusive,’” he offered. Phrases like FBI and “exclusive” get attention in most news departments, and ours was no different. The next morning, my photographer and I arrived at the federal offices to go through an experience that changed my life-long paradigm in a matter of minutes. In a large room in the department’s basement was a wallsized video screen that displayed various real-life scenarios. FBI trainers gave me a phony gun, had me stand in the middle of the room, and told me I would be a part of the video. The choices I made would alter the way the video veered off at critical junctures. ROLL IT

THE VIDEO BEGAN and suddenly my “partner” on the screen turned toward me (the camera) as we walked up a driveway. He said in a hushed and urgent tone, “OK, we’re going to approach this house and see if we can talk to a guy inside who is suspected in some high-profile crimes in the area. I’ll knock on the door, you back me up.” The camera followed my partner up to the front door, as I immediately felt swept into the scene; my adrenalin began to build. The video was so lifelike, it absolutely felt like I was approaching a darkened house, even though I was actually standing safely in the basement of an FBI branch office holding a toy gun. He knocked on the door as I stood behind him. A woman answered. “Hi ma’am, I’m Detective Thompson. We’d like to talk to Jimmy Jones.” “Hang on. JIMMY?” The man was home! My partner looked back at me one last time. Jimmy Jones began walking from the back of the house toward the front door in a slow and cocky strut. As he got closer, my partner said, “Jimmy, we’d like to talk to you about an incident last weekend that we think you may be involved in.”

After a brief exchange, Jimmy suddenly reached his hand in his pocket and pulled out what appeared to be a hand-gun. “Bang!” It was all over in a moment. I shot him. I saved my partner’s life—not to mention my own. The video went dark. The lights in the room came up. The FBI trainer asked me what just happened. I said, “The guy was walking toward the door, heard why we were there, pulled out a gun—so I shot him before he could shoot us.” “Really? How do you know he had a gun?” he asked me. Suddenly I realized my heroic action was being questioned. “He pulled it out of his pocket as he approached us,” I countered. “Did you see it was a gun?” I felt like I was being questioned by my parents about stealing a candy bar in the 5th grade. RE-RACK IT

THE LIGHTS WENT DOWN, the projector began to roll again as I was told to watch what would have happened if I hadn’t fired a shot: The man did indeed reach in his pocket and pulled something out: A comb. It was a plastic comb! I was mortified. How could I have been so reckless? I defended myself, “But he reached in his pocket while approaching two law enforcement officers, he’s asking for trouble.” “Oh, we’re not saying what he did was prudent, or what you did was wrong, and you may very well win that case in court. But how is it going to be portrayed in the media?” “Police...shot...an unarmed man,” I said, with my voice trailing off. Trainers went on to play several more videos of various situations. I resisted the urge to shoot, sometimes I was right, sometimes my partner and I were killed for being tentative. Never in my life do I recall my mindset being changed more quickly. Since that morning 10 years ago, I’ve never again said, “Police shot an unarmed man” with a smirk in my voice. In fact, I’ll do whatever I can to make the viewer understand the circumstances. That FBI simulator was a good investment. ■ F B I N A A Ray Collins is an award-winning TV and radio newscaster who now is a media trainer. You can hire him to teach your department how to deal with the media, or hire him to teach your local media how to deal with police. www.RayCollinsMedia.com)

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HERE’S SOMETHING VERY SPECIAL about the beginning of a new year. After all, look at the way we celebrate it. In New York City, thousands of people from all over the world and from all walks of life gather at Times Square to celebrate and watch the ball drop to bring in the New Year. Even more watch the event on television while participating in their own celebration. There are not many homes and families that don’t celebrate this event in one way or another. As wonderful as it is, I really believe that for most of us, we are celebrating as much to see the old year go out as we are to see the New Year come in. We see it as a time to leave many of our problems behind, to forget the past and begin a new chapter in our lives. For some it may be financial, for others it may be a bad relationship or a medical problem or too many pressures in our lives. For whatever reason, most will agree that it is a great feeling to leave the old year behind and welcome in the New Year. We make new plans, set new goals, adjust our priorities, make new promises to ourselves, and most of all, make a list of New Year’s resolutions. Making New Year’s resolutions is probably one of the oldest traditions we practice during the transition from the old year to the new. At least, I can remember making them from my childhood days and that’s been a long time. There’s certainly nothing wrong with this practice. They are always positive things we hope to accomplish. You know, lose a few pounds, be a better man or woman, father or mother, husband or wife. Control our anger, be kinder to everybody, have less debt. The list just goes on and on and many of you will have many different resolutions. But have you ever stopped to think that perhaps we need to re-evaluate the process of how we come up with our resolutions? Maybe we should make a resolution to be more thankful for what we already have, to develop a spirit of gratitude. Someone once said that “Gratitude is formed once you realize what you have been given, who you are, and from whom all blessings flow.” We often fail to realize even one of these three things and so the spirit of gratitude and how we express it is often missing altogether or simply lies dormant in our hearts. Many of us are quick to ask for much but slow to be thankful. I find this especially true in the environment in which we live today. It seems that we are living in a time of expectations or better yet, a time of perceived “entitlement.” An attitude of “the world owes me a living” is seen in many people today and that is a far cry from how things were during the maturing process in my life.

This attitude comes and goes among different generations and we can trace it all the way back to biblical times. In the 17th chapter of the gospel of Luke, verses 11-19 we find the story of the 10 healed of leprosy. These were men in desperate need of help: “Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. As he was going into a village, 10 men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, ‘Jesus, Master, have pity on us!’ When he saw them, he said, ‘Go show yourselves to the Priests.’ And as they went, they were cleansed. One of them, when he saw that he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan. Jesus asked, ‘Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?’ Then he said to him, ‘Rise and go; your faith has made you well.’” If we think about it hard enough, I’m sure we can think of people with this attitude. Unfortunately, we sometimes see this lack of gratitude among those who have been blessed the most. I certainly hope you are not one of those. God has blessed us in so many ways as a nation and as individuals. We have so much to be thankful for that it should be very easy for us to express our gratitude on a daily basis and, by doing so, cultivate that same feeling among those we associate with. Fittingly, as I was preparing this message, I received an e-mail from a friend. There was no beginning or end, just some big bold letters in the middle of the page and this is what it said: “Dear God, I wanna take a minute not to ask for anything from you, but simply to say thank you for all I have.” As we embark upon the New Year, my prayer for you is that God will give you an “attitude of gratitude” as you set out to fulfill your New Year’s resolutions. ■ F B I N A A

In today’s world many of us are quick to ask for much but slow to be thankful.

Billy Gibson w w w.f b i n a a.o r g

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N COMMERCIAL GYMS AND FITNESS CENTERS, Monday is the busiest day of the week. Walk into any sports club at 5 p.m. on a Monday and look for an unused barbell bench press rack. You’d have an easier time finding an entire National Academy session speaking highly of the FBI Academy cafeteria. Unfortunately, this shows that many people are misguided in their attempts at overall fitness.

LEARN FROM MY MISTAKES Truth be told, there were too many Mondays when I would patiently wait (waste) nearly 30 minutes for a spot to open up so that I could start hammering my pecs on the flat bench. Why? Because Monday for me had become “Chest Day” and the barbell bench press is an exercise that can certainly make your chest muscles strong, sore, swollen, etc. But why stop there? After multiple sets of heavy bench presses, I’d head over to the incline bench, followed by the decline bench, then over to the dumbbells and cable crossover station. By the time I’d finished hitting every “chest” exercise to exhaustion, the discomfort slowly transitioned to severe delayed-onset muscle soreness that might last until Thursday or Friday. After years of this supposedly enlightened training, which was part bodybuilding (without the disciplined eating or care for total body symmetry) and part power-lifting (go heavy or go home), I had a pretty big chest and maximum bench press to go with it. Regrettably, I also had bad shoulders, poor posture, and gaping holes in my overall physical conditioning.

WANTS V. NEEDS Vern Gambetta, whom I’ve referenced before as the “godfather of functional training” with more than 40 years of athletic development coaching experience, put it this way: “One of the biggest mistakes of contemporary fitness is the inordinate emphasis placed on one component of fitness to the detriment of others.” My misguided goal of being able to bench press 400 pounds allowed me to justify excluding nearly all other types of physical training. Why train for agility, reactivity, or balance when that’s not going to help me on “Chest Day”? This is a classic case of wants versus needs. Everyone needs an adequate level of general physical preparedness, but many people have a tendency to get specific and stick to what they like and are good at. It’s easier, not better. Thousands of hours of dedicated, specialized practice can make someone proficient at just about anything. A popular and problematic fitness myth is the notion that barbell strength training will lead to improved athleticism. After all, free weights are superior to machines, aren’t they? Not by much, as it turns out. Steve Myrland, another legendary athletic development coach, correctly asserts that the barbell bench press “effectively locks you into one plane and out of two.” One of the knocks

against health-club machines is that all the resistance occurs in a guided plane of motion. Myrland goes on to say “strength training programs based primarily on barbell lifts do a poor job of preparing bodies for the competitive environment because they teach the body to be stiff and unyielding…a barbell tells the body what it can do rather than ask a body what it can do.” Such training habits limit your ability to move your muscles in more than one way, which invites trouble when you find yourself in an altercation or other physical situation on the job. Functional strength is what’s really important. On the functional training continuum, traditional barbell work rates higher than machines, but that’s all. To accomplish the goal of increasing the functional strength of my National Academy students, when training them I rely more heavily on dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls, resistance bands, and body weight exercises.

Law Enforcement Strenuous Tasks ★ Sustained foot pursuits, sprinting ★ Lifting/carrying, pulling/dragging, jumping/vaulting, pushing ★ Use of force (short and long term) ★ Dodging/evading, climbing/crawling

ARE YOU A TACTICAL ATHLETE? The term “tactical athlete” is now commonly used to describe the law enforcement officer. Instead of worrying about “Chest Day,” concentrate on incorporating vigorous job tasks for tactical athletes universally identified as essential by subject matter experts. These tasks represent athletic expressions of strength and other trainable fitness components that can and should be performed during training. This list represents movement patterns, not muscles or groups of muscles in need of isolation and a specific day of the week. Train the movements, not muscles. When setting up your training program, identify and prioritize your needs (hint: review the “Law Enforcement Strenuous Tasks” list on this page) over your wants. ■ F B I N A A John G. Van Vorst is a health and fitness instructor within the Physical Training Unit at the FBI Academy. He holds a master’s degree in exercise physiology and is certified by the American College of Sports Medicine, the National Academy of Sports Medicine, and the National Strength and Conditioning Association. He also serves as a defensive tactics instructor for the FBI New Agents Training program.

For More Information Gambetta, Vern. Athletic Development – The Art & Science of Functional Sports Conditioning (2007) www.humankinetics.com Myrland, Steve. “Why Athletes Should Avoid the Bars (An intemperate look at barbell-centric training).” www.traintoplay.com

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