Palm Oil Today Indonesia Magazine Oct - Dec 2021

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Vol.2 No.4 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2021

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A Publication of : Indonesia

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In compliance with the stringent government regulation for discharge especially BOD20, Solids Removal & Oil Recovery System(SRORS) is introduced to the market. SRORS is a pure mechanical system consisting of a Aqua Eco Filtration Unit that concentrates the discharge and a 3-phase decanter that removes solids and recovers oil from the thicken sludge without the use of any chemicals. Apart from that, this technology is innovated by Aqua Ecotech and exclusively distributed by Synergy Ecotech Engineering (A subsidiary of YKL Group) Type Of Test pH VALUE


Results FILTRATE Easier



Biochemical Oxygen Demand (3 Days @ 30oC), mg/L



Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L





Total Nitrogen, mg/L



Oil and Grease, mg/L





Ammonial Nitrogen (NH3-N), mg/L

Suspended Solids, mg/L


Total Solids, mg/L

Oil 49.750 Recovery

to Achieve DOE Final Discharge Requirement

TYPE OF TEST Biochemical Oxygen Demand (3 Days @ 30oC), mg/L Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L


OER increase by 0.2-0.5%, no sludge oil in ponds, extra profit up to 25% & ROI within 3-5 years.








Reduce Desludging Minimal suspended solids discharged to pond. Cost saving in pond desludging.








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Incorporated in 1996 in Indonesia with the target to be one of the leading companies to provide distributed power in Indonesia, Kaltimex Energy was the pioneer company to obtain The First IPP license in the private sector to operate a 23 MW Power Plant, for a large textile company in Central Java. Since then, Kaltimex Energy has installed 500MW in Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Sumatera including for Rental (PLN), Palm Oil and Sugar sector. and Transfer (B.O.O.T) basis or as an Independent Power Producer (IPP). Kaltimex Energy is also proud to serve the Palm Oil & Sugar Industry in Indonesia, having installed more than 220 units of Siemens – Dresser Rand Steam Turbines, generating around 300 MW of electricity in total. With the development and the necessity to move towards greener and sustainable energy, Kaltimex Group is now actively developing Renewable Energy projects through the usage of Biogas, implements international standards for Quality Management System, Environment Management System and Occupational Health & Safety Management System (HSE) to ensure that the services delivered are best in the class.

STEAM TURBINES Kaltimex Energy represent the world’s leader in Steam Turbines; Dresser-Rand (A Siemens owned business), for the non-oil & gas market of Indonesia.Dresser-Rand has one of the most comprehensive steam turbine selections in the industry and provide solutions for paper mills, steel, sugar, district energy, marine and palm oil. Applications include combined cycle, cogeneration, combined heat and power (CHP), biomass, and waste-to-energy. Kaltimex Energy is proud of the over 200 units of Siemens Dresser-Rand Steam Turbines it has successfully packaged, installed & commissioned across Indonesia.

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: : : :

+62.21 5794.4600 (hunting) +62.21 5794.4609/10

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EDITOR’S MESSAGE Hello readers! We are finally into Q4 of the year!

Managing Editor Susan Tricia

Publications Manager Amelia Lim

Editorial Consultant Kenny Yong

Content Editor Nur Atthirah Zawanah Azmee

Media Executive Paulina

Graphic Designer Felicia Zhang

Publisher : Indonesia

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Fireworks Business Information (FBI) Indonesia

Welcome to the final edition for the year for Palm Oil Today Indonesia, as we look forward to a brighter 2022! With lockdowns ending and vaccinations speeding up rapidly in Indonesia, we are all looking forward to finally meeting all our readers face to face at PALMEX Indonesia 2022 after 3 difficult years! Our regional PALMEX events in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand are all slated to run in 2022 allowing us to finally meet up with the Palm Oil industry again and our Publications team are getting all excited! Despite the Delta variant, humanity have shown that in the face of adversity, we have moved faster than the virus! The Indonesian people had since re-strategized and is learning to live with it being endemic amidst reasonably stringent protocols that includes vaccination proof for entry into malls, expos, and stadiums. In this edition we would be exploring the key issues of sustainability in an interview with 2 key experts from the palm oil industry: Mr Mohammad Hafezh Abdul Rahman, Chief Executive Director of Malaysian Palm Oil Certification Council (MPOCC) & Dr Kasdi Subagyono, Chairman of ISPO Secretariat, Secretary General at the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), Indonesia. Great insights from them as they explained how the palm oil industry is navigating the challenges of being labelled negatively by EU. Technology have also played an important role during the pandemic, and you would get to catch a glimpse of innovations and technology by JJ Lurgi in palm oil refineries, MPOB in plantations and also satellite tech from Planet which could be used to track deforestation. Disruption to mundane methods were evident as we make the transition to a post pandemic era! On behalf of my team and I, we would like to urge everyone to adhere to protocols implemented by your relevant authorities as we look forward to the gradual opening of borders and finally live life in a more realistic manner! Stay safe and make a date to see us at our regional PALMEX ( events in 2022! Positively yours, Susan Tricia Managing Editor


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Palm Oil Today Indonesia

October - December 2021

Palm Oil Today Indonesia




(BHS) : MPOB, Badan Nuklir Malaysia Menandatangani Perjanjian Untuk Penelitian Berbasis Kelapa Sawit Menggunakan Teknologi Radiasi (ENG) : MPOB, Malaysian Nuclear Agency Ink Mou For Palm-Based Research Using Radiation Technology (BHS) : Bahan Bakar Pesawat Jet Berbasis Minyak Kelapa Sawit Akhirnya Tampil Perdana Di Indonesia (ENG) : Palm Oil-Based Jet Fuel Finally Makes Its Debut In Indonesia (BHS) : Ekspor Oleokimia Indonesia Meningkat Karena Permintaan BarangBarang Kebersihan Selama Pandemi (ENG) : Indonesia Oleochem Exports Up On Pandemic Demand For Hygiene Goods (BHS) : Tikus, Kekeringan Dan Kekurangan Tenaga Kerja Memengaruhi Pemulihan Minyak Nabati Global



October - December 2021

(BHS) : Perusahaan Pengembangan Kamerun (Cameroon Development Corporation / CDC) Saat Ini Sedang Menyempurnakan Dua Proyek Pembangunan Dua Pabrik Produksi Karet Dan Minyak Kelapa Sawit. (ENG) : Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC) Is Currently Fine-Tuning Two Projects For The Construction Of Two Rubber And Palm Oil Production Plants. (BHS) : Ghana Menjadi Pemain Terbaik Afrika Dalam Produksi Minyak Kelapa Sawit (ENG) : Ghana To Become Africa’s Top Performer In Palm Oil Production (BHS) : Ruchi Soya Dari India Akan Memulai Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Di Timur Laut (ENG) : India’s Ruchi Soya To Start Palm Oil Plantations In North East


(BHS) : Minyak Kelapa Sawit Indonesia Menghadapi Resiko Keterlantaran Aset Karena Aksi Iklim (ENG) : Indonesian Palm Oil Faces Risk Of Stranded Assets Due To Climate Action



(BHS) : Indonesia melestasikan Hutan Hujan pada Tingkat Tertinggi dalam Tiga Dekade Terakhir (ENG) : Indonesia Is Preserving Rainforests At Highest Rate In Three Decades


(BHS) : Indonesia Tidak Berpura-pura Seolah Industri Kelapa Sawit Tidak Bermasalah (ENG) : Indonesia Doesn’t Pretend Palm Oil Industry Has Been Without Problems


(ENG) : Carbon Farming Stirs Palm Oil Interest Pursuing Sustainability (BHS) : Keberlanjutan Dan Produktivitas Berjalan Bersamaan: Bagaimana Petani Kecil Di Indonesia Menuntun (ENG) : Sustainability, Productivity Go Hand In Hand: How Indonesian Smallholders Are Leading The Way

Palm Oil Today Indonesia

October - December 2021



(ENG) : Live Interview Session with Mohammad Hafezh Abdul Rahman, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Malaysian Palm Oil Certification Council (MPOCC), Malaysia & Dr. Kasdi Subagyono, Chairman of ISPO Secretariat, Secretary General at the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), Indonesia



(ENG) : JJ-Lurgi Steps into the Future with the Power of Augmented Reality


(BHS) : Mengubah tantangan minyak kelapa sawit menjadi kesempatan (ENG) : Turning palm oil challenges into opportunity (BHS) : MPOB Menciptakan Alat Untuk Operasi Pemuatan TBS (ENG) : MPOB Invents Device For FFB Loading Operation





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Palm Oil Today Indonesia

October - December 2021




ANGI, Malaysia – Dewan Minyak Kelapa Sawit Malaysia (Malaysian Palm Oil Board / MPOB) dan Badan Nuklir Malaysia, Kementerian Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi dan Inovasi (Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation / MOSTI) pada hari ini menandatangani perjanjian kerjasama dalam penerapan dua proyek penelitian berbasis kelapa sawit menggunakan radiasi dan satu proyek berpotenai di masa depan. Perjanjian yang ditandatangani hari ini merupakan langkah pertama dan akan bertindak sebagai dasar penerapan kerjasama proyek penelitian antara MPOB dan Badan Nuklir Malaysia. Proyek pertama merupakan penelitian gabungan dalam poliol sawit dan bio-poliester untuk produksi poliuteran akrilat berbasis air untuk produksi bahan pelapis canggih menggunakan teknologi radiasi. Proyek kedua merupakan penelitian bersama dalam poliol sawit dan bio-poliester untuk produksi resin fotopolimer yang digunakan dalam produksi perancah 3D untuk rekayasa jaringan tisu dalam aplikasinya di biomedis menggunakan teknologi radiasi. Bagi proyek berpotensi lainnya, kedua belah pihak akan melakukan penelitian lain yang akan disepakati di masa depan. Direktur Jenderal MPOB, Dr. Ahmad Parveez Hj. Ghulam Kadir mengatakan bahwa MPOB memiliki keahlian untuk memproduksi poliol berbasis kelapa sawit dan polio bio-poliester. “Poliol yang diproduksi cocok untuk produksi dispersi poliuretan yang terbawa air untuk pelapis dan perancah 3D untuk rekayasa jaringan tisu dalam biomedis. Badan Nuklir Malaysia, di sisi lain, memiliki keahlian dalam bidang penelitian dan penggunaan teknologi radiasi serta teknologi pencetakan 3D,” katanya dalam upacara penandatanganan perjanjian pada hari ini. Menurut Dr. Ahmad Parveez, secara khusu, perjanjian tersebut akan menambah keterampilan dan pengetahuan untuk pengembangan berkelanjutan dengan menggunakan teknologi radiasi bagi petugas penelitian di MPOB. “Ini juga merupakan eksplorasi baru bagi poliol sawit dan poliol bio-poliester untuk produksi bahan pelapis dari dispersi poliuretan berbasis air dan produk perancah 3D

rekayasa jaringan tisu dalam penerapan biomedis menggunakan teknologi radiasi. Produk tersebut yang akan diproduksi lebih ramah lingkungan. Ia juga akan membuka peluang komersialisasi bagi produk berbasis kelapa sawit yang menggunakan teknologi radiasi,” katanya. Dr. Ahmad Parveez mengatakan, bahwa perjanjian tersebut akan memberikan banyak keuntungan bagi kedua belah pihak dan mereka dapat berbagi keahlian dalam produksi bahan canggih berbasis minyak kelapa sawit menggunakan teknologi radiasi. Direktur Jenderal Badan Nuklir Malaysia, Ts. Dr. Siti A’iasah Hashim mengatakan bahwa dia berharap keahlian serta fasilitas dan laboratorium kedua belah pihak dapat digunakan untuk mensukseskan kerjasama tersebut. “Saya berharap kondisi saat ini, di mana negara kami sedang bekerja melawan pandemi COVID-19, tidak akan mempengaruhi dan menyebabkan penundaan dalam aktivitas terencana yang telah ditetapkan untuk tercapai sepenuhnya,” tambah Ts. Dr. Siti A’iasah. Ts. Dr. Siti A’iasah juga berharap hasil kerjasama dapat menciptakan industri baru yang mendukung usaha memajukan Malaysia menjadi negara berteknologi tinggi yang berkelanjutan. Badan Nuklir Malaysia merupakan badan penelitian dalam bidang ilmu dan teknologi nuklir bagi generasi berpengetahuan, kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan negara. Badan tersebut juga merupakan pemimpin di bidang penelitian dan penerapan teknologi nuklir bagi pengembangan berkelanjutan yang telah diwujudkan melalui beragam proyek kerjasama teknis dengan instansi tertentu. MPOB merupakan badan pembuat peraturan dalam penelitian dan pengembangan yang memainkan peranan penting dalam mempromosikan dan mengambangkan tujuan, kebijakan serta prioritas nasional bagi keberlanjutan industri minyak kelapa sawit di Malaysia.

Palm Oil Today Indonesia

October - December 2021






ANGI, Malaysia - Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) and the Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) today signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for cooperation in the implementation of two palmbased research projects using radiation and other potential projects in the future. The MoU signed today is a first step and will act as an umbrella for research projects implementation cooperation between MPOB and the Malaysian Nuclear Agency. The first project is joint research in palm polyol and bio-polyester polyester for the production of water-based acrylate polyurethane dispersions for the production of advanced coating materials using radiation technology. The second project is a joint research in palm polyol and bio-polyester for the production of photopolymer resins for the production of 3D scaffolding for tissue engineering in applications in biomedicals using radiation technology. For other potential projects, both parties will conduct other researches that will be mutually agreed in the future. MPOB Director General, Dr. Ahmad Parveez Hj. Ghulam Kadir said MPOB has the expertise to produce palm-based polyols and bio-polyester polyols. “The polyol produced is found suitable for the production of water-borne polyurethane dispersions for coatings and 3D scaffolding for tissue engineering in biomedicals. Malaysian Nuclear Agency, on the other hand, has expertise in the field of research and use of radiation technology and also 3D printing technology,” he said at the MoU signing ceremony here today. According to Dr. Ahmad Parveez, in particular, the MoU will add skills and knowledge for sustainable development by using radiation technology for research officers at MPOB. “It is also a new exploration for palm polyol and bio-polyester polyol for the production of coating materials from water-based polyurethane dispersions and tissue engineering 3D scaffolding products in biomedical applications using radiation technology. The products that will be

produced are more environmentally friendly. It will also open up commercialisation opportunities for palm-based products that use radiation technology,” he said. Dr. Ahmad Parveez said, the MoU will provide many benefits to both parties and they can share expertise in the production of advanced materials based on palm oil using radiation technology. Malaysian Nuclear Agency Director-General, Ts. Dr. Siti A’iasah Hashim said, she hoped the expertise of both agencies as well as the facilities and laboratories of both parties could be used to make the collaboration a success. “I hope that the current situation, whereby the country is working to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic will not affect and cause delay in the planned activities and objectives of the projects that have been set to be fully achieved,” added Ts. Dr. Siti A’iasah. Ts. Dr. Siti A’iasah also hopes that the results of the research collaboration can create new industries that can support efforts towards making Malaysia a sustainable high-tech country. The Malaysian Nuclear Agency is a research agency in the field of nuclear science and technology in Malaysia that has a vision for nuclear science and technology for the generation of knowledge, prosperity and well-being of the society and the country. The agency is also a leader of excellence in the field of research and application of nuclear technology for sustainable development which has been manifested through various technical cooperation projects with specific agencies. MPOB is a statutory body in research and development that plays an important role in promoting and developing national goals, policies and priorities for the sustainability of the palm oil industry in Malaysia.



Palm Oil Today Indonesia

October - December 2021


AKHIRNYA TAMPIL PERDANA DI INDONESIA Pesawat CN 235-220 lepas landas untuk uji coba bahan bakar di Bandung, Jawa Barat, pada tanggal 9 September. Salah satu mesin pesawat jet oleh BioAvtur J2.4, sebuah bahan bakar penerbangan yang mengandung sebagian kecil bahan bakar hayati berbasis kelapa sawit, sementara yang lainnya menggunakan bahan bakar biasa. A CN 235-220 plane takes off for a fuel test in Bandung, West Java, on Sept. 9. One engine of the jet was powered by BioAvtur J2.4, an aviation fuel containing a small share of palm oil-based biofuel, while the other ran on regular fuel.


AKARTA: Sebuah konsorsium perusahaan di Indonesia, pembuat peraturan dan satu universitas telah memulai serangkaian tes pada bahan bakar penerbangan yang mengandung sebagian kecil bahan bakar hayati yang berasal dari minyak kelapa sawit, menanggapi mandat pemerintah tentang peningkatan penggunaan domestik komoditas tersebut melalui pencampuran bahan bakar hayati. Konsorsium tersebut memulai sembilan hari uji terbang pada hari Kamis untuk bahan bakar penerbangan (avtur) yang dikenal dengan Bioavtur J2.4, di mana 2,4 persen bahan bakar hayati tersebut terbuat dari minyak kelapa sawit olahan. Tes pertama dilakukan dengan menggunakan pesawat CN 235-220 yang terbang dengna ketinggian 10.000 kaki di atas Jawa Barat, menurut beberapa pernyataan pers. Awal pekan ini di hari Senin, konsorsium tersebut telah menyelesaikan uji coba di darat dengan sebuah pesawat di Bandara Husein Sastranegara, Bandung, Jawa Barat. Kapten Pesawat, Adi Budi Atmoko menemukan bahwa mesin merespon dengan normal, tanpa ada perbedaan yang mencolok dengan bahan bakar pesawat jet biasa. Raksasa minyak dan gas milik negara, Pertamina memproduksi bahan bakar menggunakan katalis yang dikembangkan oleh Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), sementara badan usaha milik negara pembuat pesawat, PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) menyediakan pesawat dan lokasi uji coba, dan Kementerian ESDM mengawasi uji coba tersebut. “Tes ini diharapkan dapat mendukung penggunaan bahan bakar berbasis minyak nabati dalam industri kedirgantaraan dan meningkatkan ketahanan energi, terutama dalam menggabungkan avtur dengan minyak kelapa sawit,” kata Direktur Niaga, Teknologi dan Pengembangan, Gita Amperiawan. Ia mengatakan bahwa uji coba penerbangan ke Bandara Internasional Soekarno Hatta direncanakan untuk tanggal 15 September, menunggu persetujuan dari Pusat Kelaikan Kemhan RI (Indonesian Military Airworthiness Authority / IMAA). Hasil uji coba ini akan memberikan masukan bagi IMAA, Kementerian Transportasi dan PTDI dalam mengadopsi bioavtur, atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama bahan bakar penerbangan berkelanjutan (sustainable aviation fuel / SAF). Indonesia bermaksud untuk mulai menggunakan avtur yang mengandung 2 persen bahan bakar hayati pada tahun 2016 dan 3 persen tahun lalu berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 12/2015 tetapi gagal menerapkannya karena alasan teknis dan ekonomis. Peraturan tersebut juga mewajibkan campuran bahan bakar hayati untuk solar dan bensin. Debut bioavtur menandakan kemungkinan dimulainya kebijakan campuran bahan bakar hayati di Indonesia, yang berarti untuk mengurangi ketergantungan negara tersebut terhadap minyak impor, meningkatkan konsumsi minyak kelapa sawit dalam negeri dan mengurangi emisi karbon dalam sektor transportasi. “Memproduksi [bioavtur] akan baik untuk kepentingan domestik, tetapi mirip dengan

program bahan bakar hayati, ada masalah terkait perubahan iklim dan konflik sosial, seperti sengketa lahan pada dasarnya, ia merupakan masalah industri minyak kelapa sawit,” diumumkan oleh, Alloysius Joko Purwanto, ekonom energi dari Institut Penelitian Ekonomi bagi Asean dan Asia Selatan (Economic Research Institute for Asean and East Asia / ERIA). Mengutip laporan Badan Energi Internasional (International Energy Agency / IEA), dia telah mengestimasikan avtur berbasis bahan bakar hayati 2 persen akan menjadi 2,5 hingga 4 persen lebih mahal daripada bensin biasa. Ia juga mencontohkan bahwa kapasitas penyulingan avtur Pertamina relatif kecil. “Masalahnya bagaimana mengkompensasi perbedaan harga pencampurn bioavtur apabila ini diimplementasikan,” kata Joko. SAF mulai mendapatkan popularitas di seluruh dunia selama dekade terakhir dengan Asosiasi Transportasi Udara Internasional (International Air Transport Association / IATA) yang berpengaruh menggarisbawahinya sebagai elemen kunci dalam mengurangi emisi industri penerbangan. Norwegia dan Finlandia telah memperkenalkan kewajiban campuran bahan bakar hayati bagi bahan bakar penerbangan, sementara negara-negara Eropa lain dan Amerika Serikat sedang merencanakan peraturan serupa ataupun sudah memiliki peraturan yang diharapan dapat memacu adopsi. “Bioavtur harus digunakan secepat mungkin, terutama bagi penerbangan internasional yang mewajibkan penggunaan bahan bakar hayati untuk mengurangi emisi gas,” kata direktur energi hayati kementerian ESDM, Adriah Feby Misnah. Kementerian mengatakan bahwa uji coba penerbangan bulan ini merupakan yang ketiga dengan bioavtur, setelah uji mesin statis pada bulan Desember 2020 dan di bulan Mei tahun ini. Pengujian mesin, yang menggunakan ruang uji coba badan usaha milik negara PT Garuda Maintenance Facility (GMF) AeroAsia, menemukan performa yang mirip antara bahan bakar pesawat Jet A1 yang biasa dan Bioavtur J2.0 serta J2.4. Anak perusahaan penyulingan Pertamina, PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI), menuliskan dalam sebuah pernyataan hari Rabu bahwa perusahaan kini sedang mengembangkan dan menguji bioavtur dalam skala lab sejak tahun 2014 di kilang Dumai dan Cilacap. Bioavtur J2.4 mengandung 2.4 persen minyak nabati, yang merupakan hasil maksimum yang dapat kami capai dengan teknologi katalis yang ada.




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Palm Oil Today Indonesia

October - December 2021




AKARTA: A consortium of Indonesian companies, regulators and one university has begun a series of tests on an aviation fuel containing a small share of biofuel derived from palm oil, responding to a government mandate on the increased domestic use of the commodity through biofuel blending. The consortium started nine days of flight tests on Thursday for an aviation turbine fuel (avtur) dubbed Bioavtur J2.4, of which 2.4 percent is biofuel made from refined palm oil. The first test was conducted using a CN 235-220 plane that flew 10,000 feet above West Java, according to several press statements. Earlier in the week on Monday, the consortium completed a ground test with an aircraft at Husein Sastranegara Airport in Bandung, West Java. Aircraft Capt. Adi Budi Atmoko found that “the engine’s response was normal, with no discernable difference to regular jet fuel. State-owned oil and gas giant Pertamina produced the fuel using a catalyst developed by the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), while state-owned aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) provided the aircraft and test site, and the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry supervised the test. “This test is hoped to support the use of vegetable oil-based fuels in the aerospace industry and improve energy security, especially in combining avtur with palm oil,” said PTDI commerce, technology and development director Gita Amperiawan. He said a test flight to Soekarno Hatta International Airport was planned for Sept. 15, pending approval from the Indonesian Military Airworthiness Authority (IMAA). The test results would provide input for the IMAA, the Transportation Ministry and PTDI about adopting bioavtur, better known globally as sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). Indonesia meant to start using avtur containing 2 percent biofuel in 2016 and 3 percent last year under Energy and Mineral Resources Ministerial Regulation No. 12/2015 but failed to do so for technical and economic reasons. The regulation also mandates biofuel blending for diesel and gasoline, but the latter Bioavtur’s debut signals a possible resumption of Indonesia’s biofuel blending policy, which is meant to reduce the country’s reliance on imported oil, raise the consumption of homegrown palm oil and cut carbon emissions in the transportation sector. “Producing [bioavtur] would be good for domestic interests, but similar to the biodiesel program, there are issues related to climate change and social conflicts, such as land conflicts basically, the issues of the palm oil industry,” Economic Research Institute for Asean and

East Asia (ERIA) energy economist Alloysius Joko Purwanto has announced. Citing an International Energy Agency (IEA) report, he estimated that a 2 percent biofuel-based avtur would be 2.5 to 4 percent more expensive than regular fuel. He also pointed out that Pertamina’s aviation fuel refining capacity was relatively small. “The problem is how to compensate for the price difference of mixing bioavtur if this were implemented,” said Joko. SAF has been gaining popularity worldwide over the past decade with the influential International Air Transport Association (IATA) underscoring it as a key element in reducing aviation industry emissions. Norway and Finland have introduced mandatory biofuel blending requirements for aviation fuel, while other European countries and the United States are either planning similar regulations or have regulations expected to spur adoption. “Bioavtur must be used as soon as possible, especially for international flights that mandate biofuel usage to lower greenhouse gas emissions,” said the energy ministry’s bioenergy director, Adriah Feby Misnah. The ministry said this month’s flight test was its third with bioavtur, following static engine tests in December 2020 and in May this year. The engine tests, which used a test cell owned by stateowned PT Garuda Maintenance Facility (GMF) AeroAsia, found a similar performance between regular Jet A1 fuel and Bioavtur J2.0 and J2.4. Pertamina’s refining subsidiary, PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI), wrote in a statement on Wednesday that the company had been developing and testing bioavtur at a lab-scale since 2014 at its Dumai and Cilacap refineries. Bioavtur J2.4 contains 2.4 percent vegetable fuel, which is the maximum we can achieve with existing catalyst technology.

Palm Oil Today Indonesia


October - December 2021






AKARTA : Ekspor oleokimia Indonesia diperkirakan akan meningkat selama tiga tahun berturut-turut karena permintaan yang lebih tinggi untuk produk kebersihan dan kesehatan selama pandemi, kata ketua asosiasi produsen oleochemical Indonesia (APOLIN).

AKARTA : Indonesian oleochemical exports are expected to in crease for a third consecutive year on higher demand for cleaning and healthcare products during the pandemic, the chairman of the country’s oleochemical producers association (APOLIN) said.

Negara Asia Tenggara tersebut, yang juga merupakan produsen minyak kelapa sawit terbesar di dunia, diperkirakan akan mengekspor 4 juta ton oleokimia dari minyak nabati tahun ini, naik 5,3 persen dari 3,8 juta ton pada tahun 2020.

The Southeast Asian nation, the world’s biggest palm oil producer, is expected to export 4 million tonnes of oleochemicals derived from the edible oil this year, up 5.3per cent on the 3.8 million tonnes in 2020.

Dari segi nilai, ekspor senyawa kimia yang digunakan dalam sabun dan kosmetik senilai 3,8 milyar Dolar AS tahun ini, naik 46,2 persen dari 2,6 milyar Dolar AS yang tercatat pada tahun 2020, kata Rapolo Hutabarat, ketua APOLIN dalam sebuah konferensi virtual pada hari Kamis.

In value terms, exports of the chemical compounds used in soaps and cosmetics, are seen at US$3.8 billion this year, up 46.2per cent on the US$2.6 billion recorded in 2020, APOLIN’s chairman, Rapolo Hutabarat told a virtual conference on Thursday.

Pada tahun 2019, ekspor oleokimia Indonesia mencapai 3,2 juta ton senilai 2,1 milyar Dolar AS. Peningkatan yang stabil disebabkan oleh meningkatnya permintaan akan produk kebersihan pribadi selama pandemi COVID-19. “Kesadaran akan kebersihan, seringnya cuci tangan dan mandi setelah beraktivitas di luar secara langsung meningkatkan permintaan sabun cair, sabun batangan, sampo, dan produk kesehatan,” kata Hutabarat, menggambarkan pandemi sebagai pendorong utama. Pada periode Januari – Juli, ekspor oleokimia melonjak 3,82 juta ton, naik lebih dari 16 persen dari 3,27 juta ton pada periode yang sama di tahun lalu, menurut data dari kementerian perdagangan.

In 2019, Indonesian oleochemical exports stood at 3.2 million tonnes valued at US$2.1 billion. The steady rise was due to increased demand for personal hygiene products during the COVID-19 pandemic. “Awareness for hygiene, frequent hand washing and bathing after doing activities outside is directly increasing demand for liquid soap, soap bars, shampoo and healthcare products,” Hutabarat said, describing the pandemic as the main driver. In the January-July period, oleochemical exports jumped to 3.82 million tonnes, up more than 16per cent on 3.27 million tonnes in the same period last year, according to data from the trade ministry.



Palm Oil Today Indonesia

October - December 2021



POH: Di perkebunan kelapa sawit yang luas di negara bagian Perak, bibit semangka tumbuh dari tanah yang baru dibajak di antara pohon palem sementara sapi yang disewa merumput di area perkebunan yang ditumbuhi tanaman. Krisis tenaga kerja yang disebabkan oleh pandemi coronavirus telah memaksa para manajer perkebunan seluas 2.000 hektar di Sungai Slim untuk mencari cara kreatif untuk memelihara ladangladang mereka, bahkan ketika harga minyak nabati yang paling banyak dikonsumsi tersebut mencapai rekor tertinggi. “Lebih mudah untuk mencabut gigi sendiri daripada mendapatkan pekerja baru saat ini,” kata manajer perkebunan Ravi, yang hanya memberikan nama pertamanya. “Saya tidak dapat menemukan pekerja untuk memelihara ladang.” Malaysia, produsen minyak kelapa sawit terbesar kedua di dunia, sedang menghadapi hambatan produksi yang kemungkinan akan menyeret stok global ke level terendah dalam lim tahun terakhir. Negara Asia Tenggara tersebut merupakan mikrokosmos dari kesulitan

yang dihadapi produsen minyaka nabati dari berbagai benua, dari petani kanola Kanada hingga petani bunga matahari di Ukraina, karena mereka berjuang untuk memenuhi permintaan yang tinggi. Harga makanan global telah mencapai nilai tertinggi selam 10 tahun terakhir tahun ini indeks harga Organisasi Pangan dan Pertanian (Food and Agriculture Organization / FAO) naik lebih dari sepertiga sejak musim panas lalu sebagian besar dikarenakan oleh lonjakan harga vegoil yang penting bagi persiapan makanan dan sebagai lemak dalam berbagai makanan pokok sehari-hari. Indeks minyak makan FAO naik 91 persen sejak Juni lalu, dan diperkirakan akan naik lebih jauh karena ekonomi dibuka kembali setelah penguncian COVID-19, meningkatkan konsumsi pangan dan bahan bakar minyak nabati. Tetapi produsen telah berjuang melawan berbagai hambatan, termasuk kekurangan tenaga kerja, gelombang panas serta serangan hama, yang mendorong stok kolektif minyak nabati kelapa sawit, kacang kedelai, kanola dan biji bunga matahari ke tingkat terendah dalam satu dekade.

Seorang pekerja kelapa sawit memungut buah kelapa sawit A palm oil worker picking up the palm oil fruits


Malaysia, yang menyumbangkan 33 persen ekspor global minyak kelapa sawit, hasil rata-rata tandan buah sawit pada Januari – Juni turun menjadi 7,15 ton per hektar dari 7,85 ton tahun lalu. Data Dewan Minyak Kelapa Sawit Malaysia menunjukkan penurunan rata-rata hasil panen minyak kelapa sawit mentah menjadi 1,41 ton per hektar, dari 1,56 ton pada periode yang sama tahun lalu. Kebanyakan perkebunan memanen dengan dua pertiga atau kurang dari tenaga kerja yang dibutuhkan, setelah larangan coronavirus pemerintah memutuskan langsung pasokan tenaga kerja migran dari indonesia dan Asia Selatan. Lebih dari setengah lusin pemilik perkebunan yang diwawancari oleh Reuters mengatakan bahwa kekurangan tenaga kerja telah memaksa mereka untuk memperpanjang masa panen mereka dari 14 hari menjadi 40 hari, sebuah perubahan yang membahayakan kualitas buah dan resiko kehilangan beberapa bagian tandan buah. “Hal ini sangat buruk terutamanya di Sarawak. Beberapa perusahaan melihat produksinya menurun 50 persen karena kurangnya pemanen,” kata manajer perkebunan, yang berbicara dengsan syarat anonim karena dia tidak berwenang untuk berbicara kepada media.

Perkebunan Sungai Slim telah menunda penanaman kembali dan menutup pembibitannya untuk pertaman kalinya dalam 20 tahun untuk mempekerjakan pekerjanya untuk memanen. Manajer perkebunan yang lainnya, bernama Chew, mengatakan bahwa dia dipaksa untuk meningkatkan gaji sebesar 10 persen untuk mempertahankan pekerja. Kurangnya tenaga kerja untuk memelihara perkebunan juga berarti lebih banyak hama, termasuk tikus, ngengat dan ulat kantong. “Ini telah menghasilkan lingkungan yang baik bagi tikus untuk bersarang, mencari makan dan berkembang biak dan predator alami tidak dapat mengikuti,” kata Andrew Cheng Mui Fah, seorang pejabat perkebunan di Sarawak. Di Sungai Slim, Ravi mengatakan bahwa sekitar seperempat perkebunan menghadapi serangan ulat kantong yang “akan menghabiskan daun dan menyebabkan pembentukan tandan (buah) yang kecil.”

Palm Oil Today Indonesia


October - December 2021






amerun- Perusahaan agribisnis milik negara Perusahaan Pengembangan Kamerun (Cameroon Development Corporation / CDC) saat ini sedang menyempurnakan dua proyek pembangunan dua pabrik produksi karet dan minyak kelapa sawit. Hal ini terungkap dalam seruan untuk menyatakan minat yang baru-baru ini dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan untuk merekrut konsultan yang akan melakukan penilaian dampak lingkungan proyek tersebut. Disebutkan, pabrik produksi kelapa sawit akan dibangun di Pendamboko, wilayah Littoral.

ameroon - State-owned agribusiness Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC) is currently fine-tuning two projects for the construction of two rubber and palm oil production plants. This is revealed in the call for expression of interests recently issued by the company to recruit a consultant that will carry out the projects’ environmental impact assessment. According to the call, the palm oil production plant will be built in Idenau, in the Southwest, while the rubber production plant will be built in Pendamboko, in the Littoral region.

Peluncuran kedua proyek tersebut membuktikan bahwa perusahaan agribisnis bertahap pulih dari kesengsaraan yang disebabkan oleh krisis Anglophone. Memang, CDC tidak diragukan lagi merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang menderita dari krisis sosial-politik yang bermula di tahun 2016 di wilayah Anglophone.

The launch of the two projects proves that the agribusiness company is gradually recovering from its woes caused by the Anglophone crisis. Indeed, CDC is undoubtedly one of the companies that suffered the most from the ongoing socio-political crisis that started in late 2016 in the Anglophone regions.

Selama krisis, milisi separatis mengubah perkebunan perusahaan menjadi tempat pelatihan. Pekerjaan sangat terganggu sementara pabrik pengolahan dan penyimpanan dibakar begitu saja. Karena ketidakamanan itu, perusahaan tersebut dan sekitar 22.000 karyawannya menghentikan sebagian operasinya, terutama di segmen buah pisang. Oleh karena itu, sejak September 2018 hingga Mei 2020, perusahaan tersebut, yang sebelumnya merupakan eksportir pisang terbesar di Kamerun, hilang begitu saja dari daftar eksportir pisang Kamerun.

During the crisis, separatist militia transformed the company’s plantations into training grounds. Work was badly disrupted while processing and storage plants were simply set ablaze. Because of that insecurity, the company and its about 22,000 employees partially stopped operations, on the banana segment notably. As a result, from September 2018 to May 2020, the company, which was previously the second-largest banana exporter in Cameroon, simply disappeared from the list of Cameroonian banana exporters.

Performanya sejak bulan Juni 2020 ketika ia kembali ke pasar pisang menunjukkan bahwa ia belum sepenuhnya pulih dari dampak serangan tersebut. Misalnya pada April 2021, ia mengekspor 1.354 ton pisang (menurut asosiasi buah pisang ASSOBACAM), jauh di bawah 9.467,5 ton yang sebelumnya mereka ekspor setiap bulan.

Its performance since June 2020 when it returned to the banana market demonstrates that it has not fully recovered from the fallouts of those attacks. For instance, in April 2021, it exported 1,354 tons of banana (according to the Banana association ASSOBACAM), which is significantly below the 9,467.5 tons of banana it used to export monthly.

Meski demikian, performa perusahaan bisa meningkat sepuluh kali lipat dalam beberapa bulan mendatang jika rencana pengembangan 520 hektar perkebunan pisang tahun ini terwujud.

Nevertheless, the company’s performance could increase tenfold in the coming months should its plan to develop 520 hectares of banana plantations this year come to fruition.



Palm Oil Today Indonesia

October - December 2021

Pekerja minyak kelapa sawit Ghana Ghana’s palm oil workers



hana akan menggantikan Pantai Gading sebagai eksportir utama dan penghasil produksi minyak kelapa sawit di Afrika Barat untuk lima tahun ke depan, menurut Bloomberg dan Fitch Solutions.

Pemerintah juga baru-baru ini memberikan dukungan bagi sektor tersebut dalam berbagai cara, yang menurut Fitch Solutions dan Bloomberg akan mendorong investasi lebih lanjut di tahun-tahun mendatang.

Produksi minyak kelapa sawit Ghana akan meningkat rata-rata 4,4% dari tahun ke tahun dari tahun 2021 hingga 2025, dengan tingkat pertumbuhan meningkat pada akhir periode tersebut. Artinya bangsa ini akan menggusur Pantai Gading sebagai pemain terbaik regional. “Sejumlah perndirian industri dan badan pemerintah baru-baru ini unutk mengatur dan mendukung industri minyak kelapa sawit Ghana telah meningkatkan potensi sektor nasional dibandingkan dengan negara-negara lain di wilayah ini”, laporan tersebut menekankan.

Pembentukan Otoritas Pengembangan Penanaman Pohon (Tree Crop Development Authority), bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kebijakan dan program yang ditetapkan pemerintah untuk mendorong produksi enam tanaman, termasuk kelapa sawit, juga menjadi pendorong. “Minyak kelapa sawit dikeluarkan dari pemotongan 50% dalam nilai patokan impor pada tahun 2019 setelah OPDAG berpendapat bahwa pemotongan tersebut akan berdampak negatif pada produsen Ghana. Dengan Partai Patriotik Baru (New Patriotic Party / NPP) yang mempertahankan kekuasaannya pada saat pemilihan di Desember 2020, kami berharap kebijakan ini akan terus berlanjut,” tegasnya.

Saat ini, Otoritas Promosi Ekspor Ghana dan Kementerian Perdagangan sedang berusaha mengembangkan surplus minyak kelapa sawit, yang mereka perkirakan akan memperoleh 134 juta Dolar dalam 10 tahun ke depan melalui ekspor. Laporan tersebut juga menambahkan bahwa “ Asosiasi Pengembangan Kelapa Sawit Ghana (Oil Palm Development Association of Ghana / OPDAG) dihidupkan kembali pada tahun 2015, dan kini didukung oleh Solidaridad dalam rencana strategis untuk meningkatkan tata kelola dan administrasinya pada tahun 2024. OPDAG bertujuan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas sektor minyak kelapa sawit Ghana, sementara juga mengatasi tantangan akses lahan (menarik investasi dengan mempermudah perolehan lahan baru), malpraktik perdagangan (terutama penyelundupan minyak nabatu ke Ghana) dan keberlanjutan.”

Namun, terlepas dari pengembangan baru-baru ini di sektor minyak kelapa sawit Ghana, pertumbuhan produksi akan gagal memenuhi pertumbuhan permintaan. Selain itu, Afrika Barat tidak akan menjadi pemasok global utama minyak kelapa sawit di tahun-tahun mendatang, di mana produsen utama tetap akan berada di Asia Tenggara.

Palm Oil Today Indonesia


October - December 2021




hana will displaced Ivory Coast to become the lead exporter and earner of palm oil production in West-Africa for the next five years, according to Bloomberg and Fitch Solutions.

Ghana’s palm oil production will increase by an average of 4.4% year-on-year from 2021 to 2025, with the growth rate increasing at the end of that period. This means the nation will dislodge Ivory Coast as the regional top performer. “A number of recent establishments of both industry and government bodies to regulate and support the Ghanaian palm oil industry have improved the potential of the national sector compared with other countries in the region”, the report emphasized. Already, the Ghana Export Promotion Authority and the Ministry of Trade are seeking to develop a palm oil surplus, from which they estimate $134 million could be earned within the next 10 years through exports. The report added that “the Oil Palm Development Association of Ghana (OPDAG) was revived in 2015, and is currently being supported by Solidaridad in a strategic plan to improve its governance and administration by 2024. OPDAG aims to increase the productivity of Ghana’s palm oil sector, whilst also addressing the challenges of land access (attracting investment by making it easier to acquire new land), trade malpractice (especially smuggling of vegetable oils into Ghana) and sustainability.”

The government also recently provided support for the sector in multiple ways, which Fitch Solutions and Bloomberg believe will incentivise further investment in the coming years. The establishment of the Tree Crop Development Authority, aimed at improving the policies and programmes set by the government to promote the production of six tree crops, including palm oil, is also booster “Palm oil was excluded from a 50% cut in the benchmark value on imports in 2019 after OPDAG argued that the cut would negatively affect Ghanaian producers. With the New Patriotic Party (NPP) having maintained their rule during the December 2020 election, we expect these policies to continue”, it stressed. However, despite the recent developments in the Ghanaian palm oil sector, production growth will fail to meet demand growth. Also, West Africa will not become a major global supplier of palm oil in the coming years, with the top producers remaining in south East Asia.



Palm Oil Today Indonesia

October - December 2021



olkata: Grup Patanlaji yang dipimpin oleh guru yoga Baba Ramdev, memimpin Ruchi Soya untuk memulai perkebunan kelapa sawit di Assam, Tripura dan negara bagian lainnya di Timur Laut. Kilang minyak yang diambil alih oleh grup Patanjali dua tahun lalu setelah jatuh ke zona merah telah melakukan survei lapangan untuk perkebunan kelapa sawit yang akan didirikan melalui kontrak yang menjamin pembelian kembali dari petani oleh pabrik pengolahan Ruchi Soya di negara-negara bagian tersebut. “Kami berencana untuk mendirikan perkebunan kelapa sawit di Timur Laut. Kami telah menyelesaikan survei di daerah tersebut. Rencananya antara lain adalah untuk Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya, Manipur” kata Baba Ramdev, tele-evangelis Yoga yang mendukung kelompok bisnis Patanjali dalam sebuah wawancara dengan PTI. “Kami ingin membuat India mandiri dalam minyak nabati. Dasar dari rencan tersebut telah dilakukan. Itu dapat dimulai kapan saja,” kata Ramdev. India saat ini memiliki petakan perkebunan kelapa sawit yang tersebar di Assam, Tripura, West Bengal, Andamans, Gujarat, Goa, Andhra, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu dan Maharashtra. Sementara Ramdev enggan menyebutkan tanggal dimulainya perkebunan kelapa sawit, dia mengindikasikan hal itu akan dilakukan setelah Ruchi Soya yang sedang dalam proses penggalangan dana dari investor, melunasi utangnya dengna hasil penjualan saham. Dia menjelaskan bahwa perkebunan yang akan dikelola petani akan didukung oleh pabrik pengolahan yang didirikan oleh Ruchi Soya, karena minyak harus diproses dalam waktu 48 jam setelah kelapa sawit dipanen. Patanjali mengakuisisi Ruchi Soya pada tahun 2019 dengan berhasil menawar prosesor minyak kedelai di bawah Kode Kepailitan dan Kebangkrutan. Di bawah aturan Badan Sekuritas dan Bursa (Securities and Exchange Board) India, seorang pembeli harus menurunkan kepemilikannya di perusahaan hingga di bawah 90 persen dalam waktu 18 bulan setelah diakuisisi jika kepemilikan saham publik turun di bawah 10 persen, sambil mengakuisisi perusahaan target. Patanjali Ayurved akibatnya menjual saham senilai Rs 4.300 crore di Ruchi Soya. Uang yang diperoleh melalui penjualan akan digunakan untuk melunasi hutang, kata Ramdev. Serangan tiba-tiba Ruchi ke dalam minyak kelapa sawit datang setelah kenaikan 44,42 persen harga minyak kelapa sawit di pasar ritel pada bulan Juli dibandingkan periode tahun lalu, menurut data resmi yang diberikan dalam jawaban tertulis kepada Rajya Sabha bulan lalu. India mengimpor sebagian besar kebutuhan minyak kelapa sawitnya dari Asia Tenggara, terlepas dari perkebunannya sendiri karena minyak nabati merupakan bahan penting dalam masakan negara berpenduduk 140 crore orang ini dan seleranya terhadap semua bentuk minyak nabati telah meningkat selama bertahun-tahun karena pendapatan per kapita naik. Tarif bea masuk yang tinggi pada minyak kelapa sawit juga membuatnya menarik untuk ditanam di dalam negeri. Tarif pajak efektif India untuk minyak kelapa sawit adalah 30,25 persen meskipun ada pemotongan pajak baru-baru ini.

Pekerja Pabrik Ruchi Soya Workers are Ruchi Soya’s Plant



olkata: Yoga guru Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali group led Ruchi Soya plans to start palm oil plantations in Assam, Tripura and other North-Eastern states. The oil processor which was taken over by the Patanjali group two years back after it slipped into the red has already done field surveys for the palm oil plantations which will be set up through contracts that guarantee farmers a buy-back by Ruchi Soya’s processing plants to be set up in those states. “We plan to set up palm oil plantations in the North East. We have completed our survey there. We have plans for Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya, Manipur among others,” said Baba Ramdev, Yoga tele-evangelist who backs the Patanjali business group in an interview with PTI. “We want to make India self-sustainable in edible oil. The groundwork for the plan has been done. It can be started at any time,” Ramdev said. India currently has patches of palm oil plantations scattered in Assam, Tripura, West Bengal, Andamans, Gujarat, Goa, Andhra, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra. While Ramdev was unwilling to place a date for the start of the oil plantations, he indicated that it would be done after Ruchi Soya which is in the process of raising funds from investors, retires its debts with the proceeds of a share sale. He indicated that the plantations to be run by farmers would be backed by processing plants set up by Ruchi Soya, as oil has to be processed within 48 hours of the palm being harvested. Patanjali acquired Ruchi Soya in 2019 by successfully bidding for the soya oil processor under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code. Under Securities and Exchange Board of India’s rules, a buyer has to bring down its holding in a firm to below 90 per cent within 18 months of acquisition if public shareholding fell below 10 per cent, while acquiring the target company. Patanjali Ayurved is consequently selling stake worth Rs 4,300 crore in Ruchi Soya. The money raised through the sale will be used to retire debt, said Ramdev. Ruchi’s planned foray into palm oil comes on the back of a 44.42 per cent increase in palm oil prices in the retail market in July compared to the year-ago period, according to official data given in a written reply to Rajya Sabha last month. India imports most of its palm oil requirements from South East Asia, despite its home-grown plantations as edible oils are an essential ingredient in the cuisine of this nation of 140 crore people and its appetite for all forms of edible oils has been increasing over the years as per capita incomes go up. A high rate of import duty on palm oil also makes it attractive to grow locally. India’s effective tax rate on crude palm oil is 30.25 per cent despite a recent tax cut.

Palm Oil Today Indonesia

October - December 2021



Pemandangan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Indonesia Dari Udara An aerial view of Indonesian Palm Oil Plantations



ebagian besar sektor minyak kelapa sawit Indonesia yang berkembang pesat dapat menjadi ketinggalan dalam upaya mengendalikan emisi gas rumah kaca, prediksi dari laporan oleh Orbitas, sebuah wadah pemikir transisi resiko iklim. Lebih dari dua pertiga (76 persen) lahan konsensi yang tidak ditanami di Indonesia dan 15 persen dari konsensi negara saat ini, termasuk lahan yang dibudidayakan oleh petani kecil, akan menjadi aset terlantar pada tahun 2040, sebagai upaya untuk mengakhiri deforestasi hutan tropis untuk mematuhi Pernjanjian Paris untuk memangkas upaya emisi karbon serta mencegah perubahan iklim. Indonesia adalah produsen minyak kelapa sawit terbesar di dunia, bertanggung jawab atas 72 persen dari industri senilai 43 milyar Dolar AS. Sektor tersebut telah bertumbuh drastis dalam beberapa tahun terakhir dengan mengorbankan hutan dan lahan gambut yang kaya karbon; sejak tahun 2001 hingga 2019, 27 juta hektar hutan yang berkurang di provinsi-provinsi didominasi oleh produksi minyak kelapa sawit. Indonesia merupakan negara emisi gas rumah kaca terbesar kelima di dunia, terutama dikarenakan deforestasi dan kebakaran lahan gambut yang terkait dengan pembukaan lahan semak belukar dan pohon untuk pertanian. Komitmen oleh pemerintah Indonesia untuk mengurangi emisi dan larangan nasional atas ekspansi minyak kelapa sawit, serta laporan terbaru dari Panel Antarpemerintah atas Perubahan Iklim yang menyerukan penghentian total deforestasi hutan tropis, terus memberikan tekanan pada perusahaan minyak kelapa sawit untuk mengurangi dampak perubahan iklim. Menurut laporan Orbitas, berjudul “Sektor minyak kelapa sawit Indonesia menghadapi resiko keterlantaran aset” (Indonesian palm oil sector facing stranded asset risk), perusahaan minyak kelapa sawit yang memiliki konsensi kaya karbon atau lahan bernilai konservasi tinggi wajib menghapus 9,2 juta hektar konsensi yang tidak dapat dikembangkan di bawah komitmen berkelanjutan. Enam belas produsen utama minyak kelapa sawit dan penyulingan di Indonesia memiliki kesepakatan “tanpa deforestasi, tanpa lahan gambut, tanpa eksploitasi” (no deforestation, no peat, no exploitation / NDPE), termasuk Wilmar, pedagang minyak kelapa sawit terbesar di dunia, Golden Agri-Resources (GAR) dan Musim Mas. GAR memiliki potensi aset terlantar yang terbesar di antaranya. Dua perusahaan disorot sebagai perusahaan yang sangat rentan pada resiko transisi iklim, dan keduanya memiliki operasional

di bidang keanekaragaman hayati di Papua: PT Austindo Nusantara Jaya and Korindo. Perusahaan yang kedua baru-baru ini dikeluarkan dari badan label ramah lingkungan, Forest Stewardship Council, karena dugaan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia dan deforestasi di Papua. Di bawah skenario aksi iklim yang paling ketat, petani kecil di Indonesia yang akan paling terpengaruh dengan resiko keterlantaran aset, jika mereka juga terikat pada peraturan deforestasi yang sama dengan perusahaan industri. Sektor ini sudah berada di bawah tekanan untuk meningkatkan aksi iklim. Pada beberapa tahun terakhir, dana kekayaan negara Norwegia senilai 1 triliun Dolar AS, merupakan divestasi dari 33 perusahaan minyak kelapa sawit karena isu deforestasi, PepsiCo dan Nestle telah memutuskan hubungannya dengan produsen minyak kelapa sawit Indonesia, Indofood, serta Uni Eropa secara bertahap mengurangi minyak kelapa sawit dalam bahan bakar hayati karena dampak lingkungan dari tanaman tersebut. Indonesia akan terus menghadapi tekanan dan insentif internasional, seperti penyesuaian pajak batas karbon, untuk mengurangi deforestasi yang akan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan perusahaan minyak kelapa sawit yang besar dalam negeri, menurut laporan Orbitas.

BERTUMBUH DENGAN TIDAK BERKEMBANG Direktur utama Orbitas, Mark Kenber mengomentari masalah iklim telah membuat sektor minyak kelapa sawit tidak kompetitif, dan perusahaan yang menanggapi resiko transisi iklum secara serius akan terus melihat pertumbuhan. Harga minyak kelapa sawit diproyeksikan akan bertumbuh 29 persen pada tahun 2040, dan restriksi atas penggunaan lahan akan meningkatkan omset bagi perusahaan yang memiliki kebijaksanaan ketat atas larangan deforestasi di konsensi mereka, menurut temuan di laporan. Harga lahan yang lebih tinggi akan memaksa perusahaan untuk menggunakan lahan mereka dengan lebih efisien, berpindah ke teknologi yang meningkatkan hasil dan mengendalikan emisi gas kaca dari pupuk, penggunaan solar, dan limbah pabrik. Menurut laporan, pemodal harus menghindari perusahaan yang memiliki lahan konsensi di area dengan nilai konservasi yang tinggi, kebijaksanaan NDPW yang lemah, serta model bisnis yang bergantung pada ekspansi lahan. Produsen besar dan pemodal juga perlu memberikan dukungan kepada petani kecil, yang memproduksi lebih dari 40 persen pasokan di Indonesia dan disalahkan atas deforestasi baru-baru ini, laporan tersebut merekomendasikan.



Palm Oil Today Indonesia

October - December 2021



huge portion of Indonesia’s fast-growing palm oil sector could become obsolete in order to rein in greenhouse gas emissions, predicts a report by Orbitas, a climate transition risk think tank. More than two thirds (76 per cent) of unplanted concessions in Indonesia and 15 per cent of the country’s current concessions, including land farmed by smallholders, could be stranded assets by 2040, as efforts to end tropical deforestation ramp-up in a bid to comply with the Paris Agreement to slash carbon emissions to stave off climate change. Indonesia is the world’s largest palm oil producer, responsible for 72 per cent of a US$43 billion industry. The sector has grown rapidly in recent years at the expense of forests and carbon-rich peatlands; from 2001 to 2019, 27 million hectares of forests were lost in provinces dominated by palm oil production. Indonesia is the world’s fifth largest emitter of greenhouse gases, mainly due to deforestation and peatland fires associated with clearing shrubs and trees for agriculture. Commitments made by the Indonesian government to reduce emissions and a national ban on palm oil expansion, together with the recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that calls for a complete halt on tropical deforestation, are piling pressure on palm oil firms to reduce their climate impact. According to Orbitas’s report, titled Indonesian palm oil sector facing stranded asset risk, palm oil firms with concessions on high carbon stock forests or high conservation value lands will have to write-off 9.2 million hectares of concessions that cannot be developed under sustainability commitments. Sixteen major palm oil producers and refiners operating in Indonesia have no deforestation, no peat, no exploitation (NDPE) pledges in place, including Wilmar, the world’s largest palm oil trader, Golden Agri-Resources (GAR) and Musim Mas. GAR has the largest potential stranded asset area. Two companies are highlighted as particularly vulnerable to climate transition risk, and both have operations focused in biodiverse Papua: PT Austindo Nusantara Jaya and Korindo.

Perusahaan kelapa sawit dan resiko keterlantaran aset. Sumber: Orbitas Palm oil companies and stranded assets risk. Source: Orbitas

Palm Oil Today Indonesia


October - December 2021


The latter firm was recently expelled from eco-label body Forest Stewardship Council for alleged human rights violations and deforestation in Papua. Under the most stringent of climate action scenarios, Indonesia’s smallholder farmers will be affected by stranded asset risk, if they’re bound by the same no-deforestation rules as industrial firms. The sector is already under pressure to ramp up climate action. In the recent years, Norway’s US$1 trillion sovereign wealth fund divested from 33 palm oil companies over deforestation concerns, PepsiCo and Nestle severed ties with Indonesian palm oil producer Indofood, and the European Union is phasing out palm oil in biodiesel because of the crop’s environmental impact. Indonesia will continue to face increasing international pressure and incentives, such as carbon border tax adjustments, to reduce deforestation that will affect the growth of country’s powerful palm oil companies, Orbitas’s report suggests.


Orbitas managing director Mark Kenber commented that climate concerns were already making deforestation in the palm oil sector uncompetitive, and firms that take climate transition risks seriously would continue to see growth. The price of palm oil is projected to rise by 29 per cent by 2040, and restrictions on land use will boost revenue for companies that have strong climate policies in place that rule out deforestation in their concessions, the report finds. Higher land costs will force companies to use their land more efficiently, switch to technologies that drive up yield and rein in greenhouse gas emissions from fertiliser, diesel fuel use, and mill waste. Financiers, the report suggests, should avoid investing in firms that have concession lands in areas of high conservation value, have weak NDPE policies, and business models that rely on land expansion. Big producers and financiers also need to provide more support to smallholders, which produce 40 per cent of supply in Indonesia and are widely blamed for more recent deforestation, the report recommends.

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October - December 2021



epertiga dari hutan tropis dunia terdapat di Indonesia. Hutanhutan ini merupakan rumah bagi suku asli, burung, siaman, badak, macan tutul dan harimau. Untungnya, perlindungan saat ini membantu hutan-hutan yang penting ini berkembang. Pemerintahan Presiden Indonesia Joko Widodo telah mencapai penurunan deforestasi selama empat tahun berturut-turut melalui reformasi tata guna lahan dan penetapan kembali moratorium penebangan. Pekerjaan signifikan ini mencapai puncaknya pada tahun 2020, ketika negara tersebut mencapai tingkat deforestasi terendah sejak moratorium dimulai, mencapai penurunan75% dari tahun ke tahun. Sebelum adanya moratorium, Indonesia membuka diri bagi siapa saja yang mencari peluang untuk membuka perkebunan. Negara tersebut merupakan produsen minyak kelapa sawit terbesar di dunia, komoditas yang digunakan pada beragam produk harian, mulai dari sabun, sampo, deodoran, hingga lipstik, kacang-kacangan, roti, margarin, dan bahkan es krim.

Kebijakan baru-baru ini telah memberikan harapan bahwa negara tersebut dapat memulihkan hutan yang tersisa, melindungi habitatnya, dan mengurangi emisi setara dengan komitmennya terhadap Perjanjian Paris. Kebijakan-kebijakan ini termasuk pengembalian 30 juta ekar (12 juta hektar) lahan kepada tata kelola adat, meningkatkan pinalti dan penegakan hukum lingkungan, strategi mitigasi kebakaran hutan, dan banyak lagi. Pemerintah Norwegia mendukung perubahan positif pada praktik kehutanan. Hampi sepuluh tahun setelah penandatanganan perjanjian yang akan memberikan kompensasi kepada lembaga pemerintah jika mereka mengurangi hilangnya hutan, Norwegia, Pemerintah Norwegia mengirimkan angsuran pertama kompensasi tersebut senilai 1 milyar Euro (sekitar 1,2 milyar Dolar AS) kepada Indonesia. “Ia merupakan hal besar karena ia mencerminkan fakta bahwa Indonesia telah berubah, dan ini merupakan berita baik bagi kita semua,” kata direktur Rainforest Foundation, Oyvind Eggen, kepada Reuters.

Minyak kelapa sawit merupakan minyak nabati yang paling banyak dikonsumsi dan paling produktif di dunia, menghasilkan sepuluh kali lipat lebih banyak per hektarnya daripada kacang kedelai. Namun, banyak dari produksi tersebut didapatkan dengan mengorbankan hutan, penghijauan, dan tanah adat serta masyarakat, dimana mereka digantikan dengan perkebunan industrial yang luas.

Moratorium itu dijadwalkan akan berakhir pada 19 September. Namun, minggu lalu, aktivis dan pejabat di Indonesia menyerukan pembaruan larangan penerbitan izin baru untuk perkebunan kelapa sawit. Dengan kurang dari tiga minggu sebelum moratorium berakhir, pemerintah belum mengumumkan apakah akan memperpanjangnya atau tidak. Namun, tampaknya menjanjikan karena pejabat senior juga mendorong untuk diperpanjang.

Pada tahun 2018, Presiden Joko Widodo, yang terpilih pada tahun 2014, mengeluarkan moratorium izin baru bagi perkebunan kelapa sawit, ditambah dengan harga rekor terendah bagi produk tersebut untuk memperlambat kemajuannya yang sempat melesat. Penangguhannya menjadi permanen pada tahun 2019, menanggapi kekhawatiran yang meluas terhadap pelanggaran lingkungan, pelanggaran hak-hak buruh, dan konflik lahan dalam industri kelapa sawit.

Alue Dohong, wakil menteri lingkungan hidup dan kehutanan, menyoroti bahwa aspek keberlanjutan moratorium berkontribusi terhadap tujuan jangka panjang Indonesia dalam mengurangi emisi Gas Rumah Kaca. Hal ini dikarenakan sumber utama emisi Indonesia merupakan perubahan fungsi lahan dan deforestasi, berbeda dengan sebagian besar negara penghasil emisi lainnya, di mana transportasi dan pembangkit listrik menyumbangkan sebagian besar dari emisinya.

Setengah dari 17.500 pulau di Indonesia saat ini tertutup lahan gambut, hutan, rawa, ataupun bakau. Menurut FAO, 52,1% (sekitar 94.432.000 hektar) Indonesia merupakan hutan; 50% (47.236.000) merupakan hutan primer, jenis hutan yang paling beragam dan padat karbon yang ada. Di wilayah tersebut terdapat beberapa hewan luar biasa dan ikonik yang bergantung pada hutan untuk bertahan hidup. Ini termasuk: * Komodo di Pulau Komodo * Orangutan di Pulau Sumatra * Badak di Pulau Jawa * Burung Jalak di Pulau Bali * Anoa di Pulau Sulawesi * Macan Dahan Sunda di Pulau Kalimantan

Pemerintah Indonesia telah menetapkan target yang mengagumkan untuk mengubah hutannya menjadi lahan penyerap karbodioksida pada tahun 2030 dengan mengurangi deforestasi, menanam lebih banyak pohon, dan mencapai karbon netral pada tahun 2070. “Jadi, relevan untuk melanjutkan moratorium untuk mencapai target penyerapan karbon pada tahun 2030,” kata Alue. Para pemerhati lingkungan memperingatkan bahwa ‘tidak memperpanjang’ moratorium akan memiliki konsekuensi yang mengerikan bagi hutan hujan Indonesia yang tersisa dan semua spesies yang hidup di antara kanopinya yang rimbun.

Palm Oil Today Indonesia

October - December 2021





ne-third of the world’s tropical rainforests are found in Indonesia. These forests are home to Indigenous tribes, birds, gibbons, rhinos, leopards, and tigers. Thankfully, current protections are helping these vital forests thrive. Indonesian President Joko Widodo’s administration has achieved four consecutive years of deforestation declines via land-use reforms and re-establishing a logging moratorium. This significant work culminated in 2020 when the country gained its lowest deforestation rates since monitoring began, reaching a 75% drop year-over-year. Before this moratorium, Indonesia was open for business to anyone looking to open a plantation. The country is the world’s biggest palm oil producer, a commodity used in a broad range of everyday products, from soap, shampoos, and deodorant, to lipstick, nuts, bread, margarine, and even ice cream. Palm oil is the world’s most consumed vegetable oil and most productive, yielding ten times more oil per hectare than soybeans. However, much of that production has come at the expense of forests, greenery, and Indigenous and community lands cleared out and replaced by vast industrial plantations. in 2018, President Joko Widodo, elected in 2014, issued a moratorium on new permits for palm oil plantations, combined with record-low prices for the product to slow its once-persistent advance. The suspension, which became permanent in 2019, responds to widespread concerns about environmental violations, labor rights abuses, and land conflicts within the palm oil industry. Half of Indonesia’s 17,500 islands are currently covered in peatlands, forests, swamps, or mangroves. According to FAO, 52.1% (roughly 94,432,000 ha) of Indonesia is forested; of this, 50.0% (47,236,000) is classified as primary forest, the most biodiverse and carbon-dense form of forest that exists. Within those regions are some incredible and iconic animals that depend on forests to survive. These include: * The Komodo dragon on Komodo * The orangutan on Sumatra * The rhinos on Java * The starlings on Bali * The dwarf buffalo on Sulawesi * The Sunda clouded leopard on Kalimantan

Recent policies have provided hope that the country can restore its remaining forests, protect its habitat, and reduce emissions on par with her commitments to the Paris Agreement. These policies included returning 30 million acres (12M hectares) to Indigenous governance, increased penalties and enforcement of environmental laws, forest fire mitigation strategies, and more. The Norwegian government is supporting this positive change in forestation practices. Almost ten years after signing an agreement that would compensate government agencies if they reduced forest loss, Norway sent the first installment of a €1 billion (around US$1.2 billion) reward to Indonesia. “It is a big deal because it reflects the fact that Indonesia has turned (a corner), and that is great news for all of us,” director Oyvind Eggen, from Rainforest Foundation Norway, told Reuters. The moratorium is slated to expire on September 19. However, last week, activists and officials in Indonesia called for the renewal of the ban on issuing new licenses for oil palm plantations. With less than three weeks before the moratorium ends, the government has yet to announce whether or not it will extend it. However, it looks promising as senior officials have also called for it to remain in place. Alue Dohong, environment and forestry deputy minister, highlights that the sustainability aspect of the moratorium contributes to Indonesia’s long-term goal of reducing GHG emissions. This is because Indonesia’s leading source of emissions is land-use change and deforestation, unlike most significant emitters, where transportation and electricity generation account for most emissions. The Indonesian government has set an admirable target to turn the country’s forests into a net carbon sink by 2030 by slowing down deforestation, planting more trees, and going carbon neutral by 2070. “So, it’s relevant to continue the moratorium to achieve the target of the net sink by 2030,” Alue said. Environmentalists warn that ‘not extending’ the moratorium will have terrible consequences for Indonesia’s remaining rainforests and all the species living among their lush canopies.



Palm Oil Today Indonesia

October - December 2021



enaga kerja telah menjadi isu yang diperdebatkan di sektor minyak kelapa sawit dalam beberapa bulan terakhir. Mereka yang berada dalam komunitas minyaka kelapa sawit akan sangat menyadari bahwa klaim negatif seputaran tenaga kerja telah dilontarkan terhadap minyak kelapa sawit selama beberapa tahun terakhir, setidaknya sejak tahun 2015. Namun, dalam hal tenaga kerja, klaim LSM seringkali tidak pandang bulu. Aktivis telah menggunakan sejumlah contoh di wilayah tersebut untuk berargumen bahwa minyak kelapa sawit terlepas dari mana dan bagaimana ia diproduksi ‘tercemar’ dengan pelanggaran hak-hak buruh atau hak asasi manusia, termasuk perdagangan manusia dan kerja paksa. Ini juga termasuk minyak kelapa sawit yang diproduksi oleh 2,7 juta petani kecil di Indonesia. Jelas ini tidak masuk akal, tetapi klaim terus dibuat, apakah itu dalam laporan yang didanai oleh pemerintah Norwegia dan apa yang disebut organisasi filantropi, atau kelompok pertanian Barat yang mencari cara lain untuk memblokir minyak sawit dari pasar mereka yang kaya. Dalam hal pemerintah dan kebijakan global, pemerintah AS telah menjadi salah satu aktor kunci dan utama pemerintah untuk meningkatkan hak dan standar tenaga kerja. Pemerintah Eropa cenderung lebih fokus pada masalah lingkungan dan perubahan iklim daripada standar tenaga kerja serta pengurangan kemiskinan. Pendekatan pemerintah AS sedikit berbeda dibanding pelaku antarpemerintah lainnya seperti Organisasi Buruh Internasional (International Labour Organisation). ILO bekerja erat dengan pemerintah dan masyarakat sipil seperti yang telah dilakukannya selama bertahun-tahun di sektor minyak kelapa sawit untuk meningkatkan praktik, kepatuhan dan penegakan hukum. Pemerintah AS juga melakukan hal ini tetapi juga siap untuk memberitahu hal-hal sebagaimana adanya dan memberitahu perilaku buruk ketika melihatnya dan menghukumnya dengan sanksi perdagangan. Apa yang dikatakan badan-badan ini tentang sektor minyak kelapa sawit Indonesia? Laporan Perdagangan Manusia terbaru dari Departemen Luar Negeri AS secara umum memberikan laporan positif kepada sektor minyak kelapa sawit Indonesia, terlepas dari klaim LSM. Salah satu alasan utama untuk ini adalah bahwa Indonesia pada umumnya merupakan sumber tenaga kerja yang diperdagangkan, bukan sebagai tempat tujuan. Indonesia sering menemukan mereka dieksploitasi. Untuk itulah pemerintah Indonesia membentuk Badan Perlindungan Pekerja Migrasi Indonesia (BP2MI), misalnya, mereka mengoperasikan saluran siaga untuk melindungi tenaga kerja Indonesia di luar negeri. Perlu juga ditunjukkan bahwa Indonesia dianggap sebagai negara ‘tingkat 2’ dalam laporan Departemen Luar Negeri AS; ini merupakan klasifikasi yang dibagikan oleh negara-negara kaya seperti Italia, Jerman dan Norwegia. Laporan ini tidak sempurna bagi Indonesia. Disebutkan bahwa perdagangan dan eksploitasi tenaga kerja masih terjadi di Indonesia. Namun ini bukan perhatian utama Departemen Luar Negeri AS atau ILO dalam hal terkait minyak kelapa sawit. AS dan ILO saat ini bekerja sama dengan Kementerian Pertanian dan Ketenagakerjaan, Kemeterian Koodinator Bidang Perekonomian, Gabungan Pengusaha Kelapa Sawit Indonesia (Gapki) dan serikat pekerja negara tersebut untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan di keseluruhan sektor sebagai bagian dari program dua-tahun ini. Koordinasi antara Jakarta, Washington dan ILO ini dengan jelas menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah Indonesia dan industri sangat menyadari masalah ini dan mengambil langkah -

langkah untuk mengatasinya. Demikian pula, kolaborasi yang sedang berlangsung antara beberapa perusahaan perkebunan terbesar di Indonesia, masyarakat sipil dan organisasi sertifikasi menunjukkan kesediaan industri untuk menghadapi tantangan tersebut. Pada simposium baru-baru ini tentang hak-hak buruh yang diselenggarakan bersama oleh Gapki dan ILO, tampak jelas bahwa tantangan untuk meningkatkan hak-hak buruh di sektor kelapa sawit akan terus berlanjut. Hal ini benar karena dua alasan. Yang pertama, industri ini menjadi lebih signifikan di area seperti Kalimantan, dan operasional di wilayah tersebut kini berada di bawah pengawasan yang lebih ketat. Kedua, ketidakstabilan Covid-19 telah mempersulit perusahaan untuk mempertahankan kapasitas tenaga kerja hal ini juga mempersulit agen tenaga kerja untuk melakukan inspeksi di tempat. Namun, ada alat tambahan yang dapat dan akan membantu industri untuk terus maju, serta membantu negara–negara yang membutuhkan kepastian terkait ekspor Indonesia: sertifikasi ISPO atau Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil. Sertifikasi ISPO mengharuskan perusahaan untuk mematuhi selutuh persyaratan tenaga kerja, apakah mereka membayar upah minimum, sesuai dengan peraturan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja (K3) atau mematuhi prinsip hak asasi manusia seperti “tidak ada pekerja di bawah umur” dan “tidak ada perbudakan”. Pesan utama di balik kolaborasi internasional Indonesia, kolaborasi bisnis-pemerintah dan inisiatif sertifikasi adalah bahwa Indonesia tidak berpura-pura seolah tidak ada masalah. Tetapi industri juga tidak ‘penuh’ dengan eksploitasi seperti yang dikatakan oleh aktivis di Barat. Indonesia secara keseluruhan menangani masalah ini secara serius dan sebagai bagian dari komitmen nasional menuju kesejahteraan sosial.

Palm Oil Today Indonesia

October - December 2021





abour has become a contentious issue in the palm oil sector over the past few months. Those within the palm oil community will be well aware that negative claims around labour have been made against palm oil for years, dating back to 2015 at least. However, when it comes to labour, NGO’s claims have often been indiscriminate. Activists have used a small number of examples in the region to argue that palm oil regardless of where and how it is produced is ‘contaminated’ with labour rights or human rights violations, including human trafficking and slave labour. This also includes palm oil produced by Indonesia’s 2.7 million smallholders. Clearly this is absurd, but the claims continue to be made, whether it is in reports funded by the Norway government and so-called philanthropic organisations, or Western agriculture groups seeking yet another way to block palm oil from their wealthy markets. In terms of governments and global policy, the US government has been one of the key and main governmental actors for raising labour rights and standards. European governments have tended to focus more heavily on environmental and climate change concerns rather than labour standards and poverty reduction. The US government approach is slightly different from other intergovernmental actors such as the International Labour Organisation. The ILO works closely with governments and civil society as it has for many years with the Indonesian palm oil sector to improve practices, compliance and enforcement. The US government does this too; but it is also prepared to call things as they are and call out bad behaviour when it sees it and penalise it with trade sanctions. What do these bodies have to say about Indonesia’s palm oil sector? The US State Department’s most recent Trafficking in Persons report has generally given Indonesia’s palm oil sector a positive report, despite NGO claims. One of the key reasons for this is that Indonesia is generally a source of trafficked labour, rather than a destination for trafficked labour. Indonesia often finds itself on the bad end of exploitation. It is for this reason that the Indonesian government has established the Indonesian Migrant Worker Protection Agency (BP2MI), for example, which operates a hotline to protect Indonesian workers overseas.

The US and the ILO are currently both collaborating with the Ministries of Agriculture and Manpower, the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Indonesian Palm Oil Association (Gapki) and the country’s trade unions to improve worker rights across the sector as part of a two-year program.This coordination between Jakarta, Washington and the ILO clearly indicates that the Indonesian government and the industry are well aware of the problem and taking steps to address it. Similarly, the ongoing collaborations between some of Indonesia’s largest plantation companies, civil society and certification organisations indicate the industry’s willingness to face the challenge. At a recent symposium on labour rights co-hosted by Gapki and the ILO it was readily apparent that the challenges of improving labour rights in the palm oil sector will continue. This is true for two reasons. First, the industry is becoming more significant in areas such as Kalimantan, and operations in those regions are now under greater scrutiny. Second, the fluidity of Covid-19 has made it difficult for companies to maintain human resources capacity; it has similarly made it difficult for labour agencies to engage in on-site inspections. However, there is an additional tool that can and will assist the industry going forward, and assist importing nations that need assurances around Indonesia’s exports: ISPO or Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil certification. ISPO certification requires companies to adhere to all labour requirements, whether they are paying minimum wages, in compliant to occupational health and safety regulations (K3) or adhering to human rights principles such as “no child labour” and “no slavery”. The key message behind Indonesia’s international collaborations, business-government collaborations and certification initiatives is that Indonesia is not pretending that problems do not exist. But nor is the industry ‘rife’ with exploitation as some activists in the West would argue. Indonesia as a whole takes this problem seriously and as part of a national commitment to social welfare.

It is also worth pointing out that Indonesia is considered a ‘tier 2’ country on the US State Department report; this is a classification shared by wealthy countries such as Italy, Germany and Norway. The report is not perfect for Indonesia. It states that trafficking and exploitation of workers still takes place within Indonesia. But this is not the main concern of the US State Department nor the ILO when it comes to palm oil.



Palm Oil Today Indonesia Palm Oil Today Indonesia

October - December 2021 October - December 2021



Deforestation in West Kalimantan, Indonesia due to Palm Oil Plantation activity. Planet Monthly Basemap images from 2017 to 2021.

By : PROFESSOR DATO DR AHMAD IBRAHIM Tan Sri Omar Centre for STI Policy UCSI University


he palm oil business can no longer ignore the call to embrace sustainability. As the threats of climate change grow, businesses worldwide are investing in climate mitigation measures. Tree crops like the palm oil are viewed as a natural sequester of carbon, especially carbon dioxide which plants absorb for photosynthesis. However, within the crop ecosystem, the potential for carbon emissions also exists. Rotting vegetation and crop residues within the oil palm plantation also undergo microbial degradation, emitting GreenHouse Gases (GHGs) including methane which is 21 times more damaging than carbon dioxide. Carbon farming, which involves minimising the release of such GHGs, promises to be agriculture’s way to be truly green. This has attracted the attention of the palm oil business as it struggles to achieve sustainability. The threat of climate change is truly impacting palm oil farmers. They must not only deal with productivity issues while coping with other agronomic challenges but must also adopt sustainable practices. There are valid reasons for the close scrutiny on agriculture. This is because growing crops and raising livestock account for nearly 50% of the planet’s habitable land. Emissions produced by the sector are also significant, accounting for about 25% of total GHG emissions. No wonder there is an increased interest in carbon farming among palm oil growers. However, farmers must be sufficiently motivated to make it work. The carbon credit market, which operates on the pollution offset principle, is one platform to consider. Farmers who engage in sustainable practices can earn tradable carbon credits. But the pricing of carbon is uncertain and must be sufficiently attractive for palm oil farmers to migrate permanently to such practices. Farmers must also show evidence to be able to claim carbon credits. The measurement of the sequestered carbon must be shown as proof. This is where a reliable technique, agreed by all parties, is necessary.

2021, Planet Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Satellite imagery is increasingly used as a measurement technique to provide that evidence. The data obtained is deciphered using AI to calculate the biomass and carbon sequestration value of palms. It is also less labour and time-intensive than field sampling. With its daily imaging of the Earth, Planet’s satellite data can supply more data points to increase the effectiveness of modelling. Planet has participated in such projects in Europe to develop and commercially launch a platform that facilitates large-scale zero emission aspirations, through empowering regenerative agriculture as well as measuring and monitoring resulting soil carbon sequestration. There is no reason why the palm oil business here cannot generate data for their sustainability project monitoring. The data can then be used to train machine-learning models on crop health, application of fertilizers, use of pesticides, water, and tillage which will monitor the impact of regenerative agriculture management practices on carbon storage. Satellite imagery can be transformational as the palm oil sector strives to show their commitment to sustainability. Satellite imagery can be game-changing when creating carbon neutral agricultural models. Download our latest Agriculture eBook: From Imagery to Data Shifting Approaches in Digital Agriculture or visit us at to learn more about innovative applications of satellite imagery in agriculture.





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Palm Oil Today Indonesia

October - December 2021


BAGAIMANA PETANI KECIL DI INDONESIA MENUNTUN yang mencegah penyebaran pestisida berbahaya yang mengancam kesehatan domba maupun buruh tani. Penyiangan dengan kontrol selektif yang diimplementasikan oleh Koperasi Mulia Bakti di Sumatera Selatan juga telah mengurangi biaya produksi serta meningkatkan hasil, tetapi yang lebih penting adalah ia telah memberdayakan koperasi untuk menggunakan keuntungan tunai yang diterima untuk memulai unit usaha yang menyediakan modal bagi anggotanya untuk meremajakan perkebunan mereka.

Seorang petani kelapa sawit yang bergabung RSPO Foto: Dilansir dari RSPO A palm oil farmer who joins the RSPO Photo: Courtesy of RSPO


andemi Covid-19 telah menyebabkan resesi pertama di Indonesia dalam lebih dari dua puluh tahun. Industri minyak kelapa sawit dalam negeri, terutama, melihat produksi dan perdagangan menurun akibat gangguan pada rantai pasokan dan operasional. Dengan Indonesia memasok lebih dari setengah minyak kelapa sawit dunia, pemulihtan produtivitas kritikal bagi industri dan negara. Meskipun kepemilikan mereka relatif lebih kecil, petani kecil sangat penting bagi keberhasilan minyak kelapa sawit. Di seluruh negeri, sekitar 2,67 juta petani kecil terdiri dari 40 persen dari total lahan perkebunan kelapa sawit, namun banyak yang jarang menerima pelatihan ataupun bantuan. Petani swadaya biasanya belajar cara menanam kelapa sawit dari rekan-rekan mereka atau dengan cara mencoba-coba. Mengingat pentingnya industri bagi perekonomian nasional, produktivitas mereka penting bagi seluruh sektor pertanian. Beberapa petani kecil Indonesia telah menunjukkan bahwa dengan adanya akses ke pelatihan dan peralatan, mereka mengadopsi praktik ramah lingkungan dan meningkatkan mata pencaharian serta memberdayakan masyarakat yang lebih banyak dengan berbagi dan menciptakan pendekatan baru di seluruh lahan pertanian dan kotapraja.

PELATIHAN KEBERLANJUTAN MENINGKATKAN PRODUKTIVITAS Sebagai contohnya, program pelatihan di Sumatera Utara, yang didirikan oleh Koperasi Produsen Mandiri Gaharu Seratus Bosar Maligas, memungkinkan petani untuk mempelajari metode pertanian berkelanjutan di berbagai bidang seperti penilaian panen dari penggunaan pupuk organik dan pengukuran protokol keselamatan tempat kerja. Menurut para pemimpin koperasi, praktik-praktik tersebut telah membuahkan pengelolaan sumber daya yang lebih efisien, yang menghasilkan panen yang lebih banyak. Koperasi Asosiasi Petani Kelapa Sawit Swadaya Mandiri, yang berlokasi di Provinsi Riau, melatih petani untuk meningkatkan takaran pemupukan, mencegah erosi lahan dan memisahkan sampah organik dari non-organik. Selain melindungi lingkungan lokal, praktik tersebut juga memberdayakan petani dengan meningkatkan hasil minyak kelapa sawit mereka sementara menurunkan biaya produksi. Ini hanyalah dua contoh produktivitas keberlanjutan yang dipimpin dari atas ke bawah, dan upaya mereka memengaruhi praktik yang lebih baik di bidang pertanian lainnya. Berdasarkan karya petani kelapa sawit di Sumatera Utara, penggunaan pupuk organik akan dikembangkan ke peternak domba di daerah tersebut,

Petani kecil kelapa sawit telah menunjukkan bahwa keberlanjutan dan produktivitas tidak dapat dipisahkan satu sama lain. Selain itu, manfaatnya jarang berdiam hanya pada satu koperasi. Menyediakan pelatihan dan kesempatan belajar bagi petani kecil diterjemahkan menjadi nilai nyata bagi komunitas yang lebih luas dan di seluruh arus kerja.

PELATIHAN KEBERLANJUTAN MEMBERIKAN MANFAAT DI LUAR KOPERASI Belajar dari pelatihan keberlanjutan, pengelolaan perkebunan dan keselamatan kerja di Koperasi Karya Bersama kini juga diadopsi yang bukan merupakan anggota mereka, mengingat manfaat nyata yang diperoleh oleh rekan-rekan kerja mereka dalam hal harga dan volumen penjualan yang lebih tinggi. Di Kalimantan Tengah, petani dilatih untuk bercocok tanam dengan tumpang sari, di mana dua atau lebih banyak tanaman lain ditanam berdekatan. Alhasil, petani meningkatkan hasil panen maksimal mereka dan mengurangi biaya terkait pemeliharaan lahan. Mereka juga belajar untuk menanam tanaman komersial seperti terong, cabai, dan kangkung, meningkatkan perndapatan keluarga dan menawarkan ketahanan pangan serta swasembada yang lebih baik. Sebagai bonus tambahan, tumpang sari mempekerjakan mereka yang tidak memiliki akses ke lahan. Ini hanyalah beberapa contoh, namun mereka membuktikan bahwa sektor pertanian dapat menuai hasil dari metode yang berkelanjutan selama petani diberikan akses ke pelatihan dan pendidikan yang sesuai. Pemerintah Indonesia baru-baru ini menandatangani Platform for Redesign 2020, sebuah agenda internasional yang berupata merevitalisasi ekonomi dan melindungi lingkungan melalui pengembangan berkelanjutan. Seperti yang telah ditunjukkan oleh petani kecil, praktik berkelanjutan merupakan solusi dua arah bagi perlindungan lingkungan dan produktivitas komersial. Mereka juga menciptakan kesempatan untuk memacu inovasi lokal. Petani kecil baru saja memulai perjalanan berkelanjutan mereka dan membutuhkan dukungan eksternal untuk menjaga momentum. Untuk meningkatkan hasil ini, produsen barang konsumsi dan pengecer harus mulai untuk membeli kredit petani kecil yang diinvestasikan secara langsung dalam upaya dan mata pencaharian mereka. Konsumen juga harus meningkatkan permintaan untuk produk minyak kelapa sawit yang bersertifikat berkelanjutan. Covid-19 telah memengaruhi banyak jiwa, dan banyak petani yang masih menghadapi situasi genting. Akses ke pelatihan dan pendidikan masuk akal secar bisnis dan membantu masyarakat lokal membangun kembali mata pencaharian mereka dan bertahan di masa-masa yang penuh tantangan ini.

Palm Oil Today Indonesia

October - December 2021






he Covid-19 pandemic has caused Indonesia’s first recession in over twenty years. The country’s palm oil industry, in particular, saw production and trade decline due to interrupted supply chains and operations. With Indonesia supplying half of the world’s palm oil, productive recovery is critical for both the industry and the nation. Despite their relatively smaller holdings, smallholder farms are significant to the success of palm oil. Across the nation, approximately 2.67 million smallholder farmers comprise 40 percent of total oil palm plantation land, yet many rarely receive any training or assistance. Independent smallholders typically learn how to plant oil palm from their peers or by trial and error. Given the industry’s importance to the national economy, their productivity is a vital bellwether for the entire agricultural sector. Several Indonesian smallholders have demonstrated that with access to training and tools, they adopt environmentally friendly practices and improve livelihoods and empower the broader community by sharing and innovating new approaches across agricultural holdings and townships.

SUSTAINABILITY TRAINING IMPROVES PRODUCTIVITY For example, a training program in North Sumatra, established by the Produsen Mandiri Gaharu Seratus Bosar Maligas Cooperative, enabled farmers to learn sustainable agricultural methods in areas such as organic fertilizer utilization harvest measurement and measurement workplace safety protocols. According to cooperative leaders, these practices have resulted in more efficient resource management, which yielded higher output levels. Asosiasi Petani Kelapa Sawit Swadaya Mandiri Cooperative, located in the Riau Province, trained farmers to enhance fertilizer measurement, prevent land erosion, and separate organic waste from non-organic waste. In addition to protecting the local environment, these practices have empowered farmers by increasing their palm oil yield while decreasing production costs. These are just two examples of sustainable productivity being led from the ground up, and their efforts are influencing better practices in other agricultural areas. Based on the work of North Sumatra oil palm farmers, the use of organic fertilizer will be expanded to sheep breeders in the area, which prevents the spread of harmful pesticides that threaten the health of both sheep and farmworkers. Selective-control weeding implemented by the Mulia Bakti Cooperative in South Sumatra has also reduced production costs and boosted output, but more importantly, has empowered the cooperative to use the cash gains to start a business unit that provides capital for members to rejuvenate their plantations. Oil palm smallholders have demonstrated that sustainability and productivity are not mutually exclusive. Furthermore, the benefits rarely stay within individual cooperatives. Providing training and educational opportunities to smallholders translates to tangible value for the broader community and across workstreams.

SUSTAINABILITY TRAINING DELIVERS BENEFITS BEYOND THE COOPERATIVE Learnings from sustainability, plantation management, and occupational safety training at the Karya Bersama Cooperative are now also being adopted by non-members, given the demonstrable benefits reaped by their peers in terms of higher sale prices and volumes. In Central Kalimantan, farmers were trained to cultivate harvests using intercropping, in which two or more crops are grown nearby. As a result, farmers improved the quality of their soil maximized yields and reduced costs associated with land upkeep. They also learned to grow cash crops such as aubergine, chilies, and water spinach, increasing family incomes and offering better food security and self-sufficiency. As an additional bonus, intercropping employs those with no access to land. These are just some of the many examples, but they prove that the agricultural sector can reap the rewards of sustainable methods as long as farmers are given access to appropriate training and education. The Indonesian government has recently signed onto the Platform for Redesign 2020, an international agenda seeking to revitalize the economy and protect the environment through sustainable development. As smallholders have demonstrated, sustainable practices are a double-edged solution for both environmental protection and commercial productivity. They also create opportunities for local innovation to spur from. Smallholders are just embarking on their sustainability journey and need external support to maintain momentum. To enhance these outcomes, consumer goods manufacturers and retailers should look to purchase smallholders’ credits directly invested in their efforts and livelihoods. Consumers must also increase demand for certified sustainable palm oil products. Covid-19 has affected countless lives, and many farmers still face precarious situations. Access to training and education makes business sense and helps local communities re-build their livelihoods and survive during these challenging times.


Palm Oil Today Indonesia

October - December 2021

Ensuring Sustainable Palm Oil: Challenges in Indonesia & Malaysia

Mohammad Hafezh Abdul Rahman

Dr. Kasdi Subagyono

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Malaysian Palm Oil Certification Council (MPOCC), Malaysia

Chairman of ISPO Secretariat, Secretary General at the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), Indonesia

Mohammad Hafezh Abdul Rahman, no stranger to the palm oil industry. He looks forward to getting the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) certification scheme to be globally accepted as a valid economic tool in ensuring that it is responsibly and sustainably produced. He was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Malaysian Palm Oil Certification Council on 15 February 2021. He holds a master’s degree in Business Administration from Multimedia University (MMU) and a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology from the National University of Malaysia (UKM).

Prior to his current assignment, Dr. Kasdi Subagyono has held strategic positions at the MoA as Director General of Estate Crops, Director of Planning Bureau, Executive Secretary of Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, and Director of Indonesian Agroclimate and Hydrology Research Institute. He received his Ph.D in Geoscience from Tsukuba University in Japan, in 2003, and completed his Master degree in Soil Science at Gent Universiteit, Belgium. His area of expertise includes agriculture policy and planning, hydrology, soil conservation, and climate change.


Palm Oil Today Indonesia

October - December 2021





Palm Oil Today Indonesia

October - December 2021

Palm Oil Today Indonesia

October - December 2021



Using the ThinkReality A6 head-mounted display, JJ-Lurgi field engineers can now provide local and global clients with real-time support without having to travel on site (Photo: JJ-Lurgi)

JJ-LURGI STEPS INTO THE FUTURE WITH THE POWER OF AUGMENTED REALITY JJ-Lurgi taps on augmented reality wearable to provide real-time remote assistance from Malaysia to regional and global customers in the oils and fats sector


alaysia, 24 September 2021: JJ-Lurgi, the life sciences joint venture of diversified industrial conglomerate, Jebsen & Jessen Group, introduces the integration of ThinkReality A6, an Augmented Reality (AR) head-mounted display developed by Lenovo and powered by Artasi technology, into its existing site services portfolio. The innovative AR technology will enable Malaysia-headquartered JJ-Lurgi to more efficiently address client needs in the edible oils, fats, oleochemicals and biofuels industries amid challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, providing remote support, expertise and assistance from Malaysia without being physically present on site. The oils and fats industry remains a significant sector in the economies of many South East Asian countries, with revenue amounting to US$8.641b in 2021 and expected to grow by 3.20% annually. Malaysia alone is one of the world’s largest oils and fats producers and exporters, accounting for 9.1% and 19.7% of the world’s total production and exports of oils and fats in 2020. Across the globe, the COVID-19 pandemic presents challenges affecting industries and economies. Challenges such as mounting health concerns, as well as extensive lockdowns and border control measures, hinder the ability of many businesses to provide or receive vital on-site support for maintenance and troubleshooting. JJ-Lurgi’s integration of the ThinkReality A6 headset with Artasi’s technology enables their regional and global clients to remotely and safely access expertise from the company’s headquarters in Malaysia despite the constraints, keeping vital sectors in the global trade running during this time.

“Amid challenges in this new normal, we remain forward-looking and ready to embrace new and innovative technology that enables us to continue providing the best value and support for our clients even in challenging circumstances. The recent adoption of AR technology in our services portfolio has greatly improved our efficiency and productivity in providing accelerated assistance to local, regional and global customers, leading to minimal disruption and downtimes,” said Jakob Helms, CEO of JJ-Lurgi. Typically, whenever businesses such as industrial factories or manufacturers encounter issues with their plant or equipment, engineers would need to be promptly dispatched to the location for on-site assistance. In these cases, issues and faults can even lead to a halt in production and output, causing considerable downtime and losses if not resolved quickly. With the ThinkReality A6 headset and the Artasi application, clients’ on-site operators who face issues or require assistance will be able to receive immediate assistance from the technical team at JJ-Lurgi. Instantly sharing on-site audio and video with the technical team at JJ-Lurgi, the experts, from their headquarters in Malaysia, will be able to provide the operators with specific instructions and solutions using voice commands, pictures, documents and even videos relayed to the headset in real-time. Regardless of whether the client is based abroad, or even with the presence of travel restrictions or local movement control orders, the impact on business operations caused by lengthy downtimes can now be avoided as troubleshooting and resolving of issues can be performed expeditiously.



“Designed specifically for enterprise users, the ThinkReality A6 with the Artasi application has been successfully deployed in several industrial sectors to help on-site engineers and technicians access information and assistance remotely while performing their tasks. Harnessing disruptive technology in their workflow, JJ-Lurgi has evolved their existing workplace tools to increase operational efficiency, especially in the face of challenges brought on by the pandemic,” said Gildas Coldeboeuf, Global CEO of Artasi. In its maiden deployment at an oleochemical site in Sumatra, Indonesia, the AR headset and software enabled several engineering personnel to investigate, troubleshoot and develop a remedy in just 45 minutes following the client’s call for assistance. Traditionally, the lead time for this would take five to seven working days, as an engineer would be deployed and required to spend several days on site conducting the evaluation, consultations with various engineering heads back at the headquarters and report generation before a remedy is provided to the client. In addition to being able to assist clients more efficiently, the process is now much more cost effective and increases a site’s productivity by reducing valuable downtime. Besides performing remote troubleshooting at their existing plant and equipment, this has also enabled JJ-Lurgi’s experts to assist these long-term customers in various other capacities, including a viability assessment for the start-up of a partially completed oleochemicals production complex and the pre-commissioning of a glycerine distillation plant. While the new AR technology is currently deployed in the South East Asian region, it is expected to be rolled out to clients on a global scale subsequently. This initiative is part of JJ-Lurgi’s bigger plan to adopt innovative technologies and be at the forefront of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0). Partnering with Artasi, JJ-Lurgi is exploring ways to integrate 3D plant models with AR and virtual reality (VR) to enable VR reviewing of yet unbuilt processing plants;

Palm Oil Today Indonesia

October - December 2021

VR safety and operability reviews of plants being designed; as well as AR workflow assistance for specialised and complicated technology deployed at the plants. JJ-Lurgi is also preparing to digitalise engineering processes to increase accuracy, efficiency and customisation. In the near future, JJ-Lurgi will also operate on an interconnected platform, where central data management and intelligent editing will allow for better consistency and agility to meet ever-changing global demands.

ABOUT JJ-LURGI JJ-Lurgi Engineering is a joint venture between Jebsen & Jessen Group and Air Liquide. Our engineering roots are in Germany; in Asia we contract ourselves locally and have established in-house a new generation of expertise attuned to our clients’ particular needs. With more than 20 years of experience, we produce highly customisable products that fit our clients’ needs, reducing waste and cost. Our technologies include: Edible Oil Extraction, Oil Refining, Fats Modification, Oleochemicals and Methylester (Biodiesel). For more information, visit us at


We are an ASEAN focused industrial conglomerate. Our business spans manufacturing, engineering, and distribution activities. We have five core business units: Cable Technology, Ingredients, Life Sciences, Packaging and Technology. Through our network of companies spanning 31 locations, including 10 manufacturing facilities in Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, our 3,000 people work as one to develop meaningful products and services for the 20,000 customers we serve. For more information, visit

Palm Oil Today Indonesia

October - December 2021



Palm Oil Today Indonesia

October - December 2021




elapa sawit telah lama dituduh sebagai penyebab utama pemanasan global. Ini karena metana, gas rumah kaca yang kuat, dihasilkan dari pengolahan limbah pabrik kelapa sawit (palm oil mill effluent / POME). Jika metana bocor ke udara sebelum dibakar atau diubah menjadi bentuk energi lain, metana akan menyerap panas matahari dan menghangatkan atmosfer 84 kali lebih kuat daripada karbon dioksida selama periode 20 tahun. Untuk mengatasi hal ini, biogas dari POME digunakan untuk menghasilkan listrik di lokasi pabrik kelapa sawit, 1-2MW, selalu lebih dari yang dibutuhkan di lokasi. Dengan demikian, kelebihan gas biasanya dibakar untuk menghilangkan metana dengan mengubahnya menjadi karbon dioksida yang meskipun tetap berkontribusi terhadap pemanasan global, memiliki Potensi Pemanasan Global yang lebih kecil daripada metana. Faktor yang sering diabaikan adalah bahwa minyak kelapa sawit merupakan tanaman penghasil minyak nabati yang paling efisien. Mereka memasok 36 persen minyak di dunia, tetapi hanya menyumbangkan kurang dari 9 persen semua lahan budidaya yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan minyak nabati secara global. Beralih ke tanaman penghasil tanaman penghasil minyak nabati alternatif tidak hanya membutuhkan lebih banyak lahan, tetapi juga lebih banyak pestisida dan pupuk kimia. Dengan SEPURAN® GREEN dari Evonik, teknologi membran inovatif yang secara efektif memanen biogas yang dihasilkan sebagai produk sampingan dari pengolahan limbah POME, tantangan tersebut dapat diubah menjadi peluang. Membran memurnikan biogas untuk menghasilkan biometana dengan efisiensi > 97%. Biometana kemudian digunakan untuk mengimbangi penggunaan bahan bakar fosil seperti gas alam dan solar, untuk mengurangi dampak lingkungan. Selain itu, teknologi tersebut juga sangat cocok untuk industri minyak kelapa sawit, karena ia tidak menciptakan produk sampingan tambahan dan sangat mudah untuk dioperasikan. Baru-baru ini, sebuah perusahaan lokal minyak kelapa sawit menguji coba Pabrik Bio-CNG pertamanya di Indonesia. Ia merupakan demontrasi dari komitmen mereka sebagai pemimpin pasar terhadap lingkungan, karena ia juga merupakan Pabrik Bio-CNG pertama di industri minyak kelapa sawit dalam negeri. Menggunakan SEPURAN® GREEN, pabrik perusahaan tersebut dapat dengan sukses mengubah biogas yang dihasilkan menjadi biometana untuk menggantikan penggunaan solar. Untuk pabrik Tandan Buah Segar dengan kapasitas 60 Ton per jam, instalasi SEPURAN® GREEN akan memungkinkannya untuk menggantikan 6 juta liter solar per tahun. Pabrik khas seperti itu akan mengurangi emisi karbbon dioksida di bumi sebesar 15 juta kilogram setiap tahunnya.

Pada kenyataannya, biometana dapat digunakan untuk mempertahankan operasional harian pabrik itu sendiri. Ia dapat disalurkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan seperti perumahan karyawan dan transportasi serta menggantikan penggunaan bahan bakar fosil yang konvensional seperti solar dan gas alam. Biometana juga dapat disimpat dalam tabung gas dengan cara yang aman bagi pekerja dan lingkungan. Peningkatan biogas untuk menggantikan solar tidak hanya ramah lingkungan, ia juga membantu perusahaan untuk menikmati bahan bakar berkelanjutan dengan harga tetap untuk jangka waktu yang panjang. Ia merupakan situasi yang menguntungkan bagi alam dan industri. Selain itu, SEPURAN® GREEN dapat menawarkan solusi yang dibuat khusus untuk kebutuhan individu pelanggan dan oleh karena itu menjaga belanja modal tetap rendah hanya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan di lokasi. Teknologi pemisah gas berbasis membran telah memungkinkan pabrik minyak kelapa sawit di Asia Tenggara untuk mengubah biogas menjadi solar, gas alam ataupun bahan bakar gas cair, tergantung kebutuhan pelanggan. Solusi ini mengurangi jejak karbon dari pengiriman dan transportasi truk, selain dari mengurangi dampak produksi minyak kelapa sawit. “Kami ingin memperluas jejak kami di Asia Tenggara, kini kita telah memiliki beberapa contoh pabrik biometana dalam kelapa sawit yang berfungsi, menawarkan manfaat serbaguna dan dapat ditiru.” Kata Micheal Yeong, Manajer Bisnis Senior lini binis Polimer Kinerja Tinggi dari Evonik. Sebagai produk yang disegani dan dipercayai oleh para pelaku industri, kini ada lebih dari 600 situs yang terpasang dengan SEPURAN® GREEN milik Evonik di seluruh dunia sejak tahun 2012.

Palm Oil Today Indonesia

October - December 2021






alm oil has long been vilified as a major cause of global warming. This is because methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, is generated from the waste treatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME). If methane leaks into the air before it is flared or converted into another form of energy, it will absorb the sun’s heat and warm up the atmosphere in a manner 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide over a 20 year period.

Using SEPURAN® GREEN, the company’s plant can successfully convert their generated biogas into biomethane to displace diesel usage. For a typical 60 ton per hour Fresh Fruit Bunch mill, the SEPURAN® GREEN installation will enable it to replace up to 6 million liters of diesel annually. Such a typical plant would thus save the earth a further 15 million kilograms of carbon dioxide from being emitted into the atmosphere every year.

To mitigate this, biogas from POME is used to generate electricity at palm oil mill sites. However, the potential electricity generated from a typical mill, 1-2MW, is always more than what is needed on site. Excess gas is thus usually flared to eliminate the methane by turning it into carbon dioxide which, while still contributes to global warming, has less Global Warming Potential than methane.

In fact, biomethane can be used to sustainably maintain the daily operations of the mill itself. It can be channeled into addressing needs such as employee housing and transportation and replace the usage of conventional fossil fuel such as diesel and Natural Gas. Biomethane can also be stored in gas cylinders in a manner that is safe for both workers and the environment. The upgrading of biogas to replace diesel is not only environmentally friendly, it also helps companies to enjoy sustainable fuel at a fixed price for a long period of time. It is a win-win situation for mother nature and the industry.

An often overlooked factor is that palm oil is the most efficient vegetable oil crop. It provides 36 percent of the world’s oil, but only accounts for less than 9 percent of all cultivated land used to produce vegetable oils globally. Turning to alternative oil crops would not only require more land, but also more pesticides and chemical fertilizers. With Evonik’s SEPURAN® GREEN, an innovative membrane technology that effectively harvests biogas produced as a byproduct of POME waste treatment, these challenges can be turned into opportunities. The membrane purifies biogas to produce biomethane with an efficiency of >97%. The biomethane is then used to offset fossil fuel usage such as natural gas and diesel, mitigating the environmental impacts. Furthermore, the technology is especially suitable for the palm oil industry as it does not create any extra byproduct and is extremely easy to operate. Recently, a local palm oil company commissioned its first Bio-CNG Plant in Indonesia. It is a demonstration of their marketleading commitment to the environment, as it is also the first Bio-CNG Plant within the palm oil industry in the country.

Furthermore, SEPURAN® GREEN can offer tailor-made solutions for customers’ individual needs and therefore keep the capex low to only address what is needed on site. The membrane-based gas separation technology has already allowed palm oil mills across Southeast Asia to convert biogas into diesel, natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas, depending on customer requirements. These solutions reduce the carbon footprint from shipments and trucking transport, on top of mitigating the effects of palm oil production. “We are looking to expand our footprint in Southeast Asia now that we have multiple working examples of a biomethane plant in palm oil offering versatile and replicable benefits,” said Micheal Yeong, Senior Business Manager of Evonik’s High Performance Polymers business line. As a respected and trusted product by industry players, there are currently more than 600 sites installed with Evonik’s SEPURAN® GREEN all over the world since 2012.




October - December 2021


ANGI, Malaysia – Sekelompok peneliti dari Dewa Minyak Kelapa Sawit Malaysia (Malaysian Palm Oil Board / MPOB) yang dipimpin oleh Mohd Ramdhan Mohd Khalid telah menemukan teknologi yang dapat membantu pekerja minyak kelapa sawit untuk memuat tandan buah segar (TBS) di perkebunan mereka. Teknologi tersebut berupa alat pengangkut yang gesit untuk membantu operasi pemuatan TBS diluncurkan pada Seminar dan Pameran Transfer of Technology MPOB pada tahun 2021. Ia terdiri desain rangka yang sederhana dan sistem hidraulik untuk menahan beban dari transporter kecil di lapangan. Mesin pengemas hidraulik tersebut ditenagai oleh baterai 24V. dengan menekan sati tombol sakelar, alat tersebut akan mengangkat ember dengan perlahan. Ia mampu mengangkat kurang lebih 400 kg beban. Alat tersebut juga dapat dengan mudah dipasang dan dilepas untuk keperluan mobilisasi. “Menurut penelitian, alat tersebut 35% lebih cepat daripada pemuatan manual. Oleh karena itu, akan menghasilkan peningkatan produktivitas bagi aktifitas evakuasi TBS di lapangan. Perkebunan bisa mendapatkan minyak dengan kualitas yang lebih baik karena teknologi yang membantu mengurangi penanganan TBS yang berganda,” kata Direktur Jenderal MPOB, Dr. Ahmad Parveez Hj Ghulam Kadir. Penelitian proyek ini dimulai pada tahun 2017 dan teknologi tersebut telah ditawarkan untuk dikomersialisasi karena lebih praktis dan meningkatkan produktivitas di perkebunan kelapa sawit.


Palm Oil Today Indonesia

Sistem tempat penyimpanan yang digunakan saat ini digunakan di perkebunan kelapa sawit telah memberikan dampak yang signifikan pada pengumpulan dan evakuasi TBS di perkebunan. Sistem ini melibatkan integrasi tempat penyimpanan dengan traktor mini Grabber dengan trailer pengangkat yang tinggi. Namun, kebanyakan transporter berukuran kecil di lapangan biasanya melepaskan muatannya di atas lahan dan kemudian ditransfer secara manual ke tempat penyimpanan / trailer. Penanganan TBS yang berganda akan meningkatkan waktu pengerjaan dan menurunkan kualitas minyak. Pekerjan juga perlu untuk mengangkat beban ke atas pundak mereka berulang kali sehingga mereka rentan kelelahan saat menangani tandan besar. “Teknologi ini akan meringankan bebas pekerja perkebunan minyak kelapa sawit dan mengurangi tenaga yang diperlukan untuk memuat TBS. Sehingga, dengan kurangnya tenaga kerja saat ini, teknologi ini akan menarik lebih banyak tenaga kerja lokal untuk bekerja di perkebunan. Yang lebih penting lagi, ia dapat mempromosikan teknologi ramah lingkungan karena ia ditenagai dengan baterai,” katanya. Teknologi tersebut telah menarik satu perusahaan lokal untuk komersialisasi. MPOB kini sedang dalam proses pengalihan teknologi melalui perjanjian lisensi. Keterlibatan industri dan perusahaan lokal dalam komersialisasi teknologi mesin perkebunan yang dikembangkan oleh MPOB akan meningkatkan praktik mekanisasi pertanian, terutama untuk panen dan transportasi kelapa sawit, kata Dr. Ahmad Parveez.


ANGI, Malaysia – A group of researchers at the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) led by Mohd Ramdhan Mohd Khalid have invented a technology which can assist oil palm plantation workers to load fresh fruit bunches (FFB) in their plantations. The technology, in the form of a mobile lifter device to assist FFB loading operation was launched at the MPOB Transfer of Technology Seminar and Exhibition 2021. It comprises a simple chassis design and hydraulic system to receive loads from a small in-field transporter. The hydraulic power pack is powered by 24V battery. With a single press of a switch button, the device will slowly lift the bucket. It is able to lift up approximately 400 kg of loads. The device is also easy to be attached or detached for towing purposes. “Based on a study, the device is 35% faster compared to the manual loading. Hence, it will result in a significant increase of productivity for infield FFB evacuation activities. Plantations can get better oil quality as the technology can reduce multiple handlings of FFB,” said Director-General of MPOB Dr. Ahmad Parveez Hj Ghulam Kadir. Research on this project started in 2017 and the technology has been offered for commercialisation as it is more practical and increase productivity in oil palm plantations. The bin system which is currently used in the oil palm plantations has given significant impacts for efficient FFB collection and evacuation in plantations. This system involves the integration of bin with Mini-tractor Grabber with high lift trailer.

However, most of small size in-field transporters usually drop their loads on the ground and later manually transferred into a bin/trailer. Multiple handlings of FFB will increase the overall time taken and lower the quality of oil. The workers also need to repeatedly lift the loads above over their shoulders and hence they are prone to fatigue when handling big bunches. “This technology can lessen the burden of oil palm plantation workers and reduce the energy required to load the FFB. Hence, with the current labour shortage, this technology can attract more locals to work in plantations. Most importantly, it can promote green technology as it is battery powered,” he said. The technology has attracted one local company for commercialisation. MPOB is currently in the process of transferring the technology through a licensing agreement. The involvement of industry and local companies in the commercialisation of plantation machinery technologies developed by MPOB will increase farm mechanisation practices, especially for oil palm harvesting and transportation, said Dr. Ahmad Parveez.

Palm Oil Today Indonesia


October - December 2021




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