Fall 2014 Issue 6

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Water polo remain as champions

Volume 100, Issue 6 November 19, 2014

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The Hornet The Voice of Fullerton College @fcHornet


FC Hornet


Fullerton College celebrates veterans awareness month

Fullerton College honors veterans by celebrating veterans day NICOLE KING News Editor



Student and local veterans alike had a chance to celebrate Veterans Day, at the sculpture gardens, enjoying a morning of food, music, and socializing. The event occurred from 10am-1pm. The day was gloomy, but faces were smiling and attitudes remained positive as veterans were honored for their service. Veterans Resource President, Art Alfaro, has been a student at Fullerton College for a year and a half, as a business major, after



The forensics speech and debate team wipe the competition clean.

serving two tours in Afghanistan in the Marine Corps from 2008-2010. Alfaro has been enlisted from 2007-2011 and is heavily involved with the veteran services on campus. “We provide for the veteran students and volunteer in the community. At any given time we have approximately 650-700 veterans on campus. We are currently putting together care packages for the service members,” Alfaro said. Local veterans, such as Robert Pavlovich, 93, enjoyed the festivities provided. Pavlovich served as a sergeant in the Marine Corps since January 1942. Pavlovich served as part of the 1st Platoon that fought in the battle of Iwo Jima in 1945.



A preview into football’s game against Mt San Antonio College.


Fullerton celebrates veterans with a parade and ceremony.


Campus mourns loss of VP

The death of a Fullerton College faculty member takes campus by surprise as some still try to cope. MARTIN BECERRA Editor-in-Chief

“I feel serving was something I had to do as an American. It’s our duty to fight for the freedom of our country,” Pavlovich said. The gardens were colorfully decorated in red, white and blue balloons and honored our veterans by flying the flags for each branch of the military. Tickets at the event were sold for $5 to provide an array of food and drinks to the veterans. A donation box was also available to fundraise for the veterans care packages that are being put together provided by the veterans resource center. “We received a lot of things for the care packages this year,” said Esmeralda Martin, Veterans Resource Center secretary.



The Fullerton College Vice President of Student Services, Toni DuBois-Walker died of cancer on Friday November 7. DuBois, 59, was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a cancer that forms in a type of white blood cell, in 2011 according to friend and co-worker Sharon Kelly, executive assistant to the vice president of student services. “She braved that disease for three years and sometimes be in a lot of pain, yet she continued to work despite doctors telling her to be on medical leave,” Kelly said. “Even if she was here on a part-time basis, she was still here; it showed her love and passion for students.” DuBois retired on October 17 after working DuBoissix and a half years for Walker FC. Kelly added that she didn’t look to well her last day on campus on October 6, after returning from vacation. “I always supported her but on this particular day I knew something was wrong,” Kelly said. “The next day her husband took her to emergency and two days later the doctors said there is nothing more they can do.” Kelly added that it happened relatively fast. “The campus never got to say goodbye to her while she was here,” she said. “That’s what we as a campus community are hurting about.” Before coming to Fullerton College in 2005, DuBois was the dean of, financial aid, EOPS and veterans services at Long Beach City College. It was her passion for students and her knowledge of the California community college system, which prompted Kelly, who was a part of the hiring committee to offer DuBois the job. During her six and half years DuBois made significant impact on the campus and fought for students more than they realized according to Kelly.

OPINION Depression has always been an ongoing problem.

See INSPIRE on page 4



Anaheim Art Crawl receives as much attention as the Fullerton Art Walk.


C A News Briefs U


November 19, 2014

Campus Safety’s



August 25-September 7 November 3 - November 17

OC film screening of Huicholes today The ethnic studies department will host an Orange COunty screening of “Huicholes: The Last Peyote Guardians”, in the campus theater on Nov. 19 at 6 p.m. The documentary presents the defense of the Wirikuta, a sacred territory to the Huichol people, against the threat of transitional mining corporations. A donations of $7.50 will be requested at the entrance. ALl proceeds will go directly to the Huichol community projects and film costs. For those interested in olunteering or participating as a vendor in the market place, contact Amber Rose González at (714) 992-7504.

1. Nov. 11, 2014 Medical aid 800 building.

2. Nov. 11, 2014 Vandalism 594 P.C. 2000 building.

3. Nov. 13, 2014 Medical aid FC parking structure. 4. Nov. 13, 2014 Vehicle damage (Possible baseball/ Softball damage to Windshield) Student lot 6. 5. Nov. 16, 2014 Property damage North, 1400 building.

Photo courtesy of Huicholesfilm.com

Peyote guardians: The OC screening of the “Huicholes: The Last Peyote Guardians” will be in the campus theater on Nov. 19.

Business division brown bag lunch series The Fullerton college business department is hosting a Brown Bag lunch series on Thursday Nov. 20 from 1:15-2:15 p.m. in room 322 and 5:15-6:15 p.m. in room 323. The speakers will include Marcus Wilson, business department coordinator and Laura Almovodar-Sole, business counselor. The topics of discussion will include planning coursework efficiently, degree options and strategies on transferring to a four year university.

Visiting writers in Wilshire auditorium

The English department and humanities division will present its biannual “Visiting Writers”, Corinna Vallianatos and Keven Moffett on Nov. 19 from 3-5 p.m. in Wilshire Auditorium. Tickets can be purchased for $6.50 at the Fullerton College box office.

Veterans Resources Care Package Party The Fullerton College Veterans Resources will host their annual Care Package Party on Friday Nov. 21 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Room 518. Items and donations collected from, various fundraisers will be arranged together into care packages to be sent to current service members of the military.

OFF CAMPUS Free Fullerton Thanksgiving Fullerton community residents are invited to a free Thanksgiving dinner at the Fullerton Community Center at 340 W. Commonwealth Ave. The dinner will be served from 5-7p.m. The purpose of the free event is to combat hunger in Orange County.

Fullerton Critical Mass Fullerton Critical Mass will happen again, meeting at the Night Owl in downtown Fullerton from 6- 7:30p.m. This fun, non-violent monthly bike ride celebrates the community of city-life and virtues of cycling. “We’re riding to show motorists that bicycles and automobiles can share the road as well as providing that cycling is a viable means of transportation.” Everyone is encouraged to bring their friends, noise makers and bike lights.

EMERGENCY CONTACTS Campus Safety Phone Number: (714) 992-7080 Emergency Phone Number: (714) 992-7777 Fullerton Police Department: (714) 738-6700 Fullerton Fire Department: (714) 738-6122

News Forensics team wipes clean the competition The Hornet

The speech debate and team took first place at the CSUF Blumer Tournament. MARTIN BECERRA Editor-in-Chief

The Fullerton College’s forensics speech and debate team dominated the 19th annual Cal State, Fullerton “Blumer” Speech and Debate Tournament on Saturday. The debate team added another impressive win to their belt after a successful undefeated victory for Michael Wu and Zach Turner as they took the gold at the Rio Hondo Intermural. The competition appeared fierce as Fullerton faced schools like Glendale Community College, CSUF and Long Beach City College but the Hornets proved to be victorious and sweep the competition with an impressive win of at least three-quarters of the competition, according to team member Zach Taylor. “It was a very amazing day for us,” Taylor said. “We all showed up and did as good as you’re going to get.” In just her second competition debut, Taylor Engle took first place in both of her individual events; persuasion and informative as she competed against 30 people in each category. There are two rounds where the judges eliminate and narrow it down to five finalists for the third round. An informative event can be related to a speech that informs the audience, Engle’s topic was “psychic numbing” which is related to genocide. For the persuasive event, the goal is to persuade the audience to take action. Engle’s topic was, “dense breast tissue” which encouraged audience to become

Photos courtesy of Doug Kresse

Forensics team: Members of the speech and debate winners show off their awards from the CSUF Blumer Tournament on Saturday.

aware of dense breast tissue and how it’s a risk that can lead to breast cancer. Engle, a journalism major, describes competing in debate as a curiosity that sparked into a hobby after she took a speech 100 class. “I took public speaking last semester and I really loved it, I love talking in front of people and having an audience’s attention,” Engle said. Brennan Zoellner also competed in the individual event and took fifth place in persuasion. In the team Public Forum debate, the whole team secured five slots of the 10 places. There were three teams that remained undefeated and took first through third place. Rachel Romo and Jamie See claimed first with a 4-0 victory for each round. Following in second place, Kenneth Baer and Sarah Benedict and in third, Michael Wu and Taylor. Andrew Glen was paired with CSUF’s Shawn Brady and shared the fourth place title.

Following in seventh, Felicia Cazares and Kitiney Phumchun while Paula Sunga and Joseph Phillips took eighth. Baer took first place for the top-speaker

debate award, while teammates Phumchun took second, Romo and See in fourth and fifth and Wu in seventh as top speakers in the tournament. “Under most circumstances I would be disappointed to take third but it’s kind of hard to be disappointed when the only people that beat you are your teammates,” Taylor said. Taylor added that the team hopes to get more support from the school after the success of the Blumer Tournament. “There is not many community colleges that are renowned for communications or debate that I know of, and I think we can be one.” Taylor said. ” We have a really great communications faculty that engage in students.” The forensics team will compete at the Pacific Southwest Collegiate Forensics Association at Mt. San Antonio College on Dec. 5-7.

Team effort: Jamie See (left) and Rachel Romo went undefeated with a 4-0 victory and took first place in the Public Forum debate event.


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November 19, 2014 News Timely warning Inspire: Dubois’ FC legacy 4

alerts campus

Fullerton College Campus Safety warns students of burglary incidents in the parking structure. ANASTACIA BARBOSA Opinion Editor


A timely warning has been issued by Fullerton College Campus Security, regarding two suspects using an Acura master key to rob other Acura model cars parked in the parking structure. The incidents occurred during the mid morning on November 5 and November 18. In the most recent attempt, the victim approached the suspects during the break-in but they fled, dropping the master key. The suspects are described as “Hispanic males in their 20s.” Suspect number one is said to have short hair, a beard and a mustache and stands in a stature at 5’9” and weighs approximately 200 pounds. The second suspect was seen wearing a baseball hat, but no further description was given. The suspects license plate number is 7HVY551 and the suspect’s vehicle is an early 2000s red Acura. “Just don’t do it. Use common sense about leaving stuff in your car and leaving your car unlocked.” Campus Safety officers warn students about leaving valuables unattended in their cars. If you do feel like you have to leave items in your car, be sure to secure them in your trunk and keep them out of sight from windows. If anyone has any information on the suspects they are encouraged to call Campus Safety immediately at 714-992-7777 or the Fullerton Police Department at 714-738-6700. Do not contact the suspects.

{continued from page 1} Students always came first and she always looked out for them. “Toni was a friend and a colleague who embodied the heart and mind of an educator,” said President Rajan Vurdien. “She is widely admired for her passion and education to students and Fullerton College as a whole. She will be greatly missed.” Some of the impacts that DuBois made included implementing Smart Start Saturday, which allows students and family to be more informed about the campus and enrollment. Kelly added that any student, who collected financial aid in the past 20 years, is a result of DuBois fighting financial aid and processes for students all across California community colleges. In the three years that DuBois worked and battled cancer, her co-workers were inspired by the passion and fight she had to continue doing her job effectively. “I didn’t read pain on her and she must have had some,” said Lisa McPheron, director of campus communications. “I’m blown away by her strength and her dedication to continue working as long as she did. It’s really outstanding.” Beyond work and her passion

Photo courtesy of Sharon Kelly

A new beginning: Sharon Kelly (left) and Toni DuBois-Walker pose for a picture at the very first Smart Start Saturday on the quad.

for students, Kelly could attest DuBois’ was a genuine friend who loved conversing with people. Kelly recalls the joyful times of how DuBois’ and her would share stories about their grandchildren, who are only a month a part from each other. In honor of DuBois the Chris Lamm Memorial Food Bank will be renamed the Chris Lamm and Toni DuBoi-Walker Memorial Food Bank. DuBois was an initiator in finding a room and getting

funding and faculty support for the food bank after student managers ; which prompted Chris Lamm to become an advocate for it. A memorial website for DuBois is in process by her husband John Walker. The campus plans on hosting a memorial service for DuBois in the near future. There is currently no date set.

AVAILABLE NOW Photo courtesy of Fullerton College Campus Safety

The suspect’s vehicle is a red Acura Integra, with a California license plate 7HVY551.

Huicholes makes its way to FC A preview in the OC film screening of “Huicholes: The Last Peyote Guardians”. NUR SATTAR

Special to the Hornet

The Fullerton College ethnic studies and anthropology departments are hosting the screening of, “Huicholes: The Last Peyote Guardians” in the hopes of bringing awareness to the struggles of an indigenous population not far from home. The Huichol are an indigenous group native to Mexico fighting for the rights to sacred territory. The film is directed by Hernan Vilchez and follows the Ramirez family who show us around the land of Wirikuta. The film will explore the spiritual significance attached to the land of Wirikuta and the threats imposed by mining companies hoping to claim and exploit the land. “This film brings awareness to indigenous rights, religious freedom and environmental justice,” said Amber González, ethnic studies instructor. Huicholes: The Last Peyote Guardians will be playing in the campus theater this Wednesday at 6 p.m. An opening ceremony and marketplace will precede the film screening. The marketplace will feature indigenous artisans and vendors. After the film there will be a question and answer panel composed of various activists. This panel will hope to point out the parallels between the struggles of the Huichol and our community. “Through the question and answer panel we will explore how the issues this film brings up, connect and overlap with local issues,” González said.

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UNC shamclass lawsuit Sham classes may be more of a problem than most people thought. CONNIE LEE Hornet Reporter

Michael McAdoo was a star player on the North Carolina football team that had his whole life to look forward to ahead of him. He had no idea that 2014 was going to be a rough year to face the truth. McAdoo told ESPN that he was supposed to be guaranteed a good education while being recruited by coaches. He was guided to African-American Studies, which is now the center of many other cases. He was offered help from a tutor that basically did all his work for his non-existent classes. The cherry on top was when the Tar Heels head coach Larry Fedora, in an obvious attempt to avoid blame and liability told ESPN that the school’s actions relating to player academics was out of his and the other coaches’ reach and that they did not know anything was going on. The thing that people that are just hearing about the case do not realize is that extravagant benefits and class shams may be more the norm in the NCAA. It may be turning into a corrupt system, or has been but just no one came forward and made it this much of an issue until now. Coaches and administration that want to keep their school’s sports reputation alive know full well the punishments that

will happen to their players if grades and expectations are not met and thus, would probably do many things to make sure things go their way. This is still not an excuse to completely ignore classes and give them a free ride. If they are a student, they should be in actual classes doing the work just like anyone else. This is obviously not the only case of this happening in colleges. Former UNC graduate and star basketball scorer, Rashad McCants, has spent the last three years trying to bring light to his sham classes situation and that it is happening to more players than anyone even thinks. During his college days, he never went to class and had tutors write up his papers for him and he still somehow, even to his confusion, managed to stay fully eligible to play. Other players should start speaking up because it will make schools quit playing favorites and start sticking to the books. College prepares people for life outside of football and if they are all given a free ride in academics while others worked day and night, what makes them qualified to make million dollar life decisions? The parents are expecting their kids to get a full education and grow up to be great people, then maybe if they are lucky a professional sports star. Doing work and actually going to class and being exhausted during games is reality. What schools also do not realize is that yes, a trophy makes their school look good but they are doing the majority of students no favors later in life.

Football gets rematch of Mt. S.A.C. The Hornets look to make it six straight this weekend as they take on the Mounties in the Southern California Football Association Regional Playoffs. JOSHUA MIN Hornet Reporter

The Fullerton Hornets are set to duel against the Mt. San Antonio College Mounties in the first round of the Southern California Football Association (SCFA) Regional Playoffs. The game is set to be a rematch in which these two schools met in mid-September. The Hornets (8-2, 6-0) suffered a 34-10 defeat on the road. The silver lining is that Fullerton now has a chance to play the same team at home this time. Fullerton bounced back and responded to the loss by winning seven of their next eight games. Despite the home field advantage, the Mounties (8-2, 4-2) will be a tough puzzle to solve as their dominating victories have led them to this point. The team’s average point differential per game is +25.4. The Hornets have been involved in a couple shootouts this year but their defense has been impressive


as well, allowing 23.8 points per game in conference play, which is good for No. 5 in the SCFA. In their first meeting, the Hornets were able to limit the Mounties’ high-flying pass attack, holding quarterback Justin Alo to 215 yards and 6.3 yards per attempt, which is down from his per-game average of 245.5 yards and 8.5 yards per attempt. Repeating this performance from the pass defense will be critical as Mt. Sac have a variety of weapons, including wide receiver Derrick Macon who has 10 touchdowns on just 25 receptions and 629 yards to go along with it. The rematch has much bigger implications than the first. Winner moves on and the loser’s season ends abruptly. The game is set to kickoff on November 22 at 1 p.m. at Shapell Memorial Stadium in Yorba Linda.


Nov. 22 1 p.m. @ Nathan Shapell Memorial Stadium Yorba Linda, CA

November 19, 2014

Time for a change D.C.

Stereotypes should not be allowed as team names. LUKE WILSON Asst. Sports Editor

A rise in activism over this issue has begun in 2014, after decades of effort from Native American associations to raise awareness. “The name ‘Washington Redskins’ is 80 years old,” said Lanny J. Davis recently, an attorney for the Redskins, “It’s our history, our legacy, and our tradition.” This seems to be the only argument raised in defense of the team name. Tradition. Should a tradition carry on in the modern world, however, when it widely offends an already embattled people? President Obama commented on the issue recently, and raised a similar question. “I don’t know whether our attachment to a particular name should override the real legitimate concerns that people have about these things,” adding that the name seems to offend a large group of individuals. Are we so attached to our teams that earn money to play a game, that we should ignore the cries of those that have real scars attached to names and words like “Redskin?” There are many other team names in America that hearken to Native American culture such as the Cleveland Indians, the Kansas City

Chiefs, and the Chicago Blackhawks. Are those names really of a similar ilk though? Would another color skin name, such as Blackskins be okay nowadays? I think we all know the answer to that question. We live in a time where past prejudices and injustices are brought to light and expunged on nearly a monthly basis. If the name “Redskin” was not associated with a football team; ask yourself, “Would I really be comfortable hearing someone called that on the street? Numerous publications have begun to omit the name from any stories involving the team, instead calling the team simply “Washington.” The San Francisco Chronicle added their paper to the growing list earlier in October, joining the likes of popular publications Slate, Mother Jones, and The Kansas City Star. Ultimately, it comes down to the root of the name. It was a stereotype, plain and simple. And as Suzan Shown Harjo, a plaintiff in the case filed against the team said, “There’s no such thing as a good stereotype, no matter how well-intentioned, no matter how good people feel about it. It still has negative ramifications for our people. These are relics of the past. They should be consigned to museums and history books and people can feel good about them there, but they should not be allowed in polite society.”

Hornet Sports


Women’s water polo wins the So Cal Regional tournament, secures number one seed for upcoming California State Championships.

Photo by Mathew Flores, The Hornet

FC utility player Tiffany Frechette eludes a defender.

JASON BURCH Sports Editor

The undefeated Lady Hornets water polo team kept their amazing run going Saturday at Citrus College, defeating rival Riverside Community College 9-8 to win the Southern California Regional Tournament. The win marks the fifth time this season the Lady Hornets have defeated the Tigers. Riverside came out like a tidal wave, scoring five goals in the first quarter. The Lady Hornets found themselves down by their largest margin all season, down 5-1 with the first quarter winding down. “Our girls faced some adversity, trailing early on. I called a timeout, talked to the girls and we made some adjustments,” said Gabriel Martinez, head coach. Although Fullerton made some mistakes early, there was never any panic or finger pointing going on for the Lady Hornets. “We don’t ever get down on or yell at each other, we are never condescending. We motivate each other,” said Angelica Hernandez, utility player. “We see that in other teams. They curse at and are very rude to each other at times and for us it’s always like, ‘it’s ok, we will get it next time.’” The Lady Hornets have hung their hats on superior conditioning all season, giving them complete confidence that they will outwork everybody down the stretch. “Once again, our composure and conditioning was the difference,” Martinez said. Just like the four previous meetings, the game was extremely close, playing right into Fullerton’s strengths. With the game tied at 8-8 and the game clock under twominutes, the Lady Hornets scored a goal to take their first lead of the entire game with just about a minute and a half left to play. Although they have already defeated them five times this season, Fullerton may not be done playing Riverside. Both teams qualified for the California State Finals, taking place this coming weekend. The games between Fullerton and Riverside have been so close and have all gone Fullerton’s way. Martinez completely dismisses the train of thought that perhaps Riverside is due for a victory, should the two

teams meet again in the finals. “No way! No way! That thought does not even cross our mind. We have the utmost confidence that we will win,” he said. “In fact, if anything we believe we will be even better next time we play.” Many of the girls echo Martinez’s confidence, should they meet Riverside again. “We are all more excited, we know that we are going to win it. I am confident in my team, I know that we all play for each other,” said Gissell Martinez, utility player. “We look back at all of the games and look at all the things that we could’ve done better and then we just fix them,” Hernandez said. “We are so prepared for this tournament. I think we will win by more if we face them again.” Indicative of any great team, Fullerton has faith in and attributes their success to everyone around them. While coach Martinez shines all of the light upon his team, his

girls reflect the light straight back at their beloved coach. “He has been successful everywhere he has been. We want to win state for him,” said Nicole Williams. “Most of us came here because of him.” “He has faith in his girls. He knows that we can be good and he does whatever he can so that we reach our best,” said Gissell Martinez. With one last hurdle ahead of them, the Lady Hornets (33-0) are sprinting towards the finish line, confident and poised to finish stronger than ever. If the girl’s season mirrors a typical game, then a perfect season is certainly within their grasp. The California State Tournament will be held at American River College Nov. 20-23. Fullerton will be coming in as the #1 seed, while Riverside comes in ranked #3. Rounding out the rest of the state finalists are two Northern California teams, #2 Diablo Valley and #4 Foothill College.

Photo courtesy of fchornets.com

The Lady Hornets water polo team posing for picture after winning the 2014 So Cal Regional Tournament at Citrus College on Saturday.


The city salutes its veterans 7

Veterans were honored with a parade and ceremony at Fullerton’s 27th annual Veterans Day celebration at Hillcrest Park MARTIN BECERRA Editor-in-Chief

They were welcomed with cheers of gratitude as they walked passed the crowds along Harbor Boulevard. Some held signs of support that said, “God Loves Veterans” or “Our Heroes” while others with full smiles gave highfives or shouted “thank you” and shook their hands. There was a sense of pride and honor upon the faces of the high school JROTC cadets that marched in a methodical rhythm behind the veterans who sacrificed to give them that freedom. Fullerton celebrated its 27th annual Veterans Day with a parade and

ceremony in partnership with American Legion Post 142 and Emblem Club 469 on Tuesday Nov. 11. The JROTC cadets stood at attention while Army veteran Ed Paul welcomed the community that gathered on Hillcrest Park to pay respect to veterans from all military branches. “This is beautiful,” said Tina Nguyen, La Habra resident. “Our veterans deserved to be honored and respected.” Veterans saluted and some put their hand over their heart while Kristen Romero sang the national anthem. Upon the faces of all those that stood, there seemed to be an understanding of the weight of those words and the seriousness of those who sacrificed their lives to honor it. Scottie D. Carpenter, an Army Reserve with over 34 years of military service spoke with authority as he encouraged everyone who attended the event. “Veteran’s sacrifice over the years has

Photos by Martin Becerra, The Hornet

Hope and Pride: Scottie D. Carpenter an Army Reserve and combat veteran, speaking at the Hillcrest Park for Fullerton’s Veterans Day celebration on Tuesday Nov. 11.

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November 19, 2014

Salute to the fallen: The Fullerton Police Honor Guard fire their weapons during the gun salute while taps plays in the background, in honor of fallen veterans at Fullerton’s Veterans Day celebration

guaranteed Americans everywhere the right to pursue their own personal dream in peace and safety unlike any other nation in the world,” Carpenter said. Carpenter noted how proud he was of the JROTC cadets that stood before him and that the future military is looking bright. “These are our future guardians of freedom,” Carpenter said. “They’re going to be the ones to defend our country and allow us to be the best nation in the world. I applaud each of you for wearing the uniform you are wearing right now.” Carpenter addressed the crowd and challenged them to go beyond saying, “thank you” to a veteran especially with those who struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder as they are more likely to feel lost or forgotten. “History is much better when you hear it from the person that was there, rather

than reading it from a textbook,” he said. Carpenter awarded Brandon Su from Troy High School and Andrea Milinkovich from La Habra High School with command coins, a coin awarded to soldiers in the army for excellence. He added that they were outstanding individuals who deserved to be recognized for their commitment to the program. After the awards, there was silence amongst the crowd to honor veterans who died while the military taps played and the Fullerton Police Honor Guard fired their weapons for the gun salute. Veterans who were in attendance like Kendall Neisiss, World War II veteran, felt appreciated and thankful for the celebration. “This is a good country and a good city we live in,” Neisiss said. “It’s great that our community supports this event.”

Music for awareness

Free concert to spread awareness about human trafficking, giving hope to the hopeless. ALEXANDRA JUAREZ Local Editor

Human trafficking is an issue that affects the United States in many ways. According to CIA, it is estimated that as many as 15,000 to 17,500 men, women and children are trafficked into U.S. every year. Los Angeles is a top point of entry into this country for victims of slavery and trafficking. About three months ago, students of a critical thinking philosophy class at Chaffey College were asked to become involved and aware of a social issue. That is when Chaffey student Darlene Garcia of Upland Calif., began searching for an issue that she thought was important. What started as a small idea turned into an inspiration and challenge to do something about the issue. “I was challenged into finding out about an issue. There are a lot of social and global issues, but Human trafficking is really horrible. The things these people have to endure just blows my mind,” Garcia said. With the help of friends and volunteers, she has put together a concert to raise awareness on human trafficking. The emphasis of the issue is on sex trafficking, which is why the concert will take place in the city of Pomona, due to the ongoing prostitution issues of the city.

Sex trafficking occurs everywhere but it is most visible in Pomona. “It still happens, on any giving day you can spot women being picked up in the south parts of Pomona,” Garcia said. The concert is free and the purpose of it is to raise awareness and to give a voice to those who don’t have one. All of the work was done with the help of volunteers. Chris Figueroa, Claremont Calif. was in charge of all the graphic design. He also has a passion for unifying communities to raise awareness on social issues. “The most exciting part is bringing awareness and knowledge to people,” Figueria said. “The more they know, the more likely they are willing to do something about it.” A silent auction will be held including art donated to help the cause, proceeds will be donated to the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women. Garcia hopes to inspire people to keep on speaking up for others. “It’s a matter of working together and getting things done,” Garcia said. “it is a collaboration that brings communities together.”

Human Trafficking Awareness Concert Nov. 21 at 5:30 p.m. DBA Wine Bar 256 Main St. Pomona 21 and over, free admission

The Hornet


The taste of Texas in Fullerton Authentic barbecue restaurant smokes up their grand opening with a home styled flavor.

For people that need a little bit more help picking out what they would like, or for someone who wants to mix it up from their normal routine, Dickey’s offers a Deal of the Day Monday through Saturday. The deals include two sides and the signature big yellow drink cup for under $9. Dickey’s also offers catering for any size party. Box lunches, buffet and full service are all available. For anyone that is looking for an easy holiday meal without having to spend hours in the kitchen, Dickey’s also has those available. Pre-ordering online is recommended because they do sell out. With all the different combinations that can be made, this is a place that you will want to try different items over and over again.


Dickey’s offers all of the barbecue favorites like beef brisket, pulled pork and chicken and sausage just to name a few. Their plates also come with a choice of home style sides that include, barbecue beans, mac & cheese, fried okra, jalapeño beans and many more. Each plate also comes with bread dipped in butter, onions and a pickle. If one is still not full after eating all of that, Dickey’s offers free ice cream with every meal! “We are definitely a family atmosphere and one of our big things is kids eat free on Sundays,” said Danny DeMarco. Dickey’s first opened in Dallas in 1941 and has now grown to a franchise with locations across the nation. It is still family run and one of the fastest growing businesses. DeMarco, owner and operator of the Fullerton Dickey’s feels that the Fullerton location is special because of their address being 1941, just like the year the company started. There are many tables available that can accommodate different party sizes. Televisions align the wall, all showing different games. It is a perfect spot for any sports fan looking for a place to eat and


Photo by Kim Cisneros, The Hornet

Smoking Ribs: Quarter meat plates and sweet tea at Dickey’s during their grand opening

watch the game. “Sundays are usually family days but we still wanted people to enjoy the game so we decided to go with the more than normal amount of TVs that way we could have different college and pro games on.” said DeMarco The turkey breast and brisket were smoked to a tee. Accompanied by one of the barbecue sauces that they offer really

rounded out the flavors. The mac & cheese had large elbow shaped pasta, which helped soak up the nice creamy cheese quality it had. While the waffle cut fries could have been a little bit crispier, their light texture did not leave a heavy feel. As for the rolls, they could have just been a meal in themselves. Each roll is rolled in butter, soft and warm and keeps you wanting more.

Dicky’s Barbecue Pit 1941 W Malvern Ave Fullerton CA. 92835

Christmas Magic A day of giving Disney and friends bring a winter wonderland to Orange County. AMANADA LEE Hornet Reporter

The spirit of Christmas has taken over Newport Fashion Island with the annual tree-lighting ceremony on Friday evening, joined by Mickey Mouse and friends. Disney characters danced to Christmas carols at the Neiman MarcusBloomingdale’s courtyard. Large crowds gathered around the stage to kick start festive celebrations. Many Disney fans were prepared for the event; people had started lining up in the morning with lawn chairs and picnic mats to save a spot for the whole family. Photo by Hetty La, The Hornet Marcy McKenna said her husband Warm Smiles: Siblings Courtney and arrived at 11:30 a.m. to get the family a Colin McKenna, big fans of Disney rejoice in the winter festivities at Fashion Island. good spot to watch the performance and some other families had been there since 8:30 a.m., even before shops at the mall The 90-foot tree was covered in lights opened. and ornaments, illuminating the courtyard. As it grew closer to the starting time of Families and friends were brought together the event, more people gathered around around it as people snapped photos to the stage to see what “The Happiest Place commemorate the special event. on Earth” would bring to the start of the “It was so magical, a perfect way to kick festivities. off the holiday season,” said McKenna, By the time the sun set around 6 p.m. who was celebrating her anniversary this the audience extended from one end of the year with the Disney event. courtyard to the other. Her son Colin, who was wearing a People who were shopping stopped by Mickey hat, described seeing Mickey to join in the holiday cheer and enjoy the Mouse and Donald Duck come on stage as entertainment that Disney had prepared. his best memory of the evening. A large television screen was set up so Courtney, his sister, enjoyed Feliz that even people who were just passing by Navidad, the Spanish rendition of a could catch a glimpse of the performance, Christmas carol. and people at the back who were tiptoeing This Disney event put smiles on many to try and see what was going on wouldn’t children’s faces and was a great way to get miss out on the Disney magic. everyone excited for Christmas just as After the 20-minute performance by radio stations are starting to play carols Mickey and his friends, the towering and stores have been putting up Christmas tree came to life and artificial snow decorations. transformed the outdoor mall into a Shoppers at Newport Fashion Island white wonderland to make the Christmas can continue to see the tree light up every celebration magical. evening at 5 p.m. through Jan. 5, 2015.

The entertainment capital of Los Angeles deployed hundreds of employees to non-profit organizations. ALEXANDRA JUAREZ Local Editor

Universal Studios and Operation School Bell partnered for the 10th annual Day of Giving event. 250 homeless children from over 30 LAUSD elementary and middle schools arrived at Universal Studios for an unforgettable day on Thursday Nov. 13. Students eagerly collected clothes, shoes, school supplies and a complimentary lunch as they anticipated an afternoon of fun at the theme park, where the children had a chance to meet the Minions and experience the new “Despicable Me Minion Mayhem” and “Super Silly Fun Land” play zone. “The most important thing is the experience for people. This is a really special day, I want them to have a great

experience and feel a sense of pride in our company and a sense of connection with people,” said Dortothea Scattaglia, Executive Director of Employee services, Wellness and Community Relations. Children lit up as they prepared to enter the theme park. This is a once in a lifetime experience for them. “The kids are really excited. A lot of them come from families that aren’t able to afford this opportunity. We’re really grateful,” said Ana Zepeda, School Psychologist of Nevin Elementary school. Throughout the day more employees were deployed to five other non-profit organizations across Los Angeles for a day full of giving back to the community. There was playtime and arts and crafts with children with disabilities at Shane’s Inspiration’s playground where meals are provided and interact with homeless and low-income women in L.A.’s Downtown Women’s Center. “My favorite part of today is hearing everyone’s experiences and memories. It means so much to me that people connect,” Scattaglia said.

Photo by Alexandra Juarez, The Hornet

Inspiring learning: Universal Studios Employee hands out free books to LAUSD student at the Day of Giving event

Opinion Veterans and the invisible illness The Hornet

Veterans are taught to be braver and stronger than they are. They control themselves under the worst conditions and have a courage that goes beyond what words can explain. There is a great respect for those who have faught bravely for our freedom that should be instilled in all Americans. These men and women face things we cannot even imagine and most come home with scars of battle. Depression and PTSD are not easy to detect so most veterans who suffer with this are unaware of their affliction. A study done by the RAND Corporation, a research and development non-profit, states that “depression can be a reaction to loss; PTSD, a reaction to trauma. Unfortunately, these conditions are often invisible to the eye.” There are many things that happen in a war that are considered to be traumatic. Because of this, soldiers are at risk for many disorders such as PTSD and even depression. Recognizing their invisible battles

should only re-instill our respect for them. PTSD is a disorder where one experiences panic attack symptoms when mentally reliving a traumatic experience over and over again. These attacks are brought up through nightmares or flashbacks and most of the time one cannot tell reality from the frightening hallucination. Helpguide.org states, “In late 2012, the Department of Veterans Affairs released a report showing that since 9/11, close to 30 percent of Afghanistan and Iraq War veterans treated at V.A. hospitals and clinics have been diagnosed with PTSD. For veterans who saw combat, the

numbers are even higher, with one Pew Research Center report showing a 49 percent rate of PTSD.” The scars from battle are the some of the hardest battles, not only for the soldiers but for their families as well. To see a loved one suffer so violently is difficult. Imagine someone you love coming back from war and witnessing them relive the frightening moments on a regular basis. It is a scary thing for the soldier because it is as if they never truly came home. There are many soldiers out there that suffer in silence because they do not want to put their loved ones through their suffering, they do not want people to know their afflictions. These soldiers fought in battle and yet they feel as if they are supposed to be stronger when they are home and facing an invisible illness. They are heroes, but even heroes need to get help sometimes. There are many support groups for soldiers and veterans who suffer from various mental disorders.


The Hornet

Serving Fullerton College since 1922 Editor-in-Chief Martin Becerra Managing Editor Rebeka Nop News Editor Nicole King Opinion Editor Anastacia Barbosa Local Editor Alexandra Juarez Arts, Culture & Entertainment Cory Knowles Sports Editor Jason Burch Assistant Sports Editor Luke Wilson Photo Editor Mathew Flores Copy Editor Brittany Gonzales Staff Reporters Gina Allstun Candice Anthony Kim Cisneros Hetty La Stephanie Lara Amanda Lee Connie Lee Joshua Min Angela Presentadi Alex Schegetz Kaitlin Suda

Illustration by Bryce Gier (@brycegier), The Hornet

The Immortal YOLO Generation: Today’s youth tends to think that they are invincible and immune to death and severe consequences.

Depression has a face of its own Many people have silent battles between themselves.

We don’t talk about it. We inch cautiously around it like a putrid puddle on a city street, treading carefully as though stepping on it would cause something unspeakable to burst. Depression – the giant elephant in the room. Even though over 14 million people in the U.S. alone suffer from depression every year, the stigma of mental illness still stands firm. Those who struggle with the disorder are perceived to be weak, vulnerable. It is telling to note that Robin Williams spoke openly about his substance abuse for years, yet never publicly addressed his struggle with depression. Because it’s the stigma. There’s a ubiquitous perception of depression as a deficit of character. If you break a bone, everyone rushes over sympathetically and signs your cast. If you’re depressed, everyone rushes in the opposite direction. If you’re depressed, there must be something wrong with you, society says. Somehow it’s your fault. A prevalent sense of isolation, crippling anxiety, suicidal thoughts. We lock up these experiences and suffer in silence, fearing that if our cries are heard, we will be rejected and shamed. It is this stigma, this victim-blaming that prevents those dealing with depression from getting help. Ideally, it’s easy to tell ourselves that we as a society practice compassion and understanding. But underneath this veil lies a conditioned judgement that causes

Hetty La

Hornet Reporter

us to turn a blind eye to the severity of the situation and the harsh reality of the situation is this: every 30 seconds, someone somewhere in the world takes his or her own life as a result of depression. We need to end the stigma of depression and start seeing mental illness for what it really is: a sickness of the brain. Like any other illness, anyone can suffer from it. The generalized image of a depressed person is one who is quiet, unsmiling, keeps to him or herself and just all-around sad. But that is not the case. The reality is that even the most seemingly happy people can struggle with depression, those you would least expect. This is simply because depression is an actual illness and

like with any other neurological disorder, it isn’t subject to individual will. When Williams ended his life earlier this year, much of the world was given an abrupt wake up call. Could this lively, jubilant soul who brought laughter to so many really have been battling depression? A month later, California Secretary of State Debra Bowen came forward and revealed her ongoing fight with debilitating depression, further breaking down the walls so many people are hiding behind. May Williams’ tragic story and Bowen’s personal testimony catalyze a change in our way of approaching depression, and delve more deeply into the nature of the disorder. We need to retire the taboo, come out of our shadows and start talking. By breaking the silence, we create unity. The only way to win this battle that so many people are fighting alone is by banding together.

Illustration Bryce Gier Adviser Jay Seidel The Hornet is a proud member of the following associations: Associated Collegiate Press, California Newspaper Publishers Association, and Journalism Association of Community Colleges. The Hornet is published as a learning experience, under the guidance of Fullerton College’s journalism program. The editorial and advertising published herein, including any opinions expressed, are the responsibility of the student newspaper staff. Under appropriate and federal court decisions and California law, college newspapers are free from prior restraint by virtue of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Accordingly, information published in this newspaper, including any opinions expressed, should not be interpreted to represent the position of the North Orange County Community College District, Fullerton College, or any officer or employee thereof.

THE HORNET 321 E. Chapman Ave. Fullerton, CA 92832 714-992-7134 Illustration by Bryce Gier (@brycegier), The Hornet



Do you think ‘catcalling’ is really harmful?

Buzz worthy is a weekly dose of student opinion that is collected by the Hornet staff and writers around campus.

“Personally, I don’t think it is because everybody does it.”

“Yeah, I think depending on how it’s lead on.”

“I don’t know if it’s harmful more than it is annoying.”

Chris Miller

Angelina Guarisco

Eddie Ramirez


Nurition Major

Art and Business Major

November 19, 2014 Have an opinion you want to share with us? Want to share your thoughts on one of our stories? Email a letter to the opinion editor at fchornet.letters@gmail.com “I don’t think it’s harmful, I just think it’s stupid.”

Emily Sanchez Dance Major

The Price of Education: Missing 43 Practicing your right to freedom of speech has it’s dangers, especially in Mexico.

Outrage has been growing throughout the country of Mexico, since 43 college students went missing in the state of Guerrero on Sep. 26. The students were from an all male teacher’s college in Ayotzinapa, a rural town in Guerrero. It is a state where poverty is largely divided from wealth and the indigenous people are oppressed by their government. Like many students in the United States, students in Ayotzinapa were activists who were constantly fighting for their human rights by protesting and voicing their opinions. The students protested against social issues that they disagreed with and demanded a change in their corrupt government. In return, their government abducted and murdered the protesting

Alexandra Juarez Local Editor

teachers in the city of Iguala, Guererro. Like in the United States, Mexico has a constitution that grants various freedoms and rights to their people, including the freedom of speech and the freedom of protest. These rights were grossly disrupted by the government of Mexico and in turn failed these students and they paid the ultimate price. According to authorities, Jose Luis Abarca, then mayor of Ayotzinapa and Maria de los Angeles Pineda, his wife, were allegedly upset that protesting students had commandeered buses to attend a demonstration. They supposedly didn’t want protesters to disrupt an important political event they were headlining, thus compelling

Pineda and husband to give local police an order to make sure that didn’t happen. After shooting six students and wounding several others, witnesses said, police handed the remaining 43 students over to a local drug gang, Guerreros Unidos, to finish the job. The heinous acts of violence occurring in Mexico cannot be justified and the kidnapping and mass murder of the 43 students is an absolute atrocity. Mexico is on the brink of a revolution and the fury is broadening across the world. It’s a price that came at their lives that the students had to pay for using their voice to speak their opinions and it’s something that students in the United States seem to take for granted. The group of students who were kidnapped received a lot of negative criticism because of the ideology the school was founded on.

Founded in 1926 Escuela Normal Rural Raúl Isidro Burgos is still closely linked to its Marxist roots, as a revolutionary college, the school’s heroes were Marx and Lenin and Che Guevara. The students consistently took various risks to stand up for the issues that they believed in. They wanted to make a difference and whether people agreed with their beliefs or not, kidnapping and murdering them was not the solution. It is a tragedy where a crime is committed to silence the voices and views of a group of educated and strong-willed students. The involvement of drug cartels with the local governments affects the families of the people of Guerrero and they have taken it to a new extreme. Families and friends of the students have been living in angst and the demand for answers grows more each day.

Should California follow in the steps Colorado in legalizing recreational marijuana during the 2016 elections? Point: It should be legalized in 2016. Alaska, Washington, D.C. and Oregon recently became part of the short list of states where recreational use of marijuana use is not illegal and in 2016, California might be joining them. Since marijuana for medical purposes is currently allowed in California, it might help voters in the Golden State see that the drug is not only less harmful than some other substances but also carries some health benefits. Marijuana is listed as a Schedule 1 drug, considered to have high potential for abuse and no currently accepted medical purposes. Some common uses of marijuana include easing pain, controlling seizures and relieving side effects of chemotherapy. One strain of cannabis has a high content of Center for Disease Control and Prevention to help relieve epileptic seizures and low in THC, the chemical that makes users feel high. Charlotte’s Web is an oil extracted from this strain of cannabis that helped a girl, Charlotte Figi, reduce the amount of seizures she had from 300 in a week to four in a month. After one family explored using marijuana to treat their daughter’s rare illness, many others have since moved to Colorado so that their children don’t have to suffer. Some doctors are skeptical about the benefits of marijuana and will not recommend or prescribe it as a treatment for disease. Legalization of marijuana for personal and recreational purposes would allow people who have been turned down by medical professionals to access a treatment that could lessen their medical

AMANDA LEE Hornet Reporter

bills and work where costly medications have failed. While the cannabidiol content in marijuana can be used to treat certain conditions, the other chemical found in marijuana, THC, cannot be forgotten. THC makes consumers feel high and the fear that people have, is that marijuana can be a gateway to abuse other illegal drugs. Alongside marijuana, Schedule 1 drugs include heroin, MDMA and LSD. Compared with some other drugs that induce the feeling of euphoria, usage of marijuana presents a smaller risk. Consuming too much marijuana can cause paranoia and anxiety or affect driving ability but death as a direct result of overdosing on marijuana has yet to happen. Taking a few more pills or tabs of ecstasy or LSD could cause overdosing but it would take much more to overdose on marijuana. According to Schaffer Library of Drug Policy’s website, it takes 40,000 times the amount of THC that causes intoxication to result in death. There has yet to be a case of death as a result from overdosing on marijuana but there have been several accounts of marijuana helping people overcome their disease. In 2011, the CDC accounted for 26,654 deaths related to excessive alcohol consumption and another 16,749 lives lost due to alcoholic liver disease. Potentially, marijuana could be as accessible as alcohol in California. Legalizing weed for recreational use could provide a safer alternative to alcohol and other drugs for an euphoric feeling.

Counterpoint: It should not be legalized in 2016. Recreational marijuana use has recently become legal in the states of Alaska, Oregon and the District of Columbia. These states join Colorado and Washington in the legalization of this extremely illicit drug. 21 states have medical marijuana laws in place, even though the FDA specifically classifies it as a “Schedule I” drug meaning it has no medicinal uses and has an extremely high abuse risk. California is currently one of the states where medical marijuana use is legal, but the guidelines and regulation of medical marijuana is extremely flawed and faulty. Simply walking down Venice Beach one person comes into contact with at least 20 independent clinics touting clever signs, slogans and uniforms. These places promise medical cards with instant access to the plant. They make it seem as easy as applying for a state identification card, if not easier. The lack of regulation proves that the state of California is not ready for mass recreational legalization. It is estimated that California police departments will have combined annual costs of nearly $13 million to respond to immediate needs which will arise from legalization of recreational marijuana. These costs include necessary training of police officers to establish drug impairment based on symptomology. There are no roadside tools like breathalyzers for testing marijuana usage and impairment. The quickest test for determining if marijuana is in one’s system is a urine test strip which is unsanitary, inconvenient and most of the time inaccurate. Many argue that the benefits to the state would reap millions if not billions of


dollars in tax revenue as well as lower arrests and black market sales of the drugs but there’s really no truth behind any of these. The tax revenue Colorado is reporting is only estimated at this point and the number is significant because of the size of Colorado in population and square mileage. It would take California an estimated three years to see any significant revenue from the tax of marijuana sales. In 2013 there were 20,000 marijuana based arrests in the state of California and a majority of the arrests were minors under the age of 18 charged with misdemeanor possession and/or use of the drug. If recreational laws were to pass, a majority of these arrests would still exist because of the suggested age limit of 18 to purchase and legally smoke. There could even be a rise in these marijuana arrests with easier access to the drug if it were to be sold in smoke shops and stores. The black market for marijuana disappearing is again false and unfounded. The market would continue and possibly grow. The growth of marijuana would have to be watched meticulously by government offices, which would again require training, time and more funding. The black market strains of higher THC levels would dramatically increase in an attempt to avoid government approval and the major taxes placed on the grower, the seller, the buyer. California just isn’t ready for recreational marijuana legalization and even if preparations were to begin this moment neither the public nor the government would be prepared for the thick cloud of smoke that looms in the air.

Arts, Culture & Entertainment

Behind the rehearsal of Jane Eyre 11

Behind the sweltering stage lights lies a world of hard work and dedication ran by the of actors, director, writers, set and costume designers alike. HETTY LA Hornet Reporter

They came, saw and conquered. The Fullerton College Theatre department wrapped up their production of Jane Eyre mid-October with tremendous applause from the audience and positvie reviews from peers and critics alike. Although the set has been put away and stage curtains drawn, there’s still one story left to be told. Here’s a look at what you didn’t see on stage. AUDITIONS Before any machine can start running, it must have working parts. The casting process is vital to any production, as it sets the foundation on which everything else will be built. Director Arlyn McDonald usually has a pretty clear view of her desired actors for her productions but for this production she said she came in with an empty slate and an open mind. “There’s a saying that a director has done 60 percent of his work if he casts someone who looks like the role,” McDonald said with a chuckle. “So we do look for specific types for certain roles, but being an actor myself, I know how important it is for a stage actor to be versatile. I don’t try to pigeonhole someone into a particular type. I left my mind open and tried to see everything each person had to offer and it was really quite fun.” The same can be said of our two leading actresses Taylor Burke and

November 19, 2014

Kourtney Fisher. there’s basic information you need to know about a Burke, who played young Jane Eyre, auditioned for the character and things you put into the character yourself,” play on a last minute whim and wasn’t even expecting to Fisher said. “I found a lot of small secrets about Jane get the part. that I shared with her. It’s like becoming friends with the “It was actually my first audition ever,” Burke said. character.” “I wasn’t planning to try out but my friend wanted to Burke finds her inspiration in putting herself in her audition, so I just thought ‘why not?’” character’s shoes. Fisher, who played older Jane Eyre, auditioned for her “It’s a lot of internal work,” she said. “You have to find role on the suggestion of the director. pieces of the character that relate to yourself so it’s easier “I ran into Arlyn on campus and she told me, ‘you need to get into your role. You figure out their personality to audition for for this play!’” Fisher said. “I prepared with inside of the script and you put yourself in there. It’s like a a friend who had read the book then I auditioned and I blend of two different people within the same body.” didn’t think I would get it. It’s my first semester here, so I Jane Eyre concluded its showing at the Campus Theatre did not expect this at all.” Saturday Oct. 18, but the season is far from over. With both lead actors secured, the ball began rolling. The Theatre department will present “The Compleat SET DESIGNING Female Stage Beauty,” directed by Chuck Ketter, on Dec. 4. Jane Eyre is set in the Victorian Era, with much of the The play will run through Sunday, Dec. 7, in the Bronwyn play taking place in Thornfield Mansion, a gloomy and Dodson Theatre. Tickets are $15, with pre-sale at $12. secluded setting. Those seeking more information can visit the official To complete this scene, Set Designer Kevin Clowes Theatre Arts drew inspiration from the play’s dual love and coming of Department age story. website at “I tried to meld the two and come up with a non-literal theatre.fullcoll. scenic atmosphere that can be used for interior and edu. exterior scenes,” Clowes said. Photos by Amanda Lee, The Hornet The set itself was put together by students building, Left: Kourtney Fisher on the painting and loading. The process took a total of six set of Jane Eyre. weeks. Right: Tucker COSTUME DESIGNING Boyes looking One of the most striking thing about this Jane Eyre stern as production was the unique set of costumes for the show. Edward The men’s and women’s dressing rooms were filled to Rochester on the set the brim with multitudes of elaborate dresses, corsets, of Jane hats, tuxedos and many more. There was everything from Eyre. simple era-inspired outfits to gaudy, expensive-looking, brightly-colored gowns. Upon entering the costume shop tucked away on the second floor of the 1300 building, one would find students hard at work sewing, mending and piecing together costumes, under the careful guidance of their adviser. In charge of costume designing was Mela HoytHeydon, a union costume designer who has been working in the entertainment industry for 30 years and is the head of the costuming program at Fullerton College. PREPPING FOR THE ROLE Stepping out of your own personality and immersing into another character is no easy feat. Our two lead actresses shared some of their techniques for getting into character. “Making new discoveries is really important because

Q & A: up close and personal with a naked model Life models are usually seen and not heard but Jacob Authier gives an insight into his life as an artists’ model.

work it’s anywhere from 30 seconds to three minutes to 25 minute poses. Anywhere beyond that you break up. Like today was 30 minutes which I split in half and took a little break.


Hornet: What do you think about while in pose? Authier: It depends on the pose. For certain poses it’s a lot of circulating my center of gravity, different muscle groups that are supporting my body so I don’t wear myself out. For shorter poses, I’m thinking of the next pose. Some poses I get into an elaborate physical positions so I’m using my muscles to hold me but structures that I could build like boxes and chairs. You usually have to be present. Your muscles start to throb and places start to get warm. When that happens you have to watch out.

Hornet Reporter

Hornet: How long have you been a model? Jacob Authier: Five years. I’ve been all over Fullerton, Downtown L.A. and the Getty. There are various artists that I’ve met over the years. Hornet: How did you get involved in this work? Authier: Craigslist. Just looking around for work and it just popped up. Hornet: How did you feel the first time you modeled? Authier: There was that initial moment of like I’m naked in front of people and then you hear the pencils on paper and you just go with it. Hornet: What is the hardest part of the job? Authier: Taking a pose that you don’t think through all the way. When I first started I got into some pretty precarious positions and trying to hold that for a certain amount of time gets harder. You quickly learn your limits. Hornet: What’s the typical time you have to hold your pose? Authier: It ranges like doing gesture

Hornet: Have you ever been in an uncomfortable situation working with an artist or working in class? Authier: Yes, but those situations I went in with both eyes open. Like I knew what I was getting myself into some shady stuff. But not at schools. At schools I’ve never encountered anything like that, not from students, not from teachers. It’s a pretty safe environment for a male model. For women, I know it’s a whole different ball game. Hornet: How important do you feel your role as a life model to the artist and the process? Authier: I think a body is a body. For the students it’s not that different. Some

days I have more energy than others and I put more into it. On those days, I feel more of a creative resonance between me and the students. The more energy I’m putting into the poses, the more energy they’ll put into their artwork sometimes. It’s more of a benefit to the teachers, to be punctual and dependable because when you as a teacher are relying on someone to be there for instruction having them be late is extremely stressful. Hornet: Do you have any advice for anyone that is thinking about becoming a life model? Authier: Go for it. There is no standard way. Every school has their own hiring process. Just call them all up and it’s a very slow process. It took about two years to really get everything up and going. Most schools have models in rotation, so when somebody drops out. Somehow I got

my foot in the door. The first semester I worked here I only got one day. Then the next semester a few more. You have to establish yourself. Hornet: Is this your only job? Authier: Pretty much. There are a lot of art schools in L.A. and Orange County. There are a lot of artists that I work for in general, photography work. Every now and then I fit in an audition. So, it works out. Hornet: I hear you were the one in the mural upstairs (in the 1000 building), how did that happen? Authier: I don’t know. Apparently someone took a picture of me in the sculpture class and they used that as a reference. They told me ahead of time that it was happening, but I didn’t believe them until the unveil.

Photo by Cory Knowles, The Hornet

The mural in the east stairwell of the 1000 building was painted by Roberto Rivera Novoa in collaboration with his brother Ernesto and the FC Art Department.

The Hornet

Arts, Culture &Entertainment


Art crawl in Downtown Anaheim As the sun set Saturday evening, strung lights lit up the palm trees of Center Street Promenade. The final Art Crawl Experience of the year was about to begin. HETTY LA

Hornet Reporter

Spirits ran high in Downtown Anaheim as artists of all kind set up their tents, displays and canvases. Food vendors prepped their grills and utensils, ready to satisfy hungry customers and a team of Folklorico dancers warmed up, squeezing in some final practice before showtime. Soon, the streets of central Downtown Anaheim were filled with festive music and enthusiastic crowds, with the tantalizing aroma of different foods permeating through the crisp November night air. The Art Crawl Experience, is Anaheim’s quarterly art walk, held every second Saturday in February, May, August and November. Coordinated by artists and community leaders, ACE aspires to deliver culture and art to the downtown area. The free event plays host to a number of gallery and retail open houses, an indie craft fair featuring over 50 artists, a gourmet food truck alley, beer and wine, live musicians and dancers and always a crowd favorite, fire dancing. This month’s Tim Burton-themed event was anchored by “The Burton Show” housed at the Rothick Art Haus in

Photos by Hetty La, The Hornet

Dino Perez donning a vintage Smiths tee and proudly displaying his painting and t-shirt design.

Anaheim. Presented by Popzilla Gallery, this show pays tribute to the films of Director Tim Burton, showcasing eclectic Burton-inspired art pieces presented on an array of different media. Popzilla owner and curator Sam Carter drew inspiration for the exhibit from the concerts of composer Danny Elfman, who scored all but two of Burton’s films. This exhibit, Carter said in a previous interview with the Hornet, is the art version of Elfman’s concerts. The gothic, quirky-horror mood set by the Burton theme was carried by artists in the indie craft fair, which stretched down Center St. Promenade. Artist End One presented his pieces that featured popular Burton characters such as Sweeney Todd and Edward Scissorhands. Dino Perez, Santa Ana-based artist and designer, showcased his surreal wood acrylic paintings, along with apparel designs. Sticking with a subdued, dreamy color palette, his framed pieces ranged from otherworldly scenes to quirky, 90s-esque portraits of Simpsons characters. He aims to keep his work dream-like and urban, gathering his inspiration from the music of The Smiths and Morrissey. “Through lyrics, I’m able to envision paintings,” Perez said. Another notable aspect of ACE is the live artists featured throughout the event, showcasing their skills in real time and really allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the art. Sat intently in front of a canvas with palette and brush in hand was “My Mathematical Mind,” an artist whose work is driven by the mathematics of fractals and a process called recursion, in which patterns reiterate. “I start off with a pattern and repeat it over and over again,” he said. “Before I know it, it’s blossomed into something beautiful. It’s kind of how nature is created. I’m essentially just employing the same process the universe did to create us.” Alongside the many artists in the event were crafters of all sorts. Popup booths lined the street offering goods such as handmade jewelry, cute and quirky accessories, clothing, scented candles and oils, candy and even duct tape wallets. Among these many crafters were Stephanie and Beckah, co-founders of Ha’andah Products, a local company that offers all-natural bath, body and household items. All their products are handcrafted and organic, using only high grade natural materials. Along with preserving the environment. Ha’andah also strives to serve their

community by educating about the use of organic products. “We’re trying to reach out to the general public and help them use organic products,” Smith said. “Be clean, safe and green but still have it be affordable.” Like many other vendors of ACE, Ha’andah does not have a storefront in order to keep prices at a minimum. Instead, many of the artists and vendors can be found at other local farmers’ markets and art walks, upholding a strong community bond. As the night progressed, a hearty crowd gathered at

Stephanie and Beckah of Ha’Andah products stand outside of their booth at the Art Crawl.

the gourmet food truck alley to get a taste of what each four-wheeled kitchen had to offer. Following the trail, one had a plethora of options: juicy burgers at Baby’s Badass Burgers, gourmet hummus and falafels from Falasophy, unique Mexican-Korean cuisine from MexiCalbi, French crepes from Crepes Bonaparte or keep it classic at the Grilled Cheese Truck. Caffeine-lovers could get their espresso fix at Frijolito’s Mobile Coffee. Live entertainment was sprinkled throughout the event with a DJ spinning at The Gypsy Den and singer and songwriter Shawn Skim performing on the patio of Ink and Bean. The main stage featured an array of different performances from cultural Folklorico dancing by Grupo Folklorico Desafiio, DJ Craig Lamont and Spyglass Fire Dancers. ACE delivered a splendid art walk experience like no other, packed with eclectic art, culinary delights, culture and fun for all ages. This crawl concluded the 2014 season with the schedule for 2015 to be announced. Visit their website at downtownanaheim.com/artcrawlexperience for the latest updates.

Fullerton’s dancers dazzle the stage

Fullerton College welcomes the 10th season of the Faculty Dance Concert. NICOLE KING News Editor

The talent of the dance department was showcased beautifully across the stage for the annual dance concert on Nov. 7 and 8. Beginners and alumnus alike, wowed the audience with their performances displaying their commitments of hard work and dedication to the school. “For the past decade, our mission has been to produce concert dance that introduces and promotes the diverse

The dancers prepare backstage for Saturday evenings closing performance.

FC Music Dept. Event Calender

talents of our students here at Fullerton College,” said Melanie Kay Rosa, Lisa M. Anderson, and Sarah Cashmore, artistic directors. This year’s concert consisted of various artistic pieces ranging from a circus inspired number entitled, “Freak Show,” to more theatrical inspired numbers like, “You Can’t Stop the Beat,” from the musical, “Hairspray.” The concert preparation began in the summer and into the first day of classes. Each piece is presented and selected by the directors for the final concert. Generally there is no specific theme and the directors aim to have “creative diversity” in the show. For the 10th season of the Faculty Concert, there were numerous creative minds and dancers that collaborated to bring the performances to life. The hornet spoke to Fullerton College alumnus, Jestoni Dagdag, who was involved with the dance department during his three years at the school as a dance major. “The whole department has that personal touch. In a motherly way, you know that they really want us to succeed as artists.” Dagdag is finishing his degree at the

Dec. 1 Electric Music Concert

Dec. 3 Percussion Ensemble

University of California, Irvine to earn his BFA. Dagdag was featured in several pieces this year upon his return, including a self-choreographed solo number entitled, “Sonetto Rotto.” Among Fullerton’s many dance classes that had a chance to display their group masterpieces, included dance repertory, jazz dance, dance production, dance ensemble and commercial dance. The numbers are collaborated between the group efforts of the class dancers and the professor choreographers. “It is an honor to showcase the talents of our faculty choreographers who are an essential part of our Dance Department,” Rosa, Anderson, and Cashmore said. Students and dancers alike agree that the entire production is a group effort and consists of the talents of many of the faculty on staff. “Our mentors keep us motivated,” said Tiara Smith, featured student dancer and child development major. In addition, the Dance Department continues to bring in prominent dance professionals to teach master classes and the department, biannually, hosts

Dec. 5 A Holiday Concert

the Fullerton College Dance Day. This program gives local high school students an opportunity to take master classes with the faculty and enjoy a discounted matinee of the concert. It appears the dance department is thriving and breathing strong with the beating hearts of its students taking it to remarkable places. As students, and faculty come and go, the hornets are represented strong with the talents of its people, and will continue to do so for years to come.

Photos by John Kim, special to The Hornet

Dec. 10 Dec. 9 Jerrys Kidz Piano Student Brass Ensemble Recital

Jestoni Dagdag, Fullerton alumnus dancer, rehearses before Friday’s performance for his solo number.

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