Theatre department brings back a Shakespearean classic
Opening night at Knott’s Scary Farm did not run smoothly
See “Twelfth Night” Page 12
See “Knott’s Scary Farm” Page 5
The Hornet Fullerton College
Serving Fullerton College since 1922
Great ShakeOut October 15 Fullerton College will participate in the Great Shake Out Drill for the eighth consecutive year on Thursday. The drill is set to begin at 10:15 a.m. Be sure to verify the accuracy of all contact information in myGateway.
Vigil to honor Umpqua students
Student Trustee Francisco Aviles Pino with students from STOMP, Latina Leadership and the Fullerton College Dream Team organized a campus vigil to commemorate the students of Umpqua Community College. The vigil will take place in the quad Oct. 15 at 6 p.m. ON CAMPUS
Changes to BOG Fee Waiver Program
The Financial Aid Office announced Sept. 29 that students receiving the Board of Governors Fee Waiver will have to meet academic and progress standards to remain eligible for the program starting Fall 2016. The program will now require a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher and a cumulative completion of at least 50 percent of coursework. Students who fail to meet these requirements for two consecutive semesters may lose their eligibility.
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Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Paul McKinley rides to retirement
Fullerton College students and faculty waved farewell to a long-admired staff member. JOSHUA MEJIA The Hornet
After 15 years of working at Fullerton College, the director of Disability Support Services and the Veteran’s Resource Center Paul McKinley is retiring. On Tuesday, Sept. 22, a group of FC faculty members hosted a going-away party for McKinley, themed “What would Paul do?” The event was filled with colleagues, students and friends alike. Those who worked with him described him as genuine, unafraid to do what he truly thinks is right, a champion, family man, visionary and friend. “He’s a great guy, just very passionate about his program, about Fullerton College, and really cares about what he’s doing,” said Vice President of Administration Richard Storti, who has known McKinley for about three years. “He cares about the students and puts students first over everything.” Prior to teaching at FC, one of McKinley’s jobs was in the city of Norco, working with K-3 children who had gone through abuse, either sexually or physically. The children he worked with there were severely disturbed emotionally due to the trauma they had experienced. McKinley talked about a child he met while working there, who had no parents and was “a lost soul” as he described it. “I had to take him to Little League…be his dad basically,” he said. “We’re still in contact, 30 years later, we’re in contact. That’s why I do it.” At FC, he continued to impact
Photo by Joshua Mejia One of the gifts McKinley received from his colleagues and Ruth Sipple (left) was a donut pillow. As “a serious health advocate”, McKinley was known for smashing donut boxes, according to his colleagues.
student’s lives and be impacted himself. McKinley spoke about a blind student he has worked with, who despite her disability, is an arts major and works with ceramics. One of his students, who is also blind, was once asked if she would choose to have sight were she given the option, and she said, “No, this is who I am. It’s what I know.” McKinley said that it is the students who change the instructors’ lives. McKinley also spoke of a highlight working in the DSS, which is a telepresence robot. The telepresence allows a student that has a “brilliant mind in a dilapidated body,” as he said, to be able to attend his classes from home. McKinley found the means
to get $9000 in order buy the telepresence about a year and a half ago, and he compared this student’s brilliance to that of Stephen Hawking. With this resource, the student is able to “wake up” the telepresence, attend class, listen and participate, all from his laptop at home. He can even raise his “hand” to ask a question by turning lights on the telepresence.. “He had calculus [his] first semester and he was the top student in the class,” said McKinley. “That is why I do what I do […] I just changed his whole life, to me that’s an honor.” McKinley, who has a severe visual processing deficit that makes it difficult to read, said
that his strategy was always, “try harder.” So, when he was in college he would read his textbooks, record himself and later go back and listen to them whenever and wherever he could. “I could have easily just gave in [and said] ‘I can’t read so I’m not going to be successful,’” said McKinley. McKinley related to one of the students he worked with at FC, who has a similar visual processing deficit that makes reading very difficult. He described her self-esteem as being extremely low.
Sociology club makes moves for suicide prevention Sociology Club teamed up with a local foundation to sponsor an open discussion about suicide prevention. JUSTINE BANAL The Hornet
The Sociology Club sponsored its first presentation and discussion in observance of National Suicide Prevention Month on Thursday with the help of With Hope, the Amber Craig Memorial Foundation, an OC-based suicide prevention organization. This event, the first of what the club hopes to be an annual tradition, was spearheaded by Sociology Club President Charlene Egizi who became involved with With Hope through its crisis counseling programs after
watching her brother commit suicide during a Skype call in 2012. “September is suicide prevention month and I haven’t seen anything…in any of the fall semesters that I’ve been here,” Egizi said. “The big thing is to get the conversation started, so this was kind of like my baby for the last couple of years because I wanted to get that conversation started and get mental health awareness out there as well.” Through her involvement in With Hope’s programs, Egizi got to know the foundation’s founder and CEO Annette Craig and invited her to be the key speaker at the suicide prevention event. “I love to see people that engage and want to learn more and I feel that we’ve educated,
equipped, and empowered a college campus,” Craig said. “They’re going to take in that information and it exponentially benefits because they take it into their sphere of influence.” Craig founded With Hope in memory of her daughter, Amber Craig, who committed suicide in May 2005. Today, the foundation provides a variety of suicide prevention programs and resources targeted toward those who are suicidal as well as their friends and family. “We felt there was this missing link out there,” Craig said. “There was no support, no education, nobody having this conversation, so what we wanted to do was everything we could to keep another family from feeling like ours and to keep another teen from suffer-
ing and feeling like Amber did.” Approximately 100 people attended the presentation, including Interim Chancellor Fred Williams, Interim President Greg Schulz, and Dean of the Social Sciences Division Kathy Bakhit. After the Q&A session, Dr. Vanessa Miller, director of health services, provided information and resources about how students can access suicide prevention services and counseling services on campus. “You have one body. Why would you treat your mind any differently than you would treat your heart, or your liver, or your kidneys?” Miller said. “If your mind is not working properly, you should treat your mind like you would treat other parts of your body.”
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EVENTS CALENDAR March 16 - April 5 Your listing of events on and off campus
Friday, Oct. 16
Substance Abuse Awareness Fair
Showings Friday & Saturday Campus Theatre 7 p.m. Pre-sale $12.50 Petty theft Tickets $15 at the door
March 16, 2015
Thursday, Oct. 29
Lot 10
March 16,Fair 2015 Fall College
Various campus organizations will host pie eating contests, costume competitions, pumpkin carving, among other Halloween festivities. Quad 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Bike racks between 300 & 1300 UC Admissions Panel
CSU Application Workshop
Twelfth Night, FC Theatre Dept
Wednesday , Oct. 21 Quad a.m.-1 p.m. Petty10theft - Bicycle
The FC Transfer Center will host a Buildings panel to answer questions regarding transfer, housing, scholarship, etc. in the UC system. Room 229, 2 -3 p.m. Battery
March 18, 2015
N. side of 700 building Friday, Oct. 23 Fall Choral Concert
March 21, 2015
Fullerton College Concert Choir will perform music spanning the Medical aidto present day, including Renaissance Quad folk, and spirituals. classical, Wilshire Auditorium 7:30 p.m. Adults $10, Students/Seniors/ Children $7
March 21, 2015
Petty theft “Bordertown” Screening Quad/the behind 700 building. Watch first episode of Fox’s new
animated show “Bordertown” before the 2016 premiere. Consulting Producer Gustavo Arellano will a host a Health and Safety Q&A following. Room 1413, p.m. Wilshire 10012:30 building
March 26, 2015
Quad 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Cadena Cultural and Transfer Center Room 212, 2-3:30 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 31 Homecoming Game vs. Saddleback
Yorba Linda High School Stadium 12:30 p.m.
Sunday, Nov. 1
“Encuentros” Art Exhibit Open
This exhibit brings together art from ancient Mexico and other regions of Latin America, brought together by Fullerton College professors. FC Art Gallery M-Th 10 a.m.-12 p.m., 2-4 p.m. Nov. 4, 10, 16: 6-8 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 5
“Real Stonewall Riots” Panel
CAMPUS INCIDENT REPORT October 5 through October 11 MONDAY, Oct. 5 PETTY THEFT/VEHICLE Student Lot 5
THURSDAY, Oct. 8 TRESSPASS/BATTERY 1200 Building Women’s Locker Room
FRIDAY, Oct. 9 TRESSPASS Wilshire Sculpture Garden
SATURDAY, Oct. 10 MEDICAL AID 1700 Building
Campus Safety encourages students to report Tuesday, Oct. 27 any wrong doing they March 26, 2015 UC Application and Personal may happen to witness. Statement Burglary Workshop Campus Safety Phone Number: (714) Cadena Cultural and Transfer Center 1200 building It992-7080 also must be noted that Room 212, 2-3:30 p.m. Women’s Locker Room Emergency Phone Number: (714) 992-7777 Have an event coming anonymity is always an Wednesday, Oct. 28 Fullerton Police up? Department: (714)option. 738-6700If you see someSchool Spirits March 31, Homecoming 2015 out of the ordinary, The football team, cheer, and campus Fullerton Fire Department: (714)thing 738-6122 Get it listed in the calendar! Criminal Threats organizations will host paranormal contact campus safety at Send information to: 321 EastinChampan Ave. for the activities preparation (714) 992-7080. homecoming game. Quad 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. , 5-7 p.m.
A panel discussion regarding the real Stonewall Riots and the criticism EMERGENCY of the “Stonewall”CONTACTS film. Featured panelist will be CSUF History Dept. Professor Jennifer Thompson Room 1440, 3-5 p.m.
“One Book, One College” seeks Annual LGBT forum aims to be to strengthen the community inclusive for all The fifth-annual LGBT forum facilitated discussion about issues that affect marginalized sexual orientations. JUSTINE BANAL The Hornet
The Cadena Cultural Center teamed up with Lambda Society and Queer People of Color to host Fullerton College’s fifth-annual LGBT forum on Wednesday, Oct. 7. “There was a larger conversation outside the binary where students were much more comfortable discussing other aspects that are not just the L [lesbian] and the G [gay] but the rest of the sexual minority spectrum,” said facilitator Peter Cruz, political science and paralegal major. The group of about 30 attendees broke up into small groups of four or five students and two facilitators, who led discussions based on questions made by Lambda and QPOC. “We created [the questions] intentionally very open-ended but also just specific enough to enable people to start to realize about their own experiences and begin to reflect about everything,” said Noely Padilla, Lambda Society president. Discussion topics focused on the student experience with questions about inclusivity on campus, faculty Safe Space training, and microaggressions described as subtle forms of discrimination. “If a regular person was told, ‘Why can’t you make up your mind?’ they’d be like, ‘Well, I’ve got options,’” Padilla said. “But if a bisexual person was told that about their romantic life, it’s very offensive. It’s personal even, and
many things happen like that every day.” Another goal of the forum was to help straight allies of the queer community become better allies. “Coming from my experience, they state an opinion they would have and say this is how it is in the pansexual community or asexual community when they themselves are not asexual and pansexual to begin with,” said Kat Phan, art major. “Although there are allies out there and I am thankful for allies, they are not the reason we are talking about queer issues.” This year’s forum was not only an opportunity for members of the queer community to discuss important issues, it was also a chance to network and share similar experiences. For Phan, the forum made her more aware of the campus resources and organizations available for the queer community and encouraged her to get involved. “I was set in a very comfortable and safe environment, and I wanted to really find that same sort of community where I could be comfortable talking about myself and other issues with other queer people,” Phan said. With the information gathered from the forum, the Cadena Cultural Center, Lambda Society and QPOC all aim to create safe spaces on campus where everyone, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, can feel safe and welcome. “Often times, we kind of just let these things fall by the wayside and because we don’t discuss it, it’s like it never happened,” Padilla said. “Part of the forum was to really create a student voice that could be heard by higher-ups in the administration and other students. It’s all about creating a presence, a positive presence.”
MCKINLEY: Admired DSS director waves farewell Continued from Page 1 When he first met her, she graduated from Katella High School, yet was reading at a fourth-grade level and had never received a grade higher than a D (except for P.E.). After earning her trust, McKinley introduced her to a program called Kurzweil, which allowed her to put all her books on a CD so she could listen instead. “I can still remember the day that she walked in with her transcript […] with her first A,” said McKinley. “Long story short, she now has her Masters Degree from Cal State Fullerton. She never would have done it if it weren’t for this office.” These experiences have all had an incredible impact on McKinley, and he said that those will be the things that he remembers. “It’s the tears that are my reward,” he said, “the tears of joy.” After 15 years of serving FC, Paul McKinley is certain that the team he leaves behind will
take care of the department and continue to move it forward. “My team here is the most amazing department on campus. They just give their heart and soul into serving students with disabilities, and then they are very passionate about Fullerton College as a whole,” said McKinley. During his retirement, he plans on spending more time with his wife, Elli, and their two adopted children, Joey and Chris, in their La Quinta home. “We’re not big travelers. We’re kind of home bodies,” he said. “I have a lot of things I want to do around the house.” McKinley also plans on spending time with his grandchildren and visiting his son David who lives in the Philippines as well. When they’re not doing any of those things, he and his wife Elli plan to volunteer more in the community and give back Though McKinley may be leaving FC, his legacy and his impact on DSS will continue for many years.
English Professor Kim Orlijan hopes students can come together with a novel. JAVIER TINAJERO, JR. The Hornet
Colleges, universities and cities alike all attempt to bring their communities together in hopes to become stronger. Many ideas flourished, but there is one unique finding that accomplishes this pursuit. “One Book, One College” has been a part of Fullerton College for almost a decade. English instructor Kim Orlijan brought it to life when she first arrived on campus in 2007 and thought it was a good way to get the campus community together. This ongoing activity involves the entire campus coming together by reading a specified book throughout the year to trigger discussions between students, professors and others. An array of classes this semester assigned the selected book for the class to read, expanding Orlijan’s goals. These classes include English 59, 60, 99 and 100, Reading 36 and 56 and Ethnic Studies 101. Based on the true story, this year’s book is called “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks,” by Rebecca Skloot. The book takes the reader through the life of Henrietta as she falls victim of cervical cancer. But scientists take cells from Henrietta during an exam without her consent. With these cells, the medical research sky-rockets with brand new discoveries, such as virology and new vaccines, all sold for profit. Unfortunately, Henrietta’s descendants went uninformed of the non-stop research for 20 years and suffered through poverty without
Crown Publishing Group Skloot’s novel takes readers through the life of Henrietta Lacks and how her cells impacted and completely changed medicine.
receiving a dime for Henrietta’s contribution. Skloot attempts to give Henrietta’s family the answers they deserve. “I think students can relate to the book because it has to do with power structures,” said Orlijan. “It’s not just science, it also touches on ethical issues, race, racism.” As Orlijan hopes for the students on campus to get involved, she also wants it to spread outside of the campus and not stay inside the classroom. She said one of her main goals is for the book to spark
multiple questions and get the community more involved and to bring in more readers and magnify the community as a one. “If you bring that out to the campus, [the campus] gets closer because it’s having conversations centered on one book.” Last year, several books were nominated, including Skloot’s, and her book was chosen as FC’s novel for “One Book, One College.” Orlijan would like to go through this process again next year as it also creates campus unity.
Sociology Club spreads love to local animal shelters Donations continue to arrive for The Sociology Club’s Animal Shelter Drive. JAVIER TINAJERO, JR. The Hornet The Sociology Club is currently holding their annual animal shelter drive to involve all those who are willing to assist animals in need. The drive was inspired by The Sociology Club advisor, Angie Andrus, and current member of the club, Alejandra Ruiz. Ruiz began college in 2002, but couldn’t return until 2011. Once she returned, she took all of Andrus’ classes and steadily became more involved with Andrus’ projects. One such collaboration included helping resurrect The Sociology Club. As animal lovers, they both brainstormed effective ways to help those in need and eventually thought of a solution. “We put our heads together and decided to do a donation bin,” Ruiz said. Andrus worked hard to spread awareness about the drive. She posted flyers throughout campus, placed
them in faculty and student affairs boxes, posted updates on The Sociology Club’s Facebook page, and announced it during her classes. A variety of donations are accepted including dog and cat toys, dog shampoo, dry and wet food, collars and leashes, to name a few. Andrus has received numerous donations since the drive began on Oct. 6. “Most kind-hearted people have a soft spot for animals and those in need, and this is a great way to connect our campus to the community,” said Andrus. The donations are sent to charities such as the OC Animal Shelter, Taking it to the Streets, Second Chances Rescue, and the Feral Cat Program. All shelters take in dogs, cats, or both, along with other animals. All animals are available for adoption, and some list animals who are currently lost. These shelters also offer licensing forms, assist in locating low-cost vaccination clinics, and allow the community to get involved. Taking it to the Streets, run by a mother and daughter, is a unique organization in River-
side that assists the homeless population with their pets. Andrus and Ruiz personally deliver the donations to these groups. For participating in the care of these animals, they received many thank you notes making the connection much more special between the students and charities. “It brings great joy to know that shelter dogs and homeless pets are being thought of, not ignored,” said Ruiz. To bring happiness and increase involvement between the students and charities is what Andrus seeks most from the drive. The donation drive will run until Oct. 27 and any donations can be dropped off in the specially-made box in Room 1423 of the 1400 Building. Questions can be directed to Andrus at The organizations receiving the donations can be located on social media. “Seeing the generous support from the students is very heartwarming,” Andrus said. “They feel very proud when they see how many items we have collected at the end of the drive.”
Fullerton addresses homelessness in the city
Los Angeles declared homelessness in a state of emergency, and now Fullerton is addressing similar issues. JOSHUA MEJIA The Hornet
Neighbors United For Fullerton held an open forum called “Homelessness: Next Steps for Fullerton?” on Monday, Sept. 21 at the Fullerton Library, in order to discuss how the city can deal with the issue of homelessness. The panel included local leaders County Supervisor Shawn Nelson, former assemblywoman and Fullerton Mayor Sharon Quirk-Silva, Corporal Mike McCaskill, and executive director of Pathways of Hope, a local nonprofit, Maria Avallaneda. The panelists each gave an overview on homelessness in Fullerton, discussed their distinct experience with the issue and ways they thought the homeless issue could be dealt with. The panelists were faced with the challenge of finding a balance between providing for the general public’s safety but also finding the means and resources to help and support the homeless. A major topic of the night was getting a permanent homeless shelter in Fullerton. Nelson mentioned how many local officials and residents are all for the idea of getting the homeless a shelter. But once a location is found, they are met with opposition from the same people
who say things like “this is not the place; it’s too close to schools; it’s too close to kids; it’s too close to jobs and quite frankly it’s too close to me.” Nelson said that behavior was absurd since many of the current temporary shelters are already close to schools, children and businesses. Currently, 1000 Kraemer Place is in the works to be accepted as the new shelter in the Fullerton area, and Nelson is hoping it will be open by summer of 2016. Quirk-Silva talked about the “hidden homeless” whom people tend to not see as much. Most of these homeless are people living with their families, women with children, and veterans. “That’s one of the fastest growing populations, the homeless veterans,” she said. “It’s not something we can stand for.” Quirk-Silva, who is now a third grade teacher at Golden Hill Elementary, talked about a student of hers who currently lives at Pathways of Hope. “We imagine […] that those who are homeless are drug dealers and all of these images that we want to create,” Quirk-Silva said. One of the panelists who had a different standpoint of the whole issue was McCaskill, who is part of Fullerton’s homeless liaison and deals mostly with chronic homeless individuals on the streets. “We try to go out and engage with the homeless […] we deal with a lot of people who aren’t quite ready to get off the streets,” said McCaskill. “The majority of
Photo by Joshua Mejia Fullerton Mayor Sharon Quirk-Silva spoke on the issue of homelessness and how it can affect anyone.
people we deal with either have mental health issues, drug or alcohol addiction or something else that’s keeping them on the street. “ McCaskill is faced with not having enough resources to help the people who do want help. They do not have a place to send people who might need a place to stay, need help dealing with mental issues or help getting a job. McCaskill hopes that a permanent shelter can help people get settled, get them on a path to recovery and also give them the ability to seek social services that will help them get back into society.
The last panelist to speak was Avallaneda, who was representing the nonprofit organizations in the Fullerton area. Avallaneda spoke on the difficulty of finding affordable housing in Orange County, given that the median cost for a one-bedroom apartment is $1238. “If I am a single mother and I have two kids and I’m working a minimum wage job, out of my paycheck I can pay $468 a month,” she said. “If I was just going to work that minimum wage job, I would have to work 110 hours a week.” Avallaneda’s organization helps
homeless individuals find shelter and long-term housing and ways to help them find the means to support themselves. She also challenged local developers to find ways to make new housing locations affordable, in an effort to help fight homelessness in Fullerton. At the end of the panel, all of the local leaders agreed that the City of Fullerton needs the collaboration between both private (non-profits) and public (police department and city officials) organizations in order to solve the issue at hand.
Quadchella: first of Final Measure J forums offer many events by A.S. students chance to STEPHANIE GORMAN News Editor
Associated Students planned Fullerton College’s first ever Quadchella three months in advance, and the final approval came in just two weeks before the event. Associated Students pitched the plan to the faculty senate for approval standing 40 strong with members, senators, and executives. According to A.S. President Thor Roe, the teachers stopped their presentation somewhere in the middle to make their decision. “We are being courteous, we are being beneficial to the students and to the campus, and unanimously the teachers approved it,” said Ryan Pickens, A.S. member and potential senator. Pickens described the event as monumental for the future of Fullerton College student involvement. “This is going to make the school a lot more proactive,” said Pickens. “Hopefully, we’ll get more people into clubs, which will be more active in the community, and we’re going to make this school better.” Roe also agreed this event came as an opportunity for students to get more involved on campus. He said A.S. wanted to make the campus feel more welcoming and make the students feel like they belong here. “We wanted it to be grandiose and big and over-the-top,” said Roe. In addition to live performances by local bands, Quadchella included chalk art, cultural exhibits, creative writing exhibits, face painting, and henna tattoos.
Although A.S. students obeyed the quiet rule and kept the music levels fewer than 70 decibels, Quadchella broke the time limit and was the first concert on campus longer than one hour. In spite of potential student distraction, A.S. still thought a high student traffic day was the best idea. “We wanted to catch students while they were on campus rather than have them come from their homes to campus,” Roe said. “We wanted to make it more convenient and accessible for as many people as possible.” Possibly the most appealing advertisement for the event was “Free pizza!” According to Roe, A.S. spent $3,500 on pizza for Quadchella, but much to students’ distaste, there was some inexplicit fine print involved. Students with A.S. benefits received free pizza, but those without paid $3 per slice or paid $8.50 for A.S. benefits and then could have “free” pizza. However, two hours into the event, A.S. did right by their advertisements and removed the dollar figure from the slices. The pizza was gone shortly afterward. Quadchella isn’t the last big event students will see done by A.S. Currently, A.S. is sponsoring a free trip to Cuba. All students with A.S. benefits are automatically entered in to the drawing, and the winner will be selected in line with homecoming events. Also, A.S. is planning a Halloween-themed homecoming, and is entertaining the idea of an off-campus winter formal coordinated with other schools in the area.
be heard
Measure J forums are open for students and teachers to participate future plan making. JASON BURCH Sports Editor
Fullerton College students will have a couple more opportunities to participate in the extensive Measure J planning process at the upcoming third and final campus forum on Oct. 20. The Measure J campus forum will be located in rooms 224228 from 1-2:30 p.m. There will also be a community forum the following day, Oct. 21, from 5-6:30 p.m. at the same location. The campus forums were designed to aid in the planning process by allowing students and the entire campus community to ask questions and offer suggestions about Measure J. It also serves to inform the atlarge community of the upcoming renovation projects. The $574 million dollar Measure J bond, which passed unanimously in November 2014, was created to facilitate upgrades, improvements and repairs to the Fullerton, Cypress and the School of Continuing Education campuses. The renovations are slated to
take place over the next 20 years. The forum should shed some light on when and where the renovations will begin. According to Lisa McPheron, director of campus communications at Fullerton College, one of the most important aspects of the upcoming forum will be discussing the findings from previous forums. The DLR Group, the architects chosen to oversee Measure J renovations, will be on hand to share information gathered Fullerton College Planning Commission to date, including The current map of renovations and proposed their proposed plans facilities for Fullerton College under the newly approved Measure J bond. moving forward. “They [DLR] will the review process will take be presenting their findings on approximately two years. locations and sequencing for the Even though the project is projects to hopefully provide a a couple years from breaking clearer picture for the commuground, the forum is one of the nity,” McPheron said. final steps allowing the commuGuests at the forum will have nity to be included in planning an opportunity to ask questions and determining the direction and share their input about Fullerton College will be headed proposed building locations and as they embark on the 20-year the sequencing of projects. renovation plan. Following the completion of McPheron said, “It’s pretty the forums, Fullerton College critical if people have questions, will still have to submit final to come join the discussion.” plans for environmental impact review. According to McPheron,
In a recent trend of equality for all and being more culturally sensitive, understanding what cultural appropriation is and how to avoid it seems necessary in this day and age. Many years ago, the popular trend was to portray favorite characters in costume for Halloween or other dress-up parties. For example, “PocaHOTTIE” is something that one may see wandering from bar to bar, two guys portraying Cheech and Chong or perhaps a woman strutting around as a geisha. As of late, more people have been speaking out about how it’s seen as being racist and insensitive to people of those particular cultures others may impersonate. Looking at the history involving the oppression of people of color, costumes of people in gang associated type of attire, and going as far as doing blackface, can definitely be seen as taking it too far. This is especially when blackface was a degrading form of entertainment in the early 20th century, which continued until the 1960s when the U.S. Civil Rights Movement took place. Cultural appropriation and what it stands for almost embodies the tragic past that came with those affected by hard times due to their own race’s history. Another example is when people dress up as a “cholo” or “chola,” with mustaches, slicked back hair, make-up with high, thin eyebrows, or even going as far as portraying the female as pregnant. Most of the time, everything is extremely exaggerated and pokes fun at people of Mexican culture, as if saying everyone from that culture is just like that. In the Disney version of Pocahontas, it portrays a happier version of the tragic
Cultural appropriation is not a form of flattery
story where she continues to live freely. However, in the actual version, she was forced to marry an Englishman, and she died at the young age of 21. So, little girls all over the world are dressing up as a Native American princess without truly understanding the history behind it. Perhaps, it isn’t something that they need to know or understand at such a young age, yet when is it the right time? Though dressing up as another culture
Photos in a campaign titled “We’re a Culture, Not a Costume.”
Creating a safer campus before tragedy strikes Matt Anderson The Hornet When someone goes to school, particularly college, it’s their intention to learn new things, meet new people and to possibly discover themselves. Never should they feel like they have to look over their shoulders. Yet since the beginning of October, there have been three campus shootings that have taken place in the United States. The looking-over-the-shoulder thing is starting to become a must. On Oct. 1, there was a shooting at Umpqua Community College in Oregon, which yielded nine fatalities, and another nine were hospitalized. On Oct. 9, two more shootings occurred, the first at Northern Arizona University, where there was one death and three more wounded, then later at Texas Southern University where one person died and another was injured. President Barack Obama said in a statement regarding the Umpqua shooting, “thoughts and prayers [do] not capture the heartache and grief and anger that we should feel, and it does nothing to prevent this carnage from being inflicted some place else in America next week or a couple months from now.” This statement was made following the UCC shooting in Oregon. Just over a week later the next two shootings occurred. The president couldn’t even make a statement without saying that it’s not a matter of if another tragedy will take place, but when. While these tragedies can never be predicted, they can be prevented and planned for. At Fullerton College, odds are you’ve seen campus safety roaming around in their vehicles or strolling around the campus. It’s also hard not to notice the police vehicles right next to the parking structure. So, there is a presence on campus to prevent anything dangerous from occurring or to help you in any time of need. Through the FC website, you can find the campus safety section where there are a handful of different situations that can
occur and offer you tips on how to deal with them. Some of the situations included are earthquakes, bomb threats, fires and even active shooters. Although these tips are there for the students, how many actually know what to do and is it enough? In times of emergency, things happen a lot faster than anyone may realize. You’re not going to have time to search the website, find campus safety, bring up these guidelines and then execute what they tell you. People become frantic when they don’t know what to do. That is why you plan and prepare, because you’ll never know when something will come in handy for you. Now, what can we do differently? In the past, FC has had drills to prepare for events such as these. It’s smart in theory, but for students who go to school on a Monday/Wednesday schedule, having an active shooter drill on a Thursday doesn’t do them much good. According to the campus safety webpage, in times of emergency there will be notifications sent to students. These notifications are only sent if you “opt-in” to them through MyGateway, whereas at other schools and universities you must “opt-out” of such messages making it more likely for their students to receive them. These changes might be small, but they could make a difference. If you’re a student wandering around campus, be aware of your surroundings. Know where the exits are to your buildings. Before getting lost in your headphones or conversations, take a quick glance at what’s around you. Knowing the tiniest of details can help you avoid the worst of situations. There isn’t a need to feel scared or worried about going to school and living out your day-to-day, but a little preparation for the worst can help you hope for the best.
or race may be a form of flattery, it really can come off as being an ignorant person who does not understand the true history behind what someone’s ancestors have gone through. One may even think that dressing up as a geisha in respect for Japanese culture is okay; however, geishas are seen as being submissive and sexual objects. Many women are mistaken and think that it means they are dressing up as powerful, beautiful women. The film “Memoirs of a Geisha” will show you otherwise. A big scandal shook a sorority from Cal Sate Fullerton last year when they had a “Taco Tuesday” theme, but took it as far as dressing up in ponchos and sombreros. An investigation took place for Alpha Delta Phi, and they eventually went into probation and were unable to take new pledges for that fall semester. The sorority released a public apology as reported in CSUF’s Daily Titan stating, “We are profoundly embarrassed about our naïveté and lack of judgment.” On a bigger scale, cultural appropriation has even taken over the media due to a feud between Nicki Minaj and Miley Cyrus where Minaj accuses Cyrus for wanting to take part in the hip-hop culture without actually understanding the struggles it took for people of color to get there. In an interview with the New York Times, Minaj directs a question to Miley: “You’re in videos with black men, and you’re bringing out black women on your stages, but you don’t want to know how black women feel about something that’s so important?” In the United States, if not all over the world, the repercussion of cultural appropriation is ever growing. More and more
activists are asking other people to be more sensitive to the history behind their particular attire, music and overall, the cultures of the minorities that have endured oppression. No longer can people claim that they are imitating to perform an act of flattery. People passionate about diminishing cultural appropriation will continue to stand their ground and speak out to make a difference. This means, it’s time to be sensitive, and to educate ourselves about the real meaning behind cultural practices.
Read it and weep
The moment news first comes out that a popular book will be translated into a silver screen rendition, the reactions of the public can swing into two extremes: either one of severe dread or ecstatic euphoria. However, whatever that initial reaction of public opinion, in this multimedia-consumed society, it seems just inevitable that favored printed pieces will make their way to the big screen. Turning popular books into film versions is not a new concept, even if it does seem to be a more abundant concept today. Some of the earliest Hollywood blockbusters were based on books such as “Gone with the Wind” and “The Wizard of Oz.” What is that mysterious ingredient then, which makes those films instant classics, that seems to be sorely lacking from the more modern concept? Today’s books-into-movies renditions, such as “Divergent” or “Twilight,” are surely not classics. “Gone with the Wind,” on the other hand, has become an enduring figure of Hollywood glamour. At the time the film was produced, it was the most expensive movie in film history. Extensive set pieces, over a thousand extras and live stunts that feature the burning of Atlanta make up the theatricality of this instant classic, not to mention the great characters that would live on in the hearts of many. This was the golden age of Hollywood that was destined to fade away. Now, Hollywood has no need for thousands of extras on set or extravagant live stunts. With CGI, things can be made more lifelike than real life, and really, that is all that a book or movie is trying to do. It’s trying to pull the audience into a fantasy world. The question is: Is it believable? Sure, Rhett and Scarlett’s love affair completely diminished the realities of the Civil War that the film was depicting, but it was believable that they were so distracted by their own passions that those things did not matter to them. Perhaps nowadays, the fault with books-into-movies is not that they do not create a world of fantasy but that they do not make the audience believe in that fantasy. There is hesitantance to blame the source works for that fact, however. Imagine being one of those teenagers obsessed with the “Twilight” books. The characters were pretty riveting, even if some were slightly annoying. Bella, like Scarlett O’Hara, makes some
Megan Showalter The Hornet @meggsandbacon2 pretty odd decisions and complains about her situation in a melodramatic fashion. However, it is a story, which compels one to keep reading to find out where Bella’s heart will lead her next. In comparison, though that same teen may have seen every film incarnation of the books, they might not jump at the opportunity to own the whole set on DVD. Why? Even though the basic storyline remains the same, the script and actors’ portrayals of the characters are not convincing. These two things have left the films open for mockery, a pop-culture example of what not to do when making a movie. Just reference any YouTube or “Saturday Night Live” sketch based on the film and you will see. This is not to say that the effects were not spectacular, they were, but the storytelling was lacking. There is hope, however, for the modern age. One of the best examples of a modern book-made-into-movie is the Harry Potter series. There is hardly a person who would not agree that the movie series is excellent filmmaking. The scenes are stunning, the magic seems real, but more than that the viewers want to be a part of it all. People want to get on the Hogwarts Express and start their own first day in “wizarding” school. They want their own adventures. In fact, they are having their own adventures with their new best friends Harry, Hermione and Ron, and the actors who portrayed these characters will always be remembered for their roles. Even now that the series is complete both in print and on the screen, people still beg J.K. Rowling for more, and she is pleased to give them little peeks here and there into the world of her own creation as she sees fit. For instance, just the other day she announced new background information on how Harry’s family had so much money to pass down to him. It’s all consuming, and that is what good storytelling is all about. You forget about the theater you are in and the world around you, and for about two hours of your life you are another person.
OPINION The Hornet Going Greek as a transfer student
Serving Fullerton College since 1922
Bianca Granado The Hornet @Beeancs33
Editor-in-Chief Jayna Gavieres Managing Editor Stephanie Lara Opinion Editor Sarah Espiritu News Editor Stephanie Gorman Local Editor Oscar Barajas Entertainment Editor Kim Cisneros Sports Editor Jason Burch Assistant Sports Editor Teren Guerra Online & Social Media Editor Hetty La Photo Editor Christian Fletcher Calendar Editor Justine Banal Staff Reporters Matt Anderson Bobby Belleville Madison Brown Katelyn Chavez Neddie Facio Chelena Gadson Cristina Garcia Marissa Gonzales Bianca Granado Sue Hwang Emily Jett Jhony Juarez Danny Lee Joshua Mejia Christina Nguyen Patrick Quirk Andrea Ramos Megan Showalter Javier Tinajero Christopher Toland Adviser Jay Seidel The Hornet is a proud member of the following associations: Associated Collegiate Press California Newspaper Publishers Association Journalism Association of Community Colleges The Hornet is published as a learning experience, under the guidance of Fullerton College’s journalism program. The editorial and advertising published herein, including any opinions expressed, are the responsibility of the student newspaper staff. Under appropriate and federal court decisions and California law, college newspapers are free from prior restraint by virtue of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Accordingly, information published in this newspaper, including any opinions expressed, should not be interpreted to represent the position of the North Orange County Community College District, Fullerton College, or any officer or employee thereof. THE HORNET 321 E. Chapman Ave. Fullerton, CA 92832 714-992-7134
All around the nation many college students prepare for what’s known as “Bid Week.” Bid week typically takes place at the beginning of each academic year. Every fraternity and sorority on four-year campuses are excited to bring new members into their so-called family. A majority of new pledge members are usually first time college students. Being a part of Greek life almost guarantees that students will have a fun-filled college experience as well as gain some brothers or sisters. The question is: Should transfer students become a part of this? Freshman college students are usually about 18 years old. Assuming a student transfers from a community college in exactly two years, they will be 20. When rushing for a sorority or fraternity, it might feel uncomfortable for a 20-year-old to barely be joining at the same time as someone a couple of years younger since in many cases, students are older when they transfer to a university. So, should age be a determining factor of joining? Jessica Alvarado, a transfer student from Fullerton College, recently began her first year at UC Davis where she is majoring in international relations. Alvarado decided to be a part of the Greek life at UC Davis. She shared that she didn’t know what to expect but believed it would be a great opportunity to meet new people.
Alvarado, who is 22 years old, said, “I was nervous to join as a transfer because I knew I would be older than a majority of the girls.” It ended up not being as bad as she thought. Alvarado was able to connect with other transfer students who were also in the same position as her. Regardless of when one transfers, Greek life can still be highly beneficial. Joining a fraternity or a sorority as a transfer student can also help make the transition a bit smoother. “My sorority, Delta Delta Delta, has set me up with other girls who are in my major and had them show me around,” said Alvarado. Many times Greek organizations have alumni associations. In the long run, you can connect with members, and they can supply help and advice when it comes to getting a job after graduation. Overall, being involved in Greek life can be a great networking opportunity. “Some of the benefits are the connections that are made within the sorority for future jobs or internships,” said Alvarado. Aside from the connections, Alvarado knows that she can go to her sisters for anything even if she just wants to go out for coffee. Being involved in the Greek life does require a big time commitment, which can possibly scare transfer students away. Alvarado explains that sororities host a lot of events and are involved in many volunteer services. “If one can handle the time commitment, I feel like it would definitely make a great impact on one’s college experience,” said Alvarado.
Aside from the time spent at events, members also have to keep up with their grades, and some also manage work schedules. Involvement can be hectic, but it’s also a fun way to be involved, especially for transfer students. Most first-year college students usually enter college without knowing what it is that they want to do in their future. For transfer students, this is a bit different. Having attended a community college gives transfer students the advantage of finding themselves and what it is they want to be before moving on to a university. This helps when choosing which fraternity or sorority to join. Transfer students typically know what they want to get out of the organization, and they know more so what they are looking for. So transfer and go Greek!
Sorority house for Gamma Phi Beta as seen on Chapman Avenue.
Photo by Neddie Facio
Student tips for a smooth midterm
With midterms just around the corner, here are some tips to help suppress stress. By Cristina Garcia The Hornet
Midterms are quickly approaching accompanied with higher levels of anxiety and stress. Papers and projects are usually due during this hectic time as well. Trying to keep up with school, jobs, extra-curricular activities and social lives also add to the rising levels of stress. The following tips and resources may help reduce anxiety and stress caused by the dreaded midterms: · Time management plays a key part in reducing stress levels. Begin studying a week or two before the test. Set aside an hour each or every other day to read a chapter or review notes. This minimizes the amount of studying needed the day before the test.
· Take advantage of the professor’s office hours to go ask questions and get clarification on the material for a better understanding of the subject. · Take a break from studying when feeling overwhelmed by getting some exercise or going for a walk. Exercise is a great way to clear the mind and recharge the body, which allows for an extra burst of energy to continue studying. · Use group study rooms with classmates. The library on campus has group study rooms available for check out to all students using a student ID. The rooms provide a private study atmosphere and each room is furnished with a large table and white board. Library hours are Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m., Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p. · The Math Lab and Writing Center is free to all students. They provide student/ peer tutors, and instructors are available
for extra help. Math Lab hours are Monday through Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 8:45 p.m., Friday 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Writing Center hours are Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Friday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. · The night before the midterm, briefly review study material and make sure to get a good night’s sleep. On the day of the test, allow enough time to eat breakfast. Fuel your body by eating nutritious food throughout the day to maintain the high energy level needed to do well on test day. · Try to leave for school earlier than usual to allow for time to find parking, buy scantrons and arrive early to class to fit in a few extra minutes to review notes and relax. By following these simple tips, successful passing of midterms can be done with minimal stress. Just remember that once midterms are over, the semester is halfway done. Good luck on midterms!
and no name-calling or claims that the teacher shows bias or favoritism. Otherwise, it’s fair game on what you can say about your professors. Now how much can you trust Rate My Professors and it’s ratings? “Rate My Professors never disappoints,” said business major, Jorge Orozco. “Word of mouth is the best way to get opinions on professors. Who better than students who’ve witnessed it for themselves? I have never had a teacher whose rating wasn’t completely accurate.” To some, these reviews can be spot-on every time and completely true. Students may not mean ill-will against the professors or the course, either, and everything may have been roses throughout that semester. But Orozco claims that everything students need to know from what they should study for exams to how to “win over a professor” would be found on this website. While some students have complete faith in the website, others have shown a less enthusiastic view of it. Political science major Kenny Taylor believes it can be a useful tool, but shouldn’t be considered the “end-all-be-all” of choosing your schedule. This speaks truth, especially when every student may have a different experience due to personality types, studying habits and other personal factors. “You can use Rate My Professors to get a general idea, but I wouldn’t base your whole opinion on that,” Taylor said. “People that take the time to post a negative review probably didn’t do too well in the class
and it could be their fault, not the professor’s.” Maybe a student didn’t agree with the way the professor ran the course or didn’t do all the studying and homework that needed to be done. A bad grade in the course could lead to a bad attitude on the website. Of course, every story has two sides to it and opinions tend to differ. So what should be made of Rate My Professors? It’s your call. If you think that you can trust one person’s experience in a course then go for it, but if you’re the type of person who likes to form their own opinion’s then take that route. Moral of the story: whether you want to believe somebody’s rating according to a website or not, you’re still probably going to need to take that class.
Relying on Rate My Professors Can using a website that rates college professors really benefit a student’s education? By Matt Anderson The Hornet
A website dedicated to rating college professors can be a valuable tool when preparing for a student’s upcoming semester. At, students are able to find a teacher that fits their needs, read the opinions of former students, see how easy or difficult the course was, and even check to see how attractive the instructor might be. Pretty cool right? But the question that needs to be asked is: How reliable is Rate My Professors? Are students honest in their assessments? What grade did they receive? Maybe one student’s opinion of a professor is completely opposite from another. Many different issues can be made with these ratings and one could wonder if there’s any bias or dishonesty involved. However, before we dive into how we feel about Rate My Professors, let’s take a look at the nuts and bolts of this website. According to it’s webpage, Rate My Professors is the largest online destination for professor reviews. It has more than 15 million ratings of over 1.4 million professors at over 7,000 schools. The rules of the site are simple: leave accurate course codes for your ratings, discuss the professor’s teaching style, their ability to explain course material clearly,
Photo by Sarah Espiritu
Searching for a good reviews on
OPINION With transfer deadlines approaching, we asked students how they feel about transferring.
“I feel relatively confident about transferring and that it should be a smooth process just because of what the counselors have told me and how they have workshops to guide you.” Ibrahim Amin Business Administration Major
7 Have an opinion you want to share with our readers? Want to respond to a story? Have a complaint about Fullerton College that may affect other students? Email the opinion desk at
“Well I’m very excited and determined to transfer because I know that this is going to help me in my future career as becoming a professor at a university or at a college.” Cynthia Ortiz Ethnic Studies Major
“I feel pretty comfortable. I just want to keep getting more education and just pursuing my passion.” Rachel Greene Theater Arts Major
“[I feel] kind of nervous and scared because of meeting new people and neew friends, people you don’t know or where you’re going to be.” Freddy Parra Technology Major
Out with the old, in with the new Madison Brown The Hornet @madds_3w
As fashion constantly changes, one thing remains the same: it is an expression of one’s self that doesn’t require words. Fashion company H&M recently released a new campaign called “Close the Loop”. The campaign included a new commercial from the brand showcasing fashion on various types of models. They included men, women, children and the elderly. As well as a blend of different ethnic backgrounds, ages and body types. In an article from the Huffington Post, they display tweets from many who watched the commercial. The majority of the comments focused on the fact that the commercial presented such a difference in diversity rather than the viewers taking away that they should recycle their old clothes.
There is no surprise as to why the recycling concept is secondary to the message the models created. It’s almost sad that our society isn’t used to diversity in the industry. But why would it be when the normality is always the same types of models? The reason the commercial speaks to the audience is because the face finally changes; it finally has personality and texture. It allows people to relate. Fashion has always been a way for people to express who they are and make them feel confident. However, the industry for a long time had a perceived idea of who could be the face of the designs. This usually was someone tall, thin and fair-skinned regardless of gender. All the imagined rules people believed were broken in a short time and it was nothing but beautiful and how fashion should be. Those rules used to mean having to be the perfect height, fitting the clothes and if you didn’t, well then they’re on to the next. Girls would all have the same hair color and look like each other until it slowly branched out. That train has stopped and new perception has stepped off. This new commercial will change the industry by getting them to continue to open their eyes. Continue to
Disneyland raises prices on annual passes
Photo by Kim Cisneros
Guests waiting for fireworks during 24-hour Day at Disneylabnd on May 22, 2015.
Recently Disneyland raised the prices of their Annual Passports, which caused many current pass holders to lash out towards Disney across social media platforms. If pass holders want the privilege to visit the park 365 days of the year, they will have to pay a grand total of $1,049 for the Disney Signature Plus Passport. Before this pass was introduced, guests were paying $779 to have unlimited visits to both Disneyland and Disney California Adventure, along with free parking, merchandise discounts, and discounts at various food locations throughout the parks and Downtown Disney. Not only did this price raise affect the annual passports, but it also affected the parking. Parking in the Mickey and Friends parking structure, and the other lots too, was raised by a dollar, $17 to $18. However, the most dramatic change for parking was the price in the Downtown Disney lot. Before the change in price, these lots allowed for three hours of free parking, plus two more with validation and a charge of six dollars for each additional hour. Now only two hours of free parking (and two more with validation) are allowed and it’s a $12 charge for each additional hour. Charging for each additional hour might be a way to
weed out all of the annual pass holders that used this parking as an alternative if they didn’t have the premium pass, which included parking. One may think, “but Disney makes so much money every day. Why make us pay more for the same thing?” There are many reasons why Disneyland made this move. Many of which the Southern California community of pass holders doesn’t take into consideration, one major reason being that it’s for tourists. It’s believed that tourists spend more money on souvenirs, food and hotel rooms. Many times, pass holders will only visit for a few hours at a time, which means they are less likely to be spending money on meals and souvenirs. People who have the opportunity to visit the park every day of the year don’t mind standing in long lines and only going on a few rides during their visit. The guests visiting from out of town might not be so thrilled about that. With this price increase, it seems as if Disney is hoping that there will be less pass holders in the park crowding the lines and walkways, therefore it will be more enjoyable for the person who only has the once in a lifetime chance to visit their parks. Disneyland recently made an announcement that created a lot of buzz: Star Wars Land. If the impact of guest and pass holders is affected in a similar manner as it was when Cars Land and Buena Vista Street opened in 2012 at Disney California Adventure, the parks will always be packed. Although it will be a few years before Star Wars Land opens up, it’s best for Disneyland to start their crowd control early on. With all the events going on like the 60th Anniversary Diamond Celebration, which kicked off with a 24-hour day on May 22, 2015. This included some changes to the parks. Sleeping Beauty castle was decked out in “diamonds,” new shows premiered such as Disneyland Forever fireworks, World of Color--Celebrate, Paint the Night parade and there’s even new specialty food items available. Due to these changes, the parks have seen an even bigger increase in attendance. During the 24-hour event, both Parks opened up at 6 a.m. and stayed open until 6 a.m. the next day. By lunchtime, both parks had hit capacity and there were lines of people wanting to get in. Many of the attendees that day
push the envelope and bringing new faces to take over and show that beauty and fashion is for all people. The fashion in the commercial even pushed the envelope a little when it said to do things that the fashion police would say are a no-no. No one does socks and sandals, and if you did, you were frowned upon. Denim on denim is another one to stay clear from, but everyone seems to do that nowadays anyway. Even mixing reds and pinks was a bad idea. Yet in this commercial these “fashion crimes” become acceptable. They become chic and fashion-forward and no longer get a disapproved look. This new campaign shows a “underlying realness that defies most forced campaigns, and you get the feeling they’re trying to actually do people justice,” as stated in an article on They couldn’t have said it any better. There needs to be more commercials like this one because diversity in the world allows things to be exciting and open your eyes. If all things were the same, then the picture would always be black and white, but things always come to life when you add a splash of color.
Kim Cisneros Entertainment Editor @hellokimmarie were pass holders taking advantage of their favorite playgrounds being open all hours during the day. It’s not everyday they get to see the sunrise, sunset and the sunrise again at The Happiest Place on Earth. The changes in passes has a lot to do with crowd control. It is making the cost of visiting the park on their busiest days a bit more pricey. If less people are willing to pay for the highest available pass, there will be less local pass holders in the parks on the busiest days of the year and more space for money-spending tourists. This steep price hike led current pass holders to become outraged saying that they couldn’t afford to have this luxury of visiting The Happiest Place On Earth whenever they want. Don’t be so quick to judge and make decisions, do some investigation and compare the different passport tiers. Previous to these price changes, the only pass that came with parking was the most expensive, the Premium passport. Now, the top two passes, the Disney Signature Plus Passport and Disney Signature Passport, include parking. Besides the $200 price difference is the approximately two weeks of blackout days from Dec.19 to Jan. 2. The Signature pass holders still gets parking, the same discounts and the same benefits for the Disney PhotoPass Downloads. The Disneyland website states that the Disney PhotoPass allows Annual Passport holders to log onto their online account and to download photos and other digital content. This added benefit allows guest to have more than just memories as a keepsake. The moral of the story is: if you can go 15 days without visiting Disneyland or Disney California Adventure during the December holidays and New Years, you can still visit the Happiest Place on Earth without paying over a thousand dollars a year for the Signature Plus passport. Look at it this way, getting a Signature passport is only a $70 price increase from the previous Premium passport. It all depends on how everyone values the price of the Southern California exclusive luxury.
Fullerton church fights hunger
In The Pantry- Jean Brewster hands out canned goods every Wednesdays
JOSHUA MEJIA The Hornet Fullerton’s First Lutheran Church has been serving hot dinners to the homeless every Tuesday night since 1990 and selling discounted groceries to low-income families every Wednesday morning since 2002. For years, Fullerton’s First Lutheran Church has been helping people, uplifting spirits and giving back to the community one meal at a time. Janet Shellenberger, who is the volunteer in charge of organizing the weekly events said that First
Photo by Joshua Mejia
Lutheran provides families with essentials such as canned goods, frozen meats, dairy products, cereal, pasta, bread and produce. They make sure that everyone gets a fair amount to at least last them through the week. “You simply do what’s in front of you, which is to share food with people who are needing it,” former Pastor Ron Baesler said when asked how people could give back to the community. Baesler has been volunteering at First Lutheran since he retired about a year and a half ago. When he’s not volunteering there, he is helping out at, His House
Homeless Intervention Shelter in Placentia, California. For Baesler, helping the homel ess and low-income families is a reminder of how others may not be as financially stable. “You come here and you realize that there are people […] who are struggling to make it,” Baesler said. As for the volunteers, many of them are people who have struggled themselves and want to give back to others who may be going through similar hardships. Mark Lepper, a veteran who volunteers at First Lutheran and Wilshire Avenue Community Church, has had a tough past few years. He struggled with drug abuse, going to jail, lost his job and cancer. For Lepper, going to First Lutheran has been a way to “keep [his] head above water,” as he put it, and it has been the means by which he can give back and help others who are going through tough times. Donna Hubacek, a local resident has been going to First Lutheran off and on for about 8 years. For her, First Lutheran was not just a place where she could get food, but also a place where she found other people who helped her in times of need. A person who she met at First Lutheran was Karin Hust,
Theres always H.O.P.E. SARAH ESPIRITU Opinion Editor
Often through the darkest nights, it is hard to see the light that resides deep within oneself. The light that reminds people that pain can and will end if they just hold on. A victim of sexual violence, especially, may feel uncomfortable; unable to see that light and trust it the way they once did. . According to WOAR(Women Organized Against Rape), a non-profit organization focused on eliminating all forms of sexual violence, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men will be sexually assaulted before the age of 18. At such a young age, continuing life as if nothing happened, can be a difficult feat. However, that shouldn’t be the case. By the time that person gets to college, they may not have a place to turn to but that is where H.O.P.E. comes in. H.O.P.E., which stands for Hold On Pain Ends, is a club at Fullerton College founded by Francesca Valencia in 2012. Valencia, a sociology and theater major, was a student in English professor, Bridget Kominek's class when the idea came to life. It stemmed from an assignment where students described a problem happening in the world, specifically sexual violence on college campuses, and looked for solutions on what schools can do to solve the problem. "It's a silent epidemic, as I like
who started Hope Lifted, a local non-profit that helps homeless individuals find jobs and places to live. “Hope Lifted got me and my boyfriend out of my car,” said Hubacek. “I got a job and two days before Christmas, three years ago, they found me a place to stay.” “I started looking around and saying, ‘you know we’re solving a small problem here, we’re feeding people but the next day they have the same problem,’” said Hust. In order to solve this issue she found ways to offer people a chance to get back on their feet by finding them a source of income and a place to live. What started off as a kind gesture to help people out in any way possible, has now turned into a nonprofit that has given a home to 50 people, 48 of which are still in the housing they have been provided. “I started [Hope Lifted] through First Lutheran, they were like the conduit for that,” said Hurst, who after 10 years of volunteering, still goes to First Lutheran, to try and help people out. Fullerton resident Curtis Gamble along with Hust has helped many other homeless people. He prints and hands out flyers that have a list of places where
Elado expands from LA to OC BIANCA GRANADO The Hornet
Bridget Kominek and Francesca Valencia hold club banner
to call it, that is happening in this world. When we talk about sex, it's very taboo," Valencia said. That’s when she realized that if there was something on campus for her to attend for sexual violence victims, she would gladly be a part of it. Instead of waiting around for it to happen, she took the initiative and created it herself. "It's for students who want to be community leaders and want to help specifically sexual violence victims and survivors," Valencia said. "We become educated and become activists." It took a year and a half of planning to bring H.O.P.E. together. Since then it has continued to flourish. They have even been invited to speak at high schools to spread awareness about the help victims can get. "When they're educated at a young age, they can learn that this is what's happening and it's not right, and they should tell someone.” H.O.P.E., of course, not only offers services to high school students, but really focuses on getting their own members the help they may need to get through their difficult times. Together, the club creates a safe-zone for those who have experienced any kind of sexual violence and helps them rebuild trust in others. Here, they are able to help as friends and lend advice to others who have gone through similar situations. In case advice from peers may not be enough, they are also able
Photo by Sue Hwang
to direct students to the right resources such as student health services or counselors who can provide professional assistance. Professor Kominek was taken by surprise. She never thought that her assignment, especially one that she was trying out for the first time, could inspire someone the way it did. "I think every teacher hopes that they assign things where students get excited and they can see how it connects to their life outside of the class," Kominek said. "You can never assume that's going to happen, but I was really happy that it did." Kominek said it went beyond her expectations and hopes there will continue to be a voice on campus for students who care about these types of issues. "It's nice to have a place on campus where there's people who are willing to be the voice of this and bring the issue up to make people aware." Valencia also hopes that in the future she can move forward and make H.O.P.E. a non-profit organization for those affected by this issue. "I think it's very important for victims and survivors to tell other people where, how, and what happened to them so other people will become educated," Valencia said. "You kind of have to paint a picture for them and then hopefully they'll take the next step and say, 'Wow, what can I do to help you?'" Meetings are held bi-monthly and all students are welcomed.
homeless people can go and get food, shelter, clothing and take showers. Gamble also directs people he meets to places like First Lutheran and other places that have soup kitchens. One person he helped was Rachele Schneider, a current Fullerton College student studying to get her Associates in Automotive Technology. Schneider, who was homeless at 19, met Gamble who was able to her get resources that have since gotten her get a job, a car and a place to live. “I still come here to remind myself where I came from,” said Schneider, “and I know to never forget.” The people who visit First Lutheran to get meals have become a community of sorts. They help one another out, even if it’s with a simple gesture such as sharing meals or giving clothes to someone in need. “I love this place and I love these people, and I love churches that give food to the homeless,” said Hurst, “because it draws them into a place where hopefully there is more help than just food.” Overall, First Lutheran does more than just give people food for a day or for a week, it helps them get back on their feet, and lifts Spirits.
Elado opened up its new store of Mexican style ice cream in Anaheim on May 25. Husband and wife Ruben Dorado and Michelle Gutierrez are the creators and owners of Elado. Before coming to the city of Anaheim, Elado opened their doors in the city of Pico Rivera in August of 2013. Gutierrez explains that the opening in Anaheim was much better than Pico Rivera, however she thinks it because people knew about them already. Compared to when the Pico Rivera shop opened no one had ever heard of Elado. “We had a lot of customers coming from the OC area to Pico, so they were really excited we opened over here.” says Gutierrez Elado offers many unique and delicious ice cream treats which include shakes, smoothies and the popular Chabets. Chabets are served in cups ranging from small to large. There are two kinds of Chabets; with chamoy and creamy. Chabets with chamoy consist of sorbet with fresh fruit, and tamarindo. Creamy chabets contain ice cream and syrup along with a topping that goes with the specific flavor. Gutierrez shared that her husband came up with the chamoy flavors. While she likes the sweeter ice cream, she thought of the creamy Chabets. Unlike many other ice cream shops, Elado’s ice cream isn’t mass-produced. All of the ice cream is made fresh weekly by one of Dorado’s relatives. Gutierrez and Dorado are always creating new flavors and bringing them into the store.
“A lot of the flavors are unique to Mexico but we come up with new ones along the way,” said Gutierrez. Gutierrez explained that due to high popularity some flavors run out quicker than others and are not in stock until a new batch is made. One of the most popular and refreshing items on the menu is the Watermelon & Cucumber Lime Chabet. This mouth-watering creation consists of watermelon and cucumber lime sorbet; the cup is swirled with chamoy and topped with fresh cucumber, watermelon chunks and plenty of tamarindo bites. It’s the perfect combination of sweet and spicy and is great during a hot day. The newest creamy Chabet is Abuelita’s Churro. The cup is drizzled in chocolate and filled with a new ice cream flavor called Abuelita’s , which tastes just like Abuelita Hot Chocolate. After being filled with ice cream this sweet and creamy mix is garnished with warm churros. This is definitely a must-try for any churro lover! As a child, Gutierrez would often take trips and visit Mexico. She remembers the ice cream tasting so good and different in comparison to what is served in America. She has been able to bring that aspect of the Mexican culture into Elado. All of the flavors and creations are inspired from Mexico. “I remember going to Mexico and the ice cream was completely different and the flavors were really unique,” said Gutierrez. Aside from the Mexican inspired flavors, the inside of Elado is Mexican inspired as well. Bright colors and decoration as well as a mural that captures some of Mexico’s highlights add to the ambiance.
FC interns bring plant sale to life CHRISTINA NGUYEN The Hornet
A wide variety of plants to choose from at the annual fall plant sale hosted by Fullerton College’s Horticulture Department. During the weekend of Oct. 3 and 4, some of the plants included in the sale were California native plants, succulents, and even winter vegetables for those interested in growing their own fresh vegetables. Each plant was sold and placed in specific sections according to the type of plant it was. This made it easier for customers to find what they were looking for. Off to the side, they also had plants that were on sale and half off. The plants were propagated and sold by the student interns from the Horticulture Department themselves. Jeff Feaster, an instructor for the FC Horticulture Department said that the money earned from the sale provides the finances for their internship program, which is offered to five students every semester. “It’s a self-perpetuating process for the internship program. The funds also allows us to keep this plant business going,” said
Feaster. In addition to their internship program, some of the money will help provide for the additional costs that are not covered in their normal budget such as soil, containers, labor and other plant materials seen in the plant nursery. Besides the Horticulture Department, the plant sale also benefits the ceramics studio on campus. The plant sale featured a ceramics booth. Handmade planters and stepping stones made by FC ceramics technician, Melanie Donegan, as well as other instructors, were sold. There was a planter for every home and personality. Each piece was unique from one another and came in different sizes and design. “It’s something I like to do. It helps bring money back into the studio and pays for things that the state can’t pay for, so we can get things like specialty tools or glazes,” said Donegan. Feaster said that although the plant sale primarily attracts residents locally from Fullerton, they also bring in people from areas such as Lake Elsinore, San
Clemente and Hemet. Many of the people that came to the plant sale were regulars and have been coming for years. Doug and Susie Bratt, a couple from Rowland Heights and parents of former Fullerton College students, attended the fall plant sale on Saturday like they do every year. Bratt enjoyed that the plant sale offered a variety of perennial plants as well as California native plants that usually can’t be found in regular stores. “The money also goes to a good cause. It’s a way to try and support the school,” says Susie Bratt. Kathy Rosengreen from Fullerton frequents the plant sales every year. “They’re personable, knowledgeable and give great advice here,” says Rosengreen. The student interns running the plant sales were very observant and assisted people that came to provide their plants with a new home, since they’re hands on and are involved with the step to step process. Christine Brackman was one of interns that helped contrib-
ute to the plant sale. Out of the thousands of plants being sold, Brackman’s section included 100 different varieties of drought tolerant plants that is drought tolerant to countries such as South Africa and Mexico. “I like that you can be smart with your water usage and still have the beauty of the flower and the soft foliage. In many cases, I have options where they can be used as herbs,” said Brackman. The plant sale succeeded in providing beautifully grown plants for the locals as well as
those that ventured from other surrounding areas in Southern California. The big tomato sale and spring sale will take place later in the year.
Photo by Sue Hwang
California Natives- California native plants were sold Oct.4.
More ‘bang’ for your buck MEGAN SHOWALTER The Hornet
KKBB located at 229B E Commonwealth Ave
Even though the Fullerton salon, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is part of a small but growing national chain, it remains a part of a family fixation that is owning and operating a business in Fullerton. A. Jay Popoff is the co-owner of the Fullerton KKBB, and his brother Jeremy Popoff is the owner of The Slide Bar just down the street. Both brothers hail from the band Lit. A. Jay Popoff owns KKBB in conjunction with his fiancé Ande Jo Stone, who is a stylist herself, along with one of the original founders of the company, Tanya Foster. Family at KKBB does not extend to blood and marriage alone; at this salon all are welcome and all are family. The KKBB business model is unique and refreshing to the world of stylists. KKBB does not have a standard booth rental model as most salons , where the stylists are not part of a team but are instead on their own to source and keep clients. The booth rental salons are worlds apart from KKBB according to salon stylist, Michaela Ryan. “Working in other salons, it gets very disheartening,” said Ryan. But “[Foster and Popoff ’s] whole idea is that they want to create a space where that drama and craziness doesn’t exist and where everybody helps each other, shares formulas, and bounces things off of each other, because that’s really how it should be.”
Photo by Megan Showalter
Not only is the business a family, it is also an educational company. The stylists have weekly training sessions on new styles or techniques, new products, and even business training on how to promote themselves. “We want a place where everyone feels they have a place to go, that they have some structure in doing it, because I find that most people are more successful in structure, and we’re creating a family. To the clients, we want it to feel like a family. The people that work here, we want it to feel like their safe haven,” said Foster. Foster spilled the secret into making the salon that safe haven. “We actually deal with their dysfunction. Most people want to sweep dysfunction under the rug. Everybody comes with something, everybody. In here we want you to stay strong and be part of a team, and that’s the magic of it.” Because this salon is much different from the surrounding salons, Foster thought it would be much better to create a plan completely separate from that world. “Don’t try to break down someone else’s culture, just create the right culture from day one.” Popoff also shared, “We thought if we’re going to open a salon, we don’t want to do what everyone else is doing around here. We wanted to do something fun and unique.” Popoff ’s own motivations in creating this salon are unique. “Being from Fullerton and being
an entrepreneur, I want to invest in the things I’m passionate about. Things I know I can really sink my teeth into and be a part of.” He grew up around hair salons and radio stations as a child. “A big part of it was as a kid my mom was a hair dresser, my dad was in radio. So I had two strong influences in my life. My dad was the music side and my mom was the hair stylist side,” shared Popoff. His personal interest in hair did not stop there, however, because through the years of touring, he started cutting his own hair as well as those of his band mates and other bands on the road. Just before the KKBB opened, he got his official barber’s license. “It was hard because I was on the road so much to put aside any time. I didn’t want to just open a salon and not know anything.” “It was a lot of sleepless nights in the first couple months and still it’s a lot of work, but we were able to get a lot of the ground work done [ahead of time],” Popoff said when asked about touring while owning the salon. “Now I’m gearing up for another record in Nashville. Luckily, the Nashville touring schedule is a lot less demanding than what we were doing before,” Popoff added. Popoff has been an integral part of running the salon. He said if he is not doing music, he is at the salon. His number one focus in the business is service.
“Everything that comes out of here looks amazing, but I think more importantly overall is the experience, the way the guest feels when they’re in our salon. Of course we want to make sure they’re happy with their hair, that’s what they came in for, but they leave with something more.” Though the salon has a rock motif and the hair colors are vibrant. The salon owners insist that their styles are not limited. “We have clients from 1-yearolds all the way up to 80-somethings, and they look awesome,” shared Foster. Adding to their service benefits, the salon is open until 8 p.m.
Ryan believes that the later hours are even busier for the salon. “That’s usually when the glasses of wine come out. A little less coffee, a little more relaxing, loosening up a little bit,” said Popoff. “You get people who are coming in for their night on the town. We’re in the heart of downtown Fullerton. We send people out looking good, feeling good, and they want to go out.” At the end of the day, it is more than looking good for the owners of KKBB. “[The stylists] put a lot of time into being at the top of their game, but the whole community part is the most important part.” said Foster.
Photo by Megan Showalter
Stone (left), Popoff (middle), Foster (right) represent KKBB
Knott’s Scary Farm opens its gates
Spirited away in DTF
OSCAR BARAJAS Local Editor Knott's Scary Farm has once again opened its gates. Knott’s welcomed a large crowd on opening day of Sep.24. A sinister green witch welcomed a large crowd already lined up outside the gates while her monsters lunged out of every corner to give the guests a first taste of what lies ahead. Before allowing anyone in however, she introduced seven of her most evil monsters, each one representing one of the seven deadly sins. Those introduced were seen lurking around the park throughout the night. Guests held each other close as they tried hopelessly to avoid the monsters. One family could be seen bringing in their young children who were clearly scared to death. “They are just people like you and me wearing Halloween make up,” said a mother trying to comfort her daughter. There was great energy shown by all the performers at the front entrance and really got the crowd pumped up and excited for the night. Scotty Ward of La Habra has been visiting opening night of the Scary Farm for the past four years. “For me, this is when Halloween officially starts--when Knott’s Scary Farm opens up. I know a few monsters here, and they are pumped and excited for tonight. They have been looking forward to this for weeks,” Ward shared. Once the large crowd cleared
Come Down To Gosh Town- Monsters greet guest on opening night.
the entrance, it was obvious that the attendance for the evening was going to be light. The new go-to maze for this year is “PARANORMAL, INC." Very neat special effects combined with monsters who perform acrobatic stunts will give guests a good jump. The evening, however, was a bit unorganized and it was very upsetting for some guests. Guests who purchased “Fright Passes” for the evening (gives priority entrance to the mazes) were waiting much longer than those waiting in the standard line. This was especially true at the Voodoo Maze where guests who had a "Skeleton-Key Pass" (gives access to an extra bonus room in certain mazes) were mixed in with guests who waited in the standard line. They didn't even get to go into the extra bonus rooms. The very popular "Hanging" live show also cancelled its final two performances of the evening due to technical difficulties. There were also many invited
Photo by Joshua Mejia
guests who had reservations for the very popular “Special Ops” maze. Guests who arrived for their scheduled times were told it was running close to two hours behind schedule and could stay and wait until they were caught up on schedule. The other option they offered was waiting in the normal line where open spaces were being filled to possibly get in the maze quicker. It was opening night and things don't always go perfectly the first time around. Season-pass holder Michelle Gunner explained her experiences of Knott’s Scary Farm over the years. “Opening night is always going to be a dress-rehearsal night,” Gunner said. “This is the first day with real visitors and all employees and performers will learn from this and it will get better.” Knott's Scary Farm will continue on select-nights. Visit for more information.
Universal Studios is scaring once again Halloween Horror Nights returns with brand new attractions and returning ones by popular demand.
The Hornet
Photo by Joshua Mejia
Welcome to Univerla Studios-Creepy Gates welcome guest on Sep. 27.
the four scare zones throughout the park. In the Exterminators scare zone they can get the chance to see part-pest/part-man hybrids that are a result of dangerous chemical waste being dumped down the drains. Guests can celebrate the dark side of Christmas and see Krampus, The Christmas Devil and his demonic mythological companions in the Dark Christmas scare zone. Corpz allows guests to travel back in time to World War I and wander through the hellhole that is "no man’s land.” Here guests must walk through the corpses of slain soldiers that have risen from the dead. This year, Horror Nights also has The Purge: Urban Nightmare scare zone. In The Purge scare zone, guests enter the 12-hour period of government-sanctioned lawlessness and are confronted with paramilitary units and citizens who take to the streets to hunt anyone they come across. This is also the first year Halloween Horror Nights has the
Terror Tram: Survive The Purge. Guests ride Universal Studios’ tram, which takes them to the back-lots. Once they are dropped off, they enter the world of The Purge and attend a Purge Party where they are the ones being hunted. Universal Studios Hollywood also keeps all their other attractions open during the Halloween Horror Nights event. . Food and drinks can be a bit on the expensive side with a burrito and fries costing $15 and a large bottle of water costing $4. They can also get something to eat at one of the restaurants at Universal Studios City Walk and take advantage of specials being offered. However, for anyone is looking for a place to go this halloween season. Universal Studios is a great option.
put together this tour. The first stop on the tour was the Schumacher Building on Harbor Boulevard. This is the oldest commercial building in Fullerton and the former home of P.A. Schumacher. Schumacher committed suicide by hanging himself on the top floor of the building at the old age of 90. It is believed that Schumacher is still active in this building today. After walking back and forth through Downtown Fullerton, the guides took everyone north of Chapman Avenue, away from the center of downtown and into a residential street. This part of the tour stopped at a very well hidden jewel of Fullerton. Le Potager antique shop is located in the former home of Lillian Yeager, a prominent businesswoman of Fullerton, who was found dead in her bedroom on the top floor in 1978. Storeowner John Reed believes that Yeager is still hanging around her old home and shares the experiences he has had. The haunted tours raise about $10-$12,000 for the museum. The money raised helps to fund field trips for the local elementary schools in Orange County. Tours continue through Nov. 5. Admission is $15 for museum members, $18 for the general public. Tours book up fast. Early registration is strongly recommended.
Motel 6 Feet Under taking reservations BIANCA GRANADO
JOSHUA MEJIA The Hornet This year's Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios offers great scares for people looking to get into the Halloween spirit. This year’s scare mazes at Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights include The Walking Dead, Insidious, Crimson Peak, Halloween and Alien vs. Predator. The park has four scare zones throughout as well as the Terror Tram: Survive The Purge experience “I think it’s the most realistic horror event of the season (in comparison to others),” said Dorian Munoz, a local resident who has gone to Horror Nights six years in a row. “I like the fact that all the content is based off of actual horror films.” All the mazes offer guests the chance to experience horror films first hand. One of this year’s new mazes includes Halloween: Michael Myers Comes Home. Guests who enter the maze experience the classic movie that inspired an entire genre of horror films. Another one of this year’s mazes is This is the End – 3D based on the 2013 film. It combines horror, comedy and 3D visuals as guests walk into James Franco’s house to create a one of a kind experience. When guests are not heading to a maze, they can visit one of
OSCAR BARAJAS The Hornet Fullerton Museum Center gives visitors a look at the more spookier side of Downtown Fullerton. The Fullerton Museum Center has once again kicked off the popular Haunted Walking Tour. The tours are held every Wednesday and Thursday until Nov. 5. The tours start off at the Fullerton Museum and takes people on a two and a half hour tour of Downtown Fullerton with stops at many notable locations, including Angelo‘s and Vinci’s Ristorante and the Fox Theater. “We’re not making any supernatural claims,” said Aimee Aul, the museum’s education coordinator and tour guide. “We’re just sharing stories of another facet of Fullerton’s history, particularly that of downtown.” Victoria Gross, local psychic/ medium and museum educator also joined in on this tour. Before the tour, she explained the many different experiences people might go through. They displayed the different tools they use whenever they go out to investigate the paranormal. “Pay attention to the little nuances, whether you feel a cold spot or a hot spot." Gross said. She also advised people to keep an open mind when it comes to the paranormal. Before the tour begins, guests are given a short presentation by the North Orange County Paranormal Society, who has teamed up with the museum to
Many members of the Anaheim City of Chamber gathered together on Thursday, Oct. 8 for the ribbon cutting of Motel 6 Feet Under Halloween maze built by the organization Building Occupational Opportunities. Among the city members were the newly appointed Miss Anaheim and her court. BOO is a new charitable organization in the city of Anaheim. CEO and co-founder Carolyn Carpenter shares that BOO offers seasonal job training for those who have a difficult time finding jobs. "We're working with OneOC which is a volunteer organization in Orange County. They have court order volunteers so we are working with them to help people get their hours done," said Carpenter. BOO just formed in June and so far, people have heard of them through word of mouth. Carpenter explained that they train adults in construction work and theatrical arts. "We're hoping to eventually work with other organizations where you learn how to work a fork lift," said Carpenter. The haunted house Motel 6 Feet Under was built by the volunteers that BOO provided training to. During the ribbon cutting event, Carpenter explained that they chose the name in relation to the resort
culture in Anaheim. With many hotels surrounding Disneyland they decided to name the haunted house based on that. Though the organization has just began, Carpenter has some big plans for the future. "Eventually we'd like it [Motel 6 Feet Under] to be a motel for people to stay in," said Carpenter. She also mentioned that they will start attending job fairs so people will find out about this program. Carpenter was an employee at the YMCA for many years. Her ultimate goal is to help the community. So she sees BOO as another opportunity in which she can still serve her community. After the ribbon was cut, groups of four or five checked into Motel 6 Feet Under to explore the maze. Dark narrow hallways led to dead ends or to scary scenes such as a cemetery. Along the way, ghosts and goblins popped out to scare spectators. As you turned the corner, you didn't know what was going to happen next. Motel 6 Feet Under will be haunting guests until November 1. The maze is located at the Anaheim Business Expo Center and runs from Thursday to Sundays. Tickets can be purchased at Enter at your own risk.
‘The Walking Dead’ season six premieres with walker shockers EMILY JETT The Hornet
Season six of AMC's “The Walking Dead” premiere refreshed the audience using black and white scenes used for flashbacks, jumping back and forth to the present time with the group and residents of Alexandria surrounding a walker-crater. This season of “The Walking Dead” seems like it's going to be impressive. Rick was all too eager to kill drunken Pete, Jessie’s abusive husband in the season five finale. Given that Pete had stolen Michonne’s katana sword and sliced Reg’s throat, killing him, Rick had been lusting after Jessie since she cut his hair. But with Deanna’s distraught blessing, Rick fired his shot right in Pete’s face, and right in front of Morgan (Lennie James). Morgan went from psychotic to sensei since the last time Rick saw him. Using his walking stick as his go-to weapon, Morgan said his new skills and way-of-mind were taught by another. The first episode of the new season, "First Time Again", related to Rick going trigger-happy on Pete at the exact moment Aaron and Daryl brought back the cool and collected, Morgan into Alexandria. Morgan was the one who saved Rick in the first episode of the series and shared his knowledge of Atlanta's "dead" status. Will Morgan be able to save Rick from his sadistic and "I don't take chances anymore" attitude? Rick has been the leader of his group since season one, but his emotional state has been all over the place. He was moral in season one, but didn't share the CDC’s secret that everyone becomes a walker when they die. In season two, at the Greene farm, Rick had to kill his best friend Shane which started his fall. At the prison, Rick went from widowed survivor to happy farmer but when he was attacked by the Governor, Carl saw that as weakness, so ever since having to bite a biker's neck to save Carl from being raped, Rick had become mad and slightly savage. He was trying to revert back to a more humane state in order to have the Al-
exandrians follow his lead, but he can’t respect their nativity towards the walkers and outside threats. New character Carter (Ethan Embry) questioned Rick's takeover of the town. The only reason the town had been safe for so long was because of the walker-crater-pit. Semi-trucks were placed to block the exit roads from the sink-hole and noises were made attract more walkers there. Rick’s plan were to herd the walkers west from the town using cars to block the sides, a color-coded balloon system for points of interest, and Daryl riding his classic motorcycle leading the walkers like a leader of the dead. Carol was continuing her weak and innocent persona in the premiere but Morgan was catching on to her lie, asking her how long she had been with Rick and if she was even a cop because she watched everyone’s move and was ready. The episode introduced comic-book character Heath (Corey Hawkins) as a supply runner who had been on a supply run for weeks and had missed all of the action. He asked Eugene how many people were in his group and he said 13, but corrected himself and said 12. Though he didn't include Rick's baby Judith in the count, this was a reminder that Noah was killed saving Glenn in the turnstile after coward, Nicholas pushed through to save himself. Though the premiere was a scheduled 90 minutes with commercials included, the episode only tacked on about another 20 minutes worth of content. That aside, the season premiere gave fans the most walkers versus humans scenario in a long time and it will be terrifying and exciting to see which characters do or die by the end of the season. Will the walkers be the biggest threat to the group? Or will they finally meet the conniving Wolves who have strung up walker traps and marked their territory with W's? Will Enid be revealed as a former or present member of the Wolves? But most importantly, Who blew that horn!? Answers will soon be revealed in Robert Kirkman’s, “The Walking Dead” series that continues to impress and petrify.
‘American Horror Story’: Lady Gaga’s Hotel EMILY JETT The Hornet
“American Horror Story Hotel” is for mature audiences only; the show is rated M for nudity and drug use... and of course, horror. The season states to "Expect the Unexpected" so the fear and shock-value is definitely coming back to this twisted series. Season five of American Horror Story has a title sequence that includes the Commandments lit up in red between the actor titles. Does this mean The Countess has a code that needs to be abided by? Let’s take a look at the first episode. "Hotel Cortez" is based on the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles. “AHS” co-creator Ryan Murphy revealed that ‘Hotel’ "was inspired by a surveillance video from a Los Angeles-based hotel that surfaced two years ago. The footage showed a girl in an elevator who was never seen again." The episode starts off with two Swedish girls checking into the Hotel Cortez but unable to check out. The lobby is like a tomb but moaning can be heard behind one door as the girls is escorted to their room by the disgruntled front desk clerk Iris (Kathy Bates). One of the girls goes to get ice from the machine but on her way meets the maid in the hall cleaning a bloody sheet. She jokes and says Room 51 made a mess. Then there are two white-blonde boys in the hallway who seem to mirror the twins from "the Shining" and at last we get our first glimpse of Lady Gaga’s silver claw. The girls change rooms after the mattress reeks from something, or someone? Iris gives them Room 64 after telling the girls the hotel was sold out. Iris tells the Swedish girls that she never rents out Room 64. What is the story behind Room 64? More secrets are to be revealed later, but it seems as though room 64 is where guests never check out.
'30s music and static wakes up one girl at 2:25 a.m. via the alarm clock, possibly tying Evan Peter's character "Mr. March" into the present timeline. Could it be the room for The Countess? The hotel children seem to have access to the bathroom… The hotel is a lure for junkie's with 'Hywewpodermic Sally' (Sarah Paulson) being the front addict. Is she a ghost? Another revelation we find out already is that Sally and Donovan (Matt Bomer) were junkie buddies in 1994 and were in fact, in Room 64 when Iris found him passed out from the drugs. The season seems to be similar to Murder House, season one. John Lowe’s character (Wes Bentley), is introduced studying a sick murder/mutilation of a cheating couple. They were nailed naked to a bed post and the culprit (who uses the movie-horror voice-over) tells him on a call that he is hiding out in Room 64 of the Hotel Cortez. We also find out that Wes Bently's stolen boy, Holden, was kidnapped from a Santa Monica merry-go-round back in 2010. When veiwers find him in The Countess's game room five years later, Holden hasn't aged. The Countess and Donavon’s characters are finally revealed as sophisticated and sadistically sexual. A bloody sex orgy ensues after they take home a couple from a park screening of 'Nosferatu.' With Lady Gaga's simple "Call housekeeping" to fix her mess, that could mean Room 51's bloody sheets spoken about at the beginning of the episode, were most likely damaged by Gaga. Her blood cravings are an immense part of the season and drinking the blood of her victims seems to be keeping her and her volunteers young. More juicy and cringe-worthy episodes are anticipated to follow in this season of “American Horror Story,” for many guests may never check out…
Netflix unravels spooks and frights during the month of October JAVIER TINAJERO JR The Hornet
Halloween time is here, and for many this is the perfect time to set the mood by switching on Netflix in search of some spirited movies. Depending on the mood or pure interest, Netflix offers classic horror, gory horror, family-friendly, and so much more. You may end up stuck on the couch all of Oct., but here are some movies that are must sees for this time of year. You could never go wrong with classics. These take you back to where some may think was the prime of movie-making. A great example of this is Wes Craven’s, Scream. In the peaceful town of Woodsboro, California, protagonist Sidney Prescott’s (Neve Campbell) mother is mysteriously murdered. Two years later, two more murders occur, and Prescott questions whether they are related to her mother’s. In little time, Prescott, along with her group of colleagues, soon become stalked victims by the unknown killer. The movie takes viewers on a ride filled with suspense and uncertainty. The person behind the infamous ghost mask could be anyone, and it leaves the viewer guessing on who it could be. It’s a classic slasher many horror fans continue to love.
Staying within the classic genre, 1976’s The Omen (directed by Richard Donner) provides an eerie sense of paranoia. The Omen tells an unsettling story with American diplomat, Robert Thorn (Gregory Peck), who adopts a child, Damien (Harvey Spencer Stephens), just after the passing of his wife and newborn child. However, soon after Thorn is appointed an ambassador, strange happenings plague those around Thorn. A priest begins to explain Damien is not human due to his past origins. The plot certainly gives a knot in the stomach and has viewers waiting on the next ill-fated event. Some other classics to consider are Children of the Corn and Silence of the Lambs. All of these and more will keep many up, afraid of what could be haunting around the corner. While many may say nothing can beat the classics, a recent film has proven to be a strong candidate. Take yourself into a room, laying on a bed. Nothing but complete darkness, and any little noise causing the heart to beat with fear. Jennifer Kent’s, The Babadook, sends that unnerving terror down the spine. In this motion picture, a troubled widow, Amelia (Essie Davis), struggles to raise her son Samuel (Noah Wiseman) as
she is still mourning her husband’s death. One night, a strange children’s pop-up book appears on the bookshelf in Samuel’s room. It tells a chilling story of Mister Babadook, a strange being who begins to torment his victims once discovered. This psychological horror keeps eyes wide open with its dark, gloomy setting. It keeps the viewers anticipating the big jump scares that present films are known for, but this film constantly plays with the mind to very end, leaving audiences speculating what really happened. Another recent film to take a look at is Mike Flanagan’s, Oculus. It continues this trend of uncertainty where Kaylie and Tim Russell (Karen Gillan and Brenton Thwaites) investigate a peculiar mirror which they believe is the cause of their parents’ death nearly a decade ago. This film leaves your brain meshed, confused as to what is happening, and hoping what you are seeing isn’t real. Of course, Halloween movies don’t always have to keep you up at night. There are plenty of family-friendly films that everyone can watch and experience on the happier side of the season. Tim Burton’s A Nightmare Before Christmas is probably one of the best movies to watch during this holiday season. It’s a 90s classic known
throughout, especially it being a part of Disney. This movie tells the tale of Jack Skellington, who becomes tired of his village, Halloweentown, celebrating the same holiday every time. When he accidentally stumbles into Christmastown, he finds a new light and is fascinated by all of the colors, presents and decorations involved. The story goes on to show how Skellington strives to show his village this new-found holiday spirit. With the unique characters and catchy music, you could find yourself singing along throughout the movie. The Disney villains are loved by many during this time. A great flick to watch is Disney’s Mickey’s House of Villains. If you watched Mickey’s House of Mouse, this will give a nostalgic feel when watching Jafar and many other iconic villains overrun Mickey and his friends to take control. These films are perfect for many Disney lovers who just want to sit back, relax, and not worry about spilling their pumpkin spice latte from unexpected jump scares. There are countless films on Netflix, although most are for those fans who wish to be scared, there are those for all to watch and enjoy. Scary or fun, these films are perfect for getting into the Halloween spirit.
12 ENTERTAINMENT ‘Twelfth Night’ shines as a Shakespearean classic ANDREA RAMOS The Hornet
The Fullerton College Theatre Arts Department had their opening night of the play, “Twelfth Night” on Friday, Oct. 9 at 7 p.m. They continued to have showings all throughout the weekend. It was made up of five acts with a planned intermission in between Act 1 and Act 3. The performance was a portrayal of William Shakespeare’s comedic love story between four people. It was staged with mistaken identities, singing, acrobats, ecstatic clowns, and well-versed puns that had the crowd roaring with laughter. As attendees walked across the campus to the theater, there were clowns running amok; acting with over ecstatic joy and playfulness, ready to interact with guests and lead them into the world of the play. They eventually lead people into the theater when they arrive with either a pre-sale or a regularly priced ticket and are shown to their seat. Upon arrival, attendees were presented a pleasant view of the night sky and sea projected across the stage curtains. As the play began, the crowd was firstly introduced to Feste, or otherwise known as the fool, played by Tony Torrico who actively interacted with the clowns as he described the setting of the play. He made for a dramatic entrance and curtains then rose to reveal a band playing heavily passionate music, makeshift waves and a potentially drowning character, enticing the viewer into a dramatic opening. The entire setting was very powerful and expressive with its use of color and lights. The costumes were also nicely done and effective in displaying the characters.
The show was well put together with the creative addition of acrobats and dancing clowns to accompany the singing of Feste. Followed by his introduction was the rest of the cast, who were well into character and did an excellent performance. For example, Malvolio, the main antagonist was spinning with intensity and the love portrayed by the main characters was surreal. Throughout the play, the clowns also had a chance to go towards the crowd; going in between the aisles, being more interactive and immersive with the audience as well as performing tricks with the trampoline set in front of the stage. The set was also very creative and well put together with a turntable in the middle making it possible for quick scene changes and ample room to set up. In the middle of the play, there was an intermission where guests had the opportunity to enjoy some food and refreshments from a food cart located at the front of the theater. Towards the end of the intermission, the clowns bounced around and performed tricks on the trampoline for the crowd before the second half of the show. "I love Shakespeare and to have one of his stories played out so artistically this way is a lot of fun. I can't wait to see another one of their shows," said Doris Rubio, a communications major at Fullerton College. She also referenced Blood Wedding, another play that the theater department is hosting soon, which she also plans on attending. As the show was nearing the end, the climax of the play was entrapping the viewers and once the resolution had been made, the crowd cheered and clapped
Photo by Neddie Facio
Hailey Detterich and Tatiana Alvarez duing their final rehearsal of ‘Twelfth Night’ on Wednesday, Oct. 7, at Fullerton College.
until the performers were recognized Overall, there were a few curtain mishaps, mostly the issue of them not closing correctly, but with the experienced actors, they played it off and made it a huge success. Be sure to catch the last two showings on Oct. 16 and 17. Tickets are $15 at the door.
‘Narcos’ tells gruesome tale of Pablo Escobar
On Aug. 29, Netflix released its newest original series, “Narcos,” a cocaine fueled drama that gives a taste into the dark side of magical realism and a view of history that has never been told before. Prepare to be thrown into a whirlwind of drugs, sex, money and violence at the hands of one of the DEA’s most notorious criminals of all time. “Narcos” follows Pablo Escobar’s climb to power during a time when cocaine was rising to prominence. We see the drug cartels of Colombia in the 1970s and 80s come to fruition and manifest a degree of unfathomable violence as a result of their businesses. The narrative unfolds primarily through the perspective of DEA agent Steve Murphy (Boyd Holbrook); however, we also get an inside look into the cartels, and most interestingly, the mind of Escobar himself. First things first: This new series comes with a warning. While the show itself is founded upon real events, the story is fictionalized for obvious reasons, even going so far as to define magical realism in the opening credits: “Magical realism is defined as what happens when a highly detailed, realistic setting is invaded by something too strange to believe.” Bold red text is then followed on screen, ominously reminding the audience that “magical realism was born in Colombia.” José Padilha, producer of the series, stated in a panel on July 25 that he drew on the classic mob drama “Goodfellas” for inspiration when determining how he wanted the story to be portrayed. This played a major role in the decision to employ an omnipresent narrator via Murphy, allowing Padilha to move through an extremely complex story with many defining characters at his own pace. Padilha also chose to employ the use of actual archival footage, which is carefully woven into the story line. This feature gives the series a slight documentary style feeling to it. For one thing, new Escobar is much more suave than original Escobar!
The show begins with the somber voice of Agent Murphy as he gives an overall picture of the political and sociological climate of South America, while comparing the technology of the present day to the archaic means which were used to bust traffickers at the time. Catching the bad guys back then was not at all an easy task! Viewers also get reminders of the infamous “Just Say No” speech given by Nancy Reagan during a moment when most of the country was focused on the anti-communist movement. Queue up Escobar. Escobar is played by Brazilian actor, Wagner Moura. Moura’s acting truly comes to the forefront once Murphy has set the stage. He gives a commanding performance full of raw emotion and confidence that reflects upon a man who is in a personal struggle to define himself. Moura takes us on the journey of Escobar’s small beginnings in trafficking to the gargantuan operation that spanned the globe and made Escobar one of the richest men on the planet. He succeeds in keeping you guessing what Escobar’s next moves might be, all while being
tailed throughout the drama by Murphy and his partner Javier Peña (Pedro Pascal, who played Prince Oberyn on “Game of Thrones”). “Narcos” reminds us of the far reaching and destructive implications of the drug trade. The true cost of drugs demands to be put into our frame of reference and that image is quite sobering. In a time where we in our own country are struggling to normalize drug laws (Legalization of Marijuana/MDMA Trials to combat PTSD), it isn’t hard to see why such a show has gained so much popularity. Following on the heels of hit shows such as “Breaking Bad” and “Weeds,” our fascination with the illicit has yet to be quenched. Be prepared to binge because the hype is real! Netflix has approved “Narcos” for a second season.
THEATER Twelfth Night
FC Campus Theater Directed by Tim Espinosa
utpost fest f eaturing ‘Cold War Kids’ hits Downtown Santa Ana KIM CISNEROS
Entertainment Editor
Outpost Fest is a one-day music, art, fashion, and culture festival being held in Downtown Santa Ana. This all ages festival takes place from Santa Ana Blvd. to Fourth between French St. and Main St. The unique event is scheduled from noon to midnight on Nov. 14 and has an estimated attendance of 3,000 people. The festivals main stage is going to be graced by Blonde Redhead, Beach Fossils, Tijuana Panthers, Guards, curated by Delta Spirit, and headlined by Fullerton’s very own Billbord top charted Cold War Kids. The Grilled Cheese Truck, Burger Monster, Ragin Cajin, and many more will be catering the event. There are general admission wristbands available for all ages for $40 and VIP wristbands available for $80. The VIP wristbands are for guest ages 21 and over. This pass includes acess to the VIP tent which has a beer garden, a private veiwing of the main stage, exclusive food and comfortable couches. Attendees with VIP wristbands also have the oportunity to use a separate entrance. Further information and links to purcahse tickets are available on their website. @outpostfest
ENTERTAINMENT 13 Running with ‘The Man Who Saved Central City’ SARAH ESPIRITU Opinion Editor
Last season left many fans of the hit CW television show “The Flash” wondering if Barry Allen was “Fast Enough” (as the season finale episode title states) to save his city from a vortex commonly referred to as the “singularity.” Allen, portrayed by Grant Gustin, runs up the side of a building and jumps into the singularity, hoping to contain it. However, the audience is left with a cliffhanger for a show that took a five month break between seasons. The recap at the beginning of the season two premiere reminds fans that Eddie Thawne (Rick Cosnett) shot himself, so that the man impersonating Dr. Harrison Wells, who actually is the Reverse-Flash (Tom Cavanagh), can no longer exist. Caitlyn Snow (Danielle Panabaker) and Ronnie Raymond (Robbie Amell) finally get married as well and a teaser of Jay Garrick, the first-ever version of the Flash, is shown in the form of his helmet being thrown out of a time vortex of sorts. Six months after the events of the season one finale, the mayor decides to award the Flash with a key to the city and dubs him as “The Man Who Saved Central City.” However, it is revealed that Raymond and Dr. Martin Stein, together as Firestorm,
were also heroes that day, but only Dr. Stein survived the singularity leaving Raymond’s body missing and Snow as a widow. With S.T.A.R. Labs no longer in operation, both Snow and Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdez) have found new jobs: Snow at Mercury Labs and Ramon with the Central City Police Department as a metahuman specialist. The relationships between everyone have also clearly changed from the last few months as well, causing awkward tension between the characters when they interact or even mention the Flash being a hero. It isn’t until a new villain, of course, steps into the picture in the form of the Atom Smasher (pro-wrestler, Adam “Edge” Copeland). He is implied to be from another world and attacks during the “Flash Day” ceremony. This is when the characters join together to snap Allen out of his guilt and back to the reality of who he is, without focusing too much on the drama between the characters of course. A few other key things that happened in this big opening episode all hint at the wonderful things to come this season like seeing Ramon as Vibe, since his powers continue to affect him randomly, showing him interacting with characters in other dimensions.
The biggest reveals are saved for the very end of the episode where Wells confesses that he murdered Nora Allen, freeing Barry’s father from his 14-year stay at Iron Heights Prison. (Fun fact: John Wesley Shipp, who plays Barry’s father, originally dawned the red suit as the Flash from the early 90s TV series!) Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) finally makes a full appearance proclaiming that Central City is in danger unlike it’s known before. Overall, season two’s premiere episode left many questions unanswered but not in a bad way. It picked up the pieces from the season one finale with a smooth transition back into the world of the Flash, rather than jumping forcefully into it. Each subtle hint leads the audience to believe that it will be answered as the season progresses, and one can only hope that the season doesn’t put viewers into cardiac arrest due to excitement. If this season is just as strong as the last, then each episode will eloquently reveal something new and not overload viewers with too much information and plot holes. Moving forward, the sophomore season of “The Flash” promises to be full of new characters and will keep viewers on the edge of their seats... and ready to run. “The Flash” on the CW network every Tuesday at 8 p.m. and season one is now available to view on Netflix.
Dr. Anthony Mazzaferro takes a moment to pose during the intermission of the OC Wind Symphony Concert before they continued with the second half of the show on Sunday, Oct. 4.
Photo by Joshua Mejia
Experiencing southern harmony with the OC Wind Symphony ANDREA RAMOS The Hornet
The Orange County Wind Symphony performed their second concert this season on Sunday, Oct. 4 and absolutely nailed it. The concert performed by the OC Wind Symphony was based on the theme of southern harmony and southern hospitality when it was a much simpler time and known for small town parades, marches and fairs. The concert was held with the Anaheim Center of Performing Arts at Servite High School. Starting at 6 p.m. with a pre-show conversation with the board of directors, which also included the conductor for the OC Wind Symphony, Anthony Mazzaferro and the concert started at 6:30 p.m. As concert goers walked into the entrance of the theater that the concert was held in, they could see a bustle of
people looking at merchandise that was set up, programs that were being handed out with notes to the songs letting them know where that song came from and how it originated, and a raffle to win a prize during the performance. As one walked into the theater, a constant flow of instruments being tuned and last minute practice pieces being prepared could be heard. This included some directors having conversations with the musicians guiding them to their proper places. Then, before the concert began, Executive Director Dorothy Rose introduced the theme of the evening and the conductor. Mazzaferro is the music director and conductor for the OC Wind Symphony, as well as a principal tuba player for the symphony. He also works at Fullerton College as the director of bands having a number of students eventually auditioning for the OC Symphony. As he has a direct hand with choosing potential musicians, Maz-
zaferro described the process of selecting potential musicians including those from Fullerton College. "Students are recommended by professors who think they would be a good addition to the program, dedicating almost 95 percent of their time to practicing parts and auditioning for their spot," said Mazzaferro. Mazzaferro also described how the board chooses the themes for the concerts, as well as meeting with other music directors one-on-one. "We would go out to lunch or converse with each other spinning off ideas. The next concert we actually came up with the idea to do a selection of music based on Russian composers, something that reminded us of the terror people lived through during the Cold War, when at the time, the only way we had a peaceful moment was when we had the arts and music," said Mazzaferro.
There were also FC alumni who are part of the OC Wind Symphony, including Phillip Pacier, who is one of the principal trumpet musicians. Pacier has been working with Mazzaferro for almost 20 years as well as with the symphony and also delving into other symphonies over the years. Now, he teaches at Santiago Canyon College as a music professor. Overall, it was a successful performance by the musicians and directors. They have nine more concerts this season, including a special Halloween concert on the Oct. 25. The symphony also has a subscription service so that members can choose between different packages that will allow them to see specific concerts and can make donations to invest in the OC Wind Symphony. These donations keep the OC Wind Symphony thriving.
Hornets outmuscled by Monarchs The men’s water polo team dropped their third straight contest against L.A. Valley. By JASON BURCH
Sports Editor
Photo by Patrick Quirk PURSUING EXCELLENCE - Gabriel Martinez, head coach of the reigning state champion women’s water polo team at the FC pool deck preparing for anotherThursday morning practice.
Opinion Editor
Many coaches give all the credit to those on their team rather than taking credit for their success, insisting that it’s the players that make the team while humbly standing in the background as their players stand victorious in the spotlight. Fullerton College women’s water polo coach, Gabriel Martinez, is no different when he speaks about the winning streak the Lady Hornets accomplished last season. Martinez led his team to an undefeated 35-0 record and won a state championship. The Lady Hornets record 48-game winning streak began at the end of the 2013 season spanning all the way through the first 12 games this season. Throughout all the success he has accomplished in his lifetime, Martinez continues to stay humble and strives to always reach new goals every season, rather than allowing the pressure of being at the top consume him. Born in Mexico, Martinez came to the United States when he was just 11 months old and officially became a naturalized citizen when he turned 18. Growing up in Bell Gardens, Martinez eventually made his way to Cerritos College, and then transferred to Cal State Los Angeles where he played water polo and majored in finance. His history with water polo, however, started way before college when he was just heading into the 8th grade and wanted to play a sport before he got to high school. “I’m not the biggest guy in the world, so football, basketball and all the sports I enjoyed playing. I realized I wasn’t going to be big enough for those sports, so I had to find another sport to compete in,” Martinez said. He and a friend were walking around their campus one day trying to figure out what sports they could play when they heard a whistle in the distance. His friend suggested they play water polo, but at that time, Martinez had no idea what water polo was. “I walked on the deck and saw them treading water. I thought the pool was shallow. I didn’t
realize they were treading water with their heads above the water.” Luckily for Martinez, he knew he would be able to keep up with everyone and ended up surpassing others who had been playing for many years. “Being one of the smallest [of] all our friends, when we would go swimming in the deep ends and they were able to stand, I wasn’t able to stand. I had to tread water, so when I went to water polo, the treading water was easy for me.” With experience in swimming prior to trying out the sport, Martinez was prepared for what was to come and explains that it eventually came easy to him as well. He was able to use all the skills he learned from other sports he enjoyed and applied it to water polo. Martinez credits his high school coach, Mark Schmidt as the best coach he ever had. “He taught me water polo and changed my life,” said Martinez. Martinez made the varsity team his sophomore year, which definitely helped a lot of coaches know who he was as a player. However, he decided that he would attend a junior college before transferring to a university. He felt that at Cerritos College he would be able to get used to the college system and academics, and that it would be a better route for him. After finally transferring to Cal State LA, Martinez continued to play water polo, but during his senior year, the school dropped the water polo program. Unfortunately, that meant that the money he was receiving through his scholarship was now lost, and he needed to find another way to pay for school. With good graces on his side, Martinez found an opportunity to coach a club team in the city of Commerce and has been working there full time for the last 17 years. The job even reimbursed him through the Cal State system, so even though his own program fell through, he was able to continue to be around the sport he loved. While initially becoming a coach, he would watch and talk to other coaches to see what they did to make them successful.
Eventually, he was even offered something with a bigger team. “I was given the opportunity to coach the United States national team and travel the world and see how the game was played internationally, which helped me form my style, which is similar to styles in Spain [and] the Netherlands.” This experience allowed him to broaden his coaching style and he found a lot of success when he was able to bring back what he learned to his club. As a coach at Fullerton College, he has also found much success, making the state championships all but one year since joining FC. Every year he and his team are driven to win the state championship, even though they may face adversity along the way such as players getting hurt. Last season there were many difficult games where he said it would be okay for the team to take the loss so they wouldn’t feel the pressure, but through it all, they were still able to go undefeated. They beat the second best team in the state six times, showing just how dominant they have become. “He had a lot of faith in us. He’s always very encouraging. He’s hard on us, don’t get me wrong, and we have our cones and tennis balls thrown at us when we’re not behaving, but it’s just the eagerness of wanting to do better,” said Ana Flores, a kinesiology major who has played under Martinez for two seasons. Recently, the team had their first two losses of the season back to back. Though they may have been discouraged, Martinez believes that his team can still go very far saying that many of the players are hurt and were out for those particular games. He knows once these players come back, they’ll continue to do very well throughout the season. “I think we will be in that state championship tournament, and we will play to our best and win it,” Martinez said. Martinez truly has faith in his team, and that’s what continues to make him a strong coach, and his team feels the same about his coaching style.
Sociology major, Melodie Carbajal wasn’t planning on playing this season, but Martinez, who coached her in Commerce last year, convinced her to play her first season with Fullerton College. “He is, by far, the best coach I’ve ever had,” Carbajal said in regards to having five different coaches in the last ten years. “You win together, you lose together. He teaches you how to play water polo to the best of your ability.” As a coach, he is tough when he knows his team can do better. According to the players, he’s “100 percent right, most of the time,” and knows when they can give more of themselves to the game. “What motivates me as a coach is that we’re trying to get every athlete to play to their full potential and not just their potential in the water. The matriculation and their attention in the classroom is also very, very important to us,” Martinez said. They’ve had a successful transfer rate from their program for students going to universities such as University of California, Irvine and even Cal State East Bay. Those athletes have also continued success after they’ve moved forward with water polo. Martinez said that he is most looking forward to the games with Golden West and Riverside, since they are top teams, but at the same time, he believes the only true competition is themselves. He isn’t worried about what the outcomes of those games are, though. He focuses on how his team can continue to focus on getting stronger and playing with confidence. When that time comes, we will play to our best and what happens, happens.” At this point in time, it seems like no matter what happens, Martinez will continue to find success regardless of whether they win or lose. Rest assured, he will stay humble through all his wins and allow the few losses to be a learning experience and motivate his team to keep improving.
The men’s water polo team dropped their third straight contest against L.A. Valley. The Hornets freshman heavy water polo team got off to a sluggish start against the Monarchs, dropping their third consecutive game 17-8 on Friday afternoon at home. The Monarchs featured a physically imposing 2-meter player, sophomore Arman Momdzhyan, who finished with 6 goals and caused headaches for the Hornets all game long. The 6-foot-6-inch Momdzhyan came into the contest averaging 5 goals-per-game, which leads the Western State Conference. “We knew coming in that [L.A. Valley] had guys that were basically Division-IV players and that is always difficult because you are going to have guys manhandle the younger kids on our team who haven’t played at this level yet,” said Rhett Price, Hornets head coach. The Monarchs played a very physical style of polo. Price voiced his concerns to the referee early on about Momdzhyan and a couple others throwing their heads back into Hornets defenders to create space for their shots. “I’m not saying that this game, by any means, was taken away by the referee, but I was concerned for injuries to my players simply because [the referees] were letting their heads go back into our faces,” Price said. The Monarchs jumped on the board early and really never looked back. Sophomore Hakop Kaplanyan lobbed two goals into the net on their first two possessions, putting the Monarchs up 2-0 less than 50 seconds into the game. Hornets goalie Frank Cope was beaten by the lob-shot often throughout the game. The Monarchs scored an unusually high 10 shots that way. “[Cope] was over extending himself out of the cage too much, that is probably the most any team has ever scored on us with lobs,” Price said. The Hornets managed to put just one goal in the back of the net before the end of the first quarter and trailed by three. The Monarchs extended their lead to 14-5 by the end of the third quarter. The lone bright spot for the Hornets was their fourth quarter play, which saw them play the talented and more experienced Monarchs even for 8 minutes, scoring 3 goals a piece. Leading the way for the Hornets offensively was freshman Gunnar Abato, who finished with 5 goals scored. With six players banged up playing through injuries, the Hornets (8-8, 0-2) will look to take full advantage of their two weeks off before their next contest, the Santa Monica Mini Tournament, Oct. 16-17.
Hornets tame Tigers
Four turnovers and a punishing ground attack help Fullerton upset top ranked Riverside. By JASON BURCH
Sports Editor
With their back against the wall, the Hornets played their most impressive game of the season, knocking the Tigers from the ranks of the unbeaten in a 55-21 blowout at Shapell Stadium Saturday night. “I think we are capable of playing like this every week, our kids played hard, we followed the game plan and good things happened,” said Tim Byrnes, Hornets head coach. “We always have the ability to do that physically, but it all comes down to whether we can mentally every week.” After losing back-to-back games and slated to play the top football team in California, the Hornet’s season appeared to be headed in the wrong direction. The Tigers on the other hand, entered the week on the opposite end of the spectrum; undefeated and ranked No.1 in California by the CCCAA-- after receiving a unanimous vote from the
CCCFCA coaches. All of the momentum Riverside had coming into the game, or lack thereof for Fullerton went out the window before the sun set at Shapell stadium, as the Hornets jumped out to a two score lead before the Tigers could secure a possession. The Hornets took the opening drive 77 yards on five plays, punctuated with a 16-yard touchdown run by Phillip Butler. Marcus Kirkpatrick recovered a Tigers fumble on the ensuing kickoff to setup the Hornets next score. Kicker Tavis Guerra took advantage of the great field position with a 20-yard field goal, giving the Hornets a 10-0 lead less than five minutes into the contest. The Tigers offense that entered the night averaging 36 points per game could only muster 14 points, thanks in large part to the Hornets four takeaways-- two fumble recoveries on special teams and two interceptions by the defense.
Photo By Chelena Gadson
BREAKOUT - Runningback Phillip Butler gaining a couple of his 218 yards against Riverside on Saturday night at Shapell Stadium.
Photos by Chelena Gadson
ANOTHER 1 DOWN - Head Coach Tim Byrnes and the Hornets football team celebrating 55-21 victory over RCC Saturday.
Kirkpatrick came away with two of the Hornets four turnovers and added three solo tackles. In addition to the fumble recovery on the kickoff, the sophomore defensive back also intercepted Tigers quarterback Kevin Olsen late in the third quarter, setting up the Hornet’s final touchdown. The Hornets season-high 303 net rushing yards also helped keep the Tigers high-scoring offense off the field for much of the game with the Hornets doubling the Tigers in time of possession-- 40:48 to 19:12. Butler led the Hornets ground attack with a personal best 218 yards and two touchdowns. Jake Brito also had a big night, finishing with 114 total yards and three touchdowns. Sophomore LJ Gainey led the team in receiving with 61 yards, including the final score, a 17-yard touchdown on the first play of the fourth quarter. “We knew that Riverside was the number one team, so we had to come out with a chip on our shoulders,” Gainey said. “We know that we have a lot of talent on offense and we haven’t been clicking all year, but we turned it around and came out with the mentality that we were going to score on every drive.”
Trey Tinsley had an efficient night as quarterback for the Hornets, throwing for 180 yards and three touchdowns. Tigers running backs Seth Acda and Dontel James both eclipsed 100 yards on a total of 24 carries combined. However, trailing the entire game-especially down 52-21 just seven seconds into the fourth quarter, the Tigers were forced to abandon the run for much of the game. All three of the Hornet’s victories this season have come against top ranked competition. Byrnes stressed that the losses this year were not from a lack of talent, but rather a lack of focus mentally. “When [the players] are challenged, they play much better, so I think that has been the problem this year,” Byrnes said. “If you look at the three teams we have beat, at least one of those teams is going to have a chance at the end of the year to play for the championship, then you look at the three games where we played against good, but not great teams, we failed on,” Byrnes said. “I think it’s going to take them looking deep inside of themselves and saying ‘we got to pickup our
game no matter who we play.’” The Hornets (3-3, 0-2) take on Santa Ana College (1-4, 0-1) in the 93rd annual Key to the County game next Saturday at Shapell Stadium, kickoff is at 6 p.m. The Key to the County game is the nation’s oldest community college football rivalry, dating back to 1916. The Hornets will be attempting to win their ninth consecutive game over the Dons, a streak that began in 2007. At halftime on Saturday, the 1965 Junior Rose Bowl National Championship team will be honored, celebrating their 50 year anniversary.
Box Score Tigers (4-1) Hornets (3-3)
1 2 3 4 FINAL 14 0 7 0 21 17 21 7 7 55
RUSHING—Hornets: Butler 30-218-2; RCC: Acda 8-127-1, James 16-102 PASSING—Hornets: Tinsley 14-20-3 180; RCC: Olsen 8-19-1-2 102 RECEIVING — Hornets: Gainey 3-61-1; RCC: Brooks 2-62-1
vs. Santa Ana
(2-4) Oct. 17 at 6 p.m.
Hornets wrangle in Mustangs for conference win Fullerton Men’s Soccer offense comes to life in 5-2 win over visiting Norco College. TEREN GUERRA
Asst. Sports Editor
Led by Hornet forward Brian Pacheco's two goals and one assist, Fullerton was able to overcome a slow start to get their first conference win. Fullerton didn't wait long to respond to the early Norco goal. Hornet forward Leonardo Morales found a streaking Austin Nazer in the penalty box who calmly put the ball past the Norco goalkeeper for the equalizer. Pacheco netted his first goal only two minutes later in spectacular fashion. After a quick restart Pacheco decided to try his luck from 30 yards away, the placement in the upper corner of the goal was just out of reach
of the diving Norco goalkeeper. Pacheco's second goal came in similar play just five minutes after his first. After collecting a loose ball in the Norco end of the field, Pacheco looked up and notice the goalkeeper off his line and lobbed a 30 yard shot over everyone into the back of the net. "I saw the goalie off his line and didn't think about it, luckily it went in," said Pacheco. "We have been struggling in the final third and today we know what we are are capable of and we did what we do best." Fullerton took a 3-2 lead into halftime. Fullerton looked to recapture control and got it when Hornet midfielder Eduin Munguia was able to hold off two Norco defenders and push the ball past the goalkeeper. The final goal came at the end of a counter attack. Hornet midfielder Oscar Sandoval intercepted a pass and led the attack which eventually found defender Jose Gutierrez who beat
Photo by Chelena Gadson
Hornet Juan Ramos battles for loose ball in conference game against Norco College
the goalkeeper with a calm finish. "We had some talks and got a response from the team we were looking for," said head coach Alex Perez. "We still need to focus, we got one win doesn't
mean we can take any days off." Fullerton (3-7-2, 1-2-2) looks to keep the momentum when they visit Santiago Canyon (4-
4-4, 2-2) Oct. 15 at 3 p.m. The Hornets next home game is Oct. 20 at 3 p.m. when they take on Orange Coast College.
HORNET ATHLETE SPOTLIGHT: Mallory Van Voorhis Mallory Van Voorhis, women’s soccer goalie spoke to the Hornet about why she began playing soccer. By JOSHUA MEJIA
The Hornet
Mallory Van Voorhis, captain and goalkeeper for the lady Hornets, has been with FC for two years The Hornet got a chance to speak with Van Voorhis to find out about her experience from being on the team and what some of her goals are. “I started playing soccer when I was four,” said Van Voorhis. “That’s kind of been my thing ever since I started playing keeper since I was 12.” Van Voorhis, who commutes from Chino Hills, said that some of the factors for which she chose FC over any other community college are the campus and how it’s not too big, and also the fact that it’s close to her grandparents house. “I originally wanted to go to a four-year [university], but obviously things didn’t work out, but [...] Fullerton has been the best thing for me,” Van Voorhis said. “I’ve gotten almost all of my classes every semester, gotten a lot of my stuff done, and hopefully this is my last year.” She also talked about the fact that she likes how FC is almost like a community and mostly everyone is very welcoming. “I feel like the best friends that you make are in college,” Van Voorhis said. Van Voorhis plans to transfer to Cal State University of Fullerton and get her bachelor’s in criminal justice. On the soccer field, Van Voorhis is a player who is
ZEN-LIKE - Goalkeeper Mallory Van Voorhis is in her element defending the goal.
commended by both coaches and her teammates. Amador Nuñez, who has been coaching for 25 years and three of which have been at FC, described Van Voorhis as “assertive, aggressive and a leader on the field.” “She leads by example [...] by
being vocal to her teammates when need be. It’s always constructive [criticism], it’s never negative,” said Nuñez. “She’s like a coach on the field, to be honest with you, she’s really good.” Nuñez also said that when he met Van Voorhis two years ago they really hit it off well.
Photo By Christian Fletcher
“She keeps our heads in the game. She always says positive things, and she knows how to talk to us in a way that never puts us down,” said Naylsa Munoz, who is also studying criminal justice and has been playing with Van Voorhis for two seasons. Munoz, also mentioned how
Van Voorhis always finds a way to keep the other players motivated, even if they are losing. When asked about whether she’d continue playing soccer once she transfers to CSUF, Van Voorhis said she was not too sure. “Once I get to a four-year [university], I really want to focus on my grades because I really want to do well [...], study hard and crack down on the books,” she said. After college, Van Voorhis wants to coach soccer because she thinks it would be fun. She also mentioned she would like to do something similar to her coach, Amador Nuñez. “He’s a police officer and he also coaches,” she said. Van Voorhis told The Hornet how soccer was a way for her to make many friends while attending FC. “My first year [...] I really wanted to focus on school, [...] but once I started playing my second year, I realized that I had been making a lot of friends,” she said. She also talked about some of the rewards that come with playing soccer. Friends, getting in shape and also getting looked at by other schools to go play on their team. “I got an email from University of Louisiana Monroe, and they want to see footage of me,” she said. Von Voorhis also said how playing soccer opens up the opportunity to go to other schools. Von Voorhis had some words of advice for students who might want to play soccer. “Just go for it,” she said, “If you look back on it and you didn’t like it, so what? At least you did it [...] it doesn’t hurt to try [...], just go for it.”
FULLERTON COLLEGE ATHLETICS IN FULL SWING FOR FALL Photo By Patrick Quirk GRAB - Fullerton freshman goalkeeper Robert Bradley pulls in a cross against Southwestern College.
Photo by Patrick Quirk SERVE - Sophomore Grace Lopez serves during a match against Gavilan Community College.
Photo By Chelena Gadson GAME ON - Deshon Taylor, defensive back, walking out with other players.
Photo By Patrick Quirk DEFENSE - Fullerton defender Ronnie Cruz fights for the ball during the Hornets home game against Golden West College on Tuesday, Oct. 6.
Photo By Chelena Gadson ON THE RUN - Christian Williams, tight end, receives the catch and takes the route.
LOOKING BACK ON SEPTEMBER Quadchella gets Hornets buzzing
ticket prices and instead with free admission. Similar to Coachella, Quadchella brought in a variety of talented musical performances along with other entertainment that anyone could enjoy, such as face painting and T-shirt printing. In fact, most of the entertainment and activities that were at the event were Fullerton College clubs and teams. The face painting was courtesy of “Trendsetters” from the Cosmetology Department and two of the musical performances, K.A.I.A. and MoBuenoz, are both Fullerton College students. Many genres of music were performed from rap to alternative, so there was something for everyone to sing and dance to.
With student involvement at an all-time low, an on campus music festival seeks to entertain for more school spirit. What’s a better way to spend a Thursday evening than at Quadchella with live music, free food and fun activities? Fullerton College Associated Students hosted its first Quadchella music festival on Thursday, September 17 from 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the quad.. Quadchella is the first-ever music festival held on campus. According to the Chair of Publicity Committee Whitney Dunkle, this type of event has never been so much as planned before. A.S. intended for Quadchella to have the same atmosphere as Coachella, but minus the high
For the full article please see Photo By Neddie Facio
Photo By Neddie Facio
PRINTING PRESS - Fullerton College’s Printing Technologies Department demonstrates silk screening at the first-ever Quadchella festival.
Photo By Joshua Mejia
X IS FOR XYLOPHONE - Elija Maganda practices during the intermission of the OC Wind Symphony Concert.
Photo By Pond Prakasit
HENNA TATTOOS - Fullerton College’s Anthropology Club hosts a henna booth at the first-ever Quadchella festival hosted by Associated Students on Thursday, Sept 17.
Photo By Stephanie Lara
ALL ABOUT THAT BASS - Miles Rayford of The Rayford Brothers shows off his skills at the Anaheim Alefest on Saturday, September 19.
Photo By Christian Fletcher
POWER SMASH - Leaders from the district, faculty and campus all smash together in mobile photobooth provided by Associated Students at Quadchella on Thursday September 17.
New Clubs!
Photo By Sue Hwang VETERANS CLUB PRESIDENT - Giovanni Cruz, 27, business major and President of the Veterans Club stands next to the new sign of the Veterans Resource Center at Fullerton College.
Fullerton College theater productiuons!
Photo By Neddie Facio SWASHBUCKLING - The cast of Twelfth Night doing their final rehearsal on Wednesday, Oct. 7 at Fullerton College.
Photo By Sue Hwang QUEER PEOPLE OF COLOR - The Queer People of Color organization smile for the camera at the first ever Associated Students hosted Quadchella music festival held on campus on September 17.
Photo By Patrick Quirk RIBBON CUTTING - The ribbon is cut to formally open Motel 6 Feet Under to guests on Thursday, Oct. 4.
The Buzz is all new!
Hornet Photographers Photo Editor Christian Fletcher Staff Photographer Sue Hwang Staff Photographer Neddie Facio Staff Sports Photographer Chelena Gadson Staff Sports Photographer Patrick Quirk
Photo By Sue Hwang
ALL SMILES WITH BUZZY - The Hornet newspaper adviser, Jay Seidel, and the NOCCCD Interim Chancellor, Fred Williams, pose with Buzzy the Hornet, at the launch party and open house for the brand new newsroom on Oct 7.
FC La Antorcha @fcantorcha
Reyna Cazares, emprendedora y fundadora de Beverly Road Vol 4, Issue 8 Breves 8 de Abril, 2015 Noticias En Fullerton College
Una empresa hecha de ropa usada Dia de los Muertos
El departamento de ethnic studies estan organizando la celebracio de Dia De Los Muerto en el Quad, 29 de Octubre a las 6:30 -10 p.m.
Estudiante de la Universidad Estatal de Fresno, Reyna Cazares, inicio su propio negocio de ropa vintage, Beverly Road, y ha logrado vender artículos de ropa a nivel global gracias a la web. “Vintage” es parecido a lo retro o clásico. En otras palabras, prendas de este tipo son únicas y no se pueden encontrar en cualquier tienda. La mayoría de la ropa que se vende en Beverly Road es ropa que le pertenecía a personas en décadas antes del año 1980. En este sentido, Beverly Road favorece el reciclaje ya que los productos son de décadas pasadas y no son fáciles de encontrar. Cazares pasa horas en los fines de semana buscando artículos para su tienda en diferentes lugares para siempre tener una variedad. Ella es fanática de la creatividad y emite eso en la misión de su tienda. Después de vivir en Nueva York por varios meses y de haber ganado experiencia en sus practicas o “internships” con las revistas Seventeen y Latina, Cazares regreso muy inspirada y decidió empezar su propio negocio en Fresno. Cazares esta en su ultimo año de la universidad y esta estudiando comercialización de la moda y periodismo. Ella dice que tener experiencia en varias áreas de la moda le han ayudado mucho y
La nueva cara de “skateboarding”
Con la nueva transformación del deporte, unos han tomado ventaja de su popularidad. Por Michelle Landaverde Reportera
Entre la época de los ‘50s y ‘60s, a jóvenes en California se les ocurrió que lo que se hace en el mar y las “Blood Wedding” olas, se podía hacer pero en conEl departamento de teatro creto. Así esta idea se comenzó a presenta “Blood Wedding,” evolucionar. Tablas de madera con Photo by Nathaly Juarez una obra de teatro de Federico llantasquiero de patines común y corrienrecordar ese tiempo”. también utiliza lo que aprendió como interna y siempre Garcia en el Bronwyn Dodson tes sumergieron como vende las patinetas, el sitio en donde la ropa, de las revistas de moda. Theatre en el 3-6 de Diciembre. es una plataforma donde cualquier persona Cuando Cazares vivía en Nueva York el de esa época, iniciando un fenómepuede crear un perfil y comprar o vender metro la dejaba en una calle llamada Beverly no que nadie se hubiera imaginado. cosas hechas a mano o que son vintage. Road. Tiempo Para Por alrededor de los ‘70s, unos “El nombre Beverly Road tiene un sentido chicos locales sobresalientes en las sentimental porque es parte de mi vida es Transferir algo muy especial”, Cazares dijo. “Fue cuando tablas tanto como en el “surf ” y Ultimo dia para applicar a yo tome un riesgo de ser más independiente CSUs - 30 de Noviembre. “skate”; se convirtieron en los héroes y pioneros de las patinetas. Nadie se Ropa “vintage”que estaba por venta en el puesto de “Beverly Road”. imaginaba lo que esa tabla con rueFotos por Nathaly Juarez das se había convertido. El mundo Por Nathaly Juarez Reportera eyna Cazares inicio su propio negocio de ropa vintage, Beverly entero estaba a la expectativa de lo Road, y ha podido vender artículos de ropa a nivel global. que seguía para sus ídolos. Durante un tiempo de muchas Su ropa vintage es vendida por medio de la web en el sitio opiniones negativas, padres no “Vintage” significa retro o clásico. Eso significa que las prendas son querían que sus hijos se involucren únicas y no las puedes encontrar en ninguna tienda. La mayoría de la ropa que es vendida en Beverdel todo en algo “sin futuro” o que ly Road es ropa que le pertenecía a personas en décadas antes de el año 1980. les quite el tiempo que pudieran En este sentido, Beverly Road favorece el reciclaje ya que los productos son de décadas pasadas y no usar para estudiar o hacer algo de son fáciles de encontrar. provecho. Cazares, estudiante de la Universida Estatal de Fresno State, pasa horas en los fines de seUn tiempo después y tienes a mana buscando artículos para su tienda en diferentes lugares para siempre tener una variedad de un deporte que ahora es casi tan prendas y artículos. aceptado e importante como el Ella es fanática de la creatividad y emite eso en la misión de su tienda. fútbol, que ha estado en platicas tan (La misión de Beverly Road: Nuestro objetivo es apoyar el crecimiento de un mundo de moda conimportantes como las de futuras sciente, un tesoro a la vez.) olimpiadas y torneos que darán la Después de vivir en Nueva York por varios meses haciendo “internships” con las revistas vuelta al mundo entero, si es que Seventeen y Latina, Cazares regreso muy inspirada y decidió empezar su propio negocio. no ya han pasado. Desde entonces, this is an image el “skateboarding” ha visto nacer a Cazares esta en su ultimo año de la universidad y esta estudiando comercialización de la figuras incomparables y te contare moda y periodismo. sobre una de ellas. Ella dice que tener experiencia en varias áreas de la moda la ha ayudado mucho y también En Septiembre, tuve la oportuniutiliza lo que aprendió como interna de las revistas de moda. dad de trabajar la competencia anuthis is an image al de “skateboarding” donde prinCuando Cazares vivía en Nueva York el metro la dejaba en una calle llamada Beverly Road. cipiantes y expertos daban todo por “El nombre Beverly Road tiene un sentido sentimental porque esa parte de mi vida es algo llegar a las rondas de calificación muy especial”, Cazares dijo. “Fue cuando yo tome un riesgo de ser más independiente y siempre para avanzar y seguir persiguiendo quiero recordar ese tiempo”. el prestigiado primer lugar. Varias Etsy, el sitio en donde vende la ropa, es una plataforma donde cualquier persona puede horas pasan y después del esfuerzo crear un perfil y comprar o vender cosas hechas a mano o que son vintage. tanto emocional como físico, esCuando Cazares decido abrir un perfil en Etsy, ella tenia mucha ropa en su clóset que ya no tábamos cerca de saber utilizaba y mucha de esa ropa era comprada en tiendas que vendían ropa vintage. Quería desechar
Vaya a VINTAGE en la pagina 9
Vaya a BLACKLEDGE en la pagina 8