Leo's Bar Mitzvah Program

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JANUARY 23, 2021 10 Shevat, 5781

S E RV I C E O R D E R SIL ENT PRAY ER Ra b b i Lo r g e OSEH SHA LOM Ca nto r Mutl u I N T R O D UCTION TO TORA H SERVICE Ra b b i Lo r g e BA R MI TZVA H REA DI NG O F “ T HE L IGHT OF THE TORAH...” Le o E r c k S H ’ MA | EC HA D | GA D LU C a ntor Mutl u T H E PA SSING OF THE TORAH Ra b b i Lo r g e PA S S I N G O F R I T UA L O B J E C T Le o , D a r a a n d D a n E r c k PA S S I N G O F T H E TO R A H WITH L’ DOR VA DOR Da ra a nd Da n Erck TO R A H I N T R O D U C T I O N Le o E r c k

S E RV I C E [ C O N T I N U E D ] TO R A H S E R V I C E A L IYA H 1 Il ene a nd Ga ry Wa x D r. J e n ne Wa x a nd Ferna nd o Limonic A L IYA H 2 Karen Bonn and Mort Rappaport Ma xi ne a nd Mi cha el B onn CHA RGE TO C HIL D Ca nto r Mutl u A L IYA H 3 Le o E r c k I N T R O DU CTION TO D’ VA R TORAH READ ING Ra b b i Lo r g e D’ VA R TO R A H Le o E r c k HA FTA RA H REA DI NG Le o E r c k R A B B I ’ S C HA RGE & MA ZA L TOVS SI MA N TOV C a ntor Mutl u?

Thank you friends and family for joining us today. We are thrilled that so many of you are able to join, albeit remotely, when Leo is called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. We look forward to celebrating in person someday soon. For now, though, we will make do as so many have these past 10 months: through Zoom! A special thank you to Rabbi Lorge, Cantor Mutlu, Keren Eckstein, Jenna Mark, and Ilana Goldman from Central Synagogue in New York. Your support, through quarantine and multiple time zones, has been a blessing. And thank you, too, to Rabbi Segal and the Aspen Jewish Congregation for making us feel so welcome here in Colorado. Bar Mitzvah literally translates into ‘Son of the Commandment’. When a Jewish boy reaches the age of 13, according to Jewish law he is considered an adult and assumes the responsibility of observing the commandments of the Torah. Today's celebration of Leo becoming a Bar Mitzvah signifies that he has begun to serve as an active and responsible leader in the wider Jewish community. We are extraordinarily proud of Leo and feel immense gratitude that you are joining us in this meaningful service. In Judaism we say the prayer Shehecheyanu, thanking God for allowing us to be brought to this special occasion.

Shabbat Shalom! Much love,

Dara and Dan

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