May 19 - 25, 2022
Fa lls Chur c h, V i r g i ni a • ww w. fc np. c om • Fr ee
Fou n d e d 1991 • Vol. X X XII No. 14
The City of Falls Church’s Independent, Locally-Owned Newspaper of Record, Serving N. Virginia
66 Signatures Set West F.C. 10 Acres In Motion
Preparing For The New
Groundbreaking of City’s Biggest Project Today by Nicholas F. Benton
Falls Church News-Press
In a complex signing event at the Falls Church City Hall last Friday, the long-awaited 99-year lease on the 10 acres of land at the City’s west end between the City, the City’s Economic Development Authority and the West Falls Partners group of EYA, Regency and Hoffman Associates was completed. Over 66 documents were signed in the morning-long event at the F.C. City Hall. City Manager Wyatt Shields, City Attorney Carol McKoskrey and F.C. Economic Development Authority (EDA) chief Bob Young wore out their signing hands and maybe a pen or two in the culmination of a decadeslong process such that construction on the site is now due to commence. In recognition of that, a formal groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled for today (Thursday,
Continued on Page 4
ONE OF FALLS CHURCH’S more iconic landmarks, the four story old Robertson Building at the City’s central intersection at N. Washington (Rt. 29) and E Broad (Rt. 7) is coming down now, and the old Applebee’s building behind it is already gone. It’ll take a bit, but what will come in their place is going to be fabulous. (Photo: Dan Lehman).
Meridian Theater Receives 9 Cappie Nominations by Amanda Snead
Falls Church News-Press
Meridian High School recently received nine Cappie nominations for their production of “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) [Revised].”
Nominations include best play, best ensemble in a play, best male role in a play, best female role in a play and more. According to their website, the Cappies are “a writing and awards program that trains high school theatre and journalism students to be expert writers,
critical thinkers, and leaders.” Meridian is a member of the Cappies of the National Capital Area. Each participating school selects a show to attend where they have pre, mid and post-show discussions about the performance and write reviews based on
both technical and performance aspects of the production. The best written reviews are then sent to local news outlets as well as the school that put on the performance. “My favorite part of my
Continued on Page 9
Inside This Week Celebrating Dark Sky Week in Northern VA
New Exhibit Now Open At Falls Church Arts
See Story, Page 10
See Photos, Page 14
Dark Sky Week took place at the end of April with many local observatories getting involved. This takes place just a few months before the James Webb Telescope is set to complete set-up.
Falls Church Arts has opened their Black and White show this week with a variety of B&W art in different mediums including photography, paintings and photographs. The show is open until June 26.
Comment...................................... 5,7,8 Editorial................................................ 6 Letters.................................................. 6 Crime Report....................................... 8 Business News.................................. 12 News & Notes..............................16,17 Calendar......................................18,19 Classifieds......................................... 20 Critter Corner..................................... 22 FCCPS Page..................................... 23