The transfer of ownership has been the subject of considerable legal complications in recent months deftly navigated by City Attorney Carol McCoskrie, who delayed her pending planned retirement this year until all the proverbial “crossed t’s” and “dotted i’s” were achieved.
In a major step to address seriously the affordable hous ing shortage in the City of Falls Church, the F.C. City Council voted unanimously Monday night, 7-0. to approve a “memo randum of understanding” and other restrictive covenants to consummate a transfer owner ship of five four-plexes (20 rent al units) in the so-called Virginia Village on S. Maple Avenue from the City to the pro-afford able housing Wesley Housing Development Corporation of Northern Virginia.
Inside this week’s issue is a special pullout Food & Dining guide that includes fall beer and wine festivals, Octoberfest, Brunch in the Little City and informatin about the 2022 Fall Festival.

While most of the Council’s deliberations on the matter were
by Nicholas F. Benton Falls Church News-Press
The City of Falls Church’s Independent, Locally-Owned Newspaper of Record, Serving N. Virginia
students, at 2,534, while the numbers for Meridian High are above by 23 at 886 and Henderson Middle School above by 22 at 587. The only school at all below projected numbers has been Mt. Daniel Elementary, down 15 at 465.
Enrollment in the City of Falls Church’s two public sec ondary schools, Meridian and Henderson, are each about two dozen students above pro jected numbers going into the
“The kids didn’t come in as projected” at that level, said Noonan, but he added that 20 students are now enrolledattheupper levels as tuition-paying out of City students,andadded
LAST MONTH, AT THE meeting of the Falls Church City Council, long-time F.C. City Attorney Carol McKoskrie (third from left) announced her impending retirement that will occur in October. McKoskrie has served since 2014 in one of the most litigated periods in the City’s his tory. Meanwhile, she posed for this photo by the News-Press’ Nicholas Benton as part of the women’s power lineup of leading City officials running things these days, (left to right), Assistant City Manager Cindy Mester, Council member Caroline Liam, McKoskrie, Council member Marybeth Connelly, Vice Mayor Letty Hardi, Council member Deborah Shantz-Hiscott and City Clerk Celeste Heath. (News-Press Photo)

by Nicholas F. Benton Falls Church News-Press

See PageS 11-22
The school division as a whole is enrolled above pro jections as of this week by 32
fall, Superintendent Dr. Peter Noonan reported to the season’s first School Board meeting held in the Council chambers of City Hall Tuesday night.
F alls C hur C h , V irginia• www FC np C om • F ree F ounded1991• V ol . XXX ii n o . 30 News CommentBriefs.........................................25,7,8Editorial6CrimeReport.......................................8BusinessNews...................................10Sports23News&Notes................................24,25Calendar26,27Classifieds..........................................28CritterCorner......................................30 Continued on Page 9 Index Inside This Week Noonan Upbeat as New School Year Begins F.C. Council is Unanimous; 20 Homes Sold for Starters Continued on Page 4 F.C.’S WOMANPOWER RULES!Major Affordable DealHousingSet September 15 - 21, 2022
for the last 17 years. Originally from India, Samantha works as a software developer for the Department of Energy. I was lucky enough to catch her on her way out of one of the shops on West Broad St. ( P����: J. M������ W�����) F���� �� F���� C�����

The Falls Church Planning Commission has given site plan approval of the Founder’s Row II project. The City staff will review the site plan including building layout and vehicle entrances for any remaining details. Once completed, the developer may apply for a demolition permit and building permit. Construction is expected to begin later this year.
F���� C����� NEWS BRIEFS

Arlington Library Celebrates ‘Banned Books Week’
F.C. Transportation Ctte Head Calls for Hedging

Overnight lane closures and stoppages are planned on I-66 West approaching Gallows Road Wednesday, September 14, through Saturday, September 17, for continued installation of bridge beams for the new Gallows Road South Bridge over I-66. This work is part of the Transform 66 Outside the Beltway Project.
The Falls Church City Council voted unanimously this Tuesday to end the Declaration of Emergency” as of Oct. 1 that arose from the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in MarchFlexible2020.conditions that City businesses adopted under terms of the declaration can remain in effect the next six months according to Tuesday’s vote.
David Gustafson, head of the Falls Church Citizens Advisory Council on Transportation, has issued a note urging F.C. citizens to prune and trim plants that obstruct sidewalks and street signs or impair lines of sight for pedestrians, people on bikes and drivers at intersections.

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Established in 1982 by Judith King of the American Library Association’s Office of Intellectual Freedom,

Brett along with assistant Chrissy Henderson and schools’ outreach chief Marybeth Connelly were singled out for commendation at the meeting.
F.C. Schools’ Daily Announcements Hailed by National Group
The popular e-mailed “Morning Announcements” spearheaded in recent years under the leadership of John Wesley Brett garnered national attention this year, and at Tuesday’s F.C. School Board meeting a certificate was presented from the Chicago-based National Schools Public Relations Association.
Fairfax County Renames Lee Highway (Route 29)
F.C. Planners Give OK to Founders Row 2 Project
In the meantime, said Vice Mayor Letty Hardi “we’ve found way better uses” for certain situations, such as using parking spaces for outdoor dining. Councilman Phil Duncan said the period turned out to be “exceedingly productive” for the City.

This month, the Arlington Library is participating in the celebration through highlighted “Diverse Voices” book lists, programs and equitable services, urging patrons to “celebrate the freedom to read.”
F.C. Council Votes to End Covid ‘Emergency’
Following the recent move by Arlington County to change the name of the former Lee Highway (Route 29) to Langston Highway, Fairfax County’s Board of Supervisors Tuesday voted 9-1 (Pat Herrity dissenting) to remove the name of Lee Highway and to replace it with, simply, Route 29. Further west, the same was done for the then-Lee Jackson Highway, changed now simply to RouteRoute50.29 running through the center of Falls Church is already known as North and South Washington Streets.

Additionally, Gallows Road over I-66 will be reduced to a single travel lane in each direction during the overnight hours on September 14. Two-way traffic will run on Gallows Road North.
Overnight I-66 West Lane Closures Set This Week
Banned Books Week celebrates the freedom to read and open access to ideas and information.


The Kensington’s Family Forever Neighborhood Fall Fest
invited to our Family Forever Neighborhood Fall Fest! At The Kensington, our promise is “to love and care for your family as we do our own.”

As you mingle and explore, our Frontline and Leadership Team of experts—who are the heart and soul of our community—will be available to say hello and answer any questions you have. Ask them about our highly personalized assisted living and memory care programs, delivered by our other talented team members, who are best-in-class in their areas of expertise. To RSVP or learn more, contact Kayla Peters, Outreach & Events Coordinator, at kpeters@kensingtonsl.com or 703-992-9868.
That includes our neighbors in and around the Little City of Falls Church. We are grateful to call this charming community our home and hope you’ll join us to celebrate family, friendship and fall fun. Stop by for an afternoon of food trucks, seasonal treats, live music, arts and crafts, a petting zoo (until 12 noon) and more!
SEPTEMBER 15 - 21, 2022 | PAGE 3FCNP.COM | FALLS CHURCH NEWS-PRESS 700 West Broad Street | Falls Church, VA 22046 | www.TheKensingtonFallsChurch.com | (703) 992-9868

Gather with Us in the Heart of the Little City of Falls Church
Saturday, October 1, 2022 • 10am-2pm


To RSVP for our Open House, scan the QR cod to the left or visit the events tab of our website

• Begin rehabilitative work and work related to rehabilitation at 310 S. Maple Avenue that may occur prior to conveyance, subject to the terms of a license agreement approved by the EDA on September 6, 2022, and through the use of City ARPA funding.
• Apply for Virginia Housing financing for newly acquired quadplexes in order to repay the Acquisition Strike fund, creating a revolving fund.
ceeds will be used to repay the EDA in the amount of $925 thousand and City capital reserves in the amount of $1.935 million which were used to acquire three of the five quad lexes in the past 18 months.
of four in this region is currently $127,866 and 60 percent of that is aboutNobody$75,000).earning above that can amount can qualify for that hous ing, and anyone who may be earn ing above that currently living there will be offered incentives for relo cating, through according to Dana Jones, head of the City’s director of its Department of Human Services, it is not believed that anyone currently in those units earns more than that.
John Marshall Bank John N. Rodock Baker, Donelson Tax Analysts

taken over by legal minutia, the basic outlines of the agreement involve a big step by the City, working through its quasi-independent Economic Development Authority (EDA), to acquire the properties for purposes of achieving affordable housing goals.
Under the terms, Wesley will both own and operate the units. On its website, the Alexandria-based outfit is described as “a fully-certified federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) and HUD Virginia affordable housing management provider.” Its stated goal is to “help those with limited financial resources gain access to safe, affordable homes within supportive, inclusive com munities.” Its management unit is described as “mission-driven, experi enced property managers relentlessly dedicated to creating opportunities for our residents to build better lives.”
The last time the City was even close to where it is now on afford able housing was when an arduous plan was knit together over three
Bronze Sponsors Church

• Own and operate the exist ing Virginia Village quadplexes for housing affordable to low and mod erate-income persons earning no more than 60 percent AMI (existing residents may have income up to 150% AMI).

Family Fun Night October 4

Networking Luncheon
Visit us at Booth 139 how to become a member and get involved in supporting the business community. out the goodies and give aways from our many wonderful members!

This is one of the best community events of the year! Join us for a picnic dinner, mini golf, face painting, a moon bounce, and much more! Buy a ticket and become a sponsor today!
That $17 million project would have utilized $4 million in federal funds brought by then U.S. Rep. Jim Moran and $4 million from the Virginia Housing Development Corporation,Akeyplayer in that unsuccess ful effort, F.C.-based developer Bob Young, is a key player back again, now as president of the EDA.
In summary, the MOU agreed to by the Council Monday provides that Wesley Housing will:
A major funding source for the current project is a $3.75 million Amazon REACH grant targeted for Virginia affordable housing. In addi tion, the F.C. City Council is now considering an ordinance that would grant real property tax exempt status to the five just-transferred properties.
• Assume all liabilities and risks associated with the operation, man agement, and ownership of all prop erties.•Provide tenant support services to residents consistent with services provided to other Wesley Housing residents.•Continue to lease one of the quadplexes to the non-profit orga nization.•Secure a loan from Virginia Housing for the existing EDA owned buildings with proceeds being paid to the City. Loan pro
For this deal, the City’s EDA has acquired and owns five properties in the Virginia Village subdivision, each improved with four one-bedroom apartment homes. It is stipulated that Wesley will make the units avail able to households earning no more than 60 percent of the Area Median Income (the AMI for a household

• Obtain and maintain appropri ate general liability and property insurance covering the five proper ties and any additionally acquired parcels.•Acquire additional Virginia Village quadplexes, through the use of the Acquisition Strike Fund, as they become available for the pur pose of preserving and maintaining the properties as homes affordable to low- and moderate-income per sons and earn a development fee of 5 percent of the purchase price plus all closing costs.
this Monday allows Wesley to acquire additional quadplexes in the Virginia Village using funds from something called the Acquisition Strike Fund utilizing a combination of Amazon REACH grant funds, the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and the City’s Affordable Housing Fund.
years using a combination of federal, state and local funds to advance a new free-standing project near the Virginia Village site on S. Washington that was to be named The Wilden, in honor of Bob Wilden, a long-time affordable housing advocate here. But when a vote was needed in the summer of 2010 to move ahead, the City Council then rejected a sorely needed amendment by a single vote, 4-3. and the whole project collapsed, effectively ending the pursuit of affordable housing gains in the City for more than a decade.
City of Falls Church Planning, shares information on city demographics, budgeting, developments, and much more. Questions are welcome. Tuesday, September 20 11:30 to 1:15 Registration is required use the QR code or visit our website. $30 members | $35 non members

us as Paul
Continued from Page 1 LOCAL FALLS CHURCH NEWS-PRESS | FCNP.COMPAGE 4 | SEPTEMBER 15 - 21, 2022 F.C. Council OK’s Terms of Deal for 20 Affordable Housing Units www.FallsChurchChamber.org/events/calendar/ Partner Sponsors Gold Sponsors Silver Sponsor

10:00 am 4:00 pm
Falls Church Festival

Body HiltonDynamicsGardenInn Falls
Join Stoddard,

Moreover, the agreement OK’d
. Learn
The longer term plan is for the City/EDA to acquire more of the four-plexes in the subdivision, and ultimately all of them to potentially enable the conversion of the overall site to a more modern affordable housing option, though that is not specified as yet and a Working Group established by the City Council will make recommendations subject to the approval by the Council. Such a plan is deemed as needed since the quadruplexes in the Virginia Village are all now over 80 years old. It is suggested that the redevelopment of those properties will be proposed in an estimated seven to 10 years.
Ukraine Deflates MAGA Macho Myths KrugmanPaul
Today, my personal contact with our pre-school community involves occasional drop-off and pick-up of my grandchildren, at Westover Baptist Preschool. Like many, Westover has waiting lists—but director Amy Kaetzel says there are still openings for three and fouryear-olds.Theyall give kids a head start while freeing parents to take care of business.
The Russian army, on the oth er hand, definitely isn’t woke. Conscripts face brutal hazing.
Metro spokesman Ian Jannetta supplied numbers showing the uptick. Usage at East Falls Church rose from 211 in 2020, to 864 in 2021, to 1,443 in 2022 (with a quarter to go). Combined with the cages at Vienna and College Park (the most heavily used), the project has attracted 6,626 bicyclists to ride trains with peace of mind.
On the right, however, ap proval of authoritarian regimes is all bound up with assertions about their military prowess.

In September 1971, a Montessori preschool opened in the Drew zone. By 1975, 18 Arlington schools were offering Extended Day program mornings and afternoons, following beginnings at Abingdon, Fairlington and Barrett schools.
“Perhaps a woke, emasculated military is not the best idea,” opinedActually,Cruz.the U.S. military is sort of woke, in the sense that it is highly diverse and inclusive, encourages independent think ing and initiative on the part of junior officers and is, at the higher levels, quite intellectual.
Clippings at the library’s Center for Local History show that in June 1966, following creation of the fed eral Head Start program, a half-day preschool for disadvantaged fami lies opened at Cherrydale, Drew, and Hoffman-Boston elementary schools, offering bus service and free breakfast and lunch.
The Children’s School, the impressive child care facility that benefits Arlington teachers, has settled into spanking new digs on Langston Blvd. at the former site of the Alpine DirectorRestaurant.NaseeraMaqsood told me her team and parents “love the new building,” which she and other participants helped design. Fronted by a bus loop—a partnership with Arlington Public Schools provides transport for some children—under ground parking, plus overflow park ing across the street is available for the building users (like the Alpine had). There are still a few open slots (for the public too), for children aged infant to 4-years-old, Maqsood said.
But there’s something special about the MAGA embrace of the mystique of Russian might: a
With concerns growing over children lacking supervision after school, the Arlington Health and Welfare Council (with future com munity leaders Ellen Bozman and Evelyn Syphax) in 1969 published a report “The Choice is Ours: A Report on the Latchkey Child.”
In response to threats of abuse and poor quality, the county board in December 1975 passed an ordi nance specifying allowable child-
The one at the East Falls Church station, after sitting nearly empty for two years, now averages a dozen bikes daily, according to my eyeballing.
Metro is showing progress since Covid’s peak in recruiting bicyclists to those $5.9 million anti-theft Bike and Ride cages with racks for 304 cycles.
Yet admiring a regime’s val ues needn’t mean having faith in its military prowess. As a center-left advocate of a strong social safety net — or, as Re publicans would say, a Marxist (which, of course, I’m not) — I think highly of Nordic welfare states like Denmark. But I have no opinion whatsoever about the effectiveness of Denmark’s army (yes, it has one).
Carlson’s timing was im peccable. Just a few days later, a large section of the Russian front near Kharkiv was over run by a Ukrainian attack. It’s important to note that Putin’s forces weren’t just pushed back; they appear to have been routed. As the independent Institute for the Study of War reported, the Russians were driven into a “panicked and disorderly re treat,” leaving behind “large amounts of equipment and sup plies that Ukrainian forces can use.”The Russian collapse seemed to validate analyses by defense experts who have been saying for months that Western weap ons have been shifting the mili tary balance in Ukraine’s favor, that Putin’s army is desperately short on quality manpower, and that it has been degraded by at trition and missile attacks on its rear areas. These analyses sug gested that Russian forces might eventually reach a breaking point, although few expected that point to come so soon and so dramatically.TobefairtoCarlson and oth er right-wing cheerleaders for Putin, they aren’t the only peo ple clinging to delusions of Rus sian success. There’s a whole school of self-styled “realists” who considered Ukrainian resis tance to Russia futile and who, despite the failure of Putin’s ini tial assault, have spent the past six months calling on Ukraine to make big concessions to sup posedly superior Russian power.
Launched by school employees in Westover in 1987, the Children’s School was first in the nation owned and operated by a large school sys tem. It built on ground-breaking Arlington child care projects that reflected the 1940s-‘60s baby boom and women flocking to the work force.It was during World War II— when women were called into government and industry—that Arlington’s first day care opened at Rock Spring Congregational Church. As described by church historian Sara Fitzgerald, parishioners Virginia Stitzenberger, Elizabeth Campbell (future WETA founder) and Lois Smith talked in the “meat line” at the grocery while cashing ration cou pons. “They shared their own sense of isolation and their need for a place where their pre-school-age chil dren could make friends and attend
worldview that equates toughguy swagger with effectiveness. This worldview has warped the right’s perception not just of the Russian army but also of how to deal with many other issues. And it’s worth asking where it comesManyfrom.Republicans have ad mired Putin for a long time — even before Donald Trump took over the GOP. Back in 2014, for example, Rudy Giuliani said of Putin, “That’s what you call a leader.” And Trump continued to praise Putin even after he in vaded Ukraine.
Our Man in Arlington
school.” In 1944, the church opened the first preschool.cooperative(Future county board chairman Jim Hunter was a Withpupil.)county population grow ing, the Resurrection Lutheran Church followed suit, opening a center in October 1945 to 52 children of congregation mem bers serving in the Armed Forces, reports the Arlington Historical Society. Then came a private facil ity organized in Overlee Knolls by Hazel Mahler as Overlee Preschool. (It included kindergar ten until Arlington schools began offering it in 1960.)
By Charlie Clark
For example, last year Ted Cruz tweeted about a video compar ing scenes of a tough-looking Russian soldier with a shaved head with a U.S. Army recruit ing video featuring a female corporal raised by two mothers.
According to Mark Hertling, a former commander of U.S. forc es in Europe, it’s riddled with “mafialike” corruption, and its
On Aug. 29 Tucker Carlson of Fox News attacked President Joe Biden’s policy on Ukraine, asserting among other things: “By any actual reality-based measure, Vladimir Putin is not losing the war in Ukraine. He is winning the war in Ukraine.” Carlson went on, by the way, to assert that Biden is supporting Ukraine only because he wants to destroy the West.
So it’s not hard to see where the MAGA right’s admiration for Putinism comes from. After all, Putin’s Russia is autocratic, brutal and homophobic, with a personality cult built around its ruler. What’s not to like?
NEW YORK TIMES Continued on Page 7
adult ratios and educational stan dards for licensure, including a $300 fine and 30 days in jail for violators.
By 1988, the county’s Human Services Department was evaluat ing the direction of licensed early childhood programs at churches, community centers and private non profits. That year, the state Senate released a report evaluating the “Educational Effectiveness and Cost of the Extended Day Program” in Arlington and Falls Church.
Got Beef?
Off To a Good Start
Falls Church certainly had its share of dissenting parents over Covid-19 policy issues, but it was mitigated by superior efforts at communicating with the community at large, sticking strictly to guidance from the state and county health departments, and mostly from a preponderance of wise and responsible citizens who stepped up to bring to pass the right outcome from last fall’s School Board election and to support the Superintendent’s and School Board’s decisions.Yes,Falls Church’s is an unusually small system, and for some that is a sufficient explanation to account for the relative concord through recent crises it has experienced. But there is more to it, lessons that should be learned for the nation’s political fabric, more generally. They have to do with attention given to communication and discourse, and the implicit respect that is afforded to all as a result. It also has to do with civility, and a broad based community insistence that civility be maintained.
Send us a letter and let us know what you think. The deadline for Letters to the Editor is 5 p.m. Monday each week of publication Letters should be 350 words or less.
Sadness at the Passing of Queen Elizabeth
My mother was impressed by the Queen’s outfit that day. She was smartly dressed in a well-tailored suit with a nice, color-coordinated hat.
The new year is now fully underway for the City of Falls Church Public School System, and so far, so good. After a contentious election was held last year that resulted in all the best (read “News-Press endorsed”) candidates winning, it looks like the School Board leadership will continue above reproach, and Superintendent Dr. Peter Noonan deserves kudos for leading the system through myriad travails associated with the successful construction of a brand new high school, now the pride of the region, and headaches associated with the Covid-19 pandemic, which are all now hopefully behind us.
FALLS CHURCH NEWS-PRESS | FCNP.COMPAGE 6 | SEPTEMBER 15 - 21 2022 One of the Nation’s Foremost Weekly Newspapers (Published by Benton Communications, Inc.) FOUNDED IN 1991 Vol. XXXII, No. 31 September 15 - 21, 2022

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Dave Minyard Eagle’s Watch Foundation
The Queen was gracious in her remarks. Her visit came just weeks after the massacre at Virginia Tech and she expressed her condolences to the loved ones and friends of the victims in her address.
Editor,On Sunday September 11, 2022, it was 21 years since September 11, 2001. At 9:38 am, American Airlines flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. New York City had already seen the first attack and Stoney Creek area, Pennsylvania soon after the Pentagon. As the founder of the first and only Nonprofit to have started in the Pentagon, I am honored to host the virtual tours of the 3 places inside the Pentagon that honor those lost there. They include the inside Memorial, the Navy Reflection Room, and the Pentagon Chapel. We also provide static images of those action.more2010.htmlorg/Tour%20of%20Duty%20thatkindness.PentagonNation11,totheyFirefightersPainting.htmltion.org/Eagle’s%20Watch%20seeandandvariousandonWatchictoandsomeonethoseatedandstoodtheAntiTerrorismdatesonlyMemorials.htmlPentagon%209-11-2001%20org/Virtual%20Tours%20of%20http://eagleswatchfoundation.places.Iwasinvitedthereandtheoneaskedtofulfillman-orderedbyCongressinandSecurityforAgencythatwastryingtobeuptoprotectthePentagondelegatedfacilities.Icre-theNonprofittoensurethatwhoprotectanddefendhadfocusedontheirmoralecharitableneeds.Ialsohadapaintingdone,honorthoselostonthattrag-day.ItiscalledtheEagle’sPainting.TheoriginalisdisplayinsidethePentagonthereareGiclee’splacedwithpeople,organizations,withourAllies-AustraliatheUnitedKingdom.Youcanmoreaboutithere:http://eagleswatchfounda-In2010,IhostedtheAustralianatthePentagonafterranacrosstheUnitedStateshonorthoselostonSeptember2001.TheyaretheonlyAlliedtohavehadaneventattheatmychoicefortheirFindoutmoreabouthere:http://eagleswatchfoundation.“Wewillnotforget”mustbethanjustwords.Itrequires
Editor,Iwas saddened when I learned on Thursday of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. I admired and respected her.One of the highlights of my legislative career was meeting Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip when she addressed a joint session of the General Assembly in 2007 during her state visit with President Bush. She was here to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown.Eachlegislator was allowed one visitor and I had the pleasure of being able to bring my mother. They were from the same generation, and she probably enjoyed seeing Queen Elizabeth more than did I.
As experienced by neighboring school divisions, especially Arlington and Loudoun County, disruptions of school board activity were a major problem and will likely continue this fall. Citizens were activated in the last years by a combination of the pandemic, and school policies adopted to deal with it, that to some seemed to be controversial, and a more general climate of protest and disruption associated with the sorry last U.S. presidential administration. Now this dissent has spread to include protests over books suddenly deemed inappropriate and other hot button issues aimed at throwing school systems off balance all across the U.S.
One of our main concerns with what has been going on nationally has been the way social media platforms have tolerated and therefore played roles in proliferating such disgusting language and sentiments among all the comments that citizens convey, a great majority anonymously, online. We used to get our share every week on our website, too. But it stopped for us abruptly when we required that parties identify themselves as a precondition for commenting. It caused an immediate change. All the bad-mouthing ceased overnight, and of course a good share of that came from “bots,” not real people but often foreign-sourced dissemblers. If there is any lesson from this, it is how our nation’s adversaries see hate-mongering and foul language as effective tools against us, and against democracy more generally.
letters@fcnp.com Fax 703-342-0347 Mail or drop off Letters to the Editor, c/o Falls Church News-Press, 105 N. Virginia Ave., #310, Falls Church, VA 22046 1. Keep the news clean and fair. 2. Play no favorites, never mix business and editorial policy. 3. Do not let the news columns reflect editorial comment. 4. Publish the news that is public property without fear or favor of friend or foe. 5. Accept no charity and ask no favors. 6. Give “value received” for every dollar you take in. 7. Make the paper show profit if you can, but above all keep it clean, fearless and fair. P������� • City of Falls Church ‘Business of the Year’ 1991 & 2001 • • Certified by the Commonwealth of Virginia to Publish Official Legal Notices • • Member, Virginia Press Association • N������� F. B����� O���� �������������.���E�����-I�-C����� N��� G��� M�����������������.���E����� S�� J������ A���������� �������������.���S���� K���� T����� N��� ������������.���R������� J��� T���� N��� R������� C������ C���� C�������� T�� W���� C��� E����� J���� I����� C���������� M�������������������.��� T� C������ ��� N���-P���� �����: 703-532-3267 ���: 703-342-0347 �����: ���������.��� ������� ����������� �������������.��� ���������� ��� �������������.��� ����� ��� �������������.��� ������� �� ��� ������ ������������.��� N��� � N���� �����������������.��� O��������� ����������.��� ���������������������������������� �������������.��� WWW.FCNP.COM
I think that Queen Elizabeth was a good person who not only did good works, but encouraged others to do so, too. Leaders around the world would be well served to follow the example she set of selfless devotion to duty and service.
L ������ September 11, 2022
Bob Hull Former Member of the Virginia House of Delegates
She then met privately in a room off the House of Delegates chamber with then-Governor Tim Kaine and Virginia Tech students who were wounded in the massacre.
By P aul K rugman © 2022 The New York Times
officers are terrible.
The broader point is that modern wars aren’t won by looking tough. Courage — which the Ukrainians have shown in almost inconceivable abundance — is essential, but it doesn’t have much to do with bulging biceps. And bravery must go hand in hand with being smart and flexible, qualities the Russian army evidently lacks.
It comes as the news reports that Ukraine forces have the Russians on the run, as the world pays deserved tribute to just-deceaseda
woman whose grace and stability helped to hold the west together for 70 years, as a wannabe autocrat rushes disheveled with only his golf outfit and cleated golf shoes through an airport to meet a hand ful of equally clubless men on a course in Northern Virginia.
phy into question.
another rare one, “respect.” The whole headline in Monday’s Post was “Popular and Moral, The Respect for Marriage Act Must Pass, and Republicans Should Support It.” It headlined an edito rial in support of marriage equality and why Congress, with the help of enough Republicans, should codify same sex marriage into law this fall. It would be much as it should also codify a woman’s right to choose for similar reasons since the now-extremist pro-Trump U.S. Supreme Court struck down pro tections for women that have been on the books the last 50 years.
Did I mention that women make up more than a fifth of Ukraine’s military?
The concept of “morality” has been on the hit list for eradication since the rise of what goes under the blanket term, “postmodern ism,” “Morality” enjoyed a partial comeback during the Obama years, but took a back seat to the ascen dancy of the abject nihilism as the GOP’s “grasstops” anti-Obama movements took off.

Overall, the decline of “moral ity” and “respect” over the last half century has had a lot to do with the
and those who’ve stood up to them.For example, in World War II, while U.S. and British forces suffered an estimated 400,000 casualties each to fight totalitar ian, genocidal regimes, in Fascist Germany and German-occupied Poland it was more like eight mil lion and for Stalin’s Soviet Union, a staggering 20 million.
(Yale’s Timothy Snyder, in his book “Bloodlands,” cites that before the Second World War even began “Josef Stalin had killed mil lions of his own citizens, and kept killing them during and after the war. Before Hitler was finally defeated, he had murdered six million Jews and nearly as many other Europeans.” Then, at war’s end, he added, “both the German and the Soviet killing sites fell behind the Iron Curtain, leaving the history of mass killing in dark ness.”)The inhuman tyrants of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union had so little regard for human life, being on a common philosophical
The push for moral and pro gressive religious ecumenicism, for example, huge in the West after World War 2, died in the 1960s. Relativism took over as suddenly there was to be no consideration of the relative moral strengths of any ideology or form of religious expression. I was a seminarian in those days, and witnessed this sad development first hand.
Nicholas F. Benton CHURCH NEWS-PRESS

It’s the appearance of a strange word in the headline of the lead Washington Post editorial of Sept. 12, 2022: a strange word, foreign sounding, a throwback to an ear lier era in America. The word is “moral,” and the subhead included

So, wherever universal values are not allowed to be part of the conversation, as in the totalitarian roots of “postmodernism,” there is no value placed on human life. Instead, postmodernism contends that only the pursuits of pleasure and power are valid. We’ve lived with that deeply corrupted concept dominating our national psyche for more than a half century.
The import of all these fac tors should be obvious. Modern war is like the modern economy (with an additional element of sheer terror but still): Success depends more on skill, knowl edge and openness to ideas than on muscle power. But the MAGA ethos is all bound up with exaltation of tough talk and denigration of expertise. (Prose cute Anthony Fauci!) The Amer ican right needed to see Putin as a leader made powerful by his rejection of liberal values; ad mitting that Russia has proved that it isn’t a great power would call the whole MAGA philoso
Editor’s CommentaryEssay
MAGA Macho Myths
In the Face of Trump Fascism, Will ‘Morality’ Have a Rebound?
Shop Sell Fundraise, OUTSTANDING KITCHENWARE, R 800-311-9691adaCutlery.com EXCEPTIONAL VALUE orYour Paper Without the Paper www.fcnp.com See the News-Press Online Just Like you See it in Print With our E-Issue

The result is that the war, while it is of course overwhelm ingly a fight for Ukrainian free dom, has also, weirdly, become a front in America’s cultural and politicalThere’swars.growing speculation about what will happen inside Russia if the invasion of Ukraine ends in outright defeat. But you also have to wonder how the U.S. right will handle the revelation that sometimes tough guys finish last.
level, they all spewed a raw nihil istic so-called “nationalism.” It’s that same disposition which has been at play in the Russian inva sion of Ukraine in this past year and among the U.S.’s pro-Trump “Christian nationalism” move ment in the U.S., as well.
degenerating social environment that has given rise to Trumpism in ourIt’sday.not worth rehashing here the old arguments for why such value-laden terms have been sub ject to scorn in the last half cen tury. But suffice it to say that the last six years of Trump, and espe cially the Trump-master Putin’s invasion of Ukraine this February, represented a high point of such immorality.Butyes, there is “right” and “wrong” as our mommies and daddies told us, and merciless tyrants are always wrong. Like the South in the U.S. Civil War and the Axis powers in the two world wars of the last century, tyrannical powers have been responsible for the vast majority of abjectly mur derous wanton killings of soldiers and civilians Pro-Confederate,alike. pro-fascist and pro-Soviet historical dissem bling has muddied the historic record to the point of arguing for a (totally non-existent) moral equiv alency between genocidal forces
As I pointed out to Speaker of the House Todd Gilbert, Virginia’s Constitution forbids one house from adjourning without the consent of the other. After declining to rule on the constitutionality of the motion to adjourn, we voted to do so any way, on a party line vote, with all Republicans in attendance voting to violate Virginia’s contitution.

While many may have hoped the fleece-vest -wearing, CEO, sub urban dad type would govern as a practical, centrist, moderate, to this point the Governor appears to be taking a hard right turn with his eyes set on a potential presidential run..
Just last week, the Governor was in Maine stumping for Paul LePage, who is known for making vile racist Accordingremarks.tothe Washington Post, LePage falsely claimed that more than 90 percent of people arrested for drug-trafficking in the overwhelmingly White state of Maine were Black or Hispanic. He also called Black and Hispanic people “the enemy” and said that many out-of-state drug traffickers passing through Maine “impreg
the new leader of the House of Commons, who had a central role leading the Accession Council, a mere four days after becoming Lord President of the Privy Council. There may not be another Queen as Britain’s sovereign for many decades, but these women, regardless of political bent, are taking their rightful place in the leadership and policy-making of their country, a course that wasn’t available when Elizabeth took the throne.
Trespass/False Id to Law Enforcement, Wilson Blvd, September 8, 11:55 PM, a male, 32, of no fixed address, was issued summonses for Trespass and for Providing False ID to Law Enforcement.DrunkinPublic, Wilson Blvd,
While Republicans claim to be the pro-life party, Democrats are promoting policies that protect the health, safety and welfare of all Virginians.Which asks the question, what does the Governor mean when he claims to be pro-life? What poli cies are the Republicans who con trol the house willing to support and advance when they make the same assertion?Isitpro-life to repeatedly under fund programs addressing gun vio lence prevention? To consistently support policies that erase or dimin ish the history of enslaved people? Is it pro-life to openly ridicule or mock people who are different? To turn a blind eye to hateful policies against transgender students? What about systemically disenfranchising voters or creating artificial barriers to basic services?
You simply can’t be pro-life when you support policies and sys tems that put lives at risk. At that point, it is about having power over other people - about controlling others so that they will not be able to be truly productive or success fully engage in a society that is rigged against them.
By Supervisor Penny Gross

There is probably plenty of blame to go around, but it’s hard not see the state of affairs in Richmond as the result of the Governor’s absolute failure to be the unifying force he had promised to be on the campaign trail and in his inaugural address.
Unfortunately negotiations between the Senate Majority Democratic caucus and the House Majority Republican Caucus broke down and no appointment was made while we were there.
I know what I, and my Democratic colleagues stand for. We support policies to ensure access to healthcare, that prevent gun violence, and that provide equal access to the democratic pro cess. We believe in second chances and in helping those that just want a living wage to support themselves or theirWhatfamilies.wedo and what we sup port should never be about keeping certain groups or communities out of the process. It should always be about safeguarding equitable opportunities so that everyone has a chance.
Week of September 5 - 11, 2022
Delegate Marcus Simon’s Richmond Report
Trespass, W Broad St, September 11, 10:07 PM, a male, 49, of Falls Church, VA, was issued a summons for trespass.
City of Falls Church CRIME REPORT
lot. Suspect described as a male, 6`02 in height, 190 pounds, bald head, goatee, glasses, blue shirt, blue jeans, and tennis shoes. The other suspect described as, female, 5`02 in height, 170 pounds, black/brown straight hair, orange tank top, blue jeans, and tennis shoes. The two suspects both arrived in a grey Honda Accord with unknown Maryland tags. Investigation continues.
Throughout her unprecedented 70-year reign, Elizabeth II was beloved by many, reviled by some, but seemed always serene, well-mannered and, well, regal. The mystique was managed, most likely, by dozens of staff behind the scenes for every event – hairdressers, wardrobe design ers, milliners, maids and valets, most likely even someone who kept track of whatever was in her ubiquitous handbag! If being queen was a role, Elizabeth knew how to hit her mark, utter her lines, and acknowledge accolades. One differ ence – she never took a bow; others bowed to her.
I was in early elementary school when Princess Elizabeth became Queen. As a little girl, I didn’t know anything about the British Empire, impe rialism, or politics, but I was fascinated by this young woman, only a few years younger than my mother, who acceded to the pomp and circum stance of the British throne. It was a fairy tale come true, highlighted by lavish pictorial spreads in Life magazine, which arrived by subscription wherever we lived as a military family. I clipped those photos and saved them for years; a glossy cover photo of the young queen was a favorite.
nate a young White girl before they leave.”The Supreme Court’s recent decision to overturn Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs decision has also raised the stakes in Richmond, and put the different priorities of the two major parties in sharp contrast.
September 10, 10:14 PM, a male, 45, of Bowie, MD, was arrested for being Drunk in Public.
Clearly, the Governor and the Republicans in the General Assembly have a very stark view of what being pro-life means. They seem to be against quite a lot and not exactly supportive of much.
Delegate Simon represents the 53rd District in the Virginia House of Delegates. He may be emailed at DelMSimon@house.virginia.gov

Condolences to friends and neighbors of Marty Bernstein, a longtime Lakeside Plaza resident who passed away after a brief illness. Marty was a terrific civic volunteer, who always approached community challenges with a positive attitude. He often was in touch with my office about improving signalization and line of sight at Powell Lane and Columbia Pike, concerned about the safety of students and commuters at the bus stops there, and enforcing parking regulations. Marty Bernstein was just 70 when he died earlier this month.
The General Assembly met in Richmond last week for the final installment of our 2022 Special Session. The floor session was called to allow us to fill a vacancy on the State Corporation Commission that was created when House Republicans refused to reap point Angela Navarro in retaliation for Senate Democrats’ refusal to confirm Trump EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler as Virginia Secretary of Natural Resources.
Larceny of Vehicle Parts, Roosevelt Blvd, September 11, 9:27 PM, unknown suspect(s) broke the driver’s side window of a 2021 Honda Civic and removed the steering wheel airbag.
Penny Gross is the Mason District Supervisor, in the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors. She may be emailed at mason@fairfaxcounty.gov.

So who is to blame for the rancorous relationship between the administration, House Republicans, and Senate Democrats?
Congratulations to the Evergreen Heights Community Association, which celebrated its 50th anniversary last weekend. Evergreen Heights was one of the first townhome communi ties in Annandale when it was built on what had been farmland in 1972. Original resident Sharon Kash recollected that there were no sidewalks or streetlights when she moved in, the K-Mart had just opened, and groceries were purchased at the A & P at Columbia Pike and Gallows Road.
The formality of court procedures was on view last weekend as the Accession Council, for the first time in 70 years, met to proclaim the queen’s eldest son, Charles, as the new sovereign. In a radical change (although 70 years in the mak ing), the formal ceremony was televised, but also participating were dozens of women – the newest Prime Minister Liz Truss, whose meeting with the Queen at Balmoral was the last photo taken of Elizabeth; former Prime Minister Theresa May, members of Parliament, and Penny Mordaunt,
Senate Democrats recessed the Special Session in hopes of con tinuing to negotiate in good faith to fill this important role, but House Republicans attempted to adjourn the special session sine die (once and for all) over my objection.
Drunk in Public, Hillwood Ave, September 5, 02:10 AM, a male, 56, of Falls Church, VA, was arrested for being Drunk in Public.Shoplifting, S Washington St, September 6, 7:21 PM, two sus pects took merchandise without paying on several occasions. A male and a female, both 25 and from Annandale, VA, were arrested on one felony and three misdemeanor warrants each for shoplifting.StolenVehicle, E Broad St, September 7, sometime over night, a 2022 Ford F-250 King Ranch was stolen from a dealer
A Penny for Your Thoughts News of Greater Falls Church
FCNP.COM | FALLS CHURCH NEWS-PRESS F.C. School Year is Off to a Swimming Start, Noonan Says Continued from Page 1 Coordinated Services Management, Inc.—Professional Management of Retirement Communities since 1981. 703-531-0781 chesterbrookres.orgA Caring Assisted Living Retirement Community YARD SALE Neighborhood Saturday, September 17 9 am to 2 pm Household Items • Baked Goods • Music • Games All proceeds benefit the Chesterbrook Residences Care Fund. Do you have items to donate? Email chesterbrook@cri-va.org or call us at 703-531-0781. KIDS WORKING ON their math skills during class. (P���� C�������: FCCPS P����)
Soleil booked at a local hotel during a long run of nightly shows in Tysons.“Wehope this means there is going to be a very terrific talent show here this fall,” he quipped.
The Board will continue to receive written feedback on the proposed policy via email and during public comments at future meetings and the matter is scheduled for a final vote during the October 11 regular meeting.

Overall, Noonan was very upbeat in his first report to the School Board on the status of the new school year, which officially began with the opening of classes two weeks ago (August 29).

Marking his sixth year as head of the Falls Church system, Noonan said “this has been one of the best ever, as the last five all involved some kind of existential stress” ranging from new school construction issues, the pandemic and related issues. “This is the first time something has not been looming, and it feels very normal,” he quipped.Hereported that, happily, “there has been no ‘great resignation’ impact on the Falls Church schools, as there is “only smiling faces” as all teacher and staff positions are filled, including for bus drivers, and all the new teachers have been assigned fellow-teacher
mentors.Hehailed the convocation that drew all 500+ system employees last month, thanking School Board chair Laura Downs, the Falls Church Education Foundation, and City Council member Marybeth Connelly for their seminal roles, and singled out the role of a student panel at the event held in the new Meridian auditorium that focused on the theme of “how might we rediscover joy” in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic and other inconveniences.
teaching and staff positions.

He said that while the spread of Covid-19 is not over, “it is now being handled as ‘endemic’ and not as Askedpandemic.byBoard member Tate Gould how the opening for the Falls Church system compares with surrounding jurisdictions, Noonan said that he will learn more at a regional superintendents meeting next week, but based on media reports, the Falls Church system, due to its size and priorities, has been “very fortunate,” avoiding the teacher and staff shortages that continue to plague its much larger neighbors that still have hundreds of unfilled both
“All our teachers and bus drivers are in place here,” Noonan stressed. “We’re now settling in and things are proceeding very smoothly.”Among the items the School Board took up Tuesday was to give a preliminary OK to a new school calendar action that codifies the development of future school
calendars. “The proposed policy moves the division to a more secular calendar by recognizing Fall/ Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring Breaks and requires all other nostudent holidays to be federal holidays or those required by state law. The first day of school would be two weeks before Labor Day and the last day of school no later than June 10th,” it was reported.
Arts Fairfax, the nonprofit local arts agency of Fairfax County, announced forty-four nonprofit and cultural organizations as recipients of grants for operations support. The City of Falls Church recipients are Creative Cauldron and Falls Church Arts, Inc., including two organizations in the City of Falls Church.
Business News & Notes is compiled by Elise Neil Bengtson, Executive Director of the Greater Falls Church Chamber of Commerce. She may be emailed at elise@fallschcurchchamber.org.

NOVA Career Services is hosting a virtual hiring event via Zoom on September 22 for employers. The Virtual Employer Lobby (VEL) for Education and Social Sciences is set for Thursday, September 22nd, from 12-2pm. The VEL, will focus on NOVA’s Education and Social Sciences pathways and feature employers with opportunities related to education, history, early childhood development, social sciences, and more. Each employer will have their own breakout room to conduct conversations with students interested in learning more about the organization and its open positions. Employers must register in Career Connections at https://nvcc-csm.symplicity.com/ employers/index.php?signin_tab=0&signin_tab=0 to receive the Zoom link.
NVTC Tech 100 Celebration
Northrop Secures Air Force Contract

ViaPath Technologies Partners with CypherWorx

ViaPath Technologies works with incarcerated individuals and has announced a partnership with CypherWorx, an award-winning eLearning solutions provider. Together they will provide education opportunities to incarcerated individuals at close to 2,000 correctional facilities across the country with courses that provide incarcerated individuals with life skills, education, job training and certifications to assist in successful reintegration.
NOVA Hiring Event for Employers
The NVTC Tech 100 Celebration will honor the top companies and leaders in the Greater Washington technology community. With categories representing the most important and growing sectors in the region’s tech industry, this awards program highlights the cutting-edge companies, executives, innovators, NextGen leaders, and rising stars who are driving innovation, implementing new solutions for their customers, and leading the region’s growth. Nominations are now open and will close October 14, 2022. For more information, visit: description?CalendarEventKey=5e7ee3b1-b7c6-4c03-a338-3e61ca0571ab&hlmlt=EDhttps://thrive.nvtc.org/events/event-
Grants for Arts Organizations

During National Small Business Week, Google announced its new scholarship program ( sixanddataworthing-ecommerce/)blog.google/outreach-initiatives/grow-with-google/career-certificates-scholarships-digital-market-https://forsmallbusinesses.Itoffersupto500scholarshipspersmallbusiness—over$100,000inworkforcetraining—forGoogleCareerCertificatestotrainemployeesinanalytics,ITsupport,projectmanagement,userexperience(UX)design,ordigitalmarketinge-commerce.Googleestimatesthecertificateswilltakeabout5-10hoursaweekoverthreetomonthsforprofessionalstocomplete.TheprogramisavailableuntilDec.18,2024.

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Northrop Grumman has received a potential one-year, $13 million contract from the U.S. Air Force to develop, implement, test, and sustain the Radar Technology Insertion Program sensor. Under the terms, Northrop will also maintain and repair the Integrated Mission Management Computer for NATO. The sole-source contract involves foreign military sales to NATO and continues services for work carried out at Sigonella Air Base in Italy through Sept. 30, 2023.
Google Scholarships for Small Businesses
FOOD&DINING SEPTEMBER 15 - 21, 2022 | PAGE 11FCNP.COM | FALLS CHURCH NEWS-PRESS Lets do Brunch Local Dining Spots in the Little City Page 16 Oktoberfest The ‘People’s Festival’ Page 12 - 13 Beer & Wine Festivals Fall Festivals Page 14-15 • Fall Festival Lineup, Menu, Map & Vendor List • ‘Taste’ Judge Q&A’s Also Inside:
Three years ago, it was estimated that 7.3 million liters of beer were consumed by the end of that year’s Oktoberfest.Locally, many businesses and eateries celebrate Oktoberfest in various unique ways. Both adults and children alike can participate in these festivities, allowing everyone to enjoy the festival in different ways.
On October 12, 1810, the world’s largest “Volksfest” (German for “people’s festival’’) was created in Germany, giving people around the world a reason to celebrate German culture and most importantly, food andOktoberFestbeer. is an annual festival in Munich, a city in Bavaria located in Germany. It is typically a 16 to 18 day festival that runs from mid- or late- September to around the first Sunday in October.
As to why the festival is called OktoberFest despite being mostly celebrated in September, there is a reasonable explanation. The first festival in 1810 was to celebrate the marriage between the Bavarian prince and later King Louis I to Princess Therese von SachsenHildburghausen. It ran for five days and concluded with a horse race that came to be called “Thereseinwiese” (“Therese’s green”). In the following years, the celebrations were repeated and Oktoberfest was prolonged and moved to September. By moving the festival up, it allowed better weather conditions and allowed participants
Audacious Aleworks their Falls Church brewery, is running food and drink specials to celebrate Oktoberfest, beginning on September 16th and lasting until October 2nd.

Participants can buy an Oktoberfest “stein” (“a large earthenware beer mug”) filled with one of the taproom’s six Oktoberfest featured beers for only $12. If one brings back the stein on a future date during the festival, the brewery will offer a 20-ounce pour for the 16-ounce price. Oktoberfest-themed platters will be served each weekend as well. For more information, visit audaciousaleworks.com.
Settle Down Easy Brewing is hosting a three-weekend celebration for Oktoberfest. Starting on the weekend of September 17th and lasting until the weekend of October 1st, the Falls Church brewery allows participants to enjoy foods such as bratwurst and

Oktoberfest is the People’s Festi
to further enjoy the outdoor activities.Throughout the years, Oktoberfest has made its way overseas to the United States, where it is celebrated with daily or weekly events in September and October. Participants in various Oktoberfest events can enjoy authentic German delicacies, such as bavarian pretzels, roasted meats and of course, beer. The festival is widely known for the large amounts of beer consumed in both Germany and the United States.
pretzels and beer for only $10. The second weekend of this celebration includes Oysterfest, where 4,000 oysters “will be shucked and served” for $1 each. The last weekend presents Bratoberfest, where people can snag two bratwurst tacos from local restaurant El Tio Tex-Mex Grill for $10, as well as drinks. For more information, visit settledowneasybrewing. com.
Continued on

Bronson Bier Hall in Arlington will be having sample selections from local breweries such as Port City Brewing Company, as well as the “tapping” of a Weihenstephaner Ceremonial Keg. Their celebration of Oktoberfest will take place on September 24th and will feature various live music performances and a beer stein holding contest. For more information, visit bronsonbierhall.com.
Glory Days Grill at Barcroft Plaza in Falls Church is offering food and drink specials during their Oktoberfest celebration. Customers can indulge in chicken schnitzel, roasted vegetables, a sausage that comes with onions and peppers, cheddar ale soup and a selection of beer. For more information, visit glorydaysgrill.com.
Village Brahaus in Alexandria is hosting an Oktoberfest celebration from September 15th to September 16th. Beer specials, as well as a performance by Johnny Koenig, the self proclaimed “face for the next generation of polka stars,” are just some of the activities held at the beer garden’s celebration. For more information, visit villagebrauhaus.com.
Shipgarten in Mclean is hosting an Oktoberfest kick-off event on Saturday, September 17th. A ceremonial “tapping of the keg” will take place, as well as stein-hoisting and sausageeating competitions, apple-bobbing, live music and a kid’s corner. For more information, you can visit their website at shipgarten.com.

Continued from Page 12
Glory Days will be offering a variety of food options including a Sausage&Pepper Sandwich. Visit their Falls Church location at 6341 Columbia Pike. German Gourmet offers an array of Oktoberfest food and beers at their location 5838 Columbia Pike, Falls Church, VA. (C������� P�����: G���� D��� G����, ��� G����� G������)

in Fairfax is celebrating Oktoberfest and their 4th birthday by hosting Hoptoberfest on September 17th. Located in the Mosaic District, the festivities will be held on the patio of Caboose Commons and features live music, a brewing workshop, beer tastings, food and a bounce house. For more information, visit caboosebrewing.com.
Courhaus Social in Arlington is hosting an eighthour celebration of Oktoberfest on September 17th. Participants can listen to live music, win gym gift cards at a stein-holding competition, receive some Oktoberfest merchandise and enjoy themed food, such as pork schnitzel and apple strudel. For more information, visit courthaussocial.com.

Grand Opening Saturday Sept .17 To Show Our Appreciation We are Offering Free Burritos 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. (one per person) Hours: Closed:10am-8pmMondaysCheckOutourotherlocation in Arlington too! 2599 Columbia Pike, Arlington, VA 22204 7175burritosbrosfc.comLeeHwy,FallsChurch,VA22046 BURRITOS BROS BURRITOSBROS_FALLSCHURCHFALLSCHURCH

ebrating Oktoberfest with music and food on September 17th. People can listen to the TKO band play music during a polka fest held at The Boro’s Sandlot, play games in Boro Park, while younger participants can make pretzel necklaces. The first 150 attendees can receive a branded beer mug. For more information, visit theborotysons.com.
Port City Brewing Company offers Oktoberfest participants the chance to indulge in German food and the company’s craft beers, as well as raise money for a good cause. Port City Brewing Company’s Oktoberfest celebration includes a fundraiser for Senior Services of Alexandria, a nonprofit supporting local seniors in need with Meals on Wheels, transportation and other services. There are two events being hosted by Port City Brewing Company for Oktoberfest this year: Wunderfest and Dogtoberfest. Wunderfest on September 17th allows people to enjoy live music and compete for prizes, while Dogtoberfest on October 1st features dog-friendly activities. For more information, visit portcitybrewing.com.
DC’S LARGEST BEER FESTIVAL, featuring over 80 breweries and live music. (P����: ��� ����������� DC BEER F�������)

Mount Vernon, 3200 Mount Vernon Memorial Hwy., Mount Vernon
Virginia is Home for Wine and Beer Lovers
Virginia Wine Festival Oct. Noon-6:00pm1-2
Dock 5 at Union Market, 1309 5th St. NE, Washington, DC 20002
Soul Food Saturday Sept. 17/Oct. 2:00pm-6:00pm15
One Loudoun, 44600 Freetown Blvd., Ashburn
DC Wine Fest! Fall Edition Oct. Noon-10:00pm8
Falls Church has many wonderful local events to attend. In addition to that, one of the many benefits of living here is the proximity to events all around Northern Virginia. This guide is your one-stop shop to the numerous Food and Wine festivals and events taking place this year. From cookoffs to wine tastings, home-grown fruits to potlucks, there is something for everyone to attend and enjoy. Find the event that fits you best. You are guaranteed to find an event that fits you and your schedule perfectly! Enjoy yourself, unwind, and enjoy the wonderful foods and beverage in Northern Virginia.
Sip Sip Saturday Wine Tasting – Every Sunday

Carlyle House, 121 N. Fairfax St., Alexandria, VA 22314
ing wine made right here in Virginia. The event caters to people from all walks of life, the only requirement is a love for only the best wines, red or white. Tickets cost $39 for general admission or $69 for VIP, which includes early entry to the event, tastings of select reserve wines, and a private tented area.
Woodlawn Press Winery, Alexandria
Continued on Page 15
12310A Sunset Hills Road #Suite 101, Reston, VA 20190
Tickes start at $7 and grant entry to the event for the day.

Hosted by the Woodlawn Press Winery on every Sunday, attendants can enjoy a wonderful day tasting locally made wines in a fun and cozy atmosphere. A weekly event, meaning you can come and go as you
Fall Wine Festival & Sunset Tour – Oct 7-9, 6:00pm9:00pm

Find a New Favorite On Us! Bring this into the Bakery for a Buy One, get One Free thru 9/30/22

please, as there will always be another tasting right around the corner.
An all-day, all-night, multisession vino experience. Sample premium wine with a backdrop of live entertainment, keeping the party lively during this one-of-a-
The premiere Wine Festival in Northern Virginia, hosting over one hundred vendors sell-

Black Girls Wine Society Event Sept. 7:00pm-10:00pm22
Pick between reds, whites, bubbles and more to find the perfect wine for you. Tickets start at $40 and get you appetizers, a guided tasting, and two glasses of your choice of wine.
Celebrating black and women owned business, this event specializes in testing the limits of your palette.
Located on the East Lawn of George Washington’s estate, this tasting samples wines from Virginia producers. An opportunity to explore the first and second floors of the estate, as well as the cellar afterhours. Enjoy a night at this historic estate with various wines to taste and sights to see. Daily ticket prices range from $43 to $53 for members and $53 to $63 or nonmembers.
Described as a bite of American history! Soul Food Sundays connects the past to the plate. It is a guided walking tour of Old Town Alexandria that uses historic landmarks to highlight the invaluable contributions of African American innovation and tradition to American cuisine. See, hear, touch, smell and taste the culinary heritage of the nation! Starts at $42 for the guided tour and food tastings.
Best Trick, Biggest Dog, Best Tail Wagger, and so much more!
Taco, Beer, Tequila Festival 2022 11:00am-5:00pmOct.22-23
The premiere 100% vegan event that is free and open to the public. Whether you’re a dedicated vegan, someone interested in the vegan lifestyle, or just someone curious about learning to incorporate more plant-based food to your routine, Veg Fest is open to all. Enjoy the festival with food vendors, live music, and guest speakers. There is no cost, feel free to stop by!
kind experience. Check out the amazing vendors participating at DCWineFest.com. Tickets start at $35 for general admission, or $65 for early admission, granting early access one hour before the crowd, providing more time to sample and mingle.


National Harbor, MD
DogtoberFest at Shipgarten Oct. 1:00pm-6:00pm22
Barbecue, whiskey, and wine. What more could one ask for? This event will be populated by food trucks, s’mores, live music, shopping, educational seminars, and fire-breathers! The opportunities for fun are endless. Each guest also gets a souvenir glass to enjoy an “allyou-care-to-taste” sampling of whiskey and wine. Tickets cost $59 for general admission or $89 for VIP, limited to the first 400 guests, but includes early entry, complimentary bites, a bottle of wine, and a special seating lounge.
Shipgarten, 7581 Colshire Dr., Mclean, VA 22102

DC Metro Whiskey, Wine and Fire Oct. 4:00-9:00pm8
Hillsboro Old Stone School, 37098 Charles Town Pk., Purcellville
A 21+ event for adults in the DMV. Come sample Tacos, beer, and tequila to your heart’s content. Churros, tacos, and guacamole provided by the best taquerias and taco trucks in the region. $45 for general admission and $85 for the unlimited ticket, granting VIP early access and as much tacos, beer, and tequila you could ever handle.

Nationals Park, Washington, DC
Bull Run Special Events Center, 7700 Bull Run Dr., Centreville
Octoberfest fun with your pets! Attended by various rescues bringing dogs up for adoption. Multiple pet owned vendors setting up selling various treats, toys, clothes and more. All this four-legged fun, and 50+ beers to sample. Bring your family and your pups to enjoy cold beer, delicious food, and events for all ages. Totally free to attend. Enter your dogs in the various competitions throughout the festival. Smallest Dog, Best Kisser,
one hundred vendors selling wine made right here in Virginia.

Loudon Veg Fest Oct. 11:00am-4:00pm30
Attend DC’s Largest beer festival, featuring over 80 breweries, food trucks, bands, dueling pianos, and much more throughout Nats Park. Beer, food, lawn games, and live music peppered throughout the massive baseball stadium with plenty to do for anyone and everyone. $50 for general admission and $90 for VIP admission which grants access to the warning track and dugouts, also receiving commemorative tasting glasses and DC Beer Fest hats.
Continued from Page 15
2022 DC Beer Fest Nov. Noon5

132 W Broad St.
by Nick Gatz Falls Church News-Press
We will let you decide who ulti malety has the best brunch here in the Somecity! places that you should be sure to check out are not pictured.
There is no shortage of restau rants and places to get brunch here in the Little City.

Fpr example, Ireland’s Four Provinces offers breakfast and brunch,Lazy4psva.com.Mike’sDelicatessen has all day breakfast, Preservationlazymikesdeli.com.BiscuitCompany is another City favorite, visit preservationbiscuit.com.CafeKindred,isa place to stop by for your morning delights, cafekindred.com.
choice of orange, grapefruit, or peach
Avocado Toast

Let’s d o b ru N ch iN the Litt L e c ity
BRUNCH to right include Liberty’s unlimited small plate brunch. & Gruyere Quiche, Made Bacon & Poached Egg Northside Rancheros Cajun Grits from Dogwood Tavern. Pancakes Steak Frites Harveys.

Brunch items are available ALL DAY!!

205 Park Ave, Falls Churh
Ham & Gruyere Quiche House Made Bacon & Poached Egg
When it comes to brunch there are many options. Some choose eggs, some choose waffles while other go for the meats.
- 3 CajunHuevosP.M.RancherosBreakfastGrits Full Menu: dogwoodtavern.com
LB Bloody Mary regular or spicy John Daly iced tea, lemonade & vodka Draft Beer Pacific, National Bohemian, Raised By Wolves Pale Ale, LB
Full Menu: libertyfallschurch.com
- 3 FullStrawberryP.M.PancakesSteakFritesMenu:harveysva.com
(Photos: Sue Johnson, Courtesy Harvey’s and News-Press)
Our quest to do brunch in the Little City was quite sucessful. While we did not come to a conclusion on who was the best, we will leave you with some highlights and options that you yourself can try.

Full Menu: northsidesocialva.com

Social. Huevos
370 W Broad St.
Avocado Toast, Ham
7 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Sunday, Monday, & Tuesday 7 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Wednesday to Saturday.
h arvey’s W Broad St, Falls Church
There are a full roster of restaurants
Admission and Tickets
Event Sponsors
ready to satisfy your every craving with small bites of amazing food. Tickets are $3 per “taste” at each restaurant (some tastes may require two tickets). Event goers can purchase individual taste tickets or 10 taste tickets for $25. Taste tickets are cash only at the outside ticket booths. Credit cards may be used inside the Community Center. There is no onsite ATM. Tickets will not be sold after 3:30pm.
Restaurants to Open in Founders Row by the end of the year or early 2023.
Participating restaurants include: Taste of Falls Church HotHarvey’sClareCaféBaddpizzaKindredandDon’sNJuicyCrawfish
Entertainment for the Entire Family Main10:00Stagea.m. – Welcoming Falls Church 11:00 a.m. - Ocho De Bastos 12:15 p.m. – Big Tow 1:30 p.m. – All You Need is Beatles 2:45 p.m. – Lil Maceo
You also can taste all the amazing
Thank you to the sponsors of the 2022 Falls Church Festival:
9th Annual Rocklands Hot Sauce Contest & Pig Roast

CapitalbabycitoArea CommunikidsPediatrics(Children’s Crafts)
Falls Church News-Press
Patient First Power Home Remodeling
Fun for All at the 46th Annual Falls Church Festival
Ellie Bird: A new restaurant concept from the owners of Michelin Star restaurant Rooster and Owl that will feature some variations from the Rooster & Owl carryout days; seafood paella, miso caesar salad, grill corn ravioli and more.
Bolay Falls Church Virginia’s VIP Week! Thursday, October 6, 2022 at 11:00 a.m, Monday, October 10, 2022 at 9:00Bolay’sp.m. newest restaurant will be giving away a free Bolay Regular Bol or Wrap during the grand opening VIP week! Present your registration ticket at the cash register during Bolay’s VIP Week
The 46th Annual Falls Church Festival (www.fallschurchva.gov/Festival) returns this Saturday, September 17, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the City Hall grounds (300 Park Ave.). You’ll find all your favorites, from live music and entertainment to pony rides and other children’s amusements, local vendors, businesses and civic organizations, a Beer Garden, and the Taste of Falls Church! This event is rain or shine.

Island Fin Poke Lazy
Bolay Falls Church Virginia’s VIP Week!
Goldfish Swim School Falls Church Heartland Foods
dining that mimics a backyard boil, a traditional event that takes place throughout Louisiana during crawfish season and typically involves cooking live crawfish with cajun spices, oranges, lemons, garlic, onions, and celery.
fication can purchase and consume alcohol.

Nue: A new concept from the Happy Endings Hospitality Group that focuses on sophisticated, upscale Vietnamese cuisine in a refined sit-down environment.
The Tori McKinney ROCK STAR REALTY GROUP Beer Garden returns to this year’s event, with selections from Audacious Aleworks and Solace Outpost. The Beer Garden will be located near the main stage and serve alcohol from 11:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Anyone can enter the Beer Garden, but only those with a valid identi-
One 1ea Taiwanese Cafe Open Road Taco ThompsonRock Italian Beer Garden
Roll Play Grill: A fast-casual Vietnamese restaurant that reinvents a tradition of healthy, fresh, and tasty Vietnamese food.
to redeem.1208-D West Broad Street, Falls Church, V.A. 2204

Children’s Stage 11:00 a.m. – Mr. Gabe 12:15 p.m. – Magician Drew Owen 1:30 p.m. – Rocknoceros 2:45 p.m. – Bach to Rock 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Children’s Crafts, Pony Rides and Amusements
FOOD&DINING SEPTEMBER 15 - 21, 2022 | PAGE 17FCNP.COM | FALLS CHURCH NEWS-PRESS Solongandthanksforallthe...? (What is FallsChurchknownfor,anyway?) CloseoutBOGOSpecial (Buyanysauceandgetafreeselectsauceonus!) Lostourlease!Everythingmustgo! OpenFriday, Saturday1-4,by appointmentandif youdrivebyand thedoorisopen, comeonin! Theoriginal 455HSouthMaple Avenue(fornow!) HotSauces! Condiments! CookingSauces! Dips&Spreads! Kimchi&kraut! Saladdressings! Andmuchmore! Allnatural! Lowsodium! Fatfree! Nomajor allergens! Nodairy! Plantbased! Vegan! StoreClosingSale!
Tori McKinney ROCK STAR REALTY (Entertainment and Beer Garden)
Falls Church Restaurant News

Aqua – Tots (Children’s Entertainment)
Prince William Home Improvement The Kensington
Kyo Matcha: A matcha tea based dessert concept from the owner of Kyu Ramen offering a plethora of match based desserts including cakes, ice cream, and drinks.
homemade hot sauces and help pick the winner! Prizes will go to the Judge’s Winner and People’s Choice. We will also have a firetruck for the kids (and dogs!). It’s a great family friendly night - rain or shine - on the Rocklands patio!
Admission to the festival is free, but amusement rides, small bite tastes, and beer require the purchase of one or more tickets.
NothingMark’sMike’sPubBundt Cakes

Dave Forbes of Disturbingly Delicious Foods is now making sauerkraut and kimchi, which is fermented cabbage combined with garlic, ginger and red chilis. Find Disturbingly Delicious sauces and kimchi and sauerkraut, in time for Oktoberfest, at the Farmers Market on Saturdays, 8-12, and at his shop at 455 S. Maple St, Falls Church.
Disturbingly Delicious Foods Making Sauerkraut and Kimchi
Come join Rocklands and the DC Firefighters Burn Foundation on Thursday, September 22 from 5 p.m. — 8 p.m. for a great night of all you can eat Rocklands pulled pork, delicious sides and Right Proper beer and various wines. $35 in advance; $45 at the door and new this year.... kids tickets ($15!)
ramen burgers, and more.
Chasin’ Tails: Offers a family style
Kyu Ramen: New York City based ramen concept which offers a variety of ramen noodle dishes, rice burgers,

TOP TO BOTTOM, are the chicken enchiladas with rice, refried beans, sour cream and more. Pictured on the bottom is the Pupusa with pork and cheese. (Photos: Patricia Leslie)
by Patricia Leslie Falls Church News-Press
How does pupusa translate in English?It’sacorn or rice flour torti lla filled with ham and cheese, or sausage, pork, Salvadoran “flower bud” cheese, shrimp, steak, garlic, squash, avocado, you name it, with prices from $2.40 to $3.50.

Brightly Painted Walls Create a festive spirit at Pupuseria La Familiar
It was the first time I had had “blended” refried beans (in a food processor?) which, natu rally, had no effect on the taste and were as mild as expected. (Nothing I had at Pupuseria’s was too Marquezspicy.)told me that one of the restaurant’s most popular beverages is “ensalada de fru tas” which translates to “fruit salad.” Huh? A drink of salad?
Loud Latino music played nonstop, and it’s hard to hear your meal partner sometime with the echoes (sometimes, not such a bad thing). Guests may go outside to that dining area with service and a lower sound volume.The big Pupuseria staff is well rehearsed in the hustle and bustle of a busy restau rant, maintaining cool and calm demeanors and generally smil ing at everyone, and showing no impatience.Ifyou’ve never waited on tables, it comes highly recom mended as an unforgettable experience, a sensitizing lesson in life and one I would recom mend to anyone for at least six months.Pupuseria’s has lots more on its menu than just pupusas, of course. A variety of tacos ($3.50 to $4.99), sandwiches, soups, and breakfast all day long are some of the choices.
In the Spanish tradition, many families go out to eat after church, Marquez told me, and it appears that most of them in the area come here. (Other days, not so Whenmuch.)Idropped in on a recent Sunday afternoon, it was party time with filled tables, a line of eight waiting at the “to go” counter, a crammed park ing lot, and lots of noise.
She praised the owners, Maritza and Hector Hernandes, who come in weekly and test the food and kitchen, demand ing changes, if necessary. “They want everything to be perfect,” Marquez smiled.
Pupuseria has locations in Maryland, but Falls Church is not listed on its website, pupu serialafamiliar.com. It’s open seven days a week, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., 308 South Washington Street, Falls Church, VA 22046, (703) 995-2528.
Alas, Pupuseria serves no alcohol. Marquez said the own ers want to keep it that way since it’s a family restaurant and there are no plans to change it.
Ellie said her baleadas was “tasty, good and reasonably priced,” and she cleaned her plate.Of course, I had to have a pupusa and I chose the pork with loroco and cheese ($2.25) which was ground to a sauce consistency. The Salvadoran flower bud cheese, often found on the menu, is a cooking vine with a mild flavoring and its plant parts, disguised.
tangy taste.
FOOD&DINING- 21, 2022
A family of four can eat here for under $20 and that’s what many area Latin Americans do on Sundays, said Wendy Marquez, the manager.
In April 2005, the Salvadoran Legislative Assembly declared pupusas as the national dish of El Salvador and the second Sunday in November, National Pupusas Day. It will be crowded at Pupuseria’s!
At one meal I had my stan dard Latin American fare of chicken enchiladas with rice and beans ($11.50). The chick en was soft and tender, and the salsa added a welcome, slightly

After testing it ($3.50 or $4.25), I decided the name should be changed to “fructas” since I tasted no lettuce, beets, mushrooms (!), or radishes in the drink but, instead, my palate favored the little bits of finely chopped tropical fruit which Marquez warned me might be too sweet (it wasn’t). It was uplifting and refreshing, just the right blend and filled me with enough Vitamin C to last a week.When my friend Ellie and I ate on another day at Pupuseria, we both ordered baleadas which is like a big taco with refried beans and a Salvadoran cream spread over a large handmade flour tortilla with eggs, avocado, and cheese. Its appearance was deceiving for it looked rather bland, but the taste proved oth erwise.Iordered mine without meat ($4.99), but meats are avail able (steak, $7.99; chicken or Salvadoran sausage, $6.99).
For dessert, Ellie and I each had the budin or Salvadoran style banana bread pudding ($2.25) which we decided would be immensely improved with spoonfuls of vanilla ice cream or warmed whipped cream. Its consistency was like a heavenly rich pound cake and gave me the false impression it was good for me. (But not for my scale, alas.)After working 12 years at another eatery, Marquez joined Pupuseria in 2021 when the res taurant opened in Falls Church,
Brightly painted walls with colorful art, big windows and plants help create a festive spirit at Pupuseria La Familiar restau rant at the corner of Annandale Road and South Washington Street where its speciality, pupusas, are priced under $5.
FOOD&DINING SEPTEMBER 15 - 21, 2022 | PAGE 19FCNP.COM | FALLS CHURCH NEWS-PRESS HOME TO GOOD FOOD AND FRIENDS HARVEY’S HARVEY’S GOOD FOOD GOODGOODFRIENDSTIMESDAYANDNIGHTATHARVEY’S 513 W. Broad St. Falls Church, Va 22046 www.Harveysva.com (540) 268-6100 Sponsored by Rock Star Realty Group, KW Metro Center Sponsored by Aqua-Tots We smoke our ribs, brisket and pork We slow roast our corned beef for reubens Enjoy our homemade specials and cakes. Outdoor seating. ww w.markspub fc 703-356-3822va.com 2190 Pimmit Dr Falls Church, VA 22043 Starting Oct 1: Karaoke will be on Tuesday at 9:00 pm and Saturday at 9:30 pm Trivia Monday @ 7pm • Wednesday & Thursday @ 8:30pm Live Music Tuesday & Friday @ 8pm 1/2 Priced Burgers Tuesday Karaoke Saturday @ 9pm Brunch Saturday & Sunday Happy Hour Monday to Friday, 4pm-7pm B E S T BESTO F F C COM FALLS CHURCH of 202 2 Finalist Homemade is our Business

11. What types of food are you most looking forward to trying at the Festival? I am open to anything and everything!
Judges Talk F.C. Favorites, Pandemic Comfort Meals & More
Come hungry! It’s not just that I want to be able to enjoy all the foods I taste, but I also have to make sure I have room for them all.
3. If you could have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
3. If you could have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? For the rest of my life…wow…probably nachos… they offer a seemingly endless variety of toppings and include all of the major food groups - cheese, guacamole, jalapenos, and salsa.
7. Who is your favorite dining partner? Anybody who loves good food and the joy of sharing a good meal and good conversation.
7. Who is your favorite dining partner? My family. My kids are now all off at college and I look forward to the time we are all back together.
8.What holiday makes for the best meal? Is National Pizza Day an official holiday? If so, then that.
11. What types of food are you most looking forward to trying at the Festival? All of it.
Man, that’s a lot of casseroles, but probably eat at home. I am out at a lot of night meetings and it’s nice to spend time back at home.
3. If you could have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Pasta. Any type of pasta.
9. What is the strangest thing you have ever tried/eaten? Camel.
6. What is your favorite recipe? My aunt used to make me Hot Browns growing up. It’s an open-faced sandwich of turkey and bacon covered in a cheese sauce that’s baked until the sauce starts to brown.
5. What was your comfort meal/food during the pandemic? Probably Kozy Shack Chocolate pudding. For variety, stir in some peanut butter.
11. What types of food are you most looking forward to trying at the Festival? I love it all…it’s a great day to be in Falls Church!
8.What holiday makes for the best meal? Thanksgiving!
4. If you had to choose, would you eat at home or dine out for the rest of your life? Why?
Cheese, lots of cheese!
5. What was your comfort meal/food during the pandemic? Thompson Italian’s Rigatoni.
9. What is the strangest thing you have ever tried/eaten?
Justin GovernmentKiefferEmployee
9. What is the strangest thing you have ever tried/eaten? Fermented shark.
5. What was your comfort meal/food during the pandemic?
I am not an adventurous eater. I have been eating plain pizza since I was a kid. I did, however, have grilled squid tentacle on a skewer when I taught English in Japan.
6. What is your favorite recipe? That is almost impossible to choose, seeing as how I have over 1,500 of them that I work with! But I think the one I am proudest of, and truly love every time I make it is my Khao Soi.
10. What are you hoping is in store food-wise for this year’s festival? The usual…lots of great food, local restaurants, variety, and quantity.
2. What’s the one thing that “makes” a meal in your eyes?
This year’s Taste of Falls Church judges weighed in on everything from what makes a meal to the strangest thing they have ever eaten.
8.What holiday makes for the best meal? Thanksgiving because of all the different sides that add to the perfect base of turkey and gravy.
9. What is the strangest thing you have ever tried/eaten? The spinal cord of a pig in China
10. What are you hoping is in store food-wise for this year’s festival? The one thing I’m looking for is to be pleasantly surprised.
4. If you had to choose, would you eat at home or dine out for the rest of your life? Why?
1. What game-day preparation is in order for being a Taste of Falls Church judge?
7. Who is your favorite dining partner? Justin, for many reasons, including letting me eat his meals when he picks the better option.
6. What is your favorite recipe? Queso.
10. What are you hoping is in store food-wise for this year’s festival? Some of the newer restaurants that highlight the diversity of The Little City dining scene.
That’s a tricky one for me. In essence, I go to people’s homes, and cook with and for them for a living. So in a way, I eat at home, and dine out every night at the same time!
8.What holiday makes for the best meal? Thanksgiving of course! The bounty of fall combined with bringing family together for a collection of wonderful dishes – it’s the best. .
11. What types of food are you most looking forward to trying at the Festival? I don’t want to say I’m going in with any favorites off the top of my head. I want to be surprised and delighted.
2. What’s the one thing that “makes” a meal in your eyes? Sauces.
7. Who is your favorite dining partner? My wife and even if it wasn’t, I’d still say my wife.
6. What is your favorite recipe? Nestle Tollhouse Chocolate Chip Cookies.
Homemade pizza. Experimenting with homemade pizzas was something I truly enjoyed throughout the pandemic.
1. What game-day preparation is in order for being a Taste of Falls Church judge?
Last year I tried to eat less the night before, this time I think I need to have a big dinner and expand my stomach.
5. What was your comfort meal/food during the pandemic? Thompson’s Italian Rigatoni takeout.
Contrast. When everything is the same, the meal quickly becomes boring. Contrast in textures, temperatures, colors, flavors, and more makes the meal exciting
Matt Finarelli Gourmet Culinary Instructor

3. If you could have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Steak Frites.
4. If you had to choose, would you eat at home or dine out for the rest of your life? Why?
Dine out because my wife and I can only master so many ordinary dishes.
Spaghetti Carbonara. The reason for this is twofold: First, it’s a simply delicious Roman pasta dish of guanciale (or pancetta), eggs, butter, cheese, cream and more.
10. What are you hoping is in store food-wise for this year’s festival? A wide variety of all Falls Church City has to offer, including any new places that opened.
4. If you had to choose, would you eat at home or dine out for the rest of your life? Why? This is tough. Eating out is more fun and less cleanup. Eating home is healthier and more economical!
Hot Dog & Country Beans = 2 tickets
Cheese Quesadilla = 2 tickets
Baddpizza (R11)
Water = 1 ticket
Hot Dog = 1 ticket
Add Guac = 1 ticket
IPA Honey Braised Brisket Slider = 2 KingticketsOyster Mushroom “Pulled Pork” Slider (V) = 2 tickets
Summer Wheatley Hefeweizen (A) = 2 ThirstyticketsWork IPA (A) = 2 tickets
Baja Shrimp Taco = 2 tickets
Rocket Surgery (A) = 2 tickets
Scan the QR code to cast your vote for our People's Choice Award!
Clare and Don's (R7)
Pulled Beef Mustard BBQ Slider = 1 ticket
Crispy Pork Skins = 1 ticket
Brunch Poutine = 2 tickets
Chips and Salsa = 1 ticket
Chocolate Chocolate Chip Bundtlet (V) = 2 tickets
Taiwanese Popcorn Chicken = 1 ticket
Veggie Taco = 2 tickets
Onigiri (Shrimp or Chicken) = 1 ticket
Cornbread & Chili = 2 tickets
Fried Brownies (V) = 1 ticket
Zero Proof Orange Crush = 2 tickets
Ice Cream = 2 tickets
Mini Tuna Poké Bowl = 1 ticket
Lazy Mike's (R8)
Pollo Taco = 2 tickets
Soda = 1 ticket
Solace Outpost (BG2)
Bubble Tea = 1 ticket
Audacious Aleworks (BG1)
Dole® Pineapple Soft Serve = 1 ticket

French Fries = 2 tickets
Café Kindred (R1)
Mini Chicken Bowl = 1 ticket
Jarritos = 2 tickets
Open Road (R3)
Elote (V) = 1 ticket
Mini Spicy Tuna Poké Bowl = 1 ticket
Crawfish Po’boy = 2 tickets
Deviled Eggs = 1 ticket
Pepperoni Slice = 1 ticket (V)(A)VegetarianAlcohol
Artificial Light (A) = 2 tickets
Dirty Chips = 1 ticket
Drinks can be purchased at select ticket booths.
Cheese Slice = 1 ticket
Oktoberfest Lager (A) = 2 tickets
Red Velvet Bundtlet (V) = 2 tickets
Shredded Chicken = 1 ticket
Harvey's (R10)
Taco Rock (R5)
Thompson Italian (R9)
Grandma’s Pot Roast Slider & Baked Beans = 2 tickets
Bottle of Water = 1 ticket
Curry Chips (V) = 2 tickets
El Gringo Taco = 2 tickets
One 1ea Taiwanese Cafe (R4)
Island Fin Poke (R2)
Mexican Cola = 2 tickets
Hot N Juicy Crawfish (R6)
Olive Oil Cake = 1 ticket
Carne Asada Taco = 2 tickets
Nothing Bundt Cakes (R12)
Mark’s Pub (R13)
White Chocolate Raspberry Bundtlet (V) = 2 tickets
Lemon Bundt Bundlet (V) = 2 tickets
Bottle Water = 1 ticket

FCCPS’s very own superintendent, Dr. Peter Noonan, concocted a biscuit recipe featuring his Southwest Green Chili recipe that is being sold at Preservation Biscuit this week (available now through Sunday, September 18) to benefit the Falls Church Education Foundation! S�����C�����N��� N����

Meridianhomestand.Field Hockey moved to 4-1 this past week with two wins at home. Wednesday night the Mustangs beat a tough Heritage High School team 2-0, then defeated Lightridge on Thursday 4-1.
Students who wish to be tested weekly must be re-enrolled into the weekly testing program. This free program is offered through the state of Virginia. All students and staff are eligible to enroll. If your student was enrolled last school year - you will need to register them again for the new school year. ViSSTA testing is available at all schools on Tuesdays and Jessie Thackrey and the
Over the weekend, Haley Heironimous continued her outstanding season finishing sixth in the Monroe Parker Invitational with an 18:02 time. On Wednesday, Boys and Girls Cross Country will compete in a meet against Annandale, Hayfield, and Thomas Edison.
Field hockey (0-4) had the past week off, giving them time to prepare for this week’s two home games: Monday against win-less Falls Church, and Wednesday versus Annandale (4-4).
The Meridian golf team persevered after a rough start shooting a 159 as a team. Ethan Bartlett, Henry Brown, and Dean Zike shot 39, while Ben Meade shot 42. Unfortunately,
Marshall High School:
(ASL) at Henderson Middle School, and Mr. Kenny Long teaches at Meridian High School. Students can learn ASL and Deaf Culture in their language block.
In a dominant win, Golf downed John R. Lewis High School 243-193 to move to 3-2 on the season. They face Hayfield Monday, looking to get revenge for the football team following their loss to the Hawks lastJaguarsweek. Volleyball (2-2) split their games, losing to Thomas Edison 1-3 before bouncing back Thursday to defeat Mt. Vernon 3-1. They have another pair of Tuesday/Thursday games this week, facing Annandale and then Thomas Jefferson on the road.
September is Deaf Awareness Month
Calling All High School Students:
ViSSTA C-19 Testing Resumes for 2022-2023
Secondary Campus on Thursdays. Noonan’s ‘Route 66 Pile Up’ On the Menu!
Cross Country competed in the
Caroline Carmody had a goal and an assist in the former matchup and Hanna Hall scored twice in the latter. The Mustangs go on the road next to play Hayfield and TJ this upcoming week.Meridian Girls’ Volleyball lost 2-3 to Oakton last Thursday and are now 1-4 on the season. They will have a few chances to right the ship this upcoming week with a game at Independence on Thursday and then they will participate in a tournament over the weekend at Justice.
Meridian PerformedMusiciansatOSE
Volleyball (5-1) had a near perfect week, beating Herndon 3-0 and McLean 3-1. The Statesmen have had an outstanding season so far. They are now ranked 14th in the state and third in Class 6 according to MaxPreps. The Statesman will have their toughest test of the season Tuesday at Oakton (4-0-1). They will also face Washington-Liberty Thursday at home.
Monroe Parker Invitational over the weekend. Senior Seth Oliver led the boys to an eleventh place finish behind his solo 16th best 16:24 finish. The girls team scored 22nd out of 27. Coed golf lost last Wednesday to Yorktown. They will continue their season Wednesday with a match against Mt. Vernon.
Justice Volleyball (3-0) picked up their most dominant win of the season, defeating John R. Lewis 3-0. The Wolves will have to win twice this week to protect their undefeated record. First, Tuesday on the road against Thomas Edison and Thursday at home hosting Annandale.
Justice Football (0-3) continued their early season struggles getting blown out on the road by Robinson
The Elementary PTA has put its Fall Spirit Gear on sale. To purchase visit shorturl.at/x1469
it wasn’t enough to match the winning team in this four-team match, which was held at Green Hills Golf Club in Stanardsville.
Falls Church Area High School Sports Weekly Roundup
The Fairfax Area, 50+ Technology Committee proudly announces the 7th Annual Fairfax Area Student “Shark Tank” Technology Challenge. The competition is open to all high school students in Fairfax County, Fairfax City, and the City of Falls Church. Students are challenged to develop
VOLLEYBALL took on Oakton High School. They won games but lost the match in the �ifth game to the Cougars. (P����: K���� R���������)

MERIDIAN HIGH SCHOOL of�icer Sergeant Chuquillangui to the Secondary Campus.

The Statesman (1-2) suffered a tough loss in Varsity Football to Westfield (2-1) on Friday, losing by a slim 16-14 margin. Seniors Owen Lebkisher and Owen Buhrman caught touchdowns in the close game. Their next game is at Hayfield FridayComingnight.back down to Earth after a red hot start to the season, Field Hockey dropped two games last week, moving to 3-2 on the season. Tuesday brought an intense game against W.T. Woodson, ending in late heartbreak with a 2-1 loss in OT. Thursday’s matchup spelt trouble against the undefeated South Lakes (7-0), but the Statesmen fought hard, battling in another 2-1 loss. Field Hockey has two more games this week; Monday vs. Wakefield and Wednesday at Mount Vernon.
Field hockey (0-5) scored their first goal of the season against Washington-Liberty, but failed to keep up with the Generals falling 1-7. The Jaguars will have two chances to break their five game losing streak this week; traveling to Justice Monday and hosting Mt. Vernon Wednesday.
Falls Church High School: Falls Church Football (1-2) dropped their second straight, falling to Hayfield (1-2). This Friday they will return home after a two game road trip to host Woodson (1-1).
an innovative device or app that will positively impact the lives of older adults, adults with disabilities, or caregivers. Students are encouraged to be innovative and creative. Potential projects may be a mobile app, web service, robotic, assistive device, or any combination.
Meridian Football fell to 0-3 with a 35-14 loss to Madison County at home on Friday. They fell behind 21-0 at halftime but were able to keep pace in the second half with two touchdown scores from Josh Wattles and Omar Dabbourah, both coming on passes by freshman QB Cruz Ruoff. They will face Langley this Friday for the final of their three game
Elementary students filled the OSE gym and were delighted to be introduced to the instruments the Meridian band members made available.
Justice High School:
Meridian High School:
School Spirit Gear On Sale
Enter Your Device or App in the Fairfax Area Student “Shark Tank” Technology Challenge
Ms. Brittany Dzugas-Smith teaches American Sign Language
Golf fell to Thomas Jefferson Science and Tech 186 - 156 in a match held at Pinecrest Golf Club.
Over the weekend Justice also competed in the MPI, struggling as the Boys finished last and Girls finished 24th (out of 27). Cross Country will have both teams competing again as Boys
opponents. Another tough game awaits them when Alexandria City (2-0), ranked 99th in Virginia by MaxPreps, comes to visit. For comparison, Justice is currently ranked 253rd in the state.
F.C. City Police Arrest Resident for Possession of Child Pornography
PAINTING IN THE NEIGHBORHOODS” You’ll see artists for the next 10 days painting scenes of the community, prepar ing for the Falls Church Arts Plein Air Festival on Saturday, September 24 at City Hall. We are assured they are all very harmless! Courtesy: Keith Thurston )

Lidl to Hand Over AVO Tesla 3 to Winner
The $436,767 in grants go to 44 nonprofit arts and culture organizations in Fairfax County and the cities of Falls Church and Fairfax. Grants, which come from Fairfax County funds, help nonprofits with basic operations of programs, services and facili ties serving residents.
Falls Church Arts “Scenes in the City” Plein Air Festival runs through September 24
After receiving a cyber-tip about possible crimes involving child pornography the City of Falls Church Police Criminal Investigation Division began investigating the suspect. On August 31, 2022, a search war rant was executed. They were able to locate multiple digi tal devices that contained child pornography.
On September 9, City of Falls Church Police arrest ed a city resident on five counts of Possession of Child
CommunityNews-PressNews & Notes
The flagship Sweepstakes commenced on July 1 and pro moted the theme, “Eat Healthy and Live Green,” as consuming AFP provides benefits to the body and the environment – just as electric vehicles cut down on pollution and carbon emissions. After two months of publicizing the giveaway and receiving tens of thousands of entries, the win ner of the state-of-the-art AVO
Awards have been made pos sible by a number of generous sponsors.This community-building and family-friendly event is free to the public. Paintings will be available for purchase and may be taken home the day of the Festival. To learn more, go to https://FallsChurchArts.org.
“As ArtsFairfax’s larg est grant program, Operating Support Grants are a signifi cant investment in the local arts economy, empowering a broad spectrum of Fairfax cultural organizations to become more resilient, stable, and poised for growth,” said Linda Sullivan, ArtsFairfax President & CEO.
Falls Church Organizations Among Grant Recipients
Pornography. The arrest comes on the heels of an Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force investiga tion by the police department and Virginia State Police.
Arts Fairfax, the nonprof it local arts agency of Fairfax County, announced recipients of grants for operations support, including two organizations in the City of Falls Church.
The City of Falls Church recipients are performing arts group Creative Cauldron and visual arts organization Falls Church Arts, Inc. Other Falls Church area recipients include BalletNova Center for Dance, Northern Virginia Players, Providence Players of Fairfax, The Choralis Foundationand Vietnamese Literary and Artistic Club.Applications had been reviewed by panelists with expertise in arts disciplines, grant practice or knowledge of the Fairfax County community. Recipients represent all disci plines of arts, all nine Fairfax County magisterial districts and the cities of Fairfax and Falls Church. Operation support grants are awarded annually and support up to 15 percent of operating expenses with a $50,000 cap.
The 2022 Falls Church Arts “Scenes in the City” Plein Air Festival is underway. Artists from the local area as well as those who choose to travel from a distance, in this case as far away as New York, can be spot ted at scenic areas throughout the Little City painting en plein air, or outside. This type of painting must be done quickly and on site to capture the everchanging light. Popular loca tions in the past have been the W&OD trail, local parks, the farmhouse at Cherry Hill Park, Clare and Don’s Beach Shack, and the Farmer’s Market. If interested, please feel free to join the artists as they compete to capture the history, archi tecture, and natural beauty of Falls Church in their paintings. Artists will continue to paint daily until the morning of the festival.Artists may register for the event at https://fallschurcharts. org. To be considered for the competition, participating art ists must visit Falls Church Arts gallery or Art and Frame of Falls Church during their open hours, to have their papers or canvases stamped. Works will be on display at Falls Church City Hall grounds, 300 Park Avenue, Falls Church, starting between 8 and 9 am, until noon on Saturday, September 24. The festival will also include a
Juror, Andrei Kushnir, well known for his American land scape paintings and publications on Plein Air Painting, will be judging the works. Prize awards range from $250 to $1,250. In the event of rain, the event will be held on October 1.
One of the most exciting sweepstakes to ever hit the retail industry ended on August 31 as Lidl and Avocados from Peru (AFP) officially closed submis sions for the 2022 AVO Tesla Summer Sweepstakes.
Quick Draw Competition from 8 am to 11 am. During this com petition, artists will start and complete a work of art in just threeThehours.Plein Air Festival also includes a People’s Choice Award which is determined by the highest number of votes cast for a painting by the pub lic on the day of the festival. Participating artists will also have the opportunity to cast votes for their favorite work in the Artist’s Choice Award. It is all free for Multipleattendance.winnersat the Plein Air Festival, including People’s Choice, Artist’s Choice and Quick Draw Competition will be announced at noon at Falls Church City Hall grounds.
STORM DRAINS ARE THE LATEST CANVAS for public art in Falls Church, with two more murals completed recently in Berman Park by the Fiddy family. The murals remind every one that “only rain down the drain.” For more information on adopting a storm drain for public art, contact Vice Mayor Letty Hardi at lhardi@fallschurchva.gov (Courtesy Photo: Letty

On Monday, September 12 at 10:00 AM EDT, Lidl and AFP hosted the official handoff of the keys to a lucky Lidl cus tomer who got to drive home their very own AVO Tesla. The celebration was held at Lidl’s Merrifield store located at 2901 Gallows Road, Falls Church, VA. The event was joined by local journalists, as well as leaders and employees of the internationally renowned Lidl supermarkets. This public event was packed with fun for the whole family as they celebrat ed the end of their successful Summer Sweepstakes.
For more information, call the center at 703-790-0123, TTY: 711, or visit www.mclean center.org.

McLean Community Center’s (MCC) popular fall sale returns this month. Featuring more than 50 vendors, the Fall Parking Lot Sale is considered by many to be the first, biggest and best sale of the fall season. Held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., on Saturday, Sept. 17, in the MCC parking lot at 1234 Ingleside Ave. Admission to the sale is Localfree.residents and commer cial dealers will sell a wide variety of items at the openair event—new and gently used household goods, electronics, furniture, clothing and appli ances, among other items. A
“We have loved working with our friends at Lidl to promote our “FromPeruvianXavierinitiativesenvironmentally-friendlythissummer,”saidEquihua,PresidentoftheAvocadoCommission,allofusatAvocados
from Peru, congratulations to the winner and thank you to all who participated in our largest sweepstakes yet!”
McLean Community Center Sale First of Season
special area of the sale, Kids’ Row, is specifically for sellers ages three to 15. These young vendors gain entrepreneurial skills and put their math skills into practice as they sell toys, clothes, games and other items.
FALLS CHURCH’S JEFF PERSON did the honors at the F.C. City Council meeting Monday night accepting a recognition from the Council of Disability Voting Rights Week. (News-Press photo))


Adult and child-sized longsleeve shirts, pants, nylons, and hats are needed for the Scarecrow Making Activity at Farm Day (on October 8 in Cherry Hill Park).
THE WELCOME FALLS CHURCH VOLUNTEER organization received a special commendation from the Falls Church City Council Monday in advance of a range of events that include an ice cream social at Mr. Brown’s Park Friday afternoon and a brief event with Rep. Don Beyer at 10 a.m. Saturday as the annual Fall Festival kicks off in Cherry Hill Park. (News-Press photo))
Farm Day Clothing Donations Needed

Tesla 3 has been chosen!
BURRITOS BROS FALLS CHURCH is celebrating is grand open Saturday, September 17th. To show their appreciation to the neighborhood they will be giving out free burritos between 10 a.m. 2 p.m. ( Courtesy: burritos bros )

Please drop off donations at the Community Center (223 Little Falls St.) by Thursday, October 6. Any unused clothing will be donated.
DULLES DAY FESTIVAL AND PLANE PULL. After a two year break Dulles Day Festival and Plane Pull is excited to wel come back fans and friends of Special Olympics Virginia to the Dulles Day Festival this year. Participants can view the almost 100 teams participating in the Plane Pull competition, visit com munity exhibitors, check out the classic car show and aircraft displays and much more. There will be a a wide variety of food options available for purchase. Dulles Airport. 10:30 a.m. — 4:00 p.m.
RESTON MULTICULTURAL FESTIVAL is a celebration of the "diversi ty and community spirit that is found in Reston." The festival starts at 11 a.m. (Photo courtesy: Lorna Campbell Clarke)
FALLS CHURCH EDUCATION FOUNDATION - 5K/1 MILE "Run for the Schools" Register Friday the 16th at Meridian High School from 4 — 7 p.m., Saturday the 17th at Falls Church Festival booth #140 10 a.m. — 4 p.m. or Sunday the 18th at 6:45 a.m. before the race at 300 Park Avenue. For more information, www.fcedf.org.
FRESHFARM FARMERS MARKET. Located in the thriving shopping district of the Mosaic neighborhood in Fairfax, this family-friendly market is the perfect spot to shop for locally grown fruits and vegetables, dairy products, sweet and savory baked goods, cold-pressed juices, coffee, ice cream and more! Strawberry Park at the Mosaic District. 3:00 p.m. — 7:00 p.m.
THURSDAY The chamber will provide an overview of the Chamber's mission, Chamber Benefits, how to use the Member Information Center to effec tively update information, add events and hot deals, and more. 11:30 a.m. — 12:30 a.m. - Virtual meeting.
Reston Multicultural is a celebration of the “diversity and community spirit that is found in Reston.” The festival features a stage that will be active throughout the day with performances by a dozen arts and crafts vendors that range from South America, Asia, Europe'' and vari ous other cultures. Reston Town Square Park. 11 a.m. — 6 p.m.
MARYLAND RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL Maryland Renaissance Festival 2022 season begins on August 27th for nine weekends of merriment. Now celebrating its 46th year, the festival typically attracts 320,000 peo ple. 1821 Crownsville Road, Annapolis, MD 21401 10:00 a.m. — 7:00 p.m.
Congressman Don Beyer will speak at 10 AM to celebrate how the community is coming together to Welcome Refugees. The Festival goes from 10 a.m. — 4 p.m. RESTON MULTICULTURAL FESTIVAL. The
WELCOMING FALLS CHURCH ICE CREAM SOCIAL EVENT. This year's event has been rescheduled to 5:00 p.m. — 7:00 p.m. at Mr. Brown's Park 100 West Broad.
COUNCILMAN DAVE SNYDER with an Afghan refugee family at last year's Welcoming Falls Church Ice Cream Social Event. This year's event has been rescheduled to Friday, September 16 from 5-7 at Mr. Brown's Park 100 West Broad. (Photo Courtesy: Welcoming Falls Church)

THE 46TH ANNUAL FALLS CHURCH FESTIVAL returns to The Little City in 2022! This family-fun event features The Taste of Falls Church, a beer garden, live music, chil dren's entertainment, and booths from local crafters, businesses, and civic organizations. This is the second year of hosting the event since Covid began and the festival has more to offer than ever before! There are more kids activities, vendor booths and local establish ments participating in the Taste of Falls Church. There are no restrictions but attendees are welcome to wear masks if they’d like to and hand sanitizer stations will be placed around the festival area. This event show cases what Falls Church is all about! Local Restaurants, breweries, businesses and organizations, all come out to participate. One has the opportunity to experience small town Falls Church, community comradery and everything that makes Falls Church a wonderful place to live. (Photo Courtesy: Scarlett Williams)
NETWORKING LUNCHEON Join us for a presentation by Paul Stoddard, Director, City Planning. He will update members on city demographics, budgeting, develop ments. and much more. Questions are welcome. 11:30 — 1:00 pm at Italian Cafe.
Wednesday, September 21
DINE WITH ONE STOMPING GROUND , a nonprofit organization dedicated to sup porting adults with developmental disabili ties (DD) to live meaningful lives outside of their family or a group home, at Clare & Don's in Falls Church on September 21 from 5:00 p.m. — 9:00 p.m. 10% of dine in and beverage sales will go to Our Stomping Ground to help us raise funds to expand our programming.
4TH ANNUAL OKTOBERFEST. Join the crew at Settle Down Easy for their 4th annual Oktoberfest. $10 Beer Mugs, $10 German Pretzels, $10 Brats, live music and more. Settle Down Easy Brewing. 8:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m.

FCNP Featured event F alls C hur C h F all F estival SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17

20TH ANNUAL ALEXANDRIA OLD TOWN ART FESTIVAL. The 20th Annual Alexandria Old Town Art Festival is head ing back to John Carlyle Square in 2022. All artwork is juried, which provides a higher level of quality, diversity and cre ativity of art on display, exemplifying the gifted artists in regions from all over the country. 300 John Carlyle St. in Alexandria. 10:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday, September 20
showcase for the company’s diverse range of talents . Filene Center (1551 Trap Road, Vienna). Tickets start at $30. Gates open at 6:30 p.m.
(571) 378-1469
SEAN TRACY. Solace Outpost (444 W Broad St, Falls Church, VA ). 8 p.m.
TERRI & THE BACK ALLEY RHYTHM CATS. JV’s Restaurant (6666 Arlington Blvd, Falls Church, VA). 4 p.m. (703) 2419504
CURTIS KNOCKING. Clare and Don’s Beach Shack (130 N Washington St, Falls Church) 5:00 p.m. (703) 5329283
MOTHERS LITTLE HELPER JV’s Restaurant (6666 Arlington Blvd, Falls Church, VA). 8: 30 p.m. (703) 2419504
Farley’s commissioned work Werner Sonata & The Washington Ballet’s own Andile Ndlovu, a lively celebra tion of the creative process and a
"HOST AND GUEST" is a Synetic classic based on a Georgian epic poem. The show tells the ancient story of a family who takes in a lost stranger to discover he is from an enemy clan. Showing at Synetic Theater on Monday, September 19 at 7:00 p.m. (Photo Courtesy: Rachel Pearl)

LEONARD BERNSTEIN’S MASS. As the concluding event of Kennedy Center’s 50th Anniversary celebration, Leonard Bernstein’s "Mass" returns 51 years after its world premiere at the Center’s 1971 opening gala. Directed by Alison Moritz and choreo graphed by Hope Boykin, this monu mental work returns to the Concert Hall in a dynamic staging and features the NSO and conductor James Gaffigan along with 2020 Marian Anderson Award winner Will Liverman as the Celebrant. Concert Hall, Kennedy Center. 7:00 p.m.
SEAN TRACY is a trained musician and vocalist from the Northeast who prides himself in both his public performance and his song writing.. As a self-taught guitarist, Sean has performance experi ence on ten instruments in varied genres, but focuses primarily on folk rock and alt country. Sean will be at Solace Outpost on Friday, September 16th at 8:00 p.m. (Photo: Sean Tracy)

DOUG DEMING & THE JEWEL TONES. JV’s Restaurant (6666 Arlington Blvd, Falls Church, VA). 8 p.m. (703) 241-9504
CHINESE CULTURE INSTITUTE: MIDAUTUMN FESTIVAL CONCERT. The MidAutumn Festival Concert features tra ditional Chinese, Korean and other musical and cultural performances.
MARS RODEO. JV’s Restaurant (6666 Arlington Blvd, Falls Church, VA). 4 p.m. (703) 241-9504
(6666 Arlington Blvd, Falls Church, VA). 8 p.m. (703) 241-9504
THE LEGWARMERS. The State Theatre (220 N Washington St, Falls Church, VA) 9:30 p.m. (703) 237-0300
MARIA & MARCO. Clare and Don’s Beach Shack (130 N Washington St, Falls Church) 5:00 p.m. (703) 5329283
JORDY SEARCY. Jammin’ Java (227 Maple Ave E, Vienna) (703) 255-1566
The concert celebrates families and togetherness, as well as the pursuit of harmony, joy and unity. Capital One Hall. 7:00 p.m. Tickets start at $30.
JAMES STEVENS. Dogwood Tavern (132 W Broad St, Falls Church, VA) 9:30 p.m. (703) 237-8333
YOUNG RELICS. JV’s Restaurant (6666 Arlington Blvd, Falls Church, VA). 8:30 p.m. (703) 241-9504
Johnny Burgin Band from Chicago
CALIFANES. Wolf Trap (1835 Capital One Drive). 8:00 p.m. (703) 255-1868
FAST EDDIE & THE SLOWPOKES. The State Theatre (220 N Washington St, Falls Church, VA) 7:30 p.m. (703) 237-

THRILLBILLYS. JV’s Restaurant (6666 Arlington Blvd, Falls Church, VA). 8 p.m. (703) 241-9504
HOST & GUEST. This Synetic classic, based on a Georgian epic poem, tells the ancient story of a family who takes in a lost stranger to discover he is from an enemy clan, and their val iant attempt to save him when their village wreaks vengeance. Performed around the world, Host & Guest is a timely and relevant tale of war, strife, the beliefs that tear us apart, and the humanity that brings us togeth er. Synetic Theater (1800 S Bell St, Arlington) 7:00 p.m.
brates one of the most beloved works by choreographic master George Balanchine alongside a trio of original works including choreographer Silas
ATTN. AUCTIONEERS: Advertise your upcoming auctions statewide and in other states. Affordable Print and Digital Solutions reaching your target audiences. Call this paper or Landon Clark at Virginia Press Services 804-521-7576, landonc@vpa.net

Replace your roof with the best looking and longest lasting material – steel from Erie Metal Roofs! Three styles and multiple colors avail able. Guaranteed to last a lifetime! Limited Time Offer - $500 Discount + Additional 10% off install (for military, health workers & 1st responders.) Call Erie Metal Roofs: 1-844902-4611
All public hearings will be held in the Council Chambers, 300 Park Avenue, Falls Church, Virginia. Remote participation information at www.fallschurchva.gov/publiccomment. Com ments may also be sent to cityclerk@fallsch urchva.gov. For copies of legislation, contact the City Clerk’s office at (703-248-5014) or cityclerk@fallschurchva.gov or visit www. fallschurchva.gov/councilmeetings. The City of Falls Church is committed to the letter and spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act. To request a reasonable accommodation for any type of disability, call 703-248-5014 (TTY 711).
All public hearings will be held in the Council Chambers, 300 Park Avenue, Falls Church, Virginia. For meeting information visit fallschurchva.gov/364/Planning-Commission.www.
The following, regarding “Founders Row” (110 Founders Ave.), public hearing and final Plan ning Commission action and recommendation to City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard.
All public hearings will be held in the Council Chambers, 300 Park Avenue, Falls Church, Virginia. Remote participation information at www.fallschurchva.gov/publiccomment. Com ments may also be sent to cityclerk@fallsch urchva.gov. For copies of legislation, contact the City Clerk’s office at (703-248-5014) or cityclerk@fallschurchva.gov or visit www. fallschurchva.gov/councilmeetings. The City of Falls Church is committed to the letter and spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act. To request a reasonable accommodation for any type of disability, call 703-248-5014 (TTY 711).
CELESTE HEATH, CITY CellcoCLERKPartnership and its controlled affiliates doing business as Verizon Wireless (Verizon Wireless) proposes to build a 41.33-foot tele communications light-pole at the approx. vicin ity of 3671 Ambrose Hills Road, Falls Church, Fairfax County, VA, 22041. Public comments regarding potential effects from this site on historic properties may be submitted within 30 days from the date of this publication to: Trileaf Corp, Camille Neitzel, c.neitzel@trileaf. com, 1821 Walden Office Square, Suite 500 Schaumburg, IL 60173, 630-227-0202.
CONVENTION COIN, CURRENCY AND STAMP SHOW! September 23rd-25th. Freder icksburg Expo & Conference Center (2371 Carl D. Silver Parkway, Fredericksburg, VA) FREE ADMISSION/PARKING. Contact Richard Schornak 757-659-0235 www.vnaonline.org.
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The ordinance referenced below was given first reading on September 12, 2022. A public hearing, second reading, and final City Council action is scheduled for Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard.
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Root and Stem Catering NOTE: Objec tions to the issuance of this license must be submitted to ABC no later than 30 days from the publishing date of the first of two required newspaper legal notices. Objections should be registered at www.abc.virginia.gov or 800-552-3200.
Comments may also be sent to gfuller@ fallschurchva.gov. For copies of legislation, contact the City Planning office at (703-2485040) or plan@fallschurchva.gov. The City of Falls Church is committed to the letter and spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act. To request a reasonable accommodation for any type of disability, call 703-248-5014 (TTY 711).

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Aprons LLC. Trading as Root and Stem Ca tering 2941 Fairview Park Drive, #110 Falls Church VA 22042. The above establishment is applying to the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Authority for a Mixed Beverage Catering License. Craig Currie, Authorized Signatory Aprons LLC., the Operating Member of
GENERAC Standby Generators provide backup power during utility power outages, so your home and family stay safe and com fortable. Prepare now. Free 7-year extended warranty ($695 value!). Request a free quote today! Call for additional terms and conditions. 1-877-636-0738
The following, regarding “Founders Row” (110 Founders Ave.), was heard at the August 8, 2022 City Council meeting. A public hearing and final City Council action is scheduled for Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard.
Dudley Kenneth McDonald, Jr., passed on peacefully Sunday morning, September 11. He was preceded in death by his parents (Dudley and Wilma of Canfield, Ohio); his two sisters (Kam and Mada of Canfield, Ohio); and his nephew (Robert of Canfield, Ohio). He is survived by his beloved wife of 46 years, Debbie, of Mechanicsville; his loving daughters, Kristin Stevens (Joseph) of Mechanicsville, and Erin Evans (Stephen) of Fort Lauderdale; his amazing grandchildren Patricia, Amanda, Rebecca, and Jackson; and five nieces, one nephew, and three great-nephews.Dudleygrew up in Canfield, Ohio. He attended The Ohio State University, where he was the manager of the 1968 National Championship basketball team and a member of the Varsity O Club. He began a career in teaching and coaching in North Ridgeville, Ohio; he then moved to Falls Church, Virginia, in 1971. He continued his career at George Mason Junior-Senior High School. He was a social studies teacher and coached the JV boys’ basketball team, JV football team, and was an assistant coach to the Varsity football team. He left teaching in 1979 to pursue a career as an insurance agent and financial advisor.
He confronted significant health issues over the past few years with humor and grace, bolstered by his
SEPTEMBER 15 - 21, 2022 | PAGE 29FALLS CHURCH NEWS-PRESS | FCNP.COM ACROSS 1. In favor of 4. Crib cry 8. Flourished 12. Unburden 13. Sign of the future 14. Audition goal 15. Former 16. Luxury suite 18. downwardMove 20. Had 21. Sale notices 22. Marketed 23. Turns 26. Moisten 27. Male child 30. “____ Sunshine”No 31. Trim the lawn 32. Martial art 33. Retrieve 34. Neutral color 35. Believed 36. Amend copy 38. seatCathedral 39. Binge 41. Bedtime song 45. machineExercise 47. Romance 48. Not west 49. Furthermore 50. Botch 51. Legend 52. Storm centers 53. Witness DOWN 1. Spur 2. Peeve 3. Probability 4. Motorbikes 5. Hymn finales 6. Rectify 7. Picnic pest 8. warningDog’s 9. Gathers: 2 wds. 10. When all ____ fails 11. Tidy gardena 17. commentOwl’s 19. “You Hurry____Love” 22. Embroider 23. Hang down 24. Pizza ____ 25. Curiosity 26. Came in first 28. Verse form 29. Doze (off) 31. padGymnasium 32. Cheek by 34. Tethered 35. Greetings 37. “____ of Salesman”a 38. Heart rate 39. Glass part 40. Say grace 41. Tiger ____ 42. Intimidates 43. Dig 44. Time long past 46. Actress West Copyright © 2022, Penny Press ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 150 CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS USE AMERICAN SPELLING ACROSS 1. Rub clean 6. Cleanse 11. Hesitates 13. noesPresidential 14. Gone to bed 15. Narrow back streets 16. 20th letter 17. Celebration 19. Father 20. mementoInjury 24. Bullfighter 27. Wood cutter 28. Froster 29. Pointed end 31. Animal pelt 32. Nothing 33. Most simple 35. Lazy 37. Fall bloomer 38. regionNorthern 40. Fitness club 43. Language 46. experienceTrying 48. peopleMature 49. Peaceful 50. Units heredityof 51. Kinds DOWN 1. Petty dispute 2. Federal ____ 3. Law 4. advantageTake of 5. Complained 6. Pants support 7. Book of maps 8. Shoe front 9. “____ Look Me Over” 10. symbolSuperman’s 12. Faucet 13. Immense 18. Spookiest 19. Exclude 21. foodWedding 22. centerRotation 23. Lease 24. Skirt style 25. Sharp 26. Inform 30. Barbecuesites 31. Form addressof 34. Clandestine 36. Bird of prey 37. One-spots 39. Furrows 40. Leak slowly 41. ache?Window 42. Heavy brews 43. gameChildren's 44. Lyric poem 45. residentConvent 47. Desertlike Copyright © 2022, Penny Press ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 152 CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS USE AMERICAN SPELLING ACROSS 1. Deeds 5. Small amount 8. gearCowboy’s 12. Fancy 13. Be indebted to 14. Bad 15. carChauffeured 16. eventsCurrent-film 18. Competed in a bee 20. Feline sounds 21. Male parent 22. Bakery rolls 23. Scampered 26. Habit wearer 27. Cured pork 30. Stink 31. Yo-yo, e.g. 32. portionMedicinal 33. countKnockout 34. Excavate 35. Used a broom on 36. Conceited 38. Hawaiian gift 39. Watchers 41. Adolescent 45. Bandanna 47. Sleuth Nancy 48. Let up on 49. Bath rug 50. Boundary 51. Lean-to 52. Meddle 53. Nibbles DOWN 1. toolsPunching 2. Poker item 3. 12:00, e.g. 4. Fume 5. Colored 6. Filled wonderwith 7. moistureDawn 8. airingSecond 9. Galosh 10. landingSailor’s 11. House wings 17. Whirled 19. Fellow 22. Purchase 23. Decompose 24. Citrus cooler 25. Chat 26. drinkChristmas 28. Type of snake 29. Assembled 31. Cookie sheet 32. Diminish 34. Entree 35. Recognize 37. Bent 38. Southpaw 39. Just manages to earn 40. Slangy assent 41. Slice 42. melodyElaborate 43. Polite chap 44. companionsRams’ 46. totMischievous Copyright © 2022, Penny Press ACROSS 1. Hill builder 4. Circular plate 8. Poses questiona 12. cutterCarpenter’s 13. Indication of future events 14. Examine 15. Connection 16. Filled tortilla 17. Brave one 18. ____ at ease 19. Understood 20. Capture 21. title:Clergyman’sabbr. 22. damageFender 23. Morsels 24. Food shop 26. Mar 28. Circle portion 30. Like Saharathe 31. Revolver 34. To the ocean 37. Dart 38. containerinquisitiveOverly 44. Give weapons to 45. Seize 47. Amend text 52. organHearing 54. Part of a 1. Out of bed 2. Tacked 3. Dozen 4. Morse code symbol 23. Inlets 25. Eyelid hair 27. Fight (file)____Antenna“Treasureboard 46. Motor coach 48. Ball holder ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 153 CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS USE AMERICAN SPELLING PUZZLE NO. 150 PUZZLE NO. 152 PUZZLE NO. 153 PUZZLE NO. 151 ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 151 Your Paper Without the Paper JustSeewww.fcnp.comtheNews-PressOnlineLikeyouSeeitinPrintWithour E-Issue I� M�D�����,D�����M�������:K������J�.

family and his strong faith in God. He was a loving husband; a devoted father to his children and grandchildren; a caring neighbor; a friend to all; and a passionate OSU Buckeye fan.A memorial service celebrating his life will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, September 17, at All Souls Episcopal Church, meeting at Messiah Lutheran Church, 8154 Atlee Road, Mechanicsville, Va., with a reception immediately following the service at the church. The wearing of scarlet and gray Ohio State attire is welcomed. In lieu of flowers, the family asks for donations made in his name to All Souls Episcopal Church Mechanicsville, Va., or Church of the Holy Cross Dunn Loring, Va.

By the expected 4-3 vote Monday night, the Falls Church City Council acted to split a $3.4 million surplus from the previous fiscal year in three parts divided among the schools, City operations and taxpayers, including the $500,000 requested by the City Schools for technology upgrades.
Falls Church News-Press Vol. VIII, No. 25 • September 11, 1997

LOCAL- 21, 2022 ������ C �����

By 4-3 Vote, Schools Get Tech Funds, Taxpayers Get Rebate from Surplus
BACK IN THE DAY 25 � 10 Y���� A�� �� ��� N���-P���� Just because you’re not famous doesn’t mean your pet can’t be! Send in your Critter Corner submissions to crittercorner@fcnp.com.

Falls Church News-Press Vol. XXIII, No. 27 • September 13, 2012

HELLO, WE ARE TRAVIS (left - shorthair, 12 years old) and Ellis (right - Maine Coon, 10 years old). We have been living in Falls Church for two years, and enjoy spending our golden years in the quiet, relaxed little city. When we’re not napping, we spend our time cuddling with our humans, fighting over yarn and birdwatching, both on the bird-feeder and live action TV. We are vurrr-ry grateful to call Falls Church our home.

The Falls Church City Council set the theme for the beginning of a new budget cycle at its one-day “retreat” last Saturday, calling for growth in the City budget not to exceed growth in City revenues.
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Council Resolves to Cut City, School Budget Growth by Half

On August 2, 2022, Virginia Electric and Power Company (“Dominion” or “Company”) filed with the State Corporation Commission (“Commission”) an application (“Application”) for approval of its annual update filing with respect to Rider US-3 (“2022 Annual Update”) for the Colonial Trail West Solar Facility (“Colonial Trail West”), an approximately 142 megawatt (“MW”) solar generating facility located in Surry County, Virginia, and the Spring Grove 1 Solar Facility (“Spring Grove 1”), an approximately 98 MW solar facility located in Surry County, Virginia (collectively, “US-3 Solar Projects” or
On or before November 18, 2022, any person or entity wishing to participate as a respondent in this proceeding may do so by filing a notice of participation with the Clerk of the Commission at scc.virginia. gov/clk/efiling. Those unable, as a practical matter, to file a notice of participation electronically may file such notice by U.S. mail to the Clerk of the Commission at the address above. Such notice of participation shall include the email addresses of such parties or their counsel. The respondent simultaneously shall serve a copy of the notice of participation on counsel to the Company. Pursuant to Rule 5 VAC 5-20-80 B, Participation as a respondent, of the Commission’s Rules of Practice, any notice of participation shall set forth: (i) a precise statement of the interest of the respondent; (ii) a statement of the specific action sought to the extent then known; and (iii) the factual and legal basis for the action. Any organization, corporation, or government body participating as a respondent must be represented by counsel as required by Rule 5 VAC 5-20-30, Counsel, of the Rules of Practice. All filings shall refer to Case No. PUR-2022-00120.
If the proposed Rider US-3 for the 2023 Rate Year is approved, the impact on customer bills would depend on the customer’s rate schedule and usage. According to Dominion, implementation of its proposed Rider US-3 on June 1, 2023, would decrease the bill of a residential customer using 1,000 kilowatt hours per month by approximately $0.21. The Company indicates that it has calculated the proposed Rider US-3 rates in accordance with the same methodology as used for rates previously approved by the Commission in the most recent Rider US-3 proceeding, Case No. PUR-2021-00118.
On“Projects”).January 24, 2019, the Commission approved Dominion’s construction and operation of the US-3 Solar Projects. On April 15, 2019, Dominion also received approval of a rate adjustment clause, designated Rider US-3, for the Company to recover costs associated with the construction of the Projects. The Commission’s approval was subject to certain conditions and requirements, including a performance guarantee for the Projects, which were accepted by the Company.
•For the 2023 Rate Year, Dominion requests a revenue requirement of $40,414,839, which would decrease the bill of a typical residential customer using 1,000 kilowatt hours of electricity per month by
The Commission has taken judicial notice of the ongoing public health issues related to the spread of the coronavirus, or COVID 19. The Commission has taken certain actions, and may take additional actions going forward, that could impact the procedures in this proceeding. Consistent with these actions, in regard to the terms of the procedural framework established below, the Commission will, among other things, direct the electronic filing of testimony and pleadings unless they contain confidential information, and require electronic service on parties to this proceeding.
•A$0.21.Hearing Examiner appointed by the Commission will hold a telephonic hearing in this case on February 22, 2023, at 10 a.m., for the receipt of public witness testimony.
•An evidentiary hearing will be held on February 23, 2023, at 10 a.m., in the Commission’s second floor courtroom located in the Tyler Building, 1300 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, to receive the testimony and evidence of the Company, any respondents, and the Staff.
The Commission entered an Order for Notice and Hearing that, among other things, scheduled public hearings on Dominion’s Application. On February 22, 2023, at 10 a.m., a Hearing Examiner appointed by the Commission will hold a telephonic hearing for the purpose of receiving the testimony of public witnesses, with no public witness present in the Commission’s courtroom. On or before February 16, 2023, any person desiring to offer testimony as a public witness shall provide to the Commission (a) your name, and (b) the telephone number that you wish the Commission to call during the hearing to receive your testimony. This information may be provided to the Commission in three ways: (i) by filling out a form on the Commission’s website at scc.virginia.gov/pages/Webcasting; (ii) by completing and emailing the PDF version of this form to SCCInfo@scc.virginia.gov; or (iii) by calling (804) 371-9141. This public witness hearing will be webcast at scc.virginia.gov/pages/Webcasting
copy of the public version of the Company’s Application may be obtained by submitting a written request to counsel for the Company, Elaine S. Ryan, Esquire, McGuireWoods LLP, Gateway Plaza, 800 East Canal Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, or eryan@mcguirewoods.com
According to the Application, the US-3 Solar Projects are generally proceeding on budget. The Company states that Colonial Trail West began commercial operations on December 26, 2019. Spring Grove 1 was placed into service on November 30, 2020. The total forecasted cost for the combined US-3 Solar Projects remains at $409.9 million (excluding financing costs), or $1,708 per kilowatt at the 240 MW (nominal AC) rating, with cost variances from the original estimates, both upward and downward and within specific cost categories and subcategories. The updated budget forecast included in the Application reflects actual capital expenditures through December 31, 2021, and projected capital expenditures through May 31, 2024, with monthly projections of capital expenditures used to determine the revenue requirement for the 2022 Annual Update. The Company states that as part of this 2022 Annual Update, it is requesting that the Commission approve the updated expenditures for the Projects, subject to subsequent true-ups, and find that such expenditures are reasonable and prudent.
The public version of the Company’s Application and other documents filed in this case, the Commission’s Rules of Practice, and the Commission’s Order for Notice and Hearing may be viewed on the Commission’s website at: scc.virginia.gov/pages/Case-InformationVIRGINIAELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY d/b/a DOMINION ENERGY VIRGINIA
•Further information about this case is available on the SCC website at: scc.virginia.gov/pages/Case-Information
Pursuant to 5 VAC 5-20-140, Filing and service, of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure (“Rules of Practice”), the Commission has directed that service on parties and the Commission’s Staff in this matter shall be accomplished by electronic means. Please refer to the Commission’s Order for Notice and Hearing for further instructions concerning Confidential or Extraordinarily Sensitive
Beginning at 10 a.m. on February 22, 2023, the Hearing Examiner will telephone sequentially each person who has signed up to testify as provided above.
•Virginia Electric and Power Company (“Dominion”) has applied for approval to revise its rate adjustment clause, Rider US-3.
For purposes of calculating the revenue requirement, Dominion utilized a rate of return on common equity (“ROE”) of 9.35%, consistent with the Commission’s Final Order in Case No. PUR-2021-00058 (“Triennial Final Order”), for the time period after the date of the Triennial Final Order. The Company utilized an ROE of 9.2%, approved by the Commission in Case No. PUR-2019-00050 for the time period prior to the Triennial Final Order.
Interested persons are encouraged to review Dominion’s Application and supporting documents in full for details about these and other proposals.
•In this case, Dominion has asked the State Corporation Commission (“Commission”) to approve Rider US-3 for the rate year beginning June 1, 2023, and ending May 31, 2024 (“2023 Rate Year”)
Any documents filed in paper form with the Office of the Clerk of the Commission in this docket may use both sides of the paper. In all other respects, except as modified by the Commission’s Order for Notice and Hearing, all filings shall comply fully with the requirements of 5 VAC 5-20-150, Copies and format, of the Commission’s Rules of Practice.
In this proceeding, Dominion has asked the Commission to approve Rider US-3 for the rate year beginning June 1, 2023, and ending May 31, 2024 (“2023 Rate Year”). The two components of the pro posed total revenue requirement for the 2023 Rate Year are the Projected Cost Recovery Factor and the Actual Cost True-Up Factor. The Company is requesting a Projected Cost Recovery Factor revenue requirement of approximately $33,226,388 and an Actual Cost True-Up Factor revenue requirement of $7,188,451. Thus, the Company is requesting a total revenue requirement of $40,414,839 for the 2023 Rate Year.
On or before December 16, 2022, each respondent may file with the Clerk of the Commission, at scc.virginia.gov/clk/efiling, any testimony and exhibits by which the respondent expects to establish its case. Any respondent unable, as a practical matter, to file testimony and exhibits electronically may file such by U.S. mail to the Clerk of the Commission at the address listed above. Each witness’s testimony shall include a summary not to exceed one page. All testimony and exhibits shall be served on the Staff, the Company, and all other respondents simultaneously with its filing. In all filings, respondents shall comply with the Commission’s Rules of Practice, as modified by the Commission’s Order for Notice and Hearing, including 5 VAC 5-20-140, Filing and service; and 5 VAC 5-20-240, Prepared testimony and exhibits. All filings shall refer to Case No. PUR-2022-00120.
On February 23, 2023, at 10 a.m., in the Commission’s second floor courtroom located in the Tyler Building, 1300 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, a Hearing Examiner appointed by the Com mission will convene a hearing to receive testimony and evidence offered by the Company, respondents, and the Staff on the Application.
On or before February 15, 2023, any interested person may file comments on the Application by following the instructions on the Commission’s website: scc.virginia.gov/casecomments/Submit-Public-Comments. Those unable, as a practical matter, to submit comments electronically may file such comments with the Clerk of the State Corporation Commis sion c/o Document Control Center, P.O. Box 2118, Richmond, Virginia 23218-2118. All comments shall refer to Case No. PUR-2022-00120.
The Company states that the collective capacity factor of the US-3 Solar Projects for calendar year 2021 was 23.1%, which represents a weighted average and does not include any force majeure events as defined by the Commission for purposes of the performance guarantee. Dominion further notes that the 23.1% collective capacity factor for calendar year 2021 is below the 25% target capacity factor under the performance guarantee for the Projects. Employing the same methodology used in Case No. PUR-2021-00118 to calculate the applicable performance guarantee credits, the Company states that the total lost renewable energy certificate revenues for calendar year 2021 for the Projects are $233,927 and the total replacement power costs are $1,640,635, both of which represent the system-level amounts. The Company indicated that it adjusted for the financial impacts of curtailments within these calculations.
TAKE NOTICE that the Commission may apportion revenues among customer classes and/or design rates in a manner differing from that shown in the Application and supporting documents and thus may adopt rates that differ from those appearing in the Company’s Application and supporting documents.

Beyer Volvo Cars Falls Church • Winchester • Dulles

beyervolvocarsfallschurch.com • 703.237.5000 2023 Volvo SUVs Available Now Get Your Adventure Started Today 703-626-3257 merelyn@kayes.com SOLD! One level living in this Tremont Gardens bungalow! Updated kitchen with g ranite counter tops, Samsung gas stove and refrigerator (2021), Bosch dishwasher (2016), double sink, and access to the laundr y room with Samsung washer and dr yer (2015). Large living room with fireplace, sk ylight, built-ins, and French door s lead to the deck and back yard. The 2nd and 3rd bedrooms, with hardwood f loor s, share a full bath. The primar y suite has hardwood f loor s and a large walk-in closet with built-in organizers. The updated primar y bath has a large shower, heated f loor s, and a sk ylight (2016). Sk ylights in bathroom and living room. The sunroom has built-ins, cathedral ceilings, ceiling fan, glass block windows, and French door s to the deck. The front yard is fenced and the back yard features a swing set/playground and oversized shed. Of f-street parking for 4+ cars! This home is located in a ver y convenient location! Close to the City of Falls Church and Mosaic , with shopping, restaurants, and enter tainment! $660,000, 2903 Fairmont St, Falls Church, VA 22042. Buying or selling there is no substitute for experience.