Dennis Carlton
Chantilly, VA Volunteer at Twin Lakes Golf Course Length of Service: 5 years Permanent Substitute
Dennis Carlton can best be described as a utility player who can be called on whenever needed to fill multiple volunteer positions at Twin Lakes Golf Course. He is a reliable permanent sub who can perform all three on-course positions in excellent fashion, and he worked multiple days a week when needed throughout the pandemic. Carlton is a true example of a team player who is always willing to help customers and fellow volunteers. When a new software system was launched for starters and tee coordinators, he learned the new system and was instrumental in training other volunteers. He goes the extra mile to ensure Twin Lakes golfers have a wonderful experience and will be repeat customers. With his positive attitude, he treats golfers in a courteous and respectful manner and is happy to share his knowledge of golf with customers. Carlton also eagerly helps with tournaments and other special events.