19 minute read
Fine Arts and Crafts
Fine Arts
Some classes may have supply fees so check class descriptions for details. Any supply fees are payable at first class and are non-refundable.
Art Above and Beyond
(6-12 yrs.) This mixed-media class offers a variety of fun projects including drawing and painting. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
4FA 10--55 minute lessons--$119 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC Sa 12pm EB5.YSAU 9/17 4FA Wkfld/Moore M 5:30pm EB5.T2ET 9/19 4FA
Studio Art
(6-12 yrs.) Artists develop their own style while exploring opportunities for self-expression and creativity through a variety of art media. Supply list available at first class.
DFVH 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$218 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Mosaic ES Sa 9:00am 3X2.ZZ41 9/17 DFVH
Colorful Art by Abrakadoodle
(6-12 yrs.) Explore fabulous artist tools and products. Create colorful paintings, imaginative drawings, and unique sculptures using watercolors, modeling compounds and paints. Practice “masking” while painting an abstract forest, take an imaginary tour to New England and paint Lighthouse scenes. Hear the buzz while sculpting busy bees! For outdoor class, please dress for the weather.
DFVW 8--55 minute lessons--$165 Location Day Time Code Begin $ Indoors
SpHillREC Sa 3:30pm PRL.SP7Z 9/17 DFVW
CubRunREC Sa 11:30am YYN.ATK8 9/17 DFVW
Discover Drawing I
This course teaches fundamental drawing skills through various techniques and projects. Students need to bring an 11”x14” sketch pad and two drawing pencils (HB & 6B). Supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
DFGB 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$138
DFVR 8--55 minute lessons--$130
DFVH 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$218 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-12 yrs.)
Wkfld/Moore F 7pm DGA.C4Q 9/23 DFGB Mosaic ES Sa 10:30am FLU.IE8B 9/17 DFVR Woodson HS M 6:30pm FLU.NNUK 9/19 DFVR
ProvREC T 7:15pm E5M.8EYV 9/20 DFVR SpHillREC W 10:30am E5M.S22E 9/21 DFVH Woodson HS M 7:30pm E5M.V63E 9/19 DFVH
Enrich your parks!

(6-12 yrs.) Sharpen your drawing skills, learn how to develop characters and illustrate background to create cartoons. Students must bring a sketch pad and black soft lead pencils (4B and 2H). Supply fee payable to instructor at first class or supply list distributed at the first class.
4A 10--55 minute lessons--$119 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Wkfld/Moore F 5:45pm FB3.7GQO 9/23 4TA
Creating Comics
Students will learn about various aspects of drawing and creating comics, such as emotive faces, anatomy, and character development., and important elements in sequential story-telling in this Baroody Camps class geared towards those interested in creating their own personal comic books. Not just limited to the super-hero genre, this program developed and taught by pro comic book creator Arsia Rozegar (credits include Marvel’s Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, and X-Men) delves into the hands-on fun of creating sequential art. Any supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
DFVR 8--55 minute lessons--$130 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-12 yrs.)
Mosaic ES Sa 11:30am 7KT.BZYG 9/17 DFVR ProvREC T 6pm 7KT.NFQG 9/20 DFVR Woodson HS Th 6:30pm 7KT.7TJ1 9/22 DFVR
Mosaic ES Sa 12:30pm LEH.DSDF 9/17 DFVR Woodson HS Th 7:30pm LEH.OSND 9/22 DFVR
Nature Drawing
(Adults) Join local naturalist and artist Margaret Wohler on the trails to learn about and draw the plants and animals that live in Huntley Meadows Park. Class focuses on basic drawing skills, color theory, perspective, shading, gesture, contour and realistic rendering. Emphasis is on experience over product. All supplies included.
4FPB 4--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$76 Location Day Time Code Begin $
HuntMdws M 3pm 205.U18N 9/26 4FPB (13-Adult) Join a naturalist for a hike focused on observing the shapes and colors found in nature and learn sketching techniques to enhance your observation skills.
DFAJ 1--2 hour lesson--$26 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Burke Lake Pk Su 10am 72F.CIZE 10/9 DFAJ Burke Lake Pk Su 10am 72F.O03A 11/6 DFAJ Riverbend Pk Su 10am 72F.GG5Q 9/4 DFAJ Riverbend Pk Su 10am 72F.TLWV 10/02 DFAJ Riverbend Pk Su 10am 72F.4IFF 11/6 DFAJ
Drawing with Perspective
(Adults) This class is for art students of any level who want to understand and manage perspective skills in their drawings and paintings. Work on pieces in your preferred medium that explore basics of perspective, helping artists to learn concepts of depth, sense of space, proportions and dimensions. Perspective concepts to be covered include one point perspective, vanishing point and horizon line. Recommended art supply list will be sent via email before start of class.
4FC 10--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$237 Location Day Time Code Begin
ProvREC W 12:30pm SSQ.FH36 9/21 4FC ProvREC Th 4pm SSQ.GGYJ 9/22 4FC
Watercolor Painting I
(Adults) Students are introduced to watercolor techniques and color basics. Concepts such as wet on wet, dry watercolor, color layering and blending are explored. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
4FC 10--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$237
DFGA 8--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$228 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Frying Pan Pk W 9:30am BC7.WW6P 9/14 DFGA ProvREC F 10am BC7.R7NW 9/23 4FC
Watercolor Painting II
(Adults) Prerequisite: Watercolor Painting I or equivalent. Continue sharpening basic skills and techniques. Develop brush styles and individual approaches to projects and exercises. Bring supplies to class.
4FC 10--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$237
DFGA 8--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$228 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Frying Pan Pk W 9:30am 9E5.RV7W 9/14 DFGA ProvREC W 10am 9E5.LH6P 9/21 4FC ProvREC Th 1pm 9E5.OCGZ 9/22 4FC ProvREC Th 11am 9E5.P5OD 9/22 4FC
Watercolor Workshop - Botanicals
(16-Adult) For the beginner or advanced student, this in-person workshop teaches watercolor techniques through exercises that help you understand color and composition, and improve brush control. Artist Dawn Flores teaches you about paper, paint, drawing and transfer techniques used in botanical art. Basic drawing skills are helpful for drawing the plant specimen from which to paint an elegant botanical portrait. A supply list will be emailed before class. Bring a lunch.
DFAK 1--6 hour lesson--$102 Location Day Time Code Begin $
GrnSprGardn Sa 9:30am 8GJ.E2KS 10/22 DFAK
Watercolor Workshop-Landscapes
(16-Adult) Artist Dawn Flores helps you translate the beauty of nature into a watercolor painting by showing how to paint skies, trees, water, mountains and rocks. Learn strategies for building depth and focus in your work using color and value. Get techniques for building texture and masking to preserve the white of the page. A supply list will be emailed before the program. Bring a lunch.
DFAK 1--6 hour lesson--$102 Location Day Time Code Date $
GrnSprGardn Sa 9:30am 68F.JJE4 9/3 DFAK
Watercolor Workshop - Yippee Yupo!
(16-Adult) Forget everything you know about painting on paper and enjoy the spontaneity of painting on a plastic surface such as yupo. Artist Marni Maree will teach you how to create various textures as you paint and ‘unpaint’ your subject using your regular watercolor supplies. A supply list will be emailed before class. Bring a lunch.
CFAK 1--6 hour lesson--$110 Location Day Time Code Begin $
GrnSprGardn Sa 9:30am Z89.ULNA 11/12 CFAK
Fun with Acrylics
(13-Adult) Class introduces you to acrylics in a fun and pressure-free way. Learn to make simple paintings using acrylic paints on canvas as you explore color, texture, composition and design. Supply fee of $30 and a supply list for canvases.
DFGB 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$138 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC M 6:30pm 4VW.S4WZ 10/3 DFGB Wkfld/Moore T 6:30pm 4VW.RRJO 9/20 DFGB Woodson HS Th 6:30pm 4VW.PB21 9/22 DFGB
Instructors Wanted

Visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ jobs-internships for information.
Paint in Oil or Acrylic
(Adults) Paint under the instruction of a proficient artist to improve your skills and build confidence as an artist. For beginning to advanced students. More experienced painters may bring their supplies. Any supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
4FD 10--2 hour 55 minute lessons--$321 Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC T 1pm 009.LNVO 9/20 4FD ProvREC T 9:30am 009.LMSB 9/20 4FD ProvREC F 12:30pm 009.YZJ6 9/23 4FD
Abrakadoodle Sculpt It
(6-12 yrs.) Learn to sculpt using a variety of modeling compounds and papers along with other items such as wire, wood, clay, aluminum, plastic, string in this Abrakadoodle class. We’ll mold, bend, twist, and stretch while we design each three-dimensional creation. Learn about a variety of amazing artists while creating eight 3D artworks that are dynamic, creative and fun.
DFVW 8--55 minute lessons--$165 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC W 5pm EH9.WS1O 9/21 DFVW Wkfld/Moore Th 5pm EH9.VR6D 9/22 DFVW
Pottery for Children
Introduction to clay and the pottery-making process using hand-building methods. Make pinch pots and learn coiling, slab work techniques, painting, glazing and firing.
DFP3 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$202
DFP4 5--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$101 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-9 yrs.)
Wkfld/Moore Sa 9am Q7L.NQD7 9/10 DFP3 Wkfld/Moore M 4pm Q7L.LH32 9/12 DFP4
(9-12 yrs.)
Wkfld/Moore Sa 10:45am AZ5.V8N2 9/10 DFP4 Wkfld/Moore M 4pm AZ5.GJ7Q 10/24 DFP4
Pottery I
Introduction to the potter’s wheel with emphasis on clay preparation, centering, firing and glazing. Attendance at first class is essential. Class fee includes 25 lbs. of clay and three hours of lab time. Bring hand tools to the first class meeting or purchase a set during class.
DFP1 10--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$269
DFP2 10--2 hour 55 minute lessons--$364 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (13-17 yrs.)
Wkfld/Moore Sa 12:45pm NJY.RVWZ 9/10 DFP1
Wkfld/Moore Su 3pm A6F.VWQY 9/11 DFP2 Wkfld/Moore M 6pm A6F.R28B 9/12 DFP2 Wkfld/Moore T 1pm A6F.WKWK 9/13 DFP2 Wkfld/Moore Th 9am A6F.LRIM 9/15 DFP2
Pottery II
(16-Adult) Refine and develop your clay preparation, throwing, trimming and glazing skills. Attendance at first class is essential. Class fee includes 25 lbs. of clay and three hours of lab time. Bring hand tools to the first class meeting or purchase a set during class.
DFP2 10--2 hour 55 minute lessons--$364 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Wkfld/Moore Sa 3pm 54E.A5B0 9/10 DFP2 Wkfld/Moore T 6pm 54E.VVHD 9/13 DFP2 Wkfld/Moore W 6pm 54E.4W5Y 9/14 DFP2 Wkfld/Moore W 9am 54E.445Q 9/14 DFP2
Pottery - Handbuilding
(16-Adult) Introduction to intermediate instruction using pinch, slab and coil methods to create either functional or abstract pieces. Glazing and techniques for textures and other decorations are included. Class fee includes 25 lbs. of clay and three hours of lab time.
DFP2 10--2 hour 55 minute lessons--$364 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Wkfld/Moore T 9am BE7.WBTV 9/13 DFP2 Wkfld/Moore Th 6pm BE7.NPCC 9/15 DFP2
Digital Photography
(13-Adult) There’s more to photography than just using the automatic setting. Topics include your camera’s controls, resolution, flash, composition, stop motion, close ups and more. Course includes weekly assignments with reviews. Software and printing are also covered. Any supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
4FB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$179 4FC 10--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$237
DFGB 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$138 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Burke Lake Pk Sa 8am F54.ZS25 9/10 DFGB Frying Pan Pk W 6pm F54.DCDY 9/14 DFGB OakMarREC W 5:30pm F54.SVVK 9/14 4FB Wkfld/Moore T 7pm F54.1XXE 9/20 4FC
Cell Phone Photography
(13-Adult) Smartphones have tremendous power to take great photos if you know what you are doing. In this class, we will explore the wonders and push the limits of cell phone photography. We will cover how to create photos with depth, stop and capture motion, take good photos in low light, and editing.
4FB 10--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$179 4FG 5--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$89 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Burke Lake Pk Sa 9:30am ZEC.6WQ9 9/10 4FG Frying Pan Pk W 4:30pm ZEC.17H9 9/14 4FG OakMarREC W 7pm ZEC.1LOI 9/14 4FB
Full Moon Photography
(16-Adult) Learn how to capture images of the full moon. Test out your telephoto lens with a tripod to capture images of the full moon from the park boardwalk. Bring a backup lens if we get clouds to shoot long exposures of the park from the boardwalk after sunset. Bring your DSLR and tripod. All skill levels welcome. Tripods are essential for this class.
RG39 1--1 hour 30 minute lesson--$42 Location Day Time Code Begin $
HuntMdws T 6pm KSF.N1CO 11/8 RG39
Parks Are In Your Nature
Visit a Nature Center and explore the wild side of Fairfax.
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols. Nature Photography for Beginners
(16-Adult) Explore the trail and photograph the hidden miracles at the park. Learn how to use a DSLR and tripod to capture images of the natural world around us. Try a variety of techniques to compose creative images of animals and landscapes. Designed for beginners to intermediate skill levels. Bring your own DSLR camera. Class is held outdoors.
RG39 1--1 hour 30 minute lesson--$42 Location Day Time Code Begin $
HuntMdws Sa 12pm 47D.56ZB 12/10 RG39
Nature Photography at Huntley Meadows
(16-Adult) Huntley Meadows Park offers some of the best wildlife watching in the Washington metropolitan area; every day and change of season offers something different to see. What stunning photos will you capture? Join park naturalist and professional photographer, Melodie, to learn how to use a DSLR and a tripod to capture images of the natural world. Try a variety of techniques to compose creative images of animals, plants and landscapes. Learn how to upload, enhance, and print images. Class includes taking home two prints of your own work. Designed for beginner to intermediate skill levels. Bring your own DSLR camera. Bring a tripod if you have one. Supply fee of $10 payable at first class. Class is held outdoors.
4FF 5--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$119 Location Day Time Code Begin $
HuntMdws F 9am TYT.ZKNM 9/16 4FF
Night Sky Photography
(16-Adult) Learn how to use a wide angle lens and tripod to make long-exposure, starry nightscapes and landscapes from the boardwalk after sunset. Bring your DSLR and tripod. All skill levels welcome. Tripods are essential for this class.
RG39 1--1 hour 30 minute lesson--$42 Location Day Time Code Begin $
HuntMdws T 7pm KFC.XE5R 10/25 RG39
Floral Design Workshop - Indian Summer
(16-Adult) Enjoy the flowers of late summer in this floral design workshop. Certified floral designer Betty Ann Galway walks you through this jewel-toned arrangement for your home. Register for both the class and the $35 supply fee. Bring disinfected shears and a short box or container that will help you transport your arrangement home.
RG39 1--1 hour 30 minute lesson--$42 Location Day Time Code Begin $
GrnSprGardn Th 10am 4D4.7LEP 9/8 RG39
Floral Design Workshop - Fantastic Fall
(16-Adult) Enjoy autumn’s rich colors and textures by bringing them into your home. With the help of certified floral designer Betty Ann Galway, create a unique floral design that celebrates how fantastic Fall can be. Register for both the class and the $35 supply fee. Bring disinfected shears and a short box or container that will help you transport your arrangement home.
RG39 1--1 hour 30 minute lesson--$42 Location Day Time Code Begin $
GrnSprGardn Th 1pm 30F.0V2J 10/6 RG39
Floral Design Workshop Pumpkin Centerpiece
(16-Adult) Floral designer Denise Godfrey helps you create an elegant, elevated centerpiece using a real pumpkin! Bring fall into your home with this design. Register for both the class and the $35 supply fee. Bring disinfected shears and a short box or container that will help you transport your arrangement home.
RG39 1--1 hour 30 minute lesson--$42 Location Day Time Code Begin $
GrnSprGardn Sa 10:30am D4H.ECH8 10/15 RG39

(Adults) Enjoy the lush holiday colors and textures by bringing them into your home. Learn how to create a unique floral design that celebrates the Thanksgiving season with the help of professional floral designer Betty Ann Galway. Learn tips and tricks of the trade to practice on your own designs at home. Please register for both program and $35 supply fee. Bring disinfected shears and a short box or container that will help you transport your arrangement home.
1--1 hour 30 minute lesson--$42 Location Day Time Code Begin $
GrnSprGardn Sa 10:30am KXJ.KTIC 11/19 RG39
Winter Wreath Workshop
(16-Adult) Create a beautiful winter wreath to take home for your front door after Green Spring staff members demonstrate the dazzling possibilities. Greens, forms, ribbon and cones included in the $26 supply fee. Please register for both the program and supply fee.
1--1 hour 30 minute lesson--$42 Location Day Time Code Begin $
GrnSprGardn Sa 10:30am YIB.OEXD 12/3 RG39
Floral Design Workshop - Holiday Sparkle
(16-Adult) During the hustle and bustle of the holidays, treat yourself to a morning of fun and learning. Certified floral instructor Betty Ann Galway helps you create a beautiful floral present for yourself or a loved one. Register for both the class and the $35 supply fee. Bring disinfected shears and a short box or container that will help you transport your arrangement home.
RG39 1--1 hour 30 minute lesson--$42 Location Day Time Code Begin $
GrnSprGardn Th 10am Q0V.3MO3 12/8 RG39
Paper Quilling Greeting Cards
(8-Adult) Create beautiful greeting cards using paper quilling techniques. Quilling, also known as filigree, is the art of coiling strips of paper rolls and then shaping them into beautiful works of art. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
DFAR 1--3 hour lesson--$39 Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC Sa 2pm 4ZV.0CZZ 11/5 DFAR
Furniture Facelift
(13-Adult) Learn how to transform a small piece of furniture in this workshop. All you need is a little paint and wax to give an old piece of furniture a lovely new look. Skills include prepping, sanding, and painting. A supply fee may be payable to the instructor at the first class.
DFVY 4--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$85 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Wkfld/Moore W 6:30pm 4W7.PD02 9/21 DFVY
Park Authority web portal for programs and activities for
active older adults.
Visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/fifty-plus
(13-Adult) Master knitting basics. Students learn knitting techniques, terminology and about materials.
4FC 10--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$237 4FG 5--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$89 Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC F 10:30am 8AD.OC0V 9/23 4FG ProvREC W 10am 8AD.SAMW 9/21 4FC
Needle Felting Workshop
(12-Adult) Learn needle felting basics and make a project to take home. One registered adult must accompany each registered child in this program.
DFAH 1--2 hour lesson--$16 Location Day Time Code Begin
LewinsvillHse Sa 10am 8EM.BOP0 11/12 DFAH
Knitting II
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Knitting I.
4FC 10--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$237 Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC T 10am FD8.T3YA 9/20 4FC
Quilting-All Levels

(13-Adult) Learn modern quilt construction basics. Subjects covered include fabric and thread selection, rotary cutting methods and piecing methods. Also included are instructions for finishing a quilt including sandwiching, quilting and binding. This is an ongoing class with students at all stages of their chosen project.
DFGA 8--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$228 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Frying Pan Pk Th 12:30pm 285.BQE3 9/15 DFGA
Sewing 101
(12-Adult) In this class offered by My Last Gift Sewing Institute, students learn basic sewing skills including using the ruler, proper measuring and how to read a pattern. Course also covers sewing machine use and maintenance. Skills are put to use creating a variety of projects. No previous experience necessary. Sewing machines and a sewing primer are provided. Supply fee of $35 is payable to instructor at first class and includes kits for creating pillow and tote bags (or other projects if student has made these already).
DFVC 4--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$209 Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC T 6:30pm 3B2.OM63 9/20 DFVC OakMarREC M 6:30pm 3B2.OGPY 9/19 DFVC ProvREC Th 6:30pm 3B2.1C4L 9/22 DFVC Wkfld/Moore W 6:30pm 3B2.E5Z6 9/21 DFVC
Sewing 102
(12-Adult) Prerequisite: Sewing 101 or equivalent. In this class offered by My Last Gift Sewing Institute, students build on skills learned in Sewing 101 to create more advanced projects including neck pillows and backpacks. Sewing machines and a sewing primer are provided. Supply fee of $35 is payable to instructor at first class and includes project kits.
DFVC 4--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$209 Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC M 6:30pm EEE.RBGQ 10/17 DFVC ProvREC Th 6:30pm EEE.9B7A 10/20 DFVC Wkfld/Moore W 6:30pm EEE.Q6QH 10/19 DFVC
Sewing 103
(12-Adult) Prerequisite: Sewing 102 or equivalent. In this class, offered by My Last Gift Sewing Institute, students build on skills learned in Sewing 102 to make a variety of more advanced hand and machine sewing projects. Sewing machines and a sewing primer are provided. Supply fee of $35 is payable to instructor at first class and includes project kits.
DFVC 4--2 hour 25 minute lessons--$209 Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC M 6:30pm 85C.HFTV 11/21 DFVC Wkfld/Moore W 6:30pm 85C.22B7 11/16 DFVC
Sewing Workshop-Alterations
(9-Adult) In this class workshop by My Last Gift Sewing Institute, learn techniques for altering garments such as hemming by hand or machine, taking in/letting out waistlines, shortening sleeves and changing buttons. Skills include measuring using a ruler and tape measure, using commercial patterns, hand and machine sewing and fabric structure. Supply fee of $16 is payable to instructor at the workshop.
DFVD 1--3 hour lesson--$66 Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC Sa 10am 912.U54I 10/01 DFVD
Sewing Workshop-Alterations II
(9-Adult) In this workshop offered by My Last Gift Sewing Institute, learn techniques for altering tailored garments such as hemming by hand or machine, taking in/letting out waistlines, shortening sleeves and changing buttons. Skills include measuring using a ruler and tape measure, using commercial patterns, hand and machine sewing and fabric structure. Supply fee of $16 is payable to instructor at the workshop.
DFVD 1--3 hour lesson--$66 Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC Sa 10am 79E.0GQY 10/29 DFVD ProvREC Sa 10am 79E.KC0K 10/22 DFVD Wkfld/Moore Sa 10am 79E.GRMO 10/15 DFVD
Sewing Workshop-Home Decor
(9-Adult) In this workshop, offered by My Last Gift Sewing Institute, learn techniques for creating decor for your room or home such as pillow shams, curtains, pillow cases and pillows. Skills include measuring using a ruler and tape measure, using commercial patterns, hand and machine sewing and fabric structure. Supply fee of $16 is payable to instructor at the workshop.
DFVD 1--3 hour lesson--$66 Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC Sa 9am EDC.IM9N 11/12 DFVD OakMarREC Sa 10am EDC.LVX0 11/5 DFVD Wkfld/Moore Sa 10am EDC.TI9W 11/19 DFVD
Sewing Workshop-Machine Fundamentals
(9-Adult) In this workshop offered by My Last Gift Sewing Institute, learn about sewing machines including threading, bobbin-winding and placement, parts of the machine, how to make a buttonhole, basic stitches and operation. This class is not a prerequisite for all sewing classes, but is a great course for those interested in learning how to sew. Bring your machine or use one of ours. Supply fee of $16 is payable at the workshop.
DFVD 1--3 hour lesson-- $66 Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC Sa 9am E49.VYL8 9/24 DFVD OakMarREC Sa 10am E49.N2SG 9/17 DFVD
Sewing Workshop-Zippers
(9-Adult) In this class, offered by My Last Gift Sewing Institute, learn techniques for sewing on zippers including lapped, centered and j-zippers. Skills include measuring using a ruler and tape measure, using commercial patterns, hand and machine sewing and fabric structure. Supply fee of $16 is payable at the workshop.
DFVD 1--3 hour lesson--$66 Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC Sa 9am 8F8.5HHB 10/8 DFVD