8 minute read
Please remember:
• All dance instructors have different teaching styles. • Ballet classes require ballet attire (leotard, tights and appropriate shoes.) • For other classes, be sure to wear comfortable clothing. Any clothing requirements will be discussed at the first class. • Check the listings for information on couples-only classes. • Instructional aids, publications and tapes may be available for optional purchase in some dance classes. • Some classes may have supply fees so check class descriptions for details. Any supply fees are payable to instructor at first class and are non-refundable.
Intro to Ballet
(5-7 yrs.) Introduction to basic ballet positions. Frequent shifts between ballet activities, creative movement and other activities keep children engaged in learning.
CPVF 8--55 minute lessons--$115 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Wkfld/Moore Sa 9:55am 408.JVJD 6/18 CPVF
Ballet & Stretch
(13-Adult) For students who have danced before or those who wish to learn. This class is a unique combination of ballet fundamentals and stretching.
3PA 8--55 minute lessons--$96 Location Day Time Code Begin $
MtVernREC Th 8pm 61A.OHSD 6/16 3PA
Ballet I

Basic ballet fundamentals help develop self-confidence, posture and body awareness. It is recommended that students purchase shoes, leotard and tights after first session.
3PA 8--55 minute lessons--$96
BPVF 6--55 minute lessons--$97
CPVF 8--55 minute lessons--$115
DPVN 8--55 minute lessons--$138 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (5-7 yrs.)
MtVernREC Sa 11:30am S5F.IWLW 6/18 3PA OakMarREC Su 9am 2BE.VBJU 6/26 BPVF CubRunREC Su 1:45pm 2BE.PF1N 6/19 DPVN LeeREC Sa 10am 2BE.53CZ 6/18 DPVN MtVernREC Sa 9:50am 2BE.Z0G0 6/18 DPVN MtVernREC T 6:30pm 2BE.P0NJ 6/21 CPVF MtVernREC F 6:30pm 2BE.J6T7 6/24 DPVN ProvREC Sa 10:45am 2BE.PVGG 6/18 CPVF ProvREC W 6pm 2BE.SYFZ 6/22 DPVN ProvREC Th 6pm 2BE.8249 6/23 CPVF ProvREC F 6pm 2BE.EK56 6/24 DPVN SoRunREC W 6pm 2BE.LISH 6/22 CPVF SoRunREC Sa 1pm 2BE.GE2T 6/18 DPVN SoRunREC M 6pm 2BE.APV9 6/20 DPVN
(6-12 yrs.)
CubRunREC T 4:15pm 5KA.4K3O 6/21 3PA MtVernREC Th 6pm 5KA.PVLX 6/16 3PA
(8-12 yrs.)
CubRunREC Su 12:30pm VWV.T9IK 6/19 DPVN
Wkfld/Moore T 8pm 63B.FOSK 6/21 3PA SoRunREC Su 11am 6JT.CNYV 6/19 CPVF
Ballet & Jazz
(6-12 yrs.) Introduction to basic steps and movements for ballet and jazz.
CPVL 8--55 minute lessons--$157 Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC Th 6:20pm 224.DCDQ 6/23 CPVL
Ballet & Tap
(6-8 yrs.) Introduction to basic steps and movements.
DPVN 8--55 minute lessons--$138 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Su 9:50am 116.HZJ3 6/19 DPVN SpHillREC W 6pm 116.CWS7 6/22 DPVN SoRunREC W 6pm 116.MN83 6/22 CPVF
Combo Dance & Tap
Students are introduced to dance forms such as ballet, jazz and tap.
3PA 8--55 minute lessons--$96
CPVF 8--55 minute lessons--$96
BPVF 6--55 minute lessons--$97
CPVL 8--55 minute lessons--$157
DPVN 8--55 minute lessons--$138 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (5-8 yrs.)
OakMarREC Su 11:45am 3A9.IZNM 6/26 BPVF SoRunREC Su 12pm 3A9.3K90 6/19 CPVF
(6-12 yrs.)
SoRunREC Sa 1pm 3EE.PEZT 6/18 3PA
(8-12 yrs.)
LeeREC Th 7:20pm 764.GUMH 6/23 CPVL MtVernREC Sa 10:55am 764.B1QQ 6/18 DPVN SpHillREC Su 10:50am 764.X8YD 6/19 DPVN
Celebrate your Special Day
at Laurel Hill Golf Club or Twin Lakes Golf Course clubhouse.
Hip Hop I
Get into the beat with the latest street dances. These routines are great for exercise, coordination, balance and flexibility.
3PA 8--55 minute lessons--$96
CPVF 8--55 minute lessons--$115
CPVL 8--55 minute lessons--$157
DPVN 8--55 minute lessons--$138 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (5-7 yrs.)
LeeREC Sa 9am 209.AKP9 6/18 DPVN LeeREC Th 4:30pm 209.60I9 6/23 CPVL ProvREC F 6pm 209.RG3S 6/24 DPVN SoRunREC W 7pm 209.9YW9 6/22 CPVF SpHillREC M 6pm 209.KFTB 6/20 DPVN Wkfld/Moore Sa 11am 209.RZL6 6/18 CPVF Wkfld/Moore T 6pm 209.YY4I 6/21 DPVN Wkfld/Moore F 5:55pm 209.0ETK 6/24 CPVF
(8-13 yrs.)
ProvREC F 7pm 085.CO55 6/24 DPVN SpHillREC M 7:20pm 085.HVWO 6/20 DPVN Wkfld/Moore T 7pm 085.1AUO 6/21 DPVN Wkfld/Moore Sa 12:15pm 085.7ZM8 6/18 CPVF Wkfld/Moore F 7pm 085.ODP2 6/24 CPVF
(8-17 yrs.)
MtVernREC Th 7pm B4A.0IZ0 6/23 3PA SoRunREC W 8pm 2ZW.F7SI 6/22 CPVF
Kids Hop/Zumba
(6-12 yrs.) Two of our most popular classes are combined into one! Step into the beat and break a sweat while having a dance party with Zumba. New dances and games are introduced every week to keep classes fun and exciting.
DPVN 8--55 minute lessons--$138 Location Day Time Code Begin $
MtVernREC Su 12:30pm 2D2.JMVD 6/19 DPVN SpHillREC Th 7pm 2D2.0DUJ 6/23 DPVN
Ballroom Dancing I
(13-Adult) This class introduces you to traditional American ballroom dance basics. Learn proper dance position and how to lead and follow. Dances include foxtrot, waltz, rumba and cha-cha. Each student must register.
3PA 8--55 minute lessons--$96 Location Day Time Code Begin $ Singles & Couples
Wkfld/Moore F 6:30pm 162.KKNB 6/24 3PA Wkfld/Moore F 7:30pm 162.M9WK 6/24 3PA
Couples only
ProvREC Su 5pm A6D.JDHN 6/12 3PA SpHillREC Su 2pm A6D.01RB 6/19 3PA
Line Dancing I
(13-Adult) This fun and exciting class combines low, moderate and high energy dance routines from different decades. No experience or partner necessary.
3PA 8--55 minute lessons--$96 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC T 7:30pm 7D2.HNVN 6/21 3PA Wkfld/Moore M 6:30pm 7D2.7O6O 6/20 3PA Wkfld/Moore M 7:30pm 7D2.1C96 6/20 3PA

Line Dancing II
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Level I. Take your line dance skills up a notch with fun dances from many decades that include more complex choreography. Building on the skills learned in Level I, this class will improve agility, reaction time, and balance. No partner is necessary.
3PA 8--55 minute lessons--$96 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC M 7pm 6L5.YDIY 6/20 3PA
Social & Night Life Dancing (Partners)
(16-Adult) Learn basic dance steps to help you survive social events. Each student must register.
3PA 8--55 minute lessons--$96 Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC Su 5pm FF3.REVO 6/19 3PA
Social Dance-Basic Survival I
(13-Adult) Designed with the non-dancer in mind. Learn waltz, rumba, foxtrot, tango, swing, cha-cha and merengue basics. Partners encouraged, singles welcome. Each student must register.
CPCC 6--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$98 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Card Fst ES Th 8:30pm 6D1.9Q0Z 6/23 CPCC Woodson HS T 7pm 6D1.J5N9 6/21 CPCC
Social Dance-Basic Survival II
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Social Dance Basic Survival I, Ballroom I or equivalent. Continue expanding skills learned in level I. Partners encouraged, singles welcome. Each student must register.
CPCC 6--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$98 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Woodson HS T 8:30pm 7A3.A559 6/21 CPCC
Beyond Basic Survival-Couples
(13-Adult) For those who have completed Social Dance/Basic Survival II, Ballroom Dance II or equivalent. This class introduces additional advanced-level patterns in all dances plus additional dances. Each student must register.
CPCC 6--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$98 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Card Fst ES Th 7pm 50D.LGZ7 6/23 CPCC
Swing Dance I
(13-Adult) Learn basic swing and jitterbug steps. Each student must register.
3PA 8--55 minute lessons--$96 Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC Sa 5pm 35B.HZS6 6/11 3PA
West Coast Swing
(13-Adult) Danced to slower blues music, this slotted dance allows for more freedom and playfulness while dancing with your partner, especially for the women who do expressive swivel walks and hip swings. Singles are welcome, partners are recommended.
3PA 8--55 minute lessons--$96 Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC Su 3:30pm FEF.0ZJI 6/19 3PA OakMarREC Su 4:30pm FEF.GTOS 6/19 3PA
Country & Western Dancing I
(13-Adult) Learn the latest in basic country dancing in this fun, relaxed setting. Singles and couples welcome.
3PA 8--55 minute lessons--$96 Location Day Time Code Begin $
LeeREC Sa 3pm 706.E6JF 6/18 3PA

Country & Western Line Dancing Beginning I
(13-Adult) A variety of country and western line dances. Singles and couples welcome.
3PA 8--55 minute lessons--$96 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Frying Pan Pk W 6pm 607.BNJP 6/22 3PA LeeREC Sa 4pm 607.DSPZ 6/18 3PA OakMarREC Su 3pm 607.FB7J 6/19 3PA
Country & Western Line Dancing Beginning II
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Country & Western Line Dance Beginning I or equivalent.
3PA 8--55 minute lessons--$96 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Frying Pan Pk W 7pm C8C.Y5TX 6/22 3PA LeeREC Sa 5pm C8C.Z2UO 6/18 3PA OakMarREC Su 4pm C8C.M8JM 6/19 3PA
Country & Western Line Dancing Intermediate I
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Country & Western Line Dancing Beginning II or equivalent.
3PA 8--55 minute lessons--$96 Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC Su 5pm 742.MVIV 6/19 3PA
Country & Western Line Dancing Intermediate II
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Country & Western Line Dancing Intermediate I or equivalent.
3PA 8--55 minute lessons--$96 Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC Su 6pm 81E.HYVI 6/19 3PA
Latin Dancing I
(13-Adult) Learn the basic figures and turns from the three most popular dances at salsa clubs - salsa, merengue, and bachata. Also learn how to distinguish each dance’s music and how to put a little bit of style into your dancing. For singles or couples, each student must register.
3PA 8--55 minute lessons--$96 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Su 3pm 7BF.UMVY 6/19 3PA
Salsa I Singles & Couples
(13-Adult) Learn salsa basics and dance to current Latin hits. Each student must register.
3PA 8--55 minute lessons--$96 Location Day Time Code Begin $
OakMarREC Su 5:30pm 375.PYRN 6/19 3PA
FCPA Farmers Markets
Buy Fresh, Buy Local . . .
fruits, vegetables, baked goods, plants, honey, meat, dairy, eggs cut flowers, and more.
Hula Dance-Beginning

(13-Adult) Learn basic hula foot and hand motions and incorporate them into dances. Students should wear loose-fitting skirts.
3PA 8--55 minute lessons--$96 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Su 2pm DA9.MWUL 6/19 3PA
Hula Dance-Intermediate
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Hula I or equivalent. Wear loose-fitting skirts.
3PA 8--55 minute lessons--$96 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SpHillREC Su 3pm FAF.97EK 6/19 3PA
Bollywood Style Dance
Bollywood is a vibrant and entertaining style of dance from India featuring a combination of contemporary, hip hop and fusion moves. Students learn the grace and joy of rhythm to the latest Bollywood songs. Dress in loose-fitting clothing.
3PA 8--55 minute lessons--$96 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-12 yrs.)
SpHillREC Su 11am OB4.9F0C 6/19 3PA
SpHillREC Su 10am 799.U72H 6/19 3PA SpHillREC T 6pm 799.XERS 6/21 3PA