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Fine Arts and Crafts
Fine Arts
Some classes may have supply fees so check class descriptions for details. Any supply fees are payable at first class and are non-refundable.
Art Above & Beyond
This mixed-media class offers a variety of fun projects including drawing and painting. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
3FA 8--55 minute lessons--$91 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (5-7 yrs.)
Wkfld/Moore Sa 11am 3CB.Z5X6 6/18 3FA
(6-12 yrs.)
Wkfld/Moore M 5:30pm EB5.1OB6 6/20 3FA
Colorful Art by Abrakadoodle
(6-12 yrs.) Explore fabulous artist tools and products. Create colorful paintings, imaginative drawings, and unique sculptures using watercolors, modeling compounds and paints. Practice “masking” while painting an abstract forest, take an imaginary tour to New England and paint lighthouse scenes. Hear the buzz of busy bees while sculpting. For outdoor classes please dress for the weather.
DFVW 8--55 minute lessons--$157 Location Day Time Code Begin $ Indoor class
SoRunREC T 5pm PRL.P3OM 6/21 DFVW
Outdoor class
CubRunREC Sa 11:30am YYN.W7JV 6/18 DFVW
Studio Art
(6-12 yrs.) Artists develop their own style while exploring self-expression and creativity through a variety of art media. Supply list available at first class.
CFVB 6--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$144 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Mosaic ES Sa 9:00am 3X2.OWMH 6/18 CFVB
Abrakadoodle Doodlers
(6-12 yrs.) This multi-media Abrakadoodle art program helps kids stretch their creative muscles in action-oriented classes filled with color, texture, shape and fun. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
CFVW 6--55 minute lessons--$122 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Jackson MS Th 5pm LBE.ZZFE 6/30 CFVW
Instructors Wanted
Visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ jobs-internships for information. Draw With Me!

(6-12 yrs.) Students and an adult family member learn color shading, harmony, blending and drawing basics. Students work with pencils and colored pencils. Both parent and child should bring a sketch pad and pencils (4B, HB and 2H) to class. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
3FAC 8--55 minute lessons--$136 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Wkfld/Moore Sa 12:15pm 930.SJGV 6/18 3FAC
Discover Drawing I
This course teaches fundamental drawing skills through various techniques and projects. Students need to bring an 11”x14” sketch pad and two drawing pencils (HB & 6B). Supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
DFGB 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$131
CFVB 6--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$144
CFVH 6--55 minute lessons--$93 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-12 yrs.)
Wkfld/Moore F 5pm D6A.L7OJ 6/24 DFGB Wkfld/Moore F 7pm D6A.V29Z 6/24 DFGB Mosaic ES Sa 1pm FLU.SSLG 6/18 CFVH
Mosaic ES Sa 11:30am E5M.AY5J 6/18 CFVB
Comic Cartooning
(6-12 yrs.) Calvin & Hobbes, Spongebob Squarepants, Bugs Bunny, and other cartoons come to life in this fun Baroody Camps program developed and taught by pro comic book and children’s book creator, Arsia Rozegar (credits include Marvel’s Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, and X-Men). Using simple methods with shapes and lines, as well as tricks, tips and techniques, students learn that drawing cartoons is easier than you can imagine! Any supply fee payable to instructor at first class
CFVC 6--55 minute lessons--$110 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Mosaic ES Sa 10:30am WA0.H9JT 6/18 CFVC Woodson HS T 6:30pm WA0.9XE9 6/21 CFVC
Creating Comics
Students interested in creating their own personal comic books will learn about various aspects of drawing and creating comics. Not just limited to the super-hero genre, this Baroody Camp, developed and taught by pro comic book creator Arsia Rozegar (credits include Marvel’s Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, and X-Men), delves into the hands-on fun of creating sequential art. Students will also learn emotive faces, anatomy and character development. Any supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
CFVC 6--55 minute lessons--$110 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (13-Adult)
Woodson HS T 7:30pm LEH.LKWV 6/21 CFVC
Nature Sketch Hike
(13-Adult) Join a naturalist for a hike focused on observing the shapes and colors found in nature and learn sketching techniques to enhance your observation skills.
DFAJ 1--2 hour lesson--$25 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Burke Lake Pk Sa 9am 72F.KB9X 7/16 DFAJ Burke Lake Pk Sa 9am 72F.G3CJ 8/6 DFAJ Burke Lake Pk Sa 9am 72F.MWLZ 8/6 DFAJ Burke Lake Pk Su 10am 72F.05EV 8/28 DFAJ
Abrakadoodle Kids on Canvas
(6-12 yrs.) Imagine a fantastic world inspired by nature through painting. Students will learn about shapes, create 3D buildings, explore maps, and mix colors. Once registered, download camp forms from website.
DFVW 8--55 minute lessons--$157 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Wkfld/Moore Th 5:30pm ZBL.KYS7 6/23 DFVW
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Watercolor Painting I
(Adults) Students are introduced to watercolor techniques and color basics. Concepts such as wet on wet, dry watercolor, color layering and blending are explored. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
DFBE 6--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$109 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Jackson MS T 6:30pm BC7.1H2M 6/21 DFBE Jackson MS T 10am BC7.X1MI 6/21 DFBE
Watercolor Painting II
(Adults) Prerequisite: Watercolor Painting I or equivalent. Continue sharpening basic skills and techniques. Develop brush styles and individual approaches to projects and exercises. Students need to bring supplies to class.
DFBE 6--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$109 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Jackson MS T 1pm 9E5.VJJF 6/21 DFBE Jackson MS Th 6:30pm 9E5.A854 6/23 DFBE
Watercolor Painting III
(Adults) Prerequisite: Watercolor Painting II. Students need to bring supplies to class.
DFBE 6--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$109 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Jackson MS W 1pm 151.5U8X 6/22 DFBE Jackson MS W 6:30pm 151.6TA8 6/22 DFBE Jackson MS W 10am 151.VLRH 6/22 DFBE Jackson MS Th 1pm 151.VEBM 6/23 DFBE Jackson MS Th 10am 151.8MPD 6/23 DFBE
FCPA Farmers Markets
Buy Fresh, Buy Local . . .
fruits, vegetables, baked goods, plants, honey, meat, dairy, eggs cut flowers, and more.
Watercolor Workshop - Landscapes

(16-Adult) Artist Dawn Flores helps you translate the beauty of nature into a watercolor painting by showing how to paint skies, trees, water, mountains and rocks. Learn strategies for building depth and focus in your work using color and value. Get techniques for building texture and masking to preserve the white of the page. A supply list will be emailed before the program. Bring a lunch.
DFAK 1--6 hour lesson--$97 Location Day Time Code Begin $
GrnSprGardn Sa 9:30am 68F.QXPX 6/4 DFAK
Watercolor Workshop - Mosaics
(16-Adult) Artist Marni Maree helps you create a paper “palette” using watercolor paints on various papers. Then, experiment with textures and patterns that you will cut, tear, weave and redesign into a creative work of art! A supply list will be emailed before the program. Bring a lunch.
CFAK 1--6 hour lesson--$105 Location Day Time Code Begin $
GrnSprGardn Sa 9:30am 30V.V762 8/27 CFAK
Paint in Oil or Acrylic
(Adults) Paint under the instruction of a proficient artist to improve your skills and build confidence as an artist. For beginning to advanced students. More experienced painters may bring their supplies. Any supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
CFBD 6--3 hour lessons--$199 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Jackson MS T 1pm 009.TGEU 6/21 CFBD Jackson MS T 9:30am 009.8BUZ 6/21 CFBD Jackson MS F 1pm 009.OAXH 6/24 CFBD Jackson MS F 9:30am 009.WXID 6/24 CFBD
Fun with Acrylics

(13-Adult) Class introduces you to acrylics in a fun and pressure-free way. Learn to make simple paintings using acrylic paints on canvas as you explore color, texture, composition and design. Supply fee of $30 and a supply list for canvases.
DFGB 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$131 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC Th 6:30pm 4VW.R5DV 6/23 DFGB
Abrakadoodle Sculpt It
(6-12 yrs.) Learn to design and sculpt three-dimensional creations using a variety of modeling compounds and papers along with other items such as wire, wood, clay, aluminum, plastic, string. Students will be introduced to a variety of amazing artists while creating eight 3D artworks in this Abrakadoodle class.
DFVW 8--55 minute lessons--$157 Location Day Time Code Begin $
SoRunREC Sa 1pm EH9.6HUF 6/18 DFVW SoRunREC Th 5pm EH9.GENO 6/23 DFVW
Pottery for Children
Introduction to clay and the pottery-making process using hand-building methods. Make pinch pots and learn coiling, slab work techniques, painting, glazing and firing.
3FB 8--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$136 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-9 yrs.)
Wkfld/Moore Sa 9am Q7L.JMDW 6/18 3FB
(9-12 yrs.)
Wkfld/Moore Sa 10:45am AZ5.0302 6/18 3FB Wkfld/Moore M 4:45pm AZ5.GUT7 6/20 3FB
Pottery I
Introduction to the potter’s wheel with emphasis on clay preparation, centering, firing and glazing. Attendance at first class is essential. Class fee includes 25 lbs. of clay and three hours of lab time. Bring hand tools to the first class meeting or purchase a set during class.
3FC 8--1 hour 55 minute lessons--$181 3FD 8--2 hour 55 minute lessons--$272 Location Day Time Code Begin $ (13-17 yrs.)
Wkfld/Moore Sa 12:45pm NJY.2QW3 6/18 3FC
Wkfld/Moore Su 3pm A6F.3K5V 6/19 3FD Wkfld/Moore M 6pm A6F.PWWE 6/20 3FD Wkfld/Moore T 1pm A6F.8XGF 6/21 3FD Wkfld/Moore Th 9am A6F.383C 6/23 3FD
Pottery II
(16-Adult) Refine and develop your clay preparation, throwing, trimming and glazing skills. Attendance at first class is essential. Class fee includes 25 lbs. of clay and three hours of lab time. Bring hand tools to the first class meeting or purchase a set during class.
3FD 8--2 hour 55 minute lessons--$272 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Wkfld/Moore Sa 3pm 54E.1ERS 6/18 3FD Wkfld/Moore T 6pm 54E.U3JH 6/21 3FD Wkfld/Moore W 6pm 54E.FBW5 6/22 3FD Wkfld/Moore W 9am 54E.Q0BK 6/22 3FD
Pottery - Handbuilding
(16-Adult) Introduction to intermediate instruction using pinch, slab and coil methods to create either functional or abstract pieces. Glazing and techniques for textures and other decorations are included. Class fee includes 25 lbs. of clay and three hours of lab time.
3FD 8--2 hour 55 minute lessons--$272 Location Day Time Code Begin $
Wkfld/Moore T 9am BE7.4C9R 6/21 3FD Wkfld/Moore Th 2pm BE7.2Y5Z 6/23 3FD Wkfld/Moore Th 6pm BE7.M31M 6/23 3FD
Intro to Paper Quilling
(10-Adult) Paper quilling, also known as filigree, is the art of coiling strips of paper rolls and then shaping them into beautiful works of art. Projects include bookmarks, magnets, cards, frames and more. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
DFBE 6--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$109 Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC Su 2pm Y2B.QVK0 6/18 DFBE
Floral Design Workshop - Summer Bouquet
(16-Adult) Create a beautiful summer flower arrangement with the help of certified floral designer Betty Ann Galway. Learn how to properly care for and handle flowers along with learning creative design ideas. Register for both the class and the $30 supply fee. Bring disinfected shears and a short box or container that will help you transport your arrangement home.
RG39 1--1 hour 30 minute lesson--$40 Location Day Time Code Begin $
GrnSprGardn Sa 1pm 0D2.O71Q 6/11 RG39
Floral Design Workshop - Fun with Tropicals

(16-Adult) Get a taste for the exotic with an arrangement of tropical flowers made with the help of certified floral designer Betty Ann Galway. Register for both the class and the $30 supply fee. Bring disinfected shears and a short box or container that will help you transport your arrangement home.
RG39 1--1 hour 30 minute lesson--$40 Location Day Time Code Begin $
GrnSprGardn Sa 1pm F67.Z4X1 7/23 RG39
(13-Adult) Master knitting basics. Students learn knitting techniques, terminology and choosing materials.
4FG 5--1 hour 25 minute lessons--$85 Location Day Time Code Begin $
CubRunREC F 10:30am 8AD.ZR96 6/24 4FG
Melt-and-Pour Soapmaking Workshop
(16-Adult) Learn the basics of making melt-and-pour soap. Instructor Judy Zatsick will demonstrate how to get creative with soap bases, natural vs. created fragrances, and colorants and additives including mica, embeds, botanicals and exfoliants. Get familiar with molds, curing and packaging ideas. Take home two bars of soap, a silicone mold, soap recipes, and the knowledge to start creating your own melt-and-pour soap!
CFAM 1--2 hour lesson--$75 Location Day Time Code Begin $
GrnSprGardn Sa 10:30am ZRH.2MTU 7/16 CFA