All About Events
Christina Mayo 267-534-4707
Angela Malicki Events
Angela Malicki 267-253-0573 info@angelamalickievents com
Bel Momento
Kristen Barse 609-805-0853 info@belmomento com
Clover Event Co.
Jesse Lucas 215-534-4707
jesse@clovereventsco com
Confetti and Co.
Sara Murray 610-248-5610
Arrangements Unlimited
Lois & Dan Kaplan 610-834-7335
info@arrangements-unlimited com
Lauren Weintraub 215-628-4400 hello@blvly com
DFW Event Design
Katie Robinson 215-245-1522 info@dfweventdesign.com
Robert Canada/Brian Kappra 215-429-1578
Diamonds & Details
Colette Pastore 267-275-3434
Lauren James Events
Lauren Ackman 267-322-4581
lauren@lj-events com
Porch & Pearls
Marian Braccia 267-258-4292
marian@porchandpearls com
Styled Bride
Susan Norcross 267-303-2940
hello@styledbride com
Two Little Birds Planning
Jaclyn Fisher 609-760-2844
Camellia Faire Floral
Maura Rose 267-515-8484
info@camelliafaire com
Myrtle & Magnolia
Krissy de Groot 215-821-6092
hello@mrytleandmagnolia com
Petals Lane
Brittany Gillespie-Phinney 215-482-2176
Robertson’s Flowers
Bri Crowley 215-836-3057
Lush Events
Tamara Branch Rouse 215-419-7979 info@planlush.com
Benor and Beik Allie Beik 646-694-8837 info@benorandbeik com
Blush Bouquet
Wedding Planners
Bari Gilbert 215-499-1776 info@bbplanners com
Salt Florist sarah@salt florist
Sebesta Design
Corrine Sebesta Sisti 267-254-7515 info@sebestadesign.com
Willow & Thistle
Jen Murphy 215-616-8407 jen@willowandthistle com
Xtraordinary Events
Vito Russo 267-551-4400 vito@xtraordinaryevents net
Asya Photography
Asya 610-864-6363
asya@asyaphotography com
Cliff Mautner Photography
Cliff Mautner 856-428-4268
Emily Wren Photography
Emily Wren 610-574-0373
emily@emilywren com
Femina Photo
Noelle Andrews 267-574-0076 noel@feminaphoto com
Ginger Fox Photography
Lindsay Ladd 215-828-7149
Haley Richter Photography
Haley Richter 215-821-6492
hello@haleyrichter com
Love Me Do Photography
Amanda Jaffe 215-840-2509
Love Shack Photo
Jackie Bayne 267-304-4584
info@loveshackphoto com
Peaberry Photography
Samantha Shuma 570-301-8340
hello@peaberryphoto com
Peach Plum Pear Photography
Inna Spivakova 215-834-0549
All Around Entertainment
Jared Tangir 215-354-0124
BVT Live (& DJ)
Paul Sottile 610-358-9010
paul@bvtlive com
Don Eaton Band
Don Eaton 610-942-7999
don@doneaton com
EBE Talent
Stephanie Fitzpatrick 215-634-7700 ext 111 stephanie@ebetalent.com
East Coast Entertainment
Kaitlin Sweeny
Elegance Quartet + DJ
Ray Bicolli 215-776-4907
ray@elegancequartet com
The Groovesmen Band 484-836-6146
Heath Allen Band
Heath Allen
hallen@heathallen com
Pictures by Todd
Todd Zimmerman 610-788-2283
todd@picturesbytodd com
Rebecca Barger Photography
Rebecca Barger 215-460-2229
Ryan Eda Photography
Ryan Eda 267-603-1016
ryan@re-photography com
Sweetwater Portraits
Julie Melton 267-626-9778
hello@sweetwaterportraits com
M2 Photo
Melissa McManus 610-506-1588
Philadelphia String Quartet Mugu Radu 215-600-3555
Sugarbomb Entertainment
Jon Ardito 267-846-9181
booking@sugarbomb entertainment com
West Philly Orchestra westphiladelphiaorchestra@gmail com
Evans Entertainment
Chris Evans
267-476-9982 info@evansDJ com
Love Sick
Tom and Jon 267-908-6162 lovesickinc@gmail.com
DJ Walt Breslin
Walt Breslin 610-636-8084 walt@djwaltbreslin.com
Casa Papel
Cecelia Torres 267-761-9149 hello@casapapel com
Chick Invitations Philly Robin 215-592-1407 hello@chickinvitations.com
The Paperia
George Breslau/Hennie Shore 610-896-0968 hennie@thepaperia.com
The Papery of Philadelphia
Carolyn Brandhorst 215-922-1500 cnb@paperyofphilly com
The Other Wedding DJ
Chris Ward theotherweddingdj com
Schaffer Sound DJs
David Schaffer
610-627-5950 ds@schaffersound com
Sir Charles Distinctive Entertainment & DJ Services
Chuck Zerambo 215-550-1341 chuck@zerambo.com
Signature DJs
Scott Goldoor 610-825-6161 scott@signaturedjs com
Taz Sellers
610-640-0838 sales@silversound.com
Luv’d Up DJs
Gemma Sherry 202-681-8836 luvdupdjs@gmail.com
Allure Films
Tim Sudall
tim@videoone tv
Valley Creek Productions
Justin Chan
justinchan@valleycreekproduc tions.com
Well Spun
877.979.2456 jon@wellspunweddings.com
Alissa Tongg
hello@alissatonggcelebrant com
Meaningful Milestones
Jill Magerman 215-808-4996 jillofficiant4u@gmail com
Revered Bob Devine Weddings 610-701-0158 bobterry@aol com
Journeys of the Heart 215-663-8980
journeys@journeysoftheheart org
Caricatures by Courtney Courtney 267-702-6416 info@caricaturesbycourtney.com
Chad Juros
Roving Magic 609-442-2708 chadjuros com
Tony Santana Cigar Company Cigar Rolling
Tony Santana 848-448-2785
Frost 321
Aemi K 888-640-1321 aemi@frost321.com
Philly Casino Parties
Barry Necowitz 484-469-1906 casinopartiesinc@aol.com rainbowpromotions@gmail com
Slay Displays
Julia Kireeva 267-902-7296 julia@slaydisplays com
Legacy Booth 360 Korette McGhee info@legacybooth360 com
Philly Snap Booth
Laura Walker 310-905-2647
AFR Furniture
Victoria Buckley 856 382 2047 EXT 10106 vbuckley@rentfurniture com
Synergetic Sound & Lighting
Jennifer Baiada
(215) 633-1200
jennifer baiada@sslproductions com
Vision Furniture
Emily Terbrueggen 215 695 3300 x352 emily@visionfurniture com
Ambient Event Group
Andrew Sundstrom-Smith 267-916-5505
info@ambienteventgroup com
Tap Snap/Live Ink
Photobooth & More Meagan Tindall
Impresso Coffee
Keith and Mariko
hello@impresso coffee
Kuzo Event Furnishings
kuzoeventfurnishings@gmail com