September 2009 North Carolina Builder

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21st Century Building Expo & Conference Issue

The official magazine of the North Carolina Home Builders Association

Vol. 39, No. 8, September 2009

Get the ball rolling in Charlotte Sept. 16-18

“The Finest In Woods From Around the World”

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Extraordinary Hardwoods




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September 2009

NC Municipal Electric Systems serve more than 750,000 customers. For more information contact Brenda Daniels at ElectriCities, P.O. Box 29513, Raleigh, NC 27626. Telephone: (919) 760-6363, or 1-800-768-7697 • E-mail: • North Carolina Builder   1 Visit Us at the 21st Century Building Expo at Booth 711

Visit us at booth #1033

2   North Carolina Builder

September 2009

Features President’s Message

V ol . 39, N o . 8, S eptember 2009


Mike Carpenter Executive Vice President and General Counsel Lisa Martin Director of Government Affairs


Schedule At-A-Glance


Use this handy reference to plan your days at the 21CBEC.

And the lucky winner is . . .

Conference schedule


From the NAHB University of Housing to NCHBA’s own NCBI, courses offered during the Expo run the gamut and feature nationally recognized instructors.


Associates can meet the challenge 21


In today’s building environment, it’s more important than ever to stay abreast of new techniques and technologies.You’ll find a full schedule of relevant courses during the conference portion of 21CBEC.

Associates’ Committee Chairperson Tammie Smoot encourages associate members to capitalize on all the great programs and activities at the 21st Century Building Expo & Conference.

Shine and shimmer at “A Night Among the Stars”


Always an Expo favorite, the annual STARS Awards Gala will celebrate the achievements of the Southeast region’s very own building industry “stars.”

Expo Product Showcase


Hundreds of companies are showcasing their products and services at the 21CBEC. Here’s a sampling of what you’ll find at the show.

Register today!


There’s still time to make reservations for the 21CBEC in Charlotte Sept. 16-18. September 2009

Kathryn Atkinson Director of Membership Services

Turn here for a list of exhibiting companies and a map to show you where they are located in the exhibit hall.

You could walk away $10,000 richer . . . just by visiting the 21st Century Building Expo & Conference. And if you’re not one of the lucky two grand prize winners, you could still win one of many exciting prizes.

Strengthen your business with education

Jessica Hayes Director of Political Affairs

21CBEC exhibitors and floorplan


Robert Privott Director of Codes and Construction


Attending the conference programs and touring the Expo floor can be serious business, so make time to have some fun at the annual golf tournament and the new Builder Blast party.

To be named Director of Regulatory Affairs

NCHBA Executive Vice President Mike Carpenter explains the importance of the 21CBEC, especially in a down market, to members statewide.

Mixing fun with business

2005 Communicator Award Winner

Dedicated to the advancement of the home building industry, North Carolina Builder (ISSN 1552-8685) is published monthly for the members of the North Carolina Home Builders Association, P.O. Box 99090, Raleigh, N.C. 27624-9090. (800) 662-7129 •

Getting away from the daily hustle and bustle provides a new perspective on life.

Attending the 21st Century Building Expo & Conference is an opportunity you won’t want to miss

The official magazine of the North Carolina Home Builders Association

Register online at

Questions? Call 800.662.7129

Deborah Alford Director of Exhibitions and Education

Tracie Garrett Director of Exhibitor Services

Kep Paylor Vocational Education

Linda Hall Controller

Erin Jones Manager of Political Operations

Heather Crews Director of Communications and Managing Editor

Wendy Spaziani Assistant Education Coordinator Beth Gray Receptionist

Advertising Sales Executive Sharon Freeman (888) 364-5271 Graphic Designer

Paige Takach


Association Publishing Inc. Sandra Amidon and Joyce Hearn, APR (757) 420-2434

Acceptance of advertising in North Carolina Builder does not imply endorsement of the product or service by NCHBA. Opinions expressed in articles are those of the authors and people quoted and not necessarily those of NCHBA, nor does mention of specific products in editorial content imply endorsement by NCHBA. No material may be reproduced for further publication without the express permission of the association. North Carolina Builder is published for the principals and employees of all member firms of the North Carolina Home Builders Association Affiliated with the Association and its receipt is included in the membership fee. National of Home Builders. North Carolina Builder is published monthly except for January. Since the mailing list used by North Carolina Builder is compiled according to membership records, address corrections should be directed to your local association. Nonmember subscriptions are available from the publisher for $30 a year. Dues paid to NCHBA are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. However, they may be deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses subject to restrictions imposed as a result of association lobbying activities. NCHBA estimates that the nondeductible portion of your 2009 dues — the portion that is allocable to lobbying — is 28 percent.

North Carolina Builder   3

2009 NCHBA Leadership

President’s Message

President Frank Wiesner

by Frank Wiesner, 2009 NCHBA President

President-Elect Lyle Gardner First Vice President Bill Daleure Secretary/Treasurer Rick Shields Executive Vice President Mike Carpenter Immediate Past President & NAHB Executive Committee State Representative Ray Rhodes NAHB Executive Committee Rick Judson Vice President, Region I Patrick Mann Vice President, Region II Glenn Morrison Vice President, Region III Barry Tutor Vice President, Region IV Ralph Doggett Vice President, Region V Jackie Trinchitella Vice President, Region VI Brian Robinett Vice President, Region VII Erik Anderson Vice President, Region VIII Darrel Hamilton Vice President, Region IX Kevin Annas Vice President, Region X Zac Koenig Presidential Appointee Elizabeth Cubler Presidential Appointee Larry Howard Presidential Appointee Mike Gerber Chair, Associate Members Committee Tammie Smoot President, EO/ES Council Caroline Sutton President, Professional Women in Building Tammie Smoot

4   North Carolina Builder

Recharging the batteries


recently spent a week at the beach with family, which included my brother, my sisters and their families. Since one of my sisters lives in Texas and the rest of my family is in Maryland, I don’t see everyone very often, and it is very rare we are all in one place for an extended period of time. I have to tell you that I had a great time and not just because I did not have a cell phone or a computer tuned in to the minute-by-minute updates of daily life. It had a little to do with the fact that I spent two glorious mornings on a golf course with my wife, daughter and an uncle with whom I seldom spent time. It also had a little to do with the fact that I had a wonderful oceanfront townhome that afforded me the privilege of watching the sun come up over the glistening waters of the Atlantic Ocean as I took my daily run on the beach. All of these things mattered and all played a small part in the satisfaction I felt almost from the very beginning of my time away from the stress, pressure and intense focus we have all experienced in our businesses over the past couple of years. However, the best part of my week was being with my extended family and getting caught up on what has happened in everyone’s lives over the years since we were last together. One of my personal highlights was spending time with my 4-year-old nephew Dylan, who happens to be my niece’s son, which makes me a Great Uncle, as opposed to being just a “great” Uncle, but based on this week I will lay claim to being a “great” Great Uncle. Dylan, you see, has an imagination that is very engaged and creative, and he has become enthralled with the video game “Super Mario Brothers.” He believes most of the time that he is Mario’s brother Luigi. He walks, runs and jumps around like the game characters, but the best part is that he expects all of those around him to participate with him, even appointing them as specific characters. As the week progressed, I soon became his “brother” Mario, which I consider to be a high honor—at the very least on par with being NCHBA President. As I interacted with Dylan (or rather, Luigi, as he would enthusiastically point out), I found a long-dormant part of my imagination coming back to life, and no matter where we were, we were the Super Mario Brothers, fighting off whatever it is they fight off. I was enjoying Register online at

it to the point that I even wore at dinner one night what Dylan (I mean Luigi!) proclaimed as the official Mario Bros. hat. I have spent a fair amount of time this year speaking to HBA groups across North Carolina about maintaining a proper perspective during the challenging times we have faced, times that are showing some small signs of improving. I can tell you that my week spent with my family was a week of proper perspective and a time that was wellspent recharging my batteries. The time I spent with Dylan exercising my imagination and gaining a 4-year-old’s perspective on what is important will pay dividends in all areas of my life for some time.While Dylan will reach an age where he will not recall the fun he had with his “great” Great Uncle Frank (aka “Mario”), I will never forget the week that once again proved that the greatest assets and net worth we possess are those with whom we share the common bond of love and relationship.


One of the greatest benefits we enjoy as members is our very own 21CBEC! I challenge every member of every HBA in North Carolina to attend the 21st Century Building Expo & Conference in Charlotte Sept. 16-18 for a couple of reasons. First, because NCHBA needs each of you to attend, and second, I am asking you to do so. We have a group of loyal exhibitors who are providing added value to our members by using this Expo to meet you and expose you to the newest, greenest and most cuttingedge products and services. I am not asking you to spend a dime beyond the gas it takes you to drive to Charlotte. The Expo floor is free of charge and you can actually walk away with the $10,000 grand prizes in your pocket. You can also choose to take advantage of the educational opportunities that will be offered and are outlined in this issue of North Carolina Builder. I look forward to seeing you in Charlotte!

Questions? Call 800.662.7129

September 2009


Visit us at booth #926

Despite down market, efficient home sales doubled in 2008 By Dan McFarland, Southern Energy director of builder services


The increase of Energy Star-certified homes in recent years is a real marker of the changing tide in the new home industry. In 2007, just 3.5% of all homes built in NC were Energy Star-certified. In 2008, this number more than doubled to almost 8%, and if growth continues at this pace, the number of Energy Star-certified homes will likely double again by 2010. The Triangle and Charlotte regions are leading NC in the total number of homes certified, while other areas such as Greensboro are just starting to take off. Innovative builders across the state are selling more homes by catering to this fast-growing segment of the new home market.


The widespread builder adoption of Energy Star is due in part to strong growth in consumer demand. Energy Star is consistently ranked as a desirable quality in buyers’ purchasing decisions. This is reinforced by the

Southern Energy won the National Energy Star Partner of the Year award in 2009 for the third year in a row. Their team of building scientists has worked with builders across North Carolina to help certify almost 5,000 Energy Star and green homes since 2004.

first-hand experience of our builder clients who tell us that their Energy Star homes are selling faster. But it’s not just about demand, the incentives for builders and home buyers offered by more and more NC utilities are also a powerful incentive to help you add value to your product while fulfilling consumer interest.

ification is also a key requirement for most emerging green certification programs. Home buyers, whether first-timers or veterans, are doing their research and can cut through empty marketing claims quickly. They want substance, performance and the assurance provided by an independent assessment.


Dan McFarland is director of builder services at Southern Energy. With over 25 years of experience in the field of applied building science, Dan is an expert in residential energy efficiency and green building for builders, developers, utilities, state and local governments, and non-profits.

An essential quality of the Energy Star for New Homes label is that it requires a third-party verifier - adding credibility and helping consumers trust the quality and performance of the home. Third-party ver-

GET UP TO SPEED ON GREEN DON’T MISS OUR TRI-STATE GREEN BUILDING ROADSHOW Southern Energy is kicking off a series of workshops across NC, SC and VA - offering best practices to help builders across the region create a cost-effective path to Energy Star and green building. Visit our website for confirmation of dates and venues: September 2009

North Carolina Builder   5

There are Times when building a home ThaT you need an experT. puTTing a fire inside your home on purpose is one of Them. The fireplace is the focal point of the home in the eyes of every potential buyer. If there was ever a time to use an expert, this is it. If your current supplier isn’t a “Perfect 10” on the Hearth Expert Index, you need to be working with Fireside Hearth & Home to be sure the fireplace in your homes are profitable, safe, and appealing.

CurrenT supplier Specialize in professional hearth sales, installation & service Accountability − We manufacture it, We install it, We service it for life. Complete selection of surrounds & facings UL listed with our fireplaces Factory Certified Installers & Service Technicians Signature Installation with Preview/Postview Quality Checks National Housing Quality Certified at All Locations National Housing Quality Award Winner AIA/CES Certified Sales Representatives #1 & #2 Industry Brands from World’s Largest Hearth Manufacturer Consumer Focused − We’re Not Happy Until Your Homeowner’s Happy 6   North Carolina Builder

September 2009

Why you should attend the 2009 21CBEC! By Mike Carpenter, NCHBA Executive Vice President


ur industry has been going through some tough times lately. Nationally, the housing market is in the midst of its most pronounced contraction since the Great Depression. In North Carolina and surrounding states, the impact is certainly being felt but, unlike some other areas of the country, we are still building homes, albeit at a much slower pace than in recent years. There will be those who succeed and those who fail Carpenter in these difficult economic times. While there are many factors that will contribute to these opposite results, one of the key factors that will distinguish those who succeed will be knowledge.Those builders and associates who become better educated than their brethren about the marketplace will significantly increase their prospects for success. One of the best ways to acquire this critical knowledge is to attend the seventh edition of the 21st Century Building Expo & Conference to be held Sept. 16-18 at the Charlotte Convention Center. Fifty top-notch courses will be presented on a variety of topics. These cutting-edge NCBI, NAHB and general session courses will be taught by experts who will provide information that will be useful in helping you achieve success at the bottom line. Many of these instructors have presented these same courses at the International Builders’ Show and at other events across the country. Because you asked for it, green building will receive even greater attention at this year’s conference. By successfully completing the two-day NAHB green building course and third-day business management course, registrants will be able to achieve their NAHB green building certification. In addition, there will be several NCBI and general session green building courses offered (e.g. Introduction to Green Building; Green Building Components; Successful Green Remodeling; Cost Effective Techniques for Green Building; Certifying Your Green Home; Best Practices). Other courses respond to our challenging economy: Effective Marketing on a Shoestring Budget; Internet Marketing for Building Professionals; Thriving in Times of Tidal Waves, among others. September 2009

The courses are not the only place to improve your knowledge base. Spend some quality time on the Expo floor. Our exhibitors will be displaying the latest in goods and services to serve the residential construction industry. Pick up new ideas and new technologies to better run your business. Examine new products and services that may help you deliver higher value to your customers and set you apart from your competition. Another distinct advantage of attending the 21CBEC is that you can acquire this critical knowledge without having to travel to a remote location and spend thousands of dollars in the process. The Charlotte Convention Center is an easy drive from where you are located. For a small investment of your time and resources, you have the opportunity to obtain a significant return. History demonstrates that the residential construction industry is cyclical. Good times

are often followed by slowdowns and vice versa. I have been working for NCHBA for 20 years and this is not the first economic downturn that I have seen. My experience tells me Those builders and that those builders and other industry associates who become professionals who better educated than survive the bad times their brethren about and who prosper in the good times are those the marketplace will who take advantage significantly increase of opportunities. The their prospects for 21CBEC is one of those opportunities. success. In summary, those who take advantage of this opportunity will have an “edge” over those who don’t. It’s as simple as that. Are you one of those who will take advantage of this opportunity? I look forward to seeing you in Charlotte.

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North Carolina Builder   7

Benjamin Moore’s equivalent to







Green Promise coatings that meet the strictest industry environmental standards and deliver on the premium level of performance you expect from Benjamin Moore. For warranty and other information about Benjamin Moore products contact Stephen Gorman: 904-813-4822, ©2009 Benjamin Moore & Co. and the triangle “M” symbol are registered trademarks licensed to Benjamin Moore & Co. 8   North Carolina Builder

September 2009

Your Guide to the 21st Century Building Expo & Conference Mix pleasure with business during your visit to Charlotte


hile the 21st Century Building Expo & Conference always offers a great lineup of exhibitors, educational courses and seminars, there’s also time for some fun at these two special events:

Builder Blast Charlotte Convention Center Ballroom A 8-11 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 17 Don’t miss out on the first annual Builder Blast at the 21CBEC. Replacing the Exhibitor and SPIKE Reception held at past Expos, the Builder Blast is a party for all Expo attendees. Enjoy a day on the Expo floor, go out to dinner and then come back to the Charlotte Convention Center for a delicious spread of desserts and drinks. You can dance the night away to the popular band “Sleeping Booty.” The 10-piece band, which is based in Raleigh, brings consistent high energy with custom-made costumes and interactive choreography. Music includes ‘70s disco and funk, beach music, ‘80s

dance and funk, and ‘90s dance and hip hop. Listen to a sneak peak at Tickets are $25 and include two drink tickets, desserts and entertainment. To honor our special membership recruiters, SPIKES will receive two free tickets. Exhibitors will receive two free tickets per 10-foot-by-10-foot booth. Exhibitors may also purchase blocks of 10 tickets for $200 (a $50 savings) to give to loyal customers and prospective clients you meet on the Expo floor.

21CBEC Golf Tournament

Sponsorship opportunities are available for these events: The Tradition Golf Club Golf Tournament 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., ($5,000 or $2,500 for a cosponsor) Wednesday, Sept. 16 Golf Hole Sponsors ($250 per hole) Enjoy an afternoon on Golf Tournament Lunch ($2,500) the links with co-workers, Builder Blast Dessert Bar friends and other industry ($2,500 for a cosponsor)

professionals at the 21CBEC Golf Tournament. Strategic shot-making is the key to scoring at scenic The Tradition Golf Club in North Mecklenburg County, with its winding, tree-lined fairways. Prizes will be awarded to first- and second-place teams.

2009 Schedule at a glance Wednesday, September 16 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 11:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Registration Open Move-in day for Exhibitors NCBI & NAHB Courses Expo Golf Tournament (The Tradition Golf Club) STARS Awards Reception (Hilton Charlotte Center City Hotel) STARS Awards Gala (Hilton Charlotte Center City Hotel)

Thursday, September 17 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.

Registration Open High Production Builder Breakfast (Hilton Charlotte Center City Hotel) NCBI & NAHB Courses General Session Seminars Exhibit Hall Open Dedicated Floor Hours Conference Lunch on Exhibit Floor (Full Delegates & CE Students only) NCBI & NAHB Courses (continued) General Session Seminars (continued) Builder Blast (Ballroom A – Charlotte Convention Center)

September 2009

Register online at

Friday, September 18 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Registration Open NCBI, NAHB & General Session Seminars Exhibit Hall Open Dedicated Floor Hours Conference Lunch on Exhibit Floor (Full Delegates & CE Students only) NCBI & NAHB Courses (continued) General Session Seminars (continued) Exhibitor Move-out NCHBA Executive Committee Meeting (Hilton Charlotte Center City Hotel)

Saturday, September 19 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Exhibitor Move-out (continued) NCHBA Board of Directors Meeting (Hilton Charlotte Center City Hotel) Presented by the North Carolina Home Builders Association

Questions? Call 800.662.7129

North Carolina Builder   9

Expo Sponsors We are honored to partner with these distinguished companies. Their sponsorships make it possible for us to offer you the highest caliber Expo and Educational Conference in the nation. Join us in thanking this prestigious group of 2009 21st Century Building Expo & Conference sponsors.

Builders Mutual Insurance Company Registration Sponsor and Builder Blast Sponsor

Brede/Allied Exposition Services Builder Blast Dessert Bar Co-Sponsor

North Carolina Builder Magazine Exhibitor Lounge Sponsor

Bank of America Home Loans High Production Builder Breakfast Sponsor

Prizes You could win TWO $10,000 Grand Prizes! It’s not often you get the chance to win $10,000 cash on back-to-back days. But at the Expo, you can! Pick up your “Fast Cash Card” at registration on Thursday and Friday. Get your card validated at each of the 20 exhibitor booths indicated, and then return it to the North Carolina Home Builders Association at booth #1039. The grand prize drawing will be held at the conclusion of the Expo each day. You do not have to be present to win. Good luck!

These other great prizes will be given away during the two-day event: Alabama Theatre: Tickets for two to see One + CD Clarion Hotel – Greensboro, NC: Two-night stay, $30 restaurant coupon Henrietta III – Wilmington, NC: Two tickets aboard the Henrietta III Sightseeing cruise Hilton Charlotte Center City: Dinner for two at Coastal Kitchen and Bar Hilton Charlotte Center City: Three-night stay; Breakfast for two Hilton Wilmington Riverside: One-night stay Holiday Inn SunSpree Resort – Wrightsville Beach, NC: Two-night stay Kingsmill Resort & Spa – Williamsburg, VA: One-night stay with complete use of sports club Marina Inn at Grande Dunes – Myrtle Beach, SC: Two-night stay Marriott Grande Dunes – Myrtle Beach, SC: Two-night stay Norfolk Waterside Marriott: Two-night stay; Breakfast for two and use of health club North Carolina Aquariums: Four tickets Ripley’s Aquarium – Myrtle Beach, SC: Four tickets Sheraton Atlantic Beach Oceanfront Hotel: Two-night stay The Biltmore Estate, Asheville, NC: Two complimentary tickets for daytime visit and free wine tasting The Westin Hilton Head Island Resort & Spa: Two-night stay and breakfast for two each morning in the Carolina Café TownePlace Suites by Marriott - Wilmington, NC: Two-night stay

Register to Win the Early Bird Grand Prize Drawing Register to attend the 21CBEC before September 15, 2009, and you can win a four-day/three-night stay for two in an oceanview room at Amelia Island Plantation in Amelia Island, Florida. You will also get one free round of golf per person. The drawing will take place at the conclusion of the Expo on Friday. Mail or fax your registration or register online at Prize compliments of the Amelia Island Plantation.

LP Building Products Education Coffee/Beverage Break Sponsor, Thursday Sept. 17 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty

Nisus Corp. Lanyard Co-Sponsors 10   North Carolina Builder

Register online at

Questions? Call 800.662.7129

September 2009

Visit us at booth #834

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©2009 Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc.

September 2009

North Carolina Builder   11

Let education help build your business By Deborah Alford, CMP, CEM, NCBHA Director of Exhibitions & Education

E Visit us at booth #417


Visit us at booth #1022

CityCobble Mahogany

CityCobble Siesta

These genuine clay pavers offer a cobblestone look, which is the most popular look in segmental paving today. This 2 ¼” thick product includes two sizes; a 5 1/3” square and a 5 1/3” x 8” rectangle. When they are installed in an “i” or modified herringbone pattern, they give a random cobble look reminiscent of ancient walkways laid in stone. 12   North Carolina Builder

ducation can make the difference between an average sales year and a great one. As the start of this year’s 21st Century Building Expo & Conference draws closer, it’s time to put a plan in place to take advantage of the vast amount of information available during the Expo. Not only can you meet face-to-face with exhibitors offering the latest in technological advancements and new products, but you can also Alford stay one step ahead of your competition by attending courses designed to strengthen and expand your business. The educational conference runs Sept.16-18 and the Expo Floor is open Sept. 17-18. As the educational arm of the North Carolina Home Builders Association, the North Carolina Builder Institute (NCBI) has designed a curriculum specifically to guide those in the construction industry, so the information you receive will be directly geared toward your business. Your dedication to the home building industry and years of experience are what set you apart. Now is the time to take the next step and strengthen your professionalism and commitment by achieving one of the designations available through the NCBI. By becoming an Accredited Builder (AB), Accredited Master Builder (AMB), Accredited Associate (AA), Accredited Master Associate (AMA) or Accredited Residential Superintendent (ARS), you can show your expertise in the home building industry. In addition to the NCBI courses, there are also NAHB University of Housing courses and general session seminars. Don’t neglect this vital component of your business. The resources you need to stay on top of the changing building business can be found at this year’s 21CBEC. Information on green building, the new lead paint rules and surviving in any economy are just a few of the topics that will be covered during this three-day event. If you’re interested in gaining the knowledge to improve your company’s bottom line, keeping up with new technology and learning better building practices, then register today at! September 2009

Conference Schedule


uring these tough economic times education can be the one thing that puts you ahead of your competition. Taking that first step to further your education is the key to improving your company’s bottom line. The 21st Century Building Expo & Conference offers a wide variety of general session seminars and continuing education courses by a faculty of nationallyrecognized speakers and instructors. Obtaining a designation from one of the North Carolina Builder Institute and NAHB University of Housing programs is a huge achievement. The North Carolina Builder Institute (NCBI) program offers statewide designations to builders and associates with a specialized curriculum offering tracks in project management, business management, leadership, diversification, building and computer technology, design, customer service and marketing. You can achieve your Accredited Builder (AB), Accredited Master Builder (AMB), Accredited Associate (AA), Accredited Master Associate (AMA) and Accredited Residential Superintendent (ARS) designations through this program. Visit the NCBI website at for more details on the program. This year the 21CBEC will also offer courses from the NAHB University of Housing with the following designations: CGB, CGA, CGR, GMB, GMR, CAPS, CGP and Master CSP. For more information on the NAHB designations, go to

Educational Conference Schedule for the NCBI, NAHB and General Session Seminars: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 Introduction to Green Building NCBI - BT201 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Designed to help NCHBA members interested in “going green.” This course will provide an overview of the NAHB Green Building Guidelines and the National Green Building Standard. Learn how site development, energy efficiency, water and resource conservation, sustainable or recycled products, and indoor air quality are increasingly incorporated into

“I benefited greatly from the courses offered through NCBI. It gave me insight as a Realtor to the hurdles that builders face on a daily basis. There was a wealth of information, new ideas shared and solutions to everyday problems. It will help my business move to the next level.” Jason Walters, REMAX Classic Realty, Nashville, N.C. Accredited Associate Graduate September 2009

the everyday process of green home building. The NAHB web-based green home scoring tool that allows builders to design, build and measure green features will be demonstrated. Instructor: Steve Monroe Designations: AB, AA, ARS Managing Time: Your Key to Success NCBI - PM101 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. A course designed to discuss various time management tools and how their use can affect profitability and productivity for you and your company. Group discussions will help you learn what tools other people or companies use and the results they have achieved. Basic project scheduling will also be discussed briefly, time permitting. Instructor: Erik Anderson Designations: AB, AA, ARS

anyone’s budget. Participants will learn how to analyze target markets, identify competitive advantages, create accurate pro formas and monitor outcomes. Don’t neglect this vital component of your business! Instructor: Hal Von Nessen Designation: Master CSP Green Building Components NCBI - BT202 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Your reputation, trends, leadership, staffing, establishing processes and service goals. Instructor: Wallace West Designations: AB, AA, ARS

You will have the opportunity to identify basic engineering principals and practices incorporated in residential dwelling design and construction. This course offers students a working knowledge of engineering methodology involved in the performance of structural components of residential construction. Students will gain an understanding of engineered design relative to code compliance. Instructor: Dan McFarland Designations: AB, AA, ARS

Green Building (Part 1 of 2-Part Course) NAHB 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Exceeding Your Customers’ Expectations NCBI - CS201 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

This course for building professionals discusses strategies for incorporating green building principles into homes without driving up the cost of construction. Students will learn how green homes provide buyers with better long-term value. Techniques are also discussed for competitively differentiating your home products with increased indoor environmental quality as well as energy and resource efficiency. Instructor: Michael Strong Designations: CGA, CGB, CGP, GMR

Topics include empowerment, subcontractors, service standards, surveys, feedback and listening to the customer. Instructor: Wallace West Designations: AB, AA, ARS

Planning for Outstanding Service NCBI - CS101 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Financial Management NAHB 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Improve productivity and increase profits by applying the essential financial management techniques used in successful businesses. This one-day course for building professionals discusses financial tools you can apply immediately to achieve financial success. The topics include organization objectives and strategies for reaching them, annual operating plans and budgets, financial reports and operating ratios, and revenue forecasts to control profitability and identify adjustments. Instructor: Tom Stephani Designation: CGA, GMB, GMR Making a Development Deal Work NCBI - DV301 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. This course will focus on the intricacies of successful land acquisition and development of raw land. Instructor: Greg Isenhour Designation: AMB, AMA Effective Marketing on a Shoestring Budget NAHB 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Small firms must watch their resources. Often they spend too little time and money on marketing. This course provides planning tools that won’t break

Register online at

Completing Your Projects on Time NCBI - PM201 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. An in-depth look at the basics of project scheduling and how to create a schedule by hand. We will also take a brief look at MS Project and discuss how its use can save time and money as compared to conventional methods of scheduling. Instructor: Erik Anderson Designations: AB, AA, ARS

Thursday, September 17, 2009 Liar, Liar Pants on Fire General Session 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Homes often look great on paper, but their “true life” operational performance often does not perform anywhere close to their design specifications. This class examines the common thermal defects that lead to poor performing homes and call backs. The presenter uses slides from hundreds of field investigations to show causes and practical solutions to these construction defects. The focus of this talk is on designing and building homes that are energy efficient, durable and comfortable to live in. Homes that are ENERGY STAR rated must now pass the ENERGY STAR Qualifed Homes Thermal Bypass Inspection Checklist. This class interprets and presents cost effective methods for reducing conductive and convective bypasses to comply with the ENERGY STAR Qualified Thermal Bypass Inspection Checklist. Speaker: Steve Easley

Questions? Call 800.662.7129

(See CONFERENCE on page 14) North Carolina Builder   13

Conference Schedule (continued from page 13) by understanding what “quality” means to your customers in order to better meet their expectations and increase repeat business. In this one-day course, you will learn key strategies for creating value and providing a quality building/remodeling experience for your home owners. Topics include meeting the quality challenge with customers, competitors and within your company. This is a “must” for the builders or remodelers ready to take their company to the next level. Instructor: Tom Stephani Designations: CGA, GMR, GMB

Residential Code Update General Session 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Join with builders and remodelers for an in-depth look at the changes to the 2009 North Carolina Residential Building Code. Speaker: Robert Privott Successful Green Remodeling Through the Building Performance Institute Certification General Session 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Addresses the challenges of the “Green Remodel” and how BPI certification prepares builders for success by assessing a home’s current condition, correcting typical building flaws with a green focus, and finding green financing options. Speaker: Scott Suddreth

Trade Contractor Relationships NCBI - PM303 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. In today’s construction industry, changing technologies, increased litigation and desperation to find good, quality labor have made good trade contractor relations more important than ever. This course will focus on the ups and downs general contractors face in finding good trade contractors and training them in communications, scheduling and understanding the legal challenges, all while building long-lasting relationships with the trades. Instructor: Steve Monroe Designations: AMA, AMB

Internet Marketing for Building Professionals NCBI - MK202 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Do you have a great website but no one can find it? Your website does not portray the quality of company that you are? Confused about Internet search engines? Is search engine marketing for me? Learn how to leverage the power of Internet marketing in this informative course! Instructor: John DiCristo Designations: AB, AA, ARS

Customer Service NAHB 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Make your business grow by keeping your clients happy during and after the sale. This course teaches you how to manage every phase of customer interaction from the initial contact through construction, the warranty period, and beyond. Success in home building requires more than skills with sticks and bricks; it requires people skills as well. Keep your customers satisfied with planning, execution and follow-up of your projects, and they’ll be spreading good news about you and your building company for a long time to come. Instructor: Beverly Koehn Designations: CGA, CGB, CGR, Master CSP

Take Off to Higher Profits NCBI - PM102 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. This course will focus on the “nitty-gritty” techniques for accurate and efficient quantity material and labor take-offs. Instructor: Greg Isenhour Designations: AB, AA, ARS Best Practices NCBI - BT103

8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

The primary focus of this class is to help builders identify ways to affordably “green” their homes while getting the biggest bang for their buck. The course will give builders the knowledge to build truly high performance homes that are sustainable, durable, safe, healthy, energy efficient and comfortable to live in. Instructor: Dan McFarland Designations: AB, AA, ARS

The 4 Secrets of Top Performing Home Building Companies General Session 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Bob will discuss the primary secrets he has found common with top performing home builders that he has worked with during his 25+ years of home building management and consulting experience. Speaker: Bob Whitten

Green Building (Part 2 of 2-Part Course) NAHB 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. This course for building professionals discusses strategies for incorporating green building principles into homes without driving up the cost of construction. Students will learn how green homes provide buyers with better long-term value. Techniques are also discussed for competitively differentiating your home products with increased indoor environmental quality as well as energy and resource efficiency. Instructor: Michael Strong Designations: CGA, CGB, CGP, GMR

Advanced Marketing Strategies for Professional Builders General Session 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Profitable Business Through Quality Practices NAHB 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Do your customers feel that they are getting their money’s worth? Get ahead of the competition 14   North Carolina Builder

Expand your marketing umbrella to attract savvy buyers with these low-cost and no-cost advanced strategies. In this program you will discover how to utilize the power of the Internet to target your most profitable projects. You will also learn how to identify your premier client and how to build a specific marketing program to reel in your most lucrative buyers. This fast moving session will highlight no less than 26 precise strategies to take your marketing efforts to new heights. Speaker: Paul Montelongo

Register online at

“The quantity and quality of prospective customers exceeded our expectation — we will be back!” Lynn Barker, Precision Framing Systems “The Builder Institute has been one of the best activities I have undertaken to improve my business. I look forward to continuing my education and reaping the rewards of this fantastic investment, both professionally and personally.” Richard Coley, Hickory Nut Construction, Lake Lure, N.C. Accredited Builder Graduate

The Nuts & Bolts of Real Green Building General Session 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. The seminar will address what “green” or “high performance” building is really about ... not the mainstream media rhetoric. Builders and developers will learn down-to-earth strategies to improve the way they articulate the real value of what they have to offer through smart design and building — and to avoid the pitfalls of those who have gone before them. An understanding of how fundamental physics affect design and building decisions will be covered in a humorous, yet effective, manner. Many myths and urban legends that persist within our industry will be exposed in the process. Speaker: Peter Pfeiffer What Does it Really Cost? NCBI - PM202 2:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. This course will look at different types of estimating and producing systematic, consistent estimates for higher profitability. Instructor: Greg Isenhour Designations: AB, AA, ARS Safety Pays: A Practical Approach NCBI - PM105 2:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Not all companies are alike, and not all safety programs work for everyone. Customization is key, and customization is exactly what you’ll get by attending! This class is packed with practical safety tips that put money in your pocket and protect employees on the job site. Topics range from creating a safety program that complies with OSHA standards to understanding your safety program’s impact on insurance premiums. Remember, job site safety is the responsibility of all owners, employees, and subcontractors on today’s construction sites. Instructor: Sean Purcell Designations: AB, AA, ARS Value Engineering: Your Plans & Processes General Session 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. This program will focus on the basics of value

(See CONFERENCE on page 16)

Questions? Call 800.662.7129

September 2009

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North Carolina Builder   15

Conference Schedule engineering and value-based design. This valuebased design can be applied to a single home or an entire product line. Two case studies will demonstrate the practical applications of value based design techniques. Speaker: Patrick Miller

Friday, September 18, 2009 Emerging Trends for Small Volume Builders General Session 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

Cost Effective Techniques for Green Building General Session 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. This colorful tour sorts out the facts and fiction with regards to green building. This class identifies the difference between green products and “greenwashed products.” It helps builders identify ways to install affordable green features in their homes for the biggest bang for their buck. The course is the “411” to give builders the knowledge to build truly high-performance homes that are durable, safe, healthy, energy efficient and comfortable to live in. “The greenest building you can build is the one you don’t have to rebuild.” Speaker: Steve Easley

The N.C. Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health, Hazards Control Unit will present a seminar on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s new rule aimed at protecting children from lead-based paint hazards in places they frequent. The rule applies to renovation, repair or painting work in housing, childcare facilities and schools built prior to 1978. The rule, Lead: Renovation, Repair and Painting Program, requires that firms that perform renovations for compensation use a certified supervisor; that their employees be trained; and that they follow protective work practice standards. The rule will be fully effective by April 2010. Copies of EPA’s education pamphlets will also be provided. Speakers: Donald Chaney and Jeffery Dellinger

Economic conditions do not need to dictate a builder’s sales success. Increase sales, customer loyalty and profitability by using the Laws of Attraction, which builders may not even know apply to them. Speaker: Paul Montelongo

It’s just this simple … We’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto. The downturn of 2007-2009 will go down in history as the beginnings of a paradigm shift for small volume and custom home builders. Everything from green building to dealing with the Gen X and Gen Y buyer will demand a change in how we do business. Understanding the emerging market trends and learning how to adjust to them will be crucial for prosperity in the future. Speaker: Tom Stephani Netiquette: Common Courtesy Meets the 21st Century General Session 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

Lead: Renovation, Repair and Painting General Session 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Using the Laws of Attraction to Sell in Any Building Economy General Session 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

(continued from page 14)

Technology has probably taken over your life. Chances are you don’t leave the house without a cell phone and a PDA. We know you look at your e-mail and log onto the Internet numerous times a day. We’re all more efficient, but we’ve lost our manners along the way. With this new technology came a new set of rules for manners and etiquette—”Netiquette.” Speaker: Tammie Smoot Romancing Financing: What You Need To Know To Close More Sales! General Session 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. This course will cover the fundamentals of financing, basic mortgage knowledge, helping purchasers secure the right loan, and using questions to overcome financing fears and neutralize objections and negotiations. Speaker: Thomas Richey Thriving in Times of Tidal Waves – The Real Story About Sales General Session 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Now that the “press hard, three copies” market has truly passed, it’s time to throw away the lackadaisical mentalities and get back to real selling and servicing. Learn how to retool and implement powerful strategies to capture market share. Discover the spin necessary to attract the best and seize the moment. Learn how to pierce the “shield of doubt” and broaden the comfort zone today’s buyers and seeking. Speaker: Beverly Koehn

Builders Mutual is going GREEN! Stop by booth 800 to see what all the green fuss is about! It’s not a fad, it is a culture change, and we are committed to making it happen and helping you to do the same! Energy efficiency, resource efficiency and water efficiency are just some of the many ways you can incorporate “green” in your building practices. Additionally, you can recycle in your offices, reuse and reduce wasted paper, plastic and metal. Come by and see us to get a few ideas on going green and be sure to register for our giveaway. Two lucky winners will receive the opportunity to earn the NAHB Certified Green Professional Designation (CGP), courtesy of Builders Mutual!

16   North Carolina Builder

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Certifying Your Green Home— Details, Details, Details General Session 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. This program will focus on the nuts and bolts of having a home verified and certified for the NAHB Green Building Program. It will cover all steps from pre-construction planning to final submission. Speaker: Dan McFarland Getting the Best From Your Hispanic Workforce NCBI - PM206 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. This course will provide you with the tools necessary to build a great relationship with Hispanic employees. Course materials will cover a useful list of Spanish words and phrases with pronunciation tips, a management plan for Hispanic teams, ideas for creating working relationships between various groups of employees and much more. Instructor: Ann Cooper Designations: AB, AA, ARS Legal Structures & Tax Accounting NCBI - BM101 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. This course will review the alternative legal forms that may be used to conduct a building/construction business, including proprietorship, partnerships, joint ventures, limited partnerships, C corporations and S corporations. The pros and cons of each type of entity will be examined in terms of personal liability exposure. The income tax and social security tax consequences of each type of entity as well as the impact on fringe benefit and retirement programs will be explored. Instructor: Tom McCuiston Designations: AB, AA, ARS Advanced Computer Construction Management NCBI - CA301 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. This course will cover Web portal technology and how to assess the performance of your current back office software and processes. We will review your options for improving communication processes and reducing the motion of running your back office while streamlining your day-to-day operation. Technology processes from land acquisitions, prospecting, sales, contracts, documents, architectural drawings, production, committed costs, financial reporting, warranty and dash boards will be reviewed. Instructor: Cathy Judson Designations: AMA, AMB The ABCs of Building Quality Concrete Floors & Driveways NCBI - BT101 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. During this course you will discuss how to build quality concrete slabs and driveways, including repair methodologies. As this is one of the most costly problems experienced in residential construction, the course is a great opportunity to learn about the details. Instructor: Roberto Nunez Designations: AB, AA, ARS

Questions? Call 800.662.7129

September 2009

Business Management for Building Professionals NAHB 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Whether you are starting a new business or want to improve your current business, this course can provide you with a variety of essential “tools” for your business management toolbox. This one-day course discusses the components of a business plan, defining and staffing your business, performance tools for managing and monitoring administration, sales, and production, and strategies for managing common challenges experienced in startup business. Instructor: Michael Strong Designations: CAPS, CGA, CGB, CGR, CGP, Master CSP Project Management NAHB 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Develop the skills you need for successful on- or off-site production operations management. This hands-on course covers the three phases of a successful venture: planning, implementation and evaluation. Owners, project managers, superintendents, sales managers and anyone involved in the pre-construction and construction process will benefit from this introductory course. Instructor: Paul Montelongo Designations: CGA, CGB, CGR The Faces of Survival NCBI - BM205 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 a.m. This course is designed to give practical information and tidbits on facing the current economic crunch in the building industry today. Participants will learn ways of diversifying to keep cash flowing; methods and criteria for negotiating with lenders and/or creditors; and protecting your cash and assets. Attention will be given to looking at various workout alternatives including short sells, foreclosures, and even bankruptcy as a last resort. The bottom line for this course is to aid participants in how to survive and face the current challenges in today’s economy. Instructor: Greg Isenhour Designations: AB, AA, ARS

performance part of your culture, your DNA—not just a set of rules. Instructor: Beverly Koehn How to Use New Technologies to Increase Sales General Session 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. It’s not how big you are or how long you’ve been in business, it’s how you promote yourself and how you use the new technology that will make all the difference on building your business. Class will focus on down time learning, target marketing, lead management systems, e-mail marketing and tracking e-mails, etc. Speaker: Jerry Rouleau Building Sales & Marketing — The Sticks and Bricks of Sales & Marketing for Small Volume and Custom Builders General Session 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. While the tried and true sales and marketing basics will always be important, small volume and custom builders need to learn new ways to reach their audience. An enhanced Web presence along with social media savvy will be essential to driving prospects to the door, and it may be a virtual door. Webinars and blogs will supplement seminars and traditional marketing techniques, while the sales process will be a disjointed, disconnected and multi-tasking challenge. Speaker: Tom Stephani Tax Information for Small Construction General Session 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Information on policies, practices and procedures of the IRS to ensure compliance with the tax laws. Speaker: Evelyn Williamson CRM & Sales Systems—Real World Unedited General Session 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. This class is a real world Q&A, followed by best practices information on what every company should be looking for in a Sales (CRM) System, why they should care, and how they can make money from a sales system. Speaker: Erik Cofield

Platinum Performance— Setting Yourself Apart General Session 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Remodeling Can Be Fun NCBI – DV302 2:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Silver, gold or platinum—where are you, and what do your customers expect? If you want to attract the highest and most profitable customer base, you must design platinum level service into everything you do. Every person on the team must be the right person with the right attitude and knowledge base. Learn the strategies necessary to make platinum

With higher profits, remodeling can offer a diversified approach to your new construction company. This course will focus on how to integrate remodeling as a successful entity within your new home construction company. Instructor: Erik Anderson Designations: AMA, AMB

Hotel Information To make a reservation, call the hotels directly. Be sure to mention the North Carolina Home Builders Association to get a special discounted group rate. The cut-off date to receive the rate is August 25, 2009. Hilton Charlotte Center City $159 sgl/dbl occupancy 704.377.1500

Hilton Garden Inn (uptown) $109 sgl/dbl occupancy 704.347.5972

Hampton Inn (uptown) $99 sgl/dbl occupancy 704.373.0917

OSHA Top 10 Citations General Session 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. This presentation is based on the OSHA top 10 violations from the last reported year. Each violation will be discussed to show examples of what to do and what not to do. The inspection and citation processes will also be discussed. Speaker: Sean Purcell Cost Saving Techniques for Wood Frame Construction in High Wind Regions General Session 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. This class will cover design and construction techniques for building in high wind regions with an emphasis on reducing costs. Students will learn how new full scale testing currently underway by the wood industry will be used to change and update design manuals and what effect they will have on current and future building codes. Speaker: David Lewis Basic Accounting for Builders NCBI - BM103 2:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. This course will start at the beginning with the basic concept of debits and credits and proceed to develop an understanding of how accounting records are structured and how the records flow into financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, etc.). Methods of constructing job cost systems, preparing cost budgets, and analyzing cash flow by job as well as overall cash flow will be explored. The basic concepts of implementing and setting up accounting software will be introduced. Instructor: Debbie Combos Designations: AB, AA, ARS Blueprint Reading NCBI – DS102 2:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. This course offers a fundamental understanding of reading residential blueprints and drawings. Instructor: David Smith Designations: AB, AA, ARS Building Codes NCBI – PM107

2:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Builders and remodelers need to execute projects that comply with relevant codes and standards. This course explains why regulations are written, which agencies write them and how to deal with the representatives of those agencies. Topics include state and local building departments, plan review, permits, inspections, code enforcement and the appeals process. You will also discuss changes to the 2009 N.C. Residential Building Code. Instructor: Robert Privott Designations: AB, AA, ARS

Hotels are conveniently located across the street from the Charlotte Convention Center. September 2009

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North Carolina Builder   17

Here’s who’s exhibiting at 1867 Confederation Log Homes, booth 1033

Custom Builder Management Solutions, booth 515

Nisus Corp., booth 600

2-10 Home Buyers Warranty, booth 1119

Custom Window Systems Inc., booth 608

ABC Supply, booth 602

Custom-Arch, booth 923

North Carolina Builder magazine, exhibitor lounge

AFM Sales Inc., booth 400

DaVinci Roofscapes, booth 618

Austin Co., booth 500

Dean Hardwoods Inc., booth 533

Bad Dog Tools, booth 532

Demilec (USA) LLC, booth 438

Bank of America Home Loans, booth 815

Diamond Hill Plywood Co., booth 1106

Bath Fitter, booth 714

Duke Energy, booth 726

BB&T, booth 722

Duradek MidAtlantic, booth 908

BlueLinx Co., booth 1008

ElectriCities of N.C. Inc., booth 711

Bonded Builders Warranty Group, booth 611

Fiberweb/Typar HouseWrap, booth 514

Bostik, booth 1014 Broadview Security, booth 623 Builders Mutual Insurance Co., booth 800 BuilderTREND Solutions Inc., booth 925 Carhartt Rugged Outfitters, booth 833

Complex Industries, booth 619 Conklin Products, booth 415

Construction Journal, booth 614 Crossville Tile & Stone, booth 734 C-TECH-I, booth 1133

Expo Hours Thursday, September 17 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Panasonic Home & Environment Co., booth 628 Parksite, booth 824 Pella Window & Door Co., booth 733 Piedmont Natural Gas, booth 1120 Pine Hall Brick, booth 1022

Go-Bolt Inc., booth 1115 Grand Manor Windows by The Building Center, booth 1021

Hanson Building Products, booth 615

Commodore Homes, booth 732

Otis at Home, booth 933

Gerber Plumbing Fixtures LLC, booth 922

Carolina Glass & Mirror, booth 932 Carolinas AGC, booth 505

O’Hagin’s Inc., booth 823, booth 534

GRK Fasteners, booth 529

CarolinaPEO Inc., booth 1023

North Carolina Home Builders Association, booth 1039

FloorMax Factory Outlet, booth 441

Carolina Foam Solutions & Environmental Resource Partners, booth 832

Norbord, booth 1139

Pinnacle Sales Group Inc., booth 626 Precision Framing Systems, booth 814 Pro-Build, booth 1000 Professional Warranty Corp., booth 1135 Progress Energy, booth 834 PSNC Energy, booth 1200

GutterGlove, booth 604

R.E.A.L Elevator Solutions Inc., booth 539 R.I.C (Residential & Industrial Cleaning), booth 839

Heritage Propane, booth 1038 Holmes Building Systems, booth 638 HomeTeam Pest Defense, booth 405

RainEscape distributed by The ERAS Group, booth 1107

Icynene, booth 414

Residential Elevator Inc., booth 1024

Internal Revenue Service, booth 525

Residential Warranty Co. LLC, booth 1027

Interstate Distributors, booth 417

RT Marketing, booth 1018

J.R. Warren Inc., booth 632

Schluter Systems L.P., booth 635

James Hardie Siding Products, booth 841

Simpson Door Co., booth 918

King Architectural Metals, booth 718

Simpson Strong-Tie Co., booth 1127

Labor Finders, booth 1126

SMART VENT Inc., booth 540

Lincoln Windows, booth 1114

SoftPlan Systems Inc., booth 1026

Metwood Building Solutions, booth 623

Southern Energy Management, booth 926

Moen Inc., booth 1025

State Board of Examiners for Plumbing, Heating & Fire Sprinkler Contractors, booth 829

Friday, September 18 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

MonierLifetile, booth 1132

* The exhibitor list is current as of July 17, 2009. Be sure to check your Expo guide when you visit the show for any additions.

NC Energy Star Homes, booth 616

Trane & Schlage, booth 924

NC Fire Chief Association, booth 625

Triad Corrugated Metal Inc., booth 916

NC HealthyBuilt Homes Program, booth 835

Triangle Brick Co., booth 1032

NC Housing Finance Agency, booth 627

Verizon Wireless, booth 735

NC Petroleum Marketers Association, booth 1143

Vinyl Siding Institute, booth 501

NAHB Multifamily and 50+ Housing, booth 1040

U.S. Dept. of HUD, booth 624

NC State University - Wood Products Extension, booth 527 NCFI Polyurethanes, booth 1214

18   North Carolina Builder

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Tamarack Technologies Inc., booth 825

Water Furnace International, booth 523 Yorktowne Cabinetry/Elkay Cabinet Division, booth 819

Questions? Call 800.662.7129

September 2009

the 21CBEC* Stonewall STreet

Brevard STreet

College STreet

Second STreet

September 2009

Register online at

Questions? Call 800.662.7129

North Carolina Builder   19

Associates can “Meet the Challenge” at 21CBEC


By Tammie Smoot, NCHBA Associates Committee Chair

ssociates, builders and the entire residential building industry are facing challenging times. Now is the time to focus on the solution and not the problem. The 21st Century Building Expo & Conference offers you the chance to “Meet Current Challenges with a New Approach.” An exhibit hall will be filled with exciting products and services, and an educational lineup will offer something for everyone. Our seminars and courses cover topics of interest to associate members, such as How to Use New Technologies Smoot to Increase Sales. This is your opportunity to gain valuable knowledge on practices that will put you far ahead of your competition and help you focus on a positive future. Green is in and a working knowledge of green building practices and marketing is an

essential element of success for everyone in the industry today. The 21st Century Building Expo & Conference will deliver with seminars and classes tailored to making you “green friendly.” Set yourself apart, gain control of your career path and meet the challenges of today and tomorrow by attending Netiquette: Common Courtesy Meets the 21st Century and Planning for Outstanding Service. (See the Conference Schedule on page 13 for a complete listing of all seminars.) We urge associates to work toward an Accredited Associate (AA) and Accredited Master Associate (AMA) professional designation through the North Carolina Builder Institute (NCBI). Associates can create long-lasting relationships with building industry professionals by displaying their products and services to attendees from across a five-state region. Exhibiting gives associates the unique advantage of meeting faceto-face with many potential prospects.

The North Carolina Home Builders Association

2009 Sponsor Club Members Diamond

You don’t want to miss doing business on the links at this year’s Expo. Challenge your coworkers and friends to a round of golf at The Tradition Golf Club during the annual Expo Golf Tournament. Celebrate success with your friends and colleagues at the seventh annual STARS Awards Gala on Wednesday evening. This energetic and uplifting event will recognize outstanding accomplishments and contributions to the residential building industry and inspire you to strive to be the best in 2010. New this year, the Builder Blast on Thursday evening is your chance to network with other exhibitors and Expo attendees. Popular regional band “Sleeping Booty” will play fun dance music, and attendees can enjoy drinks and a delicious dessert bar. The party starts at 8 p.m. and tickets are $25. Don’t miss out on the opportunities that await you at the 21st Century Building Expo & Conference Sept. 16-18.


Duke Energy ElectriCities of NC Lowe’s PSNC Energy •


North Carolina Housing Finance Agency Progress Energy Stuart Law Firm, PLLC •




BuildLinks Inc. Cranfill, Sumner & Hartzog, LLP Heritage Propane HomeTeam Pest Defense Lewis & Roberts, PLLC The North Carolina Home Builders Association would like to recognize these companies for their generous support in 2009.

Thank you! 20   North Carolina Builder

Register online at

Questions? Call 800.662.7129

September 2009

2009 STARS Sponsors Theme: New Homes and Ideas Magazine

Shine, shimmer and sparkle during “A Night Among the Stars” By Kathryn Atkinson, NCHBA Director of Membership Services

Media Presentation: TruOptions Family of Companies Mega Star: Builders Mutual Insurance Company Piedmont Natural Gas 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty BB&T Bank of America Home Loans Pro-Build Pine Hall Brick Company North Carolina Housing Finance Agency Super Star: Verizon Wireless Shining Star: Progress Energy Aegis Administrative Services Impact Properties Group Shooting Star: Cranfill Sumner & Hartzog LLP RT Marketing inc. PSNC Energy Lewis and Roberts PLLC

September 2009

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re you ready for an elegant evening of excitement, suspense and fun with your fellow HBA members? Then join the festivities as we honor our very own “Stars” from all across the home building industry at the seventh annual STARS Awards Gala.You will not want to miss this event! The Hilton Charlotte Center City Hotel in uptown Charlotte is the new location of this year’s gala to be held Wednesday, Sept. 16. Each year, the STARS Awards Gala is an opportunity to gather and honor the achievements of builders, associates and professionals across the home building industry who excel in their respective fields, as well as the accomplishments of our local associations. The evening begins with a reception at 6 p.m. Atkinson followed by dinner and awards at 7 p.m. Come celebrate with your colleagues and enjoy the soulful vocals and fantastic keyboard skills of North Carolina’s own Ulysses Long throughout the evening. The STARS Awards offer a wide range of categories and present a wonderful opportunity for HBA members from many different areas of expertise to receive professional recognition. Each award recipient will receive a handsome trophy and be featured in a striking multimedia presentation set to display the best that the industry has to offer. Award category headings include marketing, advertising, sales office, landscape design, interior merchandising, architecture/ floor plan, community of the year, local HBA awards, special projects and NCHBA Distinguished Builder and Distinguished Associate Members of theYear. Come help us celebrate and bestow bragging rights on the 2009 STARS Awards winners! A very special thank you goes out to our 2009 sponsors, listed to the left, whose generous support makes an event of this magnitude possible.The STARS Awards would not be the same without you. Thank you! For more information on the STARS Awards Gala or to obtain tickets ($75 per person), visit or contact Kathryn Atkinson at (800) 662-7129 or Don’t forget to dress to impress (dress is black-tie optional) and join us for an elegant evening that is sure to inspire as we celebrate the achievements of our colleagues.

Questions? Call 800.662.7129

North Carolina Builder   21

Is Up There Contact a dealer near you for more information.

Austin Company 704.332.1224

Carolina Foam Solutions 704.596.0055

Stimulate Your Tax Return And Save Up To 40% On Your Energy Bills! Upgrading your attic with Icynene® spray foam insulation may qualify for the Home

A Division of Hearn & Associates, Inc. 336.292.2114 910.251.8800 828.263.8033

Improvement Tax Credit for Energy Efficiency. That means you can get up to a $1,500 credit* simply by improving the long-term energy efficiency of your home! Plus, you can save up to 40% on your energy bills.** Learn the fast and easy way you can make the most of your tax credit, reduce your energy bills and improve the comfort of your home!



Foam Work Insulators 919.256.9600 877.362.6967

Home Energy Partners 828.350.1155 * Icynene is not responsible for the filing of any Government Energy Tax Credit for individual homeowners including any amendments by the IRS regarding the Government Energy Tax Credit. Consumers must visit the IRS website for complete details or consult their tax advisors. ** Energy saving results may vary based on house design, location and condition of existing heating and cooling equipment. Icynene® and Healthier, Quieter, More Energy Efficient® are registered trademarks of Icynene Inc.

22   North Carolina Builder

NextGen Foam Insulation 919.833.9100 919.218.0867

September 2009

Expo Product Showcase


pportunity is knocking at the 21st Century Building Expo & Conference, and you’ll find a full complement of exhibitors ready to open the door. Filling more than 350 booths on the Expo floor, the exhibiting companies will be showcasing innovative new products and services that will help you meet the challenges of today’s building environment. The exhibit hall is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 17, and 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Friday, Sept. 18. Here’s just a sampling of what’s on display:

1867 Confederation Log Homes, booth 1033 Canada’s leading log home and timber frame company is looking for local representation to sell and build log home and timber-frame packages. 1867 Confederation Log Homes offers top-grade, air-dried, Canadian white pine logs pre-cut for air-tightness to Energy Star standards. Logs are pre-drilled for windows and doors, through-bolts and electrical. Timberframe styles include king post, collar tie, hammer beam and scissor plus optional beveled edges and pendant carvings. Representatives would turn-key build and also earn commission on the shell. Full “in-house” design service is available. Highest commissions are paid; select areas are available. 1867 Confederation Log Homes is an award-winning manufacturer providing custom buildings internationally for more than 30 years. (877) GO 2 LOGS (462-5647).

2-10 Home Buyers Warranty, booth 119 2-10 HBW has put together two new programs to help move inventory, market remodeling services and help overcome consumers’ concerns regarding purchasing and remodeling. The Remodeler’s One and Two-Year Warranty is now available in conjunction with the One-Year Systems and Appliances Home Service Agreement. The combination of these two products offers remodelers and homeowners comprehensive coverage on workmanship, systems and appliances. For newly constructed homes, 2-10 now offers its 10-Year September 2009

Structural Defect Warranty alongside a One-Year Systems and Appliances Service Agreement. This combination covers qualified structural defects from the date of closing for a full 10 years and offers one-year, value-added coverage on systems and appliances.

wallboard and wood. Plus Chomp Blade lets you breathe easy because it cuts rather than grinds, creating a minimum of dust for a healthier work environment.

ABC Supply Co., booth 602

Bank of America Home Loans, booth 815

Your Solution Center at ABC Supply offers roofing, siding, windows, tools, gutters, accessories and more. Think of it as your own professional showroom – with comprehensive displays that provide in-depth product information. Bring in your customers, or make arrangements with one of ABC’s knowledgeable professionals to show the products you specify. Give your clients a thorough, satisfying product selection experience in a comfortable, professional setting, while saving your own time and energy. Set your business apart. Try the ABC Solution Center, where easy just got easier. (800) 786-1210.

Bank of America Home Loans is committed to building and sustaining long-term relationships with home builders to foster a robust home purchase market. Its commitment includes a broad menu of home loan products that help you build and sell more homes. Bank of America Home Loans offers services — such as forward commitments, rate locks and project approval assistance — that can help protect inventory against interest rate fluctuations. The company is built on a brand promise to always be a responsible lender and to help create successful homeowners by educating your clients and acting in their best interest with simple, transparent products.

Austin Co., booth 500 More than 39 years ago Austin Co. was founded on the principle of providing the best to builders and homeowners seeking home improvement products and installation across the Charlotte Metro area. During that time, the company has helped increase comfort and efficiency in both new and existing homes while expanding its line of products. The first name in insulation is now the last word in gutters, leaf protection, siding, replacement windows, sealed crawls and under-deck treatments. No matter how much the company changes, some things have stayed the same – like the service and attention that’s earned Austin its reputation. It’s what you deserve.

BB&T Corp., booth 722

Bad Dog Tools, booth 532

At the BlueLinx booth, you’ll find NichiBoard™ lap siding, which contains more than 50 percent post-consumer waste and comes in two textures: Cedar (deep-grained texture) and Smooth (traditional lap appearance). Nichiha offers a limited lifetime warranty on all siding products.

The newest edition to Bad Dog Tools’ line of carbide cutting tools is decidedly unplugged. Chomp Blade hand saw runs on elbow grease, freeing you up to cut anywhere. Self-sharpening carbide teeth chomp through materials leaving a smooth, clean cut on brick, block, concrete, cement board, pavers, stone veneer,

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BB&T Corp., headquartered in Winston-Salem, is among the nation’s top financial holding companies with $143.4 billion in assets. Its bank subsidiaries operate approximately 1,500 financial centers in the Carolinas, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Georgia, Maryland, Tennessee, Florida, Alabama, Indiana and Washington, D.C. BB&T’s operating strategy distinguishes it from other financial holding companies. Its banking subsidiaries are organized as a group of community banks, each with a regional president, which allows decisions to be made locally, close to the client. This also makes BB&T’s client service more responsive, reliable and empathetic.

BlueLinx Co., booth 1008

Bonded Builders Warranty Group, booth 611 Bonded Builders Warranty Group (BBWG) recognizes the benefits to builders of outsourcing warranty service work. With the Performance Plan, BBWG receives the warranty requests, investigates,

(See SHOWCASE on page 24) Questions? Call 800.662.7129

North Carolina Builder   23

Expo Product SHowcase (continued from page 23) repairs and then pays for those repairs. With one fee, paid at closing from the proceeds, the builder is released from warranty obligations, liabilities and costs, including payroll, benefits, worker’s comp, etc. The Performance Plus Plan incorporates the warranty service work with the Orientation/Walk-through and completion of the punch list for those builders who are short handed and looking to outsource as much as possible.BBWG understands the importance of customer service and cost control. It has been specializing in both for 20 years. (800) 749-0381, ext. 3801.

Bostik Inc., booth 1014 Bostik Home Heavy Duty Construction Adhesive (HDCA) is a one-component, moisture-cure polyurethane that is specifically engineered for subfloor and floor joist assemblies, from site- erected structures to factory-constructed modular and mobile homes. It can be used indoors and outdoors with little to no odor and is VOC-compliant, which makes it the product of choice for the environmentally and health- and safetyconscious user. (800) 726-7845

its proprietary designs and is followed by the careful selection of materials. Its constant attention to detail throughout all phases of the production process culminates in the meticulous finish of all its products.

Carolina Foam Solutions, booth 832 Carolina Foam Solutions is an independently owned and operated authorized dealer for the Icynene Insulation System® and is Charlotte’s only Gold Circle Dealer. It delivers what builders and homeowners want in green building with a wide range of products and services tailored to each client’s individual needs. The company takes pride in helping builders, homeowners and architects design a home or building that is more energy efficient with its superior insulation and air-sealing system. Icynene is a soft foam insulation and air barrier system that helps you take control of air leakage and creates a healthier, quieter and more energy-efficient environment. (704) 596-0055.

Carolina Glass & Mirror, booth 932

BuilderTREND, booth 925 BuilderTREND was developed especially for small- to medium-sized home builders and remodeling professionals. This easy-to-use Web-based software streamlines the communication process for you, your subcontractors and your home buyers, allowing for online scheduling and calendar, online document and photo sharing, online change orders and selection approvals, online warranty management, e-mail and direct text message alerts, and more -- all in a simple and user-friendly way. No software to install, users log in right from the builder Web site. (877) 309-0368.

C-TECH-I, booth 1133 C-TECH-I products are sensuous creations that will revive a romantic allure in your kitchen and bath. An industry leader, the company promotes quality and design inspired by lovers of luxury. C-TECH-I is a closeknit team of artisans and professionals specialized in all aspects of the industry. Its steadfast commitment to the highest quality begins with

When your medium is glass, your application choices are almost limitless. Carolina Glass & Mirror can design, fabricate and install glass hand rails, raised-glass bar tops, colored vanity tops and sink vessels, glass stair treads, suspended glass shelves, glass signage, NanaWalls, cast glass, colored glass back splashes, wall partitions, all glass entrances, medicine cabinets, framed mirrors, custom shower doors and more. In short, if you can dream it, Carolina Glass & Mirror can probably create it in glass. Why glass? Because glass is durable, versatile and creatively pliable … the perfect design material.

CarolinaPEO, booth 1023 CarolinaPEO helps small- and medium-sized businesses find consolidated payroll, benefits and HR solutions, including pay-asyou-go workers’ comp and access to big company group benefits at affordable rates. The company has helped clients across 15 states with as few as two and as many as 400 employees. It will take a look at your current situation and help you find the right solution for your specific needs. (704) 367-0804.

Construction Journal, booth 614 Over the last decade, Construction Journal has become the construction industry’s trusted provider of commercial and residential construction information from project conception to operation. Construction

Journal empowers the construction industry by facilitating access to comprehensive, accurate and timely project-based data services. Every month, Construction Journal’s users view well over 1 million pages of detailed project reports, bid documents and analytics in addition to downloading construction plans and specifications. Companies in the construction industry use Construction Journal’s information services to help expand upon existing business, identify new business opportunities, streamline existing operations and expand market knowledge. (800) 880-2309.

Commodore Homes, booth 732 Commodore Homes is your affordable “custom” modular manufacturer that offers more than you’d expect: the most affordable mods in the industry; plans that can be ordered 15 different ways/sizes; factory set and factory trim programs available to help control costs; marketing programs to make you more professional; 2/10 Residential Warranty; quality and service you can depend on; and financial stability for the future. (800) 634-4663. (Va. Division)

Conklin Roofing Systems, booth 415 Are you tired of labor problems? Low profit margins? Make more money spraying coatings with Conklin’s Roofing Systems. Conklin is the nation’s No.1 acrylic coating company with low overhead and high profitability, and 30 years of proven qualifications. Regional and national training programs are available. Conklin offers low start-up costs and low labor costs. The Conklin Co. provides innovative roofing systems for a large variety of roofing applications. These include metal roof renovation, singly-ply, fabric reinforced, polyurethane foam and EPDM coating system. Conklin’s systems are VOC-compliant, lightweight, easy to maintain and EPA Energy Star rated. Call Jerry Cruise at (865) 567-2531 or

Crossville Tile & Stone, booth 734 In Charlotte, Crossville Tile & Stone is the local distributor for Porcelain Stone by Crossville Inc. and select manufacturer of handcrafted ceramic tiles, including Sonoma Tilemakers and Seneca Tiles. Its 6,000-square-foot showroom features the area’s largest selection of porcelain tiles and natural stones. With an extensive selection and easy availability of materials from its 17,000-square-foot warehouse, Crossville is the choice for area architects and designers seeking to create one-of-a-kind living spaces.

C-TECH-I 24   North Carolina Builder

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September 2009

Custom Arch, LLC, booth 923 Perfect, simple, fast, easy, inexpensive. What is not to like about arches and curved ceilings from Custom-Arch? Stop by the company’s booth and see for yourself why it is the future of curved framing. Soon you will see Custom Arch products in all Centex Homes throughout the mid-Carolinas. (407) 5162961.

Custom Builder Management Solutions, booth 515 Custom Builder Management Solutions (CBMS) is a proven, ready-to-use Management System that helps any small- to medium-size custom home builder operate an efficient company, delegate essential responsibilities, apply effective management principles, and employ standard operating procedures that will ensure predictable, profitable results that benefit not only his customers, but the long term value of his company. The company designed Your Management Solution for you, so you wouldn’t have to.

with a 14 mil (14 thousandths) layer of BLAZELOK™ TB intumescent coating. The product now meets the criteria set forth in the 2003 and 2006 International Building Code (IBC) Section 803.2.1. The New SEALECTION® 500/ BLAZELOK™ TB foam system can be left exposed with no need for a prescribed thermal barrier.

providing superior water holdout; a secondary line of defense after the siding is up to keep damaging moisture out for many years to come; and superior balance of water holdout and MVT for drier wall cavities. It delivers industryleading performance for tear strength and surfactant resistance, and it does not support mold growth on its surface.

Duradek MidAtlantic, booth 908

FloorMax Factory Outlet, booth 441

Duradek MidAtlantic is the regional manufacturer’s rep for Duradek and Durarail products. Textured for slip resistance and available in variety of patterns and colors, Duradek Ultra membranes are your single product solution for waterproofing sundecks, balconies and rooftop decks. Add Durarail powder-coated aluminum railing systems in your choice of picket and/or view-through glass designs to complete your maintenance-free outdoor living space. New for 2009 is Duradek Ultra TILEDEK, an outdoor anti-fracture roofing membrane designed for use under exterior tile decks and roofs. Virtually identical to Duradek Ultra, TILEDEK is an approved roofing membrane with a fabric laminated to its topside. Tile is bonded securely to the fabric-covered membrane with thinset mortar.

Exotic woods are all the rage, with high density and high psi rating for great wear, character and smooth coloration impossible to achieve with domestic woods; and rich grains native only to overseas trees. These are the newest and hottest products in the high-end wood flooring line, each coated with seven layers of urethane coating infused with aluminum oxide for great wear and scratch resistance. Walnuts come in a variety of colors, and FloorMax has them all on sale. It also have a line of walnut-stained bamboo which looks like walnut flooring, but is made from a totally green product — bamboo grass! It’s a great value and environmentally friendly., booth 534

DaVinci Roofscapes, booth 518

Duke Energy, booth 726

At DaVinci Roofscapes’ booth, you’ll find Valoré Shake, a 9-inch-wide roofing tile with the appearance of hand-split cedar shake, and Valoré Slate, a 12-inchwide roofing tile resembling natural slate, both available throughout the United States. The virtually maintenance-free tiles are fire retardant and have a Class A fire rating. They have achieved the highest ratings for straight-line wind testing at 110 mph and Class 4 impact testing ratings. As with all DaVinci products, the Valoré Shake and Valoré Slate tiles resist curling, cracking and fading, mold, algae, fungus and insects under normal conditions. The tiles are offered in a variety of colors as well as DaVinci EcoBlend™ colors that meet LEED-NC and initial Energy Star requirements.

Smart Saver pays cash rebates to residential customers, participating HVAC dealers and home builders who install qualifying high-efficiency heating and cooling equipment in a new or existing home. It’s just one way Duke Energy is promoting energy efficiency and helping its customers lower their energy costs. Participating Smart Saver Dealers and Builders are listed on the Duke Energy Web site in its participating vendor search tool. Dealers and builders can go to www. smart-saver to sign up and learn more. is a national franchisor that offers garage makeovers that can be completed in one day. The system will transform a messy garage into a beautiful room that has plenty of room for storage. Its environmentally preferred cabinets are designed and built for the garage. The floor coating is impervious to hot tires, auto chemicals and it can be walked on in just a few hours! The Roll on Rock® Floor coating is also ultra low in VOCs, making it friendlier for the planet. (310) 632-1039.

ElectriCities of North Carolina Inc., booth 711

Gerber Plumbing Fixtures, LLC, booth 922

ElectriCities is a not-for-profit government service organization representing cities, towns and universities that own electric distribution systems. Today, ElectriCities represents more than 90 members in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. ElectriCities provides customer service and safety training, economic development, marketing, emergency and technical assistance, communications, government affairs and legal services.

Gerber products are sold exclusively to the plumbing professional. Being loyal to the trade sets the company apart. It also gives it the responsibility to meet and exceed plumbing contractors’ highest standards. That is why Gerber Plumbing Fixtures is committed to exacting product specifications, fine craftsmanship and product innovation. Gerber’s product range includes residential vitreous china, commercial plumbing fixtures, electronic faucets, electronic flush valves, residential and commercial faucets, tub and shower fittings and bath drains.

DEMILEC LLC, booth 438 DEMILEC (USA) LLC, headquartered in Arlington, Texas, and TPR2 Corp., headquartered in Waterbury, Conn., have joined forces in providing an unparalleled fire protection system for spray polyurethane foam insulation. Recently Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. in Elmendorf, Texas, conducted an NFPA 286, fullscale room test on a certified sample of DEMILEC (USA)’s SEALECTION® 500 spray foam insulation September 2009

Fiberweb/Typar HouseWrap, booth 514 The best-performing housewrap on the market, Typar acts as a primary line of defense against the elements to keep wall cavities dry during construction,

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(See SHOWCASE on page 26) North Carolina Builder   25

Expo Product SHowcase (continued from page 25) Go-Bolt, booth 1315 If you want to know about the best in windstorm construction hardware, you either already know about GoBolt or you need to investigate the advantages of using a rod system. Go-Bolt, the original inventors of the modern code-compliant rod system, is the best source for service, technical support and product reliability. With national distribution, code compliance listing, free plan design service, and toll-free real person tech support, Go-Bolt can provide you with quality full-service assistance. (888) 734-4046.

Grand Manor Windows & Doors by the Building Center, booth 1021

Grand Manor windows feature the strength and longevity of cellular PVC components combined with cutting-edge glazing options. These windows offer the ultimate in window performance and durability while maintaining the traditional look of a wood doublehung window.

GRK Fasteners, booth 529 GRK’s Kameleon™ Screws are an excellent choice for composite decking applications. Features include starhead recess, under-head cutting teeth, fiber trapping rings, Climatex II coated, CEE thread, W-cut and zip tip. The Kameleon™ comes in six colors: grey, sage, sand, tan, brown and redwood.

Gutterglove, booth 604 Gutterglove is an innovative new gutter protection product unlike anything else now available. It uses a 316L-grade stainless steel mesh that filters out all debris from the roof, but allows large amounts of rainwater to flow through to your gutter. Because the rainwater is so clean coming off the roof, the company sells rainwater harvesting programs through underground holding tanks or rainbarrels that connect to the gutters.

Hanson Building Products, booth 515 As North America’s largest brick manufacturer, Hanson Brick annually produces enough brick to wrap around the earth nearly nine times. With U.S. production facilities in Kentucky, Michigan, North Carolina, South Carolina and Texas, as well as in Ontario and Quebec in Canada, Hanson offers regionally inspired bricks in five collections featuring a wide variety of colors and more than 1,000 styles. Hanson Roof Tile is a leading manufacturer of concrete roof tile in 26   North Carolina Builder

the United States and supplies it in a multitude of sizes and colors for single and multifamily developments, custom homes, commercial and re-roofing applications.

Product Award. Responsibly made using natural castor oil, Icynene LD-R-50™ can help achieve more credits and points under national green building programs like LEED and ICC-700 NGBS.

Heritage Propane, booth 1038

James Hardie Siding Products, booth 841

Heritage Propane is transforming houses into homes. Propane offers homeowners comfort, convenience, efficiency and reliability. Products include water heaters, fireplaces, logs, lights, grills and appliances. With more than 400 local propane offices, including eight in the Charlotte region, Heritage Propane is happy to serve you.

Holmes Building Systems, booth 638 Holmes Building Systems is a high-quality builder offering consumers the very best value in the housing industry by using “systems-built” building processes. The company works with builders and customers in providing flexible and innovative design options which truly separates it from the rest of the industry. From the top-grade materials to the intense quality inspection processes, Holmes Building Systems homes offer the very best in quality, designs and value.

HomeTeam Pest Defense, booth 405 HomeTeam Pest Defense is the nation’s leading pest management company doing business with home builders, and the third overall largest residential pest management company in the nation. The success of HomeTeam comes from adding the Taexx® builtin pest control system to the builder’s homes. This high-value, low-cost feature helps improve the overall value proposition of the builder’s homes. In addition, builders may choose their preferred method of termite pretreats including liquid, borate or baiting systems. HomeTeam provides the home buyer with a $1 million termite damage and repair warranty with any one of these choices. (877) 574-7500.

Icynene, booth 315 Icynene LD-R-50™ is a renewable-based insulation that is receiving rave reviews. The product is listed as a “Hot 50” green product by Green Builder magazine, won the GREEN LOG Home Award, won the “Most Valuable Product Award” from Building Products magazine and is a recipient of the PCBC Cool

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James Hardie’s USA Fiber Cement business manufactures a range of building materials for external and internal cladding and lining applications. Products include: HardiePlank® Lap Siding with ColorPlus® Technology, HardiePanel® Vertical Siding, HardieShingle® Siding, HardieSoffit® Panels and HardieBacker® Ceramic Tile Backerboard. James Hardie has just launched its seventh generation of James Hardie® products innovation. The HardieZone system was fine-tuned to withstand the stress of eight climate variables. These include: temperature fluctuation, ultraviolet exposure, humidity, rainfall, snow, hail, hurricane and topographical factors.

King Architectural Metals, booth 718 King Architectural Metals offers pre-fabricated, powder-coated fence panels exclusively to the building trade. Now fence builders and installers can take advantage of this quality time- and money-saving alternative. Choose from a variety of different styles, sizes and accessories — each designed to bring a standard of excellence to your project. (800) 542-2379.

Labor Finders, booth 1126 For information about staffing services, visit Labor Finders, a full-service industrial staffing company with more than 30 years in the staffing industry.

Lincoln Windows, booth 1114 For the past 15 years, Lincoln has been incorporating elements such as PVC and fiberglass into its window and door lines to give them greater durability and strength. When considering the all-wood Mahogany Push-Out Casement, departing from this engineering path was the only option to maintain the look and traditional Old World styling desired. The resulting product emphasizes the beauty of wood while incorporating the latest technologies for

(See SHOWCASE on page 28) Questions? Call 800.662.7129

September 2009

Green building, made easy. We’ve raised the bar again. Pulled your hair out trying to figure out what green building really means, and how to get into green building before everyone else does? We understand where you’re coming from. Nationwide has made it easy for builders to get ahead of the curve—No more perplexing talk, just the green facts. Because, at Nationwide we have the expertise like no other to help you build high-quality, green homes that are backed by the NAHB and EnergyStar®. Simply put, we have done all the hard work to make green easier for you. Nationwide has raised the bar again. Green, another way Nationwide brings you Custom Made Easy. Nationwide has been building and selling custom, systems-built factory housing for 50 years to a network of loyal, independent builders in 16 states, including North Carolina. Call 1.800.216.7001 to learn about the many benefits of building with Nationwide. Visit

September 2009

North Carolina Builder   27

Expo Product SHowcase (continued from page 26) hardware, screens and glass, which make it a truly unique window. Another outstanding product added to an already complete line of windows and patio doors for the residential and light commercial markets.

Metwood Building Solutions, booth 623 When it comes to decks nothing compares to the solid feel and security of concrete. Based on Metwood’s patented SPANtechnologies™, deckSPAN™ is available with either truSPAN™ or throughSPAN™ and is unmatched in strength and versatility. deckSPAN™ is radiant ready and pre-engineered to provide a strong, light-weight support system that installs quickly and can be used in conjunction with metal decking for concrete support. deckSPAN™ creates new possibilities for concrete decks and can accommodate any hand rail, ceiling or aesthetic floor treatment, including wood, ceramic tile, decorative concrete or wood flooring materials.

MOEN Inc., booth 1025 Moen brings the benefits of technology to the bathroom with the launch of ioDIGITAL™. This innovative, easy-to-use interface gives consumers the ability to set and maintain water temperature and flow with electronic precision. The ioDIGITAL interface is extremely versatile and is available for three applications: vertical spa, shower and Roman tub. The foundation of ioDIGITAL is its intelligent interface. Providing quick, visual feedback, LED indicators flash until the requested settings are achieved. One of the greatest advantages of ioDIGITAL technology is the ability to program preferred settings into memory. Up to four different presets can be easily programmed within seconds.

MonierLifetile, booth 1132 Builders, architects, contractors and homeowners rely on the industry leader, MonierLifetile, for timetested concrete roof tile products that add beauty and distinction to their properties. Monier roof tiles are available in a wide variety of colors and profiles to complement any architectural style. MonierLifetile’s R&D team brings new products to market on a regular

basis, giving customers innovative yet rigorously tested solutions for their roofs. (800) 571-TILE.

NCFI Polyurethanes, booth 1214 NCFI offers two SPF insulation products for residential use. Both InsulStar® and Sealite™ offer outstanding performance in the reduction of air infiltration, increased energy savings and increased structural rigidity for your home. Both systems are formulated with an antimicrobial ingredient to inhibit the growth of molds, mildew and bacteria to help keep your home’s environment healthier. NCFI, in business for more than 40 years, is a one-stop shop for all your SPF needs and is the industry leader in the formulation and manufacturing of rigid and flexible polyurethanes that you will find in products you use every day.

North Carolina Housing Finance Agency, booth 627 You can sell homes up to $220,000 to first-time buyers with the help of a FirstHome Mortgage or Mortgage Credit Certificate, offered by the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency through participating lenders. The FirstHome Mortgage offers below-

Visit us at booth #611

28   North Carolina Builder

September 2009

market interest rates and down payment assistance up to $8,000 for eligible buyers. Buyers eligible for a Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC) can claim 20 percent of their mortgage interest paid – up to $2,000 per year for the life of the loan – as a credit on their federal taxes. The MCC and FirstHome programs can be combined with the $8,000 first-time home buyer credit. (800) 393-0988.

at North Carolina State University that offers an array of technical assistance options for citizens who want green building in their community. The center’s residential programs and services include N.C. HealthyBuilt Homes, LEED for Homes, GreenNC Tradewhow, N.C. Green Professional Directory, green building training and design reviews.

North Carolina Petroleum & Convenience Marketers Association, booth 1143

North Carolina State University Wood Products Extension Department, booth 527

The North Carolina Petroleum & Convenience Marketers Association, established in 1927, is a trade organization (nongovernmental) composed of wholesale/retail petroleum marketers and convenience stores/service stations throughout North Carolina. The association exists for the sole purpose of promoting the welfare and protecting the interest of those engaged in marketing and distribution of petroleum products in North Carolina.

The Wood Products Extension Department at North Carolina State University is the link between the research and academic efforts in wood products to the construction industry. Its focus is to promote wood for structural and aesthetic needs. We work with wood products manufacturers as well as distributors, builders and consumers. Current projects include the U.S. Forest Service Under Utilized Species Project that is working to promote minor Eastern Hardwood species as lower-cost wood for cabinets and millwork. The Resilient Home Project is working to produce homes

North Carolina Solar Center, booth 835 The North Carolina Solar Center is an organization

Tankless water heaters take up less floor space.

that can better withstand storms. www.ces.ncsu. edu/nreos/wood

Nisus Corp., booth 600 Bora-Care Termiticide, Insecticide and Fungicide has been designated as a “Green Approved Product” for new construction termite prevention by the new National Green Building Certification program of NAHB. A borate-based EPA-registered termiticide manufactured by Nisus Corp., Bora-Care is only the 27th product to be reviewed and accepted by the program. Builders can earn two to 6 green building points for using Bora-Care as their primary termite treatment. Pest control companies apply Bora-Care directly to wood, concrete and foundation penetrations to eliminate wood as a food source and to create a continuous barrier that termites cannot cross.

Norbord Inc., booth 1139 Norbord’s Pinnacle is the first premium sub-flooring available in North America to offer the choice of either Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) or Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®) Chain of Custody Certified

(See SHOWCASE on page 30)

Hot water on demand means reduced energy bills.

What makes tankless propane water heaters ideal for you and your clients? Let’s count the ways: Compact design frees up room. Hot water on demand means lower water heating bills (up to 60% less). Innovative construction gives them a longer life expectancy. And they’re easier to install. Smaller and more energy-efficient, tankless water heaters are an ideal way to increase cash flow. For more details, They also last longer.

contact your local propane retailer or visit

North Carolina Propane Association 5109 Hollyridge Drive, Raleigh, NC 27612 919-787-8485

September 2009

North Carolina Builder   29

Expo Product SHowcase (continued from page 29) O’Hagin’s Inc., booth 823

Wood. Pinnacle is strong, durable and comes with a 100-day, no-sand guarantee. Backed by a 50year limited warranty, Pinnacle provides real value to the builder and homeowner. Pinnacle can help builders achieve the rating levels in green building programs such as LEED®) and the ANSI® National Green Building Standard®. Pinnacle contains no added urea formaldehyde resins.

O’Hagin’s new FIRE & ICE™ attic vents retain all the unique design features, materials and quality construction of its standard line of attic vents with the added feature of a patent-pending interior stainless-steel matrix that allows superior airflow O’Hagin’s while providing resistance to the intrusion of flames, burning embers and snow into the interior attic space and batten cavity. This new feature

GO GREEN! let us help you grow your business . Visit one of these locations : Charlotte, NC 28206 (704)377-5443 (800)438-5908 Fax(704)376-3559 elizabeth City, NC 27909 (252)338-2737 (800)841-0408 Fax(252)338-3123 Fayetteville, NC 28306 (910)483-3360 (800)542-7448 Fax(910)483-3499 FletCher, NC 28732 (828)654-8953 (888)809-8181 Fax(828)654-8957 GreeNsboro, NC 27406 (336)273-8681 (800)722-2200 Fax(336)273-0521 hiCkory, NC 28601 (828)322-7080 (800)236-5607 Fax(828)322-7274 New berN, NC 28560 (252)672-8900 (800)548-1610 Fax(252)672-8904 raleiGh, NC 27603 (919)772-6220 (800)262-1394 Fax(919)772-8782 rural hall, NC 27045 (336)969-2201 (800)633-0842 Fax(336)969-2301

More and more home owners are thinking “green” when it comes to remodeling the exterior of their home. Norandex is committed to providing energy-efficient, renewable/recyclable/sustainable products that are both environmentally friendly, and provide you the opportunity to market legitimately "green" products for long-lasting home owner benefits with minimal environmental impact. Best of all, these “green” products come in a variety of beautiful colors and styles, that require practically no maintenance, and are strongly warranted for their quality and performance. Contact your Norandex representative about the benefits of the following “green” products: SIDING






They’re just a part of an extensive line of exterior building products available from Norandex Building Materials Distribution.

wilmiNGtoN, NC 28405 (910)815-0501 (888)868-4695 Fax(910)815-0105 wiNterville, NC 28590 (252)321-5632 (888)643-0120 Fax(252)321-5682

30   North Carolina Builder

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is Class A fire rated and satisfies Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) code requirements for flame and ember resistance. These vents are designed to be installed as part of the O’Hagin’s attic ventilation system for clay and concrete tile, composition and slate roofing applications.

Otis at Home, booth 933 Otis at Home is the manufacturer of the industry’s leading home elevator for new construction or remodeling projects. Exceptional reliability, maximum safety and superior performance are the hallmarks of its elevators for more than 150 years. Give your customers a brand both you and your customer can trust while enhancing your image for producing a quality residential product. Otis at Home products are distributed through an authorized network of independent dealers.

Panasonic Home & Environment Co., booth 628 Panasonic continues to spearhead a revolution in ventilation excellence with its Whisper series of fans. The entire line features the ultra-quiet, extremely energy efficient performance you’ve come to expect from Panasonic, and is highlighted by some exciting breakthroughs in whole-house ventilation and installation that have the entire industry talking. No matter what kind of project — single-family, multifamily, condominiums or hotel/resort, Panasonic has the best fan for your application.

Parksite, booth 824 Parksite s Fairway Vinyl Railing Systems are offered in white, tan and the popular khaki color to coordinate and accentuate the various color schemes of homes and decks. Available styles include the 3-inch Contour Vinyl Railing Systems and the Standard 2-inch by 3 1/2-inch Vinyl Railing Systems, with either square or shaped turned balusters. Matching porch posts and other accessories are available to complement your project. Parksite is now offering custom and pre-fabricated PVC millwork manufactured by Intex®. Intex offers component-based pergola systems and column wraps, along with other pre-designed items such as code-approved railings, window surrounds, brackets, newel posts and more. Most importantly, Intex is a custom shop so it is able to work directly from a spec and provide a timely and accurate CAD drawing. Questions? Call 800.662.7129

September 2009

Pella Window & Door Co., booth 733 Neither wind nor rain nor sleet nor snow stops determined mail carriers. Nor do those elements and other climate extremes faze Pella’s energy-efficient Pella Impervia line, expanded this year to include casement and awning window options. Pella Impervia can withstand the forces of Mother Nature without cracking, shrinking or warping in extreme weather conditions. The sleek-profiled innovative products made from Duracast®, the strongest most durable material in windows and doors, are virtually maintenance-free and well-suited to today’s busy lifestyles and balanced budgets for home and business owners. They are available in brown, white or tan color options. Pella’s Duracast is nine times stronger than vinyl and twice as strong as aluminum. Duracast offers excellent insulating qualities and superior energy efficiency, earning the Energy Star rating.

anything in adapting innovative technologies to ensure flawless execution in offering the complete framing package exactly as ordered in pulling it all together with seamless integration. (704) 902-0160. lynn.

Pro-Build, booth 1000 Pro-Build is the nation’s largest building material dealer. With more than 500 locations throughout the nation, the company offers a full line of products as well as truss manufacturing and cut-pack capacity. Inmarket inventories mean you have access to framing lumber, panels and engineered lumber with short lead times.

Professional Warranty Corp., booth 1135

Piedmont Natural Gas is an energy services company primarily engaged in the distribution of natural gas to more than 1 million residential, commercial and industrial utility customers in North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.

Professional Warranty Corp. (PWC) is a leading provider of 10-year insured warranties. PWC positions itself as a different kind of warranty company. Its warranties are easily understood; its coverage and services build a bridge between homeowners and builders; there are no deductibles/low arbitration fees; and its partner, Zurick, is Best “A” Rated. PWC’s products include a 10-year warranty backed by Zurich and general liability wrapup insurance, warranty and subcontractor coverage for high-quality builders.

Pine Hall Brick Co., booth 1022

Progress Energy, booth 834

Piedmont Natural Gas, booth 1120

With environmental concerns at the forefront, talk about stormwater management and the potential effect from impervious surfaces is a hot topic. Pine Hall Brick has two permeable paver series that allow rainwater to filter down through a specially constructed paving system and dissipate into the soil, rather than carry excess pollutants into storm drains. RainPave, a permeable Rumbled® Pine Hall Brick clay paver for residential driveways, reduces your property’s impervious surface footprint to meet local stormwater requirements and allow for a larger house footprint. StormPave looks like traditional English Edge® and is perfect for institutional and commercial projects where impervious surface restrictions apply. (800) 334-8689.

Progress Energy’s Home Advantage program helps builders sell more homes and get cash back in the process. Builders receive cash rebates -- starting at $400 per home — and special marketing support for every energy-efficient Home Advantage home they build. These homes are built to Energy Star standards and include 14 SEER or higher HVAC systems. With Home Advantage, homeowners enjoy immediate savings since these homes are at least 15 percent more energy efficient than standard homes, and qualify for Progress Energy’s 5 percent energy discount for the life of the home. (800) 327-8704.

PSNC Energy, booth 1300

Pinnacle Sales Group Inc., booth 626

PSNC Energy brings the comfort and convenience of natural gas to your home, business and community. Natural gas is one of the most versatile, environmentally friendly and dependable sources of energy available. Everyday living is better with natural gas, so let PSNC Energy help you make the most of it.

Visit Pinnacle Sales Group, in business since 1981, to view a collection of fine kitchen and bath products.

Q-DECK® by Sealmark Corp./ AFM Sales Inc., booth 400

Precision Framing Systems, booth 814 In precision, quality and on-time delivery, Precision Framing Systems gets it right the first time in industry experience and focus. The company can handle September 2009

Q-DECK is a unique blend of sophisticated polymers advance additive and 3M® quartz crystals formulated to exceed today’s green coating standards. Sealmark technology provides customers with an exclusive, luxurious finish for wooden deck structures

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as well as hard surfaces like concrete. It will stand up to the toughest weather conditions while offering a variety of warm, inviting colors to match your surroundings. Q-DECK is extremely durable, bonds to a variety of substrates (including previously painted surfaces) and is stain-, corrosion- , mold- and fade-resistant, waterproof, features a nonslip surface, and is cost effective. (336) 274-6344 or (800) 998-8060.

RainEscape distributed by The ERAS Group Inc., booth 1107 The ERAS Group Inc. has obtained worldwide exclusive sales rights to a revolutionary new wind turbine that has a start speed of less than 1 mph. It is magnetic levitated and dead silent. No poles or huge blades, so it can be mounted on any home or business. Sizes are 5kw2.5MW and every size in between. A 30 percent federal tax credit is available. ERAS also has Aquaeras, a patented rainwater harvesting system for LEED certification projects. Aquaeras can be used for flushing toilets and irrigation systems, and is a complete kit (pumps and controls), so it’s easy to install.

R.E.A.L Elevator Solutions Inc., booth 539 R.E.A.L Elevator Solutions Inc. continues its commitment to providing exceptional elevators and lifts at affordable prices. The company can provide a fully “green” residential elevator and recently introduced the VersaLift, an innovative attic storage system. R.E.A.L Elevator Solutions Inc. provides quality elevators and lifts that are manufactured in the United States and give builders the added value that they need to keep their “edge” in today’s competitive market.

Residential Elevators Inc., booth 1024 For more than 20 years Residential Elevators Inc. has provided quality products and service to the home elevator industry. Its new “Horizon” (machine room-less) home elevator model has solidified REI’s position in the home elevator market. By using less space, with the same quality materials and skilled workmanship as its Luxury Lift (Hydraulic) models, the company ensures its ability to make customers‘ visions a reality. The company has offices nationally, as well as online services via:

Questions? Call 800.662.7129

(See SHOWCASE on page 32) North Carolina Builder   31

Expo Product SHowcase (continued from page 31) Residential Warranty Co., LLC, booth 1027

is critical for your company to communicate effectively with your potential clients. (828) 328-8956.

Residential Warranty Co., LLC, the innovator in the warranty industry, is the nation’s leading new home warranty provider. An extensive “Menu of Choices” in both home warranties and general liability insurance is available to builders, enabling them to reduce their liability and increase the marketability of their homes.

R.I.C. (Residential & Industrial Cleaning), booth 839 R.I.C. is a family owned and operated company that has been in business since 1988. It’s an IICRC-certified firm and provides excellent customer service, as well as top-of-the-line cleaning services utilizing truck-mounted, direct drive equipment and chemicals. You can count on R.I.C. for carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, hardwood maintenance, vinyl stripping/waxing, ceramic scrubbing/ sealing, pressure washing, construction cleaning and janitorial services.

RT Marketing inc., booth 1018 Across the country record numbers of men are learning to cook — as a stress reliever. The June 2009 issue of RT Marketing inc.’s new monthly Trends eNewsletter used this fact to capture the attention of our clients’ potential customers. It then related this trend to the huge demand for outdoor kitchens. E-newsletters are an important tool in your marketing mix—as long as your clients open and read them. RT Marketing crafts subject lines to spark immediate interest. Once inside, your clients enjoy articles and photos commenting on current social trends and their relation to remodeling projects. This is all delivered in a format that reflects your own company image and includes article materials and photos from your own company. Best of all, it requires very little time and effort on your part. In today’s challenging climate, it

Schluter®-Systems, L.P., booth 635 Schluter®-Systems has introduced a new grate finish for the KERDI-DRAIN: Oil-rubbed bronze. This new grate is made of stainless steel that is treated to create a beautiful and durable oil-rubbed bronze finish. Oil-rubbed bronze creates a luxurious, antique look and is widely popular in plumbing accessories. This new grate will match perfectly with the other fixtures in the bathroom. KERDI-DRAIN and the integrated family of products that make up the Schluter®-Shower System provide superior protection against water and vapor penetration for tiled showers, steam showers and bathtub surrounds, making tiled showers both beautiful and durable. (800) 472-4588.

Southern Energy Management, booth 926 Despite tough market conditions, 2008 was a record year for the number of Energy Star and green homes certified in North Carolina (4,262). This was a 45 percent increase over 2007 and the trend is expected to continue. As a three-time National Energy Star Partner of the Year and as one of the few North Carolina verifiers for the new NAHB National Green Building Standard, Southern Energy has worked with

small, large, custom and production builders to help certify more homes than any other home energy rater in the state. We also design and install solar water heating and solar electric systems so you can offer solar energy upgrades on your new homes to meet growing consumer demand for sustainable home features.

Simpson Door Co., booth 918 The Simpson Artist Collection is an anthology of unique, limited-edition door designs by select artists. These artists are chosen for their expertise and contributions to the fields of architecture, home and building product design. Simpson partners with the artists to bring “commissioned art to the masses.” The first edition is from glass artist Mark Olson and entitled “Designs on Nature.”

Simpson Strong-Tie Fasteners, booth 1127 In addition to being the world’s leading manufacturer of structural connectors, Simpson Strong-Tie offers an extensive line of collated and noncollated fasteners for various applications. Quik Drive auto-feed screwdriving systems combine collated screws with a patented auto-advance attachments for fast, efficient fastening. Simpson’s Swan Secure product line offers the most complete selection of highquality stainless-steel fasteners in the industry. From decking and siding to roofing and trim, the company has the stainless-steel fastener to do the job right and stand the test of time.

SoftPlan Systems Inc. booth 1026 Since 1985, SoftPlan has strived to provide an everevolving software solution that is easy learn and easy to use. Now on the 14th release, SoftPlan has continuously added new features and fine-tuned existing ones in order to remain the top in the field. Undoubtedly, the unique combination of cutting edge technology and visionary leadership will continue to propel SoftPlan to the front of the residential and light commercial design software market. (800) 248-0164.

SMART VENT Inc. booth 540 The SMART VENT Pour-in-Place Vinyl Buck is made of high-strength PVC. Each wall buck accepts SMART VENT models 1540-510, 1540-511, 1540550 and FLOOD VENT models 1540- 520, 1540521, 1540-560 flood vents. Fully assembled units are shipped ready to install with a protective film and wood bracing that protects the buck and flood vent when the wall is poured. The SMART VENT Pour-in-Place Vinyl Buck comes in several widths to accommodate most standard wall thicknesses.

Visit us at booth #614

(See SHOWCASE on page 34)

32   North Carolina Builder

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Questions? Call 800.662.7129

September 2009

The essential tool for every homebuilder.

Natural Gas. More and more new homebuyers are demanding it. Building homes that offer the comfort and energy efficiency of natural gas heat, water heat and fireplaces can give you a real competitive advantage. Let PSNC Energy show you how to make natural gas work for your business. Call 1-866-750-1880 or visit

September 2009

North Carolina Builder   33

Expo Product SHowcase (continued from page 32) State Board of Examiners for Plumbing, Heating & Fire Sprinkler Contractors, booth 829

Trane & Schlage, booth 924

The State Board of Examiners licenses all plumbing, heating, fuel piping and fire sprinkler contractors in North Carolina and will be on hand to answer Expo visitors’ questions.

Tamarack Technologies, booth 825 New from Tamarack Technologies is the MultiAire II, a positive air filtration system that moves healthy, refreshing air into a home’s interior through an 8-inch entry port and four inside ducts. Its replaceable HEPA filtration system screens out pollution, mold spores and pollen. With a suggested retail price of $595, an energyefficient design, and the ability to lower air-conditioning costs, Multi-Aire II is cost-effective and easy to install. The Multi-Aire II is also compatible with Tamarack’s Airetrak electronic controls, which can be pre-programmed to activate the system’s variable speeds and set its off-peak energy usage.


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As an industry leader in heating and cooling systems, Trane is known for its high performance, precision engineering and solid dependability. For more than 85 years, Schlage has provided homeowners with innovative quality security products. Now, these leading brands bring you the latest in security and home comfort technology. Schlage LiNK’s comprehensive solution keeps homeowners in touch with their home from wherever life takes them. It’s a secure, Web-based system that allows homeowners to monitor and control their Z-Wave-enabled door locks, lights, Trane Remote Energy Management Thermostat and even their Schlage camera from a Schlage LiNK Web and mobile interface. or

Triad Corrugated Metal Inc., booth 916 Triad Corrugated Metal, headquartered in Asheboro, is a premier supplier of metal roofing and building systems for commercial, residential and agricultural projects. As an industry leader in the fabrication of quality metal building and roofing products, Triad Corrugated Metal has built a reputation on excellent service, quality products and dependability. TCM metal roofing systems are durable and can withstand many of nature’s toughest elements. TCM building systems are an easy way to keep your project on budget and meet your deadlines. Triad Corrugated Metal’s knowledgeable and professional sales team is ready to assist you with any project. (336) 625-9727.

Triangle Brick Co., booth 1032 Timeless style. Enduring substance. Unsurpassed value. The classic elegance of brick. No other building material can match brick’s lasting beauty, high resale value, energy efficiency, durability, low maintenance and wide variety of colors and textures. Since 1960 Triangle Brick has helped homeowners, builders, architects and developers transform their dreams into beautiful structures that complement and enhance any setting. Meticulous craftsmanship, combined with an exacting quality-control system and focus on customer service, ensure that no matter what you want to build — a home, school, store, office building, driveway, patio or garden walk — when you choose Triangle Brick, you are building with the finest, most reliable brick available anywhere.

34   North Carolina Builder

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Verizon Wireless, booth 735 Verizon Wireless has the premier wireless solutions to effectively support the construction industry. Its solutions drive increased productivity while driving costs out of your business. From in-field job status tracking to real-time timecard and inventory control, you have the tools necessary to increase revenues and manage resources more efficiently. Other solutions include remote access to your network via wireless broadband, turn-by-turn directions on your mobile device, dispatch and asset tracking. And all that is brought to you on America’s most reliable wireless network – Verizon Wireless. It’s the network for builders.

Vinyl Siding Institute Inc., booth 501 The Vinyl Siding Institute Inc., located in Washington, D.C., represents manufacturers of vinyl and other polymeric siding and suppliers to the industry. VSI is the sponsor of the VSI Vinyl Siding Product Certification Program and the VSI Certified Installer Program. Visit its Web site at www.vinylsiding. org for more information on these programs and to order or download a copy of Designing Style: A Guide to Designing with Today’s Vinyl Siding. This reference tool shows how the versatility of vinyl siding, architectural trim and accessories can help achieve a variety of popular architectural styles – and build in lasting value for generations.

WaterFurnace International, booth 523 WaterFurnace International’s Envision Series holds the distinction of having the highest heating and cooling efficiency of any product anywhere and can cut your energy bill up to 70 percent. The Envision product line incorporates several advanced, leadingedge technologies. Never before has ARI certified a product with 30 EER and 5 COP. Environmentally friendly R410-a refrigerant is used. In October 2008, geothermal heat pumps were added to section 25D of the Internal Revenue Code. This created a 30 percent tax credit for costs associated with qualified geothermal equipment “placed in service” through the end of 2016. WaterFurnace Envision equipment qualifies for this federal tax incentives.

Yorktowne Cabinetry/Elkay Cabinet Division, booth 819 The Elkay Cabinet Division is the fourth-largest cabinet manufacturer in the nation. Yorktowne Cabinetry is 100 years old and still providing fine cabinetry for builders and dealers. Mastercraft Cabinetry is 50 years old and still making an impressive cabinet for home builders. Access is the group’s newest offering and it provides a frameless green product for light commercial and multifamily projects.

Questions? Call 800.662.7129

September 2009

SUB-FLOORING’S NEW SUMMIT AFFORDABILITY Pinnacle–the Premium Sub-Flooring at the right price

DURABILITY Pinnacle features a 50 year warranty and 100 day “No Sand” guarantee

SUSTAINABILITY Pinnacle is the First Premium Sub-Floor available with either FSC or SFI Chain of Custody Certified Wood

SGS-COC-003649 ©1996 FSC

Visit us at booth #1139


North Carolina Builder   35



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36   North Carolina Builder

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September 2009

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11:26 AM

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At Work For Builders in North Carolina Before, during and after the sale

BEFORE: Meeting expectations–Customers expect warranties. DURING: Supporting you and your sales force with FREE sales support materials.

AFTER: Protecting you and the homebuyer by transferring risk to third-party warranty insurer. Visit us at booth #1139

Put 29 Years of Stability Behind Your Homes and 10 Years of Coverage Behind Your Homebuyers Ask about our General Liability Insurance Connections and our Remodeling and Light Commercial Warranty products

Contact us today at 888.505.2555 or visit to learn more Stop by and see us at the 21st Century Building Expo Conference Booth #1119 ©2009 Home Buyers Warranty Corporation

September 2009

North Carolina Builder   37

5580 Centerview Drive Raleigh, NC 27606

, don, t thank us, , earned it. you ve don, t thank us,

Route to: l President l Purchasing l Sales/Mktg. l Superintendent

P.O. Box 150005 Raleigh, NC 27624-0005 (800) 809-4859 |

P.O. Box 150005 Raleigh, NC 27624-0005 (800) 809-4859 |

Visit us at booth #800


As you As receive your your dividend check, don’t you receive dividend check, don’t forget to give yourself credit. You’re forget to give yourself credit. You’re onemade who made this year’s $3 million the onethe who this year’s $3 million dividend possible. Because safety is one dividend possible. Because safety is one of your top priorities, it’s reflected in our of your top priorities, it’s reflected in our bottom line. At Builders Mutual, we don’t bottom just line.ask Atyou Builders Mutual, we don’t to work safely—we give you the tools to make it happen. We just ask hear you our to work give toolsstandards: to make Fall it happen. We safetysafely—we programs have setyou newthe industry Protection hear ourCertification, safety programs set new standards: Fall Protection Buildershave University, our industry Risk Management CD—even on-site risk management consulting. our But aRisk safety program is only as good ason-site those Certification, Builders University, Management CD—even who participate in it. Since you’ve shared the responsibility, you share the risk management consulting. But a safety program is only as good as those reward—over $44 million to date. At a moment like this, aren’t you glad who participate in it. Since you’ve shared the responsibility, you share the you have Builders Mutual? reward—over $44 million to date. At a moment like this, aren’t you glad 38   North Carolina Builder you have Builders Mutual?


you ve earned it.

September 2009

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