The official magazine of the North Carolina Home Builders Association
Vol. 42, No.2 Summer 2012
Several NCHBA members stop by the office of Rep. Brad Miller (D–NC), pictured fourth from right, to thank him for being a primary co-sponsor of HR1755, aimed at easing the credit crisis for the home building industry.
Capitol Insider NCHBA members lobby in Washington and Raleigh by Lisa Martin, NCHBA Director of Government Affairs CHBA members were able to meet with members of both the U.S. Congress and the N.C. General Assembly earlier this summer to encourage support of issues important to the home building industry. A record crowd met with North Carolina legislators May 22-23 as part of NCHBA’s annual Legislative Conference in Raleigh. The legislature’s Short Session had just begun, but legislators were able to take a break from their busy schedules to meet with our members both at the annual reception at the N.C. History Museum May 22 and in their offices the next day.
(See CAPITOL INSIDER on page 4)
s NCHBA members met with Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) in the afternoon for a candid conversation about several pieces of legislation.