Architecture Portfolio (2014-2018) | Admitted to TU Delft and Politecnico di Milano

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I Putu Febry Kusuma Design Portfolio 2014 - 2018 Jakarta, Indonesia

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01 “The design explores the possibility of designing an architecture on the sea in response to land scarcity in large cities.”

LOCATION Muara Angke, Jakarta Indonesia PROJECT TYPE Master Plan Concept Research-Based Design Architecture Concept ROLE IN THE PROCESS Urban Designer EXACT CONTRIBUTION Team Contribution Social, Waste Management, Energy and Technology Research; Master Plan Preliminary Concept and Zone Definition. Individual Contribution Master Plan Development; Architecture Building Development; Technology System Research; Architecture Development and Design Finalisation. LEVEL OF PROJECT 4th Academic Year Architecture Design Studio 5 June 2017 TUTORS Joko Adianto ( Hendrajaya Isnaeni (

The Science Centre. The Science Centre’s side facade. The facade is sliced based on the idea of a coral reef. Author: Kusuma

Floating Architecture in Jakarta Muara Angke Water Complex Master Plan and Architecture, North Jakarta, Indonesia The Design Studio challenges each student to design an architecture on the sea called a floating architecture. The idea of floating architecture originated from the issue of land availability. In the future, people will not be able to live on the land and need to adapt themselves to a different environment. In order to live and survive, human needs a large space to expand. Because of this, the sea is seen as a great potential for a dwelling space. Unfortunately, the sea has a set of various

Floating Architecture in Jakarta: Muara Angke Water Complex, Jakarta, Indonesia

problems and issues to tackle to be able to design an architecture on it. The design was inspired by the floating architecture in Ijburg, Netherlands. North Jakarta has a large population of fishermen. The fishermen communities conduct mostly marine activities to meet their daily needs. The existing economic and social problems can not be separated from the harsh life of Jakarta as the metropolitan of Indonesia. Stagnant conditions haunt the fishermen

everyday who have no fixed income. Muara Angke Water Complex focuses on enhancing the fishing communities’welfare and boosting their competitiveness with the aim of creating a “Smart Community of Fishermen”. The Smart Community of Fishermen is a sustainable and resilient community that can meet their own daily needs.


“The site is the sea itself. It was challenging to learn about the sea and the technical problems needed to be answered.” The rapid population growth in Indonesia has caused a major problem. Jakarta as the capital city of Indonesia is like a piece of magnet that attracts people from all over Indonesia to come to Jakarta. The insufficient land causes illegal settlements all around the city, especially in the northern region. New radical ideas of expanding the city has been thought off, one of them is by reclamation of land. This method has caused pros and cons between the politicians of the country.

Master Plan Preliminary Idea The preliminary idea showing the master plan’s programme and technologies applied. Author: Kusuma

Master Plan Objective and Description The proposed programme of the Master Plan. Author: Kusuma

Floating Architecture in Jakarta: Muara Angke Water Complex, Jakarta, Indonesia

Site Location The site is located 350 metres of the shore. It has connections to several elements of Jakarta’s border. Author: Kusuma

Master Plan Research A part of the master plan’s research on social and technological aspects. Author: Miranda & Kusuma


Master Plan Preliminary Sketch The idea was developed together in a team. Author: Kusuma

In response to the land scarcity, the design opens a new possibility to create architecture on the sea for people to live a full life just like life on the main land. The master plan was discussed and developed in a team. Each member was given a specific task to research a topic and develop an idea for the design. The research was divided into Social, Technology, Waste and Energy. The master plan consists of (1) The Science Centre; (2) The Conservation Area; (3) The Main Plaza; (4) The Dock; (5) The Commercial Restaurant; (6) The Community Hall; and (7) The Residential Units.

Master Plan Preliminary Sketch The perspective views of the individual developed master plan. Author: Kusuma

Master Plan The individually developed master plan seen from above. Author: Kusuma

Master Plan System The individual development of the master plan system based on the team research. Author: Kusuma

Floating Architecture in Jakarta: Muara Angke Water Complex, Jakarta, Indonesia


The main attraction of the Island is the Science Centre. The Science Centre acts as the main attraction of the floating city complex. As a unit which is located on the sea, the program of Science Centre is very specific to the context of water. The Science Centre focuses on hydrology empowerment and research regarding natural changes that occur in the water element. The Science Centre is designed to be the centre of education, research and tourist attraction that may provide opportunities for the community to increase their income. The function is expected to fulfil the main purpose of Estuary Establishment of Angke Water Complex to improve the life quality of the fishermen community.

Science Centre Programme Sketch The Science Centre is divided into five different floors, each with its specific theme on water. Author: Kusuma

Science Centre’s Structure The building’s superstructure uses monolithic concrete hull. The sub-structure uses steel to minimize the weight. Author: Kusuma

Despite having an isolated location on the sea, the Science Centre requires a resting space to enjoy and leisure containing with plants and greenery for a better air quality.

Building Facade

Form Precedent

The Science Centre’s Preliminary Form The preliminary sketch of the building’s form. The idea came from shapes of coral which corelates with the site of the building and the theme of the programme. Author: Sketch (Kusuma) Photo (

Floating Architecture in Jakarta: Muara Angke Water Complex, Jakarta, Indonesia

The Science Centre’s Axonometry The axonometry shows the programme on each floor on the building. Author: Kusuma


Air Circulation The Science Centre has a large void in the centre to circulate the air (wind catcher). Author: Kusuma

Vegetation The proposed greeneries on the building in a tropical climate of Indonesia. Author: Kusuma

Sectional Perspective The sectional perspective shows different features of the building. Author: Kusuma

The Science Centre’s System Schematics The diagrams of the water, acoustic, thermal, and electrical system of the Science Centre. Author: Kusuma

Floating Architecture in Jakarta: Muara Angke Water Complex, Jakarta, Indonesia


Perspective Views Top: The interior of the building. Below: The Green Roof with several sitting areas. Author: Kusuma

The Building Plan The chosen plan of the Science Centre. Author: Kusuma

The Physical Model of the Building The physical model uses ‘beermat’ and ‘polyfoam’ material with a llaser-cutted facade. Author: Kusuma

Building Section Two different section on each side of the building. Author: Kusuma

Floating Architecture in Jakarta: Muara Angke Water Complex, Jakarta, Indonesia




LOCATION Pandeglang, Banten, Indonesia PROJECT TYPE Master Plan Design Research-Based Design Architecture Design ROLE IN THE PROCESS Urban Designer (Team) EXACT CONTRIBUTION Program Calculation; Idea Development; Detail Development; 3D Modelling and Architecture Visualisation; Presentation Drawing; and Bridge Connection Drawings. LEVEL OF PROJECT Professional Project February - September 2018 SUPERVISOR Principal Architect Ahmad Gamal (

“The seashore is the home of the fishermen. Relocation is not an option. Thus, the rejuvenation aims to enhance people’s well-being.”

Image. The Public Space The open public space of the Fishermen’s Urban Village. Author: Kusuma

The Labuhan Seashore Fishermen’s Urban Village, Labuhan, Pandeglang, Indonesia The design aims to accommodate the fishermen community located at the seashore of Labuhan, Pandeglang. The seashore is the heart of the fishermen’s activity. Because of that, relocating them to another place is not going to solve the problem in hand. The design team decided to keep the location at the seashore with a few notes on the land type. The existing neighbourhood is very dense with little alley ways just about 1.5 meters wide. Most of the houses were semi-perma-

The Labuhan Seashore: Fishermen’s Urban Village, Labuhan, Pandeglang, Indonesia

nent houses which uses woods and bamboos as the main structure. The area is considered a slum as the trash are everywhere. There seems to be less attention from the government regarding their well-being and sanitary issues. By rejuvenating the site, we hope to create a better well-being for the fishermen. We had effectively design multi-family houses to create more open spaces for the inhabitants.

commodate 200 families, roughly about 1.000 people in the neighbourhood. The houses are unique because of the connection between each houses. People are able to move from one house to another by a series of connecting bridges, either from the ground floor or the upper floor, which minimizes the effort to go around the long way to another house.

The multi-family houses are designed to ac-


Site Location The site is located on the far west of Java Island (Indonesia). The region is called Labuhan which actually means ‘harbour’. The site is just beside the seashore on Lada Bay, Pandeglang, Indonesia. Author: Kusuma

The new neighbourhood design The proposed design of the Fishermen’s Urban Village. Author: Kusuma

Existing Site The site had hygiene issues regarding trash piles along the seashore and the settlements are really dense. Author: Courtesy of Gamal (Images); Processed by Kusuma.

Design Information Left to right: The general information; The statistic of the houses before the design; The unit portion in the new design. Author: Kusuma

The Labuhan Seashore: Fishermen’s Urban Village, Labuhan, Pandeglang, Indonesia


Building Axonometry Details We designed ten typical buildings in the given 40.000 sqm area. Each of the building is three storeys high (two main floors + one attic floor) and has twenty household units. Author: Kusuma

The Labuhan Seashore: Fishermen’s Urban Village, Labuhan, Pandeglang, Indonesia

Household Units The design proposes three different unit sizes to create a sense of fairness from the former size of the houses. Author: Kusuma


Building Performance The performance aspect of the household unit. Author: Kusuma

Bridge Connection The connection between the houses eases the circulation. Author: Kusuma

Building Elevation We designed ten typical buildings in the given 40.000 sqm area. Each of the building is three storey high (two main floors + one attic floor) and has twenty household units. Author: Kusuma

The Labuhan Seashore: Fishermen’s Urban Village, Labuhan, Pandeglang, Indonesia

Design Diagrams The features of the design. Author: Kusuma




LOCATION Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Indonesia PROJECT TYPE Urban Intervention Bottom - Up Approach Architecture Design ROLE IN THE PROCESS Designer (Architect) EXACT CONTRIBUTION Site research; Design concept and idea; Design development; 3D model and architectural renderings; Final output and documentation. LEVEL OF PROJECT 4th Academic Year DATE April - May 2017 TUTOR Fauziah Evanindya (

“First life, then space, then buildings. The other way around never works.” Jan Gehl

Image. The Waffle Hawkers’ Centre The final form of the intervention shows how the sun shines into the building creating a series of shadows on the floor. Author: Kusuma

Urban Intervention in Jakarta: Waffle Hawkers’ Centre

Urban Intervention in Jakarta W Hawkers’ Centre, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Indonesia Kebayoran Baru is famous with the Pakubuwono residential neighbourhood, accommodated by middle to upper class society in Jakarta. The neighbourhood is adjacent to the traditional market of Taman Puring. The residential and the commercial zone both have different density of people. Several street corners around Pakubuwono are filled with street vendors (Hawkers) who sells food and beverages all around the area. These presences of Hawkers around the area present pros and cons in the society. However,

the hawkers may be able to create a sense of natural surveillance (Jane Jacobs) in the area which may be able to minimize the act of crime in the neighbourhood. The governor of Jakarta has already set some rules regarding the legal locations of the hawkers to be able to sell. To obtain a permit, the hawkers must be able to respect the sanitary and the neighbourhood. The hawkers (agent of change) are a great potential to the site and thus enables the design to be developed.

The v Hawkers Centre provides shade and accommodation for the pedestrian and the hawkers to be able to sell and keep respect to the neighbourhood. The hawkers are the primary agents to create a connection to the road and create a surveillance at certain empty times in the neighbourhood. The design is made with glulam wood with a rigid waffle system to minimize the cost and enables a longer span for the Hawkers Centre.


Public Users In an urban context, there are lots of users (agents). The agents may contribute to the society and create a better social environment in the area (agents of change). Author: Kusuma

Site Location The urban intervention is located in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Indonesia. The area is famous for the second-hand market of Taman Puring and the textile market of Mayestik. Author: Kusuma

Urban Intervention in Jakarta: Waffle Hawkers’ Centre

Public Users Mapping Each of the agents are unique. They have their own place in the neighbourhood. The diagram illustrates the location of each agent. Author: Kusuma


Design Process The diagram shows a brief of the design process. Author: Kusuma

The Intervention Radius Kerinci Raya Street is chosen as the intervention site. Author: Kusuma

Mapping Before setting a conclusion on the design, there needs to be an analysis of the urban context and behaviour of the site through the method of mapping. Author: Kusuma

Urban Intervention in Jakarta: Waffle Hawkers’ Centre

Design Programme The diagrams show different aspects of the design programme. The hawkers need shelter, water, toilet, parking lot and trash bins. Thus, the hawkers will be able to become a surveillance agent. Author: Kusuma


“There must be eyes upon the street, eyes belonging to those we might call the natural proprietors of the street. The buildings on a street equipped to handle strangers and to insure the safety of both residents and strangers, must be oriented to the street. They cannot turn their backs or blank sides on it and leave it blind.� Jane Jacobs The Hawkers require a space to grow with the facilities and necessities to create a comfortable space. There are basic needs of the program such as visual connections with roads, eating places, garbage dumps, clean water and electricity. Based on these needs, a digital exploration of the form can be used to provide connections between the street and street agents. The architectural form is inspired from a shade requirement with a roof and a direct connection with the road. At the end, we find a form that uses the waffle method to provide shade space and consider material requirements. The required program on the specified site in v area. Program needs consist of parking location, dining area, shelter, garbage disposal, visual connection with surrounding, water requirement, electricity requirement and toilet needs. The program can evolve from one place to another and can be duplicated according to need, provided that program needs can be met.

Urban Intervention in Jakarta: Waffle Hawkers’ Centre

Design Exploration Programme The design process with different configuration of the programme. Author: Kusuma

Form Exploration The form exploration with different variabels. Author: Kusuma


Partial Physical Model 1 : 20 The partial model was made to see a larger representation of the design. The issue was with the material which is not different from the 1:100 model. Author: Kusuma

Building Performance The shelter had several performance in mind. The W Hawkers’ Centre mainly addresses the urban intervention issue on natural surveillance (Jane Jacobs). Author: Kusuma

W Hawkers’ Centre Axonometry The axonometry shows different elements on the design. Author: Kusuma

Urban Intervention in Jakarta: Waffle Hawkers’ Centre

Physical Model with site 1: 100 The physical model of the final form. The model was made with a laser cutting machine through a series of rhino 3D modelling. Author: Kusuma


Partial Section of the Hawkers’ Centre The partial section of the building showing the technical details. Author: Kusuma

Hawkers’ Centre Section Two sections depicting different views of the Hawkers’ Centre. The long span is possible with the use of glulam and the use of waffle fabrication method. Author: Kusuma

Urban Intervention in Jakarta: Waffle Hawkers’ Centre

Hawkers’ Centre Perspective (Near) The view of the Hawkers’ Centre from a human point of view. The whole furniture and shelter uses waffle fabrication technique. Author: Kusuma

Hawkers’ Centre Perspective (Far) Author: Kusuma




LOCATION Pandeglang, Banten, West Java, Indonesia PROJECT TYPE Urban Designer ROLE IN THE PROCESS Architect EXACT CONTRIBUTION Idea Development; Program Calculation; 3D Modelling; Architectural Visualisation; Preliminary Drawings LEVEL OF PROJECT Professional Project DATE July 2016 - September 2017 SUPERVISOR Principal Architect Ahmad Gamal (

Pandeglang Urban Development Pandeglang Urban Parks, West Java, Indonesia The Pandeglang County asked us to design and develop six urban spots in Pandeglang, Banten. These spots were different to each other and had different issues on the site. We were asked to design (1) a welcome monument; (2) a neighborhood park; (3) two city central park; (4) a road wall, and; (5) a road axis towards the Great City Mosque.

Image. Pandeglang Welcome Monument The artist impression of the Welcome Monument of Pandeglang. The lights would glow in the night which emphasize on the monumentality. Author: Kusuma

The design aims to create a new urban space to be enjoyed by the citizens. We have been thinking of many elements to put into our design, starting from the garbage bins, light posts to the street furniture

The Pandeglang Urban Development: Pandeglang Urban Parks, West Java, Indonesia

along the city. We hope that people will enjoy the city in a new way and be more active. The most challenging part of the design was the Welcome Monument. We had to design something special for the region that would amaze people coming to the region. We started our idea from the horns of the rhino, an endangered creature, special to the region. We thought of creating two horns twisting to each other, creating a feeling of greeting to the people. The material needed to be light, but also strong to be able to form like a horn. We used

bending steel structures to create the form and large pedestals around the monument to hold the weight down. The other spots were designed as urban parks. The urban parks had different features according to the location. The neighbourhood Park, Cigadung Urban Park, had an outdoor gym equipment and children’s playground. The other two had large water features to enjoy with a thoroughly designed landscape embedded with various landscape elements.


The entrance to the region of Pandeglang. The design was inspired by the Ujung Kulon National Park endagered animal, one-horned rhinoceros. The monument was inspired by the existence of the one-horned rhinoceros, famous in Banten. It is an endangered species of Rhinoceros, protected at the Ujung Kulon National Park in Banten.

The Location and Programme The existing location and the proposed programme of the Monument of Pandeglang. Author: Kusuma

The first idea was to draw to symmetrical rhinoceros horn between each other to create a sense of monumentality and amazement or the tourists coming to the region. We explored even further into other possibilities to be more creative and daring in order to create a one of a kind monument in the region. Thus, the monument was bent in a way and mirrored to each other. The monument is placed away from each other, creating a loop like form looked from above. The other challenge was setting on the material we would use. In the end, we chose steel to minimize the surface of the monument which creates the effect of a skeletal monument. The monument lights up at night, showing the skeletal structure of the monument, giving a new experience to the newcomers.

Monument Section The sections of the Monument. Author: Ninik (Drafter)

Vegetation Selection The vegetation of the landscape. Author: Kusuma

The Pandeglang Urban Development: Pandeglang Urban Parks, West Java, Indonesia

Pandeglang Welcome Monument Final Design The final design of the monument. Author: Kusuma


The Cigadung Urban Park is located in a small neighbourhood in region. The existing location was 150 x 13 metre of land just beside the main road. The idea of was to activate the land with proper outdoor activities for the people in the neighbourhood. We divided the land into two parts with a central staircase to enter and exit the park in the middle. Then, we gave an iconic monument which was still related to the Welcome Monument. The divided land was separated into two programs: the outdoor exercise area and the children’s playground area. The outdoor exercise or outdoor gym equipments was meant to be used by teenagers and adults who wanted to do exercises. The other part of the land was meant for the children to play around with a few playing equipments to play with. The playground is fitted with sitting areas for the parents to look over their children.

Existing Location The existing location of the design. The park is located in a residential area, just beside the main road of Pandeglang. Author: Kusuma Programme The main programme of the park. Author: Kusuma

Cigadung Park Section The section of the main staircase. Author: Ninik (Drafter)

We designed the boundaries with vegetations such as trees and shrubs to create a sense of connection towards the surrounding elements instead of creating a hard one with walls.

Vegetation Selection The vegetation of the landscape. Author: Kusuma

The Pandeglang Urban Development: Pandeglang Urban Parks, West Java, Indonesia

Cigadung Urban Park The design of the CIgadung Urban Park. The park is divided into two parts. An outdoor gym and a children’s plaground. Author:Kusuma


The two urban parks are located near to each other in the middle of the city. The area was an open field of two different government buildings. There was a potential for the site to be redesigned and reprogrammed as an urban space for the people of the city. The Pendopo Urban Park is programmed to be an open space to accommodate people who wanted to stroll, leisure, and enjoy their life in the open air space of the park. The park has a few features which are an amphitheatre, a sitting tribune, a sprouting water feature and sitting shelters to enjoy. The land was re-elevated to the level Old-Setda Urban Park of the main road to create a seamless The final design of the Old-Setda Urban Park. Author: Kusuma boundary between the road and the sidewalk. The boundary between the sidewalk and the park was made with shrubs along the edge. The landscape was really thought of by using various types of vegetations which would grow in a tropical climate.

3D Representation Images The perspectives of the Old Setda and Pendopo urban Park. Author: Kusuma

The Old-Setda Urban Park has a different feature with the Pendopo Urban Park. The Setda Urban Park is programmed with a large water pool which is able to lower the surrounding temperature in the middle of the day. The water feature is projected with light in the dark that creates an amazing view with different colours.

Pendopo Urban Park The final design of the Pendopo Urban Park. Author: Kusuma

The Pandeglang Urban Development: Pandeglang Urban Parks, West Java, Indonesia

The Design Elements The elements of the public space including furnitures and other features. Author: Kusuma


The main axis of the mosque needed a redesign. The main objective was to make the road an emphasize to the Great Mosque in Pandeglang. The road was emphasized as the main axis of the Great Mosque of Pandeglang. We wanted to redesign the road to create a sense of welcome towards the Mosque. Thus, we repaved the sidewalks with a newer design in proposal. The right sidewalk towards the Mosque was wider than the left side to give more function to the wider side. The wider side was designed in curve shape twirling from side to side. Each curve had its different function on the sidewalk. There are a series of concrete shelter for people to sit and shade from the sun. There are small gardens along the pavement to create an emphasize on the axis.

Preliminary Sketches The preliminary sketches of the design. Author: Kusuma

The Existing Site Location The existing road of the mosque axis. Author: Kusuma

Sidewalk Section The partial section of the sidewalk. Author: Ninik (Drafter)

The narrower side was design as a normal sidewalk for people to walk through. The road can be flexibly used as a parking lot and a praying area in Islamic Holy Days such as Idul Fitri.

Vegetation Selection The vegetation of the landscape. Author: Kusuma

The Pandeglang Urban Development: Pandeglang Urban Parks, West Java, Indonesia

Mosque Axis Design The final design of the Mosque Axis. Author: Kusuma




LOCATION Manggarai, South Jakarta Indonesia PROJECT TYPE Research Based-Design Railway Station Typology ROLE IN THE PROCESS Architect EXACT CONTRIBUTION Biophilia Research; Architecture Concept and Analysis; Form Development; Final Project Documentation. LEVEL OF PROJECT 4th Academic Year Final Academic Project DATE February - May 2018 TUTORS Farid Aditama Rakun ( Hendrajaya Isnaeni (

Enhanching People’s Well-Being in an Urban Context Biophilic Manggarai Railway Station

PROJECT AWARDS 50 Longlisted Projects on Tamayouz International Award

The modern society of today has a busy activity with a necessary work routine for eight hours from Monday to Friday. It is deemed necessary to work in order to survive in an urban society, like Jakarta.

Selected and Presented at the Kurula Design Forum 2018 at CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Image. The Main Atrium of the Railway Station The main atrium shows how the design combines built environment and natural environment to create a healthy well-being experience in the Railway Station.Author: Kusuma

An urban society has a very high optimism, effective and optimal performance are needed to achieve a great result of work. This is very different from the society a century ago, a disciplined society, full of doubts that something can be done. Today’s society is based on the ethos ‘Yes, We Can’ which refuses impossibility in a certain matter.

Enhancing People’s Well-Being in an Urban Context: Biophilic Manggarai Railway Station

Behind this ethos, there is a level of fatigue that is increasingly becoming the focus of society in the 21st century. A positivity, an infinite possibility with the possibilities of creation and achievement that can be done at any time creates a burden, a burden to the neurons.

activities related to contemplation to improve their mod and behaviour to a certain point. But the issues in the urban environment are contributing to this problem with crowded space packed with people, less free time in hand and the lack of open spaces.

Excessive ‘positive’ neurons can alter someone’s mood, cognitive ability and preference in doing a certain task. This neuronal disease causes stress, depression and even burnout syndrome. (Han, 2015)

A transit space has the qualities of an public space, shared and used by the majority of the population. However, the function of transit space is still basic. Improving the function of the transit space can create a positive experience and thus enhancing the people’s well-being in the urban context.

In addressing the matter, urban communities need


Site Location The site is located at Manggarai, South Jakarta, Indonesia. Author: Kusuma

Jakarta’s Railway Line The image shows that Manggarai Railway Station acts as the central transit station to travel around Jakarta. Author: Kusuma

Commuter Line Passengers Per Year The graph shows that the number of passengers commuting by train from 2006 - 2015 is increasing rapidly. Author: Kusuma

Enhancing People’s Well-Being in an Urban Context: Biophilic Manggarai Railway Station

14 Patterns of Biophilia (Terrapin Bright Green) The patterns act as a starting point for the design exploration of the railway station. The article summarizes previous studies regarding the patterns. Author: Kusuma


“...empirical evidence shows that positive emotions and mental restortion and other benefits can occur in as little as 5 to 20 minutes of immersion in nature.” (Brown, Barton & Gladwell, 2013; Barton & Pretty, 2010; Tsunetsugu & Miyazaki, 2005) in Browning et al, 2014. The Preliminary Design Idea of the Railway Station. The sketches show different features of the railway station and the section of the building.(1) Entrance; (2) Plantation Boxes; (3) Cantilever; (4) Vegetations; (5) Pedestrian Plan; (6) Crawling Facade. Author: Kusuma

Enhancing People’s Well-Being in an Urban Context: Biophilic Manggarai Railway Station

The Form Development was inspired from an exploration made by hand from a burnt sterofoam board. The holes and the curves creates an intersting aesthetic to develop. Author: Kusuma

The Preliminary Sketch of the green features. The idea was to create a green wall along the surface of the facade to create an ecological design and fulfill the Nature In Space pattern. Author: Kusuma


The aim of the project was to enhance people’s well-being by creating a great place to stay and commute in their daily routine. The research upon biophilic patterns concluded that incorporating certain natural aspects into the built environment may create a contemplative experience in the railway station. Through contemplation, I wanted to create a better state of mind and lower the stress level of the railway station users in Manggarai.

The existing activities inside the railway station The diagram shows four different activity timeline of the railway station users. Author: Kusuma

The Building Programme The diagram illustrates the proposed building programme and the posible activity outcomes that may happen in the Manggarai Railway Station. Author: Kusuma (Pictures from

Enhancing People’s Well-Being in an Urban Context: Biophilic Manggarai Railway Station

Building Partial Section The section illustrates the building details and material choices for the finishing. The ecological scoop is also considered to create a sustainable biophilic railway station. Author: Kusuma


Manggarai Railway Station Site Plan The Site Plan showing the Railway Station’s proximity towards other building in the area. The site is adjacent to an informal settlement in front. Author: Kusuma

The building is divided into four floors. The first floor is fitted with the Commuter Line of Jakarta. The second floor is fitted with the Skybridge Connection which function as the centre of the building’s circulation. The third floor is meant to be used for the Express Railway of Jakarta - Bandung Inter Province Railway Route. The top level is programmed with a roof garden for people to enjoy.

The Physical Model of the Building The final maquette of the Manggarai Railway Statio. The scale is 1 : 200 with the dimension of 2 x 1 metre. Author: Kusuma

Enhancing People’s Well-Being in an Urban Context: Biophilic Manggarai Railway Station

The Building Plan The four plans of the building are all included here. The first floor is the main access of the building towards the train platform on the ground and the third floor. Author: Kusuma


Building Section A-A The section shows an ecological approach to the railway station which enables other forms of life to flourish and live inside the railway station. Author. Kusuma

Vegetation Catalogue The vegetations are carefully chosen to be grown on the building in a tropical climate. Author: Kusuma

The type of vegetation and the characteristics of the vegetation is very important. The chosen on is native to the tropical climate of Indonesia. In selecting the vegetation, I limit the variables to several important characteristics such as tree canopy size, root type, water requirement, sunlight needs, and the vegetation feature: flower, aroma, fruit, etc. Building Section B-B Another section of the building. The plants makes the building enable to breath through the loop of oxigen. Author: Kusuma

Enhancing People’s Well-Being in an Urban Context: Biophilic Manggarai Railway Station

The building perspectives Different representational views of the Manggarai Railway Station showing the final form and finished materials of the building. Author: Kusuma


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