Just a mile from the iconic University of Virginia, Barracks Road sits in the heart of Charlottesville, Virginia, a region infused with rich history, award-winning wineries & breweries, and scenic views.
Established in 1959, Barracks Road is known for its well-curated mix of national retailers, including two high-performing grocers, and locally owned stores and restaurants
that make the center unique, making it the premier retail destination in Charlottesville.
This regional staple has served as the go-to destination for the UVA community due to its proximity to off-grounds student housing, the Law School and the Darden School of Business, and its dedicated stop on the UVA public transit system.
*Source: Placer.ai as of August 2022.
Everyday Convenience
Beauty and Wellness
And more...
Alderman Road Residence area
*The Rotunda: Less than one mile away.
*** Proposed Greystar development project with 490 multi-family units
Barracks Road Shopping Center Ivy Road Development**
** Future home of School of Data Science and 203-room hotel and conference center
UVA generates for Virginia economy annually.
UVA Overview 18K $5.9B
Undergraduate Students
Graduate Students
UVA Health System Employees
#1 9K
Total Faculty and Staff
Law School, Business Insider,2022
Hospital in Virginia, Newsweek,2022
Best Business Schools, U.S.News&WorldReport, 2023
#4 17K #3
Best Public National University, U.S.News& WorldReport,2022
Expected population growth over next 5 years (compared to 1.3% in VA)
Median income growth from 2020 to 2022 within 3 miles of Barracks. (compared to 8% in VA)
The University of Virginia
$638 50+ million in direct visitor spending in 2019
Countless museums and historical attractions, including the homes of three founding fathers
More than 500 miles of trails in nearby Shenandoah National Park, the Rivanna River Trail and more.
wineries and breweries unique hotels and inns 50+
$2.8B $447M
Retail Goods Spending on Food Away From Home
Jenn Davidson (301) 998-8344
Source: Placer.Ai Trailing Twelve Months Foot Traffic Data as of July 31st, 2022.