The main aim of this project is deliver a different experience of a place or an object, studying and documenting the audience reaction during the interaction with our own installations. The place given to me was the corridor that run just in front of our Studio B25, a long corridor with a L shaped structure. To deliver the best experience we had to use Makey Makey (an electronic schedule that aloud the user to connect anything that is electro conductive to be used as computer controller) and Processing (a software capable to create interactive programs). To deliver the best experience we had to deeply study the installation area to get an idea of what is the best design to deliver the best experience, here in this document explained step by step how I managed to design and create my installation.
RESEARCH: 2,04 m
1,76 m
2,92 m
2,29 m
studio doors CEILING
2,34 m
FLOOR main entrance
MEASUREMENT OF THE INSTALLATION AREA knowing the space and the surroundings it’s strictly necessary to get familiar with the space itself and discover new details and hidden spots
PICTURES OF THE AREA Top left picture - the main entrance of the corridor, this hallway connects different Studios, the Art Shop, the 3D printing room, the interior lab. and the Print shop. Bottom left picture - the space between Studio B20 and “The End” board (in case of instalation in that space is possible use the sokets inside the studio) Top right picture - a close up of the board, “The End” assembled using six A1 size prints.
I have decided to take advantage of the prospective and use it to enhance the reaction of the audience (anyone passing in the corridor). My first concept Is to project on “The End board” situated at the bottom of the corridor the same image “The End” until someone stepping on a botton (hided on the floor) will trigger an other image (for example an extended prospective of the corridor) changing the concept and experience of that space.
The other conepts are based on the same basic idea but with a different image projected, for example an open space like a door open on a colorfull field.
But this sort of images will kill the prospective and I am not really sure about this concept idea. As third concep I am also evaluating the possibility to use a short animation/ video of something shoking such a train running in the corridor direction.
Foil sheet Foil sheet
Sponge sheet
Sponge sheet Cardboard
All the parts glued toghether with double sided tape
Camouflage with coloured paper
The concept: Stepping on the trigger the two metallic foil sheet will connect touching each other and retracting/disconnecting once the weight is released from the trigger. The connection will aloud the closing of the electric circuit, sending a signal to the computer.
Here some pictures took during the construction and testign of the switcher;
The switcher had to be long eough to cover the whole width of the corridor to be effective and also to be easier to camouflage with the colour of the corridor carpet.
Camouflage To hide the switcher I have used a coloured A1 papaer sheet, I had to cut it in stripes long and width enough to cover the whole button, leaving extra space on both sides of the button margins, to be glued with double sided tape at the corridor carpet.
Testing colour of the switcher camoulfage on the corridor floor
The software
“Processing is a flexible software sketchbook and a language for learning how to code within the context of the visual arts”.
With this code is possible change a displayed image for a limited time to another image by pressing a button on the computer keyboard. Image “a” it will change to image “b” for about 10 seconds (counter limit 500) and then switch back to image “a’’ until the button it get pressed again.
Image “a” pressing any button
Image “b” for 10 seconds at the end of the countown
The code is the core of the whole project, even if it’s a simple concept idea, make it work propelly was challenging, I have been helped from my professor in correcting and improving the efficency becouse of the advanced level required in coding and programming required to be able in realizing this software to work.
The Imput
Makey Makey is a peace of hardware capable to transform anything is electro conductible in a computer controller.
The mechanic is simple; Is enough connnect Mekey Mekey trough the USB cable and a to the EARTH section of the schedule and another cable to any button, for example SPACE (keyboard space bar) an connect the cable to an object to use as switcher, in my case my own
cable other both built
The Installation Step one: Mask the surface where to project my interactive installation. To do that I bought six A1 sheets and with blue tack I had to mask one by one all the boards composing “THE END�. Here some pictures of that moment:
Step two: Fix the projector at the ceiling: I had to use metallic wire, fine enough to be fitted in the tiny holes of the ceiling grids, thanks of the help of some of my classmates I manage to fix it.
Step three: Connect Computer, Projector and the Hidden Button: This it required a lot of work and patience, all the power sources where inside the Studio B20, the Studio was also perfect to conceal the computer and all the cables in a safe place.
Hidden Switcher connection to the Makey Makey trough copper tape
No cable is visibile in the bottom picture, it’s all been hidden inside the room B20
The copper tape run from the button to the Studio B20 where is then connected at the Makey Makey transmitting an imput at the computer when pressed.
Step four: Lights on! Testing the installation personally and waiting for someone who will step unconsciously on the trigger.
PEOPLE IMPRESSIONS The installation day wasn’t a really busy, I have waited the lunch break expecting a peack of people passing by that corner but I understood then if there aren’t classes in the rooms at the end of the hallway no many people walk trought the whole corridor till the end. Even if only few people experienced my installation, I had the chance to record various reaction; Indifference, excitement, surprise and fun. A couple of guys also tried to damage the installation moving the cables of the projector for fun but luclky everything was sturdy and niclely fixed and nothing happend. I am personally satisfied of my installation and I think to had delivered even to few, a new experience of that space. Federico Leoni 40213427 Edinburgh Napier University video presentation link: