annual report 2010-11 Jewish Federation, Jewish Foundation and JCC of Greater New Haven
Beckerman/Lender Building • 360 Amity Road, Woodbrisge, Connecticut 06525 • •
President’s Report Mark Sklarz, Federation President The last year has been a challenging period for our Federation. Fortunately, we are blessed with outstanding senior management whose perseverance and enthusiasm is not dampened by difficult circumstances. In particular, our CEO, Sydney Perry, a Chief Executive without peer in the energy, intelligence and dedication she brings as the face of the community, has just signed a new three year agreement. Nevertheless, as resources shrink, the ability to achieve our goals becomes more difficult and the Federation is challenged to discover strategies for both addressing immediate needs and planning diligently for the future. To attempt to understand the changes in the community and to establish responsive long-term objectives for diversifying and balancing our community portfolio, we have embarked upon a comprehensive strategic planning process. First, we commissioned a detailed Population Study conducted by nationally recognized expert, Dr. Ira Sheskin. This study was completed in February and “rolled out” to the community through a series of presentations. (The results are available on the Federation website, The analysis has provided invaluable information, including data addressing the size, composition, geographic location, age, knowledge and financial capacity of our Jewish population. Over the next several months, we will be engaging in focus groups and further study through the guidance of the Ostroff Group and strategic planning professionals in our community. Our goal is to develop specific options on which to plan our future. Certainly, education and the delivery of services from cradle to grave will always be at the heart of the Federation mission. But in the current climate of uncertainty and apprehension, they are even more important. Of course, maximizing our financial resources must be a primary theme. This necessitates a re-engineering of our campaign and fund raising structure to adapt to new concepts, sophisticated technology and more diversified needs and objectives. We must expand our participation, increase efficiency and elevate our level of giving. To begin this process, we have convened a Search Committee, chaired by Past Federation presidents Betsy Hoos and Leslie Zackin to search for a knowledgeable and inspirational Chief Development Officer, whose function will be to create and implement a total financial resource plan process for the community. Throughout history, our ancestors have confronted innumerable challenges, threats and crises. Yet, no matter how devastating, each situation became an opportunity to create a better and stronger future for succeeding generations of Jewish people. President Obama premised his 2008 campaign on the inspirational slogan, “Yes, we can.” For over fifty centuries, our ancestors have always proceeded one step further by demonstrating, “Yes, we did.’’ I know our community will do no less.
Federation President’s Award Dr. Jeffrey Hoos has been involved in the Federation since he went on a Young Leadership Mission in 1983. Since then he has assumed many leadership roles and is currently the Vice President of Planning and Allocations.
Robert Eisner Community Service Award Rena Cheskis-Gold, a demographer, is principal of her own firm, Demographic Perspectives, LLC, which provides data for strategy and for managing change. She is a member of the Federation’s Strategic Planning Committee, and chair of the agency’s 2010 Jewish Community Population Study.
JCC President’s Award Martha Sue Weisbart, has been associated with the JCC for over 40 years, both as a member and a professional. She has also served on committees of the Federation and other community agencies. Most recently, she served as Vice President of the JCC Board of Directors.
Kavod Key Society Award
Robert M. Pite Youth Award
Robert M. Pite Youth Award
Marc Wortman is a freelance journalist and independent historian. His most recent book, The Bonfire: The Siege and Burning of Atlanta (2009), was published by PublicAffairs Books ( He is chair of JCC’s Perspectives program.
Jonathan Greengarden has been an active participant in education and leadership programs in MAKOM and BBYO and been a leader in the March of the Living program both in New Haven and the New England region.
Danielle McKinstry has served as the president of her youth group and on BBYO’s regional board. This fall, she will attend UCONN and begin studying to become an orthodontist.
Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven
Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven
Community Building n The Jewish Federation completed its first demographic study in 20 years and its first-ever population study. The community now has powerful data tools to help us make strategic decisions. n Under the leadership of Stephen Saltzman, the strate-
gic planning committee is working towards making recommendations for review and discussion at a community retreat in September. n New American Acculturation education, cultural and Judaic programs have attracted many more participants this year. A Women of Vision grant allowed intergenerational groups of Jews from the former Soviet Union the opportunity to come together for some emotionally impactful discussions.
Leadership n The Eder Leadership cohort completed their fellowship in September and several have accepted new or expanded positions with community organizations.
Community Outreach and Assistance n Neighbor-to-Neighbor Lifeline, a partnership with the
United Way, was able to distribute $600,000 to families in need in New Haven and on the shoreline for a third year. n The Federation raised $100,000 additional dollars for the Jewish Family Service’s Serving Our Survivors (SOS) program. n The Jewish Scholarship Initiative provided $167,805 in
subsidies for children attending formal or informal Jewish educational activities, We funded nursery school, day camp and Camp Laurelwood, synagogue supplementary schools, Talmud Torah Meyuchad, MAKOM and area day schools.
n The Cemetery Association beautified Jewel Street Cem-
etary with new trees and sidewalks.
n With Federation and Foundation financial support Birthright Israel made it possible for record numbers of young people from New Haven, 19-26, to go to Israel on a ten day soul-searching experience.
Emergency Fund-Raising Efforts n The New Haven Jewish community responded with alacrity and generosity when a massive earthquake hit Japan, resulting in a tsunami and nuclear reactor disaster. Through the auspices of JDC, our community joined the other 157 Jewish Federation system in providing emergency care for the victims of global natural disasters. n As we lit our Hanukkah candles this year, Israel experienced an unprecedented disaster when forest fires swept through the Carmel region in the North of Israel, devastating the largest green area in the country, requiring massive evacuations and leveling three separate areas, including the youth village of Yemin Orde for atrisk children. The Jews of Greater New Haven responded to this calamity with Hanukkah gelt that assisted Israel in helping to rebuild the land of Israel and the homes which were destroyed. n There was an outpouring of support for the Victims of Terror Fund after the brutal massacre of five members of the Fogel family in Itamar on a Friday evening and when an explosive device detonated at a bus stop at the entrance to Jerusalem, killing one and burning and maiming dozens.
Israel and Overseas
Annual Campaign gifts helped support a rape crisis center in our Partnership 2000 community of Afula, a shelter for abused women and children and co-existence projects in the Gilboa region. We also supported a center for children-at-risk and an absorption center. n Now, on the 20th anniversary of the Operation Solomon which brought more than 14,000 Ethiopian Jews to Israel “on the wings of eagles,” the Jewish Agency (JAFI) is bringing the remaining 8000 Falashas to Israel. Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven
Shoreline Office n We hired a part-time program director in 2010 and moved to a larger space. This allowed us to offer more events in the lower Connecticut Valley area and to provide space for partner agencies and their programs on the Shoreline. n Federation’s Shoreline programs included: the Women’s Seder at Congregation Beth Shalom Rodfe Zedek; an Apples and Honey program at Sukkot; several PJ Library sessions and a Jewish movie series at Madison Art Cinemas.
Women’s Philanthropy n Hosted best-selling author Dani Shapiro for a pre-
sentation at the JCC about her personal memoir, Devotion. The event attracted 75 people, many of whom had never been to a Women’s Philanthropy event before. n Through our Women’s Network affinity group, we presented a workshop on how to use Linked-In and Facebook for personal and professional networking. More than 65 people attended. n In cooperation with the Federation’s Shoreline office,
Women’s Philanthropy brought noted Middle-East expert Dr. Jonathan Schanzer to Guilford for a public presentation about the Hamas-Fatah partnership and its impact on Israel and the peace process. 70 people attended. n This year, Women’s Philanthropy is approaching its
goal of 1 million dollars for the Annual Federation Campaign in Greater New Haven.
Holocaust Education and Prejudice Reduction Program n Hosted a summer seminar for New Haven area middle and high school teachers entitled “Race and Membership in the United States: Complexities and Contradictions.” The institute was conducted by Dimitri Anselme, national director of staff development for Facing History and Ourselves. n Presented “Responding to the Holocaust: Three Scholars’ Perspectives,” featuring Dr. Timothy Snyder, Dr. Laurence Langer and Dr. Samuel Kassow. Sixty teachers and community members attended.
Jewish Community Relations Council n Hosted Peter Beinart speaking on the failure of the American Jewish establishment to engage much of today’s Jewish youth in support of Israel. Over 200 people attended. n Sponsored a panel of experts on state health care reform and voted to support House Bill 6305, to fund and implement the SustiNet health plan. n Participated with Interfaith Cooperative Ministries in vigils and prayer services for religious tolerance on the anniversary of 9/11 and at a local Muslim mosque that was defaced.
Jewish Coalition For Literacy n Joya Marks, a well-known, local educator, attended round table discussions with JCL reading partners to help them enhance their sessions with students. n JCL volunteers learned to ‘read a painting’ at The Yale Center for British Art. The program taught volunteers to use art in the classroom as a way to teach literacy skills. n Michael Sampson, PhD., Dean, School of Education, Southern CT. State University was the keynote speaker at JCL’s Volunteer Appreciation Reception on Thursday, May 26th.
Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven
Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven
Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven
The Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven is now
the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven, Inc. In March 2011, the Jewish Foundation filed the necessary documents to become a non-stock corporation in the State of Connecticut. This change in corporate status will separate and protect the Jewish Foundation endowment funds from the operating activities of the Jewish Federation and the JCC. Prior to March 2011, the Jewish Foundation was not corporately separate from the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven, Inc. In addition, the Jewish Foundation has also applied to the IRS for its own tax-exempt determination letter. In order to protect the Jewish Foundation assets, a committee was formed to research and evaluate different types of asset protection and insurance structures for the Jewish Foundation. The committee, in consultation with outside counsel and the Jewish Federations of North America, looked at a number of types of possible corporate structures— the structure that was chosen for the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven, Inc. is a Type I Supporting Organization of the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven, Inc. This structure was recommended as the best means to help ensure that the Jewish Foundation and the Jewish Federation continue to work together, while also providing protection for and separation of the Jewish Foundation assets . n Look for the new Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven, Inc. website to be unveiled in the next few months. The new site will feature donor stories, interactive gift plans, and much more! n We are moving all 530 current funds to a fund man-
agement database. This will allow the Foundation to more easily record gifts and process charitable distributions, track fund activity and communicate with donors. The database is scheduled to be up and running by late summer.
n In 2010-11, the Women of Vision Society of the Jewish
Foundation awarded over $9000 in grants. Since 1998, they have distributed over $100,000 in grant awards. n In conjunction with the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, we hosted a program for Accountants, Attorneys, Trust Officers, Financial Planners and other Professional Advisors. Attorney Conrad Teitell was the presenter.
Endowment Snapshot (as of April 30, 2011) Total Assets : $ 36 million+ Total Funds: 530 individual funds and charitable trusts n Endowment Rates of Return (annualized for periods of one year and more, as of April 30, 2011)
One month: 3.1 3 month: 5.6 Calendar YTD: 6.5 One year: 15.7
Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven
n Development and grants snapshot fiscal year to date (8/1/10 to 4/30/11): New Funds: 24 new funds established Total Donations: $1.6 million+ Total Charitable Distributions: $1.1 million+ Total Known Bequest Commitments: four known bequest commitments totaling over $5 million
New Funds established at the Jewish Foundation (08.01.10 - 04.30.11) Funds for the benefit of synagogues • Beth Israel Synagogue (Wallingford) Endowment Fund for Development • Peter C. Hereld Charitable Gift Annuity II for the benefit of Temple Beth Sholom • Robert N. & Goldythe B. Langerman Intermarriage Fund at Mishkan Israel • Benjamin & Freda Cohen Memorial Fund for Young Israel of New Haven
Fund for the benefit of Jewish Programs for the Frail and Elderly • Benjamin & Freda Cohen Memorial Fund for Jewish Programs for the Frail and Elderly Fund for the benefit of Hebrew High School of New England • Benjamin & Freda Cohen Memorial Fund for Hebrew High School of New England
Fund for the benefit of Jewish Family Service • Benjamin & Freda Cohen Memorial Fund for Jewish Family Service
Other Designated Funds • Jean Bramley Charitable Gift Annuity • Lucille and Arnold Alderman Fund for the benefit of the Auschwitz Jewish Center
Funds for the benefit of Camp Laurelwood • Richard S. & Roberta David Grossman Camp Laurelwood Scholarship Endowment • Robert N. & Goldythe B. Langerman Fund for Camp Laurelwood Scholarships
Donor Advised/Philanthropic Funds • Laura Lustig Fund • Carol Ruth Jacobs Memorial Fellowship Fund for Teachers
Fund for the benefit of the Towers Foundation, Inc. • Jack Evans Charitable Gift Annuity II in memory of Alvin Evans for the benefit of Tower One/Tower East Fund for the benefit of the Center for Jewish Life and Learning (CJLL formerly DJE) • Benjamin & Freda Cohen Memorial Fund for DJE Fund for the benefit of the Jewish Community Center of GNH • Velma and Stuart Grodd Endowment for the benefit of the JCC
PACE Fund (for the benefit of the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven Annual Campaign) • Benjamin & Freda Cohen Memorial PACE Fund • Robert N. & Goldythe B. Langerman Jewish Federation Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment Fund Unrestricted Fund • Benjamin & Freda Cohen Memorial Fund • Carol Robbins Milestone Building Fund Build a Tzedakah Funds • Jeremy S. Conn Tzedakah Fund • Katya Labowe-Stoll Tzedakah Fund • Jonathan Schwartz Build a Tzedakah Fund • Joni Weintraub Tzedakah Fund
Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven
Jewish Community Center of Greater New Haven
Jewish Community Center of Greater New Haven
Health and Wellness n Largest Loser continues to be a strong program in both
participant results and generating revenue. This year we had four teams and a shadow team for both the spring and fall sessions. Largest Losers have lost more than 6,500 pounds in six seasons at the JCC. n We now offer more than 60 free group exercise programs, giving us a competitive advantage within our catchment area. Our very popular Zumba classes (five weekly) often fill the room. Other popular group programs include Pilates, pain free-yoga and spinning. n Our personal training staff has expanded to include TRX, boxing and many others. We now have a consulting nutritionist as part of our fitness team. n The JCC’s Adult Softball League grew to nine teams and over 100 players. n The JCC Youth Biddy Basketball Program, among the largest in the country, enrolled 160 boys and girls this year. n Former Olympians Josh Davis and Ian Crocker held a successful swim clinic for our JCC swim team and members.
Arts and Culture Speakers Series The JCC launched “Perspectives,” a new arts and culture series presenting thought-provoking topics by award-winning speakers. The inaugural programs featured Attorney Tom Ullmann, public defender in Petit family murder case, and Pulitzer-Prize winning Playwright Donald Margulies in conversation with Long Wharf’s Artistic Director Gordon Edelstein. Arts for the Center The Center revived its Arts for the Center program withthe M’Dor L’Dor exhibit in which 30 artists explored the nature of doors, both physical and metaphorical. Artists created new works celebrating generational heritage and cultural diversity. The exhibit attracted extensive media coverage, including a feature in the New Haven Register. An auction of the works in the show concluded the month-long event.
Community Gatherings and Commemorative Events Shalom New Haven Event In September the JCC coordinated its second annual community-wide celebration of Jewish life in New Haven. Area synagogues, day schools, community organizations and institutions gathered together to listen to music, enjoy kosher food and celebrate Jewish culture. Free Play Day Our annual winter open house had a full-menu of activities designed to showcase our programs and activities. The fitness department provided mini-sessions and there was ‘free play’ available for families in the gym and pool. More than 500 people came through the doors in five hours. This event capped a month-long membership campaign which added 127 new members to the JCC family. Yom HaShoah Over 400 members of the greater New Haven community gathered at the JCC Vine Auditorium to commemorate the Holocaust on Sunday, May 1st. Local clergy and members of the community participated in the program. The keynote speaker was Judith Altman, survivor, and a 2010 March of the Living participating scholar. Yom HaZikaron On Sunday, May 8th we honored and remembered the fallen soldiers and victims of terror who sacrificed their lives for the safety and security of Israel. The ceremonies were led by many people including our Israeli emissary, Lisa Ahuvia, and her fellow friends from the region, local clergy and members of the community.
Jewish Community Center of Greater New Haven
Center for Jewish Life and Learning Madrichim Institute The Madrichim Institute facilitates teens working as teacher’s aides in local supplementary schools. Last year, seventeen participants representing nine different schools participated in seminars on drama, technology, music, experiential learning and museum education Chaver Chaver is a program for Jewish teens that explores the Jewish values of spending time with the elderly and sick. Participants spent time at the Towers, visited a local nursing home and were trained at Yale New Haven Hospital. Global Day of Jewish Learning On the first ever Global Day of Jewish Learning (a celebration of Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz’ completion of his Talmud commentary), two CJLL-led programs brought together students in grades 3-7 from eight local synagogue schools for a day of experiential learning about prayer. Adopt–A-Survivor The Adopt a Survivor program, now in its fourth year, paired MAKOM students with Holocaust survivors. Over the course of a year, the students learned about their survivor’s childhood, wartime experience and liberation. The students then created art projects based on the survivor’s experience which were displayed in the JCC lobby for the month of May. Israeli Emissaries Lisa Ahuvia, our Israeli Young Emissary in 2010, shared her Israeli culture with Ezra Academy, Southern Connecticut Hebrew Academy, three senior residence facilities and various public schools and local universities. She also participated in programs with MAKOM and the Jewish Community Center and its pre-school. Youth and Family Education n Now completing its second year, Shabbat Friends is an increasingly popular weekly program for children under six which explores an aspect of Shabbat or an upcoming holiday through hands-on fun. Special presenters have included local rabbis, educators, musicians, and performers, as well as CJLL staff.
Jewish Community Center of Greater New Haven
n Our Science of the Plagues! program at Yale’s Peabody Museum gave 50 children a whole new take on the plagues from the Passover story, The program featured live crickets, grey tree frogs, a hail demonstration and other interactive science stations.
n JCC Summer Day Camps continue to flourish with an increased number of campers enrolled in the 2010 program to 327 per week from 300 in 2009; there were an average of 237 campers in 2010 compared to 204 the prior year. We served 240 different families in 2010, an increase of 11% over the prior year. n Our Send a Kid to Camp program provided financial assistance to 80 campers.
JCC Afterschool Programs
n Transporting from 13 area schools, the JCC Afterschool program provided a safe and nurturing after school environment for 103 school children. n There were 99 students enrolled in our Kids Klub before and afterschool program at the Bethany Community school. n Enrollment in the JCC Vacation program increased by 43 children.
n A weekly musical program for pre-schoolers was added to the program this year, led by an established early childhood educator. n Our annual Hamentaschen fund raiser, now in its fourth year, had more volunteers than ever before and made more money. The funds were used to purchase supplies and materials for the classrooms. n With the goal in mind of strengthening community within each classroom, we encouraged Hanukkah parties in individual classrooms, and got more parents involved in the festivities.
Board of Directors 2010-11
Officers Mark G. Sklarz, Esq., President Betsy S. Hoos, VP-Human Resources Dr. Jeffrey Hoos, VP-Planning Dr. Arthur Levy, VP-Community Affairs Dr. Norman Ravski, VP Jewish Education Stacey Trachten, VP-Women’s Philanthropy Dr. Stephanie Wain, VP-Campaign Donald Hendel, Esq., Treasurer Barry Fischman, Assistant Treasurer Stephen August, Secretary Joel Karp, Esq., Chairman of the Board Board of Directors Directors Steven Fraade Judy Skolnick Marcia Reiter Isiah Cooper, Esq. Rachel Sutin Andrew Weinstein Dr. David Haas Robin Kramer Barbara Orell, Esq. Allisan Adams, Esq. Susan Smith Dr. Paul Fiedler Glenn Duhl, Esq. Stuart Katz, Esq. Edward Sack Michael Price Maddy Tannenbaum Rabbi Joel Levenson
Incoming Directors Gerald Barker* Dr. Norman Kaplan* Judith Hess David Trachten Donna Hersh* John Lichtman Matthew Nemerson Mark Grove* Nan Birdwhistle, Esq. Susan Saundry, Esq. Rabbi Michael Farbman Rabbi Fred Hyman Outgoing Directors Dr. Henry Cohen Sarah Eder Douglas Skalka, Esq. Rhoda Sachs Zahler Marc Wortman Linda Leff Gila Reinstein David Beckerman *New Directors
Past Presidents Josef Adler Paul Goodwin Dr. Alvin Greenberg Stuart Grodd Betsy Hoos Marvin Lender Carol Robbins Stephen Saltzman, Esq. David Schaefer, Esq. H. William Shure, Esq. Dr. Milton Wallack Mary Lou Winnick Leslie Zackin, Esq. Joel Karp, Esq.
Jewish Foundation Officers and Committee Chairs Stephen Glick, Incoming Chair Jeff Chaffkin, Investment Chair Barbara Greenberg, Women of Vision Chair Allen Lipson, Governance Chair Hap Perkins, Treasurer Jonathan Snyder, Esq., Marketing Chair Stephen L. Saltzman, Esq., Development Chair Board of Trustees Trustees Jody Ellant, Esq. Marshal Elovich David P. Gershoni Dr. Seth Feuerstein Kevin Fox Lindy Gold Barbara Lichtman Ed Sack Melanie Waynik Dr. Kenneth Chasen* Dr. Alvin Greenberg Barbara Greenberg, Women of Vision Chair Allan Hillman, Esq.* Richard Levine, Esq.* Jo-Ann Price* Sandy Seidman* Outgoing Trustees Lucille Alderman Barbara Greenberg Dr. Alvin Greenberg Dr. Stanley Reiter Jim Vlock Alan Weiss Nathan M. Silverstein, Esq. *New Trustees
Advisory Mark G. Sklarz, Jewish Federation President Ex-Officio Paul Goodwin, Founder Joel Karp, Esq., Immediate Past President Jewish Federation Rabbi Jon-Jay Tilsen, Board of Rabbis Appointee Past Foundation Chairs Betsy S. Hoos Dr. John Levy Stephen L. Saltzman, Esq.
Board of Directors 2010-11
Jewish Community Relations Council
Jewish Community Center
Center for Jewish Life & Learning
Board Arthur Levy, Chair Rabbi Alison Adler Judith Barr Sharon Bender Nan Birdwhistell Sherrie Bitterman Rabbi Herb Brockman Milt Caplan Arlene Elovich Marshal Elovich Robert Forbes William W. Ginsberg Lindy Lee Gold Allan Hillman Linda S. Kantor Evelyn Krevolin Marvin Lender Betty Levy Carol Robbins David Schaefer Fay Sheppard Mark Shiffrin Rabbi Eric Silver Mark G. Sklarz Charles Small Alan Stein Peter Stolzman Jim Vlock Milton Wallack Dan Weintraub Harry Wexler Jon Zonderman
Officers Steve Miller, President Marc Wortman, Vice President Randy Harrison, Treasurer* Rebecca Tishkoff, Secretary* Roz Ben Chitrit, At-large
Board Rosalyn Ben-Chitrit, chair Belinda Brennan Andrew Hirshfield Norman Ravski Sheryl Rothman Susan N. Smith Ruth Friedman Martha Weisbart Eli Levy Bennet Lovett Graff Mike Romeo
Board of Directors Stacy Dworkin* Bob Felice* Evan Golden* Velma Grodd* Scott Hurwitz, Esq.* John Lichtman Rachel Light* Steve Margolis* Sherry Rothman* Jeffrey Sklarz, Esq.* Rob Harris, Esq., Immediate Past President *New Directors
Past Presidents David Beckerman Mark G. Sklarz, Esq. James Shure Lawrence Shanbrom Lindy Lee Gold Marc Olins Herbert Hershenson Bruce Jacobs, Esq. Ian Freeman Joel Karp, Esq. Andrew Eder John J. Lichtman Deborah Witkin, Esq.
Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven 2011 Allocations
2010-11 Allocations
Community & Connecting, $98,869 4%
Program Services in Greater New Haven, $467,451 19%
Israel & Overseas, $537,001 21%
Institutional Resource Building, $419,617 17% Jewish Identity and Education, $406,120 16% Families, Youth & Senior Services, $572,442 23%
*Cost of Fundraising 14%
Community & Connecting Israel & Overseas Jewish Identity and Education
$98,869 $537,001 $406,120
Families, Youth & Senior Services $572,442 Institutional Resource Building $419,617 Program Services in Greater New Haven $467,451
Staff Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven Sydney A. Perry, Chief Executive Officer Scott Cohen, Chief Operating Officer Hilary Goldberg, Executive Assistant Campaign Endre Sarkany, Senior Campaign Analyst Enid Groves, Women’s Philanthropy, Director Stacey Trachten, Young Adult Division, Director Nancy Weber, Data Manager Finance Steve Zulli, Cheif Financial Officer Deb Cole, Comptroller Marlyn Henry, Human Resources/Payroll Manager Dorothy Popoloski, Accounting Manager Anna Kirichenko, Bookkeeper Information Technology Marina Milgram, IT Specialist Jewish Community Relations Council Lauri Lowell, Director Brenda Brenner, Coordinator, Jewish Coalition for Literacy Holocaust Education Prejudice Reduction Program Dr. Lauren Kempton, Director Jewish Cemetery Association Andy Hodes, Coordinator New American Acculturation Yelena Gerovich, Coordinator Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven Lisa Stanger, Director Leora Cohen, Women of Vision Society, Director Omer Doron, Funds Administrator Dorothy Popoloski, Accountant Jewish Community Center of Greater New Haven Administration Shelley Gans, Director Cathy Lombardi, Office Manager/Room Rental Coordinator Member Services Lisa Sandora, Member Services Director/Control Desk Supervisor Lee Grenier, Member Services, Assistant Director Barbara Zalesch, Registrar
Center for Jewish Life & Learning Rich Walter, Director Anat Weiner, Director of Youth Education Elizabeth Edelglass, Library Director Ruth Gross, Administrator Saskia Swenson-Moss, Coordinator Youth & Family Education Early Childhood Services Risa Walter, Early Childhood Education, Director Lynn Bullard, Director of Operations Celeste Baez Connie Barrette Wendy Benson Kim Bogert Amani Boutros Elizabeth DiBattista Gail Halprin
Nadeeka Giordano Penny Lesniewski Edie Mag Barrie Mongillo Jennifer Arata Adrienne Oneza Laura Prestash
Elizabeth Ratchford Amanda Sperandio Lindsey McGarry Yafa Buzo Elizabeth Manzi Adrienne Oneza
Marketing Lewis Eisenberg, Director Alan Falk, Graphic Design Debbie Stach, Graphic Design Allison Frankel, Administrative Coordinator Health & Fitness Allan Greenberg, Director Amy Kemler, Aquatics, Director Debra Kirschner, Assoc. Director, H& PE/Camp Director Sheila Schrier, Fitness Director Susan Donovan, Group Fitness & Development, Director Syndi Garay, Health Spa/Racquetball Director Youth Services Sean McInerney, Afterschool Director Kari McInerney, Afterschool Assistant Director Nancy Olins, Youth Services, Camp Secretary Daniela Balzano, Painted Pomegranate Plant/Environmental Services Israel Ortiz, Plant/Environmental Services, Director Jose Rivera, Housekeeping Supervisor Lou DeAndrus, Mechanic Chris Massaquoi, Building Attendant Zoraida Gonzalez, Building Attendant Evelyn Ross, Building Attendant David Guzman, Building Attendant Loetta Ursini, Building Attendant Betty Galakpain, Building Attendant Male Pivi, Building Attendant
The Jewish Federation, Jewish Foundation and Jewish Community Center recognize and thank our part-time employees and volunteers whose many contributions enhance our services to the community.