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Supporting Document

Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Contents Overview ListenUp Information Flow Organisational Structure Community Engagement Tools Timeplan 2010 Prototype – ListenUp Wyndford ListenUp Website ListenUp Financial Flow Beyond the prototype What will make ListenUp successful?

Appendix 13. 15. 21.

Constitution Job Descriptions Financial Projection

ListenUp GetGo Glasgow


Overview of ListenUp ListenUp is a not-for-profit social enterprise established to support the Wyndford community in order to enhance their feeling of community spirit and ownership. It aims to increase community involvement in decision making by encouraging community engagement. It facilitates community and stakeholder interaction with the aim of better relations between them and more supportive action taking place in the locality. With greater community involvement in decision making the outcome of development projects will be greatly improved.

ListenUp Core Values Encouraging Communication & Collaboration

Developing Community Spirit & Ownership

Involving Communities in Decision Making

Increasing Transparency and Trust

ListenUp GetGo Glasgow


ListenUp Information Flow ListenUp provides creative ways of gaining community involvement and gathering community opinion on local issues. Stakeholders such as the council, companies or associations operating in the local area can work with ListenUp in order to discover the community’s real needs. ListenUp engages the community to participate in issues and decision making to ensure that the best possible outcome is achieved.


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so ide


As this system is initiated and developed within the community a cycle of success should follow. As the stakeholders are presented with more valuable information on what the community needs, they can take appropriate action and the community’s trust in them improves. As action happens, the community see that their opinion counts, enhancing community spirit and encouraging further involvement.


The process can equally begin from the community. ListenUp uses information gathering methods and provides the community with tools to find projects the community would like to take forward. These can then be presented to stakeholders for action to be taken.



trust stakeholder

community action based on co-creation

Value for Money

ListenUp GetGo Glasgow

Value for the Community


The Organisational Structure ListenUp Wyndford is made up of a Board, a Superhero and Design Interns. The wider community has the option of becoming members, known as Heros. It is the job of the Superhero and Design Interns to run projects and engage community involvement in decision making, bringing the Stakeholders into closer collaboration with the community in which they operate and in turn increasing community trust.

The post of Design Intern is a paid one-day-aweek position (split between two interns). The Designer works closely with the Superhero, and assumes the role of Creative Director of a project process and for any marketing material. The Designer must remain in touch with the Board and it’s members and respond to issues in the community. The Designer can also market and sell design services to local businesses to supplement ListenUp funds.

ListenUp Wyndford

As well as all member rights, the special post of Superhero is a paid one-day-per-week position. The Superhero works closely with the designer as the Action Team, and assumes the role of project manager. The Superhero is the first point of contact once an engagement project process has begun. The Superhero must remain visible in the community and aware of community issues. The Superhero applies and is elected by the board and members.

Designer Superhero


Community Chair Secretary Treasurer

Please refer to the appendix for the ListenUp constitution and detailed job descriptions

ListenUp GetGo Glasgow


Community Engagement Tools Creative methods of community engagement are at the core of the ListenUp enterprise. Tools are developed and used in order to gain the most community input possible and ensure the community’s voice is heard. These tools will be tested during the Wyndford ListenUp prototype and analysed by the Superhero and Design Interns. They will then be further developed and refined as the enterprise continues.

Stick Your Choice issue 1

issue 2

issue 3

issue 4

ISSUE TREE Issue 1 Listening Ear & Helping Hand

Issue Tree

Sticker Wall

Issue 2

Voting Games

th You

ion Generat Gap


cil Coun

GYM Tea and Biscuits Chat



Gate Voting

Chat Box

Issue Balloons I would like to...

D i s l i ke



L i ke

A. Where

B. Where

C. Where do you

D. Where do you

E. Where

F. What bits don’t

do you live?

feel afraid?

Idea Lollies and Windmills

ListenUp GetGo Glasgow

Like/Dislike Flags

Dream Map

do you hang out?

are you proud of?



feel safe?




you like?

Visual Questionnaires


Timeplan 2010 January




Prototype Set-up


Meet with GCSS + WCC

Co-creation workshop with community and stakeholders.

Hiring of designers.









cont. Tool development and testing.

Evaluation & tool refinement

Fundraising event

Result analysis and reports

Second wave engagement

Setting up Wyndford ListenUp

Potential New Project

Recruitment & distribution of roles in Wyndford

Trust building in new community

Legal requirements, Bank account

ListenUp Launch

Identification of Stakeholders and Superheroes.

ListenUp Platform Website design Server / domain Corporate e-mail account

Information architecture Content / tools

Fundraising Fund-raising events

Fundraising event in new community

Grant applications

Promotion GCSS = Glasgow Community and Safety Services WCC = Wyndford Community Council

ListenUp GetGo Glasgow

Press Coverage local and national Newspapers

Advertising, Pitching to clients / communities

Promotion of ListenUp in new community


Prototype – ListenUp Wyndford The primary schools in Wyndford were closed down in July 2009 and the old school site is due for redevelopment. A scoping study was published in November 09 which sets out the possibilities for this site to be developed into a community centre. This is the perfect opportunity for a prototype of the ListenUp enterprise. From attending community council meetings we have gathered the support of the Community Council, the Wyndford Residents Association and are in the process of setting up a collaboration with the Glasgow Community Safety Services who are in charge of the redevelopment.

Prototype Set-up


Meet with GCSS + WCC

Co-creation workshop with community and stakeholders.

Hiring of designers.

cont. Tool development and testing.

Evaluation & tool refinement

Fundraising event

Result analysis and reports

Prototype Planning

Prototype Objective

Expected Outcome

Initial steps in preparation for the prototype have already been taken. We are currently in the process of identifying and recruiting relevant  board members within the Wyndford estate and Design Interns who will be assisting in managing the prototype.

The prototype will primarily aid the development and the refinement of engagement, trust building and feedback tools. It will also probe and act as a learning experience to facilitate communication between the community and stakeholders. This will be achieved through co-creation workshops and meetings where findings will be shared.

This includes a range of tried and tested tools which will subsequently be made available on the ListenUp Website. The success of this will determine the future of ListenUp.

ListenUp GetGo Glasgow

The success of the prototype would be determined by the involvement of the community and the desired action being taken by the stakeholders.

ListenUp Launch

Second wave engagement


ListenUp Website The ListenUp website will be launched after the prototype is completed. Content from Mobile Internet access could be a problem in Wyndford. Anyone can add content using their mobile phone. There will also be a mobile compatible website.

ListenUp login


Sign In

Every Community has a Superhero!

Search ListenUp

Access to project contacts, internal papers and organisational structures.

Sign In


Opportunities Text any community issue to ListenUp. It will be displayed here.


Your Opportunities

e d to giv We nee more th u o y e th g activiengagin em off t th ties. Ge et! the stre rtik) (Carrie

Govan appe als to the The Commonplanned park devel- wealth games opment! Who ne ving local new fancy loo eds are dri king businesses away benches? (Dan , Partik) east end!

from Pa


Public Events Upcoming events, workshops and consultations.

+ add Event

30 March 2010 Co-creation Workshop North-Regeneration Agency, Wyndford

Need Helpers!

This is where any events which need support would be posted.


We want to tak e over desolate building and ne ed your help! (Roger, Partik)

the ck) from from Kilmarno (Alis

Consultation Analysis at the Wyndford Regeneration Agency 5:30pm. yesterday 9:09 pm


TheAtr ium in Kelv uncil an The Co se is ingrove park lo c to d e c c o n m u m o n on good . . schools This me 5 more ans it r hared fo belongs I am sc to Ci ty Centr us! (Bob, e) dren... my chil ox) (Carrie

Projects will be documented in blogs with emphasis on transparency and information sharing.

Act now!

Add News

All News (12) Plans for the community cafe in Wyndford on the go!

Apply Now! Download Tools Contact Us

GCSS agreed to proposed plans for the community run cafe. The cafe will be run by three members of the Wyndford. The space will offer internet access and regular classes such as cooking, language and more...!

Added by Franny on March 5,2010 at 12:00 pm - 8 Comments

Issue tree consultation a huge sucess! GCSS agreed to proposed plans for the community run cafe. The cafe will be run by three members of the Wyndford. The space will offer internet access and regular classes such as cooking, language and more...!

Added by James on Feb 20, 2010 at 20:43 pm - 28 Comments

New Grant secured! Apply for community action!

Blog News Any news on delivered consultations, successes and opportunities.

ConsultationTools Tool Guide Best practice tools

How to? Films

305 Responses on the Issue tree! Tree installment on 20.Feb reached great public interest. read more ... 22.Febuary, 17:54 pm

Past Project Blogs

from Ibr

15 March 2010 ListenUp Bingo Fundraiser Wyndford Bingo hall

Project Updates

Project Update

Get Heard!

How to use the tools? How to run a workshop? How to analyse the information?

Tool Box View, download and upload tool templates and examples.

Glasgow. Got something you would like to change in your community? ListemUp received a new grant. Apply now! text us the issue. Gather people. Contact us for help and talking it through... Together we can make a difference!

Added by Franny on Feb 13, ,2010 at 21:00 pm - 4 Comments

How to? Films Films explaining use of tools and past projects.

ListenUp GetGo Glasgow


ListenUp Financial Flow The finances of ListenUp are divided into two tanks. The larger one covers the running costs, the smaller one is for projects initiated by the community through ListenUp. It is the shared responsibility of the Superhero and Design Interns to secure sufficient income through grants, t-shirt sales and project fees to ensure financial sustainability.

Surplus Consultation Fees

Fundraisers in Communities

Top-Down Consultation initiated by: • Council • Organisational Bodies • Local Businesses

Running costs: Other Income Grants • Audi foundation • First Port...

• Website Maintenance • Salaries • Equipment • Travel Costs

Project Tank

Bottom- Up Consultation Projects Consultation initiated by: • Communities • Individuals

Design Services

ListenUp fundraisers T-shirt sales

Indicates the flow of income Indicates the flow of expenses

Please refer to the financial projection (see appendix) for the financial breakdown of the first year, including the Wyndford prototype.

ListenUp GetGo Glasgow


Beyond the Prototype

ListenUp Partick

A successful prototype would prove the ListenUp concept and is likely to spin off new projects within the Wyndford and its already established stakeholder network. Press coverage of successful community initatives and word of mouth could lead to increased stakeholder interest or community-led initiatives in other areas of Glasgow. In the long run this could result in more ListenUp projects being established in which the Design Interns, the ListenUp core values, some Stakeholders and the ListenUp website are common. This would create a network of community involvement initiatives across Glasgow. In the event of such success, a small central governance to coordinate all of the individual ListenUp enterprises would be created and the constitution would need to be revised.

ListenUp Pollockshaws

Each individual ListenUp Community would have its own money tanks to be used solely for that community.

ListenUp Wyndford

Designer Superhero


Community Chair Secretary Treasurer

ListenUp GetGo Glasgow

ListenUp Govan


Benefits and Success of ListenUp The ListenUp proposal has many benefits for both the community and stakeholders. • The community voice will be better heard and represented. • The community is more likely to get what they actually want, need and will use. • Through stakeholder initiated projects there will be enough funds to pay for projects initiated by the community. • It encourages collaboration and provides transparency; anyone can access the tools and benchmark its services through the online platform. • Stakeholders receive more accurate community opinion for easier and better decision making. • Better value for money on stakeholder investment. • Community trust in stakeholders increases.

ListenUp Core Values Encouraging Communication & Collaboration

ListenUp will be successful for many reasons. • It focusses a real opportunity, which is currently poorly addressed, with a new and innovative approach. • It has the trust and enthusiasm of the Wyndford community. • It has numerous established interested partners, for example Glasgow Community and Safety Services, the Wyndford Community Council, the Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow North Regeneration Agency, the Ruchill Youth Project and ASAP Scotland. • It addresses both top-down and bottom-up needs. • Its structure is sustainable through the use of Design Interns to provide creative involvement into the future.

Developing Community Spirit & Ownership

Involving Communities in Decision Making

Increasing Transparency and Trust

ListenUp GetGo Glasgow


Appendix ListenUp GetGo Glasgow

22 12

ListenUp Constitution Description and Purposes

Heroes’ obligations:

ListenUp is a not-for-profit social enterprise established to support the Wyndford community in order to enhance their feeling of community spirit and ownership. It aims to increase community involvement in decision making by encouraging community engagement.

• All the members will be bound by this constitution. • The specific obligations of the heroes and Superhero are stipulated in the Governance section.

ListenUp works on three different fronts: Community Life ListenUp will work to counteract the common trend of a declining sense of community. • Activities and events will be organised in order to regenerate community spirit and provide fundraising for smaller community projects. • Larger projects with the aim of improving community life and services will also be carried out. Advice for community initiated projects, and the engagement tools needed, will also be provided by ListenUp. Engaging Residents in Community Development The current consultation methods used do not really involve the community nor engage community members. ListenUp will bring in a more creative approach based on real community involvement. • It offers communication facilitation between the community and the council, companies or associations working in the area. • It also assists social projects within the community that rely on community engagement. Creative Support This role of the Design Intern is intended to increase the sustainability of the ListenUp enterprise. Working for ListenUp is a good way for students to gain some experience before finishing their degree. • Two product design students will be hired by ListenUp to carry out the role of creative director, working closely with the members and the Board. • ListenUp will also provide an opportunity to connect small businesses within the community with creative talent.

Membership Anyone who lives in the area where ListenUp is operating can become a member. There will be no fee to become a member of ListenUp. The ListenUp members will be called Heroes. Heroes’ rights: • Holding a vote on main issues that are raised during projects carried out in their community. • Requesting / suggesting topics for consultation. • A Hero may apply to the Board for the position of “Superhero”. The Superhero will be a part of the management team and will be paid for acting as project manager. • Collaborating on consultation processes.

ListenUp GetGo Glasgow

Powers and working philosophy Projects funded by ListenUp The funding provided by ListenUp will never be used for any purpose other than improving community life, services or facilities. Any project to be carried out with that funding will always be in the best interests of the community. All funded projects must be in the interests of the majority and not detrimental to a significant minority of the community. No action will be taken in the neighbourhood without community engagement taking place following the conditions stated below. (See: Community Engagement Conditions)Funding for initial project development with residents can only be provided with the agreement of all the members of the Board. Community Engagement Conditions General Conditions Community engagement should actively aim to include all demographics. Encouraging youth involvement is key to it’s sustainable success. Internal Community Engagement Permanent ‘ear-posts’ will be provided by ListenUp within the community in order to have constant feedback and gather the voice of the community. The ListenUp website will also provide a space for community members comments as well as there being a ListenUp text number for those without internet access. The information gathered in those points will be analysed and evaluated. In the case that an issue becomes a general concern, it will be a priority for ListenUp to take action on it. Feedback Feedback both to and from the community and the stakeholders will be given in order to inform them about how their requests and suggestions have been taken into account. This openness is absolutely key to the success of ListenUp and to the building of trust within the community. After carrying out a project for an external organisation, every effort must be made to give feedback to the community. In case the external company does not follow the advice given through the community engagement, ListenUp will not take any responsibility for their actions. However, ListenUp will make the community aware of this fact. It has to be published that the organisation did not listen to the community’s voice.

22 13

Constitution cont. Glasgow School of Art (GSA) collaboration

Hero (member)

The recruited GSA students will automatically become members of the governance of ListenUp. The first students to work with ListenUp will be chosen by the steering group. Following students will be chosen by their predecessor, with agreement from the governance. In the case that this is not possible, a new student will be selected by the rest of the governance in collaboration with the GSA.

The Hero Membership is a voluntary position where community members sign up to ListenUp. These Heroes hold votes, and can bring up issues directly at board meetings. The Heroes should be willing to be managed by the Superhero during engagement projects and event work. Members from all demographics should be actively sought with young people particularly looked for as they are often under represented. Members can be of any age but only those over the age of 16 can vote.

Transparency The results and methods of every project carried out by ListenUp will be available at board meetings, on its website and from the Secretary. In order to ensure the economic transparency of ListenUp, reports on all income and expenditure will be made available in the same way. Structure The governance of ListenUp will consist of the Board and the Action Team (Superhero and the Design Interns). It is suggested that the Board (Chair, Secretary and Treasurer) is the same as these members of the Community Council.

Design Intern The post of Design Intern is a paid one-day-a-week position (split between two interns). The Designers work closely with the Superhero, and assume the role of creative director of a project and for any marketing material. The Designer must remain in touch with the Board and it’s members and respond to issues in the community. The Designer can also market and sell design services to local businesses to supplement ListenUp funds. This however is supplementary and should be not be the priority. All of the above persons are obliged to attend monthly board meetings (excluding Heroes who can attend as wished.)


See ‘job descriptions’ section for further breakdown of roles.

The Chair maintains a sound overview of ListenUp, allowing them to be in the position to cast the deciding vote if needed. The Chair is responsible for organising the content of the board meetings and ensuring all issues are addressed. They should also ensure that everyone fulfills their specific job responsibilities.

Potential Growth of ListenUp


In the event of such success, a central governance to coordinate all of the individual community ListenUp enterprises would be created and the constitution should be revised. The individual communities would be encouraged to help each other.

The Secretary maintains a sound overview of ListenUp, especially in managing initial correspondence. The Secretary is responsible for helping the Chair to organise the content of board meetings and ensuring that required information is to hand. They should be able to provide contact details for key people on request.

Initially, ListenUp will be bound to the Wyndford community. However, it has the capacity to expand to other communities. In this case, a new governance with the same structure would be created in each community.

Treasurer The Treasurer advises the committee on financial matters, and of its financial requirements for the year ahead. The control and account for ListenUp’s finances is the responsibility of the Treasurer. Superhero As well as all member rights, the special post of Superhero is a paid one-day-per-week position. The Superhero works closely with the designer as the Action Team, and assumes the role of project manager. The Superhero is the first point of contact once an engagement project process has begun. The Superhero must remain visible in the community and aware of community issues. The Superhero applies and is elected by the board and members.

ListenUp GetGo Glasgow

Any of the founders of ListenUp will be allowed to take the necessary measures in case any of the principles above are not justifiably met.


Board | Chair Summary

Stakeholder Relations

The Chair maintains a sound overview of ListenUp, allowing them to be in the position to cast the deciding vote if needed. The Chair is responsible for organising the content of the board meetings and ensuring all issues are addressed. They should also ensure that everyone fulfills their specific job responsibilities.

Together with the secretary, the Chair maintains a list of key stakeholder contacts, so that if asked, they can provide advice about who to speak to and how they should be contacted. The Chair can also decide to invite relevant stakeholders to board meetings through the secretary.

Who? The Chair should be a member of the community in which ListenUp is operating. They should have the interests of the community at heart. The chair of the Community Council could be considered for the post, as they already have similar responsibilities within the community.

Responsibilities Additional responsibilities that may occur should be delegated where necessary.

Board Meetings The Chair must host and attend monthly board meetings. (Or find a substitute host in case of absence) The Chair must ensure meetings are run competently and that discussion and decisionmaking is democratic and that everyone is able to participate fully in meetings . The Chair holds the casting vote in the event of a split decision. Preparation of agendas for the meeting falls to the Chair, although this must be done in consultation with the other board members and other members. It must be ensured that relevant matters are discussed and appropriate decisions made.


Consultation Process

The Chair can and should provide content updates, and check that the website is regularly updated.

Together with the rest of the board, the members and the designers, the chair hosts the decisionmaking process for which consultation issue to work on. In case of a split decision, the chair holds the casting vote.


The Chair should make sure that ListenUp is being marketed to stakeholders, regularly showing its benefits. The Chair should keep themselves updated about any issues regarding stakeholders in the community or affecting community members, and communicate this at board meetings.

The Chair must maintain a sound overview of ListenUp, and ensure that it is running smoothly. Together with the rest of the board the Chair must find funding/grants for the salaries of the designer(s) and superhero(es).

With the Secretary, the Chair is responsible to find or recommend to whom feedback of insights, ideas and analysis needs to be given. The Chair hosts evaluation sessions for the completed consultation process, and tool reviews throughout. (These can be incorporated with board meetings).

Community Relations The Chair should keep themselves up to date about current affairs in the community. They should be able to recognise opportunities where marketing, fundraising or community spirit raising events could happen (e.g. Christmas dinner.) They should then host the evaluation meeting of the event. Together with the secretary, the Chair maintains a list of key contacts in the community, so that if asked, they can provide advice about who to speak to and how to contact them. As with all the board and members, the Chair is responsible to advertise ListenUp in the community in order to find new members.

ListenUp GetGo Glasgow


Board | Secretary Summary

Stakeholder Relations

The Secretary maintains a sound overview of ListenUp, especially in managing initial correspondence. The Secretary is responsible for organising the content of the board meetings and ensuring back-up material is to hand. They should be able to provide contact details for key people on request.

Together with the Chair, the Secretary maintains a list of key stakeholder contacts, so that if asked, they can provide advice about who to speak to and how they should be contacted.


The Secretary can send out invitations to relevant stakeholders for specific board meetings.

The Secretary should be a member of the community in which ListenUp is operating. They should have the interests of the community at heart. The secretary of the Community Council could be considered for the post, as they already have similar responsibilities within the community.

The Secretary is responsible to send out the prepared updates of ListenUp activity to stakeholders.

Responsibilities Additional responsibilities that may occur should be delegated where necessary.

Consultation Process Together with the rest of the board, the members and the designers, the secretary participates in the decision-making for which consultation issue to work on. The Secretary provides contacts for where ListenUp can marketed. The Secretary deals with initial correspondence from stakeholders, and passes on information so that the appropriate ListenUp member can become the contact point. The Secretary should keep themselves updated about any issues regarding stakeholders in the community or affecting community members, and communicate this at board meetings. With the Chair, the Secretary is responsible to find or recommend to whom feedback of insights, ideas and analysis needs to be given.

Together with the Treasurer, the Secretary prepares (consulting other members where necessary) quotes for the cost of the ListenUp service for stakeholders and sends it.

Board Meetings The Secretary attends and convenes monthly board meetings and organises the meeting room. The Secretary prepares agendas for meetings (in consultation with the Chair) and takes the minutes of meetings. These minutes must then be sent out to all members. The secretary ensures back-up information is available at meetings where the topics to be discussed require it.

Website The Secretary can and should provide content updates, and check that the website is regularly updated.

Operations The Secretary must maintain a sound overview of ListenUp, and ensure that it is running smoothly. Together with the rest of the board, the Secretary must find funding/grants for the salaries of the designer(s) and superhero(es).

The Secretary participates in evaluation sessions for the completed consultation process, and tool reviews throughout. (These can be incorporated with board meetings).

Community Relations The Secretary should keep themselves updated about current affairs in the community. They should be able to recognise opportunities where marketing, fundraising or community spirit raising events could happen (e.g. Christmas dinner.) They should then attend the evaluation meeting of the event. Together with the secretary, the Chair maintains a list of key stakeholder contacts, so that if asked, they can provide advice about who to speak to and how they should be contacted. As with all the board and members, the Secretary is responsible to advertise ListenUp in the community in order to find new members.

ListenUp GetGo Glasgow


Board | Treasurer Summary

Board Meetings

The Treasurer advises the committee on financial matters, both positive and negative, and of its financial requirements for the year ahead. The control and account for ListenUp’s finances is the responsibility of the Treasurer.

The treasurer must present financial updates at monthly board meetings.


The Treasurer should provide money-flow content updates for the website so that ListenUp operations can remain transparent.

The Treasurer should be a member of the community in which ListenUp is operating. They should have the interests of the community at heart. The Treasurer of the Community Council could be considered for the post, as they already have similar responsibilities within the community.


Responsibilities Additional responsibilities that may occur should be delegated where necessary.

Consultation Process


Together with the rest of the board, the Treasurer must find funding/grants for the salaries of the designer(s) and superhero(es). The Treasurer must issue receipts for all cash received and keep records of all money that is paid out. The Treasurer is a counter signatory to any major banking transaction. The Treasurer oversees bookkeeping and prepares the Treasurer’s report for the annual general meeting. Any liaison with the external annual reviewer of accounts should be done by the Treasurer.

Together with the rest of the board, the members and the designers, the Treasurer participates in the decision-making for which consultation issue to work on. After the submission by the designer or superhero of ideas for solutions (developed from community-initiated consultation), the Treasurer must evaluate if there are sufficient ListenUp funds to put the idea into action.

Community Relations The Treasurer should keep themselves updated about current affairs in the community. They should be able to recognise opportunities where marketing, fundraising or community spirit raising events could happen (e.g. Christmas dinner.) They should then attend the evaluation meeting of the event. As with all the board and members, the Treasurer is responsible to advertise ListenUp in the community in order to find new members. The Treasurer should prepare a report of how finances were spent in the community for the designer/superhero to feedback to the community. Stakeholder Relations The Treasurer should provide updates to the rest of the board of the cost of ListenUp services for stakeholders. Together with the Secretary, the Treasurer prepares (consulting other members where necessary) quotes for the cost of the ListenUp service for stakeholders.

ListenUp GetGo Glasgow


Member | Superhero Summary As well as all member rights, the special post of Superhero is a paid one-day-per-week position. The Superhero works closely with the designer, and assumes the project manager position of a consultation process. The Superhero is the first point of contact once a consultation process has begun. Prior to a consultation process, the superhero must remain visible in and aware of issues in the community. The Superhero applies and is elected by the board and members.

Who? The Superhero should be a member of the community in which ListenUp is operating. They should have the interests of the community at heart. The Superhero should be an active and trusted community member, who wants the best for their community and is willing to put in the effort to get it. (A member of the board can, but not must, fill the Superhero position).

Responsibilities Additional responsibilities that may occur should be delegated where necessary.

authority body to whom to feedback insights, ideas or requests. For small solution ideas, the Superhero should prepare a financial breakdown and submit it to the treasurer who can check if ListenUp funding is sufficient. The Superhero participates in evaluation sessions for the consultation process completed, and tool reviews throughout. (These can be incorporated with board meetings).

Community Relations The Superhero should keep themselves updated about current affairs in the community. They should be able to recognise opportunities where marketing, fundraising or community spirit raising events could happen (e.g. Christmas dinner.) They must then organise (or find someone to organise) the event, and attend the evaluation meeting of the event. As with all the board and members, the Superhero is responsible to advertise ListenUp in the community in order to find new members. The Superhero must maintain visibility and awareness in the community of the work of ListenUp, as well as making sure they are personally known in the community. They should provide details of any key contacts they find to the secretary for the key contact list.

Consultation Process Together with the rest of the board, the members and the designers, the Superhero participates in the decision-making for which consultation issue to work on. The Superhero should keep themselves updated about the issues in the community or affecting community members, and communicate this at board meetings where applicable. They are responsible for finding out the relevance of consultation topics within the community. Together with the designer(s) the Superhero develops and adjusts consultation tools. The making and setting up of consultation tools falls to the Superhero to arrange. The Superhero also actively implements the consultations tools, and organises other Heroes to aid in this activity. The Superhero arranges and participates in the analysis and evaluation of the information gathered. They should be aware of who else is needed for this analysis and make sure that they are present. The superhero provides the finished content for the designer to prepare its presentation. The Superhero then presents the information. With the designer, the Superhero (and other heroes, if necessary) find insights in the information that can be turned into opportunities for the community. From this, solution ideas can be developed. The Superhero is then responsible to make sure ways are found that these insights and ideas are fed back to the community / stakeholders. The Superhero should consult the designer if more creative ways to do this are needed. The Superhero must then make sure this feedback happens. The Superhero must also ensure that there is constant feedback to the community (transparency of process) throughout the consultation process. If solution ideas are developed from a community initiated consultation, the Superhero must find the people who can make the ideas real. They should also consult the secretary to find the responsible

ListenUp GetGo Glasgow

Stakeholder Relations The Superhero must maintain visibility and awareness to stakeholders of the work of ListenUp, as well as making sure they are personally known to them. They should provide details of any key contacts they find to the secretary for the key contact list. Responsibility for making sure updates of work and achievements of ListenUp are prepared and sent out to stakeholders is held by the Superhero. Arranging meetings with appropriate stakeholders for pitching and during consultation processes falls to the Superhero. The Superhero ensures that the consultation services are marketed and pitched regularly, and that Stakeholders informed. The Superhero can take requests from stakeholders and present them at board meetings.

Board Meetings The Superhero must attend monthly board meetings, and present progress. They must also keep the chair informed of issues to include in the agenda.

Website The Superhero should provide content updates of the consultation processes, events and issues in the community. They should also be ready to make suggestions for the Hero Members section. Operations Together with the Designer, the Superhero should organise Hero members’ incentives. The Superhero must also listen to the Hero members and keep them involved. The Superhero must keep the Treasurer informed about the finances of their work.


Member | Hero Summary The Hero Membership is a voluntary position where community members sign up to ListenUp. These Heroes hold votes, and can bring up issues directly at board meetings. The Heroes should be wiling to be managed by the Superhero in the consultation process and event work.

Who? The Heroes should be members of the community in which ListenUp is operating. They should have the interests of the community at heart. The Heroes should be active community members, who want the best for their community and are willing to put in the effort to get it.

The Heroes can assist in maintaining visibility and awareness in the community of the work of ListenUp, as well as making sure they are personally known in the community. They should provide details of any key contacts they find to the secretary for the key contact list. Stakeholder Relations The Heroes should provide details of any key contacts they find to the secretary for the key contact list.

Board Meetings The Heroes can attend monthly board meetings. The Heroes must also keep the chair informed of issues to include in the agenda.

Responsibilities Additional responsibilities that may occur should be delegated where necessary.


Consultation Process

The Heroes can provide content updates of news and issues in the community. They should also be ready to make suggestions for the Hero Members section.

The Heroes participate in the decision-making for which consultation issue to work on.


The Heroes should keep themselves updated about the issues in the community or affecting community members, and communicate this at board meetings where applicable. The Heroes can assist finding out the relevance of consultation topics in community.

The Heroes must work within the constitution of ListenUp to ensure that it runs smoothly.

The making and setting up of consultation tools can be aided by Heroes, as well as actively implementing consultations. This is done under project management from the Superhero. The Heroes should be available if needed for the analysis and evaluation of the information gathered and finding insights in the information that can be turned into opportunities for the community. The Heroes should be available to turn up to workshops run in aid of ListenUp. The Heroes must also ensure and aid constant feedback to community members (transparency of process) throughout the consultation process. Heroes can make suggestions throughout, that should be listened to. How actively involved they want is up to them. The Heroes participate in evaluation sessions for the consultation process completed, and tool reviews throughout. (These can be incorporated with board meetings).

Community Relations The Heroes should keep themselves updated about current affairs in the community. They should be able to recognise opportunities where marketing, fundraising or community spirit raising events could happen (e.g. Christmas dinner) They can help with organising the event, and attend the evaluation meeting of the event. As with all the board and members, the Chair is responsible to advertise ListenUp in the community in order to find new members.

ListenUp GetGo Glasgow


Interns | Design Interns Summary The post of Design Intern is a paid one-day-a-week position (split between two interns). The Designer works closely with the Superhero, and assumes the role of Creative Director of a project process and for any marketing material. The Designer must remain in touch with the Board and it’s members and respond to issues in the community. The Designer can also market and sell design services to local businesses to supplement ListenUp funds.

Who? The Designer(s) should be 3rd year Product Design students from the GSA. They should have an interest in community-led design and good collaborative working skills. They should want to gain experience in the real world and be prepared to deliver.

could happen (e.g. Christmas dinner.) They must then be available for creative consultation/services of the marketing and content of the event, and how it can raise money. The Designer(s) should be ready to provide ideas of how to maintain visibility and awareness in the community of the work of ListenUp. The Designer(s) should market other freelance design services they can provide to local businesses or organisations, the profits of which will be fed back into the salary money tank.

Stakeholder Relations The Designer(s) should be ready to provide ideas of how to maintain visibility and awareness to stakeholders of the work of ListenUp.

Additional responsibilities that may occur should be delegated where necessary.

The Designer(s) should make sure updates of work/achievements of ListenUp are visually prepared to be sent out to stakeholders. The Designer will also be responsible to prepare the visuals for pitches, and work with the Superhero to refine the content. The Designer(s) will also be called upon to design any corporate relations material.

Consultation Process

The Designer(s) should market other freelance design services they can provide to stakeholders, the profits of which will be fed back into the salary money tank.

Together with the rest of the board and the members, the Designer(s) participate in decision making of which consultation issue to work on.

Board Meetings

The Designer(s) should keep themselves updated about the issues in the community or affecting community members, and communicate this at board meetings where applicable.

The Designer(s) must attend monthly board meetings, and present progress. The Designer(s) must also keep the chair informed of issues to include in the agenda.


The Designer(s) are responsible for being available for any creative consultation needed. They will work closely with the Superhero and provide ideas that will fulfill the Superhero’s responsibilities. Examples of this will include: - tools to find out the relevance of consultation topics in the community. - developing and adjusting consultation tools together with the Superhero and Heroes - advising how to/aiding the making and setting up of consultation tools - aiding active implementation of the consultation tools - participating in the analysis and evaluation of the information gathered. - preparing the presentation of the analysed information - finding insights in the information that can be turned into opportunities and solution ideas - finding ways that these insights or ideas are fed back to the community and stakeholders. - designing ways that constant feedback to the community (transparency of process) can happen throughout the consultation process The Designer(s) participate in evaluation sessions for the completed consultation process, and tool reviews throughout. (These can be incorporated with board meetings).

Website Initially the Designer(s) will set-up the ListenUp website and ensure all members of ListenUp can operate it. The Designer(s) are then responsible for the continual updating and maintenance of the website. Content should be provided from the board and members, and it is the designer’s responsibility to make sure that it is received.

Operations Together with the Superhero, the Designer(s) should organise Hero members’ incentives. The Designer must keep the Treasurer informed about the finances of their work. The Designer must maintain a sound overview of the consultation process and other events of ListenUp, and ensure that they run smoothly.

Community Relations The Designer(s) should keep themselves updated about current affairs in the community. They should be able to recognise opportunities where marketing, fundraising or community spirit raising events

ListenUp GetGo Glasgow


Financial Projection PROTOTYPE: School Building Consultation March Month 2 Month 3 Month 4

Month 5

ListenUp Development Month 6 Month 7

Month 8

Month 9

Month 10


Month 12

Total Year 1

Funding already secured

eg grants, loans, gifts, etc Total

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

Earned Income

ListenUp Projects Summer Picnic & Christmas Dinner Tshirt sales (30@£10) Misc (design jobs) Total

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 50 0 50

0 0 50 0 50

0 0 50 0 50

0 250 50 0 300

0 0 20 0 20

0 0 20 0 20

0 0 20 0 20

0 0 10 100 110

0 700 10 0 710

2500 0 10 0 2510

0 0 10 0 10

2,500 950 300 100 3,850

1000 Start up costs (website, equipment purchase, etc) Production costs - consultation toolkit 0 ListenUp Money Tank TopUp Payments 55 Salaries - 2xDesign Interns (1/2 day/week, £25/pw) 0 Salaries-Superhero (3 days/month, £15,000 p.r.) 0 Pitching, events advertising etc 200 Total Project Expenditure Summer Picnic & Christmas dinner Premises rental 0 Food 0 0 Salaries - 2xDesign Interns (1/2 day/month, £25/pw) Salaries-Superhero (1 days/month, £15,000 p.r.) 0 Event advertising 0 Total Project Expenditure Tshirt sales Production costs (100 @ £5.93 each, excess rolls over to next year) 0 PROTOTYPE: SBC Production costs - consultation toolkit 200 Events advertising 50 Salaries - 2xDesign Interns (1/2 day/month, £25/pw) 200 Salaries-Superhero (3 days/month, £15,000 p.r.) 180 Premises rental 0 Other 200 Total 2085

500 0 55 0 0 150

100 0 55 0 0 50

100 0 55 0 0 50

500 0 55 0 0 10

0 0 55 200 180 5

0 0 55 200 180 5

0 0 55 200 180 5

0 0 55 150 150 5

0 0 55 150 150 5

0 100 55 200 180 50

0 0 55 200 180 50

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 30 10

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 50 30 20

0 0 0 0 0

0 200 50 200 180 40 20 895

0 0 50 200 150 0 20 665

0 0 0 0 0 0 20 460

0 0 0 0 0 0 20 460

0 0 0 0 0 0 20 460

0 0 0 0 0 0 20 480

40 250 50 30 20 490 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 1260

0 0 0 0 0

593.38 200 50 200 180 40 100 2068.38

0 60 50 30 10 190 0 0 0 150 150 0 20 1225

0 0 0 0 0 0 20 605

0 0 0 0 0 0 20 505

2,200 100 660 1300 1200 585 3,845 40 310 150 120 60 680 593 600 200 950 840 80 500 15,013

60 3.5 30 5 20 6.4 10 74.9

60 3.5 30 5 0 6.4 10 54.9

60 3.5 30 5 0 6.4 10 54.9

60 3.5 30 5 5 6.4 10 59.9

60 3.5 30 5 0 6.4 10 54.9

60 3.5 30 5 0 6.4 10 54.9

60 3.5 30 5 20 6.4 10 74.9

60 3.5 30 5 0 6.4 10 54.9

60 3.5 30 5 0 6.4 10 54.9

60 3.5 30 5 5 6.4 10 59.9

60 3.5 30 5 0 6.4 10 54.9

60 3.5 30 5 0 6.4 10 54.9

720 42 360 60 50 77 120 709

30 0 0 10 40

30 0 0 10 40

30 0 0 10 40

30 0 0 10 40

30 0 0 10 40

30 0 0 10 40

30 0 0 10 40

30 0 0 10 40

30 0 0 10 40

30 0 0 10 40

30 0 0 10 40

30 0 0 10 40

360 0 0 120 480

0 0 0 6 0

0 0 0 6 0

0 0 0 6 0

0 0 0 6 0

0 0 0 6 0

0 0 0 6 0

0 0 0 6 0

0 0 0 6 0

0 0 0 6 0

0 0 0 6 0

0 0 0 6 0

1200 0 0 6 1200

1,200 0 0 72 1,200




£709.90 £1,809.90 £2,510.00 £10.00 £1,800.10 -£1,799.90

£17,522.18 £3,850.00 -£13,672.18

Expenses Direct expenses ListenUp Projects

Overheads & Operations

Admin salaries - Superhero (1 day/month, £15,000 p.r.) Website (domain name & space rental) Consumables (for ink cartridges etc) Utilities (eg phone bills ) Stationery (post it note, pens, etc) Travel Other Total

Personnel expenses

Allowance - 3 Board members ( £10pm) Tax (eg NI, PAYE, etc) (under taxable threshold) Recruitment costs Other Total

Professional fees

Book-keeper / accountant Legal fees (Strathclyde University Free Legal Clinic) Other professional fees (educational) Bank Charges Total



Any other costs











£2,209.90 £0.00 -£2,209.90

£2,173.28 £50.00 -£2,123.28

£999.90 £50.00 -£949.90

£774.90 £50.00 -£724.90

£1,329.90 £300.00 -£1,029.90

£564.90 £20.00 -£544.90

£584.90 £20.00 -£564.90

£564.90 £20.00 -£544.90

£584.90 £110.00 -£474.90

£1,369.90 £710.00 -£659.90

Funding required by Audi Design Foundation













Cumulative Surplus/ defecit













Projected opening bank balance Projected closing bank balance after first year

£7,037.88 £172.82

Total expenditure total income Net surplus/ defecit

ListenUp GetGo Glasgow



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