Fernanda Barreto 2023 - Selected Works

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Fernanda Barreto PORTFOLIO selected works 2023

a bit about me


my name is Fernanda, I am a 28-year-old architect and urban designer graduated in Brazil and currently finishing my post graduation program. I was born and raised in the hustle and bustle of São Paulo, absorved and enchanted by the mixed cultures of the city. My passion for architecture came from how environmental design can not only tell stories but also create and requalify spaces for new ones.

I have worked in two architecture offices so far, most of the time creating and developying residential and commercial projects. The experiences allowed me to improve my technical and problem-solving skills, besided my creativity and passion for design.

I have a strong interest in architecture creation and revitalization, photography, 3D modeling and rendering. I’m a fast learner and always seeking to improve.

Thank you for taking a few minutes for meeting my academic and professional works. Hope you enjoy.

professional experience

Vasco Lopes


Architect (2020-now)

Construction and remodeling of high-end residential, commercial and fitness center architectural projects.

_ Development of construction and furniture budget spreadsheet.

_ Realization of meetings with clients, constructors, landscaping studios, sales and marketing teams for the development of architectural projects.

_ Development of technical drawings, legal project, compatibility of complementary projects, architectural details.

_ Composition of 3D models, rendered images, videos and humanized plans.

Intern (2019)

_Residential and fitness architectural and interior projects.

_Elaboration of technical drawings, compatibility of complementary projects, architectural marble, woodwork and window frame details.

_Composition of 3D models, rendered images, videos and humanized plans for presentation and advertising.

Tridi Varejo

e Arquitetura

Intern (2018-2019)

_Development of retail interior projects for Grand Cru, Lacoste and Prevent Senior stores.

_Elaboration of technical drawings, architectural marble and woodwork details, 3D models, rendering images and presentations development.

São Paulo, Brazil

+ 55 (11) 93803-7505



curriculum vitae 2023 contact



Escola da Cidade

Geography, City and Architecture Post Graduation


Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Architecture and Urban Design Graduation

thesis: Panorama Hotel

Scientific Initiation: Urban Violence in Niterói, Understanding the City’s Decline in the Last Decade


Katholiek Universiteit Leuven

Exchange Program at MArch of Architecture and Sustainability






Autocad 2D



Sketch Up






Microsoft Office

Windows/Mac language

Portuguese _native

English _proficient (CPE Student)

Italian _basic/intermediate

Art Cathedral Young Architects Competition

Basic Photography


Motel Urbano

Projetou.Org Architecture Competition

Spanish _basic

2016 Autocad 2D Incad

Architectonic Presentation Curso {CURA}



hotel panorama, niterói, BR

bachelor final thesis categorie: hospitality architecture year: 2019 area 4.000 sqm

(page 08-13)

paralimpsesto, santa teresa, PE

post graduation project categorie: urban design/ public architecture year: 2022

(page 14-19)

sun-erda, gent, BE

master design studio project categorie: hospitality and exhibition year: 2017

(page 20-23)

baía da samba pequena, luanda, AO

post graduation project categorie: urban design year: 2022

(page 24-27)

art cathedral, kells, IE

architecture competition categorie: restoration year: 2022 area: 20.000 sqm

(page 28-31)

professional projects, BR

Vasco Lopes Arquitetura: Ecoville, Haras Larissa and Pulso

Tridi | Varejo e Arquitetura: Grand cru

(page 32-39)

selected works 2023

Panorama Hotel

The Panorama Hotel is known as the abandoned unfinished structure up the hill on the way to the touristic point Parque da Cidade, where thousands of tourists visit every year for catching the amazing sunsets with Rio skyline view and watch the paragliders jumping.

The project aim is the development of an ecological hotel complex for leisure and business tourism, taking advantage of the 1970’s existing structure, surrounded by the natural state park and facing the stunning view. The new complex increase the pre-existing structure vertically and add an annex building for leisure activities and social events.

While the existing structure on pilotis dances following the rugged topography, the annex building floats straight with its simple form, in order to dialogue and be embraced by the pre-existing building

bachelor final thesis site: Niterói, RJ - Brasil year: 2019

1. pre-existing building 2. additional floors 3. annex building 4. project proposal 1. reception lobby 2. library 3. restaurant 4 staff 5. pool 6. sauna 7. elevators 8. bridge 9. suite 10. locker 11. sports courts


At a first moment the design exercise was an approximation of the territory of Machu Picchu and its surrounding. The problem presented to be worked on highlights the exorbitant increase of visitors of Machu Picchu whose host in Águas Calientes, a touristic city with an uncontrolled growth that suffers constantly with floods.

Elaborating sections in the territory, our attention turned to the region of Santa Teresa, located due to its lower slope compared to the neighbor cities. While Aguas Calientes could be remodeled to meet new tourism demands, our focus turned to Santa Teresa as a way to decentralize the infrastructure, expanding the tourism zone throughout the valley, connected by the preexisting train station and linking the Sacred Valley sites.

post graduation site: Santa Teresa, Peru

year: 2022

partners: André Haidar and Nicole Reginato

machu picchu santa teresa huayna picchu

a very old text or document in which writing has been removed and covered or replaced by new writing.

palimpsest noun [ C ] UK / ˈ pæl. ɪ m.sest/ US / ˈ pæl. ɪ mp.sest/
terrazas and sports court train station santa teresa market hall bus station

sports court - moving the habitants of águas calientes from risk areas for a new site with infrastructure and recreation. bleachers with a roof awning for water caption.

bus station - the most used local transportation and the only way to take tourists at machu picchu, excepting the trekking adventurers

santa teresa market hall - shelter for the handicraft and food market, supported by the high flow of tourists that arrives daily in the city.

train station - the mainly connection between the city of santa teresa and the whole sacred valley, coming from ollantaytambo and passing through águas calientes.


The proposal is based on the group approach of sustainable techniques in order to create a self-sustainable eco village with zero impact buildings. As a group division for environmental interventions, we became responsible to provide energy for the whole masterplan.

Analyzing the surrounding and the neighborhood needs, was taken the decision to create a hostel nearby Dampoort train station, with an addition of an Energy Exposition Centre. The aim of the program is to host and educate the substantial visitors that Gent receives.

The mainly approaches for energy generation are the geothermal energy, the potovoltaic parabolics, the photovoltaic glasses and a huge battery for storage, which is for exposed at the exposition centre.

Exchange Program at KU Leuven MArch site: Gent, Belgium

year: 2017

partners: Sheida Tabrizi and Nina Rapp

1. lobby 2. 6. working space

The main goal of the group was to adopt techniques that would generate energy not only for our building but for the whole village.

On the mainly building’s roof we used structures with movable parabolics covered with reflective material and a central photovoltaic piping, enabling greater absorption of solar energy than a conventional photovoltaic panel.

The rainwater accumulated inside the parabolic is poured into lateral structures which have pipes that lead the water into de interior of the building for reuse.

As Belgium is a country with long, very cold, windy, and mostly cloudy winters, the heating system is essential. The geothermal energy takes on a role of supplying the area demand. This technology utilizes pipes with water heated from the interior of the Earth and is considered a renewable energy source as the heat is constantly.

The photovoltaic glass is plus for energy generation. Composed of semitransparent solar cell sheets, photovoltaic glass is a technology that resembles common glass, but is capable of generating electricity from sunlight through the photovoltaic effect, just as it happens in traditional solar panels.

lounge 3. bar and restaurant 4. laundry 5. manager space 7. energy exhibition
bathroom 9. bedroom 10. classroom

samba pequena park

Luanda is a city of many layers, not only symbolic and cultural due to the colonization, but also architectural and geographical. The approach at Baía do Samba Pequena for this design exercise was based on an aerophotogrammetry analysis from the past 20 years. The images show an alteration process along the bay, which the sandbanks are moving and transforming the bay shore constantly. Acting between the musseques and the bay, the proposal offers to the city an urban breath, green lunghs in a arid weather with a public space destinated for recreation, sports and culture. Together with the sanitation axis, equipped for water treatment, the project creates a new front for the city.

post graduation project site: Luanda, Angola year: 2022

partners: Felipe Félix and Nicole Reginato

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Baía da Samba Pequena

art cathedral

Situated a few kilometers from the medieval town of Kilkenny, the nearly millenary structure remains standing marked by the time and the storied lived. The great stone walls and the seven towers that once served for protection now house art, creation and experience. The mixed program gives the public the opportunity to be in touch not only with the architecture and the expositions but also with the guest artists working and creating.

The design approach is characterized by it forms as the retrospective of the monumentality that the cathedral had in the past. The illuminated polycarbonate structure performing the nave aisle and transept it is possible to be seen from the horizontal rural landscape. The light and the clear color for the new architecture is a central object, contrasting and respecting the preexisting, touching gently the stone walls for the shelter.

Young Architects Competition site: Kells, Ireland year: 2022
01. main entrance 02. ticket office 03. souvenir store 04. burgess court 05. cloister 06. gallery 07. oudoor exhibition 08. atelier 09. darkroom photography 10. artist suite 11. gathering space/ kitchen 12. outdoor atelier 13. toilet 14. restaurant 15. staff/administrative

ecoville residence

Vasco Lopes Arquitetura site: Santana de Parnaíba, Brazil project year: 2018-2019 area: 470 sqm


Vasco Lopes Arquitetura

site: Ubatuba, Brazil

project year: 2018-2023

area: 330 sqm

pulso beach residence

100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 A10 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 A11

haras larissa residence

Vasco Lopes Arquitetura

site: Monte Mor, Brazil

project year: 2021-2022

area: 500 sqm

B B D D A A C C B B D D A A S S' 02/13
Tridi | Varejo e Arquitetura Grand Cru Jardins (Matriz) site: São Paulo, Brazil year: 2018

grand cru wine shop

Tridi Arquitetura’s work with Grand Gru began with the design of a commercial architectural language pattern which was later replicated by all stores, franchises, kiosks and gondolas. Between 2018 and 2019, the period in which I worked for the office, the projects were based on the elegance and balance found in the wines that the stores sold, with colors and materials in harmony with the logo and the entire visual merchandising of the brand. . The different standardized furniture used in all stores had the function of displaying labels and stock in the most efficient way for the demand of each establishment.

Participations: Grand Cru Matriz, Shopping Vila Olímpia, UM Bar&Cozinha, Quiosque Shopping Patio Paulista, Balneário Shopping, Tia Lina São Roque, Ponta Grossa, gôndolas Pão de Açúcar.

.178 .224 .178 .580 Painel basculante Logo Grand Cru Estante existente VISTA LATERAL PORTA BASCULANTE COM LOGO 1:10 .025 .070 .389 .025 .530 .025 .343 .025 .416 .037 .037 E se carne, harmonizar melhor .025 .032 .071 07 ESC. 1:10 DETALHE 01: PORTA BASCULANTE COM LOGO 08 ESC. 1:10 DETALHE 02: LOGO FEED 09 ESC. 1:10 DETALHE Fechamento em MDF revestido em fórmica bordô preparado para receber adesivo com logo FEED VISTA FRONTAL PORTA BASCULANTE COM LOGO 1:10 R .135 1.059 .135 1.329 .400 .400 .110 11 ESC. 1:10 DETALHE 05: BASE EM FÓRMICA BORDÔ .110 PLANTA BASE EM FÓRMICA BORDÔ 1:10 VISTA FRONTAL BASE EM FÓRMICA BORDÔ 1:10 VISTA LATERAL BASE EM FÓRMICA BORDÔ 1:10 Base sobre a nova fórmica bordô Medida a ser confirmada no local Medida a ser confirmada no local B A vista 01 vista 02 vista 03 .40 .09 .025 2.70 .15 .34 .49 1.46 .45 .44 .44 .45 .22 1.79 2.65 .025 ESC. 1:25 PLANTA ESTANTES 01 E 02 01 Estante existente será mantida, com exceção das duas prateleiras superiores que serão substituidas por espaço para garrafas em pé EXISTENTE NOVO Nichos em estrutura tubular metálica 25x25 mm com pintura eletrostática na cor preto fosco Fundo do painel existente receberá fórmica bordô Ref: Vinho L138 TX 5003561Padrões Unicolores EXISTENTE Parede receberá pintura em tinta acrílica premium acetinada, cor ref. Bordeoux Y028, Suvinil EXISTENTE Prateleira expositora em MDF, 20 mm revestida em Masisa Nova Imbuia NOVO ESTANTE 01: EXISTENTE ESTANTE 02: NOVA ALVENARIA EXISTENTE B A ESC. 1:25 VISTA 01: ESTANTES 01 E 02 02 0.00 Espaço para garrafas em pé, em madeira semelhante à existente na estante. Prever fita de LED flexível 4,8W 2700K 15000H 12V NOVO Painel basculante 10 mm em mdf revestido com fórmica bordô para a inserção do logo Grand Cru. Ver det. 01 NOVO Estrutura metálica para estoque de garrafas deitados será mantida .07 .20 .06 .22 .06 .21 .06 .22 .06 .58 .12 .08 1.98 .70 2.75 .025 1.33 .025 .73 .73 .45 .44 .44 .45 2.65 1.79 3.28 2.70 .07 .41 .40 .39 .39 .39 .57 .81 1.75 2.75 2.05 .12 EXISTENTE Estante existente será mantida, com exceção das duas prateleiras superiores que serão substituidas por espaço para garrafas em pé EXISTENTE Fundo do painel existente receberá fórmica bordô Ref: Vinho L138 TX 5003561 Padrões Unicolores Fundo do painel existente receberá fórmica bordô Ref: Vinho L138 TX 5003561 Padrões Unicolores NOVO Nichos em estrutura tubular metálica 25x25 mm com pintura eletrostática na cor preto fosco Casulo em mdf revestido em Masisa Nova Imbuia. Ver det. 04 NOVO Parede receberá pintura em tinta acrílica premium acetinada, cor ref. Bordeoux Y028, Suvinil NOVO Fechamento em MDF revestido em formica bordô preparado para receber adesivo com frase. Ver det. 03 EXISTENTE NOVO Prateleira expositora em MDF 20 mm revestida em Masisa Nova Imbuia NOVO Fechamento em MDF revestido em fórmica bordô preparado para receber adesivo com logo FEED. Ver det. 02 carne, você pudesse Base sobre a nova prateleira em fórmica bordô. Ref: Vinho L138 TX 5003561 Padrões Unicolores. Ver det. 05 NOVO .21 .06 .11 .47 Garrafas deitadas Garrafas deitadas Garrafas deitadas Garrafas deitadas Garrafas em pé .53 .69 ESTANTE 01: EXISTENTE ESTANTE 02: NOVA Caixa alta em letra acrílica com pintura creme. Ref: Lazzumix VW - Bege Arena 93. Cód. Lazzunil 1138, sobre letra caixa acrílico cristal 6 mm NOVO EXISTENTE EXISTENTE Prever filete para esconder fita de LED flexível 4,8W 2700K 15000H 12V NOVO Rodateto existente será mantido EXISTENTE 1.32 1.46 Prever puxador em perfil metálico preto escondido NOVO Locar drivers do LED sobre armário NOVO ESC. 1:25 VISTA 02 03 ESC. 1:25 VISTA 03 04 .07 .41 .40 .39 .39 .39 .57 .12 .81 1.75 2.75 ESC. 1:25 CORTE BB 06 .07 .41 .40 .39 .39 .39 .57 .12 .81 1.75 2.75 .07 .20 .05 .22 .05 .21 .05 .22 .05 .08 1.98 .70 .58 .12 2.75 ESC. 1:25 CORTE AA 05 Estrutura metálica para estoque de vinhos deitados será mantida EXISTENTE Base sobre a nova prateleira em fórmica bordô Ref: Vinho L138 TX 5003561 Padrões Unicolores NOVO Estante existente será mantida, com exceção das duas prateleiras superiores que serão substituidas por espaço para garrafas em pé EXISTENTE Painel basculante 10 mm em mdf revestido com fórmica bordô para a inserção do logo Grand Cru. Ref: Vinho L138 TX 5003561 Padrões Unicolores Ver det. 01 Prateleira expositora em MDF 20 mm revestida em Masisa Nova Imbuia Nichos em estrutura tubular metálica 25x25 mm com pintura eletrostática na cor preto fosco Fechamento em MDF revestido em formica bordô Parede receberá pintura em tinta acrílica premium acetinada, cor ref. Bordeoux Y028, Suvinil Casulo em mdf revestido em MasisaNova Imbuia NOVO NOVO NOVO NOVO NOVO NOVO Nichos em estrutura tubular metálica 25x25 mm com pintura eletrostática na cor preto fosco NOVO Prateleira expositora em MDF 20 mm revestida em Masisa Nova Imbuia NOVO Fechamento em MDF revestido em fórmica bordô Ref: Vinho L138 TX 5003561 - Padrões Unicolores NOVO Prateleira expositora em MDF, 20 mm revestida em Masisa - Nova Imbuia NOVO Nichos em estrutura tubular metálica 25x25 mm com pintura eletrostática na cor preto fosco NOVO Parede receberá pintura em tinta acrílica premium acetinada, cor ref. Bordeoux Y028, Suvinil Casulo em MDF revestido em Masisa Nova Imbuia NOVO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.75 .07 1.99 .57 .12 2.68 2.75 2.75 2.75 Fechamento existente será revestido com fórmica bordô Ref: Vinho L138 TX 5003561 - Padrões Unicolores EXISTENTE EXISTENTE Espaço para garrafas em pé, em madeira semelhante à existente na estante NOVO NOVO .21 .06 .11 .47 Caixa alta em letra acrílica com pintura creme. Ref: Lazzumix VW Bege Arena 93. Cód. Lazzunil 1138, sobre letra caixa acrílico cristal 6 Fundo do painel existente receberá fórmica TXT bordô EXISTENTE Prever filete para esconder fita de LED flexível 4,8W 2700K 15000H 12V NOVO Prever fita de LED flexível 4,8W 2700K 15000H 12V NOVO Rodateto existente será mantido EXISTENTE Rodateto existente será mantido EXISTENTE Rodateto existente será mantido EXISTENTE Rodateto existente será mantido EXISTENTE Prever puxador em perfil metálico preto escondido NOVO .10 .10 .178 .224 .178 .580 Painel basculante Logo Grand Cru Estante existente VISTA LATERAL PORTA BASCULANTE COM LOGO 1:10 .025 .070 .389 .025 .530 .025 .343 .025 .416 .037 .037 E se além da melhor carne, você pudesse harmonizar com o melhor vinho? .025 .032 .032 .025 .416 .025 .068 .069 .025 .368 .231 .353 .071 07 DETALHE 01: PORTA BASCULANTE COM LOGO 08 ESC. 1:10 DETALHE 02: LOGO FEED 09 ESC. 1:10 DETALHE 03: FRASE Painel basculante 10 mm em mdf revestido com fórmica bordô para a inserção do logo Grand Cru Placa alta em letra acrílica com pintura creme. Ref: Lazzumix VW Bege Arena 93. Cód. Lazzunil 1138, sobre letra caixa acrílico cristal 6 mm Fechamento em MDF revestido em fórmica bordô preparado para receber adesivo com logo FEED Fechamento em MDF revestido em formica bordô preparado para receber adesivo com frase VISTA FRONTAL PORTA BASCULANTE COM LOGO 1:10 R .135 1.059 .135 1.329 .402 .178 .580 .400 .400 .110 11 ESC. 1:10 DETALHE 05: BASE EM FÓRMICA BORDÔ .110 PLANTA BASE EM FÓRMICA BORDÔ 1:10 VISTA FRONTAL BASE EM FÓRMICA BORDÔ 1:10 VISTA LATERAL BASE EM FÓRMICA BORDÔ 1:10 Base sobre a nova prateleira em fórmica bordô Medida a ser confirmada no local Medida a ser confirmada no local .015 .10 015 .095 .015 .065 .015 10 ESC. 1:10 DETALHE 04: CASULO Casulo em mdf revestido em Masisa Nova Imbuia B A vista 01 vista 02 vista 03 2.70 .15 .34 .49 1.46 .45 .44 .44 .45 .22 1.79 2.65 .025 1:25 PLANTA ESTANTES 01 E 02 NOVO Nichos em estrutura tubular metálica 25x25 mm com pintura eletrostática na cor preto fosco Fundo do painel existente receberá fórmica bordô Ref: Vinho L138 TX 5003561 Padrões Unicolores EXISTENTE Parede receberá pintura em tinta acrílica premium acetinada, cor ref. Bordeoux Y028, Suvinil EXISTENTE Prateleira expositora em MDF, 20 mm revestida em Masisa Nova Imbuia NOVO ESTANTE 01: EXISTENTE ESTANTE 02: NOVA ALVENARIA EXISTENTE B A 1:25 VISTA 01: ESTANTES 01 E 02 0.00 Painel basculante 10 mm em mdf revestido com fórmica bordô para a inserção do logo Grand Cru. Ver det. 01 NOVO 1.33 .025 .73 .73 .45 .44 .44 .45 2.65 1.79 3.28 2.70 .07 .41 .40 .39 .39 .39 .57 .81 1.75 2.75 2.05 .12 Fundo do painel existente receberá fórmica bordô Ref: Vinho L138 TX 5003561 Padrões Unicolores NOVO Nichos em estrutura tubular metálica 25x25 mm com pintura eletrostática na cor preto fosco Casulo em mdf revestido em Masisa Nova Imbuia. Ver det. 04 NOVO Parede receberá pintura em tinta acrílica premium acetinada, cor ref. Bordeoux Y028, Suvinil NOVO Fechamento em MDF revestido em formica bordô preparado para receber adesivo com frase. Ver det. 03 EXISTENTE NOVO Prateleira expositora em MDF 20 mm revestida em Masisa - Nova Imbuia NOVO Fechamento em MDF revestido em fórmica bordô preparado para receber adesivo com logo FEED. Ver det. 02 se além da melhor Garrafas deitadas Garrafas deitadas Garrafas deitadas Garrafas deitadas Garrafas em pé .53 .69 ESTANTE 01: EXISTENTE ESTANTE 02: NOVA Caixa alta em letra acrílica com pintura creme. Ref: Lazzumix VW - Bege Arena 93. Cód. Lazzunil 1138, sobre letra caixa acrílico cristal 6 mm NOVO EXISTENTE 1.32 1.46 Prever puxador em perfil metálico preto escondido NOVO VISTA 02 ESC. 1:25 VISTA 03 04 .07 .41 .40 .39 .39 .39 .57 .12 .81 1.75 2.75 ESC. 1:25 CORTE BB 06 .07 .41 .40 .39 .39 .39 .57 .12 .81 1.75 2.75 .07 .20 .05 .22 .05 .21 .05 .22 .05 .08 1.98 .70 .58 .12 2.75 ESC. 1:25 CORTE AA 05 Estrutura metálica para estoque de vinhos deitados será mantida EXISTENTE Base sobre a nova prateleira em fórmica bordô Ref: Vinho L138 TX 5003561 Padrões Unicolores NOVO Estante existente será mantida, com exceção das duas prateleiras superiores que serão substituidas por espaço para garrafas em pé EXISTENTE Painel basculante 10 mm em mdf revestido com fórmica bordô para a inserção do logo Grand Cru. Ref: Vinho L138 TX 5003561 Padrões Unicolores Ver det. 01 Prateleira expositora em MDF 20 mm revestida em MasisaNova Imbuia Nichos em estrutura tubular metálica 25x25 mm com pintura eletrostática na cor preto fosco Fechamento em MDF revestido em formica bordô Parede receberá pintura em tinta acrílica premium acetinada, cor ref. Bordeoux Y028, Suvinil Casulo em mdf revestido em Masisa Nova Imbuia NOVO NOVO NOVO NOVO NOVO NOVO Fechamento em MDF revestido em fórmica bordô Ref: Vinho L138 TX 5003561 Padrões Unicolores NOVO Prateleira expositora em MDF, 20 mm revestida em Masisa - Nova Imbuia NOVO Nichos em estrutura tubular metálica 25x25 mm com pintura eletrostática na cor preto fosco NOVO Parede receberá pintura em tinta acrílica premium acetinada, cor ref. Bordeoux Y028, Suvinil Casulo em MDF revestido em MasisaNova Imbuia NOVO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 EXISTENTE Espaço para garrafas em pé, em madeira semelhante à existente na estante NOVO NOVO .21 .06 .11 .47 Caixa alta em letra acrílica com pintura creme. Ref: Lazzumix VW - Bege Arena 93. Cód. Lazzunil 1138, sobre letra caixa acrílico cristal 6 Fundo do painel existente receberá fórmica TXT bordô EXISTENTE Prever filete para esconder fita de LED flexível 4,8W 2700K 15000H 12V NOVO Prever fita de LED flexível 4,8W 2700K 15000H 12V NOVO Rodateto existente será mantido EXISTENTE Rodateto existente será mantido EXISTENTE Rodateto existente será mantido EXISTENTE Prever puxador em perfil metálico preto escondido NOVO .10 .10



instagram @fefbarreto

+55 (11) 93803-7505
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