FEIC Summit 2019

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Welcome to our 2019 FEIC SUMMIT! Connecting leaders because relationships matter

Our annual SUMMIT is our favorite time of the year as we gather together from across Europe as well as host some of our IC family from other regions to talk about the needs of today’s global communities. Our theme for this SUMMIT is “Reaching Today’s Europe.” Our morning breakout and evening sessions will focus on equipping us to make a greater spiritual impact in the gateway cities where God has called us to serve. This SUMMIT has been intentionally designed to create meaningful opportunities for relational connections, to share resources with one another, as well as a time of 2

refreshing for you and your ministry team. Each morning we will have a time of prayer and worship together before our SUMMIT breakout workshops. We have put together some great opportunities so you’ll be able to choose between three options during each breakout session. We have kept your afternoons free for you to have a time to connect with each other, enjoy coffee in the café, explore the sights of Malaga or just take a nap! We also want to say thank you to Rick and Jennifer Pasquale who will share on Tuesday night and John Carrano on Wednesday night in our evening sessions.

We want to extend a warm welcome to our guests who are here as friends of FEIC. They will have tables set up in the back and we encourage you to take time to get to know them and connect with the resources that they have brought to share with our churches. Special thanks to Kerri Brammeier, Jeff Slaughter, Nolan Tarantino, the staff at Hotel IPV, as well as David and Dana Santiago and their team at IC Madrid who have worked to facilitate many other SUMMIT logistics to make this week special for us. Bienvenidos a Malaga! Larry Henderson 3



50% growth

8:00 BREAKFAST 9:00




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Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto.


+325 clients



Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto. 4

breakouts TUESDAY BREAKOUTS SESSION 1 Leading From Your Values // Kelly Delp Growing Your Children’s Ministry // Kay Farmer Creating a Volunteer Culture // David Santiago

TUESDAY BREAKOUTS SESSION 2 5 Secrets of an Effective Church Website // Adam Highfill I Promise To Love, Honor and Vacuum // Tom and Phylis Benigas Build It and They Will Come // Tony Gryskiewicz and David Maxwell

WEDNESDAY BREAKOUTS SESSION 1 The Mini-ConVerge Worship Seminar // Jeff Slaughter Activating Your Church In Evangelism // Philipp Schmerold Engaging Your Church In Compassion Ministry // Ron Showers and Kevin Miller

WEDNESDAY BREAKOUTS SESSION 2 FEIC Women’s Connect // Melinda Henderson Church Governance Models // Larry Henderson and panel


THEME FEATURES Reaching Our European Cities Larry Henderson

Reaching Our European Nations Terry Hoggard

Reaching Greater Europe: International Church Planting Paul Trementozzi


Reaching Our European Cities: Seeking the Spirit’s Blueprint by Larry Henderson I’ll never forget when I felt called to be a missionary as a teenager. What stands out to me is I never felt called to a place; I felt called to reach people. Melinda and I always thought we would go serve somewhere familiar like the places we had traveled to on mission trips, yet as we prayed, we clearly felt the Lord leading us to Europe. As beautiful and majestic as the landscapes of Europe are, the diversity of nations that have come to Europe still capture my heart every day. Europe has become home to diaspora peoples, students, diplomats, xpats, short-term and long-term workers who have made our gateway cities their destiny. Due to this phenomenon of our rapidly globalizing world, God has intentionally positioned the international church to partner with our national churches to 7

reach both secular Europeans and global citizens who have integrated into our continent. It’s not “either / or,” but “both / and.” We have a unique call of reaching our diverse populations while making a major spiritual impact among the secular European population. In fact, we have crossed a threshold where our FEIC’s are reaching more Europeans than any other regional people group in the world! At the same time, we are collectively reaching internationals from 154 unique countries as reported from our recent FEIC survey. Our heart at FEIC is not to act independently in and of ourselves, but rather to cooperate with our national partners who will make room for us to come along side of them in reaching today’s Europe. There are so many different models so we have to be careful thinking there is just one way. Yet we believe with

all of our heart that God gives a distinct fingerprint for each church and each city. We can learn from each other but we must find the blueprint of the Spirit for our city! In Acts 17, Paul travels to Athens, which was the intellectual center of the GrecoRoman world at that time. In Acts 18, he travels to Corinth which was one of the great economical / commercial cities of its day. In Acts 19, he final arrives in Ephesus, which was known as a religious hub for the Roman empire. Finally, by the end of Acts, Paul makes his way to Rome to preach the Gospel in the capital of political and military influence.

Music called “Take This City.” I still listen to it from time to time to remind myself that God really has given us our city. Vienna for Jesus! Rome for Jesus! Brussels and Berlin for Jesus! Your city belongs to Jesus! Europe is changing and the church must be sensitive to the diverse needs that only Jesus can heal and redeem. Our prayer is that God will stir our hearts again this week during our FEIC Summit to go home and declare – “Jesus is still the hope for Europe!” Listen: www.feic.org/summit/city/

In every city, Paul found the unique strategy of the Spirit in order to reach that city for Jesus. Sometimes he stayed a short time and in other places it took longer. Yet by reaching the city, Paul touched every segment of society for the Kingdom. Luke 19:41 records, “And when he (Jesus) drew near and saw the city, he wept over it.” When is the last time you wept over your city? Do you, do I, spend enough time seeking God’s blueprint for our cities? I’m convinced He wants to show us! In 1992, a good friend of mine, Rusty Nelson, recorded an album with Integrity 8

Member Church Resources Alpha

Circle Maker Video Study

ICI Global University

Bernd Armbruster Aletheia International Church, Munich, Germany

The Call by Os Guiness The Signature of Jesus by Brennan Manning All Nations Christian Fellowship El Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain

WRIKE, a powerful free online project management tool. Larry Blakeslee First Step Ministries

Planning Center, a great online organizational tool. David Buckley Riverside International Church, Budapest

Mental Madness by Pastor Robert Kenedy Ernie Peacock, Guadalajara, Mexico (Guest)


Rightnow Media Nelson Lugo, Panama International Church (Guest)

John Maxwell resources Live, Love, Lead from Brian Houston, Hillsong Australia Phillip Schmerold Revival Church, Handenberg, Upper Austria

Habitudes Book by Tim Elmore The Culture Test


The Global Gospel by Werner Mischke Tony Gryskiewicz, Vienna Christian Center

Reaching Our European Nations: A Real Call To Impact The Nations ... Requires An International Church By Terry Hoggard A Real Call To Impact The Nations ... Requires An International Church Network My guess is that you knew that I was going to say that, right? So I said it ... not just because I wanted you to be right but primarily because ... I believe it! I really, really do! The internationalization of our world is one of the most profound realities of our generation. The internal shifts among the nations have been historic, resulting in the massive displacement of the world’s people. Then the refugee resettlement movement has been harrowing and all of this has had an incredibly harsh impact on our world. Our globe is plagued with cultural confusion, financial fragility, and other intimidating issues that seem to be impossible to resolve. These are days of great 10

challenge and crisis ... and we know that a crisis is always a crossroad! Typically, some will see obstacles, while others will see opportunity. There will be those who cry, “woe is me” and then there will be those who will confidently say, “works for me”. Certainly we are of those who see opportunity! We have been called and commissioned to step up and step into the fray and make a difference. Our hope is anchored in God’s promises to us and our expectation is fueled by the declarative realities that God speaks over us. By open declaration, God, in His word, establishes these things for us. We know that our God is an awesome God, who is always at work. The words of Isaiah are surprisingly accurate and stunningly appropriate for us.

“Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is an everlasting God, who will not grow tired or weary” (Isaiah 40:28) “I will do a work and no man will hinder or reverse it” (Isaiah 43:13) “I will give you treasures out of the darkness and riches stored up in secret places (Isaiah 45:3) These things declared to us must be demonstratively embraced by us. One of the most powerful things that we are seeing is the growing prominence of international churches and the emergence of other expressions of international ministries. As a movement, we do rejoice in the growing numbers of international churches that are being planted globally and we celebrate the growing influence of our international church relational networks (FEIC & GICN). I am confident that the Fellowship of European International Churches (FEIC) is experiencing unprecedented growth ... and I can tell you for sure that this is true for GICN. Global International Church Network (GICN) was born out of a divine moment during our 2011 FEIC Summit and launched officially in 2012. (Do check out our website at www.gicn.org) We, in GICN, have just confirmed that there are new international churches being planted in each of our 6 regions and that by the end of 2020 we will have 160 network churches globally. Greater still, the network of our partner churches is expanding and the reach of our

influence is incredible. Here is how we describe all that we desire for GICN, “A relational connection for a global international church network. Six regions of the world (Africa, Asia Pacific, Eurasia, Europe, Latin America Caribbean, Northern Asia). Established and emerging churches coming together. All of our global international ministry activities converging in one place. The potential is incredible, the possibilities are limitless. What began as a moment of divine inspiration, is now becoming a movement of dynamic influence.” All of this is so powerfully true. This is our reality and the rallying cry of our hearts! There is no greater news for a hurting, hopeless, broken world than to know that new streams of life are flowing ... and they are flowing. My prayer is that your stream carries life to your community, city, country, continent and beyond. Here is something that I love to share with everyone, everywhere I go because it speaks so powerfully: “God’s promise for every new generation is new visitation, His plan for every new generation is new leaders and His provision for every new generation is new anointing.” May these things live in us ... both now and forevermore! -Terry HoggardGICN Relational Leader


Reaching Greater Europe: Three Strategic Strengths of International Church Planting By Paul Trementozzi For many years I have thought to myself, ‘if I would ever go back and pastor a church in Europe what would that church look like?’ It is very clear to me that it would be, without question or hesitation, an International Church. There are many good reasons for this, but for this article, I will focus on a few thoughts based on my experience and observation on reaching greater Europe. When I served as Area Director for Southern Europe I was confronted with a challenging situation by the Italian National Church. At the time, we simply couldn’t find the right fit with our relational realities and the missionaries struggled in their identity. I felt compelled of the Lord to see if our Italian brothers would be willing to allow us to focus our energies upon the immigrant communities of Italy and expand our small network of International Churches. The leadership felt this was a good place to concentrate the efforts of AGWM and suddenly we had clarity of purpose and the entire network began to grow.

We all spent a great deal of time and energy trying to define ‘international church’ and answer the question, ‘What makes an international church different?’ Non-Threatening to National Partners There are many opinions and observations that are relevant and helpful, however what I discovered through the challenging situation I encountered was that the accepted concept of the International Church culture was non-threatening and overall acceptable to our national relationships. This was more significant than I immediately realized as it is also true all across Europe. Being nonthreatening to some of the more challenging relationships that we had, gave time for new relational trust to be built and evaluation of overall worth of the ministry to our national partnerships. A Welcome Mat to Nationals Another wonderful discovery has been that although International Churches target the immigrant and international communities, this non-threatening culture has become 12

a welcome mat to nationals who would

also has become more palatable to the

not easily attend a traditional national church. Europeans are most attracted to being included into the global community. The global language remains English. Diversity of culture and interest in being part of something beyond and bigger than the local community remains quite appealing to the European. When this is combined with an attitude of generosity, genuine humility and fraternal love toward our national partnerships, the potential for healthy renewed relationship can become greatly realized and I believe the Kingdom is blessed!

secular European aversion of traditional religious expression. The value of the religious international public coming together to make a healthy investment into the overall local community has merit and value to religious secularists and even the non-religious secularist. It is a bridge to reaching the secular majority of Europe and this cannot be emphasized enough. It is a great challenge to reach the intellectually wounded mind and emotionally battered European to re-evaluate the worth of faith in life once again.

This non-threatening thread of IC DNA was clearly displayed during the refugee crisis in 2015-17. The International Church immediately became a literal sanctuary and protection to the lost and hurting refugee. Thousands of refugees came to Christ and remain in the IC community of faith all over Europe. To God be the Glory!

It is evident to me that this non-threatening, welcoming global community of faith (International Church) is a God ordained, Spirit inspired provision to reach many secular peoples of Europe.

Palatable to Secular Europeans Not only is the International Church used to renew and heal relational challenges with the National Church, it


ANNOUNCING THE ASIA PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL CHURCH SUMMIT Hong Kong September 21-25, 2020 Host Church: International Christian Assembly, Hong Kong The Asia Pacific International Churches (APIC) which brings together churches that identify as International and relate in some way to World AG Fellowship would like to invite churches from all over the world to attend. We are asking each church to send a lead pastor and a lay leader. Topics include: Governance, Sustainability, Succession and Long Term Vision.


FEIC ...

Relationally connected and committed to doing life together 15

Planting a Church Among The‘Nones’ in Haarlem, The Netherlands Over the past 15 years, Kent and Leslie Linnewah, have launched a Master’s Commission in Amsterdam, served on the church planting team of A Thousand Hills International Church in Hilversum, planted Damascus Road International Church in Maastricht and started an English-language service at EC Europoort Church, an inner-city Dutch church. In this interview, they discuss their current work is in the quaint Dutch city of Haarlem, a bedroom community of Amsterdam known for the Corrie Ten Boom house. Share some of your background with us: where you are from, your call to missions, and what you did before missions. Leslie was raised in Niagara Falls, NY and I was raised in St. Joseph, MO. We’ve have been married for 47 years and have two grown daughters. Olivia is an AG missionary in Tallinn, Estonia with our two grandkids. She and her husband are the Baltic Area Directors and church planters in Tallinn. Our youngest, Hilary, works for Expedia in Seattle and is married to Jared. Share with us about your call to Europe. Leslie prayed for me seven years before I asked Jesus to forgive me. At one time we had even been divorced from one another. God healed our marriage and before we knew better, we were asked to help in the church Youth Group. We ended up staying for 19 years and becoming Youth Pastors! Every summer we would take a mission trip with our teens and missions got in our blood. I was 52 when we applied for a mission assignment and came to the Netherlands in 2004. 16

How would you characterize The Netherlands in terms of ‘international-ness’. The NL is such an international zone. Some of the larger cities are almost 50% non-Dutch! English is spoken by almost everyone, and we use that as our ‘common-denominator’ to bring internationals together, which is an advantage in sharing our faith. We also find that the Dutch sometimes prefer an English-spoken church experience. We think it is because they are a small country and most of their media is imported in English. There is a strong multilinguistic culture in Holland and English is a tool we can use to our advantage to reach most people with the message of Christ. This is also the reason that so many English- language based corporations find it easy to do business here. Tell us about your call to Haarlem. One year ago, we turned the English-language service in Europoort over to the pastor of the church, which freed us to come to Haarlem. God told us He had one last thing for us to do before retirement so we are thankful He still sees us as useful to Him. We are convinced, the Lord wants to blow a fresh wind into this old city and we are excited to see what He will do in Haarlem. What’s happening in The Netherlands and in Haarlem in relation to Brexit? The NL has always sniffed-out new opportunity and now they are positioning the country to take advantage of this fresh influx of Brits and English-based companies moving to the mainland in the face

of Brexit. Almost all of these are English-speaking internationals. We see that the timing is perfect for an International Church plant in Haarlem with its 250,000 regional residents. A great bonus and help to us is the presence of three Dutch friends on our team who love their city and trust God to do a new thing.

honestly, we are surprised. It is the city everyone wants to visit and the one that charms you with its old Dutch architecture and friendly sidewalk cafes. It is also a city that has suffered greatly through history with war, massive fires and slaughter. The spiritual underbelly is built on pain and devastation.

Describe the spiritual environment of The Netherlands and in particular, Haarlem. The NL prides itself on ‘tolerance’. Along with that comes a bit of resentment for anything ‘church’ that they think might try to control their totally open society. Most see God as a ‘non-issue’, not worthy of their time or consideration. They are the “Nones”. Haarlem is the hardest soil we have encountered and

We have met with some resistance in our ability to rent space for our Sunday meetings because we are a ‘church’. One such occurrence was in a rental contract clause that stated the owners were atheists and that we were not allowed to talk against any of the current secular culture issues that are molding society and in which they were in favor. This is a small hint of the spiritual climate we face.


But we know God has called us here and that He has already been at work in the hearts of the people of Haarlem. We sometimes expect opposition but we always more than anticipate God’s over-whelming blessing and favor! How is the church plant going? Currently, we are meeting in our home to build a team for our launch. The progress has been slower than what we have seen in past plants but we are building momentum! Being the only Evangelical English-speaking church in Haarlem, we have the potential to advance God’s Kingdom in areas that have previously been un-tapped. We are excited about what God is about to do in so many lives… people from every nation, culture and background! What are your current needs and how can fellow FEIC churches pray for you guys? We would appreciate prayer for the following: - A facility to do 24/7 ministry that can accommodate at least 150. - For God to bring a person or couple with a passion for Children’s Ministry. - Creative and relational ways to make our presence known in the city. - Spiritual break-through in so many lives that have embraced human enlightenment instead of Godly encounter.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Kent Linneweh: Life@MeetingPlaceic.com Website: https://meetingplaceic.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheMeetingPlaceIC/

Planting an International Church in Stockholm to reach Sweden with the Gospel After serving as Assemblies of God pastors in the USA for 20 years, Brian and Caroline Dunn have returned to Caroline’s native Sweden to plant an international church in Stockholm, where Caroline grew up. Caroline is serving as lead pastor of the church while Brian works at an international school. Read on to learn more from Caroline about their ministry story, their call to Sweden and how Stockholm Community Church is doing since launching in March, 2019. Share some of your background with us: where you are from, your call to missions, and what you did before missions. Brian grew up in Rockford, Illinois, and I grew up in Sweden but have lived in the USA for over 20 years. Brian served as a youth pastor for over 12 years in Wisconsin and Ohio and then as a Lead Pastor for 5.5 years in Ohio. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business with a focus on Human Resource Management. I ran a consulting firm for several years in which I did training for Fortune 100 companies while working part-time as a pastor alongside Brian. We have always had a heart for missions and made it a key part of our ministries. One could say that I was a missionary to the USA for over 20 years. We have always worked together as a team and take a team approach in ministry. Share with us about your call to Europe. We had always talked about one day moving to Sweden and had actually tried about 15 years ago but God closed that door and we knew it wasn’t the right time. It was at the end of 2014 where we really felt God saying: Now is your season. Go! God started stirring in both of our hearts to reach Sweden with the Gospel. How would you characterize Sweden and Stockholm in particular in terms of ‘international-ness’. Stockhold has a large population of internationals. There are many start-up tech companies and large Swedish corporations in Stockholm that attract people from all over the world. Everywhere you go in the city you will 18

see internationals.

we have great momentum and an incredible opportunity to reach Internationals and Swedes with the Gospel. This past Sunday we had over 80 adults and kids in attendance.

Tell us about your call to the city of Stockholm. I grew up in Stockholm, so for me it was coming home. What happens in Stockholm impacts the rest of the nation. So we are believing that as lives are transformed by the Gospel in Stockholm that the rest of the country will be impacted as well.

What are your current needs and how can fellow FEIC churches pray for you guys? We are currently in need of a Worship Pastor to lead the worship team and develop this ministry. We also need more Swedish speakers in our church. Our adult services are in English but children’s ministry is in Swedish. We need volunteers who can speak in Swedish.

Describe the spiritual environment of Sweden and in particular, Stockholm. The current statistic is that in Stockholm less than 1% are evangelical born again Christians. It is an incredibly secular city. We are praying and believing that this

Is there anything else you’d like to share or mention? I (Caroline) am serving the church as the Lead Pastor while Brian is working at an international school. We are both pastors with the Assemblies of God in the USA but in this season I am taking the Lead Pastor role while Brian works a secular job. We feel it is important for us to be in the church but also working in an international community to build relationships. We have seen many come to the church because of Brian working at the international school.

number is going to change because of what God is doing in and through Stockholm Community Church. With so few Christians one can really feel the secularisation in politics, education, culture, and values. How is the church plant going? We held our first service in March. We started out with 17 people on our launch team. Today we have over 40 regular volunteers. Every week we have new visitors and people accepting Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. We feel like

CONTACT INFORMATION: Names: Caroline and Brian Dunn Website: www.stockholmcommunity.se Facebook: Stockholm Community, Caroline Zetterberg Dunn, Brian Dunn 19

Planting the First Pentecostal International Church in Warsaw, Poland Kamil and his wife, Anna, are in the planning stages of planting the first Penecostal International Church in Warsaw, Poland. In this interview, we learn about Kamil’s background, his call to Europe and to Warsaw in specific, the great need for an international church in Warsaw, how their plans are developing and how we can pray for them. Share some of your background with us: where you are from, your call to missions, and what you did before missions. I grew up in a Christian family, my father has been a minister (pastor) of Polish Pentecostal Church since 1987, currently serving as a pastor of the Pentecostal Church in Brussels (Belgium). I got saved as a young boy and quickly got involved in a different kind of ministry including catechist, youth pastor, preacher, a lecturer at the Seminary, church planter and senior pastor (since 2010). I have preached in more than 30 countries of the world, including the USA, Kenya, Iceland, Ukraine, etc.

rapid growth of the population of businessmen, international students, etc. For example:

Share with us about your call to Europe. After spending few years in the USA, studying and working and ministering in different places, together with my wife we sensed that the Lord is leading us back to Europe and so we decided that we are going back with the desire to start an international church.

- English is the common language of the international community in Warsaw, especially in the tourism, hospitality, and hotel industry, suggesting a large potential population, especially among youth and young adults.

How would you characterize Warsaw and Poland in particular in terms of ‘international-ness’. Warsaw is a capital and the center of Poland. It is the wealthiest and fastest-growing city in the country. There is a growing need for an international church because of the

- Many American companies are moving into Warsaw, including two large US banks expanding operations, plus the increase of permanent US military personnel.

- Polish universities continue to attract foreign students, many who speak English.


- There is a continuous flow of English-speaking retirees returning to Warsaw, and Poland, who may benefit from an English-speaking Pentecostal Church.

the traditional denominations.

- Additionally, with the beginning of the English BA program at WSTS, we will

How is the church plant going? We are at the beginning stage, planning and praying the vision, but also building the team. We are also working to find the best venue and establish the date for the pre-launch service. Another crucial point is that we are praying and working to raise the budget necessary to implement all steps of the process.

have a continuous group of students in need of practicums and service-learning requirements, providing a great human resource to an International Church. - However, English is not the only language in need of an International Christian Church in Warsaw. There are many other languages spoken in Warsaw, including German, French, Russian, Ukrainian, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese, and others. Already, there is a Venezuelan couple planning to start a Spanish speaking church in the city. So, the vision for an IC should and will include the expansion to serve other foreign languages as well.

What are your current needs and how can fellow FEIC churches pray for you guys? Our most current needs are to finalize building the core team members and raise the funds necessary to start the next steps of the process (pre-launch service, renting the venue).

Tell us about your call to the city of Warsaw. I know Warsaw well because it was my first step in education after I graduated high school. Before I moved to the USA to study and work, I lived there for several years (did my bachelor, masters, and doctoral studies) and fell in love in this historical city. There is no Pentecostal International Church in Warsaw. It may be the way to open the doors for the Gospel even for Polish people (for example those who speak English but would never be interested in the evangelical church). There are millions of international tourists coming to Poland every year, many with a common English language. Many are from

Is there anything else you’d like to share or mention? We would appreciate the prayers, encouragement, and words of wisdom from other experienced pastors and church planters of international churches across Europe.

traditional denominations, but also Charismatics, Evangelicals, and Pentecostals who would benefit from an English-speaking church in the city.

Networking is also crucial, so we are open for all the contacts, and will gladly host those willing to visit and share wisdom. In the future, we are very much open for all kinds of cooperation, and will happily receive mission groups, worship teams, etc. At the same time, we believe God to be a blessing to you all, and we are open to all kinds of support and help that we can bring to other international churches in Europe

Describe the spiritual environment of Warsaw and in particular, Poland. Poland is a conservative Roman Catholic nation, and includes other traditional denominations such as Orthodox, Lutheran, etc. But these do not attract the youth, young adults, families, and foreigners.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Name: Kamil Marcin Halambiec Website: www.pentekoste.pl Facebook: Kamil Halambiec Instagram: kamil.halambiec Email: halambiec.kamil@gmail.com Phone (in Poland): (+48) 505 987 349

An International Christian Assembly with its independent vision, style of worship, preaching, ministry outreaches, and children and family-oriented discipleship programs would attract many who seek truth and guidance for their lives, but are not attracted to










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Member Church Strategies for Reaching Europe In a recent email survey, we has Summit participants to share a strategy or a tool they are using to successfully reach a target population in their cities. Below are are the answers we received. “We are using prayer!! We have also connected to East-West Ministries and they have provided short-term teams for children’s ministry and evangelism.”

“Kids Ministry Network, which provides free basic Christian curriculum to Children’s Church pastors and workers. Virtually every language in Europe and some overseas will be available to download and to contribute to others of the same language group. KMN will also provide a peer-to-peer connection among children’s pastors and workers to share classroom ideas and solutions to challenges they face in the children’s church environment.”

All Nations Christian Fellowship

Larry Blakeslee

El Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain

First Step Ministries

“The target audience for Riverside Church Budapest is the family. So we have developed our programs (Kids, Youth and Young Adults) to meet the different needs of a local family. Our children’s program is on Sunday for kids 0-11 years old. Each class is geared towards the child’s age and level of understanding. Plus there are extra weekday activities such as: Family Movie Night, VBS, etc. Youth and Young Adult are similar programs. Youth is for students in Middle and High School, and Young Adult is for the university student. Both have a weekly program and regular scheduled extra activities for fun. Having these areas developed and running draws many families to our church who are looking for something for their children.”

“Probably like most, we are using a couple of social media platforms, including Google, to make our presence known in the city. Most of our expats that attend find us on the internet. My wife leads a weekly Bible Study in Spanish for women and this is working to reach predominately unreached Catholics.” Ernie Peacock International Church of Guadalajara, Mexico (Guest)

“Our model is of a dynamic church, we consider our structure as an organism and not an organization in which the Holy Spirit is the center of our work. The relationships and unity between our ministries make the success of our strategy possible. The four pillars are: corporate worship, compassion, community and cultivation.

David Buckley Riverside, Budapest, Hungary


We have identified four target groups, and each has a differentiated strategy and resources to achieve them. Some of them are: inside marketing, which includes ICgroups around Madrid, different level Christian studies and volunteering; marketing online: Google ads, church blog, social media, radio and TV, SEO and SEM strategy; Direct marketing: flyers and cards; and use of different channels such as the Tourism Information Center of Madrid and the airport.” David Santiago

a family.’ By having our young adults meet together on Wednesdays and teens meet together on Fridays, the value of family is promoted and enhanced; this is especially important for collectivistic cultures. In the VCC student ministry, Vienna Young Adults (VYA), for example, it is common to find young adults and university students from our Latino, International, African, and Ethiopian congregations. The relationships built during these ministries regularly carry on outside of church enhancing church relationships across congregations.”

International Church Madrid

Tony Gryskiewicz Vienna Christian Center

“We are targeting students and young professionals through relationships and incorporating them into life groups. We place a high priority on our culture and values. What people see in others, listen to and read on our website or social media, is what they will experience when they come to church. “

“A major focus I have together with my team is to equip everybody for ministry, primarily an authentic lifestyle of loving people and soul winning. I find at the moment this is by far the best way to reach the lost and plug them into our community.”

Nelson Lugo

Phillip Schmerold

Panama International Church (Guest)

Revival Church, Handenberg, Upper Austria

“One thing we are doing that is successfully impacting teens and young adults is providing cross-congregational ministries. We have found that allowing young adults and teens from our other congregations to worship, serve, and fellowship together provides added unity in the body of Christ. At VCC we say, ‘We are more than a church, we are 25

The Fellowship of European International Churches [FEIC) is an expression of an Assemblies of God World Missions [AGWM] mandate that calls for strategic European International church ministry development.


FEIC will continue to build on that mandate and work in full cooperation with AGWM and our national church partners to accelerate the work of the Gospel among Europe’s diverse population.


Fellowship of European International Churches [FEIC] is a relational network comprised of congregations that minister to the unique opportunities, needs and challenges of international communities in European cites. Our network churches are a tapestry of cultures and traditions. races and people groups languages and nationalities united under the Lordship of Jesus Christ

Plant new churches Position existing churches for strategic development Partner with national churches to do international ministry



FEIC is a relational network of churches that are accountable to an organizational

Accelerating the work of the Gospel among Europe’s diverse international population.

network and identify with a national network with which Assemblies Of God World Missions [AGWM] is a partner.


Supportive relationships that provide meaningful connection Sharing of resources that are specific to international ministry

Recommendation from FEIC member

Strategic church renewal and leadership development opportunities

Approval from both organizational and national network Commitment to walk in agreement with FEIC








(7 Countries/16 Churches)

(9 Countries/14 Churches)

(9 Countries/11 Churches)

(5 Countries/19 Churches)

(4 Countries/16 Churches)

(4 countries/4 churches)

Austria Czech Republic Germany Hungary Poland Slovakia Switzerland

Denmark Finland Iceland Ireland Norway Sweden England Scotland Wales

Albania Bosnia Croatia Greece Kosovo Montenegro Romania Serbia Slovenia

Canary Islands Italy Malta Portugal Spain

Belgium France Luxembourg Netherlands

Ukraine Turkey Morocco Russia


FEIC Relational Retreat 2020 May 25-28, 2020 (tentative)

www.feic.org | www.feic.org | www.feic.org | www.feic.org | www.fe 28

FEIC Summit 2020 October 13-16, 2020Â Tuesday to Friday Location: TBA

eic.org | www.feic.org | www.feic.org | www.feic.org | www.feic.org 29

Summit Book Anniversaries


anniver 30


rsaries 31

All Nations Christian Fellowship Celebrates 50th Anniversary All Nations Christian Fellowship of El Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain recently celebrated its 50th Anniversary. The church has changed shapes and forms over the years, but it was incredible to be able to celebrate this landmark anniversary with church members old and new. We held a banquet to commemorate this occasion with pastors and guests joining from Europe and the US to celebrate with us. We were so grateful to be able to celebrate such a

milestone. During the banquet we took time to remember our small beginnings. We gave thanks to God for the two American missionary ladies who saw the need, heard from the Lord and obeyed, at a very difficult time in Spanish history when evangelical churches were unwelcome by the locals. We celebrated our present situation as a relevant church that reaches out to internationals and locals and we also put our future into God’s hands, knowing that as we continue to follow and obey Him, He will take us much further than we


could ever imagine. Since this celebration we have seen great growth in our congregation, both in numbers and in depth, with many getting baptised and others recommitting their lives to the Lord. Praise God that He is still moving 50 years on and that the best is yet to come!

Brussels Christian Center Celebrates 50th Anniversary This year marks the 40th year of presence and ministry of Brussels Christian Center in the capital of Europe, and 30 years in our present church building facilities. It was our joy to organize a special anniversary weekend and welcome a significant number of people who have been part of this journey of faith as a church, including former pastors, missionaries, members and friends, coming back from the USA and other countries of Europe. Our theme was, “Honoring our Legacy and Embracing our Future.” Our Friday night service featured testimonies from different key people whom God used in different capacities, such as Dave Demron (architect of our building), Gerald and Madeline Branum (coordinator for the building project, who served for many years in different ministry/leadership capacities), and Ps Terry Hoggard who served as senior pastor from 1995 to 2005. On Saturday night, a homecoming banquet was held in Waterloo, during which former pastors’ wives and church members shared personal memories of their time of service at BCC, followed by an inspiring mes33

sage given by Ps Richard Dunn, former senior pastor from 2005-2007 and 2009-2015. A fund-raising campaign was launched in view of a building renovation project. On Sunday morning, our current senior pastor, Daniel Costanza, led a time of recognition for these former pastors and other long time faithful members of the church. The local deputy mayor was also in attendance. In a special atmosphere of joy, our church choir sang, “We are reminded of God’s faithfulness”, which prepared the hearts for the message delivered by Ps Lowell Harrup, who served as senior pastor from 1979 to 1989. This special anniversary was concluded by a garden party which allowed for a time of fellowship with the many participants. While this anniversary reconnected us with our spiritual roots, it was also an opportunity to embrace our future with faith and expectation. To God be all the glory!


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