Synopsis No 1: Architecture of the Seven Senses Students’ Name:
Feiven Chee Lee Min (Andy) Lim Yee Zhing Oh Keng Yee (Alexis) Tang Hui Ying (Delaney)
0312004 0308860 0311195 0312501 0312089
Text: Architecture of the Seven Senses Author: Juhani Pallasmaa Year Written:
Purpose of the theory (Please tick X; you may tick more than one box) x x
Identifying an issue or problem within the contemporary context Analyzing an architecture to identify a problem or solve a problem Solving an issue in a broader context outside of architecture: presenting a theory/manifesto Solving an issue within the context of architecture: presenting a design method Solving an issue within the context of architecture: presenting a theory Others:
Please complete the following: What are the issues addressed?
NEGLECT OF SENSES Loss in sensuality of architecture due to the lack of engagement of all senses. Sole reliance on vision results in the over-simplification of architecture to a mere two-dimensional image. LOSS IN CONNECTION Buildings have no connection to the context of time as materials used do not weather. This agelessness creates a distance between the architecture and the being, resulting in the building losing their plasticity and sense of place.
OVEREMPHASIS ON FORM Embodied essence of architecture is lost as too much emphasis is placed on form and intention but not enough on the physical tectonics of architecture. It is the physicality of architecture that effects how the user perceives space. What are the design methods/strategy/theories proposed?
USING THE ‘SELF’ An architect should internalize a building in his body by putting his ‘self’ into the experience. It is from perceived bodily interaction that the architect is able to envision how a space would be experienced.
AIM TO ACHIEVE SOLITUDE Architectural experience should silence all external noise and focus the attention on the user. Solitude brings the user into a zone of self-awareness. BACK TO BASICS Materiality and space should revert to basics, stripped of all ornaments. This is done by making a conscious effort to connect back to the essence of architecture via the seven senses. Relate the text to architectural/urban forms by illustrating one key image.
Justify the selection.
JUSTIFICATION: SENSUALITY Fountain creates a grey noise that masks the bustling sounds of the city. Coupled with an overhead canopy from the locust trees add a degree of serenity to the park. This is an attempt at creating solitude within the chaos of the city. IDENTITY The wall is surrounded by walls with its only opening facing a street. This entrance makes the park identifiable to the pedestrians. MATERIAL Chairs and tables are made of light materials that barely touch the surroundings. This prevents any distraction from nature.