Atkins Diet Phase 1: The Induction Phase When you begin the Atkins plan, you will need to make sure you understand which foods are suitable for your stage of this program. The Atkins diet phase 1 is call the Induction phase. It is the most restrictive, and is meant to last 2 weeks. But if you are really overweight and have more than 20 lbs to lose. You can stay on the induction pahse longer. We have clients that started their low carb diet at over 300 lbs and now a year later as they get close to their goal weight (145 and 175) they are just about ready to start phase 2 of the Atkins diet! The longer you stay in the induction phase, the more weight you will lose quickly. The other stages of the Atkins diet are meant to stabilize and maintain. While the induction phase of the diet is meant to for rapid weight loss. What is the Atkins Diet Phase 1? Like I said before, it’s the most restrictive part of the Atkins diet. The goal is to get your body to reach a state of ketosis by limiting the number of carbs you eat each day. The goal is to eat less than 20 net carbs a day. Net carbs are the carb – fiber of whatever food you eat. If something has 7 grams of carbs in it but 4 grams are fiber. You are eating 3 net carbs. Some people are truly insulin resistant and even reaching 20 net carbs doesn’t help them shed the weight. That’s when you need to switch to 20 total carbs. Meaning you don’t’ subtract the fiber. Its more restrictive but for those that can’t lose weight at 20 net carbs it’s the way to go. Or you can take a product like Pruvit to help you get into ketosis. Pruvit is a supplement you drink once or twice a day that will put your body into ketosis within 59 mins of drinking it! Foods you can eat during Atkins Diet Phase 1: The induction phase You owe it to your dieting success to keep within the acceptable foods list. Among the best ways programs that are published within the New Diet Revolution book. Additionally, there are Atkins cookbooks and cookbooks that are geared. Atinks Phase 1 Broken down: During this phase you can eat
Meat, fish seafood, poultry Eggs Cheese Some vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli
During this phase our clients don’t eat a lot of fruits. There are a few berries that you can eat like raspberries and blackberries. But you need to be careful during this phase. You don’t want to overeat and kick yourself out of ketosis. How long does it take to get into ketosis? It can take 3 – 5 days for your body to use up all your stored carbohydrates. So if you cheat or throw yourself out of ketosis, it will be 3 -5 days before your body will start burning your fat for fuel. That’s 3 – 5 days of strict induction phase eating! My clients quickly learn its not worth it to drop out of ketosis. Losing weight feels too good to let a momentary lapse cause them to stall in their weight loss.
Do you have to count calories? No, you don’t. Eating a lot of protein will naturally fill you up. So If you stop eating once you are full, you should be fine. But I’ve found if you are older and sedentary (desk jockey) you should count your calories too. Need more help? Visit for more tips on how to use the Atkins Diet Phase 1 to lose weight.