Reminiscing back to your 4 or 5-year-old days in school story time was more than likely one of your favorite times of the day. Your Teacher made an announcement for students to come to the carpet. You go there anxiously awaiting to see what would be the story of the day. Your Teacher tenderly reminds you as well as others to sit Criss Cross applesauce as the story begins.
You are instantly drawn in by listening to the words of the story as your Teacher reads with animation. Your fidgeting with your shoelaces as you continue to focus on the story. The windows are open and you can feel the spring breeze on your tender skin as it occasionally enters the classroom. You know it’s springtime because the aroma of fresh tulips and daffodils begin to tickle your nostrils. Your eyes are fixated on the beautiful illustrations in the book but your eyes shift around the brightly colored classroom and you notice the bookshelf.