The Best DIY Tips to Relieve Allergies You’ve Ever Read Online
Before we dive into this article about DIY allergy fixes, you should understand that while mild occurrences of sneezing, itching and watery eyes, and all those symptoms that indicate allergy (or sinus) issues are okay to treat at home, if these signs persist or worsen, consult your nearest ENT (ear, nose and throat) doctor. If you’re in North Texas, and those pesky Dallas allergies keep flaring up, your best Dallas ENT is at one of the leading hospitals in Dallas, Pine Creek Medical Center. Now, on to the article… The common cold and allergies have a lot in common! They both cause sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes and coughing. However, the former goes away within two weeks, while the latter can be present for months at a time. Read this article for some inexpensive and easy ways to manage allergies. Monitor pollen forecasts and plan accordingly. If you have access to the internet, many of the popular weather forecasting sites have a section dedicated to allergy forecasts including both air quality and pollen counts. On days when the count is going to be high, keep your windows closed and limit your time outdoors. Limit the amount of throw rugs you have around your home. They can gather dust, dirt, pollen, pet dander, and other allergens. If you do have throw rugs around the home, make sure they are washable. You can do this every week when you are cleaning your home. If you rely heavily on nasal decongestants to treat the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, you may be at risk for experiencing a rebound effect. When this happens, you may experience additional swelling and irritation. If you become hooked on these drugs, you should make an effort avoid using them for a period of 72 hours at a time. During this time, switch to an antihistamine to reduce swelling caused by withdrawal.