Weight loss obesity & disease profits

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"Obesity & Disease Profits: How The Food & Pharmaceutical Industry Cashed In On Your Health” Have You Ever Wondered Why Losing Weight Is Almost Impossible?! Have You Ever Thought That Your Weight Issues Could Be By Design For Profit. Have You Ever Thought That Your Sickness And Your Families' Illness Worth More To Them Than Your Health?! WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT TO YOU?  It’s about your health, family and your loved ones.  It’s about the constant scams and corruption The Food & Pharmaceutical Industry have been cashing in on your health, your family and your loved ones.  The first rule of problem solving is knowing the problem you need to solve.  It’s the shape you’ve always wanted or simply the good health that you deserve.  You or you know of someone who is struggling with weight problems, diabetes, blood pressure and other weight related issues!  You’re frustrated because you have tried almost everything to lose weight, you found a lot of information online about different diet plans, exercises, and pills and then you got overwhelmed and – you failed.  Knowing that it’s not your fault!

THIS EVEN GETS MORE INTERESTING! Did you know that at no point in history have humans been so overweight and obese as we are today? According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), “More than one-third (36.5% or 79.6 million) of U.S. adults are obese”. That’s right “OBESE” NOT overweight! Also, according to the Journal of American Medicine (JAMA), in 2008 “The estimated annual medical cost of obesity in the U.S. was $147 billion USD; the medical costs for people who are obese were $1,429 USD higher than those of normal weight”. And that’s only in the U.S and in 2008 (9 years ago). However, the current global figures now are staggering – as you will find out later in this book what is really happening in the U.S, Australia, Europe, Asia, Middle East and the world!

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