Felisha Wells February 8, 2011 Block 2 What is Mr. Gloyd doing today February 8, 2011? I think Mr. Gloyd is sitting at home or still at the hospital with his wife and their new son. He is now probably watching Lost and sipping on a hot cup of black coffee. The baby is probably sleeping for now, but when he wakes up he will start screaming and Mr. Gloyd will probably say, “Hey, quiet down there, Gloyd Jr., I am trying to enjoy this episode of lost”. His wife replies, “ Sweetie, He’s crying because he want you to hold him, so put down that IPhone and that cup of coffee and pick him up “ Mr. Gloyd replies “ But, there is only 5 minuets left and they are almost off the Island, and they found out that the guy was really that bad guy and the reason they got stuck!!!? She replies “ Thanks for ruining the ending for me, I didn’t know that and I was planning on watching it!” He replies “ I’m sorry, at least I didn’t tell you that the Island was really moving and that they were just dreaming!, gosh!” She replies “ Hold you son while I get some rest “ He replies, “ I would love too, sweet dreams!” While sitting down with his new baby he starts talking to him “Simon, you are the light in my life, and I am glad that you are finally here!” And then they have that father son moment and he falls asleep in his arms. After that touching moment, Ms. Gloyd wakes up and sees Mr. Gloyd is reading a poem to the baby. “As I sit here you may think I feel calm but I don’t. In reality I am jumping for joy, and the sound of your crying is music to my ears. When you were born you were as bright as the sun, when you we in the wound you were as busy as a bee. Now that you are here I will be as happy as a clown.” Ms. Gloyd looked at her husband and just smiled. She was asleep and you will never guess what she dreamed of. She dreamed she was on the Island of Lost. She had seen everything that had happened to the people. She actually experienced it first/second handedly, all the way until the end. She felt what it was like to get lost on a moving Island. So when she woke up she told Mr. Gloyd. “Hey Jesse did you know that the Island blew up and that they were dreaming of dreaming and then after that they found out that people did what they did to them on purpose because they wanted to film what would happen if they got stuck on a Island. The people got paid millions in the end and they fly off the Island to find out that they were being crashed to another one and that they would never return.