90 poems {2014+2020} Felix Rian Constantinescu

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90 poems {2014+2020} Felix Rian Constantinescu# ._._._ _+ iii. Mirim 2019 23 poems +++ Wandering Out the forest. Never again! Sunt mantuit F R Constantinescu

If Ur Grandmother was a very holy Woman U can have the Last supper with her Icon And leave her a piece of bread U got # and In the morning after the witches bereft + U will know that U are redeemed # by God And ready for the Journey # And nobody can Outfight U Son + The Prince with the Book Born # The Christ professing # Little Mary. +++ Wandering Out the forest. Never again!

Caragiale about The tortured Village

F R Constantinescu 2 my mama News come like birds on a wire # In the Pogany village with the GD Children # this is no protest just a Fact of Life # there are someones Who sleep soundly now + but this Village of martyrs from all over the Country has no peace and I am sr I HOPE WE DIE # I HOPE WE DIE. Radioactive brain. Catholica Radioactive brain. Catholica

I believe that brain # developed + Is more and more radioactive like Light and U don't need anything# But the Light + God # Jesus # Mary But it s gonna take time and patience To get there # and persectution brft In the cold with the wisdom of bold

Ageing # so # rewrite + reread+relive. My Father

You must eat and must Live Pray and believe Mary is G mama too # Please daddie Pray and hope + Love God Isaiah 66: 12+14 # Please! Let s hope the Winters end And we will be together as One # a family # peripatethics. My Mother s Life Parable

F R Constantinnescu

My Mother was a parable in herself And taylor I m so sorry # I just thought My happiet moments were walking wit Her to the Castle and the 100 year old Steel+Factory # She came wit me in the Castlea few times # dad too # What did She do? She cooked soup 3 primary class Well # that s quite enough # a teacher.

Metaphor vs Confession F R Constantinescu to R S Thomas i feel much better being myself

I was very dissapointed to see they banished him Out of The Anthology # the biggest poet of our C But he made a mistake iii believe nt as a metaphor Well that s Kramer! Goethe! I believe in diaries and Women and their confessions which always got iii Into trouble # well + what can a moshiach say? # Not really # just a seer not a watchman # so what s Thais conclusion? Night is closing and mourning... Can t U think for Urselves? have U not brainzz? There are 8 beatitudes and 10 kinds of people So let her go let him go to that mother**** Monastery because U bourne an angel Idiot Besides Thomas poems are confessions not nt So this is a very good sign # I am grammarly The grammatic poem + like my mom # so + Wait for iii to die and then wait 4 Ur own death.

The Police

to activist Ioan Roman. dec. 1978 my Mother s Mother.

This is a poem about the police I made my mistakes as an cor. s Son # but what iii want is peace Islam U kno# to not see t dirt + So # I am begging you like a bg Stop the repression of police fam. And Kiids # and there are no threats Here on my page # only in my mind. Homo felix Homo felix

Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary mary Mary Mary. March 13th# 2019

Only chance

I prayed to Mom s icon of Jesus and Suddenly started to say Hail Mary # Realizing Jesus is Mary # o You have No idea he said # Jesus is Mary Jesus Is Mary # What Life must he had down And I remember the Jews still hate him After 2000 years and Moslems are stupid 2000 years on hate of non Jesusism + On Jesus On Jesus

Jesus is the son of Mary son Abraham Son of God # he stayed alone by himGod And in crowds to save this World + the Accuser had no power over him # Jesus o Muerte # and I must obey Jesus mama And go up + if they do not listen the Torah and the Prophets they would not listen the Saints Martyrs Scrooges of this Earth mama. On Junk On Junk

All literature before me is junk even Dostoievski Just a struggle for life as they understood it IIII I have a new literature not junk but Jesus # the Genuine article + because I have no money # And live + I have no rights # and live # I don't kr And live # all before this Mary were robbers true Even Jeanne d Arc + so believe or die right now In Jesus Christ and his mother Mary # save us! Poem about the importance of not kissin Poem about the importance of not kissin

Jesus Christ said once Yehudah with a Kiss? Before said to the Galilean sea Mouth Not! So what s more there to be said Isaiah? # I Yrmiahu pray for U that U will resist after This oem is over + my life # And kiss me not Stupid says Little Mary in the name of Mary Some will have trouble others not + believe And leave me alone because I believe in Lamb. On Martyrdom On Martyrdom

Jesus Christ told Peter he will be unwillingly martyrized I don't think any martyr wants to be killed and made gold

Not even the Brancovans the toughest of the toughest # Like a scorched tree + but there will be martyrs until end So just believe and fear not death # fear God + and JC and his armies of angels # so I Mary call U to a better Life # a life of Abstinence Obedience and Wisdom + Jesus Christ told Peter he will be unwillingly martyrized. Sainthood Sainthood

f. Well arriving to sainthood I mean in any church bgns In Childhood # U have 2 asK For it # like prophecy + from The God qualified to give It As an delinquent taught us in Church Christ in U Hope of Glory # So look it up# Saint? Well I hope a moslem saint because a martyr I am already With my broken back + in t end A prayer for all my priest guyzz.7 A World of Losers A World of Losers

It s just as I. M. writ people try and die Losing the beauty that they had in vice I don't need that and U neither my fren Love is an energy and more + poetry# Somewhere when the world dead or not Doesn't matter anymore and you can just Stay together and b happy and Kids come Out of too much love not wanted and so They go # die that is + so don't ask for C from me # I had a Child and have # U2+ What was I talking about? A World of Lsrs My time is running out # before death prpr! Abstinence Abstinence

Felix Rian Constantinescu

It s not what you can It s what you trane It s not what you may But whom we obey It s not what you can It s what you trane It s not what you may But whom we obey.

About the Dead About the Dead

F R Constantinescu

What we value most are the dead Our Mothers and Grandfathers # t Mothers of our Mothers we never Knew + and Jesus was quite explicit So this Sunday # Domenica u kno I want to encourage U to leave evr thing and think of Ur dead # and a Husband not dead it doesn t worth it. Great+great+great+grandfather Puskin Great+great+great+grandfather Puskin to Puskin and the Czar

Puskin is my greatgreatgreatgrandfather Or greatgreatgreatgreatgrandfather # he Came to Chisinau and made me + the best And Tolstoy came at Bucharest and he is MY G3grandfather 2 # so U see I got brain But brain is faith which is humbleness #

Like in the old days do you remember? The mocked saints the killed martyrs. Yea| On Love and Pride. A Sermon On Love and Pride. A Sermon

2 R S Thomas

As it was in the days on Noah said Jesus As it was in the days of Lot An apple of gold tried to eat Crissus Ev'ry men a broken pot So when Jesus Christ preached These human who am I I say Who am I to be contrary Poetry always says yes to God So if U think U re superior U re not So says brother Noia so says Lot And if you make Jesus the Idiot U are very wrong God Idiot Not. The Day Someone called me a Wanker The Day Someone called me a W a n k e r F R Constantinescu

No iii don't think I wit And iii wit not referee. 2 Fat Frumos cel Urat 2002 Last year someone I do not know called I this Adressing to a catdog out of a depth like a o It is not the humiliation but of suffering not mn I remembered of my dead R o x a n a and her Foolishness and Shi helpt me then I got to a Higher ground # music + and then my man RS And his stupid Life # and poems like Forrest D God Life is this way angels and demons and ? + b. 90 poems Glass Organ. A Project

Made entirely of unbreakable glass Designed for churches or auditoriums Even the keys are made of that thick glass As well as the pipes and the pedals Not a fancy project but religious medieval precise To ignite faith in the postcontemporary man A glass organ sounding watery in the church

On Sundays or funeral weddings well a G architecture. Yeol-eum Son. The Angel

If you see her smile and hear her speak With YouTube is possible you know You understand that She is an angel Down with a piano flying allover The world with her instrument like in that Andersen story; She is wonderful Sorry if I get impetuous but She could Even perform only by giving speeches And the music is She like the personification Of Music prefer Chopin Etudes her first sakura. The White Spider

I have a white spider in my morning window How beautiful he is just like a whitening star Or like the perspective learnt in art schools Yet alive a sentient being not knowing to drink The blood of roses I shall not kill it at most get Him out of mama's room dead now like a moth Like we too insects are to die in a sudden winter I wonder if classical music I listen made it all white And he seems to me like a September beginning Snowflake last from the lost diamantine winter # The spider is precious not just because he's alive

But for the symbols it gives to a man who won't kill. That Lazy Humming Bird to Kate Wolf Sits on the arabesque wires of the tree - singing Her partitures like reading tm out loud again & again She was born to be just a lazy humming bird Born with guitar in her little hands but such tight grisp And I remember of purer years or so they seemed Love evicted but still with poetrymusic I am still Not strong but relentless deciphering the meaning of it all Just you and the paper just you and the guitar just you and God. My Classroom to Moses Rosen Yesterday night I wanted like Enrico to write the names of my classroom # Jews + Rabis I have them in a recollection book # so here They are Meir Leibus Malbim Dr. Jacob Niemirower Dr. Petru Groza Charles Jordan Prim+rabinul Jacob Margulies Shalom Alehem I. Peltz Dr. Gustav Sicher Gala Galaction+ Tzadikul necunoscut my classroom... On Marx and Knifeplay

to Chromewell Here in Roumanie Romanians are thirsty For vodka and tuica and wine and bier So they torture their Children and their Family near... So let's play wit knives + we are murderers# Better than hungry or eating the squat of God Animals wiser hominem stultuior # After Maniu Mihalache+ prs. f.+ Harca Harca is a big fish that cross in Crișana Region eating Even people small Children mostly and ducklings once One of these Harcas wanted to eat a Child so villagers Came with nets and took Her out the irrigation channel And put it on the peasant carriage and the back was Traying on the ground it was a huge event back then Just as the fish I tried today in my composition to grasp The psychology of such an animal and I came to o and O. I say Tomorrow we'll Cook Potatoes

I say tomorrow we'll cook potatoes We wash them and put them in water On the fire and then we'll peel them And cut them into slices with onion

If we don't have anymore tomatoes will do And oil and a hot oriental salad for the two Of us we'll have potatoes for two days Yes potatoes are always a choice.

The Music of the Wind

More beautiful than Schumann the music of the wind In the scorched corn in September and in the thorns Of the embankment flowing immaterially like a fugue From God and Heaven this is the music of the North When already villagers prepare for winter in their tractors And sheepflocks running and hiding from God's concerto To me is pleasant pedagogique it teaches me music & Things like poetry this incurable disease and grace. Country Song I sing my bluegrass country song again A pray to the Moon of forevermore Through the Pogany poplars the sun laughs Another morning here in the holy village I have seen fish blind with garbage I heard the gypsy-vulture in my dream I pray to the Moon I pray to the Sun For a God that's worthwhile passing-by.

(of 2), noun/verb/etc order -1 (of 1), cliches -3 (of -3), lines start the same -2 (of -2), too long/short -1 (of -1), too many capitalized -0.7 (of -1), toolong lines -1 (of -1) [ 27+53+62 ] 27+53+62 to Jane Austen and R S Thomas F. 2019


Moisteurisation... to the Foolish to make much of Time For so long there will b a being in pain May iii 2 b to help her + bdhisttva vow The Snake is cursed to get his head crshd By the tongue of Woman # it s like that And even the Godbearer was pierced By A sword # at Birth # God knows I want to tell U about mosteurisation and Whatever. Sin. We are all. Sinners. JCman. Fatima Kids say No


Fatima Kids say no With the sheep go Until Mary's show Fatima Kids say no Fatima Kids say no With the sheep go Until Mary's show Fatima Kids say no. A Genie bigger than Eminescu to Jane Austen Adieu Mihail

Jane Austen a Genie just a Woman # She was wiser and genier than ME+ Mihai Eminescu that is why? well there Are a lot of reasons # faith one of them Prolonged through centuries ++++ so She is the best female that bore Gogol and Puskin and everybody else and thr Is a diff. betwwen SS and PP # cc rr.# Abstinence vs. Cannibalism

We gotta get to A Said t Prophetae Or else Cannibals We are Nothing more To Say Medicine To day...+ I choose A I choose A I choose A I choose A. the Ressurection of the 12 year old Girl

The 12 year old Girl was not dead But in a big trouble she was in love Wit Jesus that's way she called for Him + she played pretend and Jesus knew And he said Talitha kumi which meant Little Mary Rise Up and that's the story We can rise up from the ground or from Our minds like Jesus or something +

A planet called Maria

Our planet new Maria flew Our planet old Stones of bold Shi flies through The Cosmae Through Heaven She flye. Little Solomon Gelu Felix Constantinescu 4 Eliza Motto: Teme+te de tine insuti DOAMNE. 0:00:00 0:03:20 1 Cuvintele împăratului Lemuel. Învăţătura* pe care i-o dădea mama sa. * Prov 30:1; 2 Ce să-ţi spun, fiule? Ce să-ţi spun, fiul trupului meu? Ce să-ţi spun, fiule, rodul* juruinţelor mele? * Isa 49:15; 3 Nu-ţi* da femeilor vlaga şi dezmierdările tale celor** ce pierd pe împăraţi. * Prov 5:9; ** Deut 17:17; Neem 13:26; Prov 7:26; Osea 4:11; 4 Nu* se cade împăraţilor, Lemuele, nu se cade împăraţilor să bea vin, nici voievozilor să umble după băuturi tari; * Ecl 10:17; 5 ca* nu cumva, bând, să uite legea şi să calce drepturile tuturor celor nenorociţi. * Osea 4:11; 6 Daţi* băuturi tari celui ce piere şi vin celui cu sufletul amărât, * Ps 104:15;

7 ca să bea să-şi uite sărăcia şi să nu-şi mai aducă aminte de necazurile lui. 8 Deschide-ţi* gura pentru cel mut, pentru** pricina tuturor celor părăsiţi! * Iov 29:15; Iov 29:16; ** 1 Sam 19:4; Estera 4:16; 9 Deschide-ţi gura, judecă* cu dreptate şi apără** pe cel nenorocit şi pe cel lipsit. * Lev 19:10; Deut 1:16; ** Iov 29:12; Isa 1:17; Ier 22:16; 10 Cine poate găsi o femeie* cinstită? Ea este mai de preţ decât mărgăritarele. * Prov 12:4; Prov 18:22; Prov 19:14; 11 Inima bărbatului se încrede în ea şi nu duce lipsă de venituri. 12 Ea îi face bine, şi nu rău, în toate zilele vieţii sale. 13 Ea face rost de lână şi de in şi lucrează cu mâini harnice. 14 Ea este ca o corabie de negoţ: de departe îşi aduce pâinea. 15 Ea se* scoală când este încă noapte şi dă** hrană casei sale şi împarte lucrul de peste zi slujnicelor sale. * Rom 12:11; ** Luca 12:42; 16 Se gândeşte la un ogor şi-l cumpără; din rodul muncii ei sădeşte o vie. 17 Ea îşi încinge mijlocul cu putere şi îşi oţeleşte braţele. 18 Vede că munca îi merge bine, lumina ei nu se stinge noaptea. 19 Ea pune mâna pe furcă şi degetele ei ţin fusul. 20 Ea* îşi întinde mâna către cel nenorocit, îşi întinde braţul către cel lipsit. * Efes 4:28; Evr 13:16; 21 Nu se teme de zăpadă pentru casa ei, căci toată casa ei este îmbrăcată cu cărămiziu. 22 Ea îşi face învelitori, are haine de in subţire şi purpură. 23 Bărbatul* ei este bine văzut la porţi, când şade cu bătrânii ţării. * Prov 12:4; 24 Ea face cămăşi şi le vinde şi dă cingători negustorului. 25 Ea este îmbrăcată cu tărie şi slavă şi râde de ziua de mâine. 26 Ea deschide gura cu înţelepciune şi învăţături plăcute îi sunt pe limbă. 27 Ea veghează asupra celor ce se petrec în casa ei şi nu mănâncă pâinea lenevirii. 28 Fiii ei se scoală şi o numesc fericită; bărbatul ei se scoală şi-i aduce laude zicând: 29 „Multe fete au o purtare cinstită, dar tu le întreci pe toate.”

30 Dezmierdările sunt înşelătoare şi frumuseţea este deşartă, dar femeia care se teme de Domnul va fi lăudată. 31 Răsplătiţi-o cu rodul muncii ei şi faptele ei s-o laude la porţile cetăţii! Proverbele, capitolul 31 I died for Love I died for Love and resurrected Elizabeth so no worms will eat my Heart + I pray that U will die for Love 2 Oh sweet Emily foolish one for beauty? What teaching are you giving to the church? For Love For Love For Love For Love. To a Child You're eyes are alive as beatful stones My Child still unborn in Heaven I wait for You to Lighten we Wit Your Imortality You're mouth s as a raven beak So tough so tender and so sleek I wait you descend in Ellie Wit UR poetry. Lara and a Prayer f. The Dr. died with the shout Lara in his heart Like a battle cry like a love cry like a Child cry She walkt on was unaware She thought of him

And iii finally understand whois Lara the RJews And then when all hope was gone after the Love He bowed his right knee in the plaza de football A prayer for her # maybe # to be spared by Life Or death or both like Old Miss Emily Dickinson And his prayer was granted long before said...f 62 About Libido... Lecture from Babet

F. Truth self+implied. Essentialy libido is a chemical it wrecks U Long before Ur body # Athena was wise Virgin and the Princess of Holy Olives # U don't need it Girl and I have good news

You can overcome it with a lot of instruments From cithera to syringes faith+prayer=Love Love is not libido just Adam's rule U don't Need it anymore because every curse broken Libido transcended ye but still U need a Child Or two and it's Ur choice but the wolf the cabbage and the goat still stands # so Marin Didn't die for nothin' so what are U do Babette?


I do not love you anymore I overlyloveyou Rachem+ As a child I had a magnet Compass and I aways # It + it swayed and then st steady north or south # a Toy I got # another was a Humptydumpty always st. A Missed Marriage

to my first wife or second i don't really know. FELIX Amnesia took me back in time to an age Young of unkisst kisses and unloved Lv There was a Girl 16 with dark Eyes and Brain who came to study me in the Night So that was that we kissed and an Icon Lead to marriage vow # on the spot + So we went to see her mama a drunk And iiii Left again sad Shi moved in cemetery.

2 Poems Yellow Corn Field In September the burnt corn is a hundred yellows Dark amber warm enlightened colourful pigments Singing and humming in the North-East wind Soon to be ransacked and trampled by plough Yet what a miracle it was we’ll say in October The almost complete yellow corn field Like gold like old platinum like broken diamond Even in the middle of it unseen still yellow. The Old Church Beyond the lake over the water in the next village There is the oldest church in Transylvania with The patron Saint Peter the key keeper of Jesus It’s just a room like an old house made of stones With a Roman inscription in it and a Gothic door Two windows and a small altar over 800 years ago Here it stands the old church closed all the time With God painted like a fat man inside – waiting. Laptop Hands I look at my pianissimo laptop hands Nervous full of temper they look like The hands of Michelangelo women

In the Sixtina combined with the St. Of Liberty but this hands carried heavy Stones but this shoulders carried long Trees yet i m a pianist now withouttt # Even bothering it s easy like Playmann What official will crush my hands with The boots what is my name Rian or Celan? well that s a topic but i refuse To accept t end of brain + not on paper. A man of Study... Amadou Hampâté Bâ

Dogon # a life spent in the Inferno of root culture Given to the world in novels poems and anths + # This is how I see him and in Paris a dogon If Man # Man # would only understand that Jesus understood + but ah no # world has no roots Like a tree drawing + Islamic # sufi # griot djeli Undercover # we look for more and more stars But do not see the fires of the cooking manioca...+ A writer like my Father or myself and what I moved Was the hardships of education in Third World Writers do not want to make it they wish truth + A world of men and Men like MJ sang 2 Death. Nicoleta KISSING Jenny!10 Mama had a Bible not really a catholic New Testament in Romanian on which I have writ at the back pag. only one Word # a name # a name of a Girl

Nicoleta + for my Key Shus as a Child Name + and put the Scripture and a Bulk of toys in a bag and placed it on The snow of the side of the dam road. A Matter of Justice

After the 1989 Romanian Revolution The peasants justly claimed their lands But then the descendands of Grafs Mischieviously claimed their great-grandfathers castles Because after the Unification of Romania in 1918 King Ferdinand bought everybody out and gave land to vets So nobility is misery today exploitation two centuries ago So tell me Pogany what you're worth? Spirit {Lucy Glee} Spirit Lucy Glee

There's a Girl named Lucy Glee Sweet a pupil She should be In Gymnasium or in hee Alone by the road to school People take Her for a Fool Sophie Hunter she should b She just wants her Education

But mama is on damnation # Aint gonna happen she toast & makes the 'Spectorate a roast There's a Maiden Lucy Glee On the streets of Galilee Chorus. Even trains are dangerous So what good is left for us Bread and wine and wine and Blood in the Winter of the Brain If U saw this don't let it happen U are next if we're All Rotten. The Scorched Sun-Flower Field

I’ve seen a sun-flower field scorched to black Like a million eclipses in the endless cosmos No bounty no crop will be from it this year Maybe it’s the beginning of a process of desertification And our descendant will beg for their water It was a rainless summer the villagers say helpless But maybe one century one genius would perfect An irrigation system for all the land of ours. c. at Lazy Humming Bird. to Kate Wolf THAT LAZY HUMMING BIRD. To Kate Wolf By FELIX RIAN CONSTANTINESCU (2014+2019)

The Skylark Winter is an organ fading-out we seem to hear the bells of spring the air is cool and warm and fragrant we need something more we need a song other than the howling of the dogs and the laughter of men we need a skylark Poets Eminescu and Lenau Goga and Ady Endre Sorescu and Nichita Galaction and Jesus As you can see my son Poets are t cosmic engine So why not just read them Instead of studying Money? Country Song I sing my bluegrass country song again A pray to the Moon of forevermore Through the Pogany poplars the sun laughs Another morning here in the holy village I have seen fish blind with garbage I heard the gypsy-vulture in my dream

I pray to the Moon I pray to the Sun For a God that's worthwhile passing-by. A Poet of Life not Words I had a Friend once a Body of a Poet But a Poet of Life not Words my dear If I put mon douleur on paper and done He puts it in his heart for commentary People are not the same the same are not People so while i'm fighting editors for some Stupid book of mine or others he jumps In the pit of Life and Work bcoz of Love Like in Shakespeare and Gottlieb Mozart So valuable he is yet still without a Son To be Leopold to so maybe Eminescu Was right maybe he was dead right Stevens. That Lazy Humming Bird to Kate Wolf Sits on the arabesque wires of the tree - singing Her partitures like reading tm out loud again & again She was born to be just a lazy humming bird Born with guitar in her little hands but such tight grisp And I remember of purer years or so they seemed Love evicted but still with poetrymusic I am still Not strong but relentless deciphering the meaning of it all Just you and the paper just you and the guitar just you and God.

A Poem on Love I never experienced Love I think; maybe I did Right now at 37 I am much more concerned on Partitures than Love maybe because I think Like Leeloo I do not know Love and it should Be okay maybe – you see I’m a broke Romantic With music is different it is there on the paper To be read and lived Chopin Prokofiev Rahmaninov So no Love and all the classical music I believe We’re even and the lake right beside me like a friend I was never with Love or maybe I am a liar. On the End of the World Ever since Jesus proclaimed it the end of the world was soon coming In _our_ century century after century winter after each Christmas But I have another view Jesus said in Luke 21 that the end will be When the cosmos will fall apart maybe billions of billions of years From then then will the end of the world be when the wheel of life Will break but that doesn’t mean we are excused from suffering So when the end be we 2019 will already be dead and gone up And billions of years of people will live after us with their own dreams. Still Life with Music A R S Thomas poem collection and an opened Bible Together with some strange song on YouTube vids Amy Macdonald with Footballer’s Wife and saudade Though I’m not into star culture but melomaniac

She says again and again the same negations of it Of more than man but not God not more than God From the icon the Virgin with Child glances at me Now Amy is just an mp3 online but Mary real. The Scorched Sun-Flower Field I’ve seen a sun-flower field scorched to black Like a million eclipses in the endless cosmos No bounty no crop will be from it this year Maybe it’s the beginning of a process of desertification And our descendant will beg for their water It was a rainless summer the villagers say helpless But maybe one century one genius would perfect An irrigation system for all the land of ours. Yellow Corn Field In September the burnt corn is a hundred yellows Dark amber warm enlightened colourful pigments Singing and humming in the North-East wind Soon to be ransacked and trampled by plough Yet what a miracle it was we’ll say in October The almost complete yellow corn field Like gold like old platinum like broken diamond Even in the middle of it unseen still yellow. The Old Church

Beyond the lake over the water in the next village There is the oldest church in Transylvania with The patron Saint Peter the key keeper of Jesus It’s just a room like an old house made of stones With a Roman inscription in it and a Gothic door Two windows and a small altar over 800 years ago Here it stands the old church closed all the time With God painted like a fat man inside – waiting. I say Tomorrow we'll Cook Potatoes I say tomorrow we'll cook potatoes We wash them and put them in water On the fire and then we'll peel them And cut them into slices with onion If we don't have anymore tomatoes will do And oil and a hot oriental salad for the two Of us we'll have potatoes for two days Yes potatoes are always a choice. Thinking of Mozart I was in the field thinking of Mozart And his death at 36 alone with beggars So to me it was obviously he was in some kind of disgrace To be buried like that the best prodigy world has Ever seen well let's go home and eat our sweetbread This is life especially to others and let's invest in Mozart Now not while he was alive this is my destiny yours

I was in the field thinking of Mozart. The Music of the Wind More beautiful than Schumann the music of the wind In the scorched corn in September and in the thorns Of the embankment flowing immaterially like a fugue From God and Heaven this is the music of the North When already villagers prepare for winter in their tractors And sheepflocks running and hiding from God's concerto To me is pleasant pedagogique it teaches me music & Things like poetry this incurable disease and grace. The Importance of Promises If you believe in God you understand the Importance of promises in Life and Beyond We are not tomatoes but souls in shells So we have to believe nothing more In the importance of God's promises and self So make that self-portrait yearly even with Nikon And don't sell yourself and mankind for Money Believe believe believe and nothing more. Jazz Guitar I started by making it sound like a sax Then now like piano keys and because It's a bad one like some worn out drums Still a guitar useful to get yourself free

In jazz I'm a fis in my black pool whirlpool Ready to go together with the cosmos Universe as you know it and I wonder Will I meet Benedict Spinoza up there? The Listener. A Lesson To put it quite bluntly in three stanzas I always wanted a musical instrument But denied because they wanted me A writer to read so here's the thing # Though it may not seem music not poetry Poetry is perfect - brainwires - but no perfect Musical instrument they all break and amount To nothing and not to mention the virtual One more thing!! it is better to understand Music than to make it because not even Bach understood his music I believe but Made it so be a listener # SONY's good!! Glass Organ. A Project Made entirely of unbreakable glass Designed for churches or auditoriums Even the keys are made of that thick glass As well as the pipes and the pedals Not a fancy project but religious medieval precise To ignite faith in the postcontemporary man A glass organ sounding watery in the church On Sundays or funeral weddings well a G architecture.

The White Spider I have a white spider in my morning window How beautiful he is just like a whitening star Or like the perspective learnt in art schools Yet alive a sentient being not knowing to drink The blood of roses I shall not kill it at most get Him out of mama's room dead now like a moth Like we too insects are to die in a sudden winter I wonder if classical music I listen made it all white And he seems to me like a September beginning Snowflake last from the lost diamantine winter # The spider is precious not just because he's alive But for the symbols it gives to a man who won't kill. 2 Philosophical Ideas on the Nature of God and War The proposition God exists is truly Synonym with God does not exist And Marx or Engels one of the two Wrote that during patriarchate the Rich needed manpower and since Everyone was free that was taken Out of prisoner of war made slaves My idea is of master states and slave. Sincron Guitarists

A Girl and a Boy 2 guitars and MJ Song somewhere Up # they play Professionally Like all of us would Want # talent is A tricky thing Because the most Talented are too lazy Or unfortunate in Others understanding What can you say if you re from Beethoven Bach and Mozart And all of the above Plus Franz Joszef? But the track sucks you Down by its perfection Yet what is perfect except God? A Premonition I just walked in the fields today # My profession - a walker into nature And I thought of the six words rule And a toy invention named TurboMice At the embankment I laid in thinking Whether to chute a bottle in the trench For the noise & go to the foxes & after I didn't Two dogs I saw inside the dam walking They didn't saw me by God's grace and My Siberian instinct so I retreated very slowly

And got further back home the grass was Yellow like hay & still green on the lower. The Deal The Girl loves me but Her Mama don't So maybe we will never be together But I still have the gift of music so That's t deal after you wrote 2'0 poems Love does not matter anymore I mean Of course it does but in a musical sense You may die alone holding an harmonica And still be loved for an eternity and more. Organ music Majestic to tiny like the wind Teaching us God's rythms # Organ music is the heighest Of them all like M. Jordan They even make software for Decades to reproduce it on Different device organ music Like digitalising the wind. Harca Harca is a big fish that cross in Crișana Region eating Even people small Children mostly and ducklings once One of these Harcas wanted to eat a Child so villagers Came with nets and took Her out the irrigation channel

And put it on the peasant carriage and the back was Traying on the ground it was a huge event back then Just as the fish I tried today in my composition to grasp The psychology of such an animal and I came to o and O. Goretex Literature Goretex literature is a ware literature Online electric electronic floppydisk Read worldwide by anonymous writ So - that's the business oak has rights So we should be content and accept t Otherwise is bad business while publishers Bankrupt one after another even movies Are tiresome now & videoclips meaningless. The Carmine Rose I noticed a carmine rose in Mom’s garden She years gone by but still her roses bloom Year by year in every autumn at the beginning And like Huckleberry I most wish I was dead And in mama’s bosom – vain plea still because Still young and decades to live unfortunate Apart from Heaven and its maze of wonders All this the simple carmine rose it gave and Love. A Lesson I Was Taught I workt with a very wise man Who had a beautiful Daughter

A Christian priest or something And I workt work at his mission And he put me to up stones With my feeble hands up hill Day after day until lastly I understood it all his lesson I still grasp at it daily yearly. Szpilman's Brother I am Szpilman's brother - the Idiot From the Majestic Heights to inner depts. LIfe is pain and pain is love and you get Tangled up strangled by it well just Another loser whatsoever but I Am Szpilman's brother dead at Auschwitz For misbehaving so you better watch out I am Jesus' brother and Moses and Miriam I am Szpilman's brother I - am Szpilman's brother The Idiot the Idiot they say Genius I. Texture Listening to Joan Osborne live i think of texture An artist: singer, poet, rocket scientist must have it Into his thing - wait a minute my connection broke Alright now that I am connected I continue Every tone clear and bold italic taking you home And then the rough texture of the cantos Something very thick as a fryed cat and memories Home home home home really home No home is Heaven Joan but to summarize it all Into one word: God. You named it. Else autism. Polisemantism. A poetic art Masterclass

Six words that put the problem and the solution Like a Mardi Gras enwinged like a beau dragonfly Remembering lost battles due to Time and expiration This death making you afraid to breathe Enlightement changes shift inside our minds today Like a psychiatrist we perfectly just know we gotta visit But couldn't never because we are only men not Angels - tell-tale Children always confessing and crying In essence Life is Truth and Glory - yes you heard me Dare we say it or couldn't - never?! Yeol-eum Son. The Angel If you see her smile and hear her speak With YouTube is possible you know You understand that She is an angel Down with a piano flying allover The world with her instrument like in that Andersen story; She is wonderful Sorry if I get impetuous but She could Even perform only by giving speeches And the music is She like the personification Of Music prefer Chopin Etudes her first sakura. Long Walk to Love

I am in Love you see my friend but kilometers and social prejudice separate me from my Love more than this Shi poem can express Love is always ahead of me like a bird Flying stopping and flying again before me on my road.

I Will Survive Death I will survive Death After my eternal Breath I will rebecome a Glee For a full Eternity When I Die I will not DIe So you won't just have to Sigh I will tell you from Yonder High Hun', I just didn't really Die. d. *** Classical music as psychiatric medicine. To Night (translated from Romanian)

Felix Rian

What are you night silent beside me a naiad, pixy, goddess or a woman? what are you night with your eyes of stars? who gave you a name who made you beautiful day darkened full of locks what are you night please tell me and tell me do you know I love you?

The Importance of Promises

If you believe in God you understand the Importance of promises in Life and Beyond We are not tomatoes but souls in shells So we have to believe nothing more In the importance of God's promises and self So make that self-portrait yearly even with Nikon And don't sell yourself and mankind for Money Believe believe believe and nothing more. Mentally Ill People Rights

It's not about the toughness of the disease anymore Or the mockery of the full and satisfied up to numbness It's feeling dienfrancised in a world in this world ours As Eva Benitez i to paraphrase is the so called sound People decide what you deserve that you are a second Class human # So today out of my sickly diwan i pledge The sickly rights that no one could mock and torture us And then feel happy & satisfied in his bed laughing before sleep. Jazz Guitar

I started by making it sound like a sax

Then now like piano keys and because It's a bad one like some worn out drums Still a guitar useful to get yourself free In jazz I'm a fis in my black pool whirlpool Ready to go together with the cosmos Universe as you know it and I wonder Will I meet Benedict Spinoza up there? What is Sacred?

to the churches I made a cha cha scratch song today Which made me ask myself what is Sacred? Only the pipes of Bach or Albinoni? As I read in the Sacred and Profane sacred is a lightbeam to God And from God so the axis of a vinyl scratch Can become an axis mundi if you believe And I am sure people smirked at the first pipe So I gave all the answers so why am I still Here? # Good question maybe to say parsley Sage rosemary and thyme or maybe just Sage and time sage and time sage and time... The Kafkian Writer

The kafkian writer Unhealthy as a litter Always rejected Alone and suspected What will be is secretly Secretly is what will be But the pain but the pain Of the dog alone in rain. The Listener. A Lesson

To put it quite bluntly in three stanzas I always wanted a musical instrument But denied because they wanted me A writer to read so here's the thing # Though it may not seem music not poetry Poetry is perfect - brainwires - but no perfect Musical instrument they all break and amount To nothing and not to mention the virtual One more thing!! it is better to understand Music than to make it because not even Bach understood his music I believe but Made it so be a listener # SONY's good!! On 21st Century

A partiture is the Century And we notes on it breathing And dying into forevermore As I see it after the 20th C The century of Titanic Wars Crazy Jazz and the Moon We are now in an off beat Century we know not entered. 2 Philosophical Ideas on the Nature of God and War

The proposition God exists is truly Synonym with God does not exist And Marx or Engels one of the two Wrote that during patriarchate the Rich needed manpower and since Everyone was free that was taken Out of prisoner of war made slaves My idea is of master states and slave. Genius' Nature

Genius' nature is like that of a tortoise What frosts made it? that alive stone? So in my opinion genius means to be Able to do whatever you are interested

In # It's not singing a partiture or inventing A new rocket but all of that and more # I began my day as a musician and I finish As a biologist through poetry this thought

And speaking from experience to be a genius Does not mean to be particularly smart or High pitched but to resist in adversity like A stoic Child and what all Children but are? A Premonition I just walked in the fields today # My profession - a walker into nature And I thought of the six words rule And a toy invention named TurboMice At the embankment I laid in thinking Whether to chute a bottle in the trench For the noise & go to the foxes & after I didn't Two dogs I saw inside the dam walking They didn't saw me by God's grace and My Siberian instinct so I retreated very slowly And got further back home the grass was Yellow like hay & still green on the lower. The White Star plt. Stefan Paic deportat in Siberia dincolo de Cercul Polar...

The White Star reflecting the Sun With blue stations on it via staellites And the dogs and the dog+men And the creed in women & Kiids A ball of snow evolving around the sun Until better times until then we should Look behind to the primal sympahty Of poetry and God mercy and Love...+ The Medieval Shelf When I first came in this room when Mother lived I made a shelf the lowest now with only med. bk. Daddie took them away one by one half maybe Now they are a very dusty Communist work on The subject from translation of Gudruna which I never actu'lly read but took from Arad myself to books on medieval art and thought and one Cathedral named but the knights are gone + After an R. S. Thomas theme

to Avraham ben Terah As I look over the two breasts Of the Retezat mountains # covered With the dew of snow crystals + I think of this place # ni + not of the

Place # but of it's people that conquered I + I still remember a millenia or stone When UFO's came down wit God's in them teaching # that's all they did + taught But now the village is filled with mean Snoops # killing for money and bier + they Wit not live says the Prophet # why? I look at the Skye and don't care any more. The People of the Cave f The People returned to the Caves No not as Hermits but as Rodents They sit there in the Blue Maze# i7 Watchin’ themselves and Us too Every Eyemove like busy famelic Rats# Well+ I don’t care # I don’t About e-Rats in the Dark w/ 4 UR Farthing and a good handshake. 14 Febuary 2019 AD To Earth

It s 19th of Martie so U better go fight the Earth With spades and tesla engines and bollocks # To feed us all worthy or not wit the fruit of earth Potatos potatos potatos potatos potatos n JC

And You flock+sheperd stop killin the Lamb t Angel hast past # no need for bloodshed anymore And maybe we ll stop killin ourselves and God Would come down to wash our feet forgive me... The Skylark and the Cat. A Fable

There was a Little Skylark That came acros my Home To look for bread crumbs And a thievious Cat took Her Like a Rat and I just Sat Hearing the Singin Squat There a More in this if iii may Not all that looks beautiful Is good as Good+day. The dead Tsarevich to Ivan

to Ylia Repin O Father sorry I have lived Now you're okay holdin' me Tight # in our castle of stars And dust + o sweet Csar I love you now dead more And I am Sir Thomas More

U just poor Ivan fara+un gologan My Father my Csar My God Cain. Amen. Psychological Lability...Presbiterian Poem

Maybe iii am like Vivien Leigh and Judy Garland Somewhere over the Rainbow blue birds flye# Unlovable the minister said # but my mom knew Better # so yea make me whatever U want me 2 Barbie Prayer # poured out of marble from Tyr and Sydon # so write me a million and I will sigh Why # the fact is I am Revelation 12 and divell Is not man # so shut up and do Ur Homework4. A Lesson I Was Taught I workt with a very wise man Who had a beautiful Daughter A Christian priest or something And I workt work at his mission And he put me to up stones With my feeble hands up hill Day after day until lastly I understood it all his lesson I still grasp at it daily yearly. Poem economy

U have 2 writ a lot so I can't waste Me wit epic stories + iii have come To the concept of ornamental poem Economy # beginning jazz end # U have 2 writ a lot so I can't waste Me wit epic stories + iii have come To the concept of ornamental poem Economy # beginning jazz end #. The Laptop Organist

A Laptop is a church organ with billions of pipes Or a piano with trillions of strings you can play it 1 2 # 4 and music will come and Chief Crazy Horse And many others this are the compositions-concertos Of the future musicartpoetrytoday you almost feel Like Frederic Chopin and people who enter your page And listen are your public loved and cared for A new classicism is emerging after Romanticism. Diamond

After Marty 1955 pop culture is the new mass, the new church. This is the Line. George Orwell's new Raven Moses. See how everything's linked and interconnected? We are already living in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.


Abraham was called eber # hebrew The one that crosses # the River + To promises given one hundred years Before like the for hudred years of Slavery # I am an ivrit too a son of Avraham because I croos over walls To my people like a kissing swallow To tel them their slavedom is over. A forgotten Language... to Childhood

Sanity + to be content with few or better wit God + to understand like the Magi the difference Between stars and planets # like hearing An unknown Idiom or reading unknown lit Like Millet painting the peasants true as were The truth is 7 or 6 in this life do not deny The truth is food and wisdom and a little Faith #+ we live together but not die. Brainhurt

I am brainhurt like a eletrocutated gong My spine is no better my neck fallin' # I sit in my room alone with God and this

Pages I know now they wait me dead So they can return to their own routine Love I don t want to hold them to sky I am brainhurt but it does not matter That man was not bad but desperate. Life in eight Lines

to Bacu U run through and fro like a little Mouse U listen African drum and try to read V U already falt in Love unrequitedly hope Married or unmarried a sinner or righeous At fifty U think that U are old and broken teeth At sixty U might die or survive if U make it At seventy you either read Yob or scrounge At eighty you are so old you can live another Life. I Love my Father R S Thomas

I Love my Father Reverend R S Thomas # ever since mama died He bore me on his arms and still d Right now iii am eating his food...

I dont know how many good books He has # iii havent read him a lot# But i pray he lives so i won’t be dead Because now i am half dead mama. Poets

Eminescu and Lenau Goga and Ady Endre Sorescu and Nichita Galaction and Jesus As you can see my son Poets are t cosmic engine So why not just read them Instead of studying Money? A dream with James Marshall Hendrix who wasn t very Impressed with his Work

I dreamt Hendrix and he was so a Modest man and friendly and i had A guitar and i said to him Do you Like that song? Da da da da+ da da da da| mama and the monks Said that there are dreams from God And dreams and we know not but Because of his modesty i believe' up.

Prayer for my Fossatum

Where there is the cadaver the vultures Come to eat and drink the blood of thais Innocent # today iii pray for a good day+ Here down in our nothingness and mad Where there is the cadaver the vultures Come to eat and drink the blood of thais Innocent # today iii pray for a good day+ Here down in our nothingness and mad. I was a Romantic 365 x 63 = 22995 x 24 = 551880 x 60 = 33112800. Psychiatry made me Genderless

Psychiatry made me Genderless I don't need it and nor should you So if you are Gender go there And beg for help for evolution

And faith true faith deprived of All this life's misery you will be Expecting just to go there up To God and ma and pa & Love. LONG WALK TO LOVE Felix Rian Constantinescu 2019 The Last Rites Before mama died Death didn't exist But She did and Child numb with pain So he went too leaving Daddie alone And when he died he entered t Madonna Icon that was death for him entering In an icon painted three hundred years Before his conception the Medjugorje Year and Daddie remained w t Icon. The Girl from Tennessee The Boy from Oklahoma The Girl from Tennessee They Meet Go to the Chapel And make a Prodigy!! She says She ain't no Angel But I don't believe Her - see?! Even Angels Imperfect So She does Lie to Me. Country in the Night

After a blockbuilding dream of mind and spirit Outside the poplars are stained by sky's infusion Lightening and now it seems that for a lifetime I have slept alone and maybe earth true bed Half an hour from now villagers will awake And get on two legs or in their motor cars To go to their works there's so much hatred But Life is beautiful and God exists do you hear? Bluegrass Listen to her voice and all the violin In the end they'll become as one When everything will be stardust Nihil and God loving each other The boys with the wire chords shut In the cosmos Wayfaring Stranger Is heard forever and then quiets My window is blue now in silence. Peasants Grandfathers but still young passing by my window On the small tractor with the woman on the cart On the potatoes sacks it's 9:33 am and such a luminous Image they left like in Vermeer so I guess I'm gay The peasants pass by through and fro with their works A car buzzes to some other business surely I cannot imagine living my life without peasants like They are a part of me of my soma of my soul. Greed I often think of greed and my thought abides In old people they seem to be fascinated by

But maybe not maybe the young too I often Met rich youth who would not share anything And it seems to me this is the Vilanova Jnctn Of Life to give or not to give or to give or to Take well what more can it be said it is sad When own Children matter less than Money. How I became a Lit Master After 33 years of zbocotire in poetry and reading I finally culminated as an underdog boxer w t wall Hurting my hand in three consecutives directs On its grungy surface then I stood and brooded And while I was searching for my last medicine It hit me and I told papa From now on I am a Lit Master don't need anyone's approval or help I am my own with what I got where I am. Road in Mist. A Prayer This field is mine I feel it so close And I think I am rich in thoughts I pass by the resolute peasants And speak with the shepherd I feel like Ion for the richness given And I am thinking now that I can sell them I should be content and happy God is good Life expectancy has increased to 90 years I played Wayfaring Stranger at the pipe organ Before entering he main hall of the field And I think hat this is my place and like in Lakes God dad is my lake beautiful adored prayed.

At the Pine Cone Picking When Autumn came we went to the castle’s Forest to gather pine cones as many as we Could for the Winter fires they all stood near The trees as fallen fruits from an another planet The sky was a breeze painted with only white Clouds and the castle was big and dark and damp But we were at the pine cone picking in Pogany Realm where the Lady made her paintings. Butterflies I notice butterflies adapted Like a Child’s crayons in spring White during summer and brown In the calm chillout autumn But alas! What do I see? White Butterflies in September the field Is full of them only the brown Seem to be autumn’s harvest. On a Billion Strings. To an online Laptop to Chris Stevens A laptop is like a lute with a billion strings You play it in the sky and it melodies with The songs of millions of people all inside Your heart and mind like in game of chess You know what and when and you listen Broadcasting together with thousands you're An online fiddler on the roof of the world In this village filling it with your bereft song.

A Poem on Love I never experienced Love I think; maybe I did Right now at 37 I am much more concerned on Partitures than Love maybe because I think Like Leeloo I do not know Love and it should Be okay maybe – you see I’m a broke Romantic With music is different it is there on the paper To be read and lived Chopin Prokofiev Rahmaninov So no Love and all the classical music I believe We’re even and the lake right beside me like a friend I was never with Love or maybe I am a liar.

On the End of the World

Ever since Jesus proclaimed it the end of the world was soon coming In _our_ century century after century winter after each Christmas But I have another view Jesus said in Luke 21 that the end will be When the cosmos will fall apart maybe billions of billions of years From then then will the end of the world be when the wheel of life Will break but that doesn’t mean we are excused from suffering So when the end be we 2019 will already be dead and gone up And billions of years of people will live after us with their own dreams. Still Life with Music

A R S Thomas poem collection and an opened Bible Together with some strange song on YouTube vids Amy Macdonald with Footballer’s Wife and saudade Though I’m not into star culture but melomaniac She says again and again the same negations of it Of more than man but not God not more than God From the icon the Virgin with Child glances at me Now Amy is just an mp3 online but Mary real. The Deal The Girl loves me but Her Mama don't So maybe we will never be together But I still have the gift of music so That's t deal after you wrote 2'0 poems Love does not matter anymore I mean Of course it does but in a musical sense You may die alone holding an harmonica And still be loved for an eternity and more. Polisemantism. A poetic art {Masterclass}

Six words that put the problem and the solution Like a Mardi Gras enwinged like a beau dragonfly Remembering lost battles due to Time and expiration This death making you afraid to breathe Enlightement changes shift inside our minds today Like a psychiatrist we perfectly just know we gotta visit But couldn't never because we are only men not

Angels - tell-tale Children always confessing and crying In essence Life is Truth and Glory - yes you heard me Dare we say it or couldn't - never?! Black Christian Songs Book Ritual Here my copy+book opened + at this title For a poemprize for a Young Milady For A's + titles are meaningless but As a motherly advice to her son I Would say the plain things like Love Your Mother and Father and Family...+

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