fellowship! C O O P E R AT I V E B A P T I S T F E L L O W S H I P
Using Creativity to Reach Children
Commissioning Global Missions Field Personnel
Launching Historic Hispanic Partnership
General Assembly Photo Spread
Chaplain Serving in Afghanistan War Zone
Campolo Challenges Assembly to ‘Keep the Faith, Fight the Good Fight, Do Good’ TONY CAMPOLO LEFT NO STONE
unturned in a wide-ranging and challenging
message that highlighted the opening night session of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s 2003 General Assembly
Campolo used texts in I Timothy to challenge the more than 4,000 Fellowship Baptists to keep the faith, fight the good fight and do good in a service that followed the theme “It’s Time … Being the Presence of Christ Congregationally.” “We must preach Jesus,” Campolo said. “We must call people to surrender their lives to Jesus.” The service was preceded by the Jubilate! youth choir with young people from Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee. Youth ministries from Pelham Road, Parisview, Augusta Heights and Sans Sousi Baptist churches in Greenville, S.C., performed an opening celebration through a dramatic presentation set to music. Soloist Scott At the 2003 General Assembly, ‘It's Time’ for a Beam was followed challenging message by keynote speaker Tony Campolo, by a call to worship evocative music from Kate Campbell and the obserand congregational vance of the Lord's Supper served by global missions singing, and greetfield personnel such as Michelle Norman (far right). ings from Assembly [continues p. 2]
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in Charlotte, N.C.
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Marjorie Thompson provides times of focused prayer throughout the Assembly.
“Clergy are OK, but it’s laity that do it – showing someone you love them and reaching out to them and not letting go until they see the grace of Jesus Christ.” He challenged the Fellowship to base its ministries on the Bible, and back up all of its social ministries – such as The Youth Choir of First Baptist Church of Asheville, N.C., receives standing ovations for selections from Partners in an international festival of hymns. Hope, the Fellowship’s rural poverty initiative – with scripture. “As Baptists, we accept no creed but the Bible, but after we say that, we forget the Bible,” he said. Campolo went on to rail against the Left Behind book series and dispensational theology, criticism of peace efforts by the United Nations, overly-serious and intensively intellectual approaches to faith and ignoring the plight of the poor. “You’ve got to have more joy,” Campolo said. “You’ve got to get enthusiastic. I want a fellowship where there is joy, where there is laughter, where there is ecstasy.” He also encouraged love and acceptance of homosexuals, regardless Assembly Coverage of the scriptural stance The fellowship! newsletter one takes. “Are we going expresses appreciation to the to take Jesus seriously?” following individuals who conhe said. “Evangelism tributed to the coverage of the isn’t just getting people 2003 General Assembly through ready to die. It’s getting articles and photography: Craig people ready to change Bird, Amy Cook, Lisa M. Jones, the world.” f! Ben McDade, Sue H. Poss, Mark
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Steering Committee Chair Blythe Taylor, associate minister of St. John’s Baptist Church in Charlotte; CBF Coordinator Daniel Vestal and Baptist State Convention of North Carolina Executive Director-Treasurer Jim Royston. Marjorie Thompson, Companions in Christ co-author, Soul Feast author, ordained Presbyterian minister and director of the Pathways Center for Spiritual Leadership for Upper Room Ministries, led the Assembly in a time of focused prayer from scripture. Nashville recording artist Kate Campbell shared two selections from her collection of spiritually deep, narrative songs that sparked spiritual reflection and an attitude of worship. In an on-stage interview, Dallas-based Buckner Baptist Benevolences President and CEO Ken Hall explained how Fellowship churches can meet needs in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas in conjunction with Buckner’s border ministries. “What we need is prayer, and what we need is people to come and be the presence of Christ in the Valley,” Hall said. The Fellowship also highlighted its Missional Church Initiative through a video presentation that told the stories of churches responding to needs in the communities around them. The call to service did not end there. Campolo quickly shattered the calm in his signature expressive preaching style, sometimes congratulating the Fellowship for its stance on women in ministry and sometimes confronting the Fellowship for not being more racially diverse and biblically based. “The way the world is reached for Christ is not any different now than it was 2,000 years ago,” Campolo said.
Sandlin, Jo Upton and Lance Wallace. Audiotapes of the general sessions and many workshops are available (see order form, p. 19).
Fellowship Raises Profile of Rural Poverty Initiative with Offering, Workshops
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PA R T N E R S I N H O P E , the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s rural poverty initiative, got a financial boost of $175,210 at this year’s Assembly. Partners in Hope was the Assembly’s featured ministry offering. The amount of the offering, significantly more than the $100,000 goal, means that all operating expenses for fiscal years 2002-03 and 2003-04 will be fully funded. The Fellowship’s fiscal year is July 1 through June 30. Partners in Hope is a 20-year commitment to partner with 20 of the nation’s poorest counties to work alongside local residents to improve quality of life. There is currently active work in Perry County, Ala.; the Rio Grande River Valley of Texas; the Mississippi River Delta in Arkansas and Mississippi; and Appalachian mountain areas in Kentucky. Initiatives are being developed for Louisiana and South Dakota. “This initiative fits CBF’s commitment to reach the most neglected,” said Tom Prevost, initiative coordinator. “And we’re doing that through local assets-based community transformation. We’re going to these communities and asking them what they need, then finding ways to meet those needs.” Partners in Hope was launched at the 2001 General Assembly and has quickly gained momentum, thanks to the research, grant resources, volunteer support, strategy consultation and partnership grants provided by state, regional and national Fellowship organizations. One of the newest partnerships is with Buckner Children and Family Services in BRIAN MCLAREN COACHES CHURCHES: Dallas that Brian McLaren addressed the Congregational will provide Leadership Institute June 26 prior to the General expanded Assembly. McLaren, pastor of Cedar Ridge Community Church in Spencerville, Md., ministries to challenged the 400 plus participants to better at-risk chilengage ‘postmodern’ culture with the truth and dren and famgrace of Jesus Christ.
Fellowship supporters raised $175,210 during two offerings to help alleviate rural poverty.
ilies in the Rio Grande Valley. Mart Gray, coordinator of AlabamaCBF, has been involved in the Perry County work through Sowing Seeds of Hope, the Alabama component of the rural poverty initiative. “We have started by building healthy relationships with the local residents,” he said. “It is a significant step for us just to be there and be the presence of Christ.” In addition to the financial boost from the ministry offering, Partners in Hope also increased its public profile among Fellowship participants during the Assembly. Two workshops attracted more than 100 people each. “By focusing on the assets they already have, this gives local residents an internal power they didn’t know they had,” said workshop leader Doris Littrell, a former professor in community development who now works with Partners in Hope. Partners in Hope is also having impact beyond the 20 official counties with which it is associated. “One of the things we’re beginning to see happen,” Prevost said, “is that Christians are becoming more aware of poverty right around them. We see churches that learn about the needs in these poorest counties also becoming aware of poverty closer to home, perhaps in their own neighborhoods.” That awareness, Prevost said, is at the heart of Partners in Hope. “There are people and groups already at work among the poor and we simply need to engage with them and be obedient to the words of Jesus to witness to the least of these.” f! For more information, contact Tom Prevost at (662) 871-2444 or <tprevost@cbfnet.org>. www.cbfonline.org AUGUST 2003
Fellowship Uses Creativity to Minister to Children at General Assembly
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Assembly in Charlotte, and she hopes it won’t be her last. Grace Ann, age 9, was one of 149 children, birth through sixth grade, registered for the Children’s Assembly hosted by the Children’s Ministry Network of the Fellowship. “I really like being here,” said Grace Ann, a member of First Baptist Church in Williamsburg, Ky., where her father, Kevin, is pastor and her mother, Allison, is minister of youth. Grace Ann’s siblings, Jake, 5, and Ellie, 3, were also attending their first Assembly. “I like making crafts best,” Grace Ann said. “We’ve just finished making rainbows to remind us to pray for missionaries.” Cathy Anderson, minister to children at First Baptist Church in Asheville, N.C., coordinated this year’s Children’s Assembly. “Having this event for children means that families can come together to the General Assembly and one parent doesn’t have to stay home with the kids,” she said. “But it also gives us a chance to teach the children. We want to make sure they get a solid missions education, not a babysitting service.” Fellowship missions material was used in the Children’s Assembly, and Nine-year-old Grace Ann several Fellowship global missions Roberts hopes to attend field personnel met with the children. Children's Assembly again “When kids get to talk to and know next year. missionaries, they get excited about
CBF Provides Fellowship Baptists Tools to Combat Misinformation A LOT OF PEOPLE are crying, “Help! Some People in my Church Say Bad Things about CBF!” And more than 100 of them filled an Assembly workshop on that topic. “We can't answer (critics) in five-second sound bites – the best way to respond to our critics is through discussion,”
Marion Aldridge, coordinator for the South Carolina CBF, told the gathering. That discussion must be compassionate without allowing untruths to go unchallenged, added Ben McDade, director of marketing and communications for the national Fellowship. “None of us would choose to spend time on this subject, but
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G R A C E A N N R O B E R T S attended her first General
David Blackmon of North Carolina interacts with Ana Maria Podgaisky (left) and Chloe Spieler during the Children’s Assembly.
missions,” Anderson said. The 2003 Children’s Assembly was staffed by volunteers from four churches: First Baptist in Statesville, N.C.; First Baptist, Asheville, N.C.; First Baptist, Gastonia, N.C.; and St. John’s Baptist in Charlotte. The fees charged for the Children’s Assembly covered all the cost of materials, and volunteers bring their own equipment. For Michka Tosan, son of CBF field personnel Mich and Pat Tosan, now living in Williamstown, N.J., the Children’s Assembly gave him an opportunity to meet and talk with other children his age. “It’s been fun and we’ve also been learning a lot about God,” said the 12-year-old. “I like having the missionaries tell us how they work,” Grace Ann said. “And I like making friends from all over. I’m glad I came, and I hope I can come back every year.” f! we don't really have that option,” he said. “But tension in churches between CBF and SBC advocates makes it a necessity. Name calling – and it comes from both sides of the aisle, by the way – needs to move to respectful conversations on the issues.” A key part of that process is confronting critics about the accuracy of their charges. An important resource for Fellowship Baptists is The Baptist Identity: Four Fragile
Freedoms by Walter Shurden, executive director of Mercer University’s Center for Baptist Studies, covering the principles of soul freedom, church freedom, Bible freedom and religious freedom, McDade said. “Share it with your critic and ask them what part he or she doesn’t agree with.” Materials from the workshop are available at
http://www.truthaboutcbf. net/newsstand/krs/.
Vestal: ‘Being the Presence of Christ’ More Complicated than Christians Think
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until you try to determine which understanding of Jesus to model, according to Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Coordinator Daniel Vestal. And therein lies both the persistent problem and the potential promise for Christians. “If someone asks you what kind of people are Cooperative Baptist Fellowship people, you tell them we are a Jesus people,” Vestal told the Assembly Friday morning session. “We live our lives in obedience to Jesus. We imitate Jesus. We believe Jesus is the Savior of the world. And with all our hearts, we want to be a continuation of His life and ministry. “To be the presence of Christ is not quite as easy as we might think because Jesus Himself is not quite as simple or as easy to understand as we have thought Him to be,” Vestal said. “Perhaps this Jesus of history, this Christ of faith is far more beautiful and far more radical and far more profound than we have imagined.” Vestal’s personal study on how best to be the presence of Christ brought him to 1 Corinthians 3:9: “We are laborers together with God” – with the accent on “together.” “We recognize that none of us is the Body of Christ by ourselves…,” he continued. “No one of us has a corner on the truth. No one of us has a complete understanding of the Gospel.” His conclusion? “We will be the presence of Christ together.” The Charlotte Convention Center filled with 4,357 Three major registered participants at the 2003 General challenges lie Assembly.
New Coordinating Council Members The following new Coordinating Council members were elected during the General Assembly: Ala.: Gary Furr, clergy, Birmingham; James Walters, clergy, Mobile;
Asian-American Network: Joe Tu, clergy, Gainesville, Ga.; Ga.: Huey Bridgman, clergy, Columbus; Ann White Morton, laity, Cumming; Jim Ross, clergy, Madison; Henry Tyson, laity, Fitzgerald; Mid-Atlantic: Larry Eubanks, clergy, Frederick, Md.; N.C.: Gail Coulter, clergy,
before the Fellowship, Vestal said. First, growing missional congregations (churches who seek to minister by being the presence of Christ locally and globally); second, discovering, nurturing and training effective leaders; and third, inspiring members with a global vision and Daniel Vestal tells Assembly participants that Fellowship Baptists are ‘a Jesus people.’ passion. “Can we as a Fellowship in all our diversity maintain unity around this vision?” he asked. “Can we embrace the tension that comes from living in a post-modern, post-denominational world and find our center from being the presence of Christ in the world?” He answered: “I believe we can and I believe we will. And the greatest reason I believe it is because the living Christ is in us – all of us.” An edited version of Vestal's message is at www.cbfonline.org. f!
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B E I N G “ L I K E J E S U S ” seems a straight forward goal –
It’s Time! … an Urgent Call to Christian Mission by Daniel Vestal elaborates on his Assembly message themes. Books are available for $9.95 each, plus shipping, from the CBF Resource Link at (888) 801-4223 or the CBF e-Store at www.cbfonline.org.
Hendersonville; Mary Anne Croom, laity, Ahoskie; Irma Duke, laity, Fuquay-Varina; North Central: Ann Wilson, laity, Midland, Mich.; Northeast: Ken Bogan, clergy, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Phil Ross, laity, Fairhaven, Mass.; Okla./Kan.: Rusty Brock, clergy, Ardmore, Okla.;
S.C.: Ann Strickland, laity, Pendleton; Texas: Scott Collins, laity, Dallas; Stacy Conner, clergy, Muleshoe; Harriet Harral, laity, Fort Worth; West: Mark Goodman, clergy, Anchorage, Alaska.
www.cbfonline.org AUGUST 2003
Field Personnel Commissioned to ‘Go with Gladness’ to World’s Most Neglected
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sioned, blessed and laid hands on 18 new global missions field personnel to serve among the most neglected people groups in such diverse locations as Southeast Asia and Los Angeles. During the Assembly’s evening worship June 27 that featured the theme “It’s Time … Being the Presence of Christ Globally,” Phil Hester, Fellowship associate coordinator of church starts, recognized seven Fellowship church starters. It marked the first time church planters have been officially recognized during an Assembly. Those recognized on stage were Bernie Moraga, new start in Rio Rancho, N.M.; Mary Beth Caffee, Pathways in Sabatus, Maine; Michael Lewis, new start in Birmingham, Ala.; David Holland, Tidal Creek Community Church, Lady’s Island, S.C.; David Reid, Compass Community Church, Boise, Idaho; Jorge Zaasbazan, Grace Chapel, Round Lake Beach, Ill.; and Bob Pitts, Harvest Fellowship Church in Greenville, Miss. Global Missions Cocoordinators Barbara and Gary Baldridge offered words of commissioning and expressions of blessing to each of the field personnel teams. “These go into a Phil Hester introduces Mary Beth Caffee, who is beautiful but troubled starting a church in Maine, one of 40 Fellowship world,” Barbara said. new church starts. “This is not an easy nor comfortable commission. But they have answered ‘yes’ to God’s call. Their standing here tonight is a visible symbol of their ‘yes.’” The field personnel commissioned were Laura Barton, Envoy to China; Bill and Michelle Cayard, career field personnel to China; Diana Early, Envoy to China; Jacquelyn Magness Franklin, Envoy to China; David and Rita Mashburn, Global Service Corps to China; Bob and Janice Newell, career field personnel to Albanians in Athens, Greece; Matthew and Michelle Norman, Global Service Corps to internationals in Canada; Matt and Katie,* career field representatives to Southeast Asia; Kristen Smith, Global Service Corps to internationals in Los Angeles; Lee and Jane,* career representatives to North Africa; Katherine Williams, Global Service Corps to urban ministry
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T H E C O O P E R AT I V E B A P T I S T F E L L O W S H I P commis-
CBF Global Missions Co-coordinator Barbara Baldridge (left) offers words of blessing to Jacquelyn Magness Franklin, an Envoy to China who was commissioned during the Assembly.
in Brooklyn, N.Y.; and Gordon Wood, Envoy to China. “These are not just CBF’s responsibility,” Barbara told Assembly participants. “They are yours as well. They are representing you as they go out to be the presence of Christ to the most neglected.” Although there are another approximately 150 in the process of exploring missionary service with the Fellowship, there are not currently funds available to appoint and commission additional field personnel. “You need to know that these 18 people we are commissioning tonight would not be up here without the anonymous gift from a single donor,” CBF Coordinator Daniel Vestal said. “We have more who are willing to serve. It is up to us to give.” Woman’s Missionary Union of North Carolina Executive Director Ruby Fulbright brought greetings and offered her own blessing as well as attaché cases embossed with a special insignia. Barbara Baldridge also announced that 25 of 27 Student.Go summer or semester missionaries were commissioned in a special ceremony in Raleigh, N.C., in May. * Matt’s and Katie’s last name is withheld for security reasons. * “Lee” and “Jane” are pseudonyms. This couple cannot be identified for security reasons. f! For more information about global missions personnel career opportunities, contact Tom Prevost, (662) 871-2444, <tprevost@cbfnet.org> or Becky Buice Green, (770) 220-1624, <bbgreen@cbfnet.org>. For information about Global Service Corps assignments, contact (877) 856-9288 or <gsc@cbfonline.org>.
Assembly Approves Historic Partnership with Hispanic Convention, $17 Million Budget
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T H E D AY A F T E R B E I N G C H I D E D by evangelical social 7
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activist Tony Campolo for being “too white,” the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship signed onto a far-reaching partnership to start 400 Hispanic churches. The Fellowship approved the partnership on the heels of the Hispanic Baptist Convention of Texas, which approved the agreement at its annual meeting last week. Other votes at the Assembly’s Friday afternoon business session approved a $19.7 million budget for 2003-04 as presented and elected all nominees without opposition. The $19.7 million budget includes $17.09 million in projected revenue and $2.6 million from previously received designated funding to be used primarily in global missions and leadership development. “We are amigos in the same boat,” HBCT President Antonio Estrada told the Assembly before the formal signing ceremony. “Together we are fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus.” The covenant stipulates that both groups will identify churches to link in one-to-one partnerships. Additionally, the HBCT will provide training on Hispanic evangelism at Fellowship events. The Hispanic ministries department of the Baptist General Convention of Texas has offered to provide its staff or training for U.S. Fellowship groups. Prior to the election, the question was raised from the floor about the apparent disparity between Fellowship’s commitment to an even representation by men and women and by laity and clergy on the Coordinating Council and the slate of nominees that heavily favored male clergy. Nominating committee chairman Jim Baucom gave a two-part response. • Because of the staggered terms, the nominees of any one year do not accurately reflect the composition of the entire Officers for 2003-04 are (l-r): Susan board. Crumpler, recorder; Bob Setzer, moderator-elect; Cynthia Holmes, modera• More importantly, tor; and Phill Martin, past moderator. earlier General Assemblies had declined to give the national leadership more input on nominees and left in place the system that state and regional organizations chose their own nominees and “we take what you send us.” Moderator Phill Martin asked the questioner for permission
CBF Coordinator Daniel Vestal (right) and Jimmy Garcia, ethnic missions coordinator for the Baptist General Convention of Texas, sign an agreement for the partnership between the Fellowship and the Hispanic Baptist Convention of Texas. HBCT President Antonio Estrada (back, left) and CBF Moderator Phill Martin took part in the formal signing ceremony.
to refer the question to the state and regional coordinating committee to fully address the issues raised. The Assembly elected Bob Setzer, pastor of First Baptist Church of Christ of Macon, Ga., as moderator-elect, and Susan Crumpler, an engineer and lay church leader from Cincinnati, as recorder. Paul Kenley, pastor of Grace Fellowship in Lampasas, Texas, completed three years as recorder. Cynthia Holmes, an attorney and lay leader from St. Louis, rose from moderator-elect to moderator at the Assembly’s conclusion. Gary Skeen, president of the Church Benefits Board, reported that it had received a $500,000 gift for endowment and operational expenses which will allow it to begin moving toward self-sufficiency. A major benchmark reached during 2002 included passing $10 million in assets. Don Durham, president of the CBF Foundation, reported its assets have passed $25 million. Last year, for the first time, the Foundation received no funding from the Fellowship and was fully self-sufficient. Two Fellowship partners, Baptists Today and Baptist Women in Ministry, were recognized for celebrating their 20th anniversaries. f! To reach its financial goals, the Fellowship needs the prayerful support of individuals and churches. An envelope is provided in this issue for contributions to the Fellowship’s general missions and ministries budget. www.cbfonline.org AUGUST 2003
2003 GENERAL ASSEMBLY Mark Sandlin photo
W I T H A R E N E W E D V I S I O N for being the presence of Christ in the world, Fellowship Baptists closed the 2003 General Assembly with the heartfelt singing of “We Are Called to be God’s People.” Incoming moderator Cynthia Holmes, an attorney from St. Louis, delivered a meditation on the theme “It’s Time … Being the Presence of Christ Personally” offering three suggestions. First, be the voice of Christ, speaking out for economic justice. Second, be the checkbook of Christ, continuing to support the ministries of His kingdom. Third, take Matthew chapter 5 seriously and be the hands, feet and heart of Christ. The service also included selections from a brass quartet, a dramatic theme interpretation by Owen Robertson, prayer focus by Marjorie Thompson and hymns by the First African Baptist Church in Savannah, Ga. The Assembly came to a close with seven simultaneous worship services held throughout the Charlotte Convention Center, which was followed by a Communion service led by Jack Causey, retired pastor of First Baptist Church, Statesville, N.C. “Come to this table and Children help lead the African American Baptist Church feel the presworship experience on Saturday morning. ence of the Lord in you so that you may go and be the presence of Christ in the world,” Causey said. Following are brief highlights from the seven worship services: • African American Baptist Church Worship Experience. Pastor Thurmond N. Tillman of First African Baptist in Savannah concluded his sermon to a standing room only crowd with a description of the ascension – “I believe that as Jesus was ascending to heaven, the look upon His face was saying, ‘Can you hear me now?’” • Children and Youth Leading in Worship. For the first time at a General Assembly, a children and youth service was featured, led by Fernwood Baptist Church of Spartanburg, S.C. The informal service featured unique
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Assembly Concludes with Diverse Worship, Communion Service
Retired pastor Jack Causey leads the Assembly in taking the cup, representing the blood of Christ, and the bread, representing Christ’s body.
musical instruments, scripture reading, hymns and a contemporary reading of Old Turtle. • Contemplative Worship. Referencing Mark 5:21-43, proclaimer Rick Landon, who does spiritual formation in Lexington, Ky., talked about the importance of learning to listen and wait. More than 220 worshipers listened as Landon implored them to journey with him to “be more sensitive to our divine companion, Jesus.” • Postmodern Worship Experience. Jonathan Yarboro, youth pastor at Jonesboro United Methodist Church in Sanford, N.C., and Giles Blankenship, president of Different Drummer Ministries in Coats, N.C., led a youthtargeted service with a contemporary feel. • Traditional Service of Worship. Wearing the signature ministerial robe of St. John’s Baptist Church’s worship service, Wm. Richard Kremer delivered a passionate sermon on “The Necessity of Compromise” in a traditional format that featured a Chancel Choir. • Worship in a Bicultural Setting. Jimmy Garcia had to say everything twice: once in English and once in Spanish in order to speak a word to multi-language participants. Garcia, Hispanic ministries director for the Baptist General Convention of Texas, took his sermon from the idea of the Christian holiday All Saints Day. • Worship with a Contemporary Feel. The 250 people who attended a contemporary worship service heard Linda Jones, associate pastor of ministry at Winter Park Baptist Church in Wilmington, N.C., remind them to slow down and pay attention to what’s important. f!
Fellowship Planning Calendar August - December 2003
T H E C O O P E R AT I V E B A P T I S T F E L L O W S H I P is
interested in ecumenical, interfaith and inter-religious dialogue. During the next year and beyond, the Fellowship will develop more resources for local churches and individuals to do a better job of “building bridges, not barriers.” “We want to come up with tangible resources to help churches enter into dialogue W E W A N T to with other groups and to help come up with individuals build relationtangible resources ships,” said Bo Prosser, the to help churches Fellowship’s coordinator for enter into dialogue congregational life. with other groups Prosser is nearly finished and to help indiwith an introduction to viduals build ecumenism from a Fellowship relationships. perspective. And Jeff Rogers, —BO PROSSER, pastor of First Baptist Church C O O R D I N AT O R F O R C O N G R E G AT I O N A L L I F E in Greenville, S.C., is completing a study guide to the book, When Religion Becomes Evil, written by Charles Kimball, chair of the religion department at Wake Forest University. About 25 people attended a preliminary task force meeting held June 25 on the eve of the General Assembly. The task force reported ecumenical and interfaith priorities, which included developing congregational resources; being proactive in interfaith issues; developing resources for prayer and worship for inter-religious worship; and discovering opportunities for interfaith dialogue. Prosser suggested that individuals interested in learning more about ecumenical or interfaith relations begin by studying various faith traditions and joining a dialogue group. f!
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Brenda Kneece, executive director of the South Carolina Christian Action Council, participates in the preliminary task force meeting about ecumenical and interfaith issues.
Church Leadership Academy Ball Camp Baptist Church................. Knoxville, Tenn.
Labor Day Holiday......... All Resource Centers Closed
General Assembly 2004 Steering Committee Meeting Sheraton Hotel............................... Birmingham, Ala.
CBF of Mississippi Fall Assembly 2003 First Baptist Church.......................... Meridian, Miss.
Coordinating Council Meeting Holiday Inn Airport................................. Atlanta, Ga.
CBF of Missouri Fellowship Gathering TBA................................................... St. Louis, Mo.
CBF of Georgia Fall Convocation First Baptist Church........................... Columbus, Ga.
Tennessee CBF Fall Meeting Bethany Christian Church................... Jackson, Tenn.
CBF of Florida Luncheon Bayshore Baptist Church........................ Tampa, Fla.
CBF of SC Fall Convocation St. Andrews Baptist Church............... Columbia, S.C.
CBF of Louisiana Luncheon LaFayette Hilton & Towers................... Lafayette, La.
Thanksgiving Holidays....All Resource Centers Closed
National Leadership Team Meeting First Baptist Church.............................. Decatur, Ga.
Ecumenism Task Force Gains Focus, Energy
Christmas Holidays....... All Resource Centers Closed
* Dates and locations are subject to change. Confirm information with event organizers. An online calendar of events is available at www.cbfonline.org under Community.
Contact Bo Prosser at (770) 220-1631 or <bprosser@cbfnet.org>.
www.cbfonline.org AUGUST 2003
Assembly Characterized by Fellowship, Commitment to Missions 1
to be true to the vision of
“being the presence of Christ” congregationally, globally and personally June 26-28, drawing a crowd of 4,357 registered participants for the
The Assembly approved several items during the Friday business session. The fiscal year 2003-04 budget, which took effect July 1, was approved. Although the Fellowship will finish the 2002-03 fiscal year with revenue coming up $654,000 short of expenses, the shortfall will be covered by existing reserves. As the Fellowship prepares to enact several new revenue initiatives, plans are to fully reimburse the reserves from funds raised during the next several years. During the Thursday evening worship service featuring Tony Campolo, the Assembly raised $128,210 for Partners in Hope, the Fellowship’s rural poverty initiative. During Friday night’s worship service, an additional $47,000 was raised, totaling $175,210. The Fellowship also commissioned 18 new global missions field personnel on Friday evening. Phil Hester, Fellowship associate coordinator of church starts, also recognized seven Fellowship church starters. The 2004 General Assembly will be held at the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Center in Birmingham, Ala. “The General Assembly is a time for worship, for learning and for celebrating what God is doing through the Fellowship,” CBF Coordinator Daniel Vestal said. “It is also a time for us to recommit ourselves to the shared vision of being the presence of Christ in the world, equipping and encouraging one another to become missional. The Assembly approved an ambitious budget and set meaningful ministry goals for the next fiscal year. We eagerly anticipate God accomplishing these tasks through us in the days ahead.” f!
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2003 General Assembly.
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1. Elizabeth Vickery and other children make colorful fans during one of the Children's Assembly activities. 2. Sales of goods in the Missions Marketplace from unevangelized people groups raise money for global missions. 3. Oti Bunaciu (left) and Albert Reyes discuss partnerships with Baptist Voices moderator Colleen Burroughs. 4. Upbeat music sets the tone for worship in a bicultural setting as part of simultaneous worship services on Saturday morning. 5. Participants surround Diana Early as they pray for newlycommissioned global missions field personnel. 6. Tony Campolo signs copies of his books in the Resource Fair. 7. Youth from four Greenville, S.C., churches perform a dramatic interpretation using dowel rods during the Assembly's opening session.
“… a time for us to recommit ourselves to the shared vision of being the presence of C O O P E R AT I V E B A P T I S T F E L L O W S H I P
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Christ in the world, equipping and encouraging one another to become missional.
— C B F C O O R D I N A T O R D A N I E L V E S TA L
www.cbfonline.org AUGUST 2003
B A P T I S T W O M E N I N M I N I S T R Y celebrated its 20th 12
anniversary with a video of testimonials, recognition of the group’s founders and presidents, and the music of Nashville recording artist Kate Campbell. More than 250 gathered in Charlotte, N.C., for the event, which allowed the group to reminisce about its early days while catching a glimpse of its future by awarding its two annual Addie Davis Awards. “It is a major milestone for this organization to celebrate 20 years of serving and supporting women in ministry,” said current BWIM president Karen Massey, faculty member at Mercer University’s McAfee School of Theology in Atlanta. “Tonight is our party, and we’re glad you are here to share it with us.” Massey paid tribute to the organizations that helped BWIM mature from a fledgling support group of 33 women in Louisville, Ky., into a worldwide network of more BWIM ‘Founding than 1,500. “First and foremost, I’d Mothers’ like to thank the Woman’s The following women are considered Missionary Union,” Massey the “founding mothers” of Baptist said. “Without the vision of Women in Ministry: that organization, Baptist Becky Albritton; Patsy Ayres; Pat Women in Ministry would not Bailey; Linda McKinnish Bridges; be here.” Harriette Clay; Reba S. Cobb; Jeni Massey also read a letter of Cook; Carolyn Crumpler; Anne congratulations from current Davis; Pearl DuVall; Velma Ferrell; WMU president Wanda Lee. Nancy Foil; Jo Heiliger; Lela Other groups Massey thanked Hendrix; Margaret Holcomb; Cindy included the Alliance of Johnson; Molly Marshall; June Baptists, Cooperative Baptist McEwen; Betty McGary; Barbara Fellowship and Central McNeir; Karen Mitcham; Linda Baptist Theological Seminary Stack Morgan; Anne Thomas Neil; in Kansas City, Kan. Carol Noffsinger; Brenda Padelford; The video of testimonials Nina T. Pollard; Verna Quirin; Inez called “We Have These Register; Nancy Hastings Treasures” was based on a Sehested; Evelyn Stagg; Susan passage from I Corinthians Taylor; Linda Weaver-Williams; and 4:7-10, featuring current Jenny Graves Weisz. women ministers, BWIM founders, women theology students and supporters. Reba Sloan Cobb, Atlanta Resource Center coordinator and chief operating officer for CBF, recognized the 33 “founding mothers” who met in her home at the request of Nancy Sehested for that first meeting in 1983. Their goal: to develop a support group to C O O P E R AT I V E B A P T I S T F E L L O W S H I P
encourage women in ministry – something rarely offered 20 years ago. More than 100 women attended the group’s first formal meeting a few months later. “It encouraged young women in college and high school who felt the Karen Massey (above) says call, but Baptist Women in Ministry must didn’t know evolve to meet new needs of women. what to do with it,” Cobb recalled. At the anniversary celebration, Cobb encouraged women to “feel your fear, but then do it anyway,” and claim Philippians 4:13 – “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” BWIM also honored the 2003 recipients of its two Addie Davis awards. Recent Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond graduate Susan Burnette received the Addie Davis Award for Excellence in Preaching. Shirley Ramsey Luckadoo of Gardner-Webb’s M. Christopher White School of Divinity received the Addie Davis Award for Pastoral Leadership. Luckadoo pastors First Baptist Church of Westgate in Spartanburg, S.C. “We clearly can see the evidence of God’s call,” Massey said. “The wind has not stopped blowing. Women are being called and will continue to be called into ministry.” “We don’t know what the organization will look like five years from now,” Massey said. “We’re open to any and all possibilities.” f! For more information about BWIM, contact (913) 321-6864 or <bwim@bwim.org>.
Lisa Jones photo
Baptist Women in Ministry Celebrates 20 Years of Affirming Women who Answer God’s Call
China Churches Attract New Believers By Glorifying God and Serving People “W E T R U S T G O D to give us our land … we must be patient,” an elder in Shanghai’s Grace Church told a small group of Fellowship Baptists recently. The same sentiment was expressed by a Beijing pastor who reminded us, “The power comes from God … nothing
The Christians we met in China agree that today is the best time in history for the Church. China has a clear policy of religious freedom, although some local political leaders have not fully understood this new freedom. Christians are able to openly express their faith and preach freely in churches. The challenge for the Church in China comes in accommodating rapid growth and providing ministries to so many people seeking and following Christ. Six churches are registered or re-opened every day in China. With only 2,000 pastors in the entire country, churches rely heavily on laypeople. Women are full equals in every aspect of church life. I asked the church elder in Shanghai how such rapid growth occurs, and he replied, “We live our faith in our work and families. We tell the truth to our neighbors. When they hear our witness, many are born again. Everyone is a personal evangelist.”
Finding New Life In Nanjing, we were told that people find Jesus through their struggles with modernity, the search for economic justice, and efforts to cope with the dramatic societal changes taking place. Economic development and religious freedom have changed China. “The inherited ideas of life are not enough for modern life,” one scholar said. “When they encounter a Christian, or visit a church,” he said, “they (people) find a new life. In church, people encounter kind and amicable people, Christians who are ready to help, to answer their questions, and they are attracted to Christianity and philanthropy.”
Glorifying God Many new believers are students or college graduates. One-half of the Church is under the age of 30. One pastor said the attraction is that “Christians emphasize the love of Christ and service to other people … and also laughing is very important!” He told of a university student who accidentally crashed
Field personnel photo
can stop God’s power.”
Brenda Lisenby (right) serves as a global missions field personnel teaching English and helping coordinate Fellowship partnerships in China.
his bicycle into a car in Beijing’s heavy traffic, an event that normally would result in a public dispute. But the car was driven by a church member who asked about the student’s injuries, helped him get medical care and repaired the bicycle. The student could not understand such kind treatment, and when he asked, was told that Christians “glorify God and benefit others.” Cooperative Baptist Fellowship works through representatives and partners in China, Envoys who share their technical and business acumen, and volunteers who teach English and work on numerous development projects. Like those who go, we all can pray and give. f! For more information on China ministries, go to www.cbfinchina.org. Contact Patrick Anderson to speak about Fellowship global missions at (863) 686-9902, (863) 602-9980 or <panderson@cbfnet.org>. The Fellowship’s September 2003 missions education curriculum will highlight work in China. (Annual subscription: adult and youth, $20; children and preschool, $80. Shipping will be charged.) To order, contact the CBF Resource Link at (888) 8014223.
By Fellowship columnist and missions advocate Patrick R. Anderson www.cbfonline.org AUGUST 2003
Navy Chaplain Serves in Forgotten Afghanistan War Zone
in recent months, military operations and the personal ministry of U.S. Navy Chaplain Lt. Joseph Primeaux continued in war-torn Afghanistan. The Mississippi native who now calls Arizona home, recently returned from a six-month deployment in Afghanistan, his first wartime deployment since becoming a chaplain in December 2000. A Cooperative Baptist Fellowship-endorsed chaplain, Primeaux lived out the Fellowship’s vision of “being the presence of Christ in the world” by ministering to local residents as well as military personnel. Responsible for religious support and morale building, Primeaux managed a gym, movie theater and cyber café along with a chapel program. He conducted services in an air maintenance tent called a “clamshell,” and provided counseling to personnel coping with a variety of complex issues including spouses leaving while personnel were deployed, the realities of war, separation from family, boredom and stress. Primeaux himself had to cope with being away from his wife, Cheryl, and their daughter, Natalie. Although he was not allowed to pass out Bibles or witness to local residents, Primeaux found other ways to minister to them. One day when he was walking to the showers, an Afghan construction foreman asked Primeaux through an interpreter where he got his bath towel. Primeaux responded that he would get one for the foreman. The next day, Primeaux bought a bath towel and washcloth at the military post exchange and presented it to the foreman. “He introduced me to his son and offered to give me lunch,” Primeaux said. “He spoke of our friendship and
Sandra Hale, Part-time Chaplain, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H.; HOSPICE CHAPLAINS: Denise Jacks, New Beacon, Part-time Samaritan Counseling Center, Birmingham, Ala.; Terry Jackson, Angelic Family Hospice, Shawnee, Okla.; Carolyn Sears, Hospice of Cleveland County, Shelby, N.C.; HOSPITAL CHAPLAINS: Joseph
Alexander, Northern Hospital of Surry County, Mount Airy, N.C.; Edgar Berryman, Mississippi Baptist Medical Center, Jackson, Miss.; Coy Callicott, Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System, Spartanburg, S.C.; Larry Davidson, Baptist Health, Montgomery, Ala.; Dana Durham, Baptist Health, Montgomery, Ala.; Jeff Lancaster, Texoma Healthcare System, Denison, Texas; Deena McAfee, Contract Chaplain, Department of Veterans Affairs, Canandaigua,
Courtesy of Joseph Primeaux
W H I L E T H E W O R L D ’ S E Y E S have been focused on Iraq
CBF-endorsed Navy Chaplain Lt. Joseph Primeaux (left) receives the Navy Achievement Medal for his service in Afghanistan.
asked what gift he could give me. I told him his friendship was the greatest gift I could ask for. It was a neat moment of ordinary time made special by the bonds of mutual respect and filial love that characterized, in my mind, the true ministry of Christ.” Primeaux urges Christians to pray fervently for the safety of the Afghan people, particularly the children. “They live in a world that is hard for us to fathom,” said Primeaux, whose new assignment is chaplain of the U.S.S. Shiloh out of San Diego. “They live in a world where one wrong step can take a leg, an arm, a life. They play and work in areas filled with land mines. They are beautiful, friendly, playful children whose smiles belie a tremendous amount of hardship.” f! For more information about Fellowship chaplaincy and pastoral counseling, contact George Pickle at (770) 220-1617 or <gpickle@cbfnet.org>.
By Lance Wallace, CBF Communications N.Y.; Joseph McAfee, Department of Veterans Affairs, Canandaigua, N.Y.; Gregory McClain, CPE Resident, Wake Medical Center, Raleigh, N.C.; Marcia McQueen, Morehead Memorial Hospital, Eden, N.C.; Kenneth Pruitt, Part-time Chaplain, St. Vincent’s Hospital, Birmingham, Ala.; Harrison Roper, Providence Health Center, Waco, Texas; Hazel Thomas, Part-time Community Chaplain Services, Inc., Fort Worth, Texas; Jeff Thompson,
Northeast Georgia Healthcare System, Gainesville, Ga.; MILITARY CHAPLAINS: Mickey Foxworth, U.S. Army, Hunter Army Airfield, Ga.; Charles Reynolds, U.S. Army, Ft. Bragg, N.C.; Jeff Ross, Chaplain Candidate, U.S. Navy, Decatur, Ga.; PRISON CHAPLAINS: Pam Rains, Federal Bureau of Prisons, Beaumont, Texas; PROFESSIONAL CHAPLAINS:
Chris Bowers, Member Certified, American Association of Pastoral Counselors, Richmond, Va.
Initiative for Ministerial Excellence Responds to Challenges Facing Ministers C O O P E R AT I V E B A P T I S T F E L L O W S H I P A I M S T O D E L I V E R
practical help to congregational
leaders through the Initiative for Ministerial Excellence. The initiative consists of peer learning groups, a sabbatical leave program and a ministry residency program. The Fellowship received a $1.99 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc., to fund the initiative that began in January 2003 to help sustain healthy ministers. Peer learning groups, launched in July, will meet monthly to provide opportunities for worship, spiritual growth, Bible study, discussion of ministry-related issues and fellowship. These groups will target ministers in their first seven years of ministry, ministers in rural settings and ministers in multi-staff congregations. Initiative organizers plan for no more than a dozen members in each group, with the greatest number of groups focusing on new ministers. The Fellowship anticipates having more than 60 peer learning groups across three geographic regions. Regional coordinators include Mike Harton for the Richmond, Va., region; Valerie Burton for the Birmingham, Ala., region; Bill Bruster for the Dallas region; and Terry Hamrick for regions as needed. A group convener and group members will determine the focus of each month’s gathering. The Fellowship will provide the groups with suggested resources related to pastoral excellence and congregational health. The Fellowship’s future initiative plans include beginning two pilot projects: a sabbatical leave program and a ministry residency program. Beginning in 2004, the initiative will provide up to $2,500 each along with planning assistance for 100 ministers to have a four-week study leave. The Fellowship’s initiative partners include Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond, Baylor University’s Truett Theological Seminary, Campbell University Divinity School, Mercer University’s McAfee School of Theology, Logsdon School of Theology at Hardin-Simmons University and the Center for Congregational Health. These partners will provide resources to sabbatical participants. During the last two years of the four-year initiative, the ministry residency program will create 10 positions providing two graduates from each of the initiative partner schools with a two-year appointment to a teaching
congregation. The Fellowship will help select the congregations and develop program guidelines. f! For more information on the Initiative for Ministerial Excellence, contact Terry Hamrick at (770) 220-1600 or <thamrick@cbfnet.org>.
The seminary recently named a faculty office in honor of Jack R. Noffsinger, pastor emeritus of Knollwood Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, N.C. The office belongs to Stephen Brachlow, professor of spirituality, and was named for Noffsinger in response to gifts from his family and friends. CAMPBELL UNIVERSITY DIVINITY SCHOOL.
Daniel Kim is overflowing with ministry ideas for when he returns to South Korea. A mechanical engineer by training, Kim recently completed his master of divinity degree at Campbell and is now preparing for further study at Duke University Divinity School before returning to South Korea to minister.
Constance McNeill, vice president for development, has been named chief operations officer. McNeill, who joined the staff in March 2001, is the current moderator for CBF of Missouri. The seminary also announced Laura B. Moore will serve as Old Testament adjunct professor beginning fall 2003. Recent graduate and associate pastor Kathy Pickett led the youth at Holmeswood Baptist Church of Kansas City, Mo., to serve in Marion, Ala., with Sowing Seeds of Hope – a component of Partners in Hope, the Fellowship’s rural poverty initiative. MCAFEE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY, MERCER UNIVERSITY.
The school has added three new faculty members: Denise Massey, pastoral care; Tom Slater, biblical studies; and Larry McSwain, leadership.
www.cbfonline.org AUGUST 2003
Missional Churches: Discovering Their Identity An increasing number of Baptist churches are discovering their identity in mission. They are 16
discerning God’s reconciling mission in the world and their unique participation in it. Their passion is not for tradition and the past, not for success and the future, not for music and preaching, not for programs and buildings, and not for denominational affiliation. Their passion is for the mission of God reconciling and re-creating the world through Christ. These churches have purpose, energy and life. Let me offer a few thoughts on the missional church. First, it requires leadership. Although pastors lead in different ways with different styles, there is no substitute for pastoral leadership. Modeling his/her leadership after Christ and in communion with Christ, the pastor must become incarnate and invest in the life of the people he/she leads. If the pastor doesn’t genuinely love the people and their place, little effective leadership will occur, because mission begins with the people in the place where they live. In Related Resources all honesty, I didn’t learn leadership in seminary. I learned The Fellowship has several resources for churches wanting to Greek, and I was given theoexplore the missional journey: logical tools that I use to this day, and I learned to think the• “The Missional Journey: Being the ologically. But I learned the Presence of Christ.” Outlines the leadership tools for ministry characteristics of missional churches from observation, struggle, being the presence of Christ and mentors and peers. One of the invites others to join them. Includes a CD of the “The Missional Journey: great needs in Baptist life is for Being the Presence of Christ” video pastoral leaders who know how (free, plus shipping). to lead. However, as important as • “The Missional Journey Guide.” pastoral leadership is, it is not Assists churches as they discover, enough. A pastor must form a claim and commit to the mission team of leaders who share a God has for them. ($29.95 for workbook, CD-rom and binder; common commitment to mis$19.95 for workbook only, plus sional church. It is best if that shipping). team is formalized in the Order from the CBF Resource Link structure of the church: deaat (888) 801-4223 or the CBF econs, church council, strategic Store at www.cbfonline.org. planning committee, staff, etc. This team of congregational leaders will model missional living, hold one another accountable and then lead the church in a process of discovery and fulfillment of vision. C O O P E R AT I V E B A P T I S T F E L L O W S H I P
Vision is the ability to E V E R Y C H U R C H is see what God wills for a unique; therefore God’s particular church. Every church is unique; therevision for one church fore God’s vision for one will not be the same church will not be the as for another. same as for another. Vision is the capacity to —CBF understand, conceptual- C O O R D I N A T O R ize and articulate what DANIEL God wants for a particuV E S TA L lar people on mission. The clearer the vision and the more a vision is shared, the more effective the church will be. Vision is a gift that is given by the Spirit to the church that seeks it. I have observed that missional churches must go through a deliberate (and sometimes painful) process of evaluation and searching before they discover God’s vision for them. That process results in a mission/vision statement with clear goals and objectives for ministry, a definition of priorities, core values and even specific action plans. All this is bathed in prayer, and even then a church may need help (a consultant or convener) from the outside to assist them in this experience. But once a church discovers its Godgiven mission, it is then ready for teamwork. Teamwork is crucial. Words like commitment, sacrifice, obedience, and faithfulness are more than words to a missional people. Pastors and people give of their time, energy and resources to participate in God’s reconciling mission. They work. Pastors and other leaders have a strong work ethic and set an example. There is no place for lazy and lukewarm leaders. The people are then challenged to pray, witness and serve. And all work “together,” each according to their gifts. All work in humility, encouraging one another and loving one another. One person’s work is not more important than another, and all are part of the team. Or, to use a biblical metaphor, all are part of the body. God, give us missional churches. f!
By CBF Coordinator Daniel Vestal
Fellowship Roundup News from CBF’s states, regions and national offices FLORIDA Patrick Anderson, CBF missions advocate, and Carolyn Anderson, CBF of Florida coordinator, were recently inducted into the Mainstream Baptist Hall of Fame. MISSOURI WINDERMERE BAPTIST
Conference Center will host a ministers’ retreat Sept. 22-23, led by Roger Paynter, pastor of First Baptist Church, Austin, Texas. For more information, contact Steve Graham at (816) 781-2824 or Keith Herron at (816) 942-1729.
NATIONAL Alin Pop, long-time associate coordinator for information technology, has left the Atlanta CBF Resource Center to accompany his wife, Aurora, who was awarded a medical fellowship with Harvard in Boston. CBF has launched a new Web site to correct misstatements and address ongoing attacks by groups that seek to discredit the Fellowship and its ministries. The site, www.truthaboutcbf.net, has updates correcting misinformation from Baptist or secular media along with educational articles on Baptist history. Members of the CBF Resource Center team marking employment anniversaries include: Becky Buice Green, 10 years (8/93) and Jane Riley, 5 years (6/98). The Baptist Communicators Association recently awarded the CBF Media Team and Trailblazer Studios first place for video magazine/news report for “Hunger No More.” This free video explains how Fellowship global missions seeks to alleviate hunger and outlines steps to help the
hungry. A corresponding curriculum packet, “Hunger No More: Decisions 2002,” prepares churches to act on important hunger and poverty issues and includes a leader’s guide for youth and adults and children’s activities ($5). Order from the CBF Resource Link at (888) 801-4223 or the CBF e-Store at www.cbfonline.org. (Shipping will be charged for cost and free items.)
The CBF Media Team won second place in the books design division for It’s Time: An Urgent Call to Christian Mission by Daniel Vestal. The “Living the Call ... Among the Most Neglected” video won honorable mention for video feature production (more than 15 minutes).
Coming Attractions Sept. 16-19 A Celebration of Preaching Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta Program Leaders: Fred Craddock, Teresa Fry Brown, Gail O’Day Contact: (404) 727-0714, http://candler.emory.edu/ACADEMIC/OCME/ Sept. 28-30 The Center for Baptist Studies/McAfee School of Theology Preaching Consultation McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University, Atlanta Contact: Truett Gannon, (678) 547-6457 For a complete event schedule, go to Community/Calendar at www.cbfonline.org.
global missions field personnel Ben and Leonora Newell in Helena, Ark., CBF of North Carolina (CBFNC) purchased a 15-foot construction trailer to deliver tools and toys in support of the Newells’ work with Partners in Hope, the Fellowship’s rural poverty initiative. The trailer was purchased with contributions given at the CBFNC General Assembly in the spring. Franklin Fowler, retired Foreign Mission Board medical consultant and father of CBFNC Missions Coordinator Jim Fowler, arranged for used tools from the “Sawdust Club” at the Lakewood Manor retirement community in Richmond, Va., to be given to the Arkansas rural poverty initiative. The Sawdust Club provides space for residents’ woodworking projects. Residents donated their used tools, filling the back of Jim’s pickup truck, and contributed a new circular saw out of their club funds.
TENNESSEE T E N N E S S E E C B F is sponsoring a
“Church Starters Workshop,” Oct. 3-4, at Glenstone Lodge in Gatlinburg. Featured speakers are Dan Page, Dynamic Development Design Network, and Greg Mumpower, church starter. Cost is $75 for individuals, $100 for couples. For additional information or to register, contact Tennessee CBF at (888) 661-8223 or <tcbfoffice@tncbf.org>. Baptist Center for Ethics has hired veteran journalist Bob Allen as managing editor of EthicsDaily.com, an Internet service operated by BCE. Allen most recently worked for nine years as news editor of Associated Baptist Press. Allen succeeds Cliff Vaughn, BCE’s associate director for EthicsDaily.com, who will work parttime as a culture editor.
www.cbfonline.org AUGUST 2003
TEXAS Rick McClatchy, coordinator of CBF of Oklahoma since 1995, has been named coordinator of CBF Texas. The native Texan returned to his home state July 1 to continue the work of establishing the Fellowship in Texas that has been so ably performed by Judy Battles as administrative coordinator since February 2002. CBF Hispanic Network Coordinator Bernie Moraga of Albuquerque, N.M., was honored recently with an honorary degree from Dallas Baptist University. Moraga, pastor of First
Reba S. Cobb EDITOR
Lisa M. Jones PHONE
(770) 220-1600 FAX
(770) 220-1685 E-MAIL
<fellowship@cbfnet.org> WEB SITE
fellowship! is published 8 times a year in Jan./Feb., Mar., April/May, June/July, Aug., Sept./Oct., Nov., Dec. by The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Inc., 3001 Mercer University Dr., Atlanta, GA 30341-4115. Periodicals postage paid at Atlanta, GA, and additional mailing offices. USPS #015-625 POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to “fellowship!” Newsletter, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, P.O. Box 450329, Atlanta, GA 31145-0329
Spanish/Fruit Avenue Baptist Church in Albuquerque, was awarded an honorary doctor of divinity degree. Russell Dilday, former president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, recently received the annual Judson-Rice Award for leadership and integrity from the independent news journal Baptists Today in Dallas.
Fellowship Contributes $40,000 to Iraqi Relief CBF HAS SHIFTED ITS FOCUS
for post-war ministry in Iraq from refugees to meeting immediate needs, as well as long-term infrastructure needs. The Fellowship is also preparing to restart ministry among the Kurds in northern Iraq that had to be suspended because of the military campaign. Fellowship workers are positioning themselves to enter the country once security and logistical hurdles are handled. So far, the Fellowship has channeled more than $40,000 from churches, individuals and existing CBF relief funds toward relief efforts in Iraq. About $10,000 has been spent on medicines, food, shelter and clothing for those who fled their homes. An additional $30,000 has gone to a consortium of relief groups to distribute food and items such as school kits, clothes and shoes to an estimated 20,000 Iraqi families. Fellowship churches and individuals have also contributed gifts in kind such as hygiene kits and school supplies to CBF partner agencies.
State Groups Join New Stewardship Model CBF OF NORTH CAROLINA
(CBFNC) recently announced that it will shift management of its endowment funds to the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Foundation.
The move by CBFNC brings the number of state and regional organizations with funds under management by the national CBF Foundation to 10, or more than half of the 18 state and regional groups, which are autonomous. The other state and regional groups with endowment, scholarship or operating reserve funds under management by the CBF Foundation are Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee and the West Region. Using the CBF Foundation for endowment or reserve fund management benefits the state and regional groups because the size of the CBF Foundation’s portfolio, now larger than $25 million, allows the Foundation to get better prices for management services than smaller portfolios could receive on their own, as well as access to the best managers available. As more state networks, and even churches, partner with the CBF Foundation, the benefits increase for everyone. To better facilitate this customized level of service to state and regional clients, the Foundation recently hired Tom Allerton of Altamonte Springs, Allerton Fla., as an associate to represent the Foundation in Florida. Allerton, a member of College Park Baptist Church in Orlando, will be responsible for identifying, cultivating and soliciting endowment and major gift prospects for the Foundation and the Fellowship, as well as offering the Foundation’s services in endowment promotion and fund management to CBFrelated churches and ministry organizations in Florida. f! (News articles by Lance Wallace, CBF Communications)
A U D I O TA P E / C D O R D E R F O R M Reinforce what you’ve already learned or hear what you missed at the Assembly!
2003 CBF General Assembly Charlotte, N.C. - June 26-28, 2003 CHECK SELECTIONS DESIRED GENERAL SESSIONS
■ General Session II: It's Time…CBF Being the Presence of Christ Daniel Vestal
■ General Session V: It's Time…Being the Presence of Christ Personally Jack Causey
■ 201 Help! Some People in My Church Say Bad Things about CBF! Marion Aldridge and Ben McDade
■ 328 CBF 101 Daniel Vestal ■ 402 Under Served and Over Looked — Ministry to the Disabled Connie and Sid Carpenter
■ 203 An Introduction to Christian Spiritual Formation Stephen D. Bryant
■ 404 Designing Comprehensive Education Curriculum Tailored for Local Congregations Margaret B. Clary
■ 204 Preaching as a Means of Leadership Charles Bugg ■ 207 Why We Need Women in Ministry Hardy Clemons
■ 108 Spiritual Formation E. Glenn Hinson ■ 109 Dangling Dollars: How Baptists Should Respond to the “Faith-Based Initiative” K. Hollyn Hollman
■ 113 A Broken Church in a Hurting World Brenda Kneece and Chris Skidmore ■ 119 Healthy Congregations Les Robinson
■ 417 Ministering with Twenty-Somethings Jeff Mathis and Wanda Kidd
■ 221 Building Blocks for Sunday School Growth Michael McCullar and Bo Prosser
■ 421 A Covenant to Serve: How a CBF Church Can Partner with Global Missions Tom Ogburn
■ 310 Who’s Paying? Trends in Church Giving Don Durham
■ 422 Developing Effective Christian Leaders Bruce Powers
■ 311 Understanding the Hispanic Culture Jimmy Garcia ■ 315 Discipleship in an Unchurched Culture Eddie Hammett ■ 320 The Plan(s) of Salvation: When Conversion and Pluralism Collide Bill Leonard
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■ 110 Fundamentalism Fisher Humphreys and Philip Wise
■ 217 When Religion Becomes Evil Charles Kimball and Jeff Rogers
■ 105 Harvest Prayer Rick Davis
■ 414 Families on Mission Greg and Priscilla Hunt and Kezia Paul
C D / TA P E
■ General Session IV: It's Time…Being the Presence of Christ Globally Sarah Jackson Shelton
■ 321 Understanding the African-American Culture Emmanuel McCall
■ General Session I: It's Time…Being the Presence of Christ Congregationally Tony Campolo
■ 120 Can Moderate Baptist Churches Be Evangelistic? Carolyn Shapard and Mark Wingfield
D U R I N G A W O R K S H O P at last year’s Cooperative Baptist
Fellowship General Assembly, leaders of Fernwood Baptist Church in Spartanburg, S.C., discovered Companions in Christ – a spiritual formation resource made available through the Fellowship’s partnership with Upper Room Ministries. Seeing the resource’s potential for individual and church growth, Pastor Randy Wright immediately made Companions in Christ available to the Fernwood congregation. Participants formed three groups, consisting of six to eight members each, which took part in the 28week, two-hour sessions aimed at Related Resources strengthening the Christian walk. These Companions resources Kelly Belcher, minister of chilare available from the CBF dren and family life, led one of the Resource Link at (888) 801small groups. She describes the 4223 or the CBF e-Store at materials as being “wonderfully www.cbfonline.org: written,” with a natural flow for • Sampler. Provides an maximum effectiveness. overview with sample pages “Besides the two-hour sessions from various resources. each week,” Belcher explains, (free, plus shipping) “there is directed Bible study, • Participant’s Book. journal writing, meditation and Features 28 weeks of reflection – taking 30 minutes to readings and exercises. ($20) • Leader’s Guide. Offers an hour each day, depending on directions for guiding each how a person feels led. We come to session. ($17) the group meeting ready to discuss • Journal. Provides space for and share what the study meant to participants to record their each of us personally.” thoughts. ($9) This spiritual sharing has • Church Pack. Offers 10 developed strong bonds within the participant’s books, two small groups. Belcher sees this as leader’s guides, two Getting one of the primary benefits of the Started guides, two posters program. and a $50 coupon good “Major life changes – like loss toward three-day leader of jobs and illnesses – have taken training. ($195)
P. O. Box 450329 Atlanta, GA 31145-0329 Address Service Requested
Courtesy of Fernwood Baptist Church
Companions in Christ Strengthens Spiritual Connections in South Carolina Church
Members of a Companions in Christ group at Fernwood Baptist Church include (l-r): Margaret League, Glenda Bumgardner, Joe Hill Cantrell, Barbara Dalton, Jimmy Wilson, Rosalynn George, Robert Hendrix and Joan Hendrix. Group leader Kelly Belcher is not pictured.
place within the groups during the course of the study,” Belcher says. “These events have connected all of us at a deeper level.” Belcher notes that Companions in Christ is not a topic or issues study, but is designed to allow an in-depth reading of Scripture, delving into its relevance on multiple levels, with the primary objective being a closer relationship with God and others. The success of Companions in Christ has assured its continuation at Fernwood. “I believe the development of these close-knit groups is a strengthening thing for any congregation,” Belcher says. “There’s also the positive effect of the intercessory prayer we are doing for our church, community and the world. Just imagine what can happen as more and more groups do the same thing!” f! For more information about Companions in Christ, go to www.companionsinchrist.org, or call Upper Room Ministries at (800) 972-0433.
By staff writer Jo Upton