April/May 2005
What Fellowship people do when disaster strikes Following are excerpts from an address given by Barbara Baldridge, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Global Missions
coordinator, to the CBF Coordinating Council about the response of CBF Global Missions and Fellowship Christians and churches to the tsunami in Southeast Asia.
just returned from spending two weeks with all our personnel and several of our partners involved in relief work in Southeast Asia. CBF Global Missions has almost 30 field personnel actively
engaged in the tsunami relief and recovery efforts — some began their work
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other agencies are not working and determined strategic locations for response provided health clinics staffed by our personnel and volunteers provided water purification units and experts for training in their use engaged in debris removal and clean up provided food, blankets, hygiene kits and tents for displaced persons provided vehicles for delivery of supplies to remote areas partnered with local churches and Christian organizations to address spiritual and emotional needs of survivors conducted soil and water testing provided logistical support for our personnel and our partners provided member care for those working in this stressful effort.
‘fellowship!’ gets an extreme makeover BEGINNING WI T H T H I S I S S U E of “fellowship!,” the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s bi-monthly newsletter, you should notice a big change. “fellowship!” was redesigned to better connect you with the ministries of the Fellowship. This new design complements the look of the Fellowship’s Web site, www.thefellowship.info, as well as our signature publication, “Who We Are.” You will also notice the new format gives us more flexibility to present the work of the Fellowship through dramatic photography and compelling stories as well as practical ways to respond. And a bonus feature of this new design is stewardship. By shifting to this format and making a few other changes, we are able to give you a more attractive product at a reduced cost to the Fellowship. This means we can do more ministry with the dollars you give. We hope you enjoy your new-look “fellowship!” Please don’t hesitate to send your questions or comments to Lance Wallace at lwallace@thefellowship.info.
What CBF plans to do as we enter the phase of recovery and development: • continue medical support in the form of supplies, inoculations and expertise • analyze and rehabilitate wells and water systems • analyze soil and provide expertise in agricultural efforts • provide appropriate technology concrete blockmaking machines and training in how to use them for rebuilding homes and businesses • partner with Habitat for Humanity in building homes
Tsunami survivors in Sri Lanka adjust to life in temporary shelters. __________ Cover: A young tsunami survivor in Sri Lanka enjoys drinking water. CBF Global Missions field personnel have provided water purification units in Southeast Asia.
— Continued on page 6
CBF, Buckner sign partnership to expand global ministry among children A MAJOR INITIATIVE designed to transform the lives of children and families domestically and abroad is being launched in 2005 through a partnership among African Baptists, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and Buckner Baptist Benevolences. The partnership was signed March 1 during a meeting of CBF state and regional coordinators by CBF Coordinator Daniel Vestal and Buckner President Kenneth L. Hall. The agreement, expressed through a memorandum of understanding, pledges the two groups’ cooperation in “advancing their respective missions” while demonstrat-
Russ Dilday photo
I found our personnel tired but committed to the task, grieving over the unprecedented loss of life, up to the challenge, and uniquely gifted and experienced for the ministry. We had the opportunity to pray together, sing, share stories, cry, read Scripture and plan for the future. After weeks of clean up, assessment and providing emergency medical care, food, shelter and clean water, CBF Global Missions personnel are looking toward the future role for our organization and our partners. Committed to the long-term recovery of families and communities, Global Missions personnel took the opportunity to meet together in various locations around the region and reflect on what has happened as well as make plans for the future. What CBF has done in the relief effort: • found those areas where
Stretch Ledford photos
only hours after the deadly waves hit.
From left, Barbara Baldridge, CBF Global Missions coordinator; Daniel Vestal, CBF coordinator; and Ken Hall, Buckner Baptist Benevolences president, sign a memorandum of understanding to create a new partnership to expand ministry to children at risk around the world. Leaders from CBF national and the autonomous state and regional organizations provided input on the new ministry opportunity during their meeting Feb. 28-March 1 in Kansas City, Mo.
ing God’s “love for widows and orphans around the world.” The memorandum notes several initial focus areas, including “mission work along the border with Mexico and
Texas; work on the continent of Africa; and other projects in the United States and internationally as is agreed by both parties.” — Continued on page 7
Current retreat draws young leaders to Asheville for rest, inspiration
CBF, seminaries partner for church planting education A WEEK-LONG church planting “boot camp” in May will be the first component of a New Church Starts and Restarts concentration at several Cooperative Baptist Fellowship partner theological schools. The May 23-27 event at GardnerWebb University’s M. Christopher White School of Divinity in Boiling Springs, N.C., is for current or prospective church planters and spouses. Previously, the Fellowship used parachurch organizations to train church planters, but CBF Global Missions decided an area that important should be done in-house. “It is critical that we build this into our DNA. It strengthens our seminaries, and it strengthens us,” said Phil Hester, the Fellowship’s associate coordinator for church starts. Participants will learn from various presenters that represent successful CBF church starting efforts, Hester said. About 25 couples can attend the camp, said Don Berry, associate professor of missions and world religion at Gardner-Webb. For this first boot camp only, CBF Church Starts is providing a scholarship for all participants. The scholarship will cover books, training, and room and board, leaving transportation costs to the participants. Registration and the scholarship will be granted on a first-come-first-serve basis. The concentration will include five partner schools: Campbell University Divinity School, Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond, Candler School of Theology at Emory University, Baylor University’s George W. Truett Theological Seminary and Gardner-Webb. A series of courses and praxis will constitute the concentration, which will be embedded in each seminary’s master of divinity degree. With a grant from the Lilly Endowment, BTSR plans to offer church planting courses online, Hester said. The event and its partner concentration will also educate about church restarts. Eighty percent of churches are plateaued or declining, Hester said. A restart could bring renewed life for a faith community. Gardner-Webb is the pilot project for the concentration. The school offers a missions concentration that includes material on church planting, Berry said. The school is discussing the option of a new concentration or including a greater church planting emphasis in the missions concentration.
By Carla Wynn, CBF Communications
Carla Wynn photo
what happens to our tent of meeting?” Anderson asked. “Spending time with the Feb. 23-26 to Asheville, N.C., to engage in communal, vocational Holy is the way to be intimate with God ... If we make ourselves be still and silent, then and personal rest. we will hear new whispers from the Holy.” In conjunction with the Current retreat, Current — a group composed of the The final day of the retreat was reserved children’s ministers and Christian educators CBF Young Leaders Network, Seminarians for vocational rest. After more morning gathered for the CBF Children’s Ministry Network, Youth Ministry Network, Colworkshops and afternoon free time, the Network fifth annual retreat. Participants legiate Ministry Network and Children’s retreat concluded with dinner and worMinistry Network — focused on the theme engaged in joint times of fellowship and ship. Anderson spoke from Mark 1:27-39 of “Pause” with the intent of rejuvenating worship with Current retreat attendees, to drive home the point that ministers need ministers and young Fellowship Baptists to in addition to an rest if they are to face the challenges of ministry. expanded schedule serve others. Current’s new steering committee was Retreat leaders Marty and Robin Anderwith their own track “We are never also announced on the final day of the son of University Baptist Church in Baltiof workshops led by going to accomretreat. The new committee is made up of the following: more, Md., provided devotional thoughts Delia Halverson. plish every min• Carol McEntyre, Augusta, Ga., co-chair each morning and thought-provoking “As ministers, our istry task that is • Kelly Burkhart, Houston, Texas, co-chair worship each evening. In between, particiweek revolves around laid before us,” An• Rhonda Abbott, Louisville, Ky. pants learned from peers and top ministry Sabbath, but it isn’t derson said. “No • John Uldrick, Orlando, Fla. professionals in a variety of workshops and Sabbath for most of matter how sincere • Anne Jernberg, Boston, Mass. enjoyed activities in and around Asheville. us,” Anderson told or diligent we are, • Steve Guinn, Kansas City, Kan. In keeping with a daily theme, the first the group in a mornthere will always • Bryn Bagby, Richmond, Va. • Ryan Clark, Atlanta, Ga. night’s worship was based on the text in Mark ing devotion on the be more that can • Scott Ford, Conyers, Ga. 6 when the disciples be done.” • Chris Homiak, Waco, Texas returned from being Some found sent out in teams of the increased free two to minister in the second day of time to be just what they needed from the surrounding areas. the retreat. “My experience. When they returned, hope is today we “It gave me the freedom and permission Jesus emphasized the will all find time to reflect and be restored for ministry,” need for rest and felto have Sabbath said LeAnn Gunter, associate pastor at lowship together as a moments.” Peachtree Baptist Church in Atlanta. “It community, according Marty Angave me the opportunity to have fellowship to Robin Anderson. derson led the with other ministers and leaders in other During 15 minutes of solitude following a message by “Jesus knows music for the creative ministries.” f! Robin Anderson, a retreat participant makes a creative the disciples are service, which response through journaling. LEARN – For more information about exhausted and centered on Current, go to www.thefellowship.info/ need rest,” Anderson said. “He knows you the text Exodus 33:7-14 when Moses visits current/current.icm. need to take a break if you are going to with God in the tent of meeting. keep on serving.” “When life becomes overwhelming, By Lance Wallace, CBF Communications
Lance Wallace photo
LEARN – Registration forms are available from CBF’s state and regional organizations. A second boot camp will be offered January 2006 at BTSR.
he sixth annual Current retreat drew more than 100 participants
Tommy Justus, left foreground, pastor of Mars Hill Baptist Church in Mars Hill, N.C., leads discussions about formative spiritual experiences.
w w w. t h e f e l l o w s h i p. i n f o
Current Retreat
Church Planting Education
Churches, graduates learn together through ministerial residencies
hurches and seminary graduates are joining together to learn about practical ministry through the Ministerial Residency Pilot
Ministerial Excellence, the project responds to the widespread needs of ministers in their first jobs after seminary.
Courtesy of Daniel Glaze
are creating for themselves during the Terry Hamrick, CBF leadership develresidency,” Burton said. opment coordinator, said that a growing Jo Ann Sharkey is the resident minister number of graduates are reporting negaat First Baptist Church of College Station, tive experiences with their first churches. Texas. “As I minister here, I want to learn Those difficulties stem from multiple facmore about my gifts and where I can use tors, ranging from the increasing stress of cultural changes to a lack of practical ministry preparation. However, the deeper issue is that fewer people are attending seminary in the first place, Hamrick said. “We have a doubleedged problem,” Hamrick explained. “We have fewer choosing to attend seminary, and then still fewer who feel ready to lead congregations when they graduate.” The Ministerial Residency Pilot Project addresses that issue on the premise that a graduate who spends two years with a teaching congregation will be better prepared for the challenges inherent in everyday church ministry. The project is placing 10 Minister-in-Residence Daniel Glaze (l-r), Dr. Clark Cash and graduates from the partner dental assistant Heather Crump help a patient at The Mission seminaries’ classes of 2004 Frankfort Clinic. and 2005 into 10 teaching them most,” Sharkey said. “I also want to congregations for two-year residencies. gain insight about the current state of the “The residents receive hands-on training church and how it relates to culture — how in the full life of a congregation,” Hamrick the church has to change to be relevant said. “They experience everything from while remaining faithful to its mission.” budgets to banquets, deaths to deacons’ meetings, and committees to Communion.” Valerie Burton, Ministerial Residency Pilot Project coordinator, described how the churches challenge the residents to hone C O O P E R AT I V E Baptist Fellowship aims to their practical ministry skills; residents, in deliver practical help to congregational leaders turn, challenge the churches to participate through the Initiative for Ministerial Excellence. in a lifelong ministry learning process. The initiative has a three-pronged approach: “Our hope is that these young ministers peer learning networks, funded sabbaticals and ministry residencies for seminary graduates. will be sustained throughout their ministry careers because of the strong start they
Courtesy of Jo Ann Sharkey
Project. As a part of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s Initiative for
Jo Ann Sharkey serves as the resident minister at FBC, College Station, Texas.
While most residents spend only two years with their teaching congregations, Minister-In-Residence Daniel Glaze continues the ministry he started as a college intern at First Baptist Church of Frankfort, Ky. Glaze finds most fulfilling his duties as coordinator of The Mission Frankfort Clinic, the church’s free medical and dental clinic and pharmacy. “Being a good minister has much to do with getting one’s feet wet in an actual ministry position — succeeding and failing — learning all the while,” Glaze said. First Baptist Church of Frankfort has a history of training ministers. “Together, we have learned what ministries work and what ministries need improvement,” said Pastor David Hinson. “The young, thoughtful eyes of a new graduate have often led us to see something that was there all the time, but our familiarity perpetuated its neglect. Now, our church members have realized that we all learn together, and that Christian education needs to be a partnership that results in lifelong learning.” f! LEARN – For more information about ministerial residencies, contact Valerie Burton at (205) 823-5337 or avburton@bellsouth.net.
By contributing writer Sarah Satterwhite, Houston, Texas
How to Respond LEARN more about the Initiative for Ministerial Excellence by contacting Terry Hamrick at (770) 220-1600 or thamrick@thefellowship.info. Or go to Church Life/Leadership Development/IME at www. thefellowship.info.
Class Notes: News from partner schools ■ Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond.
The seminary was recently named the sole beneficiary of a charitable gift annuity offering a $350,000 initial gift from A. Tredway Layne. The gift will be matched by Mr. and Mrs. Harwood Cochrane, who pledged to match up to $1 million in seminary gifts received before March 31. ■ Campbell University Divinity School. Charles
department lectures, which focused this year on contemporary developments within Islam. Kimball is the author of “When Religion Becomes Evil.” ■ Central Baptist Theological Seminary. The
Association of Theological Schools recently approved the addition of two degrees. The Master of Missional Church Studies will begin in the fall, and the Master of Christian Formation will begin at a later date.
■ McAfee School of Theology, Mercer
University. Joanna Adams, pastor of Atlanta’s Morningside Presbyterian Church, delivered the William L. Self Preaching Lectures Feb. 21-23. On April 11, the school’s Institute for Healthy Congregations will sponsor a workshop for pastors and laity about “Leading Strategic Planning in the Church.”
Ministerial excellence initiative offers sabbatical grants THE COOPERATIVE Baptist Fellowship’s Initiative for Ministerial Excellence is accepting applications for 45 sabbatical grants to be awarded in 2006. The Initiative awarded 20 grants in 2004 and recently awarded an additional 35, said Terry Hamrick, the Fellowship’s leadership development coordinator. Pastors who have been in the same ministry setting for at least seven years are invited to apply for the $2,500 grants. The pastor’s congregation must approve the sabbatical, which must last a minimum of four weeks. The grants are designed to raise awareness of the benefits of sabbatical leave, Hamrick said. “Sabbatical leave is not indigenous in our churches. It’s been relegated to the academic community, but the need for renewal goes beyond that,” he said. Because the program was designed to model sabbaticals for churches, Hamrick said the number of grants awarded have increased each year as more congregations have embraced the idea. The grants have been beneficial to recipients, said Mike Harton, one of the regional coordinators for the Initiative. “Some were nearing burnout. Others were experiencing low spiritual vitality, and a number were in need of a new vision for their ministries,” he said. After a time of renewal, many pastors returned with a new sense of call, Harton said. Ranging in length from four to 13 weeks, sabbaticals have given pastors the opportunity to finish writing projects, take a mission immersion trip, complete a Doctor of Ministry degree, or just relax. Some recipients were taking their first sabbatical in 25 years of ministry. The sabbatical program is part of a $1.9 million Lilly Endowment grant that has also created 56 peer learning networks and ministry residencies for recent seminary graduates. Hamrick said the Initiative’s support can help prevent clergy burnout or dropout. Applications for 2006 grants are taken on a rolling basis, with each applicant being considered as they apply instead of previous years where all applications were evaluated at once, Harton said. The Initiative’s partners provide resources to sabbatical participants. The partners are Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond, Baylor University’s Truett Theological Seminary, Campbell University Divinity School, Mercer University’s McAfee School of Theology, Logsdon School of Theology at Hardin-Simmons University and the Center for Congregational Health. LEARN – To receive an application for the sabbatical program, contact Harton at (804) 379-0915 or mike@harton.net. By Carla Wynn, CBF Communications
Kimball recently delivered the annual religion
Ministerial Residencies
Class Notes
Sabbatical Grants
w w w. t h e f e l l o w s h i p. i n f o
Leadership institute to feature Duke Divinity dean T H E CONGREGATIONAL Leadership Institute at this year’s General Assembly will focus on “A Life Worth Living: Resurrecting
2005 General Assembly
Gaylord Texan Resort • Grapevine, Texas • June 29-July 2
H •
Excellence in
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Ministry,” with leadership by L. Gregory Jones, dean of Duke Divinity School at Duke University in
Greg Jones
Durham, N.C. Jones, who recently completed a book on excellence in ministry, is also an editor-at-large for
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ighlights for this year’s General Assembly include: featured speaker Daniel Vestal, CBF national coordinator guest pianist Joseph Martin guest speaker Carolyn Staley, associate pastor of Briggs Memorial Baptist Church in Bethesda, Md. guest speaker Albert Reyes, Baptist General Convention of Texas president Hispanic leadership conference “Companions in Christ” training (English and Spanish on Wednesday) and
Daniel Vestal featured speaker
Joseph Martin guest pianist
Carolyn Staley guest speaker
Albert Reyes guest speaker
• Congregational Leadership Institute (Wednesday) with Greg Jones, Duke Divinity School dean. Other General Assembly events include Friday morning’s Communion service, new Global Missions field personnel commissioning Friday evening, and the choice of 70 workshops. There is no charge to attend the General Assembly. However, separate pre-registration, advance reservations and cost may be required for some auxiliary events. For more information or to pre-register online, go to www.thefellowship.info or call (800) 352-8741. f!
The Christian Century and a co-convener of the Theological Colloquium on Excellence in Ministry. Typically held on the Thursday morning of General Assembly, this year’s schedule change moves the institute to Wednesday afternoon, June 29. Registration is $45 per person. The charge for students or for congregations registering more than three is $40 per person. Registration is open to congregational ministers and lay leaders. Registration information is available at www. thefellowship.info. Other participants will include CBF Leadership Scholars and the facilitators of CBF’s peer learning groups. Peer learning groups are part of the Fellowship’s Initiative for Ministerial Excellence, which relates directly to Jones’ presentation material. The Initiative, which began in January 2003, is funded by a nearly $2 million grant from the Lilly Endowment. By Carla Wynn, CBF Communications
General Assembly Q&A
office at (800) 352-8741 for a hotel reservation form.
Would you like to attend the 2005 CBF General Assembly? It’s easy and relatively inexpensive to do so. Here are some simple steps for you to follow if you would like to attend. Where is the General Assembly being held? The General Assembly 2005 meeting will be held at the Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center in Grapevine, Texas. This is a brand new, state-of-the-art facility. Situated away from the city on beautiful Lake Grapevine, the facility encompasses the Convention Center, hotel and restaurants all under one roof. There’s no need to worry about rain or the heat as you move throughout the facility. If you would like more information on the Gaylord Texan, go to www.gaylordtexan.com. When is the General Assembly? The General Assembly is a two-day event beginning on Thursday morning, June 30, and concluding Friday evening, July 1. Auxiliary events will be Wednesday, June 29, and Saturday, July 2. How do I get there? The Gaylord Texan is located near the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, a brief shuttle ride from the airport. If you choose to fly, you have the option of flying into DFW airport or Love Field in Dallas. The Gaylord Texan does not offer hotel shuttle service from the airport; however, you may ride the Super Shuttle, (800) 258-3826 or www.supershuttle. com, for a nominal fee. Reservations are needed for the shuttle service. Rental cars are available at either airport and the Gaylord Texan is a 25-minute drive from Love Field and approximately 15-minute drive from DFW. Once on the Gaylord property, free shuttle service is available to take you to the fascinating Texas town of Grapevine, and/or to the Grapevine Mills Mall, located just a few minutes from the resort. Many people tell us that the meeting is especially fun and meaningful if you come with friends; so we recommend gathering a group from your church to come together. Church buses and vans are welcome! For driving directions, contact the Gaylord Texan at www.gaylordtexan.com or (866) 782-7897. How do I make reservations? You may reserve your hotel rooms at the Gaylord Texan for the unbelievable rate of $99 per night. The same rate applies before and after the meeting if you are interested in an extended stay. New this year, you must pre-register for the General Assembly at www.thefellowship.info before making your hotel reservations online. Please register yourself and your spouse separately. You will receive the CBF discount code at the conclusion of the pre-registration process. You can also pre-register by filling out the form below. Hotel reservations may also be made by phone at (866) 782-7897. If you contact the hotel directly, you must have the CBF discount code in order to secure the special rate. If you prefer to make your reservations by mail, contact the national CBF
General Assembly Pre-Registration Please complete one form per person or couple. There is no registration fee. However, separate preregistration or advance reservations and costs may be required for some auxilary events.
Address ________________________________________________
Name ______________________________
City_______________________State______ Zip _______________
Please register my spouse ❑ Yes ❑ No
Church _________________________________________________
Work Phone ________________________
City_______________________________________ State _______
E-mail ______________________________
E-mail __________________________________________________ Birthdate mm / dd / yy
Gender ❑ Female ❑ Male
This is my first Assembly ❑ Yes ❑ No Highest degree earned ___________________________________ Graduate of _________________________________ Year _______ I am: ❑ Laity
Birthdate mm / dd / yy Spouse’s first Assembly? ❑ Yes ❑ No Highest degree earned ______________ Graduate of ________________________ ________________________ Year _______ Spouse is: ❑ Laity ❑ Clergy/Church staff Position _____________________________
❑ Clergy/Church staff - Position ______________________
❑ Student
❑ Student – School ________________________________
School ______________________________
❑ Anticipated Graduation Date _______________________
Degree _____________________________
❑ Degree ________________________________________
Anticipated Graduation Date ____________
w w w. t h e f e l l o w s h i p. i n f o
What about activities for children and youth? Childcare for preschoolers, including birth through those entering kindergarten, will be provided on-site at the Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center. The Children’s Assembly, for those who have completed kindergarten through sixth grade, includes both on-site and off-site activities. Contact Lori Franklin at (940) 566-3313 or CBFchildren@southmont.org for more information. The Youth Assembly is for students grades 7-12 and will involve on-site and off-site activities. Contact Scott Jones at (214) 361-2809 or sjones@royallane.org for more information. To download a copy of either registration form, go to www.thefellowship.info.
How to Respond LEARN – To pre-register or to make online hotel reservations, go to www.thefellowship.info. PRAY – If you are interested in participating with the prayer ministry for the CBF General Assembly, please contact Dorothy H. Foster, General Assembly prayer network coordinator, at SonPrinses@aol.com. SERVE – Guest speaker Carolyn Staley would like to hear from individuals and churches about the General Assembly theme, “Being the Presence of Christ in All the World.” Tell her what you believe the theme means and how you or your church are living out the theme. Contact Staley at staley3@cox.net.
Return this form to: CBF General Assembly, Attn. Laura Domke, PO Box 450329, Atlanta, GA 31145-0329. You may also pre-register online for any of these events at www.thefellowship.info.
Work Phone_____________________________________________
What’s the meeting like? The meeting consists of three types of events — business sessions, worship and workshops. The business sessions will be Thursday and Friday morning with a Communion service following the Friday business session. General worship sessions are Thursday and Friday evening and feature renowned preachers, teachers and musicians leading in worship. Workshops will be held twice on Thursday and Friday and provide opportunities for learning on subjects of interest to you. There is also plenty of time for fellowship, meals and visiting the Resource Fair which features more than 100 exhibitors.
June 29-July 2, 2005 • Gaylord Texan Resort, Grapevine, Texas
Name __________________________________________________
Home Phone ____________________________________________
What about meals? There are several restaurants at the Gaylord Texan Resort and you are only minutes from other dining opportunities in the town of Grapevine.
MISSIONS INVOLVEMENT Have you ever volunteered with CBF Global Missions? Self: ❑ Yes ❑ No Spouse: ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, in what ministry area did you or your spouse serve? ❑ Construction ❑ Medical/Dental ❑ ESL/Education ❑ Technical (IT, Ag., ❑ Art/Music ❑ Engineering Tech❑ VBS/Backyard ❑ nology, etc.) ❑ Bible Club ❑ Other CHURCH INVOLVEMENT I am currently serving as/on: Self Spouse Church Clerk ❑ ❑ Deacon ❑ ❑ Missions Committee ❑ ❑ Finance Committee ❑ ❑ Personnel Committee ❑ ❑ Stewardship Committee ❑ ❑ Denominational Relations Committee ❑ ❑ Other _______________ ❑ ❑
CHURCH LAITY POSITIONS I am currently serving in/as: Self Missions Education Preschool ❑ Children ❑ Youth ❑ Adult ❑ Music Ministry Preschool ❑ Children ❑ Youth ❑ Adult ❑ Sunday School Director ❑ Preschool Teacher ❑ Youth Teacher ❑ Adult Teacher ❑ Christian Education Ministry ❑ Specify:____________ Evangelism/Outreach ❑ Missions Volunteer/ Advocate ❑ Other _______________ ❑
Spouse ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
2005 General Assembly Information, Pre-Registration
Workshops For a complete listing of workshops, go to www.thefellowship.info. Spiritual Formation and Bible Study Stephen Bryant Discuss and experience ways of being together in the Word that open the Scripture, illumine our minds, connect us with God, and transform our living in Jesus Christ. Preaching and Leadership: The Call to Adaptive Change Charles Bugg Bugg will guide the participants in looking at how the preaching event becomes a means to promote adaptive change both in listeners as well as in the speaker. Spiritual Leadership in a Secular Age Eddie Hammett How can we build bridges instead of barriers with the unchurched? Hear an interview between Eddie Hammett and a post modern spiritual traveler. Spiritual Roadblocks and How to Move Around Them Brian Harbour Roadblocks often prevent the Christian from experiencing the abundant life Jesus wants us to experience. Here’s practical help on moving around them. What is the Baptist World Alliance? Denton Lotz and Emmanuel McCall An overview of the worldwide organization of Baptists to which CBF belongs with BWA General Secretary Denton Lotz and Emmanuel McCall, vice president of the BWA.
Auxiliary Events For a complete listing of auxiliary events, go to www.thefellowship.info. Unless otherwise noted, all events will be held in the Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center. African American Network Luncheon Friday, July 1 Noon – 2:00 p.m. Reservations required. Contact: Edgar Berryman, (601) 421-0947, eberryman@thefellowship.info Asian Network Banquet Friday, July 1 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Reservations required. Contact: Yoo Jong Yoon, (214) 343-2270, glorychurch@gbronline.com Associated Baptist Press Banquet Thursday, June 30 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. Speaker and cost TBA. Reservations advised. Contact: Franceen Cornelius, (800) 340-6626 or franceen@abpnews.com Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond Dinner for Alumni and Friends Thursday, June 30 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Reservations and information are available through BTSR. Contact: Audrey Thomson, (804) 204-1206, athomson@btsr.edu Baptist Women in Ministry Annual Business Meeting and Worship Service Wednesday, June 29 2:30 – 5:00 p.m. Contact: Karen Massey, (678) 547-6460, massey_k@mercer.edu Baptist World Alliance Window On the World Banquet Sponsored by The North American Baptist Fellowship Wednesday, June 29 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Tickets for the banquet can be secured by e-mailing Carolina@bwanet.org. CBF Interim Network Meeting Sponsored by The Center for Congregational Health Wednesday, June 29 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Contact: Les Robinson, (336) 716-0790, blrobins@wfubmc.edu
Stewardism — Being a Missional Church Results in a New Look at Stewardship Gary Moore Being missional requires that we integrate faith and practice into our daily walk. Stewardship has become associated with contributing to the church. Revisiting our biblical traditions broadens our view of stewardship to include all of our economic lives. (The Church Benefits Board and the CBF Foundation are sponsoring this workshop) Understanding Fundamentalism Philip Wise and Fisher Humphreys Examine the history, theology and attitudes of fundamentalism and discover ways in which progressive Baptists may respond to fundamentalists in their families, churches and communities. Setting Deacons Free! Tom Stocks See a comparison of the Family Ministry Plan for Deacons and the Team Based Ministry Plan. Rosalind Hills Baptist Church made the switch to the team ministry plan and it has revolutionized the ministry of the church.
A Conversation on the Missional Church Bruce Powers Come have a guided conversation about developing a missional church. Topics include renewing your spiritual passion and vision for the church and developing a strategy for effective ministry in transitional and multi-cultural communities. Children in Africa Daniel Vestal and Ken Hall A conversation with Ken Hall, president of Buckner Baptist Benevolences, and Daniel Vestal, national coordinator of CBF, about a strategic partnership ministry to children in Africa. Helping Your Local Church Embrace a Missional Vision: Practical Principles Dennis Foust What is a missional church? Hear how one congregation is learning how to embrace the missional vision, living
out practical principles of incarnational Christian faith, connecting personal and congregational opportunities with the purposes of the Kingdom of God. Series of Bible Studies Jim Denison, senior pastor of Park Cities Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, will lead an exciting series of Bible studies occurring in each workshop session.
Missions Workshops Featured Global Missions: A Strategic Response to the Most Neglected Barbara Baldridge CBF Global Missions has identified the most neglected as our number one focus in ministry. Hear how personnel are responding to the needs of the world’s unevangelized and marginalized populations. Missions: The Next Generation Amy Derrick and Colleen and David Burroughs Come and hear about ways for youth and college students to experience first-hand what it means to be the presence of Christ through Passport, Student.Go and Mission Exchange.
The Once and Future Sunday School Michael McCullar A look at the past, present and future of Sunday school for adults with a focus on innovative growth and how to reach new people.
Campbell University Divinity School Ice Cream Celebration Thursday, June 30 9:00 – 10:30 p.m. Contact: Irma Duke, (800) 334-4111, Ext. 1847, duke@campbell.edu
Coordinating Council Alumni Dinner Friday, July 1 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. Reservations required. Contact: Charlotte Taylor, (770) 220-1640, ctaylor@thefellowship.info
Central Baptist Theological Seminary — Central Conversations Thursday, June 30 3:10 – 3:45 p.m. Contact: Bill Prather, (913) 371-5313, Ext. 155, bprather@cbts.edu
Foundation Heritage Society Breakfast Saturday, July 2 7:00 – 9:00 a.m. Cost: Complimentary, reservations required. Contact: Sally Saffer, (770) 2201663, ssaffer@thefellowship.info
Chaplains and Pastoral Counselors Luncheon Friday, July 1 11:45 a.m. – 1:45 p.m. Reservations required. Contact: George Pickle, (770) 220-1617, gpickle@thefellowship.info
George W. Truett Theological Seminary Alumni Association Luncheon Thursday, June 30 Noon – 1:15 p.m. Cost: $45 with a reservation and $50 at the door. Contact: Dorothy at Truett: (254) 710-3755 or Steve Wells, (713) 529-4167, pastorsoffice@smbc.org
6th Annual Children’s Ministry Network Luncheon Friday, July 1 Noon – 1:30 p.m. Cost: Free, Reservations required. Contact: Rachel Sciretti, (254) 773-2910, sciretti@hotmail.com Church Benefits Board Member Luncheon Friday, July 1 11:45 a.m. – 1:45 p.m. Cost: Complimentary, reservations required. Contact: Wanda Hyde, (770) 2201629, whyde@thefellowship.info Companions in Christ One Day Training (English) Companerismo en Christo One Day Training (Spanish) Wednesday, June 29 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Cost: $75 Early bird by Wednesday, May 26. After May 26, $100 for first person from a church, $85 each additional person. Materials and lunch included. Contact: Rick Bennett, (770) 220-1605, rbennett@thefellowship.info Congregational Leadership Institute Wednesday, June 29 2:00 – 6:00 p.m. Focus will be on “A Life Worth Living: Resurrecting Excellence in Ministry,” led by L. Gregory Jones. This year’s institute will be on Wednesday afternoon. Registration: $45 per person; $40 for students or if more than three are registered from the same congregation. Contact: Mary McCoy, (770) 220-1637, mmccoy@thefellowship.info
2 0 0 5 G e n e r a l A s s e m b l y Wo r k s h o p s , A u x i l i a r y E v e n t s , S c h e d u l e
Hispanic Network Dinner Friday, July 1 5:00 – 6:45 p.m. Cost: Complimentary, reservations required. Contact: Bernie Moraga, (505) 247-4781, b_moraga@yahoo.com Interim Pastor Network Dinner Thursday, June 30 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Cost: Complimentary, reservations required. Contact: Bob Beck, (817) 2945511, rjbeck@flash.net International Fashion Show – A Celebration of Women Around the World Thursday, June 30 8:30 p.m. Will be held in the Resource Fair in conjunction with the Art Auction. Contact: Becky Buice Green, (770) 220-1624, bbgreen@thefellowship.info John P. Newport Foundation Awards Banquet Thursday, June 30 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. The John Newport Foundation will host its Annual Leadership Awards Banquet featuring George Gallup as this year’s award recipient and the keynote speaker. Contact for reservations or more information: Phyllis Nichols, (210) 408-1987, phyllisnichols@satx.rr.com Mercer University McAfee School of Theology Dinner for Alumni and Friends Thursday, June 30 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. Contact: Sharon Lim Harle, (678) 5476420, lim_s@mercer.edu
Responding to Disasters Worldwide David Harding Hear an update of CBF’s response in Asia following the devastating aftermath of the recent tsunami. Presence Alongside in the Poorest Counties in America Tom Prevost Find your way to ally with people on the rural poverty front! What you learn with Partners in Hope leaders will equip you for involvement in “20-plus” counties and in your own community. Lift Every Voice? ... and Sing! Martha and Rick Shaw, Joseph Phelps, Lucy Rushing and Jean Meredith CBF’s Albanian-Balkan Team and partnering churches are engaged in multifaceted ministries, encouraging Albanians and other neglected Balkan peoples to raise their voices for justice and mercy. Engaging in the Missions Story Through Missions Education Tamara Tillman and Leon Castle Have you heard? CBF produces age-graded missions education curriculum which enables churches to engage in hands-on missions study with preschoolers, children, youth and adults. The Church Has AIDS: Challenges and Opportunities Fran and Lonnie Turner This workshop will raise your awareness to the global epidemic of HIV/AIDS. You will learn how to recruit volunteers from the interfaith community with expertise in business, medicine and education.
2005 General Assembly Schedule Wednesday, June 29
Auxiliary Events Companions in Christ Congregational Leadership Institute Baptist World Alliance Window on the World Banquet
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 2:00 – 6:00 p.m. 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Thursday, June 30
7:00 – 8:45 a.m. 8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. 9:00 – 10:10 a.m. 10:30 – 11:40 a.m. 11:45 a.m. – 1:45 p.m. 2:00 – 3:10 p.m. 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m.
Auxiliary Events Resource Fair Open Workshops (several of your most requested) Opening Session & Business I Lunch and Auxiliary Events Workshops (includes Business Breakouts) State Meetings Dinner and Auxiliary Events Pre-Worship Gathering Worship Resource Fair Event
Friday, July 1
7:00 – 9:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. 11:00 – 11:45 a.m. 11:45 a.m. – 1:45 p.m. 2:00 – 3:10 p.m. 3:30 – 4:40 p.m. 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m.
Auxiliary Events Resource Fair Open Communion and Community & Business II Fellowship Time Lunch & Auxiliary Events Workshops Workshops Dinner and Auxiliary Events Pre-Worship Gathering Worship Resource Fair Event
Saturday, July 2
Auxiliary Events National Gathering of Hispanic Leaders
Ministers on the Move Friday, July 1 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. An opportunity for clergy who are seeking a new place of ministry to meet and talk with CBF Reference and Referral personnel. Come by Mustang Room 6 and reserve your time slot between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Friday. Contact: Clarissa Strickland, (770) 220-1635, cstrickland@ thefellowship.info New Field Personnel Reception Friday, July 1 9:00 p.m. Come meet CBF’s newest Global Missions field personnel in the CBF Resource Fair. Pack The “Current” Booth Thursday, June 30 5:00 – 5:30 p.m. The Current Network invites all younger Baptists to stop by our booth. Contact: Kurt Varney, (404) 219-3920, kurtvarney@hotmail.com
Persian World Outreach Annual Meeting Wednesday, June 29 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Location: World Connex Office, 1409 S. Lamar, #905, Dallas, Texas. For further information, contact pwo@worldmail.org Annual Religious Liberty Council Luncheon Friday, July 1 Noon – 1:45 p.m. Sponsored by the Baptist Joint Committee. Contact: Wanda M. Henry, (202) 544-4226, whenry@bjcpa.org Texas Baptists Committed & Mainstream Baptist Network Breakfast Friday, July 1 7:00 - 8:30 a.m. For ticket information, call (325) 6594101 or visit www.txbc.org Whitsitt Baptist Heritage Society Thursday, June 30 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Jimmy R. Allen will receive the 2005 Whitsitt Courage Award and address compassion in the church. Everyone is welcome to attend. Contact: John D. Pierce, (478) 301-5655, jpierce@baptiststoday.org
w w w. t h e f e l l o w s h i p. i n f o
Local churches, urban team meet needs among cities’ most neglected
CBF Global Missions releases people group DVDs COOPERATIVE BAPTIST Fellowship Global Missions recently released several DVDs in a new missions emphasis series promoting Global Missions and the Offering for Global Missions. DVDs on the Balinese, the Lampungese, and CBF’s work among international students, immigrants and refugees are available. The DVDs contain updates of previous videos on the topics with new interviews and graphics. They also contain a slide show suitable for incorporation into worship services or prayer gatherings. The Balinese DVD contains extended footage from a Balinese cremation ceremony, giving an in-depth look into a significant Balinese cultural ceremony. “We hope this ‘deeper look’ into the lives of the Balinese will lead to transformed lives and communities, not only in Bali, but among those who will engage in this strategic ministry,” said Steve Johnson, CBF Global Missions communications liaison. The Lampungese DVD highlights the people of Lampung, which is located on the southern tip of the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The DVD also contains a drama called “Revenge or Forgiveness,” which describes a Lampungese man’s struggle whether to follow his cultural rules, which encourage revenge on others, or to forgive according to God’s teaching. The Balinese and Lampungese DVDs also contain virtual prayer walks, footage that invites viewers to pray for people they see. The internationals DVD focuses on immigrants, refugees and international students living in metropolitan areas around the world who have found friends and family in CBF Global Missions field
hen people think of missions work they tend to conjure up images
our open door to spread the light of Christ’ and now she [Williams] is a trusted member of that of remote rural locations and substandard living conditions, community.” In addition to their mentoring relationbut inhabitants of the world’s largest and most developed cities also harbor ship, Adams works with Williams through his position as program director at Rauschenunmet needs. That’s where people like Mary-Katherine Williams, one busch Metro Ministries, a ministry of Metro Baptist Church in Manhattan. Each summer member of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s Urban Team, step in. both Greater Restoration and Metro Baptist hold summer camps for kids in kindergarten community of faith and a life-changing After years of working in urban ministry through sixth grade. For five weeks in the relationship with Christ,” she said. in East St. Louis, Williams read about a posisummer, “mission teams from CBF churches Ronnie Adams, one of CBF’s Global tion for a community outreach coordinator at around the country come around to help us Missions field personnel based in ManhatGreater Restoration Baptist Church in Brookout,” Adams said. lyn, N.Y. “I was reading the job description and tan’s Hell’s Kitchen district, serves as WilThe camp provides liams’ mentor and is I felt like they were describing me, but they just a welcome space for all impressed with the didn’t have my name yet,” Williams said. children in the comrelationships WilAfter visiting Greater Restoration and munity — not just those liams has established feeling “immediately at home,” Williams from the housing deand nurtured in her was appointed by the Fellowship in 2003 velopments — to enjoy and began actively establishing relationships short time at Greater activities including arts Restoration. with both the church community and and crafts, music, rec“She’s done a great the greater Crown Heights community reation and field trips. job helping us [CBF] in Brooklyn. One of Williams’ regular Ronnie Adams helps with the Page Turners after“It gives them time to to connect to Albany outreach activities involves the church’s school program at the Rauschenbusch Center. have some fun and be a Homes,” Adams said. neighbors at Albany Homes, a multi-family kid. Sometimes that’s hard to do in the city,” “It’s one of the largest and most violent areas; housing development. Williams visits the Adams said. many churches moved out of the area because housing development weekly in an effort to Through these various outreach efforts, it was so violent, but Greater Restoration stayed “build trust as a way to start relationships Williams has built the relationships she and said ‘we don’t need to run from this; this is and eventually connect people with the cherishes with her neighbors. “It’s nice to walk down the street and see people you know and have kids wave to you,” she said. “That’s what I really appreciate about her ministry,” Adams concluded. “It’s been a concentrated effort on her part to get to know people. She does ministry in a wonderful way — she’s their neighbor.” f! LEARN – The Fellowship’s April 2005 missions education curriculum highlights ministries in Brooklyn’s Crown Heights neighborhood. The May 2005 materials focus on CBF field personnel making a
difference in Europe. (Annual subscriptions: adult and youth: $20; children and preschool:
Stretch Ledford photos
LEARN – The “Focusing on Internationals DVD” is $7.50. The “Focusing on The Balinese DVD” and the “Focusing on the Lampungese DVD” are $9.95 each. Shipping will be charged. Order from The CBF Store at (888) 801-4223 or www. thefellowship.info.
$80. Shipping will be charged.) Order from The CBF Store at (888) 801-4223 or www. thefellowship.info. Mary-Katherine Williams reads with ‘College and Career’ teens at Greater Restoration Baptist Church in Brooklyn.
When disaster strikes By Carla Wynn, CBF Communications
Students help with invitations to a class for internationals in Toronto.
— Continued from page 1
• provide school supplies for children returning to class • engage in economic recovery by helping to provide fishing boats and other equipment, sewing machines, seed and fertilizer, and micro-enterprise development opportunities • inventory current supplies in warehouses and match with needs in communities • develop a rotation schedule for personnel so that all can get the rest they need • partner with local churches and Christian organizations to provide for spiritual needs.” f!
w w w. t h e f e l l o w s h i p. i n f o
By contributing writer Amy Walker, Atlanta
How to Respond with them. Prayer updates are available online at www.thefellowship.info/AsianResponse.icm.
F E L L O W S H I P C H U R C H E S and individuals are invited to assist the efforts of CBF Global Missions field personnel and their partners in Southeast Asia by taking the following actions: LEARN The CBF Web site contains resources compiled by CBF’s Initiative for Congregational Life to assist congregations in their response to the crisis in Asia. To access these resources, go to www.thefellowship. info/CL/FF/CMResources/Disaster.icm. PRAY Pray for the tsunami survivors and CBF Global Missions field personnel and volunteers working
GIVE Gifts should be earmarked #17016, Asian Response and can be mailed to: ASIAN RESPONSE, CBF, PO Box 101699, Atlanta, GA 30392. Gifts can be made by credit card online at www.thefellowship. info/Landing/Giving.icm. SERVE For more information about volunteer opportunities, contact Timothy Wood at (800) 782-2451, twood@ thefellowship.info or visit www.thefellowship.info/ Global Missions/Volunteer Missions/asiarelief.icm.
U r b a n Te a m
New Global Missions DVDs
S.C. new church start encourages changing hearts from the inside out
ive years ago, David Holland was an associate pastor at The Baptist Church of Beaufort in South Carolina when he began
thinking his ministry efforts should be turned toward the unchurched.
Photos courtesy of Tidal Creek
Once a community was targeted, Tidal What he quickly learned was that he Creek started with a core group of seven already lived in one of the most unchurched families that met for a year areas of the country. before worship services Following the began in September 2002. model laid out by the “It is better to create an Cooperative Baptist energetic environment Fellowship that included for a church’s launch than a year of planning and it is to begin meeting for with financial support worship with everything from several places, half-baked,” Holland says. Tidal Creek Fellowship “Our worship style and on Ladys Island, S.C., worship environment have was born. And Holland’s played a huge part in our vision is being realized: Tidal Creek Fellowship volunteer ability to fulfill our vision. 35 to 50 percent of the Cherie Cahoon examines a tsunami The atmosphere is casual, current members were survivor at an Indian medical camp. the music lively, and the previously unchurched. message practical and Bible-centered,” Keri and Layne Cook are two of them. Holland says. “And, we have remained With their two young children, the Cooks firmly committed to our vision of reaching found their way to Tidal Creek at the the unchurched and helping them become invitation of a friend, and were baptized in June 2004. “We liked the family atmosphere we found, and the way they went about teaching just clicked with us,” Keri says. “I already believed in God but did not have a relationship with God. Tidal Creek provides a place for me to develop and grow that relationship.” The initial work at Tidal Creek began in 2001 when CBF paid for the demographic research that defined the target area for the new church, and followed up with focus group research led by Phil Hester, CBF’s associate coordinator for church starts. The church also used the resource “New Church Pastor David Holland baptizes Keri and Layne Starts: A Ministry for Everyone Packet” as Cook in the Atlantic Ocean. an outreach tool.
CBF Buckner partnership — Continued from page 1
Vestal stressed the agreement’s importance to the group. “This plan will receive the highest priority we can give it in CBF life. I believe with all my heart that God will use this partnership and the work we’re about to do to have a dramatic impact on His kingdom.” The partnership is an evolution of a previous two-year partnership signed in 2003 by the two groups to engage in mutual missions work in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas called “KidsHeart.” The two organizations have also worked together in Kenya for the past three years through the Baptist Children’s Center of Nairobi. Central to the new agreement and discussion preceding the signing is the two organizations’ commitment to providing
Ti d al Cre ek Fel l ow ship
ministry in sub-Saharan Africa at the request of African Baptists. Leaders said the new partnership plan is intended to provide transformational development in the areas of early childhood initiatives, HIV/AIDS education and intervention, and ministries to children at risk. “I think God is dreaming a lot bigger for us,” Vestal said. “If we don’t care who gets the credit or let our own egos or fears get in the way, then I don’t think we can dream what God can do.” Douglas Waruta, a professor at Nairobi University and a member of the initial planning team for the project, said it is time “to take seriously our mission to children. When children receive love and are given an opportunity, you cannot go wrong.” Vestal and Hall said the initiative brings together the extensive missions expertise of CBF Global Missions with Buckner’s 126
Buckner Partnership
fully devoted followers of Christ.” The Cooks see that vision and have already brought in three new members. “When you believe in something as much as we do, when it makes a difference in your life, you want to go out and bring in others,” concludes Layne Cook. “Being at Tidal Creek has made a tremendous difference in our lives. Once you have a relationship with Christ, it can’t help but change your heart from the inside out.” f! LEARN – For more information about new church starts, contact Phil Hester at (678) 429-9753, or phester@thefellowship.info, or go to Global Missions/Church Starts at www.thefellowship.info. To order CBF’s “New Church Starts: A Ministry for Everyone Packet” that includes a book and CD-ROM packed with reproducible resources, contact The CBF Store at (888) 801-4223 or www.thefellowship.info. ($149, available after April 29)
By contributing writer Sue H. Poss, Greenville, S.C.
years of ministry to children and families. “Our two organizations have been strategically positioned by God at this moment to have a dramatic impact on Africa,” Hall said. “This is a big continent and God has given us a big vision to change the destiny of thousands of children.” Each group also named contacts for the new partnership. Grace Powell Freeman, CBF associate coordinator for mission operations, will represent the Fellowship, while Scott Collins, Buckner vice president for external affairs, will represent Buckner mission efforts. Freeman can be reached at (770) 220-1600 or gpfreeman@thefellowship.info. Collins can be reached at (214) 758-8060 or at sacollins@buckner.org. f! By Russ Dilday, Buckner Communications, and Lance Wallace, CBF Communications
Volunteer team returns from India tsunami relief SOME CRIED with the mother watching her child’s painful cyst drained. Others held the hand of a lonely orphan getting shots or an ear blockage removed. These tears and this comforting presence were part of what a Tidal Creek Fellowship volunteer team provided tsunami victims through medical camps in southern India. The six-person team worked 10 days in India with CBF tsunami relief efforts. They returned in midFebruary changed by what they experienced. “What we brought back in our hearts is unexplainable — it’s life-changing,” said volunteer Cherie Cahoon. The team hosted medical camps in two villages, averaging treatment of 70 people a day. The needs were so overwhelming that they bought medication and supplies daily. “Many of the people had minor problems that had advanced to life threatening just because they did not have proper health care available,” said Scott Hunter, one of CBF’s Global Missions field personnel. Many children in the villages suffered from meningitis, prolonged infection, boils and broken bones. “It was a great feeling to take some pain from them, even as minute as it was. There was a love in their eyes and a thankfulness in their eyes,” Cahoon said. “I have a feeling God touched those kids.” In the second village, the medical camp was in a Hindu man’s house, which was abandoned because his family didn’t want to live there after the tsunami. Field personnel and volunteers wanted to comfort and to heal spirits as much as bodies. “We tried to be personal and treat the patients one at a time as people, not victims being pushed through a system. Our doctor is very good and caring, and the quality of his attention to the patients shows,” Hunter said. The team also prayed silently for each person they touched through medical treatment. “This meant that over 300 people in this village were touched prayerfully with the love of Christ as they received health care,” said volunteer Nina Ellison. The Fellowship’s relief efforts will shift from meeting emergency needs to striving for long-term transformation in the area. “Now we will shift to rebuilding lives, and while health issues will be a concern, transformation is the goal. We will find one village and try to make a long-term and eternal difference,” Hunter said. For the volunteer team and other people involved in Indian relief efforts, the experience was monumental. “We have saved lives, we have shown love, we have made friends and our lives and theirs are better for the encounter,” Hunter said. By Carla Wynn, CBF Communications
w w w. t h e f e l l o w s h i p. i n f o
Iowa church impacts community through outreach to children
Spiritual formation events calendar
• Spiritual Formation Network Steering Team meeting. June 2005, Grapevine, Texas. The team will meet for the first time during General Assembly. LEARN – For more information, contact Bennett at (770) 220-1605 or rbennett@thefellowship.info.
By Carla Wynn, CBF Communications
ig faith comes in small packages at First Baptist Church of Blue Grass, Iowa.
“We are a little country church with a big heart and vision for missions,” said Edith Little, who serves as pastor of the congregation that meets in a former horse barn. Little’s older sister Molly Carver serves as children’s minister, Sunday school director, missions director, secretary/ treasurer and deacon. “Without Molly I don’t know what I would do,” said Little,
Courtesy of FBC, Blue Grass
THE COOPERATIVE Baptist Fellowship’s Faith Formation Initiative is partnering to sponsor a fourday international spiritual formation conference in June. CBF is a sponsoring organization for Renovaré’s International Conference, an annual event held June 19-22 in Denver, Colo. This year’s theme, “The With-God Life: The Dynamics of Scripture for Christian Spiritual Transformation,” will be explored through a host of workshops, prayer experiences and worship sessions. The keynote speakers will be author and Renovaré founder Richard Foster and Dallas Willard, an ordained Southern Baptist minister and professor of philosophy at the University of Southern California. An international and ecumenical organization, Renovaré has “a long history in spiritual formation and spiritual formation resources,” said Rick Bennett, the Fellowship’s associate coordinator for faith formation. “This signals an expansion of spiritual formation partnerships for the Fellowship.” Several leaders from the Fellowship’s Spiritual Formation Network will attend the conference. Through the partnership, Fellowship participants can register at a discount rate of $149. For more information, go to www.renovare. org/journey_events_2005ic.htm. Other events sponsored and co-sponsored by CBF’s Faith Formation Initiative include: • Upper Room Five Day Academy for Spiritual Formation. Oct. 16-21, Camp Sumatanga, Gallant, Ala. This is CBF’s first sponsorship of an Academy. The Academy will be led by Mary Jayne Allen, minister of education at First Baptist Church of Chattanooga, Tenn.; Loyd Allen, professor of church history and spiritual formation at Atlanta’s McAfee School of Theology at Mercer University; and Hazelyn McComas, a United Methodist layperson and retired faculty member from Milwaukee Theological Institute. • Companions in Christ training (English and Spanish). June 29, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., CBF General Assembly, Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center, Grapevine, Texas. Carolyn Shapard of Wilshire Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, and Jorene Swift from Broadway Baptist Church in Fort Worth will be the English facilitators. Carmen Gaud, international editor for Upper Room Ministries, will facilitate the Hispanic session. Cost: $100, includes all sessions, meals and materials used.
Pastor Edith Little baptizes Ashley Chandler.
who lost her job as a social worker and hospice chaplain last year and now works in telemarketing to help make ends meet. Up to 25 children attend services at the church that contains three core families. “We asked God to increase our numbers, and He did with children,” Little said. As the children told their friends about the church, the children’s program grew. When the need for Sunday school teachers increased, teenagers Nicolay Stein and Michelle Chandler received training as teachers, while other teens learned to run the sound system. “Molly and I are very proud of the children,” Little said. Last summer to raise money for their church program, the children organized bake sales, picked and sold blackberries,
and held car washes. They also helped raise money to pay for the church’s winter fuel bill. The sisters noticed that the children often came to Wednesday night services hungry. “We serve a balanced meal to help ease the hunger so these children can hear the Word,” Little said. The church also helps community members. “We try to keep a food pantry at the church and when there is a need, we take up food baskets,” Little said. “A few years ago, we came to realize that most of the children did not have a Bible,” Little added, “so we started a Christmas fund and bought all the children one. A few times, we’ve asked, ‘Where are we going to get $20 for a Bible?’” Thanks to the generosity of CBF individuals and churches, CBF Congregational Life has been able to help cover some of the expense. “The children tell their friends that when you come to church, you will get a Bible and you don’t have to do anything to get it,” Little said.
Before the church called her as pastor in June 2003, Little had served as youth director and Sunday school director. When she felt called to preach in 1987, Little was attending Southern Seminary. “But of course I could not find a Baptist church that would license or ordain me,” she said. “I felt that God would answer this in my life in His time, and He did.” After the resignation of First Baptist Blue Grass’ pastor, Little preached on Sunday nights since local Baptist leadership did not want her preaching the morning sermon. She discovered CBF resources on the Internet and called Bill Bruster, CBF networking coordinator. The support of CBF staff like Bruster and Bo Prosser, CBF Congregational Life coordinator, has been crucial, Little said. “If there is a need, I call and hear someone say, ‘This is what I can do to help.’” “I think we’re on the verge of a breakthrough,” Little said. Across from the church a subdivision is being developed. For the Christmas play, 65 to 75 people packed into the church. First Baptist Blue Grass has big dreams. “We are a small, struggling church who would be a great mission outreach for a larger church to adopt,” Little admitted. “I can envision programs here, buildings here. I see the impact God can have on this community,” Little said. “God has a plan for us to be here or we wouldn’t be here.” f! By Lisa M. Jones, CBF Communications
How to Respond GIVE – First Baptist Blue Grass has the following ministry needs: • a van to transport children • church repair work, including electrical work, completion of an unfinished basement, installation of a disability-accessible bathroom • a digital hymnal for use with the sound system • a projector to use with an existing laptop computer
• • • •
a copier help to complete a community needs survey volunteers for Vacation Bible School a grant writer to find funds for programs.
LEARN – For more information, contact Bo Prosser at (770) 220-1631 or bprosser@thefellowship.info.
Congregational Life introduces new Web site CBF’S INITIATIVE for Congregational Life debuted its new Web site, www.thefellowship. info/CL, earlier this year with a variety of online resources specific to the strategic initiatives of Faith Formation and Building Community. Faith Formation resources online will include: • a resource directory for local church ministry with material for worship, teacher training and age group ministry • extensive missional church information • a list of church consultants • monthly resource columns from Bo Prosser, CBF coordinator for Congregational Life • Spiritual Formation Network and other spiritual formation resources • online registration for Congregational w w w. t h e f e l l o w s h i p. i n f o
• Task Force for Ecumenism and Justice information • information about CBF’s numerous ministerial networks. Another facet of Congregational Life, chaplaincy and pastoral care, will also have a Web presence with information on endorsement through the Fellowship. LEARN – Rick Bennett, the Fellowship’s associate coordinator for faith formation, invites churches and individuals to offer
Life events. Building Community resources online will include: • a CBF church finder • links to CBF’s various partners
Iowa Church
feedback on potential resources that would be most helpful in ministry or personal development. Contact Bennett at (770) 2201605 or rbennett@thefellowship.info.
By Carla Wynn, CBF Communications
N e w C L We b S i t e
Spiritual Formation Events
Memorial services dominate CBFendorsed chaplain’s Iraq service
he phone rang about 9 p.m. in the chapel tent in June 2004. U.S. Air Force chaplain Maj. Shane Gaster, 48, answered. It
was U.S. Army mortuary affairs. A U.S. war casualty would soon be arriving at Baghdad International Airport. It was the 40th call like this in Gaster’s then first month of deployment.
Courtesy of Maj. Shane Gaster
You had breakfast with them, but they are As always, Gaster and his chaplain not back for supper. They won’t answer at assistant, Airman 1st Class Marco Avecilla, roll call anymore. Their cot will be empty went to the flight line, where a C-130 that night,” he said. Hercules aircraft waited to take the soldier’s Gaster prayed for the aircrew flying body back home. When the U.S. Army the soldier home and for the U.S. Army truck carrying the body arrived, a sergeant called all present to attention. Gaster and his assistant led the pallbearers and Honor Guard into the cargo hold. “There we were under dim lights looking at the flag-draped casket and thinking about the young soldier beneath it, lying in rest at our feet,” said Gaster, a Cooperative Baptist Fellowship-endorsed chaplain. He urged the troops to come closer and then shared with them. “I suspected he had slept in a tent last night with his friends and comrades, ate breakfast with them that morning and didn’t plan to end his day like this,” he said. Moments later, “Hear the word of the Lord,” Gaster said. Airman Avecilla read Psalm 23. A moment of silence was held, and then Chaplain Gaster offered a prayer for the soldier’s family, hometown and the nation. Then he prayed for the soldier’s comrades. “When you see your friend shot or Maj. Shane Gaster, senior Protestant chaplain for the 509th killed in front of you, it’s stark reality. Bomb Wing at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri, led chapel services during his recent deployment to Iraq.
CBF endorses 22 chaplains and pastoral counselors
mortuary affairs team. “They do what few would want to do and even fewer want to talk about. God bless them,” he said. The prayer ended. The military detail went out of the aircraft and back into formation. The troops offered a final salute. With the formation dismissed, the aircrew flew into the desert night. The whole ceremony takes about five minutes. “It is some of the most honorable five minutes I can think of,” Gaster said. In 111 days from May to September, the length of Gaster’s deployment with the 447th Air Expeditionary Group in Baghdad, 106 memorial ceremonies were conducted by Gaster and the other Air Force chaplains. In addition to memorial ceremonies, Gaster met with injured troops, led worship services and Bible studies, counseled with troops, and operated “The Oasis,” a ministry that provided snacks and drinks for more than 500 troops a day. Gaster said morale was still high among the Air Force personnel in the 447th at Baghdad. “Their endurance was inspirational. For a military career that began in 1973, I’ve never seen less complaining in such austere circumstances,” he said. f! PRAY – Prayer for troops is essential to keeping morale high, Maj. Shane Gaster said. GIVE – Gaster suggested that churches pool resources and send care packages to deployed military personnel or the families left behind. Churches located near military installations could also volunteer child care for mothers or fathers left as a single parent because of a deployed spouse.
By Carla Wynn, CBF Communications
“When you see your friend shot or killed in front of you, it’s stark reality. ... They won’t answer at roll call anymore. Their cot will be empty that night.”
AFTER RECENTLY endorsing 22 chaplains and pastoral counselors, CBF now has a total of 459. The following individuals were endorsed: Corrections Chaplain • Donald Lederer, chaplain, North Carolina Department of Corrections; Hendersonville, N.C. Hospice Chaplains • Betty Drayton, chaplain, Tuomey Home Services; Sumter, S.C. • Connie Graham, chaplain, Beverly Healthcare Glenwood; Decatur, Ga. • Edwin Hollis, chaplain, New Beacon Hospice; Birmingham, Ala. • Duewayne Tullos, chaplain, Hospice Ministries Inc.; Ridgeland, Miss. Hospital Chaplains • Charline Berry, chaplain, University of Maryland Medical Center; Baltimore, Md. • Butch Branscome, chaplain, CMCUniversity Hospital; Charlotte, N.C. • Paul Byrd, chaplain, Children’s Health System; Birmingham, Ala. • James Ellis, clinical pastoral education (CPE) resident, Erlanger Health System; Chattanooga, Tenn. • Joanna Harris, CPE resident, Harris Methodist Health System; Fort Worth, Texas • Ruford Hodges Jr., part-time chaplain, Baptist Health System; Birmingham, Ala. • Fred Madren, CPE resident, The McFarland Institute; New Orleans, La. • William McCann, chaplain, Regional Medical Center; Madison, Ky. • Neal Sasser, chaplain, Maryview Medical Center; Portsmouth, Va. • Mary Timms, CPE resident, Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System; Spartanburg, S.C. Military Chaplains • Michael Cosgrove, chaplain, U.S. Army Reserves; Gulf Breeze, Fla. • Claudia Forrest, volunteer chaplain, Civil Air Patrol; Memphis, Tenn. • Byron Johnson, chaplain candidate, U.S. Navy; Waco, Texas • Michael Langston, chaplain, U.S. Navy; Sanford, N.C. • Brady Lanoue, chaplain, U.S. Army; Danville, Va. • William Stallard, chaplain, U.S. Navy, Lorton, Va. Public Safety Chaplain • Clyde Waters, volunteer chaplain, Columbia Police Department; Columbia, S.C. LEARN – For more information about CBF chaplaincy and pastoral counseling, contact George Pickle at (770) 220-1617 or gpickle@thefellowship.info. Information is also available at www.thefellowship.info. PRAY – An online prayer calendar for CBF chaplains and pastoral counselors is available at www.thefellowship.info/church life/ chaplains pc/prayer calendar.icm. By Carla Wynn, CBF Communications
C h a p l a i n’s S e r v i c e i n I r a q
CBF Endorses Chaplains, Pastoral Counselors
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Leadership Profile: Ben McDade Editor’s Note: Following is a profile of Ben McDade, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship coordinator for communications and resource development.
Ben McDade Age 44, married, three children Education: University of South Carolina for bachelor’s and master’s degrees
Ben McDade
Experience: Senior Associate Vice President of University Relations & Marketing for Mercer University, Vice President of Marketing and Communications for Smyth & Helwys Publishing, Associate Director of Communications and Marketing for South Carolina Baptist Convention, and President of McDade & Associates Inc. So what’s your job? My assignment is two-fold: One is to lead in positively positioning this movement of free and faithful Baptists as a fellowship that shares a passion for the Great Commission of Jesus Christ and a commitment to Baptist principles of faith and practice. The other equally important assignment is to ensure that the Fellowship has the financial support and resources necessary to fulfill its vision and mission. How does communications/ resource development help accomplish the Fellowship’s mission? A fellowship by definition implies familiarity, a high level of trust and common purpose. My assignment ensures that these three attributes are as robust as possible within the Fellowship. One significant way in which we do this is through providing good information from which to make ministry decisions and to meet the needs of our supporting churches, individuals and our partners. We also are highly intentional about cultivating the goodwill among those who financially support the Fellowship. Travel to-do list: Two places that I hope to visit are Alaska and Australia. Both strike me as some of the last wide open relatively unspoiled environments. I’ve also been fortunate to have hiked segments of the Appalachian Trail. I hope to do longer segments in the near future or at least before my knees wear out. Why do you and your family enjoy camping? My wife is a third generation school teacher who takes her work seriously and as a passionate ministry calling. We have three kids who are very active in sports, church and other social activities. My work can be all consuming. Camping is the one activity that ensures quality family time unencumbered from day-to-day distractions and obligations. Along with our faith tradition, an appreciation, love and respect for the outdoors is one of the greatest gifts my wife and I are giving to our children. By Carla Wynn, CBF Communications
journey As We
we seek to live out this vision is through partnering. We enter into partnership with organizations, institutions and ministries to serve local churches. The number of those partnerships has increased dramatically through the years. CBF funds some of these partners and some of them fund CBF. These partnerships are voluntary and intentional based on mutual trust, shared values and a common commitment to serve churches. CBF does not view partners in a proprietary way and each partner is valued and respected. We invite churches to give undesignated dollars to our unified budget, which funds a number of partnerships. But a large portion of the funds we receive are designated dollars for specific ministries. We recognize that most, if not all, of our partners make direct appeals to churches and individuals for support. This is the context in which we live. We have not tried to re-create the old system, but to discern the times in which we are living and create a way of cooperation that fosters flexibility, responsiveness and freedom while at the same time creating collaborative ministry. I continue to believe that CBF is a spiritual and missional renewal movement in the Baptist family. One of the ways in which renewal has taken place has been in the energy and synergy created by partnerships. Something dramatic and powerful happens when free and faithful Baptists voluntarily enter into partnering relationships for the glory of God and the good of others. Just as partnering is the way of the future for churches, it is also the way of the future for organizations like CBF. We gladly embrace that future. f!
By CBF Coordinator Daniel Vestal
CBF and partnerships IN 1995, THE COOPERATIVE BAPTIST Fellowship adopted a mission statement which defined the purpose of the fledgling fellowship with the following words: “To network, empower and mobilize Baptist Christians and churches for effective missions and ministry in the name of Christ.” The significance of that statement is that it clearly articulated the reason for our existence to help Baptist Christians and churches. It placed the local church in the very center of all we do. Four years later, we began a strategic planning process that involved listening sessions all across the country. We sent out surveys, employed a professional research firm and actually used a General Assembly session to form small groups for conversation. The crafting and unanimous adoption of our Strategic Plan in 2000 was the result of that process. The plan built upon the earlier mission statement, but refined it by saying that the purpose of CBF is to “serve Christians and churches as they discover and fulfill their God-given mission.” CBF exists to serve churches; not itself
or its partners. The old denominational/ convention model where churches supported and served the denomination/ convention and its agencies is over. The day of entitlement for denominational agencies is over. Some people wish this weren’t so and can’t come to terms with the new reality. Others celebrate it and don’t even want to talk about the old model. Still others are indifferent and care little about conversation concerning denomination/convention. We in CBF have declared that we are a new way of being a Baptist body. We do not ask churches to elect messengers for an annual convention. We do not own and operate institutions. We do not elect trustees that govern partnering ministries and organizations. In the crafting of our Strategic Plan, in the structure of our Coordinating Council and in the subsequent years of budget adoption, CBF has charted a bold and creative missional and organizational course. CBF exists as a network of partnering churches and individuals. To the degree that churches and individuals believe in us and to the degree that we provide value to them in their ministry settings, they will engage and give to implement a shared vision, i.e., being the presence of Christ in the world. One of the ways
Council approves naming Assembly offering for Carters Shurden: ‘… the Carters transcend partisan politics …’ THE COOPERATIVE BAPTIST Fellowship Coordinating Council made significant personnel moves, received dramatic ministry reports on tsunami relief and poverty, approved the 20052006 budget and voted to name the annual offering collected at the General Assembly for Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter during the Feb. 17-18 meeting in Atlanta. The offering proposal was one of seven recommendations from the Baptist World Alliance Task Force, led by Walter Shurden, director of the Center for Baptist Studies at Mercer University in Macon, Ga. The new offering will be called the “Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Offering for Religious Liberty and Human Rights,” with two-thirds designated for the Fellowship’s religious liberty or human rights ministries and one-third for the Baptist World Alliance’s efforts in similar areas. “While the task force clearly recognizes that the Carters have been in politics, we are in no way making a political statement through this recommendation,” Shurden said. “We make the recommendation
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guidelines for partnerships. The Council received the report and released it to the Fellowship at large for comment and response. The committee’s report is online at www.thefellowship.info/ Landing/partner.icm. • The Council approved a search committee’s unanimous recommendation of Constance McNeill to fill the coordinator of administration position at the Fellowship’s Atlanta Resource Center. • The Council affirmed the recommendation from the Global Missions and Ministries Initiative Team and Personnel Committee to name Barbara Baldridge as Global Missions coordinator, retroactive to Jan. 1. • The Constitution was revised slightly to reflect wording changes made necessary by the maturation and growth of the Fellowship. f!
precisely because we believe the Carters transcend partisan politics in the area of religious liberty and human rights.” The Council ratified the nominating committee’s report offering the following slate of officers: Joy Yee, pastor of New Covenant Baptist Church in San Francisco, automatically assumes the role of moderator at the conclusion of the General Assembly in June; Susan Crumpler will be voted on for a third one-year term as recorder; and Emmanuel McCall, retired pastor of Christian Fellowship Baptist Church in College Park, Ga., will be the nominee for moderator-elect, the first African-American to be nominated. In other business, the Fellowship took the following actions: • The Council approved a $16.47 million revenue budget, with expenditures of $21.58 million that will utilize funds from designated gifts to the Fellowship in recent years. • After 19 months of consultation with partners, research with Fellowship staff and internal deliberations, the Partner Study Committee proposed a set of 13
‘A s W e J o u r n e y ’
LEARN – To view the proposed changes, visit www.thefellowship.info/ Landing/constitution.icm.
By Lance Wallace, CBF Communications
Council Update
Leadership Profile
Fellowship Roundup: News from CBF’s states, regions and national offices ■ Alabama AlabamaCBF has named John Mitchell as its coordinator for mission partnerships. The mission partnership position developed through the ongoing partnership between AlabamaCBF and Sowing Seeds of Hope, a faith-based community development initiative in Perry County which AlabamaCBF helped birth five years ago. Before joining AlabamaCBF, Mitchell was the Mission Exchange director with Passport Inc. in Birmingham.
■ Arkansas The CBF of Arkansas General Assembly will be April 15-16 at Calvary Baptist Church in Little Rock with guest speakers Randall O’Brien and James Dunn. On Friday night, there will be a retirement recognition for Tom Logue and Rosie Dunham who founded the CBF movement in Arkansas and served as coordinator and administrative assistant, respectively, for 11 years. Contact information for the CBF of Arkansas new office is: 3 Innwood Circle, Suite 109, Little Rock, AR 72211, (501) 223-8586. Web site: www.cbfar.org.
■ Florida CBF Florida’s second annual Youth Missions Conference took place at Central Baptist Church and the Ocean Walk Resort on Daytona Beach. Nearly 200 students from eight different churches experienced this year’s theme, “Kindle” based on 2 Timothy 1:6. Students logged nearly 500 hours in hands-on community missions work. Touching Miami With Love held an open house at their new location, 711 NW 6th Avenue, Miami, on Feb. 25. This event provided all the ministry partners an opportunity to tour the new facilities and learn about the work of the center and staff. TML is a partnership missions ministry of CBF Global Missions, CBF Florida and local congregations.
■ Georgia Al Shauf was named the 200506 CBF of Georgia moderator. “Baptists Today” will honor Walter B. Shurden as the recipient of the
Judson-Rice Award for Leadership with Integrity on April 22 at 6:30 p.m. at the Loudermilk Conference Center in Atlanta. The event is open to the public. Tickets are $25. Make reservations by calling (877) 752-5658.
■ Kentucky Rhonda Abbott is the new associate coordinator for missions for the Kentucky Baptist Fellowship. She will coordinate missions efforts on a statewide basis with a focus on Rhonda Abbott Partners in Hope, the Fellowship’s rural poverty initiative, in Eastern Kentucky. Abbott served as Baptist campus minister at the University of Georgia for seven years.
■ Missouri The CBF of Missouri General Assembly will be held in Jefferson City, April 22-23. Michael Graves from Central Seminary will lead the Leadership Seminar on Friday dealing with the theme of “sabbath.” Saturday’s worship preacher will be Doyle Sager, pastor of FBC, Jefferson City. Register online at the CBFMO website, www.acteva.com// booking.cfm?bevaID=82158. Rooms are available until April 8 at Hotel DeVille at (800) 392-3366. Partners in Hope at the High Plains Cheyenne River Reservation needs volunteers May 23-27. Needs are for dentists, dental assistants and dental hygienists to provide care at the Takini School. Others are needed to assist with registration. Contact Chris Thompson at (816) 792-3058.
■ National A guide for church ministers filing 2004 tax returns is available online through the CBF Church Benefits Board. Compiled by the Ministers & Missionaries Benefits Board (MMBB) of American Baptist Churches USA and Richard R. Hammer, the guide is available through a partnership with MMBB. The minister’s tax guide, sample tax return forms and federal
Coming Attractions JUNE 2-4 Baptist History and Heritage Society Annual Meeting Samford University, Birmingham, Ala. Theme: “Women in Baptist History” Keynote Speaker: Sarah Frances Anders Info: www.baptisthistory.org JUNE 30 –JULY 1 CBF General Assembly The Gaylord Texan Resort, Grapevine, Texas Info: www.thefellowship.info/Church Life/GA2005 JULY 27-31 Centennial Congress of the Baptist World Alliance Birmingham, England Registration: (703) 790-8980, congress@bwanet.org LEARN – For a complete schedule of events, go to www.thefellowship. info/Inside CBF/Calendar.
Fellowship Roundup
reporting requirements for churches are available at www.mmbb.org/tools_ literature_library.cfm. George Pickle, CBF associate coordinator for chaplaincy and pastoral counseling, was recently elected a member at large on the executive committee of the National Conference on Ministry to the Armed Forces. George Pickle NCMAF, the leading organization for military chaplain endorsers, is the organization that relates directly to each Chief of Chaplains and their staffs of all branches of the U.S. armed forces. Pickle will serve in the position for three years. CBF employees marking employment anniversaries include: Barbara Baldridge, 5 years (11/99); Valerie Hardy, 5 years (2/99); and Tom Prevost, 10 years (2/95).
■ Northeast The Baptist Fellowship of the Northeast will hold its 2005 General Assembly at Bay Community Baptist Church in Swansea, Mass., April 29-30. Guest speakers include Catherine Allen of Global Women; Rick Bennett, CBF associate coordinator for faith formation; and Martin Knox, pastor of FBC, Temple, Texas. The Quality Inn hotel in Somerset, (508) 678-4545, is 1.2 miles from the church, (508) 677-0720.
■ Oklahoma In January, Tom Ogburn, former CBF Global Missions field personnel and associate coordinator, was installed as pastor of First Baptist Church of Oklahoma City. Spring Creek Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, hosted a reception for Oklahoma native Molly Marshall, president of Central Baptist Seminary. February brought both Bo Prosser, CBF coordinator for Congregational Life, and Phil Hester, CBF associate coordinator for church starts, to the state. In March, First Baptist Oklahoma City hosted the Oklahoma Women in Baptist Life conference with speakers Pam Durso and Julie Pennington-Russell.
CBFO General Assembly will be held April 29-30. Speakers will be Hardy Clemons, Paul Montacute, Grace
Vol. 15, No. 2
Powell-Freeman, and Oklahoma musicians, Max Lyall and Harold Jones.
COORDINATOR • Daniel Vestal
■ West
Glenn Hinson, retired professor of spirituality, worship and church history at Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond, will be the keynote leader for CBF West’s 2005 annual meeting in San Diego, March 31 - April 2. Spiritual formation will be the focus of the meeting. For additional information, view the Meetings page on CBF West’s Web site, www.thefellowship.info/CBFWest, or e-mail CBF West Moderator Patti Baynham at pbaynham@earthlink.net. Journeys Youth Mission Camp 2005 registration is open. Dates are July 11-16. Cost is $235. All youth are welcome to attend. Camp facilities are along California’s Central Coast in Arroyo Grande. For more information, see the Youth Camp page at www.thefellowship. info/CBFWest or e-mail Journeys Camp Director Mari Licking at JOURNEYSCAMP@msn.com.
EDITOR • Lance Wallace
CBF announces new partnership with Center for Congregational Health THE FELLOWSHIP has announced a new, three-year partnership with the Center for Congregational Health, a consulting and training center in Winston-Salem, N.C. The Center for Congregational Health will provide services for the Fellowship’s congregational life and leadership development initiatives until June 2007. The partnership will allow for the creation of a network of CBFtrained intentional interim pastors available for churches. The Center will also provide consultation to
MANAGING EDITOR • Lisa M. Jones PHONE • (770) 220-1600 FAX • (770) 220-1685 E-MAIL • fellowship@thefellowship.info WEB SITE • www.thefellowship.info
fellowship! is published bi-monthly by The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Inc., 3001 Mercer University Dr., Atlanta, GA 30341-4115. Periodicals postage paid at Atlanta, GA, and additional mailing offices. USPS #015-625 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to “fellowship!” Newsletter, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, P.O. Box 450329, Atlanta, GA 31145-0329
Fellowship churches in areas including strategic planning, interim ministry, conflict management, staff relationships and leadership. The partnership provides a new way to nurture and strengthen congregational ministers. A new program called Convergence will train and develop ministers to lead a missional church. Participants will attend four retreats during the yearlong intensive leadership course. Two courses will eventually be offered each year. The first was sponsored by CBF of Georgia in January. f! LEARN – For more information, contact the Center at (336) 716-9722 or congreg@wfubmc. edu. Or contact Terry Hamrick at (770) 220-1600 or thamrick@thefellowship.info.
By Carla Wynn, CBF Communications
China Christian Council CBF hosted a delegation from the China Christian Council (CCC) in February. The delegation toured the Atlanta Resource Center before meeting President Jimmy Carter at the Carter Center. The purpose of the visit was to promote the China Bible Exhibition tour in the U.S. this fall. Pictured are, from left, Daniel Vestal, CBF Coordinator; Rev. Bao Jiayuan, CCC associate general secretary; Earlene Vestal; Chen Meilin, CCC executive associate general secretary; Brenda Lisenby, a CBF representative in China; President Carter; Rev. Cao Shengjie, CCC president; Pat Anderson, CBF Global Missions advocate; Wang Xiuling, deputy director, Christianity Affairs Section, State Administration of Religious Affairs; and John Qu, director of the Global Communication Center of the Evangelical Chinese Fellowship International.
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AS A PUBLIC SCHOOL volunteer, Kim Wyatt was just helping a girl with math problems. But when the new Pakistani immigrant started improving her math skills,
homelands. The internationals cluster is highlighted as part of MissionConnect, the spring emphasis of the 2004-05 Offering for Global Missions. MissionConnect invites churches and individuals to partner with the internationals cluster by providing financial support, tangible goods for their ministries and personal involvement. Based on 1 Corinthians 3:9, this year’s Offering theme is “Together … Being the Presence of Christ.” The Offering goal is $6.1 million with a Kim Wyatt, center, gathers in an unfurnished apartment with other Christians to pray God’s blessing on those who will live and minister there as an extension challenge goal of $6.3 of a new church start in St. Jamestown. million. The Wyatts helped recently form the she asked Wyatt to meet her mother, who Fellowship’s Internationals Ministry was recently widowed. Network, which serves as a way to Wyatt’s practical help opened the brainstorm ministry ideas and encourage door for much more, as the family those ministering to internationals. The accepted Wyatt’s invitation to a church network sponsors an online forum at www. Christmas party. “She experienced many connectglobally.org. firsts that evening: Christmas carols and the genuineness of Christ’s love shared The Wyatts hope to involve more local over hot chocolate,” said Wyatt, one of churches in this ministry. At June’s General Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s Global Assembly in Grapevine, Texas, they will Missions field personnel serving with her offer a breakout session and an auxiliary husband, Marc, in Toronto. luncheon about their work. f! As strategic catalysts for ministry SERVE – For internationals ministry volunamong internationals, the Wyatts network teer opportunities, contact Timothy Wood at and partner with local organizations and (800) 782-2451 or twood@thefellowship.info. Christian ministries to meet the needs of LEARN – For more information about the immigrants and internationals. “We are Offering for Global Missions or to provide networkers, partnership facilitators and items for the Wyatts’ ministry, go to www. catalysts for building up the influence thefellowship.info. and scope of God’s Kingdom in our area GIVE – Use the contribution envelope in and beyond via our teammates in North this issue to help meet this year’s Offering America and Europe,” Marc said. goal. Or go to www.thefellowship.info to The Wyatts are part of CBF’s internationmake a contribution online. als cluster — a group of CBF field personnel who minister to people living far from their By Carla Wynn, CBF Communications
Offering supports CBF Global Missions field personnel in Toronto
P.O. Box 450329 • Atlanta, Georgia 31145-0329
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
Current retreat provides rest, inspiration
— Story on page 1
Cities harbor unmet needs
CBF chaplain serves in Iraq
Council approves naming of offering
Serving Christians and churches as they discover and fulfill their God-given mission
General Assembly heads to Texas
What Fellowship people do when disaster strikes
April/May 2005
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f fellowship!