God’s mission
around the world
“God is already active and present, and still God invites us to come and be part of that work.” — Jenny Jenkins CBF field personnel, Haiti
OF CHRIST TO THE WORLD Join with CBF Global Missions and share God’s message of hope and love in real ways to some of the most marginalized and vulnerable people here at home and around the world—people living in extreme poverty, refugee children and families fleeing violence in search of a safe haven, women who are trafficked, families who have lost everything through a hurricane, earthquake or other natural disaster, people who have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through your partnership with CBF Global Missions, you share the Gospel in word and deed with people in need here at home and in remote areas of the world. This means you care for children and families, give food to the hungry, provide homes and hospitality for refugees, offer life-saving medical care and so much more.
You can join with CBF in our mission commitments to cultivate Beloved Community, bear witness to Jesus Christ and seek transformational development among the people and places who have been most forgotten by others.
I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. John 10:10 CBF field personnel Karen Morrow ministers among refugees in Fort Worth, Texas.
Focusing on the three contexts of our day: • Global Poverty • Global Migration • Global Church
COMMITTING TO LONG-TERM PRESENCE Through CBF field personnel serving around the world and our network of student interns and thousands of short-term mission volunteers, CBF has established a long-term presence in more than 25 countries and urban and rural areas in the U.S. with the greatest poverty and needs. Our commitment to being in a country or area for a long time allows the seeds of our missions work to grow and bear fruit. Being present allows us to be ready and poised to serve following natural disasters, war and other devastations.
SERVING WHERE GOD IS ALREADY AT WORK CBF Global Missions ministers to people’s spirits and bodies and does this in partnership with community efforts in place before we even get there. We look for places where God’s love is already active and alive. CBF comes alongside local churches, organizations and partners and forms lasting relationships that empower and embolden local people.
BEING FULLY PRESENT We recognize that every human being is created in the image of God. We honor them with our presence. This means witnessing their dignity, listening, building lasting relationships and offering tangible care and compassion. This type of presence is transformational and brings hope and life where there was once despair. We love others as Christ has loved us.
CHANGING THE WORLD We invite you to see where God is at work in your community and around the world in the contexts of Global Poverty, Global Migration and the Global Church. CBF is your Global Missions partner. Join us in the work God is doing around the world to transform lives and whole communities. You will make an eternal difference.
(Below) In Macedonia, Alicia and Jeff Lee are transforming communities through cow banking. (Right) In Ukraine, Gennady and Mina Podgaisky are empowering young people through fostering and educational programs.
GENNADY AND MINA PODGAISKY In Kiev, Ukraine, where the average winter temperature is 25 degrees, “unseen” street children live homeless and vulnerable lives. Since 2002, CBF field personnel Gennady and Mina Podgaisky have ministered alongside local organizations to provide safe spaces and life skills for these children through the creation of Village of Hope family foster home and the Life-Skills Manual for Youth, a year-long course that teaches self-esteem and conflict resolution as well as homemaking and job skills.
“With the farm, we’re able to pour ourselves into the lives of these farmers and really build a relationship over time. The whole purpose is to continue these relationships beyond a transaction with a cow.” —Jeff Lee
IN EASTERN EUROPE “These are the most neglected children of Ukraine, and their greatest need is someone to accept them, love them, care for them. On the spiritual side, their biggest poverty is the lack of Christ and we are seeking to be Christ’s presence among them.” —Mina Podgaisky
ALICIA AND JEFF LEE In Macedonia, the former republic of Communist Yugoslavia, life is simple but hard. Unemployment is high at 27 percent, and the per capita income is modest at approximately $14,500. Though poverty is widespread, it is worse among ethnic Albanians. Aya Farm in Zherovanje, a predominantly Albanian community outside of Skopje, partners with CBF field personnel Alicia and Jeff Lee to empower the community through “cow banking.”
After nearly 20 years of dedication and hard work, Kirk and Suzie published the Bisu New Testament.
KIRK AND SUZIE Since their commissioning in 1995, CBF field personnel Kirk and Suzie have sought to bear witness to Jesus Christ and the power of God to renew lives through literacy, Bible translation and helping the Bisu people in Thailand unearth a different narrative for their lives, pointing to the radical grace and deep love of God. After nearly 20 years of dedication and hard work, Kirk and Suzie published the Bisu New Testament, bearing witness to this radical grace in the heart-language of the Bisu people.
“I really think Scripture is the best witness there is. It doesn’t have to go home for furlough; it doesn’t get sick; it doesn’t have to worry about raising funds. It can become a permanent fixture in the culture and something around which the culture can form its own theology. The spirit of God is moving in places and among people in ways that we could never imagine, bringing the freedom and liberty that Jesus offered. What better way to further release that spirit among the Bisu people?” —Kirk
BRITTANY AND CASEY In China, what began more than a decade ago as simple relationshipbuilding and Bible study blossomed into a full partnership toward planting a church because of the long-term presence of now-retired CBF field personnel Bill and Michelle Cayard, who helped start the congregation in 2001. Where an original 30 members once gathered, now more than 600 believers fill the seats on any given Sunday. In 2017, Brittany and Casey started their ministry in China and continue CBF’s long-term presence in the most populous country on Earth. Brittany and Casey cultivate beloved community and partnerships with Chinese Christians and engage CBF churches with the work God is doing in China.
“Transformation in China is about giving people an opportunity for a different hope in their lives. Economically, the Chinese people are enjoying better lives than they have in generations before; their material lives improve each day. Ministry with people in China is about the spiritual good news of Jesus Christ—hope beyond dreaming that one day they will own their own homes. Here, the message of Christ is relational and fills a void in people’s lives that they often never knew existed.” —Bill Cayard “I believe under the love of the Lord, with the help of CBF, the Bazhong church will have a bright future, and we can manifest God’s great love. We can make Bazhong church the blessing of the Bazhong area.” —Yan, a local pastor and woman in ministry in China
CHAOUKI AND MAHA BOULOS In Beirut, Lebanon, CBF field personnel Chaouki and Maha Boulos are committed to celebrating Jesus with anyone willing to listen. After leaving their war-torn country of Lebanon in 1989, the Bouloses spent a decade in the Carolinas establishing Arabic-speaking churches. When they returned, the couple helped organize an evangelistic service in downtown Beirut that attracted thousands. And in the years since that event, they have organized more than 30 “Jesus celebrations” in countries across the Middle East. Since 2011, Chaouki and Maha have devoted their lives to sharing Christ and feeding the hungry in the middle of the world’s biggest humanitarian emergency—the Syrian refugee crisis. While the world around them may be failing the Syrian people, the Bouloses are working to meet the spiritual and physical needs of their new neighbors through food distribution, Bible studies, medical clinics and other relief.
“When we help refugees, they are seeing Christ do it. Because any time we do it, we tell them this is from the hands of Jesus. It’s not from the hands of Chaouki Boulos or anyone else. It is from the hands of Jesus.” —Chaouki Boulos “The Kingdom of God on Earth would be a peaceful world with no people trying to kill and hurt others. It would be a world that has no hungry people. Since Jesus taught us to feed the hungry and take care of people, I think the church is the first place where people should care for others.” —Maha Boulos
“We ended up on the street. We had nowhere to sleep. In truth, we just spent our nights in clubs. We would just go there, spend the night to be safe. It was just to survive, to not be arrested, to not be attacked by the robbers at night.” —Jacob and Esau
Shelah and Jade Acker
In 2012, Jacob and Esau Francis, twins from South Sudan, fled their homeland as teens. Running for their lives, they couldn’t even say goodbye to their family—nor have they seen them since. Together, they lived on the streets in Kampala, Uganda, and together they found hope for better lives at the ministry of CBF field personnel Jade and Shelah Acker in Kampala, Uganda.
CBF field personnel Missy Ward-Angalla helps bring transformation to the lives of women and children alongside Jade and Shelah Acker at Refuge and Hope International. Missy leads a program called Amani Sasa (“Peace Now”) which ministers with refugee women and girls who are traumatized, abused, trafficked and vulnerable to exploitation. She introduces them to the compassion of God and provides a place of healing and empowerment.
Missy Ward-Angalla
“I have been through so many hard things. My life was difficult to live. But in Uganda I got free life, so joyful, through Refuge and Hope. When I came to Uganda, I didn’t know how to read and write. Missy taught me my first letter. I really love music, and Refuge and Hope helped me have that chance to go to music school. My dream was business and music, and they helped me do both. Refuge and Hope has helped me to be myself.” —Jamilah
KIM AND MARC WYATT In the Research Triangle of North Carolina, CBF field personnel Kim and Marc Wyatt are cultivating Beloved Community in an eight-county region where they mobilize churches to welcome and love their refugee neighbors. After starting a refugee resettlement ministry in Toronto through CBF Global Missions 20 years ago, Marc and Kim established in 2015 a temporary reception home for new refugees called Welcome House. The primary goal of Welcome House and Marc and Kim’s ministry is to share the love of Christ through hospitality and friendship.
“This ministry of welcoming immigrants and refugees is all about building Beloved Community and bearing witness to Jesus Christ as we share life together. The call to offer God’s radical hospitality among immigrants and refugees has never been more clear.” —Kim Wyatt
“We thank God that we were received by Welcome House. Here, we don’t know anyone; we don’t have relatives. We are in a foreign land. Marc and Kim received us with open arms and they have been guiding us along the way.” —Elias Erick, refugee from Democratic Republic of Congo
Here are just a few of the ways you and your church can join in God’s mission in the world through CBF Global Missions.
PRAY FOR CBF FIELD PERSONNEL Field personnel are sustained by your prayers. Use the Prayers of the People prayer guide and become a Prayer Associate to receive monthly specific prayer requests from field personnel.
GIVE TO THE OFFERING FOR GLOBAL MISSIONS 100% of your gifts to the Offering goes to missions funding and sends CBF field personnel to share the Gospel. You can change the world through your offerings.
EDUCATE YOUR CHURCH AND COMMUNITY ABOUT MISSIONS Order or download free or low-cost curriculum, videos and other resources for children, youth and adults. Go to Receive weekly Mission Bites for quotes and stories of field personnel to share in church bulletins and other communications.
ORGANIZE SHORT-TERM MISSION ENGAGEMENT Through a short-term missions experience with CBF, your church can join with thousands of other short-term volunteers in the ongoing work of field personnel in the U.S. and around the world or volunteer to support CBF disaster relief projects. CBF offers Pivot, PilgriMission and other curricula to support your church’s transformation through missions.
APPLY FOR INTERNSHIPS OR GLOBAL SERVICE CORPS CBF provides opportunities for students to serve with our field personnel through Student.Go internships. Global Service Corps provides a two-year opportunity for graduates to go and serve alongside CBF field personnel. These experiences provide crucial assistance to the ministries of CBF field personnel and give young Baptists the opportunity to discern and discover their place within God’s mission to change the world.
BECOME AN ENCOURAGER CHURCH Form relationships with specific field personnel through prayer, hands-on involvement and financial support.
Declare the glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples. Psalm 96:3
Turning teams toward God’s mission near and far
Helping churches see with fresh clarity and purpose
FormTM and SparkTM
Transforming by being transformed
Missional formation curriculum for preschoolers and children
Mission Distinctives
Adult small-group Bible studies on mission
!nspire helps churches easily integrate CBF missions into their preferred Vacation Bible School curriculum
Maximize Your Mission Engagement
The Short-term Mission Handbook
Helping churches make the most of mission investments
Framework and best practices for short-term missions with CBF
Become an Encourager Church
Partnering with field personnel and the work around the world
Missional formation lessons and activities for children and preschoolers
Becoming Like Christ
Mission Collective
Helping youth and children ground their faith in God’s story
Regional, church-based training events that gather collective wisdom for collective action
GLOBAL MISSIONS Small Group Bible Study
By Carol Younger and Kevin Pranoto
Maximizing Your Church’s Mission Engagement A Resource for Mission Committees
Maximizing Your Church’s Mission Engagement | 1
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship 160 Clairemont Avenue, Suite 500 Decatur, GA 30030 800-352-8741