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MAY 2021
Female Focus Publications serving the English speaking community throughout the Costa Blanca since 1993
HAIR CARE What style suits you best?
New rules regarding Safety Beacons
ASTRONOMY Taking photos of the night sky
: d n a r B Jo lly fit’
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Female Focus Magazine May 2021
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In our sister publication QFocus magazine we have been running a very popular monthly article on Astronomy supplied by Charles Oates from the Vega Baja Astronomy Group. We thought you might also be interested so here are his last two articles below, including information on a competition he is running.
Taking photos
of the night sky
have been asked whether 'normal' people can photograph the stars, so here are some of the basics of what is called Astrophotography.
The simple answer to the question, is yes, almost anyone can do it, and it's not particularly difficult. If you are one of the binocular using people who read my jottings, you only need to spend a few Euros to get a good result that would amaze an amateur astronomer of 50 years ago, when I started out. I'll start at the beginning, why take photos at all? It's because the human eye is great at what evolution has made it for, but very poor at storing light from something dim and distant. A modern camera can be far more sensitive to light, and with a little help, keep adding to a faint bit of light, until it's bright enough to see properly. If you've ever seen a picture of a galaxy, it has been made just as I've described, a galaxy is so faint that all the eye can see, even with a telescope is a faint blurry mass, a camera can bring out all the detail of these fantastic island universes as we used to call them. Now then, how is it done? As you'd expect, an enthusiast or professional will use lots of equipment. They'll have a good telescope with devices to keep them pointing precisely at a point in space, and a very special camera fastened to it. A more ordinary enthusiast, like me will use a modern digital reflex camera attached to a telescope. This all costs a lot of money, name a price from a thousand Euros up to millions, and you can buy it. What an ordinary person can do is use a smartphone. That clever little device you use for so many things has a remarkable camera built into it, so good in fact that it beats equipment sold for a lot of money only a few years ago. Assuming that your phone is reasonably up to date, you can photograph star clusters, nebulas, constellations, meteor trails etc. You can also take those wonderful
star trail photographs that pop up in news stories from time to time. If you are a binocular user, there is a very simple device sold that allows you to attach a smart phone to the eyepiece of binoculars, (or a simple telescope), I bought one for 12 Euros and they work very well. More about that later. I have a limited amount of space here, so I'll be continuing this next month with some ideas to get you started, but in the mean time there are some things you can be getting on with. Firstly, you need an app to make your phone take long exposures, I suggest you download 'camera fv5' app for an android phone, or 'nightCapp pro' for an iPhone. Both free, both simple to use. Spend a few minutes with your app learning how to use the settings, the leaning is up to you, I can only point you in the right direction. If you want to make a start, choose a very dark night, put the camera facing up into the northern sky and take a few long exposures. If luck is with you, you'll have a simple picture showing little streaks of the stars across the sky. I'll leave you with something to aspire to, a prize winning picture taken by my friend Ron Giddy of Sinus Iridium, the bay of rainbows on the Moon. Ron is just an ordinary person like the rest of us, but he has spent a lot of time with his telescope and computer to get pictures as good as this.
Hello again, I'll continue with the basics of using your smartphone to photograph the night sky. I hope you have downloaded the apps I recommended for enhancing your smartphone camera.
Ok, on with the practical stuff. There are a couple of basic rules, firstly, the phone must be held perfectly still when taking a night sky photo, this is because you're taking longer exposures than usual and any phone movement will blur the picture. There are 3 simple ways you can do this, firstly, you could use a tripod with a phone attachment, secondly, the obvious way, you prop the phone up on something, facing the right way. Third and best you get an adaptor to hold the phone to your binocular’s eyepiece. I'll come back to that. One more thing, touching the button to take the picture can wobble the phone, so use the self timer, it will allow any wobble to settle before the picture is taken. Using the phone on its own can produce some remarkable pictures, you don't have to take a close up of the moon, just use it as the subject in a night photo perhaps framed by some trees, buildings or whatever, use your imagination. Regular readers who use their binoculars will already know about the advantages of a tripod to take the weight, and hold them steady, so you might like to get the device I mentioned that holds your phone to one of the binocular eyepieces. If you search the internet for 'smartphone telescope adaptor' you'll see lots of them, take your choice. Mine cost about 12 Euros and works well. What you need to do now is practice, get used to exposures and settings, there is no substitute for trying things out. Don't be surprised if the image looks small on the phone screen, it can be enlarged later. Don't waste your time trying on a misty or unclear night, you need a clear sky. And very importantly, don't be put off if you don't get instant results, it takes a little luck and effort. One last tip, if you're photographing the Moon, the best pictures are taken when its half to three quarters full, you get shadows that enhance the detail. Lastly, a competition, please email us your pictures, I'll give 3 months for submissions, the best picture will be published in this column, and on our website. We will also invite the winner to join the group at a star gazing night with our telescopes, when such things are possible again. There's only one rule, the pictures must be taken on a phone. my Group Vega Baja Astrono Good luck, let me know if you have any questions.
Charles Oates,
● To find out more about observing and astronomy, email us at
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Fe�a�e F���� Maga���e Ma� 2021
understand that there are still different versions of what is required under the Brexit terms for remaining in Spain. Please make sure that you take legal advice and not just listen to various people’s interpretation. The rules are quite simple but very rigid and believe me, the Spanish are not playing a game. It will be very easy for them to discover who has adhered to the rules and those who have not, so take care.
I am sure there are many that have been reassessing, not only their lives, but where to live and checking all their paperwork is in order. Please make sure that you have a very good house insurance and if you are eligible, life insurance would be a very good investment to have in place, especially a Liberty Seguros life insurance, which amazingly works out at half the price of the banks and for a better product, to protect the ones you love. Although the life insurance we offer includes a certain amount towards the funeral costs, it is far better to have a funeral plan to work alongside. There are two ways to be protected from the high costs of a funeral in Spain, and the speed with which you have to have the money in place. Never forgetting that bank accounts tend to be frozen for a while. My company is able to offer you either a funeral insurance or a funeral plan, whichever is best suited to your needs and age. The insurance policy starts from as little as 100€ per year, so you could very easily, I’m sure, commit yourself to this amount. Unfortunately age restrictions do apply for the funeral insurance. However, funeral plans have no limit on age or health and an easy payment scheme is available and this policy is dual country, so even if you are limited to a 90 day stay in Spain, you will be covered in the UK as well. Please call one of my staff who will be able to help you make the right decision for your family.
· For more information, visit the website or email:
Fe�a�e F���� Maga���e Ma� 2021
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As we go to print the news that bars, restaurants and non essential businesses can stay open until 10pm has been released which is great news for a sector that has been suffering for so long. Cultural centres, ceremonies and celebrations are also allowed to have more people which means more theatres, cinemas, museums etc can reopen their doors. With the end of the state of alarm expected next month let us hope that sensibly, more restrictions are lifted. I am now looking forward to getting out and safely supporting the local community as we all get back to some 'normality'. Don't forget to pick up the latest copy of Focus on Professional Services which is now out and once again full of useful information on the professional services available throughout the Marina Alta area. Congratulations to Rose Foster from Guardamar del Segura who won last month's competition after spotting the Curry On Cooking logo. Please visit for their amazing curry kits. y Pick up your next issue on 1 June
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Warning Triangles in Spain to be replaced by V16 Emergency Beacons by 2026
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Fe�a�e F���� Maga���e Ma� 2021
Spain's DGT Traffic Authority has set out plans to introduce tougher sanctions for drivers, which are expected to come into effect by the end of 2021. One of the main changes will be the replacement of the emergency triangles, which are being replaced by V16 emergency lights, also referred to as ‘beacons’.
The new beacons will be authorised from July 1, 2021, and will gradually phase out the traditional emergency triangle between then and January 1, 2026. (At the time of going to press triangles and reflective jackets must still be used). The reason for the change is that, according to data from the DGT, 20 people lost their lives in Spain while placing their emergency triangles on the road in 2020. Called the “luz de emergencia V-16” in Spanish, the beacon is a pocket-sized light which is meant to be kept in the glovebox and when there is a breakdown or emergency forcing the vehicle to stop, it is to be placed on the roof of the car, where it will easily stick thanks to its inbuilt magnets. This allows drivers to alert others that they are stationary without having to get out of their vehicles and place a warning triangle behind and often in front of their car on the road. And it is considered a much safer alternative by road experts, as drivers do not risk being run over by any oncoming traffic. Always ahead of the game, Mark Saunter at The Garage in Jávea is already stocking the beacons, which emit a yellowish LED light in short bursts which can reportedly be seen from 1 km away in all directions. So call in and see Mark and purchase your beacon now, it certainly seems a very sensible step. The Garage is located at Avenida Ondara No 11, 03730 Jávea.
Female Focus Magazine May 2021
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Walk Your Way Well
by Niamh O'Sheehan
This month I’d like to tell you a little story. This is the tale of a very small boy who walked a very long way and has made a VERY big difference. In 2018 my 9 year old set off on the world renowned 800km pilgrimage known as The Camino Santiago. This route is more than a long walk. It’s a journey. And, on his incredible journey Oscar raised funds for several needy causes. Unable to complete the entire route in one hit due to his education commitments, we broke it down into three sections that worked round school holidays. In 2018, a bitesize Oscar, stole the hearts of fellow pilgrims as he covered his first 300Kms. His resilience, perseverance and high spirits were contagious. He was a true inspiration. In 2019 he squeezed in 200kms on a school holiday and once again showed incredible stamina and powerful pilgrim spirit. His amazing efforts paid off as he fundraised in aid of people less fortunate. He helped secure 60 pairs of shoes for all the chaps at the Franciscan homeless shelter Gandia and he provided a much needed electric hoist for the rehabilitation centre in La Pedrera Dénia. But, Oscar was just warming up! In August 2020, in the middle of a global pandemic, Oscar masked up and decided there was no better time to highlight the needs of others and he set off. From Leon to Santiago De Compostela, in his final 300km leg, he raised almost 5000€ to install a Sensory Garden in a special needs centre in La Xara. The occupational centre in La Xara made an incredible impression on Oscar when he visited the facility in early 2020. The young people are so much less fortunate than him yet their buoyant humour and welcoming demeanour lifted his spirits in a complicated time. He was truly touched and knew that he wanted to dedicate his steps to these guys in some way. Oscar, a big boy now at the age of 11, met Ana the director of the facility to discuss the needs of the facility and the plan for a “Sensory Garden” was born. The fundraising campaign was widely supported in the community by both locals and business. Oscar, loaded up his massive rucksack and set off. He completed his gruelling 300km walk in a record time of 11 days. That is where the story ended. For a while! Due to Covid restrictions the centre went into full lockdown mode as the people there are so vulnerable. So, the project could not move forward. UNTIL NOW! Restrictions are finally easing and all the staff and residents have been vaccinated and it’s time to get the show on the road. And the Oscar Sensory Garden Appeal is once again calling on the local community to join forces and be part of something special. To complete the job there are two more requirements. MATERIALS and MUSCLE! The fabulous design, completed by Lee Charlesworth of Charlesworth gardens is ambitious. Do you have some time and the energy to help dig and plant, carry and clean, build and finish? Maybe you have some skills to offer? Maybe you have advice that can help? Team Oscar will welcome you as a volunteer. Also, if any local building suppliers would like to contribute some materials (blocks, wood, bags cement, gravel, sand) please get in touch. Or, if any gardening business would be happy to donate (plants, soil, accessories) then Oscar will be overjoyed to accept on behalf of the centre in La Xara.
Oscar's dream is to see the garden built and enjoyed before his 13th birthday in October. Can you help see the dream become a reality? Be part of something unique and special in your local community? Please contact Oscar's Mammy on 676 507 791. This project is going to bring great joy to a lot of people and you can be part of that.
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Review your pensions!
Female Focus Magazine May 2021
any expats living in Spain opt to maintain pension schemes in the UK, and whilst this is perfectly acceptable, it is always worthwhile reviewing any existing schemes to make sure they are in the most suitable place. Pensions can generally be the source of a lot of confusion and seem rather complex without straightforward and clear advice. Are all pension Schemes the same? No. There are many different types of arrangements in the UK, but the 2 most common ones are:• Final Salary Scheme, also known as a Defined Benefit Scheme; or • Money Purchase Scheme, also known as a Defined Contribution Scheme What is the difference? A Final Salary Scheme is only ever provided by an employer and provides guaranteed benefits at retirement. The eventual benefits are based on a variety of factors, which include the number of years worked for a company and the level of final salary. A Money Purchase plan offers no guaranteed level of future benefits. Typically, the self-employed, employees and employers pay amounts into a plan at regular intervals and the eventual value or “pot” depends on the amount contributed and how the underlying investments have performed. These are often referred to as “Personal Pensions”. So what options are available if I have UK pension schemes? Depending on the type of scheme you have, there could be a variety of options available to you which you may not be aware of. The best advice could be to leave the scheme where it is presuming it meets your requirements, or alternatively the most suitable recommendation could be to consider a potential transfer of benefits to another product. Some older pension schemes do not have the same flexibility as newer schemes both in terms of investment choice and how or when access is allowed. What should I do? Along with other investments, pensions should be regularly reviewed as a matter of course. Personal and financial circumstances can change during a lifetime so a scheme which was suitable years ago may no longer be the best option now. Added to this is the fact new products come to market over time and there may be investments which are more cost-effective and offer greater flexibility when compared to those previously available. Contact us for a strictly confidential, free consultation to review your schemes.
● Logic Financial Consultants are fully regulated & licensed financial advisers, covering the Costa Blanca, Murcia and Canary Islands. We can travel to you, or you can visit our office at Calle Andres Lambert 24, 1B, Jávea. Tel: 965 020 444. Email: Web:
Female Focus Magazine May 2021
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Jávea U3A ready for action
Jávea U3A has a new executive committee in place for the new term even though the association was unable to hold its annual meeting this year due to the Covid-19 restrictions. The AGM would normally be held on the last Wednesday of March but, instead the serving committee, with the addition of three co-opted members was confirmed. Mike Cox will continue as President along with Secretary Margaret March, Treasurer Sally Rush and Communications Officer Ian Rogerson. New to the committee are Claude Grealy (Vice-President), Henrik Rasmussen (Membership Secretary) and U3A Jávea founder member Mike Frost as Groups Co-ordinator. Instead of the AGM, the March general meeting was replaced by an online Zoom meeting, featuring a presentation by member Peter Atkinson entitled “Guernica by Pablo Picasso – a biography of the painting”. Thirty-one members logged on to view the presentation, which told of how the painting was inspired by other artists’ works as well as the atrocity itself and about its journeys through many countries before it finally came “home” to Spain. Regular activities have had to be cancelled over the last year because of the pandemic, but fortunately some outdoor groups have been able to restart, such as badminton, padel and table-tennis – and it is hoped that more groups will be able to resume soon with the relaxation of coronavirus measures. For information on the U3A and how to join, visit the website Photos: Left to right: President Mike Cox; Vice-President Claude Grealy; Membership Secretary Henrik Rasmussen; Groups Co-ordinator Mike Frost, Treasurer Sally Rush, Secretary Margaret March and Communications Officer Ian Rogerson
Flower Arranging Photographic Competition We are taking this opportunity to alert you to what our committee hope will be the first face-to-face competition, following further relaxation to the Covid pandemic regulations, at our June General Assembly. The competition is a chance to show the members your fabulous flower arranging skills using the theme ‘Afternoon Tea’. The closing date for your photographic submissions is Monday 24 May, so judging can be completed before the June GA on Thursday 3 June. This early notice will give you the chance to use your garden flowers, as they now start to burst into flower following the long cool winter, in a variety of arrangements – you can submit as many photos as you want so why not take one each week and select the best one or two to send to before the deadline. The submissions will be judged in three categories by Christine Brazier: Professional flower arrangers Members who attend flower arranging groups Member who really just love flowers but haven’t got a clue. Fingers crossed we will be able to display the photos at the June GA, so don’t delay start today. My wife has already started her portfolio of photographs, so I will have to go – ‘Tea is Served’ [photo], this arrangement has been made in the garden not a vase!!! The vaccine release has started in our area, so please take every precaution to stay safe in these final weeks before the rules can be relaxed. For further information on U3A Vall del Pop check our website
Female Focus Magazine May 2021 Page 11 This year people are being encouraged to take part in the Big Lunch over one month in any way they feel comfortable – By Jemma Crew, PA Social Affairs Correspondent outdoors, online, over the fence or on the doorstep. Comedian Jo Brand has called Brand, a Big on the nation to get “socially fit” Lunch ambassador again after months of lockdowns for five years, by making time to chat with said: “Whilst I’m chomping at the neighbours. Brand, 63, said she can relate to bit to see family the concept of ‘re-entry anxiety’ – and friends again; people worried about socialising I certainly won’t be front of the queue dishing out hugs when my as restrictions ease as part of the local rave club reopens. “Everyone has their own social roadmap to what they will feel Government’s road map. She is an ambassador for the Big comfortable doing. We all need to go at our own pace and that’s Lunch, a National Lottery-supported initiative from the Eden just fine.” Peter Stewart, executive director of the Eden Project, said: “The project that this year will take place over a month. Referencing the popular NHS Couch to 5K running programme, idea of things opening up again and us being able to get together, chat and even hug brings with it natural anxieties as well as she said: “It’s time to get ourselves socially fit again. “Forget training for a Couch to 5k, it’s all about getting from anticipation and excitement. Couch to 5 conversations now… and what better place to start This year we want to support people and communities as we emerge from the toughest of times and start to reconnect with the than on your doorstep?” She added that if anyone is feeling anxious “about diving back into world around us. the socialising pool”, then the Big Lunch is the “perfect way to dip “That is why this year the Big Lunch is spreading out across a whole month of community, giving people the chance to ease a toe back in the metaphorical shallow end”. More than four million people took part in the Big ‘Virtual’ Lunch themselves back into socialising with a focus on neighbours and 2020, as the event moved online for the first time in its 12-year community.” The Big Lunch will take place from June 5. history.
Jo Brand: Get ‘socially fit’ after lockdown by chatting with neighbours
The Arts Society Marina Alta is ZOOMing again live & online. Our 4th ZOOM lecture, live from the UK will be on Thursday 6 May. The ZOOM waiting room opens at 10:45 for registered members and guests, the lecture begins at 11:00 promptly. The presentation will be ‘Underground Cathedrals: The World Class Art & Architecture of the London Underground’ by Ian Swankie. Ian is a native Londoner, initially spending 25 years in London’s financial markets, his passion for art and architecture brought him to be an official guide at Tate Modern, Tate Britain, Guildhall Art Gallery and St Paul’s Cathedral, and to give tours around each venue. He is also a qualified and active freelance London guide and leads regular tours for various corporations and organisations. Since 2012 he has led a popular weekly independent art lecture group in his home town of Richmond in West London. He is a Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Art Scholars, one of the City Livery Companies. Ian’s presentation will be centred around the amazing panorama of the world’s first underground railway and its wonderful heritage of architecture, ingenious design, powerful advertising posters and unique calligraphy. In this talk we will plot the early development of the Underground, examine the legacy of Frank Pick and Charles Holden, look at some of the iconic posters, and celebrate the award winning architecture of the modern Tube in the Jubilee Line Extension. We’ll also take a peek at some of the forthcoming Crossrail stations, designed by some of the world’s top architects. For more information on our lectures and membership and to join our ZOOM presentation please visit our website www.marinaaltaarts. com or contact our programme secretary This presentation is sponsored by BlevinsFranks.
Female Focus Magazine May 2021
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What style suits you best? You often hear conversations or read articles on face shapes and features; the art of contouring and highlighting in makeup techniques. But when you sit in a salon chair it is one of the many factors a good stylist will use to recommend a style for you. Many clients search online for pictures of hair length, texture or style and may not consider face shape and features. So at Mimiskru we recommend when searching for a style you also look at face shape as a starting point to a conversation to find an individual look for you… Do you know what your face shape is? Take all your hair away from your face and look in a mirror and at your profile, identify any strong features. Faces are categorised in shapes and the principle is that oval is the most versatile and all other shapes are made to look more oval. An example is that for a long face it is recommended to go with a shorter style above the jaw line with volume to balance the length and make the face appear more oval. Long hair on a long face can make the face look even longer. A square face shape often has a strong angular jaw so texture and softness are considered to soften the look. For a round face a style below the chin with wave or curl and some volume on top can be one way to elongate the face. There will be many hairstyles that suit your face shape, the basic rule of finding a great haircut is to highlight your best features. Our team like to focus on you as an individual, your personality and personal style are very important, as well as knowing if you can manage the style yourself. The ‘rule book’ is only a guide. Into the mix we need to consider hair texture, density, colour, natural fall and the existing style that is why it is so important you chat with your stylist at Mimiskru to pull this all together for YOUR look, that you are thrilled with. The secret to looking gorgeous is really in one's attitude. ● Local 12, Edificio Caribe, Av del Pla 129, Jávea. Tel 96 579 3584. Facebook Mimiskru. See our advert on the Horoscopes page.
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Rejuvenate - LIPS with Dr Karen Gardner at Clinica dental la Plaza
The ageing and wrinkling of the upper lip is influenced by accumulated sun exposure, genetics, smoking, and the natural maturing process. These factors combine to create wrinkling and flattening of the upper lip with a loss of the “Cupid’s bow”. Small vertical cracks and wrinkles extend from the lip itself to the skin above the lip, causing the lipstick to “bleed” into the upper lip. There are several lip rejuvenation treatments that work to give your lips a younger, smoother appearance. Depending on the shape of your lips and desired results, you may only need one of the following treatments, or a few different procedures for optimum results. Perioral Dermaroller and mesotherapy - to reduce lines around the mouth - Dermaroller is a fine needling treatment which reduces the appearance of these fine lines by activating a cellular rejuvenation process in the skins deeper layers This process of skin removal stimulates collagen production resulting in smoother skin texture and lessening of wrinkles and lines. Of course, the whole face can also be done at the same time if required. This treatment can be combined with mesotherapy which is injections of vitamin, factors and hyaluronic acid which will enhance the process of cell renewal to refresh the skin. Lip filler with hyaluronic acid gel - Injectable, non-surgical treatment to plump and “augment” the lips improving appearance and shape. Lip augmentation slightly increases lip volume and defines their outline to reduce fine lines and lip wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid is a safe, natural, and long-lasting. BOTOX or Dysport for smile lines - These products can be used for lip puckering lines caused by the lip muscles. Botox can relax this muscle. However, Botox is best employed in the upper face for relaxing lines of facial expression. Permanent Make-up - Permanent lip make-up is a great aid to lip enhancement as it can define and colour your lip even though you can still add lipstick on top. You can wake-up with make-up, and even without any makeup your whole face will be fresher. We think it is important to have a great smile as well especially when you are having your lips enhanced. The two go in combination of course and at Clinica dental la Plaza in Jávea we are here to help and advise you in the best way to enhance your smile and lips.
Call us on 966 461 120 for an appointment with Dr Karen Gardner at Clinica dental la Plaza, Edif. La Plaza, Jávea.
Female Focus Magazine May 2021
Female Focus Magazine May 2021
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Top Anti-Aging Cosmetic Surgery Procedures
f you would like to look younger and more energetic there are plenty of cosmetic surgery options that can help. These may target the wrinkles of the face and eye area, but they can also target different parts of the body to help you look more toned and trim.
Jávea based Dr Ignacio Poole, who holds a Master’s Degree in Aesthetic Surgery, and his staff would like to take a moment to look at some of the most popular and effective anti-aging cosmetic surgery options available to patients today. For the face, a mini-facelift will help reduce wrinkling and sagging in the middle area of the face. It is a surgical procedure that lifts and tightens sagging skin while eliminating many facial creases. A brow lift will address the furrows of the forehead area, and there is also the lower facelift to consider, which is specifically performed to reduce the appearance or prominence of the jowls. The eyes are a major factor when it comes to looking younger. Eyelid surgery can be performed to reduce the sagging of the upper eyelid and also to reduce puffiness or bagginess beneath the eyes. These are all great surgeries which can help shed years from your appearance, for example it is not uncommon for a mini-facelift to achieve some 15 to 20 years rejuvenation of the face. And these procedures are not nearly as costly as you might think. Within the field of cosmetic surgery the use of newer technologies such as lasers, now makes procedures such as these much more accessible, mainstream and affordable. To enhance the body elsewhere, for anyone conscious of their ‘bat wings’ (significant loose skin in the under arm area) then a brachioplasty or ‘arm lift’ could be the best treatment. The demand for this procedure has increased more than 800% since 1997! There are many more surgical and non-surgical options to consider for effective anti-aging. If you would like to learn more about these different treatments, contact Dr Poole and his team for a completely free initial consultation with no obligation. ● Clinica El Arenal, Av Arenal 2, Jávea. Telephone: 966 166 733 or Email
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Female Focus Magazine May 2021
Jealousy is nothing more than fear and insecurity, IE; fear that I won’t be cared for or that my sibling is better than me, or Insecurity because I believe that I am less or that I deserve less than my sibling... All this fear and insecurity feeds their ego which enhances behaviour that manifests itself as anger and rage. Without realising it, you can cause competition between siblings or, with a little understanding, you can encourage collaboration, harmony and love.
In the next article I will explain to you how to apply the "extinction" technique. ● If you are having any issues with your children
or grandchildren etc, that you don't quite know how to resolve, if you wish, contact me at For now I am going to give you some tips and guidelines for when and I will cover these topics in future articles, or send them directly to the these jealousy attacks start to result in inappropriate behaviour. magazine at When jealousy attacks occur:
Do not attend to the child when they behave in an angry and/or frustrated manner. If you do, you will be accepting and reinforcing these behaviours and their thinking will be: "every time I want my parents' attention, all I have to do is act the way I am right now."
David Casado. Educando en Familia. Member of the Consejo Internacional de Expertos.
Explain only once: "When you calm down, we will talk, I don't understand you right now." And after this you should apply the “extinction” technique.
Unusual back-scrub bing plant tipped to gro w in popularity
By Rod Minchin, PA They are best known as back scru bbers but an unusual plant is tipped to be one of the must-haves to grow this year. Loofahs, which are part of the cucumbe r family, are native to south and south-east Asia and grow best in greenhouses. As well as being eaten, they can be used as a sustainable alternative to plastic washing-up sponges. The National Trust is encouraging peo ple to grow their own loofahs as they are as easy to cultivate as cou rgettes. Two years ago, staff at the Knightshay es Court country house in Devon grew their first crop of the vegetable and began using them to wash dishes as an alternative to disposable, plastic-based sponges. Senior gardener Bev Todd said: “Th e interest in the loofahs was extraord inary. “A lot of people bought their own seeds and were excited to try grow ing loofahs themselves in 2020. “We really wanted to help people succ eed by sharing our top tips but, with most of the garden team furloughed last year, that wasn’t to be. “This year, we’ll be planting loofahs again in the Victorian kitchen garden and we’re hoping to grow them bigger and bett er by using a warmer part of the nurs ery. “We’re keen to help people grow alon g with us, so they can do their bit to reduce plastic waste and have some fun in the proc ess. “We have a lovely big Victorian kitc hen garden but don’t be put off. “You’ll need a supporting structure for the loofahs to clamber up but ther e’s nothing more complicated than that involved . They’re as easy to grow as courget tes.”
Female Focus Magazine May 2021
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I am extremely overweight and suffer with high blood pressure with my last blood test showing my cholesterol and sugar levels being elevated as well. I have tried many times to eat a healthy diet and take exercise, but each time I fall back into bad habits. What can I do as I need to act now before it is too late? Regular exercise is good, but it is also particularly important to seek professional advice from a Nutritionist who can monitor and support you, giving advice on healthy diet plans and lifestyle changes suitable for you, enabling you to be successful in your new healthy lifestyle. There are certain medicines and injections that can help kick start your weight loss, these must be prescribed by a Doctor and can be used in conjunction with the support of a Nutritionist. In extreme cases, and again with advice of a Specialist, a minimally invasive surgical procedure can be performed. This can help you lose weight thus lowering your risk of medical problems associated with obesity such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. Aftercare support of a Nutritionist is of upmost importance to allow for the best results. Contact your GP to give you advice on what steps you need to take next to tackle your weight problems with success. If you have any further questions then contact me, Dr Mera personally on
● Clinica Britannia, Ejércitos Españoles 16, 1st Floor, Calpe. Tel 965 837 553 or 607 255 755 24 hours a day - 365 days a year.
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Female Focus Magazine May 2021
Successful Emergency 48hr Repatriation to Amsterdam
When someone is taken seriously ill, it is a perfectly natural response for them to want to be near their family, to be in a hospital where the doctors and nurses speak their native language, and where they can feel more at ease. As well as providing rapid medical emergency response care, Asociacion Amigos de Europeos also have the equipment, skills and training to organise the medical transportation of patients by road to their chosen country. In the past we have written about the Asociacion undertaking repatriations to Switzerland and also to the UK. Just very recently they have repatriated a Dutch lady from Spain to a main Amsterdam Hospital where she is now being treated. With the Coronavirus having taken by far the majority of the medical headlines recently, it is perhaps too easy to forget that other diseases, illnesses and ailments are still routinely being diagnosed every day, requiring treatments and therapies. Recently diagnosed with Cancer, the Dutch lady, who lives in the Denia area, was extremely ill and incapable of travelling by air. In any case, most flights to Holland had ceased because of the current travel restrictions. Instead, the necessary Covid tests and requirements were undertaken at Denia Hospital, the medical transfer paperwork was prepared, and the road Ambulance was readied for its journey to Holland. The 2000 km journey to Amsterdam took 2 full days, with a driver and nurse on board. Apart for comfort and fuel stops, the Ambulance was steadily on the move the whole time, and the patient was safely delivered to the Hospital in Amsterdam. The following day the Ambulance and its crew began the return journey home. The Ambulances of the Asociacion are for all intents and purposes mobile intensive care units, capable of saving someone’s life and also sustaining it. Membership of the Asociacion costs just 55€ a year for the whole family. Their service covers almost all of Marina Alta, including Inland, and gives the continual reassurance that in the event of a medical emergency, one of their fleet of Ambulances with the very latest life-saving equipment on board will be speeding its way to you, whether you are at home or out and about. Take Female Focus’ word for it… We have many reports from readers, and have experienced ourselves, how grateful they have been to be members when an incident has happened. Call now, and get your membership started. ● ASOCIACION AMIGOS EUROPEOS DE JAVEA. Avd Juan Carlos 1, No 69, Jávea. Tel 965 796 099 (24hr) Email: See their advert below for more information.
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Neapolitan-style pizza recipe
By Katie Wright, PA
This sourdough pizza recipe creates the perfect thin and crispy base. Craving Italian-style thin and crispy pizza? This sourdough pizza recipe is topped with a simple tomato sauce, mozzarella and (optional for meat eaters) salami slices. Ingredients: (makes 4 pizzas) For the base: 100g white sourdough starter 400g strong white flour (preferably Italian ‘00’ pizza flour), plus extra for dusting 7g table salt 260g tepid water Plenty of semolina, for dusting (flour will do, though)
For the topping: 3 garlic cloves 1tbsp good olive oil 400g tomato passata (sauce) Salt and freshly ground black pepper 2 x 125g balls of mozzarella Cured meat or salami (optional) A handful of fresh basil leaves (optional)
Method: It’s best to make your dough at least 24 hours before you plan to make pizza. The dough keeps for three to four days, at least, and I know those who always have a supply of sourdough pizza dough in the fridge, just in case. Make sure your starter is nice and healthy, and that the majority of it consists of white flour. 1. Make the dough. In a large bowl, weigh out your flour and add the table salt. Mix these together to combine, then add the tepid water and starter. Use a wooden spoon to combine everything into a wet and sticky dough. Cover the bowl, then leave it for at least one hour at room temperature. 2. While you could mix this dough vigorously, we don’t want to overdevelop the gluten. It should remain soft and sticky. I’d do a couple of stretches and folds, and watch it rise over about six to eight hours at room temperature. It should be very bubbly and sticky. At this point, cover with a plastic bag, put it in the fridge and leave it. It can be left for up to three to four days, albeit becoming slightly tangier each day. It’s best used between 24 and 48 hours. 3. Before it’s time to bake, get organised. Make your pizza sauce – peel and finely chop your garlic and place this in a pan with the oil. Gently infuse over the lowest heat for five minutes (don’t burn it). Add your passata, stir and turn up the heat to simmer. Add salt and pepper to taste. This can be prepared in advance and chilled, if you like. Chop your mozzarella into slices and place this in some kitchen paper (paper towels), or wrap in a cloth, to dry. 4. While some people like to pre-shape their pizza dough to make a very round disc, I’m a bit more rustic. Dust the work surface with plenty of semolina and a little flour, or just flour if you don’t have any semolina. Turn your dough out on top, and then add more semolina and flour again. Divide your dough using a scraper into four equal lumps, and coat each of these with semolina, too. It’s not possible to use too much. Once your doughs are divided and your toppings are prepared, you can preheat your grill (broiler) as hot as it goes with the door as close to closed as possible, and then get a cast-iron pan or surface onto your hob (stovetop) to heat as hot as you dare. 5. Work quickly. Dust some semolina on a tray or peel. Take a piece of dough and stretch it flat. Don’t use a rolling pin. Throwing the dough in the air and spinning it really does help. You want the centre of the dough almost translucent, and you should leave a 1cm-thick rim around the edge to give a good puff and stop the sauce leaking. Place this on your peel. Give the peel a good shake to make sure the dough isn’t sticking. Add more semolina if it does. Spread some sauce on top, no more than three to four tablespoons, and then a quarter of your mozzarella and some slices of cured meat or salami, if using. Add a few fresh basil leaves, if you like. 6. Give it another shake to make sure it isn’t stuck. Gently slide this onto your smoking hot pan. Use thick, thick oven gloves to move this under your grill, and shut the door (or close it as much as possible if your grill turns off when you shut it). Cook for two minutes, then check it. You want the edges of the crust to be just about blackening, and the cheese melted and bubbling but not browning. Keep going if it isn’t. Lift up the edge to check underneath. If it’s still soggy on the bottom but done on top, put it back on the hob for a minute or two. For the next pizza (if the first wasn’t quite cooked underneath) you can leave it on the hob for up to a minute before placing under the grill. 7. Enjoy hot, as fresh as humanly possible. It takes the sacrifice of one person to make the family’s pizza, but it’s so worth it. Between each pizza, get your surface back on the hob to heat up to frightening levels again before you slide your next pizza on top. The dream is to have two surfaces, for back to back pizzas, forever. Sourdough From Scratch by James Morton, photography by Andy Sewell, is published by Quadrille.
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Female Focus Magazine May 2021
Marcus Rashford and chef Tom Kerridge unite for cooking tutorials on a budget By Ryan Hooper, PA
England footballer Marcus Rashford and Michelin-starred chef Tom Kerridge have joined forces with their celebrity friends to offer back-to-basics recipe ideas and culinary tips for low-income families to help tackle food poverty. The Manchester United striker, who last year forced the Government to extend free school meal provision for hard-up children, said he wanted the social-media based weekly tutorials – which will also feature famous faces from the worlds of sport, music and television – to inspire people to make easy but healthy meals on a budget. His latest campaign, named Full Time: Get Cooking With Marcus And Tom, launches this Sunday coincides with the Government’s Healthy Start payment scheme, which supports low-income households with grocery shopping. The duo’s 52 tutorials will be posted on Instagram every Sunday, and cover recipes including fish pie, Mexicanstyle chicken, and Rashford’s childhood favourite, spaghetti Bolognese, as well as lighter courses such as overnight oats and sandwiches. Rashford, a self-confessed novice in the kitchen, will take part in around 20 video “how-to” sessions, with celebrity guests such as broadcaster Fearne Cotton and fitness guru Joe Wicks among those substituting in to join Kerridge, 47. The pair said they were inspired to join forces due to their personal experiences of growing up in single-parent households on low incomes. Rashford, 23, told reporters ahead of the launch: “Is it fair if people go hungry? “No it’s not, it’s unfair if somebody goes to sleep without eating a meal. “I want it to get to a stage where, worst case scenario, everybody has to be at least eating three meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner, that’s my aim.” He said the Full Time campaign sought to dispel any fears of cooking for those with limited skills. “Sometimes a lot of people are afraid of mistakes (in the kitchen), so if a lot of kids engage with it then it will be a lot of fun,” he said. Drawing on memories of going hungry as a child, Rashford added: “I remember sometimes at school I would fall asleep – I just hadn’t eaten food, I wasn’t awake, so I would just literally fall asleep. “So I can see how it has an effect on their ability to learn and concentrate in class.
“Some of these kids may dream to be a scientist but imagine if they’re in science class but they’re always tired – I don’t want that to happen.” Rashford said he wanted the initiative to help remove the sort of “embarrassment” his mother Melanie felt when using food banks, and described the stigma attached to state-funded programmes such as Healthy Start vouchers as “the most silly thing I’ve ever heard”. Kerridge praised Rashford for his enthusiasm in the kitchen, and described the other household names taking part in Full Time as “a total mixed bag” in terms of their culinary ability. “Some are pretty component, others used a bit of creative licence adding their own personal touches to the recipe which as a professional chef I absolutely love,” Kerridge said. “I don’t care what level anyone is – just get in the kitchen and have some fun, it’ll all be fine and you’ll have something tasty to eat – what I can say is Joe Wicks is on the same page as me concerning pineapple and pizza.” Healthy Start vouchers equate to £4.25 per child under the age of four each week to spend on items such as fruit, vegetables and pulses – ingredients celebrity chef Kerridge said are fundamental to the Full Time campaign’s recipes. Kerridge, well known for his two Michelin-star Hand And Flowers in Marlow, told reporters: “Normally the audience I reach out to is a foodie audience, they already know how to do things, they just want to improve. “This is like learning to ride a bike – right at the beginning, with stabilisers – it’s learning peeling carrots, peeling potatoes, dicing onions, it isn’t making tagines or braising beef briskets.” He said there was “no silver bullet that solves the issue” of food poverty, but added: “What we are trying to do is encourage those who are in that more disadvantaged area … to get more for their money.” Recipes will be posted weekly on the @FullTimeMeals Instagram page.
Female Focus Magazine May 2021
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Art and Craft Workshops in Gata de Gorgos
On Saturday 10 April, Tatiana Moreno Miguel taught a remarkable workshop entitled “How to make natural cosmetics” in the beautiful walled garden of PS Staging in Gata de Gorgos. Building on a previous workshop “how to make natural soap”, the attendees had not only the opportunity to learn the most essential aspects regarding Raw Materials, Utensils, Oils, Formulation, but also to put this knowledge into practice to create various cosmetics such as a Spray Facial Cleanser, a lip scrub, a lip balm, a microdermabrasion or a Serum. The garden is known as “El patio de Elvira” in honour of owner Monica Suarez’ mother. It really is the most peaceful, tranquil and energising space. Further workshops are planned including “Let’s up-cycle old furniture” and “Art and wine in the afternoon” where you can enjoy an extraordinary painting class. If you’d like to know more about upcoming workshops, please contact Monica on 607 627 094 or email
Starting from 1, fill in the grid in a clockwise direction with four-letter words. The last letter of each word becomes the first letter of the next word. If you have correctly filled in the grid there should be a seven-letter key word reading across from 8.
1. Cod, say 2. House or flat 3. School test 4. Is obliged to 5. Domesticate 6. Compass point 7. Unfreeze 8. Past tense of go 9. Rip 10. Roster 11. Points a weapon 12. Fizzy water 13. Opera song 14. At the summit 15. Tablet 16. Quiet spell. Key word clue: Boy’s name.
WORDSPIRAL 2 - CLUES 1. Legal inheritor 2. Encircle 3. Percussion instrument 4. A present 5. Experiment 6. Golf pegs 7. Fly high 8. Smell strongly 9. Eager 10. Inert gas 11. Meshes 12. Lather 13. Smoke and fog 14. Objective 15. Arm or leg 16. Round deep dish. Key word clue: Author’s surname.
Answers to puzzles in the classified pages
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our ARIES Family commitments will have to come first even if it takes you away from a pressing personal matter. It doesn't mean you have to give up on your dreams, just put them on hold for the time being. TAURUS You are starting to plan a trip which has been long overdue. People entering your life now will bring new experiences opening your mind to ideas that you would never have thought of before. This may change your initial plans for your travels. GEMINI A budget plan will put things back into perspective and will make everything more achievable. You must all stick to it though to see it through so don't make it an impossible one. CANCER Stop and take stock of where you are and what you have achieved. Dwelling on the past will not help. Looking at the positive rather than the negative will help you move forward to even better times. LEO Rekindling friendships will make you realise just how isolated you had become over time. Reconnecting with old friends will renew your enthusiasm for life and introduce you to some new hobbies and interests. VIRGO Taking time to step back and look at your life as an outsider would see it will open your eyes to some changes you need to make. Let your loved ones help you get back to the person you were before. Circumstances out of your control are just that and need to be dealt with once and for all.
Fe�a�e F���� Maga���e Ma� 2021
oroscope LIBRA This month you will feel that everything is going in slow motion and that you are the only one going at a normal speed. Don't try to speed things up, it really will not help matters and will only frustrate you more. One bonus, you will be able to save some energy at this pace. SCORPIO Pretend no one is watching and let your hair down a bit. Don't be so hard on yourself, you judge yourself far too much and try to aim for a perfection which just cannot be met at all times. Relax a little. SAGITTARIUS Even though you cannot see it right now, you are having a profound effect on your future direction. Each of these small changes you are making are adding up and will come together to see you reach those goals. CAPRICORN Letting someone mentor you has given you such knowledge that you are eager to mentor someone else. Passing these skills along is a great way to pay it forward and will give you a renewed excitement. AQUARIUS Taking out your frustration on someone close is not the answer. Work out where things are going wrong and sort them out rather than plodding on, which is what you are doing now. Not everyone will like the outcome but it is what you need to do. PISCES Count your blessings and look at what you have and what you have achieved rather than complaining and moaning. This will free you to enjoy yourself once again and get out of the negative rut that seems to be bombarding you at the moment.
Female Focus Magazine May 2021
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Here are four Sudoku puzzles of different skill levels for you to try. It is not a maths game at all - it is a pure logic game. Fill in the grid so that every r o w, e v e r y c o l u m n a n d e v e r y 3 x 3 grid contains the digits 1 through to 9 with no repeats, which means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box.
Answers to puzzles in the classified pages
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How to improve the insulation of your home and substantially reduce your energy bills? PVC windows and doors provide a perfect balance between energy efficiency and comfortable living. The high-quality energy-efficient PVC window and door solutions from Crystal Windows improves the quality of life in many ways. PVC or uPVC (as it's sometimes known as) windows and doors offer excellent thermal and acoustic insulation properties, high security and an original colour palette. Remember that around 40% of heat loss in the home occurs through standard, single pane windows and doors. Double glazed windows and doors with low E glass, substantially reduce heat loss. An important fact to remember too, it costs 3 times as much energy to cool a home as it does heat it. So, it keeps the cool air in during the summer and the hot air in during the winter. You will soon recoup the cost of the double-glazing in the money saved from heating and air con bills. Our systems are manufactured in our factory premises here locally in Spain. Every order is made to measure and made specifically for your home. We also only use energy efficient Low E glass, a legal requirement in most of the EU, but not in Spain. In the winter warm air is reflected back into the room, this significantly reduces the cold feel you have with most window and door installations. To find out more call Robin on 684 257 723 or email him at to arrange a no obligation survey and quotation. Have a look at our website or on google to read real reviews from actual clients.
Female Focus Magazine May 2021
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Grow Baby Grow
Page 24
The Pros and Cons of buying big or small plants. The plants are starting to grow and develop now, especially by the time you are reading this article and it is one of my favourite times of year as everything looks so invigorated and healthy. The reason I want to talk about plant sizes is that there are both pros and cons for making a decision to choose either a big plant Article supplied by Lee Charlesworth or a small plant, but it can vary depending on the type of plant. So, I am going to give a little bit of advice.
Firstly, let me say this, there is nothing wrong in choosing small plants, in fact if you have the patience, it would always be my preferred option and before you know it years will have gone by and the garden will have matured spectacularly. The only time this becomes a sticking point is if you want something grand, a statement. Big plants can often be older than the oldest people we know, so if you want a big statement then you only can buy big. The problem with big plants is, big money, especially as the slower growing plants are always the more expensive plants for obvious reasons. The benefits to buying these types of trees or shrubs as older plants is they tend to be easy to transplant and therefore survival rates are good. One of my handy hints when looking for large trees or shrubs is to shop around and / or get in contact with Charlesworth Gardens, we source plants directly for our clients and we have suppliers who have literally tens of thousands of plants to choose from and sometimes you could find a tree that looks almost the same as another one, but because the tree is valued by its girth, one maybe slightly larger and consequently cost a lot more. Having a good look around or using a garden designer such as myself who knows your requirements for said plant, can sniff out a much better plant and get you the look you want but for a better price.
Depending on the type of plant can depend on whether or not I suggest large or small. When it comes to quicker growing shrubs continued on next page
Quality Beds & Linen from Budget to Luxury
Where dreams begin C.C. Biblos Local 8 VISIT ONLINE or IN PERSON Ctra. Calpe-Moraira, Email: Los Pinos 1K (Coast Road) Calpe Tel: 965 836 814 Showroom Hours 695 708 101 10am-3pm Mon-Fri FREE DELIVERY 3pm-5pm Mon-Fri (by Appointment) Gandia to Alicante 10am-1:30pm Sat
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Female Focus Magazine May 2021
or plants then these are fine being planted small, saving budget costs for the more expensive plants. Two types of plants I never suggest buying large are citrus and conifers. Not only can they be very expensive plants, but they are also much more temperamental and if they are not happy, you can end up with dead plant very quickly. These types of plants can be bought for a much lower price if they are smaller and if planted at this time of year will soon develop better and quicker and require far less attention in the long run. Also, if you do lose any then they haven’t cost the earth in the first place and replacing them is easier to stomach. As regards to cypress hedging a little patience is required. I say this because many clients want instant privacy and tend to put up a plastic covering to stop people or neighbours looking in, but unfortunately this starves the plant of sunlight and it won’t grow as quickly and / or will end up bald on one side, which is counterproductive to having the plant there in the first place. Depending on the situation it can also mean that the plants can be too damp which also leads to rot and the inevitable death of the plant. So, the next time you are thinking about splashing out on some new plants or trees, if you speak to Charlesworth Gardens first, we will be able to give you the advice you require to make the right choice and save you money or at least maximise impact. ● For more information please give us a call on 696 283 704, email or visit, and
Female Focus Magazine May 2021
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Who can spin the hair of my cat?
Recently craft association Amata received an unusual question: “Good morning, I’m looking for somebody who can spin the hair of my cat.” As it so happened, there was a spinner in Amata’s data base, living in the same village as the caller! On another occasion somebody asked for a craftsman who could repair or replace a broken part of some antique furniture. And again, such a person was found within two days. This is not as surprising as it sounds: Amata has been organising craft fairs over the last 20 years or more and consequently has collected the data of over a thousand artisans from all over Spain and in every imaginable craft, from glass blower to bookbinder, from blacksmith to chair mender. The funny part of it is, that so few people realise how versatile real craft people are. An artisan is not just somebody who makes nice things to sell in craft fairs. He or she can repair or restore, decorate furniture and other objects, add an image or a text to a chosen piece of work and, last but not least, accept special orders. In their virtual craft village, Amata introduces you to some forty real artisans and invites you into their workshops and stores, where you can watch them at work and buy what they have made. Other artisans have set up a stall in the virtual fairs that are held in this village. And if you haven’t found what you are looking for, you can put your request to Amata and they will look for the most suitable artisan for your query. However unusual the item you are thinking of, Amata will try and find the person who can make it for you!
Spot the odd one out
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Female Focus Magazine May 2021
By Benny Davis
If I were to describe a situation where bats dive bombed the occupants of a cave, what would immediately spring to mind? Indiana Jones? Or maybe The Birds? Both worthy contenders for the edge-of-the-seat adventures. But it may surprise you to know that an alternative location is much closer to home than you think – and far more difficult to fight back. Forget the temples of India, the deserts of Mexico, the sands of Egypt, or any other exotic locations and take a trek to the Caves of Benidoleig, situated in the wilds of the North Costa Blanca. Over 100,000 years old, they have seen many generations of man and many deaths including a King and a complete harem of 150 women. Today, every June, over 200 music enthusiasts defy the ghosts of the past to enjoy the magic sounds of the 40 strong Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir singing their hearts out whilst battling with numerous bats, who obviously consider their privacy breached and show their annoyance by dive bombing all and sundry. These summer concerts are always sold out well in advance, not surprising when you look at the vast experience this choir has enjoyed since its formation in 2007. They have also performed with a number of top-flight visiting Welsh choirs, at the Lloret Del Mar Spanish Music festival, to congregations of churches around the Costa Blanca, at the 90th anniversary of the Royal concert British Legion in Alicante Auditorium and, just to show their versatility, made a Christmas Flash-Mob appearance at the Ondara Shopping Mall. Ho, ho, ho, what a great bunch of guys, and all for charity, raising around 10,000 euros over the years in the process. Apart from their amazing sound, the choir's musical repertoire combines a fascinating mix of pop, classical, extracts from hit musicals, and even extends to African, Scottish, Irish and Welsh traditional songs. So, something for everyone, which explains why they have such a massive following, always singing to full, enthusiastic houses. Note for those of a nervous disposition: The concert cave bats mentioned, soon settled down and seemed to enjoy their upsidedown entertainment, except one persistent little character. Later it was discovered that he was the only deaf bat in the cave. Musical director: Heather Butcher, Assistant Musical Director: John Edwards. Accompanist: Kirsty Glen. Note: No bats or members of the public were harmed during the writing of this article.
Spot the 13 differences (answers in the classified pages)
Female Focus Magazine May 2021 Page 28 Oliva Drama: Latest Covid production COSTA BLANCA NORTH is ‘Four Pens’, a short play by Dave Proctor, starring Wilma Taggart & Dave Stephens. Here we meet a lady who is on her fourth husband and discovers the curious circumstances of the previous Note from Benny: Now looking forward to latest easing husbands’ demise. Recorded by Via of restrictions that hopefully may allow productions in Ronda Studios. Go to: mothballs to be unwrapped and be staged by either late and click on the poster to listen. spring, or summer. Some groups are using Zoom and For more information, please email bubble meetings to keep together. We need the amdram Kelvin on, and music scene, we need their wonderful charity funding, visit their website www.olivadrama. and we need this true-Brit determination to continue com or see their Facebook page regardless that the average age in most groups is in the older
high-risk category. Please support these groups wherever they are in whatever way you can.
Caprice Ladies Choir: Due to current restrictions, this Choir are continuing with their zoom rehearsals at the moment but are hoping to get back to live meetings as soon as possible. They are looking forward to presenting some new songs hopefully sometime this year. For more information, please contact musical director Aileen on 696 514 613 or check their website: Cantãmus: The choir, under the direction of Philip Ashley, are all set to embark on a new set of music to add to their growing repertoire. They hope to be able to once again present concerts in the autumn this year and to start rehearsals again soon. Philip provides all the music and tracks to allow members to rehearse at home. Now would be a great time to contact Philip on 638 734 285 or Eileen 607 706 904 for further details. They rehearse on Monday mornings 10.45am to 1pm. Careline Theatre: The group return to dance and drama classes to keep the budding young dancers and actors on their tippy toes. However, the latest classes had them all playing Pirates, ‘aaaarrrr Jim Lad’. Hopefully, top up rehearsals can resume shortly for ‘Beauty and the Beast’ as soon as permitted by the Valencia Generalitat. Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir: The Choir continue to rehearse online every Wednesday, thanks to the Jamulus software managed by IT company Dragonstack, led by MD John Edwards. It enables members to listen to accompanist Kirsty Glen, from the isolation of their own homes, including those currently in the UK. For more information, you can visit their website or contact Mike Evans: Jávea Players: Plans are in the pipeline in the hopes that as soon as restrictions are lifted, the frustrated actors and singers will be ready to entertain you. In the meantime, there will be a couple of activities for members only – good reason to join now. They hope to present a summer show in June / July, possibly outside in the pueblo if still unable to gather in the Casa de Cultura. For more information please visit
Phoenix Dancers: The dancers are incredibly happy that at long last, things are slowly being sorted and some of the restrictions are being released regarding Covid. They are basically waiting for permission to put on a show and getting back to raising money for charity which is of course, main aim. If you would like to help by joining this happy band, please get in touch with choreographer Phaedra on 607 290 896, where she will be happy to talk to you and answer any questions that you may have. Sounds Familiar: Sounds Familiar have their next production ‘Magic of the Musicals’ planned and will start rehearsing as soon as it is safe to do so. If you are interested in joining the group when rehearsals start, or would like more information, please contact Philip on 96 558 1483 or Valley Voices: Altos and men in Valley Voices are continuing to rehearse every Monday using Zoom with sopranos rehearsing on a Wednesday due to continuing Covid restrictions. They continue to expand their repertoire which includes some golden oldies and personal favourites, ready to perform a concert when it’s safe to do so. If you enjoy singing, have found your inner voice during confinement and would like to meet other enthusiasts, why not give them a ring on 634 301 483 or email
If you would like to be part of this band of charitable entertainers, please email Deadline for copy is the 15th of the month prior to publication. Full details of all Stage Diary entertainment groups are available online at
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Female Focus Magazine May 2021
The Original Charity Shop and Library
is now fully operational again and will be open every morning except Sundays from 10am until 1.30pm. We are fully stocked for spring and summer, but always welcome donations of good quality clothes, shoes, accessories and household goods. Pay us a visit in Galerías Mar Azul - halfway up Avenida Gabriel Miró, Calpe on the right-hand side. All donations go to help local charities and aid organisations supporting those in need in the town.
On the occasion of International Women’s Day the Original Charity Shop and Library has donated 550€ to the Jávea Town Hall Department for Equality. The money will be used to support the Town Hall Psychological Programme for victims of gender violence. The councillor for equality, Montse Villaverde visited the shop to receive the donation and wished to thank the staff for all their hard work resulting in many donations to local worthy causes. The Original Charity Shop is situated on Carrer de Nancy 1, in Jávea’s Arenal. We have now completed the changeover to summer clothing and we are happy to accept all your suitable spring and summer items for sale on commission. Please call 966 460 803 to make an appointment.
The Roundabout Charity Shop
Painting Amigos Exhibition
The Charity Shop of Calpe
donated 10,000€ to the Spanish Red Cross. Thanks to the volunteers and kind donations and customers the shop was able to donate this money during the extremely trying time of covid. Roundabout Charity Shop are looking for volunteers, so if you have any free time and would like to help, please pop in to the shop at Jávea Port and speak to the staff.
We are a group of expats who, during this time of restrictions and lockdown, have kept our spirits up by doing the thing we love most, painting. You can see an exhibition of what we have produced at the Casa de Cultura in Alfaz del Pi from 14 to 28 May. The exhibition is open from 8.30am to 2pm and from 5pm until 10pm. One of the group will be available on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10.30am until 2pm to give you any information you may need about the paintings or the art group.
Calling all groups and charities send your forthcoming events & information to before the 15th of the month prior to publication.
Female Focus Magazine May 2021
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Raquel Paya is a specialist education centre in Denia which focuses on providing education and training to children and young adults with learning difficulties, particularly in terms of preparing the young people to fulfil active roles in society as they approach adulthood. Over the years, TM Lions have become aware of the work and dedication of the team there and are happy to support them in any way we can. One of their recent initiatives was to equip an area with laundry equipment. Not only does this provide yet another opportunity for the students to practice every day activities, but also allows the staff to have freshly laundered workwear to ensure all necessary precautions for operating in the pandemic are adhered to. TM Lions were happy to assist and purchased a washing machine and tumble dryer for the team to have installed in their laundry area. We wish the team and students many happy hours working with this equipment! If you’d like to know more about the work of the TM Lions, please take a look at our web page – There are also details here of how to get involved. We also have a GoFundMe page if you would like to support us, go to The donations the TM Lions make are only possible because of the generosity of our supporters. We are pleased to report that our popular charity shop – the Lion's Den – is open again. It can be found a couple of doors away from Letters R Us beneath the Pepe La Sal supermarket on the Centro Comercial, Moraira, just past the fountain roundabout on Ctra Moraira-Teulada. We have also started discussions about future concert dates. This is dependent on being able to operate in a safe environment for all concerned but we are looking to reintroduce these concerts to raise funds and because we all enjoy them!
If you are a victim of domestic violence call 016 - there is a way out. “To care, comfort and counsel people affected by cancer.” CB Helpline. 634 311 690 Ass. Treasurer CB 634 374 754 Transport CB 634 303 271 Torrevieja. 602 648 486
HELP of Marina Alta
Medical Equipment and Information office: 96 642 7044 Denia Hospital Interpreters and Info desk: 96 642 9346 HELP Coordinators: Benitachell 664 573 360 Calpe 616 237 135 Orba 639 176 812 Jávea 634 388 446 Denia 609 336 473 Teulada/ Moraira 634 318 819 Parkinsons Support 634 301 677 HELP President 686 320 435.
FREE PHONE 900 525 100
CROSSWORD By the PA puzzles team Across 1. Quote (4) 3. Power (8) 9. Sailor (7) 10. Bogus (5) 11. Squandered (4,3,5) 13. At full stretch (3,3) 15. Pester (6) 17. Mediation (12) 20. Precise (5) 21. Grinding corn (7) 22. Theft (8) 23. Commotion (4)
Down 1. A comic (8) 2. Cast (5) 4. Objective (6) 5. Without exertion (12) 6. Irritating (7) 7. Attention (4) 8. Helpful (12) 12. Adolescent (8) 14. Ancestry (7) 16. Sharpness (6) 18. Imbecile (5) 19. Headland (4)
See classified pages for answers LABRET A Small library B Lip ornament C Roman military standard
GARNER A To collect B Hoisting tackle C Projecting spout
PIASSAVA A Egyptian coin B Italian bagpipe C Broom fibre
The word may sound familiar, but do you know what it means?
Page 31 Personal
P S Y C H O T H E R A P I S T CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT Psychotherapist for the confidential treatment of anxiety and depression. Plus couples therapy. Phone Tanya 634 35 48 92 to arrange an appointment. Visit ARE YOU SUFFERING through another person drinking? Help is available Al-Anon meets every Thursday in Benidorm at 5pm. The meeting is in Calle Jardines not far from the Railway Station. Our contact number is 634 758 539.
Female Focus Magazine May 2021
VA L P O R E T T O GO STEAM CLEANER as new, very versatile little steamer, easy to use, good power. 45€. Tel. 665 456 353. Jávea. CASIO CTK 691 KEYBOARD with stand, electric adaptor, headphones & user guide. Perfect Condition. 160€ Tel. 665 234 121 Jávea. PAUL´S EMPORIUM IN Pedreguer. Weekly changing stock. Everything priced to sell. Why pay new when you don’t need to? Find us in Pedreguer Industrial Estate. Tel 96 644 7002 or find us on Facebook at 'Paul's Emporium Pedreguer'.
Health & Beauty FREE CONSULTATION - BOOK NOW, Does the weather ruin your make-up. Permanent Eyebrows & Eyeliner are the perfect solution. Elements Beauty Spa In Denia. w w w. e l e m e n t s b e a u t y s p a . e s Call: 966 424 647.
Misc Sales
I BUY RECORDS LPs, EPs, SINGLES. 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s years. Good prices paid. Tel. 962 851 809 - 622 750 117
BEDCOVERS - ex rental washable covers, all sizes, priced as each or job lot. Call 680 550 125. Jalon area. TOWELS ALL SIZES, hand to bath, all colours plus selection pool towels, priced individual or offer for job lot Call 680 550 125. Jalon area. LINEN SHEETS, all sizes white cotton, ex rental, good condition, priced individual or an offer for job lot. Call 680 550 125. Jalon area. S O N Y M D R-100A B N h.ear on wireless, over ear headphones with noise cancellation, as new 90€ Jávea Tel. 665 456 353.
JENNY'S CLEANING SERVICES. Established since 2014. Fully l egal , r ef er ences av a i l a b l e . General house cleaning, change overs, deep cleans and builders cleans. New Fogging Disinfection Service now available. Covering Denia, Javea and surrounding villages. (English and Spanish spoken) Call now 633 624 232 HARRIS FURNISHINGS - British furniture store offering a fabulous range of quality furniture including sofas, chairs, corner sofas, sofa beds, recliners, rise-recliners, beds, coffee tables etc. Famous brand names including Parker Knoll. Pedreguer Ind. Estate. 96 646 9371
HUSQVARNA OPTIMA190 sewing machine in good condition. Ten additional feet included to sew automatic buttonholes, blind hems, concealed zips etc. 50€ Tel. 665 456 353 Jávea. PLASTIC TABLEWARE - matching plates / bowls / glasses / around 50 items, excellent condition, some unused, offers individual or job lot. Call 680 550 125. Jalon area. VERTICAL BLIND neutral colourtrack 212cm wide, length - 160cm, 28 slats 14 each side like a curtain 50€. Call 680 550 125. Jalon area.
BUILDING & PLUMBING SERVICES. No job to big or small, from a re-grout to a new build. Experienced and all work guaranteed. Call Nicholas 696 949 220.
AWNINGS, BLINDS, MOSQUITO nets, Commercial & Garage doors, Shower screens & doors. PERSITOLD provide solutions for sun protection and comfort. Showroom in Gata de Gorgos. Many examples at 96 575 6281 / 669 859 572 or email FULLY COMP CAR INSURANCE from 279€. For all your insurance needs: house, home, business, marine, car, health. Call Insurance Altea 96 584 0753 C O M P L E T E B AT H R O O M REFORMS Whole project managed by in-house team. 24 years experience. Also specialist in shower and bath screens. Many satisfied customers. Call SHOWERMAN. 96 579 2285 / 639 292 081 or email UPHOLSTERY SERVICE Tired or broken furniture? From small repairs to complete recovers for home, garden, car or boat. Indoor & outdoor cushion covers. Pergola and parasol covers. Leather and fabric cleaning. Pedreguer Industrial Estate. 96 646 9371 or email: GLAZING & AWNING SPECIALISTS All kinds of glazing systems, roofing solutions and awnings, windows, arched windows, conservatories, doors and interior glass doors. Call 96 645 7878 or email
More classified adverts at
NEED A SURVEY? Call Advantage Building Services if you are buying a property, or have structural problems with a property you own. Subsidence cases investigated, insurance claims mediated & processed. 653 733 066 email or find further information at BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION Specialised in residential property refurbishment. Kitchens/ Bathrooms, Windows /Doors, Reforms/ Extensions, Electrics/ Plumbing, Tiling/ Terraces, Roofing/ Rejas, Tosca Specialists. Over 30 years experience. All areas Gandia to Benidorm and Inland. 662 097 598 or email: FemaleFocus/ Follow & Like Us! @FemaleFocusPublications
Female Focus Magazine May 2021
Page 32
Hard Easy WORD SPIRAL 1 SOLUTIONS 1. Fish 2. Home 3. Exam 4. Must 5. Tame 6. East 7. Thaw 8. Went 9. Tear 10. Rota 11. Aims 12. Soda 13. Aria 14. Atop 15. Pill 16. Lull. Key word solution: WILLIAM. WORD SPIRAL 2 SOLUTIONS 1. Heir 2. Ring 3. Gong 4. Gift 5. Test 6. Tees 7. Soar 8. Reek 9. Keen 10. Neon 11. Nets 12. Suds 13. Smog 14. Goal 15. Limb 16. Bowl. Key word solution: ROWLING. ANSWER TO SPOT THE ODD ONE OUT: E
Autos And Boats
Page 33
Female Focus Magazine May 2021
Services Cont.
EXCAVATION, GROUNDWORK & CONSTRUCTION Call AD Lawton for all your plant hire needs. Specialist in drainage, groundworks and septic tank systems. 648 052 911 or visit WATER FILTER SYSTEMS Whole House & Undersink Water Filter Systems. Reduce Your Plastic Waste & Have Clean Filtered Water From All Taps In Your Home While Also Protecting Appliances From Limescale Buildup. Tel: 681 315 659. Web: GLAZE N SAVE convert your single glazed windows and doors to double glazed units without changing the frames. Very cost effective and a clean process. This is not secondary glazing. For more information call Gary on 662 455 960 or 96 671 2832 email Web: SKIPS IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE Small, Medium, Large skips for Building, Gardening, Mixed loads. Also earth, gravel etc available for delivery. Call Contenedores Mata on 96 579 0172 or 679 440 046. THE INTERPRETER, for all your English/Spanish interpreting & translations. Based close to Denia Hospital & surrounding medical centres. Emergency 24 hour call out for Denia Hospital. CALL 686 320 435 or email MAN AND VAN for hire, cheap & reliable. Jalon valley & surrounding areas. 96 648 0757 (9.30-1.30) or 636 100 873.
HANDY MAN SERVICE. Small building works, rendering, repairs, painting, decorating, fencing, pool renovation & maintenance, anything on your to do list. Working alone or help completing larger tasks. Costa Blanca North. Yan Nees 692 368 639 handymanyannees/
Property Services ALGORFA, 2 BED ATICO Algorfa 69,000€, 2 bed atico. Garage with storeroom, lift, pool, roof terrace. Furnished, no chain. Close to amenities and golf. Mobile 675 416 420. TOWNHOUSE, LA MARINA Spacious Townhouse. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen/living/dining room in La Marina. Close to amenities. €70,000. Tel. 966 796 236. For Sale – Harrys Bar, Quesada. Unique opportunity to purchase this well established popular bar / restaurant. Freehold. Call Joanne for more information on 693 494 951. ACHIEVE RENTAL INCOME from your property. For more than 35 years Aguila Rent A Villa SL has specialised in holiday rentals in Javea, Denia and surroundings. Trusted and professional. 96 647 0830 Email: or visit
QUICK CROSSWORD SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Cite; 3 Strength; 9 Mariner; 10 False; 11 Down the drain; 13 All out; 15 Plague; 17 Intercession; 20 Exact; 21 Milling; 22 Stealing; 23 Stir. Down: 1 Comedian; 2 Throw; 4 Target; 5 Effortlessly; 6 Galling; 7 Heed; 8 Instrumental; 12 Teenager; 14 Lineage; 16 Acumen; 18 Idiot; 19 Ness.
All adverts must be sent with your Name and NIE or Passport Nº (not published). Email addresses will not be published on the website or in the magazine unless requested or supplied as part of the main text. FREE CLASSIFIED ADVERTS. Sell your unwanted items for FREE! Free adverts must be emailed to Photos can be sent with your free advert, both will be published online but text only in print. Classifieds that are supplied incorrectly, all in capitals or with missing information may well be deleted. ‘Misc sales’ are for example one-off sales of second hand items to the value of 500€ or less. Maximum twenty words per advert/ item & maximum five adverts per person*, (email & web addresses count as three words). Property rental or any type of service, business opportunities, wanted, etc are not free and will be charged at the commercial advert rate. Free Property adverts: See property section for more details. Commercial adverts: Minimum advert length ten words. 35 cents per word plus 21% IVA per month. Payment can be made by credit card or transfer. *Free adverts will be published in print on a space permitting basis. If you want to ensure your advert appears, normal commercial rates should be applied.
Female Focus Magazine May 2021
Page 34
Hi, my name is Tigre, and I am a tall male galgo. A bit shy, but I am easy going and ready for a new family. If you are looking for a slightly smaller dog, we have podencos and galgos. For more info please email: or find them on Facebook (Tanamera Rescue)
We have many cats and kittens available for adoption. Shelter open every Sunday 10am 12pm or call Luisa 648 100 629. Denia Cat Protection League – Aldea Felina, please visit
Cassie is a beautiful female GSD. 9/10 years old. She is a happy confident girl ready to go to a home of her own. Call 650 304 746 or email
Parsley, Podenco, DOB 05.2012 - 59cm. Parsley loves his walks and people and would be a wonderful dog to accompany you on long walks and on all kinds of sports. He is a stunner, is as good as gold and loves to snuggle up in his bed. Please call 618 754 635 or visit Property Services and Sales
Gorgeous Spike is a Staffie Cross, 3 years old, who was surrendered due to events beyond his control. Spike loves people and other dogs but he does need a home with no cats. Spike knows commands, is house trained, vaccinated, castrated and has a passport. If you would like more information on any of our animals please call Akira on 657 689 567 or email
Meet Our Horses! Join us on Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings at APAC Rescue Horses to see the horses and help support us. Everyone Welcome. For more information email, visit or Facebook: Apac Rescue Horses. This is S e n a . She is a favorite with all the volunteers as she is so loving w i t h people. She would be best as an only dog. For more information please call 685 524 049 or visit La Protectora de Animales y Plantas Benidorm Mon-Sat 10-13 Is there ever a more sweet and easy dog than Katy, she loves everyone, is friends with every dog she meets. At 10 years old she has no health issues and could walk with a piece of thread as a lead. Spotless in her kennel, in 3 years with us. Please contact or call 654 616 043.
Calling all clubs and charities - let us know about your forthcoming events and animals for adoption. See page 4 for contact details.
SAVE MONEY ON YOUR OVERSEAS MONEY TRANSFERS Call Sherry Fraser-Currie 96 626 5072 or
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Female Focus Magazine May 2021