Eye tests play a huge part in making sure your eyes stay healthy. Not only are they important for indicating whether you need to start wearing glasses or need to change your prescription, but also for detecting some common eye conditions.
For World Health Day (April 7th), Specsavers Ópticas are explaining how regular eye tests can protect sight and identify early signs of health conditions.
Isabel Fenollar, store director of Specsavers Ópticas Jávea says: ‘In a Specsavers survey1 it was revealed that 21% of respondents didn’t know how often they should visit their optician for a routine check-up and the same percentage either can’t remember their last eye examination, or have NEVER had one. Not only does this mean their eyesight is at risk but potentially other aspects of their health too. That’s because while there are several changes we may notice in our vision which could be a sign of a wider health condition, there are also some things that can only be detected during an eye test.’ During a comprehensive eye test our opticians have spotted signs of conditions including glaucoma, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis and cancer, so it’s an important health check.
When Teresa B booked an eye test at Specsavers Ópticas in Jávea, she had no idea it would lead to saving her sight and potentially her life.
Teresa first noticed a slightly blurred area of vision in her left eye and suspected it could be the start of cataracts. But during the comprehensive eye test, the optical team noticed that there had been a significant deterioration in the clarity of her vision and she was experiencing distortion of her peripheral vision and referred her for further tests.
Hospital La Fe in Valencia confirmed she had choroidal melanoma, the most common kind of eye cancer in adults and she underwent a course of radiation therapy to stop the tumour growing. After further tests she has been told everything is OK and has only lost a small amount of sight in her eye.
Teresa says: ‘I would strongly advise anyone to have regular eye checks. If I hadn’t visited Specsavers this condition may not have become evident for a considerable amount of time and the damage to my eye could have been irreversible and the cancer could have spread to other parts of my body.’
Visit www.specsavers.es to find your nearest store and book an eye test.
1OnePoll survey of 2,000 respondents conducted August 2022
Paul Cunningham Nurses Charity was my vision. On my return to Spain after losing my son Paul to spinal cancer at the age of 33, I was shocked to learn that there was no hospice care nursing available in Spain.
As a successful business woman, operating 8 offices throughout the Costa Blanca and Lanzarote, I have lived in Spain for over 30 years and understand the needs of the Ex-pat communities.
Then I met the right people, in the right place at the right time, to start the charity in 2008. It was necessary to have a massive amount of fund raising and support to open the first charity shop in Quesada, which is still open and running.
Fundraising events included galas, dinner dances, raffles, with participants donating not only money, but time and services. Many of the venues and music, were donated and every event was so enjoyable, and I tried to be present at many of these events. Without all this help, we wouldn’t be where we are today.
The headquarters of the charity share an office in La Marina with my insurance office and we now have 3 charity shops, which along with friends and sponsors of the charity, raise the necessary funds to support the nurses in giving home care for terminally ill patients. We work very closely with Torrevieja hospital, which in all reality is a godsend for them, as they call us to inform us when there is a patient who needs the charity’s help to enable them to return home.
We have all types of equipment available for free of charge loans and the nurse allocated will have a brief from the hospital doctors regarding medication and patient requirements. We are not just there for the patient, but also there to help and support the family.
Despite the problems over the last few years, we are surviving but it isn’t easy. Fortunately I have a very steady pair of hands, acting on my behalf – thank you Chris.
My vision and my hope would be finding somebody, with the enthusiasm and talent to take the charity to the next level and extend coverage throughout all of the Costa Blanca and beyond, but I do feel that this is just a dream.
To find out more about the charity or make a donation, please use the QR code in all of our adverts and if you require any information or a quotation for insurance, please contact one of our offices or email info@jennifercunningham.net.
Darling daughter and I were booked to see Lewis Capaldi in Madrid last month - I had been sent the playlist to learn and we booked the hotel, parking etc a stones throw away from the concert centre. The day before the concert he cancelled as he had bronchitis, but we decided to still go and see Madrid (I think she just wanted 24 hours without the kids!).
Of course we couldn't sing his songs all the way there as planned, as darling daughter said, 'I can not speak his name, let alone hear his songs as I'm so disappointed', so we chit chatted our way north. What a 24 hours - I think we walked the whole of Madrid and did more culture than I've done for a long time. The weather was glorious and the people welcoming and very helpful. It really was a lovely mother daughter time which I hope we make a more regular thing. In fact on the way back we were already planning our next get away, this time maybe including gorgeous granddaughter as well.
This month we are also publishing our Professional Services magazine so if you are a business and haven't booked your spot be quick - it will be distributed at the end of the month. Until next time, take care and be kind.
To discuss your advertising needs in Focus on Costa Blanca North or QFocus Magazine (covering the southern Costa Blanca), contact your local representative:-
Finestrat to Moraira
Alan 689 358 232 alan@femalefocusonline.com
Gandía to Jávea Roddy 688 815 405 or 96 575 6833 roddy@femalefocusonline.com
Stephen 641 249 052 stephen@femalefocusonline.com
- 2pm Tel. 657 501 055 editor@femalefocusonline.com advertising@femalefocusonline.com www.femalefocusonline.com
Last month I finished by saying I have been building a simple radio telescope. It's not as crazy as it sounds, amateur astronomers have a long history of building things for themselves. My generation growing up after the war had little choice, but it still seems to be a normal thing to do. Club member Mark built a very effective star tracker not long ago.
Ten years ago, the receiver needed was a big expensive piece of equipment, but, as I mentioned last month we can now buy a little gadget that plugs into a computer, a Software Dependent Radio (sdr) and with some effort this acts as a receiving station for a radio telescope complete with digital readout and lots of impressive numbers on the screen.
I read a few tutorials and watched a couple of YouTube videos about it all, then my wife bought me an sdr, and told me to get on with it, I had no excuses now so get on with it I did. I downloaded the software needed, not the usual simple task as it has to be set up as it's installed then I plugged the thing in. It was at this point that it dawned on me that an antenna of some kind would be a good idea so I read a bit more about them. Did you know that antenna design is a field of science and maths all on its own? I do now!
The type of antenna depends on what you want to receive, its frequency, its strength, location, movement, and about 2 books more of stuff. So it was time to decide what to listen to.
Keep it simple I thought, an old TV aerial can be made to detect meteors as they pass through the French space radar beam so that's what I did, but not until I found I needed another electronic gubbins and some time pointing the blasted antenna in the wrong direction. There's a big difference between magnetic north and true north, I wish I'd remembered that earlier. The upshot of this was success, I can hear the pings and with some time I'll be able to do a lot more. I'm hoping to tie in my results with a meteor camera that a neighbouring astronomy group uses.
So what next I thought, listen to the storms on Jupiter? Listen and measure all the massive storms on the Sun at the moment? Or maybe try and map out the resonance of all the free Hydrogen in space as it sings its tune to the universe. You'll have to wait a month to hear about the next mess I got myself into.
● To find out more about observing and astronomy why not join our group, email us at vegabaja.astronomygroup@gmail.com to find out more.
There are certain jobs (not just in the financial sector) which require companies to be regulated to legally carry out their roles. Being a financial adviser is one of them.
Individuals could be forgiven to presume that any financial advisory firm advertising in magazines, newspapers or on the radio are fully licensed and regulated – unfortunately, that is not always the case.
Regulations and licences are vitally important as they provide clients with a level of protection, not only when advice is given, but also post advice should recommendations ever be deemed inappropriate.
Equally important, however, is that the individual you are dealing with is fully qualified to act as a financial adviser. The UK has tightened its laws in recent years meaning that advisers now must obtain level 4 status (Diploma level) before they are able to give advice. This requirement has not yet reached the Spanish coastline, but it should hopefully only be a matter of time.
At Logic, we are proud to have two fully qualified, Diploma status advisers in Ian and George. This provides our clients with peace of mind that we continue to build our family- run business for the long-term; to be sustainable, licenced and regulated moving through the generations. Clients have certainty with who they are dealing with and know exactly who is going to turn up at every review meeting. You don't always get this stability with other companies who have a high turnover of staff.
We can offer advice on any aspect of financial planning but the main areas we typically cover are as follows:
- Explanation of Residency & Tax Residency here in Spain.
- Tax efficient investments solutions for Spanish tax residents.
- Flexible pension product solutions.
- Cross-border tax planning.
- Highlighting differences between the UK and Spanish tax systems.
- Holistic financial analysis/ planning to cover an individual or couple's overall position.
The events over the last few years have created several questions, especially for individuals who have recently moved here or who are considering a move over to Spain. Processes which we were used to have changed and will no doubt continue to change moving forward.
If you have any questions or would like clarification on any doubts you may have, then please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to assist.
● Logic Financial Consultants are fully regulated & licensed financial advisers, covering the Costa Blanca, Murcia and Canary Islands. We can travel to you, or you can visit our office at Calle Andres Lambert 24, 1B, Jávea. Tel: 965 020 444. Email: info@logicfc.com Web: www.logicfinancialconsultants.com.
Paraffin wax is a white/colourless soft, solid wax made from hydrocarbons. Used mainly in beauty salons and spas on hands and feet to soften and moisturise the skin. An additional benefit is that the wax can be used for pain relief, as an antiinflammatory and it helps ease arthritis, although it is a soft waxy substance often used for candles!
As like other waxes, paraffin wax melts when it is heated. It has a low melting point, so it is safe to touch when it is a liquid, hence why people soak their hands and feet as a therapeutic treatment. It offers great relief to dry skin and conditions such as atopic dermatitis, forms a physical barrier on the skin to prevent water loss leaving the skin soft and supple. Paraffin wax is also a mineral oil and found in many skin creams, lotions, and gels; but some moisturisers are very greasy to the skin which can cause blocked pores and acne. Heat therapy with paraffin wax.
Once the wax has been heated to the correct temperature, a person can dip their hands and feet into the solution several times to create layers of wax, this helps relieve stiff muscles and joints by improving circulation and increasing blood flow to the area. I have to say this method was also used in my physical therapy
treatment after my wrist came out of plaster after a break. It helped with the flexibility and mobility so my therapist was able to do the exercises which improved my wrist’s movement. So, I can also see the benefit of it for arthritis pain, stiffness and swelling.
Paraffin wax Treatment at MimisKru
· Wash hands/feet with soap and water.
· Apply moisturiser or lotion to hands/feet.
· Testing wax temperature.
· Spread fingers/toes and dip hands/feet into wax, remove once coated.
· Repeat this, dipping and drying the hand/foot about 6 - 8 times.
· Cover the hand/foot with a towel or plastic bag immediately. Keep it covered for 15-20 mins.
· Remove the towel.
· Carefully peel the cooled wax from the hand/foot.
· Repeat steps with the other hand/foot.
We recommend at MimisKru that you don’t try this treatment at home for health and safety reasons. The temperature should be comfortable to touch and should not be more than 125ºF
People with sensitive skin will be asked to do a patch test. People with open cuts, wounds, or burns will not be able to have this treatment until their wounds are fully healed.
MimisKru are offering The Paraffin Wax treatment on special during April at 12€.
This is a 30-minute treatment and a great add on treatment to a manicure or pedicure.
Book online on our website www.mimiskruhairandbeauty.com, call 965 793 584 or pop along and visit us in Jávea. We are just a few doors away from Specsavers.
● Local 12, Edificio Caribe, Av del Pla 129, Jávea. Tel 965 793 584.
www.mimiskruhairandbeauty.com - Facebook Mimiskru. See our advert on the Horoscopes page.
HELP of Marina Alta Dementia 'Forget me not' Group offers you a chance to have some respite whilst your loved one is looked after for the day. Living everyday 24/7 looking after someone you care about with Dementia is no easy task and can be soul destroying. The HELP Activity Centre in La Xara with plenty of comfy seating, TV, large tables to sit and do easy craft activities at, a light lunch all with caring English speaking professionals and tea and support given by our experienced HELP volunteers offers you some respite and a nice day for your loved one too. Mondays & Thursdays from 10am to 3pm. To book the one you love in for one or two of these days call 684 174 722 or our office on 966 427 044 (10am to 2pm) to give your details for the organisor to call you. Give yourself a break.
HELP of Marina Alta Parkinsons Support Group meets on the last Monday of the month in our Activity Centre in La Xara Avda Oeste 29 from 2:30pm. Every month the group gets together including the carers and enjoys different guest speakers, including physiotherapists, excercise coaches, nutrionists, singers, authors and other talks. Tea and coffee, is served and the chance for anyone to talk in private or as a group about their concerns with regards to Parkinsons. For more information please contact our Parkinsons Support Coordinator on 634 301 677. This is a lovely, friendly and positive minded group so please come and visit.
HELP Cancer Chat and Support Group is held on the last Wednesday every month in our Activity Centre, Avd Oeste 29, La Xara from 11am to 2:30pm. This wonderful group is run by three friendly people who have all had their own Cancer experiences. If you would like to chat about your concerns in private or in the group please come along. This group is for the patient, the loved one, the carer. You are all welcome. Ian Bennett is the group Coordinator and can be reached on 605 021 282 for help and more information.
At Clinica Britannia we are happy to offer our existing and new patients an Express Service for the repair of any type of Dental prosthesis (denture) within as little as one hour, due to our on-site laboratory and technicians.
If you already have existing dentures and want them to look like new again, then why not have them cleaned and polished, we can make that happen whilst you wait.
Did you know that a completely new set of dentures can now be made within 4 days, allowing you to enjoy your NEW smile within record time, you could even have them made without interrupting your vacation.
Now available is a new flexible denture, which is made of a material known as Nylon. This semi-flexible high-quality material is almost transparent and can be made to mimic the natural colour of the gums, giving a completely natural look.
Thanks to the technological advances in the world of dentistry, the materials used for the creation of dental prostheses has improved immensely, making them last longer, be much more comfortable and easier to use.
For further information contact our Dental Team at Clinica Britannia who will be happy to answer all your questions.
● Clinica Britannia, Ejércitos Españoles 16, 1st Floor, Calpe. Tel 965 837 553 or 607 255 755 - 24 hours a day - 365 days a year.
Before you know it, it will be time to strip down and get in that swimsuit again!
The good news is there’s still time to treat stubborn pockets of fat or texture issues that make you think twice about getting out of your cover-up. Here are our 4 top trending body treatments to solve the most common body concerns. These treatments can be used alone or combined for best results.
A revolutionary non-surgical body contouring treatment.
MSc (GUY'S LONDON) Specialist in Dental and Facial Aesthetics Director of Zen Smile Spa by C.C.Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive treatment that freezes stubborn fat, which is then naturally eliminated from your body. The treatment requires no needles, no special diet, no supplements, no surgery, and most importantly, no downtime. Cryolipolysis is safe and effective in the removal of localized fat on tummy, arms, knees, hips and chin. You'll see results after just one session!
Can you imagine doing 20,000 squats or sit-ups in one session? This is not humanly possible, but with the help of new technology, you can build muscle and lose fat in as little as 30 minutes per treatment. Body contouring with Emsculpt NEO is an option that helps to eliminate stubborn areas of fat from the body and build muscle mass using electromagnetic energy combined with radiofrequency giving a smoother more toned tummy, arms or buttocks. Only 4 sessions are required to achieve results.
HIFU body permanently destroys fat cells without harming skin surfaces. It also creates a skin tightening element to the treatment which is unlike any other procedure. As part of the process, high-intensity focused ultrasound targets fat cells where heat passes through skin, the cells beneath are then permanently destroyed and collagen is deposited in its place thus refining crepey skin around arms, knees and tummy. Only 2 sessions are required 6 weeks apart for great long lasting results.
Radiofrequency body contouring tightens the skin, removes fat and improves tone without any downtime or pain at all. This pain-free procedure reduces cellulite, boosts collagen production and gets rid of fatty deposits that fail to go with exercise. If you have flabby skin, cellulite, a post pregnancy tummy, fine lines or wrinkles, radiofrequency body contouring is meant for you.
This is a relaxing procedure but requires 5 – 10 sessions to achieve beautiful results.
At Sé Tú we created a unique colour coding system; clothing sizing is so inconsistent across brands so we measure every item we have in store and apply our coding system which uses coloured bows on hangers, this makes for a more relaxed shopping experience. Our colour system is not complicated and we are here to help and guide you.
At Sé Tú we avoid talking about size and focus on the important aspects of choosing clothes: how does that item make you feel? Is it comfortable? Is it flattering? What shape, style and colour suits an individual and makes them feel great!
At Sé Tú we source clothes all across Europe and we are dedicated to finding clothes that offer a selection of design, cut, lengths and fabrics to suit our customers, we understand that we are all different shapes and one size does not fit all !
We avoid stocking lots of repeats on distinctive items so our customers are unlikely to find another lady at the lunch with the same outfit…we have many unique and one off items.
Our mission is for our customers to have a relaxed shopping experience…. we are very happy to offer assistance / guidance if required …And last but not least we have a spacious store full of colour, generous fitting rooms and seating areas for customers or their shopping companion/s.
Pop in, have a browse ……
We look forward to seeing you soon …we are just over the road from the pueblo (Old Town) Mercadona …Facebook & Instagram: @setujavea
We will be at the Homes, gardens and Lifestyle Show in Calpe on 5th & 6th May. See page 14 for more details, we hope to see you there.
Brows define our faces; they are the frames for the eyes and can completely change our appearance.
This is a good and a bad thing. Many people notice their eyebrows disappearing with age, or after overzealous plucking in their youth. They lose that youthful appearance and waste time pencilling them in each day. And here in Spain, with hot temperatures and the lure of swimming pools, pencil is not our friend.
There is another option, Microblading! Not to be confused with an eyebrow tattoo that is made with a tattoo gun and often has a thick, dark appearance. Microblading is made with a manual tool, and each hairstroke skilfully placed to mimic a natural brow. These are brows to enhance your features not to dominate them.
After a full consultation to assess your medical suitability and the shape and thickness based on your unique bone structure, we will select the colour that matches your existing hair colour.
Numbing of the area before we begin treatment means the experience is virtually pain free and many people actually fall asleep during the session.
The finished result is a natural looking eyebrow that complements your features and restores your youthful expression.
The treatment is 250€ which includes 2 treatments, 1st session and a retouch 1 month later to ensure perfect results.
Amanda was one of the first microbladers here in Spain and has been providing beautiful brows to her clients since 2015. Fully insured and certified in all current health and hygiene regulations. Consultations are free of charge and available with Amanda at Elements Beauty Spa in Denia, so what have you got to lose!
Email: elementsbeautyspa@gmail.com
Whatsapp: 646 329 403.
See the advert below for more examples
The Homes Gardens & Lifestyle Show will be OPEN from 10.00 – 17.00 for two fabulous fun days next month on FRIDAY 5th & SATURDAY 6th MAY at the SUITOPIA HOTEL - Calpe Avenida Europa 2
Save the dates to come and meet our amazing cast of exhibitors, speakers, chefs, artists, and Lady Jazz all waiting to share their products, services, passions and love of what they do with YOU!
With over 65 quality exhibitors and an array of feature attractions! Soak up the beachy vibes in this year’s local art competition and section featuring our theme 'Swimming in the Blues!'
The Talks and Cooking demos are super interesting this year and you can interact with our speakers and chefs!
Be sure to stop at the VIP fizz and juice area in the Indoor Salon to toast the King and we are also televising the Coronation ceremony courtesy of Telitec so come and enjoy our street part atmosphere and bunting!
Lady Jazz and her amazing voice are joining us again on Friday 5th to get our party started!
Super excited that many of the exhibitors are offering huge Show discounts on prime products and services so if you are looking for fresh ideas and on trend solutions there is only one place to be…….
You can also taste your way around the Show following our FREE Tapa Trail sponsored by Avalon to enjoy some tasty sample nibbles..... and for more food and wine take your place for some cool cooking demos with fresh ideas, enjoy watching then sampling the dishes by the Show chefs sharing their culinary flare!
As always we are serving up inspiration and information on how to upcycle, upgrade, refresh and revamp your HOMES, GARDENS & LIFESTYLE not forgetting your well-being as we also have some great therapists offering some free taster treatments!
We are also supporting 5 local charities, providing free stands so they can use the event to help meet their needs as many are looking for volunteers..... Could you be one in the future?
The Suitopa is a stunning hotel in a fantastic beach side location and you could WIN a luxurious night’s stay here if you visit the Show in our FREE prize draw being hosted by Exactly Gestors.
Refreshments and snacks are available throughout the day at this FREE to enter event there are 300 parking places available under the hotel and the towns FREE car park where the Wednesday market is held, is just a two-minute walk from the hotel. Our exhibitors are now listed on our website: www.gmpromotions.es
We look forward to welcoming you once again to the Costa’s Nº1 annual community event.
For any information on the Show and final opportunities available plus to book a last available stand contact us.
Facebook: @HomesGardensandLifestyleShow
Telephone: 695 399 841
Email: office@gmpromotions.es
Thursday 13th April, 7pm at the Casa de Cultura, Denia.
The Costa Blanca Astronomical Society is pleased to welcome Professor Mark Norris as the next presenter in our series of public talks. He is a Professor of Astronomy at the University of Central Lancashire.
Mark is an observational astronomer and lead the redevelopment and upgrade of the University’s Alston Observatory and teaches with the 70cm Moses-Holden telescope at the Jeremiah Horrocks Institute in Preston.
Professor Norris will give a whistle stop tour of the astrophysical sites where the chemical elements that make up our bodies were created. On the journey we will visit the most extreme locations and events in the Universe, the Big Bang, the cores of Stars, Supernovae and the titanic collisions of Neutron stars. For more information: email cbastronomy@gmail.com or call 671 152 686. Everyone Welcome.
The Costa Blanca Astronomical Society meets monthly to hear talks on astronomy topics. We also arrange observing sessions, beginners courses and public meetings, addressed by well known professional astronomers and commentators on astronomy, to promote a wider interest in astronomy.
If you are interested in finding out more or joining please visit the website: www.costablancaastronomers.wordpress.com/, email cbastronomy@gmail.com or call 671 152 686.
Mallorcan tennis ace Rafa Nadal is opening another Tatel restaurant - in the heart of Valencia. It is set to open in the summer in Calle Pascual i Genís, near the town hall, and will join the Tatel family which is already present in Ibiza, Madrid, Riyadh, Doha and Beverly Hills.
On the menu, you can expect dishes such as croquettes, oysters, jamón de Ibérico and rice dishes including a special arroz Tatel with ribs.
Tatel is part of the Mabel Capital group founded in Madrid and owned by business partners Manuel Campos Guallar, Abel Matutes Prats and the record-breaking tennis superstar. Rafa Nadal and Novak Djokovic hold the record for winning an impressive 22 men's singles Grand Slam titles.
“Tatel represents the quintessence of the welcoming and playful spirit that characterises Spanish restaurants. Tatel’s gastronomy is based on the most traditional Spanish-Mediterranean cuisine, but with a contemporary and innovative touch,” says the Mabel Capital website.
It is among the 25 restaurants in the world worth travelling for, according to USA Today.
The JUGS group (just us girls) meets every second Thursday of the month to get together with new and old friends. For more information please see U3A’s website at www.U3ACalpe.org or email jugslunch.u3acalpe@gmail.com.
Founded by Benny Davis in 2007
Cantamus: The choir is looking for new members, in all voice groups, to join them. The choir sings a selection of spiritual or uplifting songs. Members are provided with all the music and tracks to learn to, so you can practice at home between rehearsals. Now would be a great time to contact Philip on 638 734 285 and he will be happy to give you all the details about the choir. They rehearse on a Monday morning 10:45 to 13:00 and will be happy to welcome you.
Caprice: After two successful concerts where money was raised for worthwhile charities, including the Turkey/ Syria earthquake fund, Caprice are now rehearsing for their next performances, in June and October. As usual they will be singing a variety of popular songs in three part harmony, with something to appeal to everyone. Further details to follow next month. For more information contact musical director Aileen on 696 514 613.
Careline Theatre: Mary Poppins will be dropping in at Alcalali to delight you all in this Supercalafragalistic production. Join them to enjoy a Jolly Holiday & you can try out their new seating too on the 19th & 20th of May at 8pm and the 20th & 21st at 3pm too. Tickets for Adults are 12.50€ and for under 11s at 10€. Tickets available from the Box office at carelinetheatre.net
Costa Blanca Male
Voice Choir: The Choir is preparing for another busy season and bookings can now be made via their website for the Concert at the Cave in Benidoleig on 16 & 17 June. Before then, they have been invited to take part in an International Choir Festival at the Casa de Cultura in Alfaz del Pi on 5 May. For more information and bookings visit www.costablancamalevoicechoir.com and watch videos of past concerts by seaching for @cbmvc on www.youtube.com
Jávea Players: The next production, in the summer, will be Will & Whimsy, directed by Claire Schoonover and Paul Hunter. Apart from actors, help is always required backstage to make and paint the scenery, source props, and make costumes. Volunteers to (wo)man the Bar or show the audience to their seats (on one night only, not the whole week!) are always welcome. See www.javeaplayers.com for more general info.
Sounds Familiar are looking for new members to join them for their next project. Sounds Familiar have been producing musical shows since 2009. If you are interested in singing musical theatre and would like to join the group, please come along and give it a try. For more information, please see our website at www.soundsfamiliar.es or contact Philip on 96 558 1483, or philip@soundsfamiliar.es
Phoenix Dancers: The dancers will be continuing to entertain audiences across the Costa Blanca this Easter. If you would like to join them, casting is now open for dancers and/ or singers that are available to rehearse in Calpe and perform in their upcoming shows. Please call 607 290 896 or email info@marciasdancecentre.com for more information.
Vall del Pop Singers:
The singers are currently inviting new singers to join them on Tuesday afternoons in Alcalalí. There is no requirement to read music and the group sing a selection of popular songs. This is a friendy group who welcome new singers and it is open to anybody of any age. Please contact the group for more information at valldelpopsingers@gmail.com
If you would like to be part of this band of charitable entertainers, please email editor@femalefocusonline.com.
Deadline for copy is the 15th of the month prior to publication. Full details of all Stage Diary entertainment groups are available online at www.femalefocusonline.com
This association, formed in 1988, exists to foster comradeship amongst those who, having been awarded an official flying badge, have qualified to operate military aircraft and are serving or have served, as military aircrew in the armed forces of the United Kingdom or those nations which are allies of the United Kingdom or the Commonwealth.
If you are interested in joining this popular association or would like to know more, please call the Secretary on 96 649 5228.
Easter is a special time in Spain with sombre processions featuring spectacular statues depicting scenes from the Last Supper, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection. Here are some of the best places to visit on the Costa Blanca at Easter, which is from Thursday April 6 to Monday April 10 this year.
Historic Orihuela
Orihuela has some of the best and biggest processions, including an appearance by the impressive sculpture, La Diablesa. One of the most overwhelming events is on Thursday April 6 at 11pm when around 10,000 participants walk through Orihuela’s old town streets in complete silence. The street lights are turned off along the route and the only light is that of the lanterns carried by the participants. On Easter Saturday, the unique Holy Burial of Christ procession involves La Diablesa, a demon with wings created by the sculptor Nicolás de Bussy. The 17th century figure is paraded through the city centre streets but is not permitted to enter the church. At other times of year, you can see La Diablesa in Orihuela's Archeological Museum in Calle Hospital. Other artworks used in the Easter parades by master sculptures including Francisco Salzillo and Nicolás de Bussy are on display in the Semana Santa museum in Plaza de la Merced.
Easter in Alicante
More larger-than-life statues by great sculptures such as Nicolás de Bussy are displayed in the Easter parades taking part in and around Alicante’s San Nicolás de Bari cathedral. One of the finest events is on Easter Sunday morning when Christ’s Resurrection is celebrated with a huge procession starring those grand statues. Many of the city centre and beachside restaurants serve special Easter menus during the weekend.
Santa Faz pilgrimage
Two weeks after Easter, on Thursday April 20 this year, Spain's second most popular pilgrimage takes place in Alicante. Around 300,000 people take part in the pilgrimage starting from San Nicolás cathedral in Alicante city centre and ending at the Santa Faz monastery, seven kilometres away.
This is the only time of year when the important Holy Relic - the Veil of Veronica used to wipe Jesus’s face as he carried the Cross to his Crucifixion - comes out of its locked room in Santa Faz monastery.
Women's work continues! International Women’s Day was celebrated throughout Spain and the world. And yet women still struggle to have equal opportunities, to eradicate femicide and to gain their equal place in all parts of society.
British suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst visited the celebrations of International Women's Day at The Lady Elizabeth School, Benitachell and berated the British government for preventing women from casting their vote- from a speech given in Cardiff in 1913! Margaret Hales, suitably dressed in Edwardian costume (and who is related to Emmeline) spoke of the importance of role models in inspiring girls so that they are able to use their talents and skills to the full. Margaret is also President of the local branch of European Union of Women Mujeres en Igualdad Marina Alta and earlier on IWD they had held their annual meeting followed by a fascinating talk on 'Women in Art' by art historian Karla Darocas.
Next month the art theme continues with an exciting exhibition by 'Women Artists of the Marina Alta', to be held at Jávea Golf Club from 10.30am on Wednesday 19 April. All are welcome. Contact euwmarinaalta@gmail.com for more information and see facebook page European Union of Women Marina Alta. Meetings are held monthly at Javea Golf Club: The European Union of Women's aim is to raise awareness of issues of equality and justice. Join us to continue the work!
21 April - doors open 2pm, show starts 3.15pm.
HELP Activity Centre, Avenida Oeste 29 bajo, La Xara Entrance Tickets 5€ includes complimentary glass of Cava. Pre-purchase your tickets for the La Xara Shop - open Mon to Sat 10am to 1pm or call our office on 966 427 044 if you would like to reserve tickets / pay by card too.
New products of our Spring/Summer Collection are arriving weekly in both our Jávea and Altea shops and there are a LOT of new designs to choose from.
These days almost anything goes when mixing and matching fabrics. Yes, there are seasonal trends but your personal touch could be trendy too!
Apart from the choice of colours, textures and patterns that we offer in our enormous collection of bed linen we also stock mattresses (that are rolled up and easy to transport), toppers and protectors plus pillows and pillow protectors which combined, all contribute to a good night’s sleep. A very worthwhile investment indeed.
We also always carry a wide selection of bold, plain and patterned curtains as well as the ever functional blackout curtains (in-house seamstress service available) and blinds.
Bath towels (maybe too early for beach towels but we do have them too!), bath mats, bedroom rugs, tea towels, aprons and many other accessories to choose from for all the rooms in your home. We have everything you need from indoors to outdoors to make small or big changes to your home or rental and our multi-lingual staff are always available to help you in any way they can.
Come and get inspired!
Both shops will be closed on Friday 7 April and Monday 10 April. yorkshirelinencostablanca.com
Centro Comercial Montgó, Cap de la Nao Plà 68, Jávea. T 966 462 275.
Mon to Fri 10.00 – 19.00, Saturday 10.00 – 18.00
Partida Planet 177, Altea. T 965 841 399
Here are two Sudoku puzzles of different skill levels for you to try. It is not a math game at all - it is a pure logic game. Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every
3 x 3 grid contains the digits 1 through to 9 with no repeats, which means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box.
1 Frown (5)
4 Grey (5)
10 "Raising ---" (1987 Nicolas Cage film) (7)
11 Hibernian (5)
12 Outer covering (4)
13 Final course sounds dry (7)
15 Stalwart in the lead, or out of sorts (11)
19 Implore urgently (7)
21 Emperor of Rome, 54-68
AD (4)
23 Throw out (5)
24 Angers (7)
25 Inheritors (5)
26 Rounds up (5)
2 Dry red Italian table wine (7)
3 Horse-stopping command (4)
5 Gymnastic pommel horse exercise (8)
6 Banish (5)
7 Bears out cavalryman's sidearm (5)
8 Obsolete form of marine propulsion (6,5)
9 Snap (5)
14 Forebear (8)
16 Appeared (7)
17 Grew less (5)
18 Pinch in the fundament (5)
20 Filch (5)
22 It's made of wood in the woods (4)
See back pages for answers
If you are looking for reliable and trustworthy businesses in the Costa Blanca, Spain, you may want to consider the members of the Costa Blanca Business Association (CBBA). The CBBA is a well established and respected business group that has been operating since 2006. The CBBA members are dedicated, committed and professional businesses that work closely together and actively help each other. They offer a wide range of services and products, from pool maintenance to property sales, from accounting to media marketing.
But what makes the CBBA different from other business groups? One of the main reasons is their code of conduct, which ensures high standards of service and customer satisfaction. The CBBA members have to abide by this code of conduct, which includes:
- Being honest and fair in all their dealings with customers and fellow members
- Providing clear and accurate information about their products and services
- Respecting the privacy and confidentiality of their customers
- Delivering on their promises and honouring their guarantees
- Handling complaints promptly and professionally
- Keeping up to date with relevant laws and regulations
- Supporting the CBBA's objectives and reputation
The CBBA also has a rigorous vetting process for new members, which involves checking their references, credentials, insurance and legal status. Only businesses that meet these criteria can join the CBBA. This means that you can trust that the CBBA members are qualified, experienced and reputable.
The CBBA also provides benefits for its members, such as networking opportunities, business referrals, marketing support, training events and social activities. The CBBA members work together as a team, sharing their knowledge, skills and resources.
If you want to find out more about the CBBA or its members, you can visit their website at www.cbba.es. There you can browse through their directory of businesses or contact them directly for any inquiries or recommendations. You can also follow them on social media or subscribe to their newsletter for updates.
The CBBA is more than just a business group; it is a community of trusted professionals who care about their customers and each other. If you are looking for quality service with a personal touch in the Costa Blanca, look no further than the CBBA.
Marina Alta is
From Freud to Hockney By John Iddon on Thursday 6th April at Salones Canor Teulada. Doors open at 10am for registration and the presentation begins at 11am. Coffee is available prior to the lecture for members and guests.
For details of membership please contact Maggie at mb.marinaalta@theartssociety.org or for more information David at ch.marinaalta@theartssociety.org
Find the Arts Society on our website: theartssociety.org/marina-alta.
David Glover. Chair: The Arts Society Marina Alta.
We will be visiting Marsella (France), Savona, Civitavecchia/ Rome and Cagliari (Italy) and Palma (Spain) before heading back to Valencia.
It includes transport from La Lloma in Benidoleig to Port of Valencia and return - Taxes/ service charges (tips) - All mealsDrink package - Group medical assistance and cancellation insurance.
If anyone is interested in going please contact jayne.roberts911@googlemail.com.
Find all the Spanish words from the word list in the puzzle grid. Words may be found going forwards, backwards, up, down or diagonally. Answers can be found in the back of the magazine. Good Luck.
Stephen Drake-Jones was born in Leeds, Yorkshire and moved to Spain during Franco's last year as dictator in 1975. He has since lived and worked in Madrid as a historian, he is also the Chairman of the Wellington Society Madrid. His daughter Clare was born in Madrid and often works there but is based on the Costa Blanca, Altea. Together they have spent the last three years writing a book called Drake Jones' Madrid. Which combines Madrid's rich history, architecture, Art, scandalous affairs, murder most foul and military conflicts. The lives and deaths of some of Spain's most famous characters are included, amongst them the world renowned author Cervantes and the curious story of his protagonist, Don Quixote.
They have also included fascinating historical sites, museums, squares, churches, the Royal Palace and an entertaining who's who of many statues. Also covered are some of their favourite restaurants, tapas and places to sample regional Spanish wines. Most of these places mentioned have a curious history of their own, including one named after Madrid's most notorious highwayman, Louis Candelas; another where one of Napoleon's soldiers was murdered and his body hidden in a wine vat. Both the cellar and wine vat still exist to this day and can be visited.
They have also added some of the oldest shops dating from a baker's of 1830, a hatter's since 1832, a traditional fan shop from the 1850s and another specialising in cloaks, which opened in 1901, and has served the likes of Picasso, Hollywood stars and Royalty.
The book was designed so that the reader can dip into the parts they are most interested in visiting or to discover them from the comfort of their own home.
To buy a signed copy please visit their website www.wellsoc.org or if you are in the Altea/ Benidorm area you can call Clare on (+34) 685 524 049.
I am currently seeing lots of information about how to make your natural grass lawn look good, things you should and shouldn't be doing and the mistakes not to make so you don't damage your lawn, and all sorts of things that just sound so tiring.
I know a lot of these articles are probably more English based but in essence the same rules apply to the grass we have in Spain and all I keep thinking is who can be bothered, really.
The worst thing is, even if you have a gardener there is no certainty that they actually know what to do, believe me I have seen literally hundreds of gardeners at work here and as someone who has designed, built and maintained gardens over the years and having been trained in England by some of the best landscape and gardening companies, I know what should and shouldn't be done and to say that often it isn't, would be a minor understatement.
This brings me back around to the lawns. Why bother having the constant expense, burden, challenge of maintenance looming over you or you gardener when you can choose artificial grass? As I said, I have been involved in gardens for a very long time now and at a very high level and that is why I know artificial grass is such a good option here. As I've said before it's not that I hate natural grass, not at all, grass has such an amazing place in the garden, but when you add up all the factors, here in Spain having natural grass really is not the best idea and therefore to achieve your goal of having a beautiful neat, clean, green space can really only be achieved by using artificial grass. Our grass is 100% non toxic, 100% recyclable, tested to be the same level of safety as a child's toy, doesn’t require watering, doesn’t require maintenance and looks great all year round no matter the weather. It's great on terraces, in garden areas in children's play areas. It really is a no brainer, so forget about the stress of how to maintain your lawn. You have better things to do like enjoying your time here in Spain. We have a whole host of information on our website about our grass products and lots of great pictures from happy customers. If you have any questions or queries, feel free to drop us an email.
In the middle of the month you will have an explosion of feelings as you start to celebrate a special time in your life. Friends and relatives are very generous towards you and things really are looking good. Enjoy this moment as you really have deserved it.
Don’t put it off any longer, get all the little things done and out of the way so you can concentrate on more important things. Planning a trip away can help to give you something to look forward to.
Someone you admire will surprise you with their help and support as you didn’t even know they cared that much about you. Your willingness to help out needs to be kept in check otherwise you are going to over do it.
You are fed up of just standing back when you know you are in the right. Make sure that it is worth it before you make a big deal about it. Sometimes it is just not worth the hassle, even though it does not seem fair.
Diplomacy seems to be the word of the month. You will need to have the patience of a saint with some of the situations you find yourself in. Fortunately you will find it and things will smooth over quickly.
You are heading for a rocky time with misunderstandings and regrettable words and actions. Try not to let it get out of control, be the better person before it becomes a cycle of tit for tat.
This month will find you much more settled in yourself. You have been a bit erratic recently but now seemed to be getting things sorted which have been held up for too long. With everything coming together you will be able to see things more clearly.
Looking to the future and starting some saving will give you the ability you need to do all the things you want, rather than just dreaming about them. Make it happen, you won’t regret it.
Opening yourself up to more opportunities and people and you will be surprised by how much you enjoy all the new experiences it brings you. Enriching your life really will be an eye opener, and you will wish you did it sooner.
Love is in the air, be it appreciating and reenforcing a long term relationship, or starting out on a new one. Enjoying each moment you are together and planning for the future will cement the bond you have.
If you need a get away, try to make it happen. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant. Just a day by the sea, or walking in the mountains can bring the space and tranquillity you are searching for.
Watching and waiting to see the reactions of others will serve you better right now. Jumping in will lead to regret later on. No hasty decisions should be made however straight forward they seem to be. Towards the end of the month things will become clear as to the direction you should go.
Pools are great, but a constant challenge!
The environment perpetually contaminates and infects all pools through: rain, dust, dirt, pollen, insects, fertilisers, sunlight, and photosynthesis. Worse, humans contaminate and infect the swimming pool with: sun cream, cosmetics, sweat, urine, faeces, skin, hair, etc. Need we say more?
This is how we deal with it…
Our philosophy at Techpools comes down to: Circulation – Filtration – Disinfection - Heating.
Perpetual circulation of the constantly injected disinfectant removes contaminants and infections to the filter 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The result being crystal clear algae free hygienic soft comfortable water – all at a low operating cost.
Technical Considerations.
Our flow controlled programable 24/7 circulation pump uses as little as 1.5Kw in winter and approx. 5Kw in summer. These pumps are extremely low noise. We use biologically designed media that is 100 times lighter than glass and much more effective. And finally, our systems disinfect the water up to 24 times a day directly from the plant room with programable injection.
Now add in luxury.
We use inverter heat pump technology which means high COP values. COP refers to the heat pump and it works just like your air conditioning. Once it reaches the set point it ticks over using very little power to maintain temperatures rather than re-heating on demand. This means the heat pump runs for most of the day using very little power matched with inverter circulation flow control which also uses very little power. Both machines are quiet, efficient and low power which means low operating cost. Our State-of-theart heating technology – combined with inverter circulation and biological filtration media leads to all day residual disinfectant and ultimately secondary ozone and UV treatment.
So all in all, our systems combine luxury – warmth – comfort - attractiveness and biologically safe pools. You might be thinking that's all very well, but how much does it cost? Whilst it's true that there is an initial investment, what you get in return is a reliable system that adds up to not only an economical solution, but the best long-term value in pool systems. Still not sure? Call Simon at Techpools on 659 999 044, for more information and a no-obligation quotation. See main advert below for more information.
Regrettably there will not be a General Assembly meeting for the Vall del Pop U3A in April and so to make up for the disappointment the planning is underway for a bigger and better Charles III Coronation GA.
If you haven't received your invitation to the King's coronation on Saturday 6th May at Westminster Abbey, do not despair. The U3A Vall del Pop has a great celebration planned for our General Assembly on Thursday 4th May at Murla and we hope as many members as possible will join us to celebrate this momentous occasion. So get busy finding coronation memorabilia and suitable dress for this royal occasion.
Some of you, I am sure many of you, may remember the late Queen Elizabeth's coronation on 2nd June 1953. Where have the years gone? And how much has everyday life changed during those years in so many ways. Fashion, technology, travel, types of employment, social media, 15 UK Prime Ministers, TV ownership and the number of TV channels, 24-hour news, lifestyle changes, ownership of central heating, washing machines, telephones and cars, wars and conflicts, medical advances, rise in life expectancy, racial diversity, gender equality and changes to the empire to name just a few! Maybe you have photographs or souvenirs from then or just distant memories. And it seems only yesterday we were celebrating the late Queen's platinum jubilee and watching the amazing scenes of pageantry and patriotism on television. No one does it quite like the British, do they? I'm sure the King's coronation will be just as spectacular. So what do we have planned? We will be serenaded on the keyboard by Bill White, with patriotic songs from across the years. The ‘Let's Sing Together’ group will entertain us with popular songs, for you to join in with. The Goodwill team will hold a plant sale and pre-loved stall so you can treat yourselves. Any donations of plants or items gratefully received. A guest speaker will talk to us about Gin (not sure we will get to sample any sadly)!!
The venue for the recent gathering of Chicas Amigas social group was a new one for us called Select, in Moraira.
Thirty seven of us packed the nice warm interior to full capacity. After a welcome cava we all found our seats, the staff were charming and the food was very good, including a surprise big tempura prawn amuse-bouche to start. A great way to pass a cold grey afternoon. Thanks as usual to Lynn and her helpers. Jan Adams
You are invited to make and wear a crown to the meeting and there will be a prize for the most creative.
We would ask all members to bring a plate of food, homemade or purchased, to share as part of a summer buffet (you may recall this was a huge success at our Christmas meeting with a fabulous spread for everyone to enjoy).
We will provide complimentary cava and orange juice to toast the King. There will be a complimentary raffle with super prizes and lots of decorations and celebratory good cheer.
So please put the date in your diary and start thinking about your crown and buffet contribution. We look forward to celebrating with as many of our members as possible on Thursday 4th May at Murla.
Article written by Paula Heffron.
If you have spare time on your hands please contact your local pet charity to see how you can help out. They are always in need of more volunteers to walk the dogs, stroke the cats, meet the horses or help with cleaning out the kennels and stables. If you have an idea for fund raising they would love to hear from you.
Vince 7, is a gorgeous boy who is so easy to walk on the leash and who adores female dogs. We recommend that Vince goes to a home where there are no small children, or cats. Please contact Akira on 657 689 567 or email akirashelter@aol.com.
Leiko is a crossbreed born is 2010. He is a sweet dog but tends to be a little bit naughty if you let him. With the right education he will turn out to be a good family dog and a buddy for life. Please call 618 754 635 or visit www.apasa.eu.
Maisie Grey is 2 years old. She is very loving towards people but does not like other cats around. We are looking for a forever home for her where she will be the only pet. Can you offer this gorgeous girl her forever home? For more info please call PEPA on 650 304 746 or email p.e.p.a.animalcharity@gmail.com.
Meet Our Horses! Join us on Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings at APAC Rescue Horses to see the horses and help support us. Everyone Welcome. For more information email apacprotectora@gmail.com, visit www.apac-cv.com or Facebook: Apac Rescue Horses.
Sunny is one of our many lovely cats. Shelter open every Sunday 10am - 12pm, whatsapp Luisa 669 376 113 for more information. Denia Cat Protection League –Aldea Felina, please visit www.aldeafelina.es
Estrella is just amazing. She was taken from the worst owner possible and ate from the bins. To our surprise she is one of our best dogs. 6 years old and ready for adoption. Want to know more about our Estrella, or our other dogs? Contact us on Facebook (Tanamera Rescue) or by email (stichtingtanamera@gmail.com)
This is Sena, she has been in the shelter since 2015, 8 years in a small cage. She's such a loving dog with people but better as an only dog. She deserves a loving home! Please if you are interested you can visit her in Benidorm Animal Shelter between 10am - 1pm Mon-Fri, Tel: 965 856 268, www.protectorabenidorm.org
This is our elegant Finn who is just over a year old, no health issues, confident and sociable. A perfect Pod. If you would like more information about Finn or any of our animals, please contact by email: apropego@gmail.com or call 654 616 043.
The Marina Alta Model Railway Club was inaugurated in 2017, initially with just 2 layouts at their clubhouse in Teulada.
The club was very fortunate to receive a donation of an N Gauge layout from a lady whose late husband had started its construction.
Much work has since been done on the layout, now called Smithstown, including the completion of tracklaying and wiring, fitting working colour light signals, construction of two stations, a locomotive depot and buildings. However, that’s not to say it’s finished; there are always additional projects on any layout.
There is always plenty of work to be done on all four of the club’s layouts and new members are always welcome, whatever their previous experience and skills.
Anybody who would like to join or visit the club can find more information about the Marina Alta Model Railway Club by searching on Facebook or by emailing mamrclub@gmail.com.
The timing is perfect … Easter is beautiful spring flowers, sunshine breaking through the clouds, gentle walks and outdoor activities…. and a chance of a new beginning!
You may be happy and contemplative as Easter approaches, equally, if you feel sad, disheartened or lonely, thinking there must be more to life, then a visit could be just what you need. A warm welcome awaits you all!
Come and see what’s free, empowering, enlightening and can make such a difference to your life, in a wonderful way! We would love you to visit us.
We have a very special Easter Sunday Service and every Sunday morning at 11am we welcome people who have needed an English speaking, inter-denominational church close to Moraira, Teulada, Benitachell or Jávea.
The church building is spacious, airy and light, warm in Winter, cool in Summer and the required temperatures in between…the acoustics and comfortable seating are good too! With the music ranging from peaceful to exhilarating, the wonderful worship, reverent prayer and inspiring sermons, Sunday mornings are a real blessing….. the coffee, refreshment and friendly chatter afterwards is uplifting (and free too!).
Of course, if you would like to join us more than on a Sunday, there are prayer meetings and Bible studies with refreshments, United Church Breakfasts, Ladies Lunches, weekly coffee mornings and other social events that you can enjoy with us!
Everyone of any age is welcome and you will be amazed at the difference a visit can make. Find us on the Cumbre del Sol, Benitachell, just below the Lady Elizabeth School in the Civil Protection Building, El Puig, painted white with lime green signage. Our full address including GPS, website and Facebook details are shown in our advertisement, also on this page. Parking is easy, with ample spaces right by the entrance. Well behaved dogs, are welcome too.
Please contact Sue on +44 7770 372879 sue_hunton@ hotmail.com or Eric on +34 678 980 151 if you would like further information, more directions, a lift or if you have a special prayer request. We will always be happy to hear from you!
Bob Dylan is performing at the Plaza de Toros in Alicante on Thursday June 15 as part of his international tour to promote his latest album, Rough and Rowdy Ways. The tour kicked off in Milwaukee in 2021 and includes 12 concerts in Spain starting with two nights in Madrid on June 7 and 8, followed by Seville (10 and 11), Granada (13), Alicante (15), Huesca (17), San Sebastián (19 and 20), Logroño (21) and Barcelona (23 and 24). Tickets from €60 to €185 are available from www.bobdylan.com/on-tour/ and www.alicantegoldest.com/conciertos.
The set list includes many of his classics as well as songs from the new album. The interesting thing to note is that it is a mobilefree zone where the audience have to lock their phones away in magnetic pouches during the show.
Tel: 966 427 044 - www.helpmarinaalta.org
Tel: 634 311 690 - www.mabscancerfoundation.com
Freephone 900 525 100 - pat@samaritansinspain.com
C. Blanca North: 648 169 045 - www.aa-costablanca.org
C. Blanca South: 625 912 078 - www.aa-costablanca.org
AL-ANON BENIDORM: Tel: 634 758 539.
As summer approaches and the heat intensifies there are some great, hidden gems to be discovered underground in our area; treasures well shaded from the Costa Blanca sunshine.
Cueva de las Calaveras (The Cave of the Skulls)
Cueva de las Calaveras (The Cave of the Skulls), located in the municipality of Benidoleig, is a true jewel of nature with great archaeological value. It is a cavity of more than 900 meters in length, formed in limestone from the early Cretaceous period and deposited approximately 135 million years ago. Used by man since prehistoric times, the cave is associated with ancient Moorish and Christian legends. It owes its name to the fact that in a speleological expedition conducted in the 17th century, the remains of twelve people were uncovered inside it. The cave stands out for its soaring ceilings and the fact it is divided into a flooded area of 500 meters and a dry area of more than 400 meters that can be visited by the public. During the tour, you will see stalactites, stalagmites, beautiful domes of over 20 meters in height and impressively detailed, fossils as well as the famous skull remains.
A visit in summer, away from the baking sunlight outside, gives the cave an atmosphere of peace and total tranquillity. It is a fascinating day out for all ages and this magical experience of this underworld will set you back just 5 euros!
Cueva del Rull (The cave of the Rull)
José Vicente Mengual, known as Tio Rull, discovered this cave in the Ebo Valley (Valle d’Ebo), in the vicinity of Pego, in 1919. His much loved dog chased a rabbit down a hole and disappeared. Desperate
to get his dog back, he sent a ferret into the hole. But to no avail, neither the dog, the rabbit nor the ferret returned. The next day when José returned to the area to search again, he discovered the entrance to the caves. It presents important sets of rock formations whose origins are remarkably diverse, including stalagmites, stalactites, thick based columns and large, open “rooms”. The route of the visit covers a length of 220 meters and a slope of 19 meters, made in a circular direction and allows one to admire, from a range of different perspectives, the grandiose underground landscape. The caves have been open to the public since the 1960s. The facilities were renovated in 1995 and a more entertaining and safer route has recently been created. A guided visit is available and the admission cost will set you back only 4 euros.
Cova del Llop Mari (The cove of the Sea lions)
This is the smaller of the two marine caves located near Cabo de la Noa in Xábia. It name was popularised when, many years ago, sea lions came to breed in the cave (the Valencian word for sea lion is Llop Mari). The cave is almost impossible to enter by foot, you will have to swim or paddle to it from the nearby beach or boat.
The second marine cave is Cova Tallada, which means the carved cave. According to discoveries dating back to Roman and Moorish times, it was exploited to extract the Tosca stone as utilised for the Church of San Bartolomé in Xábia. This cave is accessible from both Xábia and Dénia. On foot, it is an arduous hike (not suitable for young children), so to make the most of it, rent a boat and enjoy sailing along the coast.
These local caves, above and below ground, offer a fascinating insight into the geological makeup of the Costa Blanca area as well as providing havens of tranquillity during the busy months.
NB: When visiting the caves, there are areas for refreshments but do remember to take cash as the card machines do not always work due to the geological features around the area.
Marina Alta Edition: 15,000 copies per issue on high quality gloss A4 paper every six months.
Vega Baja Edition: 15,000 copies per issue in high quality gloss B5 paper every six months.
March was an AMAZING month of walking and talking with friends and with the local Walk Your Way Well Community. We’ve covered hills, highways, treks, and trails. And the level of connection has been powerful. This has inspired me to write a little bit about meaningful connections and relationships. And how we can nourish them? This is something I’m passionate about. Why? Read on:
Not only do positive relationships make us happier, improve our feelings of security, and provide meaning to our lives, but they also affect both mental and physical health. Human beings rely on meaningful connections and healthy relationships with other human beings to live a well-rounded and complete existence. We all know that when we are in the throes of a bad relationship or a complicated friendship it has a derogatory effect on our wellbeing. And vice versa!
For this reason, it is important that we nurture good relationships and extricate ourselves from bad ones. We might think this is obvious but that does not mean we are always successful at doing our best with our friends and distancing ourselves from our more toxic situations. In fact, sometimes we do the opposite! Good relationships with family, friends and partners will bring the following to our lives:
- Comfort.
- Connectedness.
- Unconditional support.
- Self-esteem boost.
- Honest opinions.
- A fresh perspective.
- Life lessons.
- Loyalty.
Sweet Caroline Blue Jeans
Cracklin’ Rosie
all the hits and more
- Eliminate loneliness.
- Free therapy.
- Encourage activities.
- Increase social skills.
- Share adventures.
- Share secrets.
- Help you grow.
with Niamh O'SheehanWe can get caught up in our own heads and forget the importance of staying connected. We need to find the RIGHT TRIBE and offer up our time to nurture meaningful relationships.
If you are feeling lonely or disconnected then one of the things I always suggest is…..drum roll…. JOIN A WALKING GROUP! You’ll connect with others, connect with nature AND connect with yourself. Group walks tick all the boxes. If a walking group isn’t your cup of tea then how can you find the right tribe? Consider these tactics:
- Find people with similar interests
- Join clubs and hobby classes
- Seek out suitable local communities
- Avoid places you don't like
- Hang out in places you love
- Ditch judgment
- Be the first to reach out
- Love yourself first
I hope some of this month's ramblings resonate?
If you’d like to join a Walk Your Way Well hike or event then drop me a WhatsApp. Would be lovely to connect!
Niamh +34 676 507 791.
Suitable for Restaurants, Outdoor Venues & Private Parties
Call JJ.Jones - 684416833
It’s all happening on Saturday 29th April 2023
At Pub Delfin – Calle Delfin, Calpe from 10am - 1pm – raffle drawn at 12.30pm.
Come and enjoy home made cakes, pies, quiches & sausage rolls, take some home made chutney & marmalade home too!
There are hand made greeting cards, top class bric a brac and hand made material goods to buy.
Our famous raffle will have super prizes & you can win at the bottle tombola or try your luck at the games & competitions
All the money to local charities so do come and support us –be prompt – we sell out quickly.
Moftag (mighty oaks from tiny acorns grow)
Finally, Spring has come to Alcalali and a warm sunny morning is welcomed with bird songs. Then at 10.30am, in a quiet corner of the village, the people are stirring and wives call to husbands to bring the coffee to the terrace, and more remote friends are invited to join them as the bird song gives way to the sounds of The Entertainers, outside on Jo’s naya, starting their practice and testing out their fantastic new equipment. They are busy laying down a completely new set of their backing tracks in readiness for their new season and this year there are many more up-beat songs from an even wider range of singers.
As one neighbour was heard to say – ‘people would pay just to hear them practice’. So if you hear music when you are next in Alcalai don’t be surprised.
As well as laying down backing tracks The Entertainers are programming their performances. Some already fixed in the early-summer diary includes: 1st June for Jalon Valley Help at Los Arcos, 15th June for SCAN at Los Arcos, and 3rd August Benidoleig Fiesta, with many more under discussion, including private events, throughout the summer and beyond. So start marking your calendar! The Entertainers will be performing soon at a venue near you, for many local charities. Keep you eye on their Facebook page, The Entertainers – Vall de Pop and Beyond, and the local media where I will do my best to keep you updated. Article written by Peter Sockett.
Pick and Mix (Denia U3A guitar group) did their first indoor concert recently, only seven of the group were allowed in for safety reasons and we had to wear face masks to start but after being checked we were able to remove them, everyone had a very enjoyable time with lots of singing and dancing. We will be doing more concerts in the near future hopefully with more members taking part. The guitar group meet every Wednesday in El Verger. For more information on this and our many other groups visit www.u3adenia.com
We have a full house of such a diverse selection of retro, vintage, antique and collectables from Antique books to garden architecture with everything in between including porcelain, bronze, crystal, jewellery etc. It's an opportunity to support local charities like the Lions of Calpe and Benissa, a children's charity, and a Cancer charity. Michell the plant man and Gemma Saunders from Telitec complete the team. Parking and entrance are free. No matter what the weather is doing its the place to be. It's indoors, there's air conditioning or heating. The date is Good Friday, 7 April, the venue, Salones Canor, Calle Assegador, Teulada 03724. From 0900hrs until 1500hrs. Contact Paul 626 795 587 for more information.
Across: 1 Scowl, 4 Ashen, 10 Arizona, 11 Irish, 12 Rind, 13 Dessert, 15 Lionhearted, 19 Beseech, 21 Nero, 23 Evict, 24 Enrages, 25
For those of us living in ‘The Valley’, actually the Jalon & Orba valleys, Jalon Valley Help is a name we know. We know it is a charitable organisation structured to help anyone in need in our community, irrespective of age or nationality. This probably is the limit of what we know about JVH so, in a series of three consecutive articles, I want to explain:
- What JVH actually does to help people in need,
- How is JVH Funded, and most importantly,
- How can I help JVH, as without our help no charity can continue its operations.
Jalon Valley Help was founded in 1992 with the aim of providing help to anyone in need within the Jalon and Orba valleys, irrespective of age or nationality.
What do JVH mean by Help?
JVH does not give out cash but instead they help to provide short-term solutions to people’s problems, many of which are medical. For instance:
- You may need a driver to take you to hospital/medical appointment or a translator to assist you at such appointment.
- You may be on your own or have recently lost a family member/ friend so you need support/somewhere to find a friendly face –JVH has a drop-in centre at the Animo in Alcalali where the ‘Animo family’ hold coffee mornings, Sunday afternoon tea, a craft group meeting each Thursday and a weekly seated keepfit session.
- You may need additional care or medical equipment following an operation. JVH loans wheelchairs, commodes, walking frames and even hospital beds free of charge, although they do require a deposit against non-return.
- With Cancer Care Javea they provide a weekly cancer support drop-in each Thursday at the Animo.
- They have a 24-hour Helpline to answer any emergencies.
- They support several other local caring organisations including Caritas, Gandia Men’s Hostal, ADIMA (a Spanish organisation supporting people with learning disabilities, Women’s refuge, and supported Home4U to help the Ukrainian refugees.
Last year alone JVH donated 16,000€ to local caring organisations, spent 55,000€ on social care for individuals, raised 13,000€ for Help4U and helped them to furnish and equip homes and to provide clothes for Ukrainian refugees.
Currently, in 2023, JVH have more than 160 items of equipment, ranging from hospital beds to walking frames, out on loan in 30 towns and villages within ‘The Valley’, from Castells in the west, to Rafol de Almunia in the north, Javea & Moraira on the coast and Benissa in the south. In certain cases of need JVH also has currently loaned specific equipment to people outside ‘The Valley’, going as far north as Pego/Oliva and to Calpe/Altea in the south. Although the main focus area is around the towns of Jalon/Alcalali/Parcent/ Orba in ‘The Valley’. These loans are all made irrespective of nationality.
Each year JVH organises, with the support of the Municipal Authorities, their very popular ‘Carols in the Square’ in December in Jalon/Alcalali/Orba, when the charity says thanks to the residents for their support during the year.
Obviously all this help costs money, and equally importantly it requires time from committed volunteers. Could you be a part of this friendly locally based charity? We all have something to give, so let’s not put off volunteering until a friend/family member actually needs JVH’s help. Let’s volunteer our services today. My next article will address how JVH is funded, and my third article will address in detail how we can each support JVH. See our website www.jalonvalleyhelp.com for details of the amazing things JVH do within our communities and call Pam Brooks, JVH President, on 634 310 415 to discuss how you can help with time or donations.
Article written by Peter Sockett.
Leukopolis Masonic Lodge Nº85 were very pleased to donate 300€ worth of foodstuffs to a local charity, Project4all.
Project4all has been inexistence for more than 2 years and relies solely on volunteers and donations. Currently they are supporting around 100 people in need.
They also have a recuperation house where 4 men are provided with shelter and a women’s refuge house which currently houses 3 women. The recuperation house serves as a steppingstone to start a normal life again.
With these donations, the volunteers from Project4all are able to prepare, cook and distribute these supplies to those most in need.
Twenty three of our Just Friends group ventured into the mountains beyond Jalon for lunch and hoping to see the almond blossom.
The blossom was upsettingly sparse because of the horrible disease xylella fastidiosa which has decimated the trees, although we did manage to find a few in glorious flower. But the lunch at Victoria Station was excellent as usual and very enjoyable, with our group filling the sunny room on three big tables. Many thanks to Jean, our indefatigable organiser.
Perfecto, discover U3A Moraira-Teulada wine tasing group Report by Fiona Samkey, photo by Pat
ClarkeMembers of the MorairaTeulada U3A wine tasting group discovered a new taste sensation at their final tasting of the season, held at the Hill Top in Moraira with six Corcovo wines brought from Valdepeñas by Domingo on his 15th visit to the tasting group.
Describing the merits of the first wine, a new season Blanco Airén, Domingo’s ebullient wingman, Javea-based Franco, recommended it would be great with the blue cheese from the platter on each table. It was a light bulb moment for so many present who had long believed strong cheese should be paired only with red wine. Forty-five tasters – including several new members and a couple who thought being there was just the best way to celebrate their 49th wedding anniversary – sampled the three whites, two reds and one rosado.
Three of the bodega’s wines recently won Gold or Silver at the biggest wine tasting competition in Spain and two of them were on offer. The Gold-winning Moscato white is made from the usually sweet Moscatel grape, and which is picked and crushed by night to avoid the high daytime temperatures. The Silver winning Rosado with its hints of strawberry, raspberry and cherry was described by Franco as being “none of that blush stuff, it’s three of your daily five”.
Many thanks for another successful year must go to Pat and Brian Clarke who continue to give their time and effort to run the group. Thanks too to the staff at the Hill Top bar for the tasty nibbles provided.
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