Willem Koopmans noticed that his eye sight was getting worse and booked an eye test with Specsavers Ópticas in Jávea. He had been experiencing headaches, but didn’t think it was anything serious. So, he was very surprised when Optometrist Cecilia Navarro told him that they had found signs of glaucoma during the eye test and gave him an urgent referral to Juan Carlos private hospital.
“I had noticed some changes to my vision and was getting some headaches, but thought I just needed to get new glasses. Although I do have a family history of glaucoma, I wasn’t really aware of what it could do to your vision and hadn’t thought I could be suffering from it with so few symptoms. Of course, I wasn’t happy to be told that I could have glaucoma, but I was very grateful to have the signs of the disease found before it did too much damage and be referred to a specialist for diagnosis and treatment. I am now on drops to control the condition, my headaches have gone, and my eye sight is much better. Although it’s not 100%, at least I know that the glaucoma won’t get any worse while I take the drops.
I’d like to thank the team at Specsavers Ópticas in Jávea and remind everyone to get their eyes tested on a regular basis. It doesn’t hurt – only takes around 25 minutes and could save your sight.”
Optometrist and director of Specsavers Ópticas in Jávea Cecilia Navarro says, “I want to raise awareness about glaucoma and how damaging it can be to sight. Unfortunately, as we can see from this case, the condition has very few symptoms, even when the damage to the eye is quite extensive. Vision loss from glaucoma is irreversible, which is why we encourage people to have their eyes tested every two years and come in as soon as they notice changes to their vision or headaches. Early diagnosis is key to saving sight!”
There are six stores on the Costa Blanca, in Jávea, Calpe, Benidorm, Torrevieja, Guardamar and La Zenia. Visit www.specsavers.es to find your nearest store and book a free eye test.
We had a few false starts on the build up to Christmas with missed flights due to illness and panics due to strike action but at the time of writing everything is back on track for the family get together. I'm sure my chocolate consumption is helping keep things going in the right direction.
This year sees the 30th Anniversary of the magazine and whilst reminiscing in the office and looking back to the first copies I was reminded that some advertisers who are with us today were with us from the start. We are so grateful to the loyalty of our advertisers and I guess it also means we must be doing something right! We continue to be proud of every issue we produce in the knowledge that it is still serving the community with local news and event information, as it always has. We will continue to keep away from fake news, sensationalism and follow the policy of 'If you haven't got anything nice to say then don't say anything at all'. I don't make New Year's resolutions but when asked I have hinted that many should make theirs to just be kinder this year. I feel that so many people have got into a spiral of seeing problems and negativity, which is understandable in the world today, but if we all try to find solutions and help each other a bit more, then the world would be a better place for everyone.
Like and Follow us on Facebook www.facebook.com/FemaleFocus/
Office: Mon to Fri. 10am - 2pm Tel. 657 501 055 editor@femalefocusonline.com advertising@femalefocusonline.com classifieds@femalefocusonline.com www.femalefocusonline.com
Pick up your next issue on 1 February. Deadlines: Editorial & Advertising - 12 noon - 16 January.
Our Publications are available from over 1000 distribution points throughout the Costa Blanca, making us the largest Free English language magazine publisher by far! Gandía to Jávea
It just leaves me to say Happy New Year and all the very best for 2023. Together let's make it a good one. Until next time, take care and be kind. Calpe Stephen 641
Female Focus is proud to have been voted the third most popular magazine worldwide in the independent Expat Survey Consumer Awards
We are proud supporters of www.aldeasinfantiles.es
Last month we had a look at what shooting stars (meteors) are and when you are most likely to observe them flashing across the night sky. Since then I've had a couple of questions, so I'll answer those now.
Firstly, how big are most of the bits of rock and dust that make these celestial fireworks? The little ones that burn up will be less than a mm in diameter, larger ones that give a really good trail of fire across the sky will be 2mm to 4mm, so they're mostly very small.
Secondly, how high up are they burning? Anywhere from 95 to 110 kms up for the vast majority, that's the edge of space where most of our atmosphere begins. You might like to know that the best estimate of the total amount of all this stuff, if we could weigh it is about 40 tons a day, so that's an awful lot of bits of rock.
Ok, now that I've cleared that up, I'd better explain my articles title, listening to meteors, and tell you how to have a bit of fun trying it for yourself. There aren't any sound waves from meteors that we can hear from our gardens, but they do affect radio waves, the signals that we all hear on our radios. To understand this I'll give you a technical word, Ionisation. When a meteor burns up, the heat makes the atoms in our air lose electrons which leave an invisible trail across the sky. This is similar to the old radio valves of our youth, where a hot filament of wire produced electrons to make your old gramophones etc work.
This trail of ionisation does something special, it reflects radio waves and we can use it to 'hear' a meteor, very simply, and without any special equipment.
All you need is a decent FM radio. Pull out the aerial, and start tuning, what you need is a really distant station around 89 to 90 MHz. You are trying to find a station so weak that you can't make it out, there's something there, but you can't hear it properly. When a meteor burns up above us, that trail of ionisation will reflect the signal and you'll hear a momentary surge in the volume, and quite often a pop or whistle. That's all there is to it, you've heard your first meteor, and incidentally, done a bit of radio astronomy. You can try this anytime, but there is a best time to do it, unfortunately that's very late night until dawn. This is because as the Earth rotates, we move from a position in orbit where the meteors in space are catching up with us, to where we are advancing on them. That's not easy to visualise if you're not used to it, so I'll include a little diagram to help out.
That's all for this month so I'll leave you to enjoy the clear winter skies and cool as it is, be glad we're not standing outside in the UK.
● To find out more about observing and astronomy why not join our group, email us at vegabaja.astronomygroup@gmail.com to find out more.
Charles Oates, Vega Baja Astronomy Group.We trust you all had a lovely festive period and are looking forward to the New Year ahead. Let’s hope some of the world’s problems sort themselves out this year!
Given that we are at the very start of the year, we thought it was a timely opportunity to remind Spanish tax residents of their fiscal obligations throughout the year. Below are some key dates to look out for in the calendar.
Remember, the Spanish tax year runs in line with the normal calendar year, from 1st January to 31st December. This could be different to other countries systems; for example, the UK's, which runs from 6th April to the following 5th April.
- Modelo 720 Declaration: This is a non-taxable Worldwide Asset declaration which needs to be completed by the 31st March 2023. Spanish tax residents should declare all overseas assets (outside of Spain) which have a value of 50,000€ or more. The value taken for each asset is calculated as per its value of 31st December the previous year and includes bank deposits, investments, and property.
- “La Renta” Income Tax Return: This is the generic income tax return which most people will have experienced in the past. The income tax return has to be completed by the 30th June 2023 but is often done as early as May, allowing accountants to get ahead of the game. Spanish tax residents have an obligation to declare and pay tax on any Worldwide Income which is outside of any exemptions/ allowances. Each person has at least a 5,550€ personal allowance to offset against income, which rises depending on age and other factors.
- Wealth Tax “Impuesto de Patrimonio” / Solidarity Tax “Impuesto de solidaridad a las grandes fortunas”: These taxes apply to both residents and non-residents alike but only affects individuals with significant estates. Any tax liability starts after the personal allowance has been deducted; set at between 500.000€ and 700.000€ per person, depending on which autonomous region you live in within Spain. There are also additional allowances for main residences. The declaration for the Wealth tax has to be done at the same time as La Renta, i.e. by the 30th June 2023. The Solidarity Tax is likely to be levied on the 31st December each year.
It may be that some (or all) of the above declarations are not applicable to you given your circumstances but if you have any doubts whatsoever, we would strongly recommend that you check your position.
Having lived and worked in Spain for over a decade, we are very well placed to inform you of your obligations and to give you guidance on where you stand. Please do not hesitate to make contact with us if you think we can help.
● Logic Financial Consultants are fully regulated & licensed financial advisers, covering the Costa Blanca, Murcia and Canary Islands. We can travel to you, or you can visit our office at Calle Andres Lambert 24, 1B, Jávea. Tel: 965 020 444. Email: info@logicfc.com Web: www.logicfinancialconsultants.com.
The easy three step system for lifting lashes for 6 weeks, laminating brows for 3 to 4 weeks and to complete your eye treatment, a simple wax n shape.
No matter how much mascara you layer on, sometimes your lashes just need an extra boost, and while lash extensions and falsies are always an option, they do require regular maintenance.
Naturally Mimis Kru do offer all these options. But the latest fashion here at the salon is to have a lash lift for your natural lashes, this is a relatively low-maintenance process that lifts and curls lashes long-term.
A lash lift curls your lash from base to tip so that you can see the full length. Complementing and exposing more of your eye colour and shape. All lashes have a natural shape to them, so this process alters that shape via a tiny curling rod and a lifting solution. (It’s not as scary as it sounds, as your eyes are closed as it’s applied but yes, there are some chemicals involved.) The treatment should always be performed by a licensed professional, which is always the case at Mimis Kru.
Our therapist will pick a suitable curling rod size to shape the lashes, cleansing the eye area first and placing a silicone rod onto the eyelids. The natural lashes are then curled over and attached to
the rod with an adhesive to set the lashes.
Once our therapist ensures everything is positioned correctly, a lifting lotion is applied to allow the lashes to mould around the curling rod, followed by a setting lotion that sets the lash shape.
Expect the whole thing to take about 45-60 minutes. Mimis Kru sometimes require a patch test 48 hours before your appointment to ensure you don’t have a reaction to the solutions used.
The results typically last four to six weeks, depending on how quickly your eyelashes grow. You should avoid mascara for 48 hours after the treatment and leave lashes untouched for a full day. No makeup, or water should come in contact with your lashes for 24 hours to ensure the lift correctly sets into shape.
Once lashes are set, products can help keep lashes in tip-top shape. For post treatment care we recommend a lash oil to keep your lashes nourished and conditioned.
Eyebrow lift: our therapist cleanses the eyebrows first, then the lash lift solution is applied which softens the hairs of the brow so they can then be brushed into the style of choice. The lotion contains collagen to help protect and strengthen, panthenol to offer rehydration and volume, and cysteamine HCL to enable hair bonds to strengthen and reform.
Next, our therapist applies the lash lift fixing lotion which sets the hairs into place for lamination with a clean applicator whilst continuing to shape the brow to the client’s desire. Process 6 minutes, then the lotion is removed with cotton pads. Completing the service with an eyebrow tint and shape to complement the client’s complexion. Both treatments are on offer for January and February at 40€.
● Local 12, Edificio Caribe, Av del Pla 129, Jávea. Tel 965 793 584.
www.mimiskruhairandbeauty.com - Facebook Mimiskru. See our advert on the Horoscopes page.
Blue Diamond Colageno is bringing COLWAY: a Polish brand of cosmetics and supplements, recognized back in Poland and Worldwide, with a diamond-cut experience that we have been gathering for over a decade, supplying the market with innovative products on a global scale. These are the highest quality cosmetics based on collagen with transdermal activity and unique dietary supplements - the mastery of a clever combination of the wealth provided by Nature with the possibilities of ultra-modern technology.
VISION and PASSION have accompanied us since the beginning of the COLWAY brand. Thanks to them, we are pioneers in implementing unprecedented products and solutions.
These can leave your skin irritated. COLWAY products also deliberately avoid Propylene Glycol, often used to enhance shelf-life but can cause further irritation.
To help you take the best care of your health, we thoroughly test our product. COLWAY is a brand we recommend for medical credibility, social impact, and good business practices.
We feel a responsibility to our community to make wellevaluated recommendations that have been analysed and approved by our team of medical experts.
Choose our unique product today from our multi range, arriving from the fresh water streams in Poland using Silver Carp, essential in the regeneration of Natural Collagen!
Natural Collagen Platinum 50ml - 55€
Natural Collagen Platinum quickly and effectively brings long-lasting results, strengthening the skin and stimulating it from the inside, thus contributing to its regeneration and reconstruction.
AntiAge Body Scrub 200ml - 24,50€
The AntiAge Body scrub works effectively since the first use. The rich and perfectly composed scrub formula removes dead skin cells, massages the skin and provides it with moisture.
Blue Diamond Cream 50ml - 69€
Blue Diamond Cream is designed to pamper your skin from the very first use, while delivering spectacular skincare and vitality boosting results.
Axanta ( Supplement) 60 capsules, 33,50€
A dietary supplement containing astaxanthin, a carotenoid specific in nature, recognized as one of the strongest antioxidants on Earth, considered without exception as healthy food.
My wife’s snoring has become increasingly worse, and I am becoming concerned that there is something more seriously wrong as seems she often seems to stop breathing for seconds at a time. What could be the cause of this?
Your wife should see a doctor, as she may be suffering with Sleep Apnoea, which is a serious medical disorder.
Sleep Apnoea causes you to stop breathing for up to a minute at a time until your brain wakes you up briefly so that you start breathing again. This can leave you feeling tired in the morning and drowsy throughout the day, weaken your immune system, and can lead to frequent headaches and insomnia. More seriously it can also increase your risk of heart disease, elevated blood pressure, depression, memory loss, liver problems, elevated cholesterol, decreased sexual desire along with erectile dysfunction in men. Now available is the world’s smallest wireless nanotech device, which when attached to your fingertip can conduct a detailed sleep study in the comfort of your own home to diagnose a variety of sleep disorders.
Your specialist will then receive a detailed report about your sleep pattern and can give further advice and diagnosis of your problem, so you can end the morning lethargy, snoring or just simply be able to sleep better in general.
Isn't it great when you discover that you got more than you think you paid for? Insurance may not be the first you think of but that's what we've been hearing from our customers. You see, many of our policies have what appear to be "hidden extras" which you may not expect to be included in the policy. We're so used to certain insurance companies restricting cover which makes it even more to discover there's on that's a "good guy".
At Insurance Altea, we've worked for many tears with PlusUltra with the aim of offering excellent value policies that give really good cover.
Examples of this include: international pet liability insurance included in your home insurance policy, the option to get your car fixed in the garage of your choice, and this was a surprise, the erasing of your digital life - facebook, emails, subscription etc - included in our life policies.
If you're thinking you need to get better cover, then call Natalie at Insurance Altea, get a quote, check how much more you get, and then you decide! We look forward to welcoming you to our ranks of happy clients.
Insurance Altea: C/ Conde de Altea nº 65 (N332), 03590 Altea (Alicante). Tel: 96 584 0753, Mob/WhatsApp: 660 236 874. Email: natalie@insurancealtea.es. Website: www.insurancealtea.es. See our advert on page 4.
Following the huge success of our recent Queen Forever show in Beniarbeig, the next Magnum Productions show is planned for Saturday 21 January, again in the Teatre Auditorio in Beniarbeig, and this time features a fantastic tribute to the iconic Bee Gees, featuring a Spanish band “The Spanish Bee Gees”.
This promises to be another great show in a wonderful theatre. Tickets are on sale and can be reserved by calling Peter on 618 017 201 or by emailing magnum.concerts@gmail.com. Seats are also available to purchase from our website at www.magnumconcerts.com.
We look forward to seeing you once again for a great show and as always, profits go to local charities.
With a New Year here why not treat yourself to a new outfit and set the tone for the bright year ahead….
The SÉ TÚ ethos is ‘#Style Not Size’ … what does that mean in reality?
We source clothing with a focus on the fit, cut, design, lengths, colours and fabrics that we feel will be most flattering for our customers.
Here at SÉ TÚ the emphasis is on fit and comfort, clothing that makes you feel good, suits your character and not just covers your shape or follows a current trend or fashion.
We source ladies clothing from all across Europe to provide a wide selection of clothing suitable for UK 14 to 30 /EU 42-60, however at SÉ TÚ the size label is not important, we understand that we are all different shapes and one size does not fit all!
We label our clothes with colours it is not complicated and makes for a more relaxed shopping experience along with our generous fitting rooms and very spacious colourful store.
Pop in and let us help you find something to make you feel great!
We look forward to seeing you soon. Find us at Av. Trenc D'Alba 13, Jávea, just over the road from the pueblo (Old Town) Mercadona. Facebook/ instagram @setujavea
The Project 4 all Team led by Arne (Soeten) set a challenge to The Church on the Cumbre del Sol Mountain and many other individuals, churches and organisations again this year, to provide hundreds of shoe boxes of gifts to be delivered to the homeless on the Costa Blanca before Christmas. They are also supplying hot meals, blankets, clothes, etc and friendship! Each shoe box is filled with new items such as warm accessories, toiletries, chocolate and biscuits, a helpful treat for each person in need.
Arne and his Team visited The Church and collected many gift wrapped shoe boxes filled with warm clothing and accessories.
If anyone would like to help the Project 4 all Team by making meals to be collected from you, or helping with deliveries etc please contact Arne (Soeten) on +34 643 737 584 or The Church on the Mountain, Eric Henshaw on +34 678 980 151, they would be delighted to hear from you.
The Church on the Mountain holds church services every Sunday at 11am. For more information find us on Facebook, BenitachellChristianFellowship or www.benitachellcf.com or give Eric a call.
On Thursday 15 December 35 ladies attended the Christmas Lunch at Restaurant Patio. We raised a glass for two absent friends. We all had a great time. The food and service was excellent. I would like to thank all my JUGS (Ladies dining) that attended the lunch. A very happy New Year to all and to the staff at the restaurant Patio a big thank you for a wonderful afternoon. The next lunch is on Wednesday 11 January. Email jugslunch.u3acalpe@gmail.com for more information. Anita. www.u3acalpe.org
You may have heard of Project 4 all, a wonderful charity who deliver hot meals to those in need on the Costa Blanca.
Cantamus: The choir is looking for new members, in all voice groups, to join them. The choir sings a selection of spiritual or uplifting songs. Members are provided with all the music and tracks to learn to, so you can practice at home between rehearsals. Now would be a great time to contact Philip on 638 734 285 or Eileen 607 706 904 and they will be happy to give you all the details about the choir. They rehearse on a Monday morning 10:45 to 13:00 and will be happy to welcome you.
Caprice Ladies Choir are delighted to announce their next concert 'One Moment in Time'. They will be giving two performances, the first on Wednesday 8 February at 7.30pm in the Salon Blau, Casa de Cultura, Calpe. The second will be on Saturday 11 February at 5pm in the Xalo social centre (old Black Apple), Jalon. For more information, or tickets, contact Aileen on 696 514 613.
Careline Theatre: Fairy Godmother and Buttons are sure Cinderella will go to the Ball and with the help of 2 white mice, a lizard and a large pumpkin she is all set to go. Come along and have fun at Cinderella the Panto. A great time for the adults and of course children too. Performances 19, 20 and 21 January. Book now with the Boxoffice at www.carelinetheatre.net. Tickets 12.50€ adults and 8.50€ children. See you there.
Costa Blanca Male
Voice Choir: The choir packed the beautiful Benitachell church for our traditional Carol Concert just before Christmas and are now starting regular rehearsals again for our 'Concert in the Cave' in June. We are always looking for new members to join our multicultural group and we rehearse every Tuesday evening from 17.30-20.00hrs. You can find more details on our website www.costablancamalevoicecchoir.com and visit our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com, search @cbmvc.
Jávea Players: Dickens or Dylan? Two completely different characters will be performed in Pip Utton’s inimitable style. The former a master story-teller depicting the grim squalor of 18th century London, but also an entertaining raconteur for the last 12 years of his life. Bob Dylan, whose music has spanned decades from pop, through folk and gospel, was an avid anti-war campaigner, but is also an author and artist. 25-28 January. See www.javeaplayers.com for details.
Sounds Familiar are rehearsing for their next musical revue called Musicals Tonight. Sounds Familiar have been producing musical shows since 2009. If you are interested in this show, in joining the group for future productions, or would like more information, please see our website at www.soundsfamiliar.es or contact Philip on 96 558 1483, or philip@soundsfamiliar.es
The Phoenix Dancers had a busy December; after a successful round of exams they performed at the Feria de Navidad for the Calpe townhall, to an appreciative audience. Whilst filming their Christmas video they were seen on the seafront at sunset and after dark dancing in the attractively decorated streets of Calpe. The dancers were pleased of the positive response and interest from passers by. They are now planning a fun packed new year of performances. If you are interested in dancing at any age or level, or you are interested in helping with costumes, filming or photography please get in contact. If you are a charity we can help you make an event extra special. Contact us info@marciasdancecentre.com
The Vall del Pop Singers are currently inviting new singers to join them on Tuesday afternoons in Alcalalí. There is no requirement to read music and the group sing a selection of popular songs. This is a friendly group who welcome new singers and it is open to anybody of any age. Please contact the group for more information at valldelpopsingers@gmail.com
If you would like to be part of this band of charitable entertainers, please email editor@femalefocusonline.com. Deadline for copy is the 15th of the month prior to publication. Full details of all Stage Diary entertainment groups are available online at www.femalefocusonline.com
If you have spare time on your hands please contact your local pet charity to see how you can help out. They are always in need of more volunteers to walk the dogs, stroke the cats, meet the horses or help with cleaning out the kennels and stables. If you have an idea for fund raising they would love to hear from you.
This little chap is only 8 months old with such a passion for life - he just wants someone he can love and be loved by. He is easy to walk, only 15 kilos, and fine with other dogs but hasn’t been cat tested yet. Dune would be a lovely addition to any family. Please contact Akira on 657 689 567 or email akirashelter@aol.com.
Dogo is an Alsatian mix born 03.2009. He is very friendly to everybody, even to other males. He walks well on the lead and he is very adaptive. He would love a garden where he could run about and play. A sportive family would be ideal. Please call 618 754 635 or visit www.apasa.eu.
Maisie Grey is 2 years and is sterilised. She is very loving towards people but does not like to be around other cats and so is looking for a home as an only pet. Can you offer this gorgeous girl a home? For more info please call PEPA on 650 304 746 or email p.e.p.a.animalcharity@gmail.com.
Meet Our Horses! Join us on Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings at APAC Rescue Horses to see the horses and help support us. Everyone Welcome. For more information email apacprotectora@gmail.com, visit www.apac-cv.com or Facebook: Apac Rescue Horses.
Sunny is one of our many lovely cats. Shelter open every Sunday 10am - 12pm, whatsapp Luisa 669 376 113 for more information. Denia Cat Protection League –Aldea Felina, please visit www.aldeafelina.es
Tanamera Rescue is a small animal rescue, privately run by volunteers who rescue hunting dogs. If you would like to know more about us and how you can help please visit our Facebook page 'Tanamera Rescue' or email us stichtingtanamera@gmail.com
This is Atila, a lovely friendly dog who was found over a year ago abandoned and extremely thin. He walks well and is good with children. Atila really deserves a loving home. Please come to visit him at Benidorm Animal shelter Mon-Fri 10am to 1pm or call 965 85 62 68. www.protectorabenidorm.org
Rocky is a Belgian Malinois, a highly intelligent breed of dog that needs both mental and physical stimulation. At 3 years old, he needs an active and experienced handler, and he would become a loyal and fantastic companion. Please contact apropego@gmail.com or call 654 616 043.
It was a case of ‘no room at the inn’ when the Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir held their annual carol concert at the Santa Maria Magdalena church in Benitachell. It was standing room only as the choir entered the church singing ‘Once in Royal David’s City’ and the concert programme continued with a mixture of festive songs and congregational carols.
The audience were thrilled by young guests Archie Rawlinson who accompanied himself on guitar whilst singing ‘Perfect’ and there was hardly a dry eye in the church after Florrie Walllace sang ‘Ave Maria’. The choir’s musical director and bass/baritone John Edwards also sang a ‘The Holy Boy’, a poem arranged by John Ireland.
There were also readings by choir members Vernon Pearce, who compared the WW1 Christmas Truce of 1914 with life today, and Luis Arizcorreta, who spoke the Spanish words of the Julio Iglesias song ‘Así nacemos’.
The concert ended with a rousing encore of ‘Deck the Halls’ and after the audience’s generous collection was counted the choir announced they would make a donation of €1000 to the children’s charity Make a Smile.
If you missed the concert you can watch the videos on YouTube by searching @cbmvc and find more details of their 2023 concerts on their website www.costablancamalevoicechoir.com
At the U3A Denia coffee morning, a cheque for one thousand euros was presented by members of the committee, to the Red Cross of Denia. The Red Cross Denia, was one of three chosen charities for 2022 which have received support from U3A members throughout the year. Red Cross Denia, Helping Hands and the Salvation Army.
Pictured from left to right are Cazzie Millington (Vice President U3A), Anne de Frias (Secretary U3A), Antonio Cabezas (Denia Red Cross), Philip Johnson (Treasurer U3A), Ginny Whitehead (Events Co-ordinator U3A), and Richard Millington (President U3A).
This money was collected throughout the year by holding raffles at various U3A events and the sale proceeds of seat belt covers kindly made by our vice president Cazzie Millington, along with sales proceeds from members kind donations of used clothes which were kindly sold at the original charity shop in Jávea.
The U3A President, Richard Millington said that he was very pleased with how well the membership had supported chosen charities during the year and said a big thank you to all the members of U3A Denia.
Pictured here are representatives of The Red Cross Denia - Juan Moro and Antonio Cabezas.
Find all the Spanish words from the word list in the puzzle grid. Words may be found going forwards, backwards, up, down or diagonally. Answers can be found in the back of the magazine. Good Luck.
The HOMES GARDENS & LIFESTYLE SHOW event and team are no exception and are in full planning mode working towards the 5th & 6th MAY creating our yearly event, making it a royal occasion with new feature attractions and concentrating on great content for the Spring Show. You will find us at a new location for 2023 in CALPE. The Suitopia Hotel, located in the town centre just off the Arenal-Bol beach with plenty of parking at the hotel, and also in Calpe's FREE municipal car park, just one minute walk from the hotel.
Our official countdown has now begun for our 12th edition of the one and only truly inspirational LIFESTYLE event here on the Costas. The 2023 edition is taking on a royal theme as King Charles III will be crowned on Saturday 6th MAY. If you don’t want to miss it you can watch the King's Coronation live with us at the Show as we will be televising the special event courtesy of Telitec.
We are working on this royal theme with ideas for new attractions to celebrate the occasion so you may even be able to win the King's Ransom!!
We are booking in our exhibitors and their products and services so you can be inspired and informed about what's on offer here on the Costa Blanca, so put the dates in your new diary to come along to see, try, touch, taste, and buy!
For you, your home and lifestyle, it's the only place to be if you are looking for new ideas, information, on-trend solutions and inspiration to turn your house into a home and live your best life here on the Mediterranean coast.
We are planning to bring you fantastic Show ‘Specials & Discounts’ and give-aways galore, with fun, feature attractions, talks and presentations and the opportunity to meet over 70 exhibitors at the stands. We will have food and wine to kitchen design, garden baskets and blooms to interior design and décor, pool maintenance to mosquito deterrents, health to home fragrance, motorhomes and leisure time activities to holistic therapies and beauty products to future financial planning, currency exchange and our fabulous cooking segments! We are working on a mouth-watering line up of cooking demonstrations by some of the top chefs on the Coast!
We will be rolling out the red carpet to welcome you once again to the Costa’s leading event.
TO BOOK A STAND and participate contact gina@gmpromotions.es or call 695 399 841
The stand bookings are well under way and so is the program for the daily talks/presentations schedule. If you would like to contribute get in touch and you can also reserve your place now to ‘POP UP’ with your business for these very special 2 days in May.
If you would like to be more involved at this popular community event to promote a business a place is available in the Tapa Trail for a restaurant and a business, and our caricaturist is available for sponsorship too. Or perhaps you would like to host our VIP bar area and give the visitors a complimentary glass of bubbles or Bucks Fizz. If you have an informative presentation or new product launch to share, let's get talking about what you want to talk about.
As always, we are bringing this event together with the help of the local business community for the local international community to support each other.
To be part of our royal winning exhibition formula connect with us for more information, floor plans and prices.
See www.gmpromotions.es or Facebook @Homes Gardens and Lifestyle Show for updates, and keep checking your Focus On magazine as we will keep you updated here to!
Wishing you all happy, healthy and abundant New Year!
We all love
Popular New Year's resolutions are to lose weight, eat healthier and do more exercise. Soups are a good way to stay hydrated, eat more vegetables and lose weight.
This recipe contains cleansing ingredients to reduce the abdomen and lose weight gradually and healthily.
To prepare the soup, you need half a small cabbage - white or green - three onions, two celery sticks and a teaspoon of black pepper.
Wash and cut the vegetables, put in a saucepan with about two litres of water and black pepper. You can add other ingredients such as garlic or herbs. Bring to the boil and simmer for around 40 minutes until the vegetables are cooked.
Feel free to prepare this with some of your favourite vegetables, the more the merrier.
Vegetable soups and broths are ideal for weight loss as they have few calories, as long as you don’t add cream or cheese, while providing a lot of vitamins and nutrients.
If you don’t want to make soup, drinking Matcha tea or any green tea is also good for losing weight. You can get Té Matcha and Té Verde at most supermarkets.
Here are two Sudoku puzzles of different skill levels for you to try. It is not a maths game at all - it is a pure logic game.
that every row, every column and every
the digits 1 through to 9 with no repeats, which means that no number
After six years of work, the L9 TRAM line between Benidorm and Dénia is due to be fully operational from the beginning of 2023. The final works between Gata de Gorgos and Dénia have been completed and test trains have been running on the tracks since the end of last year.
As well as being handy for workers, taking the tram between Dénia and Benidorm has been a long-standing tourist attraction.
The 90-minute journey goes along the coast so passengers can enjoy views over the Mediterranean, picturesque Altea old town, the iconic Peñón de Ifach rock in Calpe, and the impressive skyscrapers of Benidorm. The train also weaves around superb countryside and makes a stop at the traditional town of Gata de Gorgos, well-known for its wicker furniture and baskets.
The prices are amazing too. From Benidorm to Denia the fare is €2.80 one way and €4.80 for the round trip.
As well as the TRAM being fully operational, there are plans to create transport shuttles from the railway station in Dénia to the Baleària Port terminal for ferry passengers going to or coming from the Balearic Islands.
Talks are also taking place about providing a second TRAM line between Dénia and Gandia, which will enable a rail connection with Valencia. However, these talks are in the very early stages.
Happy New Year. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year. We have some new features on the Artificial Grass Spain website showing our grasses and how you can get your hands on our product, it gives much more detail about the grasses coupled with some great photos of the product in situ.
We have always had a great grass product and want to open that up to the wider public by selling our grass and grass related products direct to you. We have now started to do Supply Only for our grass products. If you still want the full service then that isn't an issue just give us a call, message or email and we will arrange a meeting and deal with everything for you. But, if you just want a great grass delivered to your door then we can now do that too. Simply go on the website, choose which grass you would like, what size roll and what total quantity and we will be in contact, make payment and your grass is delivered to your door normally within the week. It's as simple as that, so if you are organising it for your own DIY project or for your builder etc, then it's no problem to get the best grass available in the area direct from us.
Anyone who has natural grass in Spain will be able to appreciate the cost and the fact it often doesn't look or feel very good. Whereas artificial grass always looks great, is soft to walk on, and saves you a fortune in water and maintenance costs. Don't forget it's great for terraces and balconies too if you want to add a splash of green to your lives.
For those of you who may have already got some grass and need a bit of a hand installing, we also now do an install service, so you get a professional job done. Give us a call and we can help arrange an install service for you.
So get on to the website www.artificial-grass-spain.com and get yourself some great artificial grass made in Spain to the best standards.
Article supplied by Lee Charlesworth
Telephone: 696 283 704, Email: info@artificial-grass-spain.com, Web: www.artificial-grass-spain-com
We’ve over-eaten, over-partied and maybe even drank a little too much. With some relief, the festive period is winding down and it’s time to look forward to a new productive year.
Kicking off the year with a decent walk is a great way to blow away those cobwebs, get your body moving, calories burned and your mind fresh and ready for the coming months. Let’s boot up and get out. Here’s why:
1. Walking burns between 65 and 100 calories per mile depending on your walking speed and your weight. This mean you can, without doubt, shift extra unwanted pounds. It's simple science! Walking is also a great way to burn calories without too much suffering as you’re out in the world enjoying the pretty scenery and fresh air.
2. Walking is fantastic for your mental health. Regular walking can improve self-esteem, mood and sleep quality. It can also reduce stress, anxiety and fatigue. So if you’re feeling a little lazy and sluggish after all of the celebrations, all the more reason to pull get moving.
3. Physically walking is a powerful medicine for your body, and not just for its fat burning qualities. It can lower your blood pressure, strengthen your bones and muscles, and can prevent certain conditions like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
4. Walking can be a great time to practice mindfulness, which calms the mind. Whilst walking just look around you, take in the views, the plants you might see, notice what the temperature is like, is the ground muddy underfoot… all of these things will pull you right into the moment that you are living in and bring you a great sense of being. Experience the power of now
5. Walking is sociable too! If you’re catching up with a friend this new year, don’t hit the pub, suggest a nice new year walk. You can chat freely whilst getting some beautiful fresh air in your lungs, exercising your body and setting the world to rights.
6. Overwhelmed? Perhaps you’ve been surrounded by friends and family for the whole of the festive period and just need some alone time? A walk can work wonders for this. Why not stroll up a hill or through a forest to mull over your own thoughts in peace and quiet. Sounds blissful right?
Do your mind, body and soul a favour this new year and start with a gorgeous new year walk, be it long or short, fast or slow, alone or with company, you really can’t go wrong and YOU WILL feel better for it. Walk Your Way Well
In 2023 I’ll be organising hikes, events and walk ‘n talks on the Costa Blanca. Join my Facebook group Walk Your Way Well Hikes and Walks to find out more.
Montgó Chorale were delighted to present their traditional Christmas concert at the Loreto church (Fishermen's Church) in Jávea on December 10th under the inspiring direction of Aileen Lightfoot and superbly accompanied by Kirsty Glen. As always the Choir was delighted by the enthusiasm and generosity of their audience. Comments afterwards included “Impressive”, “Fue emocionante”, “all sounded wonderful and the repertoire of songs was fabulous”. A Retiring Collection was taken for the Loreto Church’s Cáritas, the Charity providing financial and practical help and comfort to local families in need, and consequently the choir is happy to be presenting €1115 to Cáritas.
The next concert will take place in May 2023 (date and venue to be announced). The programme will include the beautiful St Cecilia Mass by Gounod and pieces by Elgar and Brahms among others, a programme to delight audiences. For any more information please email montgochorale@gmail.com. You can also find us online at montgochorale.wixsite.com/website and on Facebook: Montgo Chorale - Choir. The photo shows Montgó Chorale, Director Aileen Lightfoot and accompanist Kirsty Glen and was taken by Peter Atkinson.
Chicas Amigas held their annual Christmas in their now traditional venue, the Olive Tree Restaurant, who always look after us very well. We handed in our Secret Santa gifts to “Santa's elves” as we entered, who later scurried round to distribute them matching gift numbers to raffle tickets. Most of us had a delicious traditional Christmas meal complete with turkey and all the trimmings. Everybody went home quite late and having had a very enjoyable time. Good food, good company, and it's Christmas time, what more could you want? Once again our thanks to Lynn for making it happen. Jan Adams
A fantastic end to an amazing event. Massive thanks to Leroy Smokes & Jill Ryan for giving of their time with brilliant performances. Thanks also to Diane Findlay-Craig of the RBL for her contributions and support. And of course..... to the hosts, for all their hard work, to make it such a success; DEBS & TIM of the Dilligaf Bar. The total raised was 731.45 Euros!! Well done to all involved. Pictured with Debs & Tim are Jennifer Illston (secretary) Jacqueline Leather (President).
While many visitors to Valencia vist the Gothic cathedral which is famous for its fabulous architecture, works of art and being the home of the Holy Grail, fewer head over to Valencia’s ‘Sistine Chapel’.
The Church of San Nicolás de Bari and San Pedro Mártir is a five-minute stroll from Valencia Cathedral and is a superb example of 15th century Gothic architecture co-existing with Baroque decoration from the 17th century.
This Baroque jewel has been restored so visitors can get a much better view of the fresco paintings that many experts have called the Valencian "Sistine Chapel".
It was built as a parish church around 1242 and remodelled at the initiative of the Borja family in the Gothic style between 1419 and 1455.
Between 1690 and 1693, the interior was restyled with Baroque decoration and fresco paintings of scenes of the life of San Nicolás de Bari (St Nicholas) and San Pedro Mártir (St Peter Martyr, who is also known as St Peter of Verona), designed by Spanish painter and writer Antonio Palomino and painted by his disciple Dionis Vidal.
You can visit the church with or without a guided tour and entrance is €8. A combined ticket to San Nicolás church, the Silk Museum to find out about the history of the silk trade in Valencia, and Santos Juane church, which is worth visiting for its fresco paintings, is €12. All three monuments are in the historic heart of Valencia.
Article by Sarah Farrell -www.sarahswritestuff.com
When it comes to celebrating Jávea U3A members certainly know how to party!
There was a full house at the Social Centre in the old town for a Pre-Christmas Bash, organised by the U3A Committee. The event was an extra special version of the U3A’s monthly coffee mornings with the additional bonus of complimentary wine and tapas.
It was also a good day for charity, with a collection of donations raising around 280€ for the U3A’s charity of the year, Todos Juntos Jávea.
So popular is the annual End-of-Year Lunch organised by U3A Groups Coordinator Mike Frost and his wife Katrina that they had to put on TWO this year! Both lunches have been held at Attico restaurant in the Port and many of those attending got into the spirit of things by dressing appropriately in festive attire.
The Wine Appreciation Group (affectionately known as WAGS) also celebrated with two lunches at La Cocina restaurant in the Port. Not surprisingly, the Christmas spirit was in abundance as the wine flowed. Once again, this annual feast was organised by WAGS group leader Trevor Rush and his wife Sally.
The Snooker Group also enjoyed a Christmas lunch – at La Bodequilla restaurant in Jávea Port. Group leader Larry Sherrington organised the event, which was attended by players as well as their wives.
For details of Jávea U3A and future events, visit the website www.u3ajavea.com
Another Christmas put to bed and with it the particular smells so evocative of that Season –pine trees and candles, mince pies, roast turkey and this year, for me, the pungent rich and mystical scent of frankincense that pervaded every Christmas service at our medieval church of San Bartolomé de Jávea.
Over the centuries frankincense has achieved a highly celebrated status. Its contribution to the wealth of the ancient Arab world, where it was traded for other luxuries such as silver, gold, ivory, fabrics, wine and foodstuffs, is legendary. These precious aromatics, frankincense and myrrh, believed – along with gold – to be the prized gifts brought by the ‘Wise Men from the East’ to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus, were carried along well-travelled trade paths that were to become known as the Incense Route. Frankincense achieved the status of incense par excellence and often mixed with other fragrant ingredients to be used by the Romans in enormous quantities. It burns with a pure white smoke ideal, it is said, for sending messages to the Gods, or so the Romans and the ancient Egyptians believed. The historian al-Tabari wrote: “The smoke of incense reaches heaven as does no other smoke”.
Interestingly, our modern term perfume comes from the Latin “per fumum”, meaning “through smoke”.
Frankincense resin is obtained from an unlikely looking gnarled tree (Boswellia Carteri) that grows primarily in the Dhofar province of southern Oman. The best trees grow high in the mountains, around the usually parched riverbeds known as wadis, their only source of water provided by the occasional, intense flash flood. Despite the severe climate, the highly-prized frankincense trees prosper here, where little other vegetation survives.
Ever since the “Land of Frankincense” sites were added to the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List in December 2000, a series of excavation, maintenance and conservation programmes in collaboration with universities in Europe and the United States of America have helped to advance the knowledge of the ancient trade routes.
Frankincense and myrrh were the cornerstones of the economy of ancient Arabia.
The presents of gold, frankincense and myrrh, given by the Magi to celebrate the birth of Baby Jesus were, we are told, commodities so highly prized 2,000 years ago, they were the gift choice of kings. At the height of the trade, around the time of the birth of Christ, some 3,000 tons of frankincense a year were exported from the Dhofar region to points around the globe.
In the 21st century, frankincense still plays an important part not only in important festival services in churches around the world, including our own San Bartolomé de Jávea, but in everyday life in parts of the Middle East, particularly in Oman and the other Gulf states. Its inimitable smell is prevalent in ordinary homes and the most exclusive hotels alike. Sailors are reputed to burn it at the beginning of a long trip for good luck.
Frankincense also lives on in modern day Arabic proverbs. It is customary to light frankincense at the end of a celebration or a dinner, providing a discreet signal to the guests that it is time to leave. This popular custom was behind the Arabic proverb: “Once the incense is passed, there is no sitting on”. Maybe, especially during the Christmas festivities, this could elegantly solve the awkward ‘time to go’ syndrome? Keep it in mind for next year.
Recently U3A Calpe held their Christmas Coffee morning at the LAFMA premises in Calpe. Fortyfive members enjoyed mulled wine, coffee, mince pies and Christmas cake and participated in a raffle to boost the Christmas Appeal fund. During the morning they were joined by colleagues from the Cruz Roja team in Calpe.
President Wendy Down, and Vice President Karen Flack, handed over the results of the annual Christmas Appeal in support of the work of Cruz Roja locally to Paco and Victor. Members had generously contributed 335 euros in cash, and a large quantity of toys, baby clothes and supplies, and groceries.
Membership renewals are due on January 1st 2023, and can be paid at meetings, where there will be a membership desk in operation.
The next U3A Calpe meeting will be on Thursday 19th January, between 10.30am12.00 noon at LAFMA.
Alternatively, renewals can be handed in to the U3A Calpe mailbox at Total Postal, provided they are clearly marked with the member’s name. Bookings are also now being taken for the “Banish the January Blues” Dinner Dance, to be held at the El Toro restaurant on 1st February 2023, details on the U3A Calpe website.
This month you will have to up the pace from the start. There will be no time for relaxing but you will need to make sure you don’t rush things or decisions. Even though it is all go, take time to think things through or you will be correcting a lot of mistakes.
This year will bring the changes you have been longing for. They won’t all happen at once and you will have to work hard for some of them, but they will all be worth it as you really deserve better.
By planning some treats in advance you will always have something to look forward to. It doesn’t mean you have to spend a lot on cruises, just a few days trips or meals out will give you the boost you need.
Although there always seems to be someone trying to spoil your plans or put you off trying new things out, you need to carry on believing in yourself and not succumbing to their negativity. That doesn’t mean to say you can be reckless, you still need to be realistic.
Someone you didn’t expect is really fighting your corner when those you thought would be there for you aren’t being as supportive as you hoped. Changes in your personal life mean things will take a different direction.
New routines will bring more stability to your life and those around you. The new year brings with it new ideas and new experiences which you would not have imagined even a few months ago.
Ideas that have been going around in your head may now actually become reality. Don’t commit to too much, let people know just how much you are prepared to give and don’t waiver from that or things will become overwhelming again.
Family finances need to be addressed so that a plan is made for the year ahead. Setting goals now will ensure that you are not chasing your tail without actually seeing any reward for all your hard work.
Complications at the start of the year could have a knock on effect if you don’t deal with them immediately. Don’t try to ignore the obvious otherwise you will regret it later on. Sticking your head in the sand never works.
You have so many plans for improvement which keep getting put off. Make this year the year that they happen. Take them one at a time otherwise they will become overwhelming and unachievable.
Planning a trip will take up a lot of your time. You want to make it as perfect as possible so it will be a great memory making time, rather than a stressful one. Don’t try to over do it - sometimes less is more.
You feel like you could take on the world and you really are firing on all cylinders. Not everyone has had quite as good a start to the year, so give people space and support and they will soon have the same enthusiasm as you to the year ahead.
On Tuesday, 13th December, local Freemason’s Lodge, Arenal Deportiva Number 65 held their annual "Carols By Candlelight" concert at the ever popular Satari’s restaurant in Moraira. For once maestro Abi was not in attendance, as he had a previous football appointment in Qatar. However, good friend Zia made every effort
ensure the evening went well – and it did.
More than seventy Masons, partners and invited guests arrived for an excellent meal, a fun packed and somewhat exuberant carol singing session, and to add some Christmas cheer a charity raffle which raised four hundred and eighty euros. A generous and anonymous donor added a further twenty euros to make the round five hundred. This will be donated to the Worshipful Master’s chosen charity for this year, the Raquel Paya Special Needs Children’s School. Worshipful Master, WBro Peter Johnson, has chosen this worthy cause as one of his main charities for the year, and has supported them for many years. He hopes to continue to do so in the years to come.
The Carol Concert was led by popular local DJ Darrell Clayton who agreed to hold this for free, in order to raise as much money as possible for the charity. The money was raised by holding a grand charity raffle. This too was also cost free as all gifts were generously donated by the Freemasons themselves.
This concert has now been running for several years and has become increasingly popular year on year. We are looking forward to the next one with grateful thanks to all those involved in organising and running the concert, along with all those who gave up their time, and money, to support us.
If you are interested in joining Freemasonry, please contact us on sec@glpvalencia.com