EIGHT boxes of glasses have been handed over from Specsavers Ópticas Jávea to Carole Saunders from Calpe & Benissa Lions Club, containing over 1,000 pairs of glasses. These glasses have been donated by customers over the last 12 months and are gifted to people without access to optical care via the Lions Club’s extensive global network.
Store director Cecilia Navarro comments, ‘We collect between 1,000 and 2,000 pairs of glasses for the Lions Club every year and have been doing so since 2006. In countries where optical care isn’t easily available, these glasses make the difference between being able to study and getting a job or not, so every pair is really precious. We’d encourage anyone with old specs hanging around in their house or car to drop them in and put them to good use. You can declutter and do good at the same time!’
Carole Saunders from Calpe & Benissa Lions Club commented, ‘These glasses will now be sent to the Melvin Jones Recycling Centre in San Vicente de Raspeig near Alicante. Once the glasses have been checked, they are sent to other Lions Clubs all over the world. In the last six months, thousands of glasses have been sent to Venezuela, Honduras, Uganda and Morocco to name just a few and also to Romania for the Ukrainian refugees there. Every pair will be put to good use.’
All six Specsavers Ópticas stores on the Costa Blanca collect used and unwanted glasses to be donated to worthy causes. Visit www.specsavers.es to find your nearest store.
I appreciate everything has changed due to Brexit, but it is now far more important to have health insurance. You need to make sure there is an English speaker who can help you understand exactly what you are purchasing and how to use it.
Of course, ASSSA health policies are accepted for your Residencia, TIE and Non Lucrative, Digital Nomad and Golden visa applications and they provide the legal certification required for the process and my consultants will be able to guide you with the correct policy necessary for your visa process.
It is vital you follow the guidelines for using the policy, especially in regards to emergencies and hospitalisation. You may find yourself with a hefty bill to pay, if you do not follow the correct procedures. If you decide to use the Spanish National Health, you will be required to provide a SIP card, EHIC or payment before treatment. The Spanish health system is stretched and of course this means waiting lists. ASSSA provides hospitals, clinics, specialists and doctors, many of whom speak several languages to make your health decisions easier and faster.
Obviously if you are in acute pain, you do need to discover what is causing it and within the national health this can take many months to resolve and private health care offers the opportunity to speed up the process. ASSSA also provide emergency cover and their own ambulances, where you will be taken to a hospital related to ASSSA, which you find in your ASSSA book.
My company has an ASSSA administrator to help answer your questions, process your authorisation requests and liaise with ASSSA on your behalf if you should so wish. Yes, there are many cheaper options that you could consider. Do not be tempted by the price, you will not get what you need or expect. All private health insurance in Spain are limited in certain areas and be sure to understand these limitations before purchasing.
If you would like a quotation or more information please contact one of my offices, email info@jennifercunningham.net or visit the website www.jennifercunningham.net.
There is always something going on and living in town means you are part of it whether you like it or not. I am loving it.
What a fantastic week with my sister, her hubby and his father, where we realised how much easier it is to play host when you live in town and in a single level property.
As soon as they left it was the start of the mid year Moors and Christians. Darling daughter is the 'Cap' this year of one of the groups so has been busy organising food and drink etc only to miss it all as she had to go back to the UK. The partying around us went on 24/7 with brass bands playing throughout the night. What a fantastic atmosphere with no trouble at all - just loud enjoyment. I walked through a couple of times to go into town and was invited to join in more than once. It really is lovely to see people of all ages enjoying themselves together.
The new edition of the Professional Services magazine is now out so don't forget to pick up your copy and keep it for reference.
I hope to see you are the Homes, Gardens and Lifestyle exhibition - see pages 15-17 for more information.
Until next time, take care and be kind.
Pick up your next issue on 3 June.
Deadlines: Editorial & Advertising - 20 May.
To discuss your advertising needs in Focus on Costa Blanca North or QFocus Magazine (covering the southern Costa Blanca), contact your local representative:-
Finestrat to Moraira
Alan 689 358 232 alan@femalefocusonline.com
Gandía to Jávea
Roddy 688 815 405 or 96 575 6833 roddy@femalefocusonline.com
Office: Mon to Fri. 10am - 2pm Tel. 657 501 055 editor@femalefocusonline.com advertising@femalefocusonline.com www.femalefocusonline.com
On 4th April, we were honoured and delighted to welcome the Dutch Ambassador Roel Nieuwenkamp to Ciudad Patricia, along with many Dutch service personnel to celebrate Veteran’s Day at Ciudad Patricia. It is a day to commemorate the deployment of Dutch service personnel in the past, as well as to recognise Dutch involvement in international peacekeeping operations.
Joining us was the new defence attaché in Madrid, Lieutenant Colonel Roel de Winter, and Rob Zoutberg who works at the embassy in the press, culture and communications department, and a colleague from the Social Insurance Bank (because veterans are often very much in need of putting their questions to the SVB).
All in all, nearly 100 people attended, and enjoyed a wonderful Indonesian lunch.
People who read astronomy news will have noticed that comets feature in it quite often, and being interested, will know something about them. It's not unusual for there to be a comet cruising through our part of the solar system, but it's very unusual for any to be bright enough to be seen without a telescope or binoculars.
One that has been seen recently is 12P Pons Brooks. It's not a catchy name is it, comets get named after whoever discovers them, like Halley's comet which most people have heard of. Featured on the Bayeux tapestry, Halley's comet has been known about for over 2000 years, which shows how long the sky has been watched by human kind. Naturally in ancient times people had no idea what these things were, which is why so much superstition grew up around these supposed portents of doom. What does astonish me is that, occasionally you can still hear some of the old baloney repeated as if it is fact.
OK then, just what is a comet and where do they come from? Firstly let's not confuse them with asteroids, which are lumps of rock, big and small floating out in the solar system, or meteors, which are bits of dust burning up in our atmosphere, and meteorites which are bigger lumps that get through the atmosphere to hit the ground. The best description of a comet I've ever heard is to call it a dirty snowball, a lump of ice with lots of dust mixed in it. It's this mixture which gives comets the famous luminous tail streaking away from the centre. As this dirty snowball gets heated approaching the sun, we call the closest point perihelion, some of the water and gas vaporises and is lit by the sun resulting in a comet's tail. On the approach to the sun, the tail is behind the centre, or Coma to use the correct term. After perihelion, as the comet retreats, it will be flying tail first as the pressure of the sunlight forces the particles away.
Naturally, there is much more to all this, such as different gasses resulting in different colours, but this isn't the place for all that.
Lastly let me tell you where comets come from and how they probably came to be. There's a region out in space mostly between Neptune and Pluto called the Kuiper belt, it's like a ring of particles and rocks, very thinly spread. Over immense time some of these particles come together to make larger lumps, then these larger lumps are affected by the gravity of a passing planet and head towards the sun. This is where many regular comets come from, let's say they're the ones that might pass us every couple of hundred years. Much, much further out is the Oort cloud, a very little understood spherical area that possibly extends halfway to the next nearest star. Some of the rarer comets seem to come from here, the orbits don't match what we know about, and once they pass the sun, they head off into space never to return, what's called a hyperbolic orbit.
I've seen many comets over the years, some were lovely to see, but most were a bit boring. Perhaps I'll live to see one of the very rare ones with a gigantic tail arching across the sky like the great comet of 1881, fingers crossed.
● To find out more about observing and astronomy why not join our group, email us at vegabaja.astronomygroup@gmail.com to find out more.
Charles Oates, Vega Baja Astronomy Group.
Improved Hardware Compatibility: Upgrading the BIOS ensures compatibility with new hardware components, preventing compatibility issues and enhancing overall system performance.
Bug Fixes: BIOS updates often fix bugs or glitches that may impact system stability or functionality.
If your Laptop or PC is starting a BIOS update, please do not switch off your device until the update is finished. Depending on your device this can take a while, so please be patient
If you are not sure, you can always give us a call, we are here happy to help.
Until next month, your PC-HIGHWAY TECH TEAM
Most people will have heard of “Financial Planner” as a job role, but what do we do?
How can we help you?
The main purpose of a Financial Planner is to help clients reach their financial goals and objectives, but how we do this will depend on the individual, couple or family in question. This is because goals and objectives are subjective and can vary significantly from person to person. There is no “one size fits all”. We meet clients who find themselves at all different stages of life; ranging from those working with young families, to others who have already retired. For some, ensuring that sufficient regular savings are being made for the future is the main goal, whilst for others capital preservation and risk management of existing assets is the priority. Successful planning can only be implemented once advisers have a full understanding of a client's circumstances and what they are looking to achieve. In depth discussions with a financial planner can help individuals or couples identify shortfalls or areas of concern not previously thought of. Strategies can then be put in place to cover short-term requirements, longer term needs, or a combination of both.
Common short-term demands would include things like paying for children's education fees, repaying loans or creating an adequate “emergency fund”. Longer-term objectives could include portfolio servicing and potentially estate planning. Servicing of investments requires risk management; something which is often overlooked but can have a big impact in terms of performance over time.
Summarising the above, a financial planner takes a holistic approach to financial management and can formulate plans with the help of longevity forecasts or cashflow modelling. These additional tools can often prove to be extremely useful for clients, who can see their finances via a combination of figures and graphics, in addition to any verbal confirmations. If finances are a concern for you, or you'd like to chat through any doubts you may have, why not get in contact with our family-run business to see if we can help?
● Logic Financial Consultants are fully regulated & licensed financial advisers, covering the Costa Blanca, Murcia, Balearic and Canary Islands. We can travel to you, or you can visit our office at Calle Andres Lambert 24, 1B, Jávea. Tel: 965 020 444. Email: info@logicfc.com Web: www.logicfinancialconsultants.com.
Glutathione consists of three amino acids, glycine, cysteine, and glutamate that our bodies can naturally produce. It acts as a powerful antioxidant, helping to neutralize toxins, heavy metals, and pollutants, which can then be eliminated effectively from the body.
Immune Health: It also supports our immune function by enhancing the activity of immune cells, regulating immune responses, and promoting overall immune health. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Exhibits anti-inflammatory effects, which can benefit conditions like arthritis, asthma, and inflammatory skin disorders.
Sleep: Improved quality of sleep.
Memory: Improves mental focus and clarity and can alleviate stress.
Skin Health: Higher glutathione levels are also associated with longevity and healthy ageing. It is very effective in skin care due to its astonishingly natural results and has gained popularity for its potential skin-lightening effects. By inhibiting melanin production, it helps to reduce hyperpigmentation, dark spots, and uneven skin tone, giving the skin a more youthful and radiant look.
Contact us at Clinica Britannia for a consultation with our medical specialist who can advise if this treatment is suitable for you as individual responses to glutathione supplementation can vary.
Additionally, seeking advice from our Nutritionist is a useful tool, she can inform and give guidance about the impacts of a balanced diet rich in foods containing cysteine to help support natural glutathione production in the body.
● Clinica Britannia, Ejércitos Españoles 16, 1st Floor, Calpe. Tel 965 837 553 or 607 255 755 - 24 hours a day - 365 days a year.
John Francis
We shall pull back the shower curtain on Hitchcock's dark films about human obsession.
After moving to Hollywood, Hitch created several masterpieces of cinema including Vertigo (1958) and Psycho (1960). Vertigo has been recently voted by critics as the best film ever, overtaking Citizen Kane, while taking a shower still fills many people with dread and foreboding thanks to Hitchcock's modern horror classic, Psycho. A full analysis of Hitchcock's techniques and influences will be the central focus of this lecture.
The French New Wave critics of Cahiers du Cinema argued that his films should be regarded as artistic masterworks.
style was here to stay and brought about a new form of British, European and American aesthetic into the new age of fashion and technology.
Our lecturer, Suzanne Perrin, studied Nihonga traditional Japanese painting at Nagoya University of Arts and the Japanese language at the Japan Foundation in London. She has lectured to a global range of universities, museums and adult education groups, organised exhibitions of Japanese arts and crafts, plus published books and articles on Anglo-Japanese cultural pioneers, culture and contemporary living.
TASMA presentations are held at two locations:
NEW Morning Venue! Espai La Senieta, Av. Madrid, 03730 Moraira. Doors open at 10.15 hrs; presentation starts at 11.00 hrs. Evening Venue: Casa de Cultura, Plaça de Baix 6, 03730 Jávea. Doors open at 18.45 hrs; presentation starts at 19.30 hrs.
Admission: Free Entry for Members; Day-Members 15€ (Pre-paid via www.artssocma.org).
The term 'Japonisme' was coined for all types of work created with a Japanese theme, from paintings and prints, ceramics, silk textiles, furniture, interiors, architecture and gardens. This formed the basis for the design movement 'Modernism' that was to shape our world into the 20th and 21st centuries. The seminal work of woodblock print artists created a new way of looking at the world that inspired artists, such as Toulouse-Lautrec, Van Gogh, Monet, Degas, Cassat, Prendergast, Whistler, Valotton, Vuillard and many more. Japanese
TASMA lectures are brought to you by our sponsors BLEVINS FRANKS, Inmobres Calpe and Currencies Direct. They provide benefits to our members and help us support children and young adults with learning difficulties at Colegio Público de Educación Especial Gargasindi, Calpe. www.artssocma.org - Email: marinaalta@theartssociety.org.
Long distance repatriation services for individuals is a complex matter. Needing to ‘get back home’ when you have a severe medical condition or in an emergency can certainly be a worrying experience. Should the doctors state that flying is out of the question, then repatriation by road is the only method.
Fast and reliable repatriation, where the care given to the patient throughout the journey needs to be bespoke and tailored to ensure that all of their medical needs are met, yet whilst aiming to get them home as quickly as possible, is quite a tall order, so as well as providing rapid medical emergency response care, Asociacion Amigos de Europeos also have the equipment, skills and training to organise the medical transportation of patients by road to their chosen country. In the past we have written about the Asociacion undertaking repatriations to Switzerland, to the UK and to Holland.
Recently AAEDJ have undertaken the repatriation of a German national who lives in the local area, who was extremely ill and incapable of travelling by air. The over 2000 km journey to Berlin took 2 full days, with a driver and nurse on board. Apart from comfort and fuel stops, the Ambulance was steadily on the move the whole time, and the patient was safely delivered to the Hospital in Berlin. The following day the Ambulance and its crew began the return journey home.
The Ambulances of the Asociacion are for all intents and purposes mobile intensive care units, capable of saving someone’s life and also sustaining it. Membership of the Asociacion costs just 60€ a year for the whole family. Their service covers almost all of Marina Alta, including Inland, and gives the continual reassurance that in the event of a medical emergency, one of their fleet of Ambulances with the very latest life-saving equipment on board will be speeding its way to you, whether you are at home or out and about. The repatriation service is one of the many additional services available from Asociacion Amigos de Europeos.
● ASOCIACION AMIGOS EUROPEOS DE JAVEA. Avd Juan Carlos 1, No 69, Jávea. Tel 965 796 099 (24hr)
Email: amigos_europeos@yahoo.es. See their advert below for more information.
A huge digital arts exhibition showcasing the work of Valencia artist Joaquín Sorolla has moved on to Barcelona.
Following the event’s success in the artist’s home town on the 100th anniversary of his death, Sorolla, A New Dimension can be seen in Barcelona until the middle of May. It’s a great excuse to visit this vibrant city, if you didn’t get to see the show in Valencia.
Sorolla’s art is seen in a new light in this immersive and interactive exhibition on the painter and his works on a giant screen with 360° projections. It takes place over two floors: the first highlights the key moments in his life while the second uses digital technology to animate his finest works.
Sorolla's paintings capture the intense light and broad horizon of the Valencia coast. Many of his works depict the beautiful Jávea landscape including its beaches, the Port, Cabo San Antonio and the Arenal.
Sorolla, A New Dimension is being held at the Centre d'Art Amatller (Casa Amatller). Passeig de Grácia, Barcelona. For more information and to book tickets, go to https://sorollaexpobarcelona.com.
Question: Who thinks Botox is a skin filler? Answer: Wrong!!!
Many people think that Botox is a filler used by 'persons of a certain age'. Wrong! They might also think that Botox is highly expensive, and to be used only by celebrities and those with lots of money. Also wrong!
The natural ageing process
It is inevitable because of the body's ageing process that some people may start to develop annoying wrinkles in the form of frown or laughter lines. These facial lines become etched onto their face and may well deepen or become stronger.
Predominantly the cause of these lines is that the facial muscles in that area have contracted, and are unable to fully relax, effectively tugging the face into a different shape than it used to be.
Introducing Botox
Botox is a liquid muscle relaxant primarily used to treat wrinkles. It does so by blocking the chemical signals from the nerves in the target area into which it is injected, which in turn signals the muscles to stop contracting, and extend and relax back to their previous normal position.
Botox can be used to smooth crow's feet, forehead furrows, frown lines and lip lines. It can lift the corners of the mouth, correct a gummy smile, or soften a square jawline
Initially, a patient might receive Botox every four months, because when the effects of the muscle relaxant wear off, the muscles start to pull taught again. But, as time goes on, the muscle does not bounce back quite as much, so each treatment can last for longer. The long term aim is that each treatment should last up to around 6 months, meaning only two treatments per year.
Dentists can also use Botox as a treatment for 'clenching of the jaw', because by relaxing the tension in the jaw muscles this prevents 'jaw headaches'.
Surprisingly affordable
At 260€ for a typical treatment, even in the early stages of receiving 3 treatments in a year, this really isn’t an exorbitant cost, given that the patient will get to experience so many positive upsides. Typical patients look and feel younger, they feel fresher within themselves, and their mood is lifted.
Clinica Dental La Plaza is the answer
Licensed and qualified to administer Botox injections, if you have questions about Botox, don't hesitate to contact Clinica Dental La Plaza today. Our goal with our cosmetic and dental procedures is to make you feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible.
Call us on 96 646 1120 to start your Botox journey with us. We want you to look and feel younger, feel fresher, and for your mood to be lifted.
“There are massages and there are massages, I do both!”
Whether your goal is deep tissue relief or simply unwinding to ease tension, rest assured, you're in capable hands. With a keen eye (hand) for detecting hidden knots and tension spots, I deliver precisely the right amount of pressure. Picture the difference between massaging a rock and a sponge – it's all about finding that sweet spot where muscles respond with suppleness, not rigidity. Drawing on years of experience, I've mastered the art of walking that fine line, ensuring optimal results without the risk of bruising. Let's explore further why you can rely on me to provide the perfect massage experience for you.
I completed my Massage Therapy training in Canada nearly 10 years ago. For my diploma, I underwent 3000 hours of in-school learning and 300 hours of practical/ hands-on experience. The course, a full-time commitment, took more than 2 years.
Since completing my training, I have practiced in various locations including Vancouver, London, Auckland, and presently, here in the sunny paradise of Javea. My professional experience has been predominantly within physiotherapy clinics, where I specialise in providing therapeutic and remedial massages. My clientele has predominantly consisted of runners, cyclists, and swimmers, many of whom were either preparing for competitions or recovering from injuries.
In addition to addressing specific injuries, I have also treated individuals for headaches, stress reduction, and overall health and wellness improvement. Each massage session is tailored to the unique needs of the individual, with a focus on addressing the primary concern.
For those seeking treatment for a specific injury or issue, consistent sessions will yield faster results. As progress is made, we will together devise a treatment plan, which will involve gradually reducing the frequency of sessions. Maintenance sessions typically scheduled monthly, are often beneficial for sustained well-being. Ultimately, my aim is to enhance your overall well-being so you can lead the life you want.
So as you can see, everyone is unique and therefore there’s a unique massage for everyone. If you would like to find out how a massage can help you, just get in touch with me on 677 642 171 (call or WhatsApp) or email massagejsk@gmail.com. I look forward to finding the right massage for you!
Nowadays white teeth are a sign of youth, beauty and health. Straight, bright, white teeth are associated with success in both professional and personal life.
Having whiter teeth can take years off a face and boost a person’s confidence and self esteem.
Unfortunately, teeth darken with age, and are stained by smoking, food colourings, coffee and red wine.
With painless and effective treatments available today, we can rejuvenate your smile giving you beautiful, natural looking, white teeth once again.
Treatments Available To Rejuvenate Your Smile At ZEN-SMILE-SPA
- Airflow Hygiene Clean
- At Home Tooth Whitening
- In Chair Whitening
- Veneers Composite or Porcelain
- Emax or Zirconia Crowns
- Invisible braces
Work shown in the photos carried out at zen-smile-spa
● For more information visit our website www.zensmilespa.es, call us on 96 579 38 10 or WhatsApp: 665 506 009.
Facial cupping is very different to full body massage cupping. The cups are smaller and softer because your facial muscles and tissue are softer and more delicate. The technique is also different; the cups are not left on the face for longer than 5 seconds unlike the suction of the body cups. These are left on longer to promote blood flow and relieve pain.
So Mimiskru team have a better understanding of facial cupping we asked Linette and Milena our beauty therapists to demonstrate their techniques on a few of our clients.
Following this successful Demonstration we have decided to offer another Demo date to put in your diaries…. The 15th May at 4pm.
Facial cupping is a practice rooted in ancient Chinese medicine, which has seen a modern resurgence. With the use of plastic cups and specialised serums from Eve Taylor we have shown clients the benefit of this non-invasive technique. It involves placing suction cups on the face to stimulate blood flow, release tension, and promote lymphatic drainage, resulting in a rejuvenated complexion. We are very happy to be offering a facial cupping home kit with cups & serum, as well as an easy guide of instructions.
Below are some comments from clients who attended our first demo and have purchased the MimisKru Cupping pack.
What our clients have said:-
Lesley – Really surprised that it really did make a different. Great experience and a lovely demonstration with a great friendly atmosphere.
Jaqui – I’m very impressed by the treatment. I bought the kit and I’m really happy practising this at home.
Danni – I was very impressed with the results. I was not expecting to see much difference at first but I was amazed to see it straight away. The process we will demonstrate begins with cleansing the skin and applying a thin layer of serum. Then, using a squeezing technique, the cups are placed strategically on the face and moved in gentle gliding motions. The suction created by the cups lifts the skin, increasing blood circulation and encouraging the delivery of nutrients from the serums deep into the skin layers.
Facial cupping offers numerous benefits. It helps to reduce puffiness, diminish fine lines and wrinkles, and promote a more radiant complexion. The serums provide hydration and nourishment, leaving the skin feeling soft and supple. Also, an added bonus using our smaller of the 2 cups you can promote lip enhancement without having lip fillers. This to me is a much safer technique and less evasive.
Regular facial cupping sessions can also improve the overall health of the skin by stimulating collagen production and detoxifying the pores. Additionally, the relaxation induced by facial cupping can alleviate stress and tension, further enhancing the skin's appearance.
So pop along on the 15th May and experience it for yourself. Have some Mimi Time with our Mimiskru team and enjoy a glass of cava and nibbles. Please call the salon to reserve your place on 965 793 584.
● Local 12, Edificio Caribe, Av del Pla 129, Jávea - near to Specsavers. Tel 965 793 584. www.mimiskruhairandbeauty.com Facebook Mimiskru. See our advert on the Horoscopes page.
The Costa’s Nº1 LIFESTYLE Event – Two fantastic days packed with Information, INSPIRATION, Attractions, FUN and Features at the SUITOPIA Hotel, Calpe. You can’t miss us we are in the tallest building in Calpe town by the Arenal-Bol Beach. FRIDAY 10 & SATURDAY 11 May 10.00 – 17.00. TWO days to see, try, taste, touch and buy for fresh ideas, on-trend solutions and inspiration!
Discover 65+ unique stands of products and services many offering FREE Advice/ Consultations, and SPECIAL SHOW DISCOUNTS to transform your house into a home! Breathe in new inspiration and discover on-trend solutions for your home, garden, lifestyle and your WELLBEING with taster sessions and treatments on offer!
Our 13th Show is a super tasty edition as our trio of talented outside caterers tantalise your tastebuds in the TAPA Trail! To follow this fun feature simply collect your FREE Tapa Trail card at our welcome desk in reception at the Suitopia Hotel then find their stands to receive FREE tasty tapas as you browse your way around the Show!
Carola from La Sobremesa is in the Indoor Salon stand Nº10, get the card stamped by Avalon first on Nº9, then find Konstantin from Costa Blanca Catering in the outside bar area Nº71 then go and meet Angela from Chef Luz Angela's Kitchen in the outside terrace area on Nº44.
Our top trio will not only tantalise your taste buds with tapas, they are also staging cooking demonstrations too! So take your seats in the demos area to enjoy and sample the dishes after the demos.
Once you have completed the Tapa Trail fill in the card then hand back in on exiting the Show to be entered into the FREE Prize draw to win gifts and a meal voucher at Havanas Beach Club!
This year’s ART GALLERY feature is sure to be another Showstopper with local artists' works of art on display with the theme ‘Beauty in Nature’. Browse without obligation and vote for your favourite! The competition entry fee and sale commissions are being donated to the Guardian Angels charity supporting single parents.
We are delighted to offer another full program of interesting and informative talks and demos both days by our local experts in their fields. See the schedule on the following pages so you don't miss out on anything! Like the daily wine tasting session! Whatever you are looking for be it art to artificial grass, home furnishings to fragrances, health and healing, lifestyle improvements, fiscal, financial, solar solutions to super patches, clothes to currency exchange! For shopping, browsing, learning and finding out on what’s on offer in our area this is the Event of the year to find it!
We have a tapestry of local businesses waiting to meet you! Do come along and support the local businesses and enjoy the community engagement. 1€ Show entry. Parking available in the hotel’s underground carpark, pay on exit. There is also the large FREE carpark available where the Wednesday market takes place on the edge of town. Refreshments are also available all day.
It’s the ‘go to’ place to discover and explore and be sure to enter the FREE prize draws on offer including the one to win a nights stay at the Suitopia! And just to add the Suitopia also has the most spectacular views of Calpe from the SKY BAR on the 29th Floor and they serve superb cocktails! Another great reason to visit us all at the Suitopia!
We look forward to welcoming you on Friday 10 & Saturday 11 May at the SUITOPIA HOTEL CALPE 10.00 – 17.00.
www.gmpromotions.es FB Homes Gardens and Lifestyle Show Tel: 695 399 841
Our Exhibitors who are looking forward to meeting you at the show
Blue Diamond Colageno
GM Promotions
We Are Brave
Nature Spices
Citro Cantina
Crystal Windows
Solar Costa Blanca
La Sobremesa
Avalon Funeral Plans
Exactly Accountancy
Casen Med
House of Mila
Diamond Nails & Beauty
Celebration Cart
The Colina Club
Oak Tables & More
Costa Mobility Service
Currencies Direct
Simply Spanish Wine
Aldertons Of Spain
Sunyata Wellness Moraira
Mi Fridia Art
Costa Blanca News
The Super Patch Company
Toldos Costa Blanca
Platinum Health Europe
Aromatic Atelier
The Miracle Choice Game
Moonday Unique Bijou
Artificial Grass Spain
Talks & Demos Area
CBD España
Nelly & Nora
Vives Pons
Costa Cupping
Tanya Goodman Psychology
Movistar Prosegur Alarms
Chef Angela’s Kitchen
Truly Spanish
Connected to Self
Calpe Cats
Pangas Greenhouse
Bo Insure
The Art Gallery
Alfaz Spa & Wellness
Jute Bags
Si Newspaper
Havanas Beach Club
The Property Guide
Door 2 Door
Herbs Magic
Guardian Angels
Wow Surfaces
Zen Aceites Esenciales
Costa Blanca Catering
Moonstone Bespoke Training
Easy Education
The Mobile Office
Focus On Publications
European Union of Women
Friday 10th May
11.30 Styling - Hair & Make Up Demo
Diamond Nails & Beauty
12.00 Cooking Demo
Costa Blanca Catering
12.45 Knot & Grow
Ilke Landman
13.15 The Spanish Wine Revolution!
Tastings with Simply Spanish Wine
13.45 You Can Save A Life!
CPR Demo - Moonstone Bespoke Training
14.15 Self Defence & Security Sense
Paddy Brennan MBE
14.45 Cooking Demo
La Sobremesa
15.15 Ice Bath Arctic Rejuvenation Tankked!
15.45 Cooking Demo
Chef Angela’s Kitchen
16.15 The Super Patch Company
Dee Wilkes
Changes may apply on Exhibition day.
11.00 Choosing Miracles For Life
Dorota Owen
11.30 Ice Bath Arctic Rejuvenation Tankked
12.00 Cocktail Time
Havanas Beach Club
12.30 You Can Save A Life!
CPR Demo - Moonstone Bespoke Training
13.00 Cooking Demo
13.45 Family Constellations
House of Mila
14.15 The Spanish Wine Revolution
Tastings with Simply Spanish Wine
15.00 Guest Speaker
15.30 Styling - Hair & Make up Demo
Diamond Nails & Beauty
16.00 Fashion Show Cancer Care
17.00 Prize Draw Results! GM Promotions
Changes may apply on Exhibition day
A huge big thank you to all the friends, family and followers of the English Choir, Teulada. Thanks to you, recently, we were in a position to give two local charities a cheque for 800€ each.
If you bought a ticket to one of our performances in 2023, threw money into a bucket, maybe sang Christmas Carols with us, we wanted you to know how grateful we are for your support. Pictured are Tony Grande from the Make A Smile charity and Sylvia Tatnell from the Alzheimer’s Day Centre in Teulada, who came to receive the donations and explained what the money would be used for. We found the whole experience very uplifting and inspiring, and we hope you will continue to help us support local charities in 2024. A special mention to Positive Signs and Designs whose own personal donation was producing the larger than life "cheques" which made the whole presentation so much more polished.
The English Choir is undergoing a name change in the near future, to truly reflect and represent what the choir is all about. For many years people thought we were solely an English choir singing English songs, which is far from what we have become over the last few years. We now have a number of different international members and sing several non English songs within our repertoire, and over a third of our members are not English. We have therefore democratically voted and agreed to the new name of ¨The International Choir¨ but will also respond to The English choir if contacted that way.
We are very pleased to be currently arranging our programme of events for 2024 and will be announcing these in the near future. However two concerts that have already been arranged are those featuring wining songs from past Eurovision Song contests. These will take place on 22nd May - Wednesday - Casa de Culture, Javea Old Town. 23rd May - Thursday - Los Arcos Restaurant, Pedreguer. Reserve your seats now on www.englishchoir.com. We look forward to performing for you in the upcoming season and hope to see as many of you as possible at our performances.
Andy Keen for The English Choir/The International Choir
AFPO The Foreign Property Owners Association, will not be holding the Annual General Meeting until June due to unforeseen circumstances.
AFPO was inaugurated as a non profit making association in 1987, by a group of foreign residents from the Costa Blanca who saw the need to keep people informed on important subjects affecting their lives in Spain, and help them with officialdom.
Though the association is international, the meetings are taken in English, and the website is in English. Please look to the website www.afpocalpe.com to find out the date of the AGM in June
The photograph shows the President Carole Saunders with one of the regular guest speakers, the Vice Consul for Great Britain, Sara Munsterheljm. For more information call Carole Saunders on 639 637 520.
Tel: 966 427 044 - www.helpmarinaalta.org
Tel: 634 311 690 - www.mabscancerfoundation.com
Freephone 900 525 100 - pat@samaritansinspain.com
C. Blanca North: 648 169 045 - www.aa-costablanca.org
C. Blanca South: 625 912 078 - www.aa-costablanca.org
AL-ANON BENIDORM: Tel: 634 758 539.
The Royal British Legion Javea Branch is holding a musical evening with the Entertainers at Los Arcos, on Thursday 26th September. Los Arcos is situated on the N-332 near the Pedreguer turn off.
Los Arcos has a beautiful garden where we can enjoy a picnic with our friends whilst listening and dancing to the songs performed by the Entertainers. This musical evening costs only 12€ pp, Los Arcos are happy for us to take along our own food enjoy their beautiful garden as long as we purchase all our drinks from their bar.
Being a first for the Royal British Legion Jávea Branch we are so grateful to the Entertainers for supporting our 2024 Annual Poppy Appeal.
To book for this event please email our branch secretary Julie Allen via email to: javea.secretary@rbl.community. Julie will inform you of how and where you can purchase tickets.
Many of you may know that we supply artificial grass for your garden, but did you know we also supply a massive array of sports grasses.
For some time now we have supplied artificial sports grass for use at home and golf facilities, with a range of products for putting or driving the ball, and with a mix of landscaping grass we can create the most subtle and beautifully integrated golf areas for your garden.
I believe some people feel that they wouldn't want a putting area in their garden because it will stand out too much, but when you team it with the Costa Blanca's leading garden design and landscaping company, then we can create spaces that are not only practical, but stunning to look at and don't stand out like a sore thumb. We have also had the pleasure of supplying football grass for private clients, we have the best football grass, it's as tough as anything, looks great and the best thing is, because our manufacturer of grass products cares, it requires no infill. No sand, no crushed up tires. It is fantastic, bomb proof artificial grass, purpose built for the job. We also have paddle and tennis court grasses available for those tennis courts that need renewing and bringing into a new lease of life.
The simple thing is we have every artificial grass product available for your needs.
I often get asked questions about the ecological impact of our artificial grasses and there is a simple answer, our grasses are manufactured here in Spain to stringent EU Health and Safety laws, meaning that the product and the people who make it are looked after, the product is 100% recyclable, 100% non toxic.
Many people often don’t think about the other advantages of artificial grass. You don’t have to waste water on it, something that is becoming a global commodity, it's also the fact that your gardener now doesn't have to drive to your house every week in their van (polluting the atmosphere). They don't have to use their lawn mower (polluting the atmosphere) and then when your natural grass doesn't look good or gets a nasty root eating pest, they don't have to use chemicals that are harmful to the wider eco system and local environment.
Artificial Grass may not be what everyone wants, but it really should be. I think I can convert anyone with the benefits, ease and the fact it looks great immediately after being laid and for years to come.
Article supplied by Lee Charlesworth. Tel: 696 283 704, Email: info@artificial-grass-spain.com
Web: www.artificial-grass-spain.com
Did you follow the Cancer Care Jávea "Men's Health Awareness" campaign in March? 10 incredible local men took on health challenges to create awareness around prostate cancer and men's health in general. Our gratitude is MASSIVE to these men. They ate less, moved more and made other significant lifestyle changes under the guidance of motivational coach Andy Delderfield. None of this was easy. But ALL of them were committed and raised funds for the charity in the process.
Sponsors, family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues generously supported the lads throughout the month. THE TOTAL THE 10XMEN RAISED WAS A WHOPPING €5167.46. The charity is so grateful to these men. But that's not all!
At the end of March, to celebrate their success, the OK Band held a live music event and picnic in Benissa. It was a fantastic afternoon where the president of Cancer Care Jávea was able to thank the men in person. This event raised a further 1195€. And, feeling inspired by all that the men had achieved, one of the guests, Pete from Llosa, donated a massive 1000€ on the spot on the day!
The owners of Chicos in Sanet y Negrals, in keeping with the men's health theme, donated every cent from every orange juice they sold in March to Cancer Care Jávea. What a fabulous and healthy initiative! A further €162 was contributed to the fundraiser.
Aside from the money raised, the campaign succeeded in creating awareness around men's health. And THAT is paramount. Jalon Valley FM, Bay Radio, Focus On (Female Focus) magazine, and many others all highlighted the importance of "GET A CHECK-UP". Our nursing hotline received many calls and inquiries from men (and women who love their men).
Thank you to everyone who participated, supported and contributed to this important campaign. "Men's Health Matters" and together we succeeded in creating a big REMINDER of that fact. Please look after yourself and if you have ANY questions regarding men's health or prostate cancer feel free to contact Cancer Care Jávea or visit one of the drop-in clinics. PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE!
Here are two Sudoku puzzles of different skill levels for you to try. It is not a math game at all - it is a pure logic game. Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 grid contains the digits 1 through to 9 with no repeats, which means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box.
Find all the Spanish words from the word list in the puzzle grid. Words may be found going forwards, backwards, up, down or diagonally. Answers can be found in the back of the magazine. Good Luck.
Steeped in history and fascinating architecture, the Valencia region has plenty of superb places to visit for a day or weekend away from the coast.
Here are five beautiful towns to wander through.
Benissa's historic old town is a delight to walk through with its 18th century town hall in Plaza del Portal, which was once the local hospital. Nearby is the old church square, which is a picturesque spot often used for outdoor leisure and cultural events. The Purissima Xiqueta parish church dominates the town and, although it looks like a beautiful Gothic place of worship, it was actually built in the 20th century.
Other notable buildings are Les Cases del Batlle, dating from the 16th century, and now home to the library and an art centre; and the 18th century Casa Museo Abargues, which is a wonderful palatial home with splendid dining rooms and a private chapel.
This has to be one of the finest mountain towns in Spain with its cobbled streets and impressive squares filled with shops, museums - including a vintage car museum, medieval torture museum and miniatures museumand restaurants. A tour of its 11th century castle and its old town rewards you with breathtaking views over the mountains and the glorious reservoir.
On the way back from Guadalest, make sure you have enough time to visit the Fonts d’Algar waterfalls.
Article by Sarah FarrellTROPEZAR - STUMBLE
See back pages for answers
For more magnificent views, head further north to visit the castle in Xàtiva, which sits 310 metres over the city. The main part of the castle was built during medieval times and has a long history of legends and battles within its fortified walls.
Look out for the iron gate, which is the main entrance to the castle, and the frieze showing the city's coat of arms, as well as the cells where noble prisoners were held. A more recent addition is the Gardens of Ibn Hazm, which is well-stocked with a variety of local plants.
The incredible Peñíscola castle - also known as Papa Luna castle - may look familiar to you as it has featured in many films and TV series, including the Game of Thrones and El Cid.
Again, the castle, on top of a rocky crag jutting out to sea, has a fascinating history involving King Jaime I, and the Knights Templar. It is known as Papa Luna castle as it was the residence of Pope Benedict XIII.
After a stroll through the old town or a day on the beach, you can get to taste the gastronomic flavours of Peñíscola, especially its seafood such as prawns and monkfish.
Visit the caves in Bocairent
Bocairent has steep cobbled streets lined with whitewashed houses and an attractive Plaza Mayor. The medieval old town and Gothic buildings invite you to get to know its fabulous history. As well as its amazing historic centre, take a look at the ice caves used to store snow and ice to be sold and consumed long before fridgefreezers were invented, and the impressive bridges built between the 16th century and 19th century.
A great walk through the medieval part of Bocairant starts at the town hall square with its 17th and 18th century buildings, continues along to the Covetes dels Moros caves for the views and on to the hanging houses perched over a ravine.
Nestled in an exclusive urbanisation in the hills above Calpe you will find the small village of The Colina Club. Here at The Colina Club, we have been providing a caring village atmosphere for our residents in their retirement since 1991.
The Colina Club Village comprises 48 Independent Living Apartments which are configured to provide either one or two bedrooms in 5, two-storey phases, and The Residence which is a fully licensed 20-bed Nursing and Rest Home.
These are arranged around the swimming pool to take full advantage of the spectacular views over the countryside and on out to the Mediterranean Sea and Peñon de Ifach.
The Colina Club apartments offer long-term unfurnished rentals for those who are looking for a caring, quiet, family-orientated, small village atmosphere in which to live. The apartments were specifically designed so that both the ground-floor and first-floor apartments have level access (just one small step) from the parking area directly outside.
One of the good things about living at The Colina Club is that you can keep your independence yet you can relax with the security of knowing help is always close at hand with your free personal 'HELP' alarm that is monitored 24 hours a day in case of an emergency. These services amongst others are included in the price of the monthly rental.
The free minibus service goes to Calpe Monday to Friday. Every other Saturday it goes to Calpe and additionally to the local markets, plus regular trips to Lidl and Iceland.
When the daily stress of day-to-day living becomes too much on your own, come and join your new family at the Colina Club Residence where you can enjoy the comfort, intimacy and independence of feeling at home in one of the 20 private rooms with en-suite bathrooms. The Residence offers assisted and full care to its residents.
The Colina Club is the perfect place for seniors who are looking for a caring retirement village in which to retire and enjoy a level of independence, whilst being safe in the knowledge that qualified care is literally on their doorstep.
The Colina Club is all about providing you and your family with the Peace of Mind and the security of excellent care by providing a caring, comfortable, secure, peaceful and healthy facility in a superb location, allowing you to enjoy life in your senior years, so why not come and see for yourself as places are now much sought after and limited.
Telephone: 96 583 5226 Independent Living Apartments · Telephone: 96 583 7310 The Residence · www.colinaclub.com
Debut author Tani Ruiz has published X in Provence, a novel about obsession, betrayal and survival set in a place that normally conjures up paradise.
The novel offers a new take on an ageold theme: the perils of addiction to highly charismatic, highly narcissistic personalities and what women will do to cling on. Combining splashes of erotica, psychological suspense, mystery and wonderlust, X in Provence is women’s fiction at its gripping best.
Ms. Ruiz, based in Alicante, Spain, is an independent editor from England with a background in investigative journalism and years of experience as a communication specialist in the field of international development.
X in Provence is available as a paperback at major book retailers and as an ebook. An audio version is scheduled to come on stream in this month.
For more information about the book and the author: www.taniruiz.com, https://youtu.be/ZERmWG7NSew, https://www.facebook.com/people/TaniRuizauthor/61555008942582/
U3A held their monthly Coffee Morning on Friday 19 April at LAFMA, the last meeting there as they head to their new monthly meetings at YODEL from 17th May. This month a very thought provoking presentation by Arne and Debbie from Project for All who assist hopeless and in need people in Calpe and through the region. An interesting insight into how they can help people turn their lives round. A slightly smaller group of 36 also heard about the numerous day and overnight trips planned over the coming months and interest was recorded by quite a few members. Full details of U3A events are published in the monthly newsletter sent to members. Membership is only 10€ per year and full details can be found on the website www.u3acalpe.org. The photo shows Dorothy President (centre) with Arne and Deborah from "Project4all".
Last month's picnic saw a return to the Varadero Beach at Villajoyosa where eleven members of the group were able to spend a peaceful and relaxing afternoon beside the sea. Despite a slight sea fret affecting the views it didn't dampen the spirits of those attending. Thanks to Susan and Garry Bell for hosting the picnic.
On Friday 5 April the trip to Valencia was hailed as a big success. Members had a choice of visiting the Oceanographic Centre, Valencia's historic quarter or the Biopark and it provided a wonderful chance to meet new friends and to enjoy a new experience. Thanks to Liz Potter and Paul Heaps for organising a most enjoyable trip.
The Sunday Strollers had a leisurely 3km walk along Altea promenade before turning off the seafront to the little Ermita San Antoni de Padua which is hidden among the fruit trees. The information boards along the way provided information about local history, geography and nature. The walkers returned by way of the seafront to the chiringuito near the Club Náutico for drinks and chat providing a perfect end to the afternoon. Thanks to Kaithe Green for planning and organising these interesting walks for members.
Finally, the Solo Amigos group met for a lovely meal at Namaste in Albir on 10 April. The event was well attended at what was a new venue for this group which provides an opportunity for those living alone to spend time with friends. If you would like more information on this group please contact Jane Goode on 636 410 858.
U3A Marina Baixa meet on the 4th Monday of every month with the exception of August and December. Meetings are held at the Casa de Cultura, Alfaz del Pi at 11am and can be reached by the local number 10 bus if you do not have transport. Membership costs just 10€ for the year and provides access to all the events and activities organised by the Association.
Joan Flint, Press OfficerOur aim to provide a new concept on Spiritual Gatherings.
We meet at the Albir Social Centre, Calle San Miguel 1 Albir (Next to Mercadona), on Mondays from 16.00 to 18.00.
We look forward to welcoming you. Jane, Jaqui, Yvonne and Kenny. Enquiries: 681 64 68 71.
If you know me you know I love walking. If you know me well, you’ll know I’m a big fan of long walks. And where better to cover some significant mileage, than on the Camino de Santiago.
The Camino de Santiago, also known as the Way of St. James, is a network of pilgrimages leading to the shrine of the apostle Saint James the Great in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, northwest Spain. It's one of the most famous pilgrimage routes in the world and has been travelled for over a thousand years by pilgrims from all over Europe and beyond.
The most popular route, the Camino Francés (French Way), starts in Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port in France and spans approximately 800 kilometres (500 miles) across northern Spain to Santiago de Compostela. However, there are many other routes leading to Santiago, each with its own historical and cultural significance. One of these is the Camino Del Alba which starts in Javea. This might come as a surprise to many of our readers. Some of you may even LIVE on the Camino Santiago and you didn’t even know it.
Pilgrims undertake the epic journey for various reasons, including religious devotion, spiritual growth, personal challenge, or simply to experience the unique landscapes, cultures, and communities along the way. The route is marked by its infamous yellow arrows and scallop shell symbols, guiding pilgrims through towns, villages, countryside, and mountains. It can be a profound and transformative experience for many who undertake it.
Our “Walk Your Way Well” community often enjoys taster hikes on our local camino. You can experience what it feels like to be a pilgrim. Enjoy and appreciate our very own stretch of “The Way”. Our most recent two-day event included an overnight stay in a hostel in the hills. Are you interested in learning more? Are you curious? Drop me a line on WhatsApp +34 676507791 Walk Your Way Well - Niamh.
Teulada Moraira Lions Club are proud to announce that the BOURBON STREET STOMPERS are coming to the Auditorio Teulada Moraira on Thursday May 9.
The New Orleans Band, based in Germany, and renowned throughout Europe, have a fabulous repertoire of New Orleans Jazz and Swing.
Don’t miss it - get your tickets from The Lions Den (a couple of doors away from Letters R Us and beneath the Pepe La Sal supermarket on the Centro Comercial, Moraira) The shop is open Monday - Saturday 10.00 until 13.30.
Tickets can also be obtained at La Senieta Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 14.00 - 16.00 or at the box office on the night.
This association, formed in 1988, exists to foster comradeship amongst those who, having been awarded an official flying badge, have qualified to operate military aircraft and are serving or have served, as military aircrew in the armed forces of the United Kingdom or those nations which are allies of the United Kingdom or the Commonwealth. If you are interested in joining this popular association or would like to know more, please call the Secretary on 96 649 5228.
Aries: The New Moon in Taurus this month is in your second house of money and income, as well as impacting on Uranus, planet of invention. If you can resist the urge to splash the cash this month on trivials you’ll get to balance your books at last!
Taurus: Venus enters into Gemini this month, heralding a time for creativity and new horizons. Using your many skills in a positive way impacts on the many changes you currently seek but are afraid to set in motion just because you doubt yourself.
Gemini: Expect to get the green light this month on goals securing a longer term future for your current hopes, wishes and desires. This is a great time to network and socialise and Venus in your first house indicates a forthcoming new relationship.
Cancer: There is a liberating feeling in the air for you, telling you that if you have to go it alone right now, it could be your wisest move. Above all what you need is the time and space to realise that your way is the best option, and you can do better yourself.
Leo: A project needs your enthusiasm to get it going. With five planets in Taurus this month you have Jupiter to thank for support and good fortune, so be assertive and allow ambition and intelligence to guide you safely to where you should really be right now.
Virgo: There is a strong call for long distance travel this month, even if you are only just at the early stages of planning. Taurus in the ninth house sees you finding space and time in a busy schedule where the emphasis is on taking time out away from the routine.
Libra: Fiery Mars is at your side. You are angry about something inside and the subsequent stress does nothing to help you find solutions. Be open and honest, and if that means telling a few home truths, then do not hesitate to tell your side of the story.
Scorpio: Finally you are getting the clarity that you deserve. The New Moon alignment in Taurus should back you to the hilt and see to it that an agreement is upheld in your favour into the bargain. You have done nothing wrong, so why should you suffer?
Sagittarius: A great time for business and advancing your career. You have been burning the candle at both ends however, and that has to stop. Uranus has a way of making things happen quite abruptly, and the quicker you can get a result the better!
Capricorn: Closely examine all aspects of finance this month. Your money needs to be working for you, not you for it. A recent scheme seems far too good to be true, so be cautious and ask all the right questions. Stall if you have to but have your say too.
Aquarius: Venus brings harmony to a situation that bodes to go totally out of control. What’s needed is a truce before things become just too complicated. Anyone who really loved you would not treat you in this way anyway. Uranus guides you safely.
Pisces: The calm inner you is greatly boosted by actions with gentle Jupiter and an inspiring Mars. Dreams can be your new reality and yet this time around you have your feet on the ground waiting to be rescued. A recent decision was for the best.
As an Astrologer, Kenny has worked tirelessly for over forty years to produce quality Horoscopes Worldwide. He has received a major Award for his contribution to the Astrological Arts by being voted into the Top Twenty World’s Best Astrologers by the American Federation of Certified Psychics. He is awarded five stars as a Lightworker, and Psychic Medium. For personal readings/castings please call Kenny on: 686 361 594. kennycorris@hotmail.com www.kennycorris.com. Confidential and Personal Reply Guaranteed! Online Readings: by Zoom, Skype,WhatsApp, Viber, FaceTime.
A town in Alicante is one of the best 'hidden gems' in Europe
Top of the list of 18 best destinations for 2024 is the colourful town of Villajoyosa, according to the tourist website European Best Destinations.
The platform looked for secret destinations away from the crowds to rank the 18 best hidden gems throughout Europe. The website says the number one best hidden gem in Europe enjoys a fine microclimate and temperature all year. It recommends visiting Villajoyosa’s Baroque church and the three kilometres of beaches.
Another Spanish gem comes second in the list. Ares del Maestre, in Castellon, is described as a 14th century hilltop city with narrow streets and an historic castle.
At number 11 is Castro Urdiales, in Cantabria, which boasts a medieval castle and a fishing port as well as fabulous beaches.
Illustrations, posters and comics by the Alicante illustrator Miguel Calatayud are on display in his A World Of Our Own exhibition in Benidorm until the end of July.
The exhibition also shows different projects based on Calatayud’s graphic novel ‘El pie rojo’ and one floor dedicated to the work related to ‘La Pista Atlántica’.
The idea for the event came about during an exhibition in Benidorm on the Alicante Enlightenment in 2022. One of the participants commented on the similarity between Benidorm and the tone relating to the leisure culture in Calatayud’s comic, 'La Pista Atlántica' .
You can see his work at the Museo Boca del Calvari in Calle de Tomàs Ortuño, close to the municipal market, between Levante and Poniente beaches.
“The Bomberos and all of the Emergency Services are heroes” says U3A Jávea President Claude Grealy.
No one could deny that living in Jávea with its dramatic scenery, beautiful blue sea and wonderful weather is a fantastic privilege. But when disaster threatens our Community, we are also blessed with the protection of Javea’s finest, the men and women of the Bomberos and the Emergency services of Jávea and the Marina Alta.
The recent fire in the Valls was a huge threat. That no one was injured and damage to property was kept to a minimum was entirely due to to the heroes from the Bomberos and other emergency services.
Congratulating the professionalism of the Emergency Services, U3A Jávea President Claude Grealy said “During the day, at least 3 helicopters, 2 planes and 11 ground-based teams worked tirelessly to fight the fire and protect the lives and homes of Jávea residents.”
“But, unnoticed by many, volunteer and retained Bomberos continued to be deployed throughout the night to dampen down hot spots and to make sure that the fire could not return to threaten our homes.”
“These people were nothing short of heroes. Their bravery, commitment and sheer hard work should be an inspiration to us all. To each and every one of them, on behalf of all of the members of the U3A Jávea, I would simply like to say a huge thank you.”
Claude went on to remind everyone of the need to take care, “The dry weather of the last 6 months and the rising temperatures of summer only increase the risk of fires. Please play your part by not burning rubbish in your garden, disposing of your cigarette butts safely and don’t have BBQs in the campo.”
Find out more about U3A Jávea at https://u3ajavea.com. Report and photos by Stephen Young.
The Freemasons of Valencia invite you to a Charity Golf Tournament hosted by Bonalba Golf resort on Thursday 20 June. Scramble Pairs. Green Fee and shared buggy 55€. To book your place please call +34 662 091 537 or email richard.davis@golfbonalba.com. We look forward to seeing you there to help us support Masonic charities including helping the hungry and homeless.
Founded by Benny Davis in 2007
152.8 Chamber Choir is the Costa Blanca's multinational polyphonic choir. 16 voices sing classical, sacred and secular music, unaccompanied, in 4 or 8 parts, from composers from the 16th to 21st centuries: William Harris to John Williams! If you would like to add our unique sound to an event, please contact John Oliver Edwards at 152music.com for information on the choir's availability.
Careline Theatre: At the moment Careline, in the face of opposition, is battling to keep the theatre we all love. Careline has worked for years to improve and maintain the building, spending thousands along the way. They look forward to performing for you all again very soon. However, whilst they are resolving the situation they plan to bring the show to you. Please support them in whatever way you can.
Cantãmus choir will be celebrating the start of summer with a concert called "Rhythms Of One World" at the Ermita de San Josep, La Fustera (Benissa coast) on Friday 31st May at 4pm. With so much tragedy and despair reported in the news it's easy to lose hope. Cantãmus have devised this concert to bring some hope back into our lives. You will be able to enjoy songs such as Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles, I Believe made famous by Robson and Jerome, You are the Reason by Callum Scott, and a range of other music including Pop, Classical and some Musical Theatre. Included in the ticket price is a slice of cake and glass of cava to enjoy during the interval. A portion of the ticket money will be given to Caritas so they can continue their work in the local community. Tickets are 12.50€, which includes the cava and cake, and are available from members of the choir, or call 96 558 1483, or online at https://www.philipashley.com/boxoffice.php.
The international choir Canto Mundial are giving two performances of their new concert called "Springtime Serenade". The first performance is on Wednesday 8th May at 4pm at The Comm (formerly Forum Mar Nostrum) in Alfaz del Pí with the second show on Friday 17th May at 7pm at the Albir Social Centre. The concert is an eclectic mix of well-known and popular songs ranging from some musical theatre gems including Mary Poppins and Les Miserables through to pop classics including I Believe and The Rose. The choir of over twenty singers all speak a range of languages although this concert is sung entirely in English. Why not come along to one of their concerts to begin the summer with some beautiful music? A portion of the ticket money will be donated to the Alfaz del Pí Food Bank. Tickets are priced at €8 and are available from the choir members themselves, by calling Philip Ashley on 96 558 1483 or on the website https://www.philipashley.com/boxoffice.php
The Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir continue to add to their repertoire, rehearsing Tuesdays as usual, and the box office is now open for their sell out Summer Concerts in the Caves on 14 and 15 June Visit the website shown below for more information. All profits go to charity.
The Phoenix Dancers have been hard at work over the last few weeks preparing for their performance at Fira Calpe. This event will be held at the Plaza Mayor from 9th - 12th of May and the group are scheduled to appear on Sunday 12th at 2pm. The dancers will be performing a variety of styles from classic musical theatre to up-to-date hip-hop! If you are interested in being part of future productions, the group are always happy to welcome new dancers of any level, including complete beginners. Please contact Phaedra on 607 290 896 for more information.
TheatreSong Collective are preparing for their debut concert "Broadway Chronicles". The group is a new show choir singing all musical theatre songs. They also include solos, duets and small group numbers in their concerts. You can see their new concert on Thursday 27th June in Ondara. For more information or if you want to join the choir, please contact Philip on 965 581 483 or email philip@philipashley.com
Caprice continue rehearsing the new repertoire for their autumn concerts 'Now and Then' which will take place in September. For more information about this popular ladies choir, check out their website https://capriceladieschoir.wixsite.com/mysite or email capriceladieschoir@gmail.com
The Vall del Pop Singers are currently inviting new singers to join them on Tuesday afternoons in Alcalalí. There is no requirement to read music and the group sing a selection of popular songs. This is a friendy group who welcome new singers and it is open to anybody of any age. Please contact the group for more information at valldelpopsingers@gmail.com.
If you would like to be part of this band of charitable entertainers, please email editor@femalefocusonline.com. Deadline for copy is the 15th of the month prior to publication.
Full details of all Stage Diary entertainment groups are available online at www.femalefocusonline.com
Driving or walking around the Costa Blanca at this time of year, the intoxicating scent of the orange blossom is pervasive. Its heady fragrance akin to jasmin, but somehow more subtle.
Orange blossom essence, with many blooms originating in our area, has long been an important component in perfume making with the essential oils extracted by steam distillation.
In Europe, the Moors introduced citrus fruits including the bitter orange, lemon, and lime to Al-Andalus in the Iberian Peninsula during the Arab Agricultural Revolution. Large-scale cultivation started in the 10th century, with complex irrigation techniques created or adapted to support orange orchards.
Citrus fruits – among them the bitter orange – were introduced to Sicily in the 9th century, but the sweet orange remained unknown here until the late 15th or early 16th century, when Italian and Portuguese merchants first brought orange trees to the Mediterranean area. The sweet orange found great favour, particularly in areas – including our own – where it proliferated. Citrus became the fashion of the nobility and rich merchants; considered a luxury food, frequently grown by the wealthy in private conservatories, or ‘Orangeries’. By 1646, the sweet orange had become well known throughout Europe; going on to become the most frequently cultivated of all fruit trees.
Louis XIV of France had a great love of orange trees and built the grandest of all royal orangeries at his Palace of Versailles.
Here potted orange trees in solid silver tubs were placed throughout the rooms of the palace. The King’s prolific Orangerie allowed year-round cultivation of the fruit in sufficient amounts to supply the court. When Louis XIV sacked his finance minister, Nichola Fouquet, in 1664, part of the treasure he confiscated from the disgraced nobleman included more than 1,000 orange trees from his estate. The orange blossom that proliferates around Xabia, Denia and the rest of the Costa Blanca, is the fragrant flower of the Citrus sinencis. In addition to its role in the making of perfume, it has also been claimed as an aphrodisiac. The blossom is traditionally associated with good fortune and joy and has long been popular in Spanish bridal bouquets and wedding headdresses.
The petals of orange blossom can be made into a delicately scented orange flower water (a Middle eastern alternative to rose water) and are also utilised in French and Middle Eastern cuisines, most often as an ingredient in desserts and baked goods.
In Hispanic culinary traditions, orange blossom is also used in the traditional cake of the Three Kings, the Roscón de Reyes. Locally, orange blossom honey which is becoming increasingly prevalent at local markets (also known as citrus honey), is produced by situating beehives in the citrus groves during the blooming / flowering period. The mouthwatering orange blossom honey that ensues is highly prized, highly priced and tastes sublime. Here in the Costa Blanca, where the heady orange blossom scent gave rise to the touristic nickname ‘Costa del Azahar’, or Orange Blossom Coast, little of the blossom goes to waste – even fallen blooms are collected, dried and used as an infusion to make a delicious and refreshing tea.
Smell it, eat it, drink it, or wear it in your hair – just enjoy it while you can. The scent is beguiling but like all the best things in life, its season is all too short.
Across: 7 Megawatt, 8 Obey, 9 Eke, 10 Valuable, 11 Garages, 14 Bathe, 15 Brave, 17 Session, 21 Offshore, 22 Peg, 23 Bear, 24 One-on-one.
Down: 1 Geneva, 2 Dare, 3 Larvae, 4 Still, 5 Nowadays, 6 Wealth, 12 Advisers, 13 S I S, 16 Refuel, 18 Eleven, 19 Organs, 20 Got on, 22 Pane.
If you have spare time on your hands please contact your local pet charity to see how you can help out. They are always in need of more volunteers to walk the dogs, stroke the cats, meet the horses or help with cleaning out the kennels and stables. If you have an idea for fund raising they would love to hear from you.
Merlin, 4, spent a short time in foster and is more than ready for his forever home. A sweet but nervous boy, he will need to be adopted locally, preferably by a family with another dog, so that they can come to get to know him before taking him home. Please contact Akira on 657 689 567 or email: akirashelter@aol.com for more information.
BISCUIT, Stafford, DOB 09.16. Biscuit is a wonderful, happy, high energy dog who is always looking for love and attention. Better as an only dog he is highly intelligent and needs mental stimulation and physical exercise that the shelter can't provide for him daily. Please call 618 754 635 or visit www.apasa.eu.
Mork and Mindy are two tortoiseshell siblings and were born in Mid December 2023. Both cats have been brought up together in a home with other cats and are litter trained and domesticated. Contact PEPA Tel: 650 304 746, website: www.pepaspain.com email: p.e.p.a.animalcharity@gmail.com.
Meet Our Horses! Join us on Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings at APAC Rescue Horses to see the horses and help support us. Everyone Welcome. For more info email apacprotectora@gmail.com, visit www.apac-cv.com or Facebook: Apac Rescue Horses.
We have many lovely cats and kittens. Shelter open every Sunday 10am - 12pm, whatsapp Luisa 669 376 113 for more information. Denia Cat Protection League –Aldea Felina, please visit www.aldeafelina.es
Meet Vito. Beautiful snd super affectionate older podenco. The cuddliest one we ever had!! He really needs to get out of the shelter. Vito loves kids! Castrated and ready to meet you! Want to know more about our Vito, or our other dogs? Contact us on Facebook 'Tanamera Rescue' or by email stichtingtanamera@gmail.com.
This is Turco, he is only one year old. He has a lovely nature and loves to play and spend time with the volunteers. He urgently needs a home. Please visit him and all the other lovely dogs and cats in Benidorm Animal Shelter between 10am-1pm Monday-Friday. Call: 965 856 268. www.protectorabenidorm.org
Copito is 8 years old and has been in a foster home. He is child friendly, confident and well behaved in the home. A super medium sized dog perfect for any family. Although sometimes a little reactive in new surroundings it is nothing of huge concern. For more information please email apropego@gmail.com, or call 654 616 043.
I BUY RECORDS LPs, EPs, SINGLES. 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s years. Good prices paid. Tel. 962 851 809 - 622 750 117.
After their Grand Opening of the Art Exhibition at DAR Social and Community Centre (Jesús Pobre road, Jávea), the subsequent spread of events and activities in May is most ambitious. The European Union of Women Marina Alta EUWMA) is putting on a great show and all are welcome!
There will be artists' chats (your chance to find out how that first brush stroke is placed on an empty canvas) and a special homemade cream tea plus photos and a short film. Don’t forget to pop into the little cinema room to admire the artwork of female students from the Lady Elizabeth School. You will find young talent already flowering with passion! Special events during the exhibition at DAR at 10.30 are
2 May - Arts and crafts group open morning
6 May - Artists demonstration and cream tea. Booking needed on 648 052 911 or email euwma.treasurer@gmail.com.
10 May - 'To construct a better future we need to remember the past.' Photos and short film Jake Abbott and José Gayà
13 May at 12.00 - Clasicas y Modernas 'Feminine voices in contemporary art'
14 May - Informal chats with artists
16 May - Last day and close of Exhibition.
EUWMA will also be present at the Homes and Gardens Expo at Suitopia Hotel Calpe 10 and 11 May.
For more information on EUW Marina Alta email euwmarinaalta@gmail.com or visit our social media: www.facebook.com/groups/euwma or https://www.instagram.com/euwma/
Ladies At Lunch report
In April, thirty ladies from the U3A Vall Del Pop went to La Solana, Alcalali for their monthly lunchtime feast. It was a great turn out and lovely to see four new members join us.
There was lots of discussion and happy chatter and everyone went home replete and looking forward to our next meeting on Tuesday, 21st May. Further information will be sent in due course. If you would like to be part of our group please go to our website u3avalldelpop.com and register.
Of course, Lunch is not all the U3A Vall Del Pop have to offer. Explore our website there’s bound to be something that takes your interest.
Car Boot success
On a boiling hot day, the U3A Vall del Pop held its spring car boot sale on the rastro site in Jalon.
With over 50 stalls, even before official start time buyers were snapping up bargains and enjoying the music provided by our very own Paul J, along with cold drinks from our bar and burgers, sausage and bacon baps from the BBQ, kindly provided by Shaun Smith. The cake and savouries stall did a roaring trade, which was hardly surprising as they looked delicious, and our lovely tea ladies kept everyone topped up!
A hot and tiring day for everyone but well worth it as the Goodwill team, who organised the event, raised a whopping 821€ for local charities!
A huge thank you to everyone who helped, who took part and who attended. We were delighted to see so many people attend. By popular demand we will be holding an autumn car boot sale on Sunday 6th October so pop it in your diaries.